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A59127 Atlas minimus, or, A book of geography shewing all the empires, monarchies, kingdomes, regions, dominions, principalities and countries in the whole world / by John Seller ... Seller, John, fl. 1658-1698. 1679 (1679) Wing S2465; ESTC R13141 22,188 159

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〈…〉 Licensed R. L●estrang Atlas Minimus or A Book of GEOGRAPHY Shewing all the Empires Monarchies Kingdomes Regions Dominions Principalities and Countries in the whole World By John Seller Hydrograph r to the King HONI SOIT 〈◊〉 MAL Y PENSE And are sold at his House at the Hermitage in Wapping and in Pope's head Alley in Cornhill 〈◊〉 Clark ●●ulp A Geographical Description OF THE WORLD The World by which according to the more common acceptation of the Word in this place we mean only the Globe of the Earth and Sea● is divided into four parts Europe Asia Africa and America Of each of which severally and the respective Countries therein we shall here give you a brief Description And first Of EUROPE EVrope so called from Europa Daughter of Agenor King of the Phenecians brought hither as the Poets feign by Jup●ter in the shape of a Bull but as Historians Record by a Cretan Captain named Taurus which gave occasion to that Fable Though it be the least of the four grand Divisions of the Earth is yet of most Renown 1. For the Temperature of the Air. 2. Fertility of the Soil 3. The Flourishing of Arts and Sciences And lastly For the Purity and Sincerity of the Christian Faith Its Kingdoms and principal Regions are as follow 1. GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND We rank these in the first place not only in regard they owe Obedience to the Scepter of our Gracious Sovereign but also for that either Salubrity of Air plenty of all things necessary to humane Life or other Advantages they need not give place to any Contry in the Universe Great Britain contains England Scotland and Wales making the most famous Island in the whole World It was antiently called Albion ab Albis Rupibus from the white Rocks appearing on the South Coast towards France from whence it was first discovered Afterwards Britain some say from Brutus of the Trojan Race who first settled a Government here or as others will have it from the Greek Word Prutania signifying Metals because of the great quantity of Brass Tinn Lead Iron c. that is found here The whole length from the Strathy-Head in Scotland to the Lizard-Point in Cornwa● is counted 624 Mi●es and the breadth from the Lands-end in Cornwal to the Isle of Tenet in East Kent 340. England a Name taken from the Angli a People that came in with the Saxons and not chang'd by the Danish or N●rman Conquerors is the chief part of the Island being divided into 39 Counties and 22 Bishopricks is accounted in length 386 Miles in breadth 279 and the Circumference 1532. The Soil is very fertile and plentiful and several of its chief Commodities and Excellencies are expressed in this Verse Anglia Mons Pons Fons Ecclesia Femina Lana England is stor'd with Bridges Hills and Wooll With Churches Wells and Women beautiful Its first known Inhabitants were the Britains who being conquered by the Romans and afterwards over-run by the S●xons were forced to retire into that Corner of the Kingdom called Wales where their Posterity to this day inhabit being a Province divided into 13 Counties and 4 Bishopricks The eldest Son of our English Kings being always entituled Prince of Wales The before mentioned Saxons divided the whole Realm into 7 Kingdoms and were much oppressed for a long time by the Danes but at last being uni●ed under one King were subdued by the Normans under William the Conqueror whose Successors continue to this Day Scotland is the Northern part of Britain longer than England but not so broad much colder and less fruitful The whole containing 25 Shires is divided into the Low-Lands which speak a kind of barbarous English and the High Lands whose Language is very near the same with Irish This Realm upon s●ccession of King James to the English Crown became united to that Scepter and are jointly stiled Great Britain It s chief Commoditi●s are course Clothe● Freezes Fish Hides Lead Ore c. Here are four Universities Edinburg Glasco St. Andrews and Aberdeen Two Arch-B●●hops and eleven Bishops Ireland Is the biggest Island in Europe after Britain the West of which lies towards Spain containing in length above 300 miles and in breadth about 150 miles It neither breeds nor will harbour any