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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B09033 Anno Regni Caroli II. Regis Scotiæ Angliæ Franciæ & Hiberniæ duodecimo at the Parliament begun at Westminster, the five and twentieth day of April, Anno Dom. 1660, in the twelfth year of the reign of our most Gracious Soveraign Lord Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, defender of the faith, &c. England and Wales. Laws, statutes, etc.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II). 1660 (1660) Wing E1144B; ESTC R175044 16,585 17

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Anno Regni CAROLI II. REGIS Angliae Scotiae Franciae Hiberniae DVODECIMO At the Parliament begun at Westminster the Five and twentieth day of April Anno Domini 1660. In the Twelfth year of the Reign of Our most Gracious Soveraign Lord CHARLES by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. London Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majestie 1660 CVM PRIVILEGIO And Reprinted at Dublin by William Bladen Anno Dom. 1660. Anno Regni CAROLI II. AN OF ACT Free and General Pardon INDEMPNITY AND OBLIVION THe Kings most Excellent Majesty taking into his Gracious and Serious consideration the long and great Troubles Discords and Wars that have for many years past been in this Kingdom And that divers of his Subjects are by occasion thereof and otherwise faln into and be obnoxious to great pains and penalties Out of a hearty and pious Desire to put an end to all Suits and Controversies that by occasion of the late Distractions have arisen or may arise between all his Subjects And to the intent that no Crime whatsoever committed against his Majesty or his Royal Father shall hereafter rise in Judgment or be brought in Question against any of them to the least endamagement of them either in their Lives Liberties Estates or to the prejudice of their Reputations by any Reproach or Term of Distinction And to bury all Seeds of future Discords and remembrance of the former aswell in his own breast as in the breasts of his Subjects one towards another And in performance of his Royal and Gracious Word signified by his Letters to the several Houses of Parliament now Assembled and his Declarations in that behalf published Is pleased that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with the Advice and Consent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled First That all and all manner of Treasons Misprisions of Treason Murthers Felonies Offences Crimes Contempts and Misdemeanors Counselled Commanded Acted or Done since the first day of Ianuary in the year of our Lord 1637. by any person or persons before the 24. day of June in the year of our Lord 1660 other then the persons hereafter by name Excepted in such manner as they are hereafter Excepted by virtue or colour of any Command Power Authority Commission Warrant or Instructions from his late Majesty King CHARLES or his Majesty that now is or from any other person or persons deriving or pretending to derive Authority mediately or immediately from both or either of their Majesties or by virtue or colour of any Authority derived mediately or immediately of or from both Houses or either House of Parliament or of or from any Convention or Assembly called or reputed or taking on them the Name of a Parliament Or by from or under any Authority stiled or known by the Name of the Keepers of the Libertie of England by Authority of Parliament Or by virtue or colour of any Writ Commission Letters Patents Instruction or Instructions of or from any person or persons Tituled reputed or taken to be Lord Protector of the Common-wealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging or Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions and Territories thereto belonging or assuming the Authority or reputed to be chief Magistrate of the Commonwealth or Commander in chief of the Forces or Armies of this Nation by Sea or Land or by any Pretence Warrant or Command whatsoever from them or any of them or their or either of their respective Councils or Council or any Member of such Council or Councils or from any person or persons whatsoever deriving or pretending to derive Authority from them or any of them be Pardoned Released Indempnified Discharged and put in utter Oblivion And that all and every the person and persons Acting Advising Assisting Abetting and Counselling the same they their Heirs Executors and Administrators Except as before is excepted be and are hereby Pardoned Released Acquitted Indempnified and discharged from the same And of and from all pains of death and other pains Judgments Indictments Convictions Attainders Outlawries Penalties Escheats and Forfeitures therefore had or given or that might accrew for the same And that all such Judgments Indictments Convictions Attainders Outlawries Penalties Escheats and Forfeitures and every of them and all Grants thereupon made and all Estates derived under the same be and are hereby Declared and Enacted to be from henceforth Null and void And that all mean profits not yet received by such Grantees shall be and are hereby discharged And that all and every person and persons bodies Politick and Corporate their and every of their Heirs Executors Administrators and Successors shall be and are hereby restored to all and every their Lands Tenements and Hereditaments Goods Chattels and other things Forfeited which to his Majesty do or shall appertain by reason of any offence herein before mentioned and not hereafter in this present Act excepted and foreprised And be it further Enacted That all Appeals and all personal Actions Suits Molestations and Prosecutions whatsoever for or by reason of any act of Hostility Trespass Assault Imprisonment or breach of the Peace Advised Counselled Commanded appointed Happened Acted or done by reason of the late Troubles or the late Wars in his Majesties Dominions or relating thereunto and all Judgments and Executions thereupon had before the First day of May in the year of our Lord 1658. stand and be from henceforth discharged But not to restore to any person or persons any sums of money mean Profits or Goods already received or taken upon such Execution or to give any account for the same And be it likewise Enacted That all Appeals and all personal Actions and Causes of such Actions Suites Molestations and Prosecutions whatsoever for or by reason of any Act or thing Advised Counselled Commanded Acted or done by virtue or colour of any Authority or Commission granted by his late Majesty or his Majesty that now is or by virtue or colour of any Order or Ordinance of one or both Houses of Parliament sitting at Westminster Or by any Act or Order made by any persons assuming the Name of a Parliament and sitting as a Parliament at Westminster after the death of the late King CHARLES the First Or by the Authority of the said Keepers of the Liberties of England Or by any Ordinance by either of the late Protectors and Council Or by or upon any Commission Writ Procels or Warrant by them or any of them or by Authority derived from them or any of them And all demands of Arrearages of Rents and mean Profits of Lands Tenements or Hereditaments heretofore incurred or grown due which have beed paid received or disposed by virtue or colour of any the Authorities or pretended Authorities aforesaid other then such Arrearages or mean Profits
Bribery Perjuries and the Subornation of Perjury or Witnesses and Offences of Forging or Counterfeiting any Deeds Debentures Bills of Publick Faith Escripts Wills or other Writings whatsoever or of any Examinations or Testimonies of any Witness or Witnesses tending to bring any person or persons in danger of his Life Liberty or Estate and the giving the same in evidence and the compelling or procuring of any such counterfeiting or forging to be had or made And who excepted all Offences in detaining imbesling or purloining any the Goods Money Chattels or Jewels of the late King Queen or Prince or any of the children of the late King and Queen other then Shipping Stores and Ammunitions of War and other then such Goods and Chattels as have been sold or disposed of to any of the Servants or Creditors of his late Majesty in or toward satisfaction of their Debts or Wages And also Excepted out of this Pardon all Issues Fines and Amercements Rents and other Publick Duties being Leavyed Received or collected by any Sheriff under-Sheriff Bayliff Minister or other Officer to or for the use of the late King the Parliament or the said Keepers of the Liberty of England or any other person stiling himself Protector or for his Majesty that now is and not accompted for and discharged And also Excepted out of this Pardon all and every offence and offences committed or done by any Jesuite Seminary or Romish Priest whatsoever contrary to the Tenor or Effect of the Statute made in the 27 year of the Reign of the late Queen Elisabeth Entituled An Act against Jesuites Seminaries Priests and other disobedient Persons or of any part thereof and all Out-lawries Proceedings Judgments and Executions for the same offences or any of them Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that it shall and may be lawful to and for all and every Clerk and other Officer of the Courts at Westminster to award and make Writs of Capias Vtlagatum at the suit of the Party Plaintiff against such Persons Out-layed as be pardoned by this Act to the intent to compell the Defendant or Defendants to make answer to the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs at whose Suit he or they were Out lawed And that every person so Out lawed shall sue a Writ of Scire Facias against the Party or Parties at whose Suit he or they were so Out-lawed before this Pardon in that behalf shall be allowed him or them so Out-lawed Provided and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That this Act of General Pardon shall not in any wise extend to Pardon any Out-lawries upon any Writ of Capias ad Satisfaciendum until such time as the Party so Out-lawed shall satisfy or otherwise agree with the Party at whose Suit the same Person was so Out-lawed or Condemned And also excepted out of this Pardon all Informations and other Proceedings Depending Concerning any Common High-ways or Bridges and all Issues returned upon any Process concerning the same since the 30 day of January 1648 Except also all Recognizances Obligations and other Securities given or Entred into since the 25. of March 1640 by any Receiver Reeve Bailiff Collector or other Accountant in the Court of the Publick Exchequer and their Sureties and their Accounts Respectively Provided always and be it Enacted That this Act or any thing therein Contained shall not extend or be Construed to Pardon or Discharge any Recognizance Obligation or Bond which is not yet forfeited And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Acts of Hostilitie and Injuries whether between the late King and the Lords and Commons then in Parliament assembled or between any of the People of this Nation which did arise upon any Action Attempt Assistance Council or Advice having Relation unto or falling out by reason of the late Troubles or in the late Warrs or Publick Differences between the late King and Parliament or between his now Majesty or any of his Subjects and which are not in this Act excepted that the same and whatsoever hath ensued thereupon whether trenching upon the Laws and Liberties of this Nation or upon the Honour of his Majesty or upon the Honour of Authority of the Parliament or to the prejudice of any Particular or Private Person shall in no time from and after the 24. of June in the year of our Lord 1660. be called in question whatsoever be the quality of the Person or of whatsoever Kind or Degree Civil or Criminal the Injury is supposed to be And that no mention be made thereof in time to come in judgment or judicial proceedings And to the intent and purpose that all names and terms of distinction may be likewise put into utter Oblivion Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Person or Persons within the space of three years next ensuing shall presume maliciously to call or alledge of or object against any other Person or Persons any Name or Names or other words of Reproach any way tending to revive the Memory of the ●●te Differences or the Occasions thereof That then every such person so as aforesaid Offending shall Forfeit and Pay unto the Party Grieved in Case such Party offending shall be of the Degree of a Gentleman or above ten Pounds and if under that Degree the Sum of forty Shillings to be recovered by the Partie grieved by Action of Debt to be therefore brought in any of his Majesties Courts of Record wherein no E●●oign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed or any more than one Imparlance so as the same Action be commenced or prosecuted within six Months next after the Offence Committed And if the Jury sworn to try any Issue or Issues that shall be joyned in such Action shall find for the Plaintiff they shall likewise give to every such Plaintiff forty shllings Damages over and above the Penalty aforesaid Provided always that this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend or give any Benefit to any Person or Persons who have had any hand in the Plotting Contriving or designing the Great and Heinous Rebellion of IRELAND mentioned in one Act passed in the Parliament begun at WESTMINSTER the 3. day of November In the sixteenth year of King CHARLES Entituled An Act for the speedy and effectual Reducing of the Rebels in his Majesties Kingdom of IRELAND to their due obedience to his Majesty and Crown of ENGLAND Or in Aiding Assisting or Abetting the same other then such as by another Act intended hereafter to be passed shall be therein named mentioned or expressed to be pardoned Nor to enure to restore to any person or persons Bodies Politick or Corporate other then then the Marquesse of Ormond Lord Steward of his Majesties Houshold and other the Protestants of IRELAND and their Heirs and such other person and persons as in and by an Act intended hereafter to be Passed shall be therein named mentioned or expressed in that behalf any Estate Liberties Franchises
Treason in Sentencing to death or Signing the Instrument for the Horrid Murther or being instrumental in taking away the precious Lise of Our late Soveraign Lord CHARLES the First of Glorious Memory are left to be proceeded against as Traitors to his late Majeny according to the Laws of England and are out of this present Act wholly Excepted and Foreprized But in regard the said Owen Row Augustine Garland Edmond Harvey Henry Smith Henry Martin Sir Hardress Waller Robert Titchborn George Fleetwood Iames Temple Thomas Wait Simon Meyn William Heveningham Isaac Penington Peter Temple Robert Lilburn Gilbert Millington Vincent Potter Thomas Wogan and Iohn Downs have personally appeared and rendred themselves according to the Proclamation bearing Date the Sixth day of Iune One thousand six hundred and sixty to Summon the Persons therein named who gave Judgment and Assisted in the said Horrid and Detestable Murther of our said late Soveraign to appear and render themselves and do pretend thereby to some favor upon some conceived doubtful Words in the said Proclamation Be it Enacted by this present Parliament and the Authority of the same upon the humble desires of the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled That if the said Owen Row Augustine Garland Edmond Harvey Henry Smith Henry Martin Sir Har●ress Waller Robert Titchborn George Fleetwood Iames Temple Thomas Wait Simon Meyn Willtam H●veningham Isaac Penington Peter Temple Robert Lilburn Gilbert Millington Vincent Poeter Thomas W●gan and Iohn Downs or any of them shall be legally Attainted for the Horrid Treason and Murther aforesaid that then nevertheless the Execution of the said Person and Persons so Attainted shall be suspended until His Majesty by the Advise and Assent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament shall Order the Execution by Act of Parliament to be passed for that purpose Except also out of this present Act Oliver Cromwel deceased Henry Ireton deceased Iohn Bradshaw deceased and Thomas Pride deceased Provided that nothing in this Act contained shall extend to Discharge the Lands Tenements Goods Chattels Rights Trusts and other the Hereditaments late of the said Oliver Cromwel Henry Ireton Iohn Bradshaw and Thomas Pride or of Isaac Ewer deceased Sir Iohn Danvers deceased Sir Thomas Maleverer Baronet deceased William Purefoy deceased Iohn Blakiston deceased Sir William Constable Baronet deceased Richard Dean decealed Francis Al●ya deceased Peregrin Pelham deceased Iohn Moor deceased Iohn Aldred alias Alured deceased Humphrey Edwards deceased Sir Gregory Norton B●r●●et deceased Iohn Venn deceased Thomas Andrews Alderman deceased Anthony Stapely deceased Thomas Horton deceased Iohn Fry deceased Thomas Hamond deceased Sir Iohn Bourchler deceased of and from such Pains Penalties and Forfeitures as by one other Act of Parliament intended to be hereafter Passed for that purpose shall be Expressed and Declared And also Except out of this present Act William Lord Mounson Iames Challoner Sir Henry Mildmay Sir Iames Harrington Iohn Phelps and Robert Wallop All which persons did Act and Sit in that Traiterous Aslembly which in the Month of Ianuary 1648 acted and proceeded against the Life of our late Soveraign King CHARLES the First of blessed Memory and are therefore reserved to such Pains Penalties and Forfeitures not extending to Lise as by another Act intended to be passed for that purpose shall be imposed on them And also Except Sir Arthur H●silrigg for and in respect onely of such Pains Penalties and Forfeitures not extending to Life as by one Act intended to be hereafter passed for that purpose shall be Inflicted and Imposed Provided always That Iohn Hutchinson Esq and Francis Lassells shall be and are hereby made for ever incapable to Execute any Place or Office of Trust Civil or Military within this Kingdom And that the said Franeis Lassells shall pay unto our Soveraign Lord the King One ●ul● years value of his Estate Any thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithstanding Provided always That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend to the Pardoning or to give any other benefit whatsoever unto Sir Henry Vane Iohn Lambert or either of them but that they and either of them are and shall be out of this present Act wholly Excepted and Foreprized Provided that if William Lenthall VVilliam Burton Oliver St. Iohn Iohn Ireton Alderman Col VVilliam Sydenham Col. Iohn Desborow Iohn Blackwel of Moreclack Christopher Pack Alderman Richard Keeble Charles Fleetwood Iohn Pyne Richard Dean Maj. Richard Creed Philip Nye Clerk Iohn Goodwyn Clerk Sir Gilbert Pickering Colonel Thomas Lister and Col. Ralph Cobbet shall after the First day of September 1660 accept or exercize any Office Ecclesiastical Civil or Military or any other Publique Employment within this Kingdom of England Dominion of VVales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed that then such Person or Persons as do to accept or execute as aforesaid shall to all intents and purposes in Law stand as if he or they had been totally excepted by name in this Act. Provided likewise That all those who since the Fifth of December One thousand six hundred forty eight did give Sentence of Death upon any Person or Persons in any of the late Illegal and Tyrannical High Courts of Justice in England or VVales or signed the Warrant for Execution of any Person there condemned except Colonel Richard Iugoldsby and Colonel Matthew Thomlinson shall be and are hereby made incapable of bearing any Office Ecclesiastical Civil or Military within the Kingdom of England or Dominion of VVales or of serving as a Member in any Parliament after the First day of September One thousand six hundred and sixty Provided also and it is Enacted That all and every the Persons appointed Trustees in a late pretended Act or Ordinance made in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred forty nine for and concerning Tithes appropriate Oblations Obventions Pensions Portions of Tithes appropriate Offerings Fee-farm Rents issuing out of the Tithes therein mentioned First-fruits and other things and Enacted or mentioned to be Enacted to be vested settled adjudged or deemed to be in the actual Seisin or possession of such Person and Persons in the said pretended Act or Ordinance mentioned and their Heirs shall account for and be responsible for all Rents and Profits of the Premises which came to their hands and have not been by the said Trustees or their Order disbursed disposed or imployed for the maintenance of Ministers or other uses according to the said pretended Act or Ordinance or some other Act. Order or Ordinance made in the years of our Lord 1650 1654 and 1656. by any Assemlby called or reputed a Parliament or assuming the power of Parliament according to the intention of such Act Acts or Ordinances and the Agents and Receivers under the Order of the said Trustees and the Occupiers and Tenants of the Premisses who have taken the premisses or profits thereof into their hands without agreement to pay Rent therefore and 〈◊〉 made no account or satisfaction to the Trustees aforesaid