Venemous Creature The Soil is very good and by the late Industry of the Inhabitants now the greatest part English the whole Country begins to grow Rich and Flourishing as the populous and fair New Buildings at Dublin and other places demonstrate 2. Of IT ALY. Italy The most famous Region of Europe very much resembles in shape the Leg of a Man a most pleasant and goodly Country commodious for Trassique and very fertile 'T is bounded on the East with the Adriatick Sea South and West with the Tyrrhene Sea and North with the Alts being in length about 1020 mile● but in breadth not above 410 at the broadest It abounds with Corn Wine and Oyl yields plenty of Almonds Pomegranates c. The whole Country seeming but as an intire Garden The People were antiently famous for their Valour and Prudence and are still Honourable Courteous Grave and very obliging to Strangers yet much inclined to Jealousi● Wantonness and sharp Revenge sparing in Diet but Neat their greatest Expences are about their Gardens Here about 1600 years ago the Latin Tongue flourish●d being vulgarly spoken but afterwards by the Invasions of the Goths Vandals and other barbarous Nations the common Speech became mixed and degenerated which at this day we call the Italian and yet is still a most delicate Noble and Courtly Language The Capital City is Rome once Mistris of the World in Temporals and still protending to be so in Spirituals In compass about 11 miles but full of Gardens and waste Grounds so that 't is supposed not to contain above 200000 Souls two parts in three of whom are Clergy-men and Curresans But in the flourishing of the R●ma● Empir● i● contained 50 miles in compass and not fewer than three or four Millions of People if we cre●it Lipsius After the Emperors removed their Se●t to Constant ●●tle the Bishop of Rome taking advantage of their Absence be pretended donation from Constantine made himself absolute Prince of a great part of Italy called St. Peters Patrimony and the L●nds of the Church and the rest in time became a ●onized into feveral petty Principalities States In the bottom of the Adriatick now called the Gulf of Venice stands the famous City and Virgin Common-wealth of Venice scituate on many Islands and the Water running through every S●●ee being in compass 8 miles containing 70 Parishes many excellent Palaces and curious Buildings 3. Of TVRKY in EVROPE The Turk having now a great part of Europe under his Dominion we thought fit to represent those several Regions together As 1. Thrace now called Romania In which stands Constantinople the Seat of the Ottoman Empire by them alled Stambolda and oft-times the Port from the largeness and
Boats supply the places of Horses and Camels for commerce The chief City is Alexandria a free Port heretofore much more eminent for Trade than now There is likewise Grand Cairo a City of a marvellous strength eight miles in compass and very populous 't is the greatest Market for Sattins Damasks and Taffeta's in the world but the main Commodities as precious Stones Spices Indian Stuffs Gums Perfumes Amber c. are brought hither overland by Caravans Four miles from hence are the ruins of those Pyramids which Antiquity celebrated as one of the worlds wonders The Red-sea washing this Country on the East is so called from the colour of its Sand and is in length 1600 miles The old Cities Thebes and Memphis are now known only in their ruins the Turks are Lords here and the People generally Slaves and treacherous To this Country the world owes a great part of mysterious Learning or rather is bound to blame them for spoiling natural Philosophy with a mixture of ridiculous Magick and superstitious vanities whence our Vagabond Fortune-tellers to this day take upon themselves the Title of Egyptians or Gypsies Their Priests of old were wont to express their meaning in Hieroglyphicks or odd Pictures The People received the Gospel from St. Mark which they generally retained till the coming in of the Saracens and then embraced Mahumatism which yet continues only those that still remain Christians supposed to be no less than 50000 are call'd Cophti because they use Circumcision They observe not the Lords day nor any other Festival but only in the Cities they embrace and read in their Liturgies a Gospel written as they say by Nicodemus The AFRICAN ISLES Are either in the Ethiopick or Atlantick Sea in the first is Madagascar otherwise called the Land of St. Laurence abounding with all manner of Fruits and Beasts Wild or Tame 'T is in length 1200 miles situate under the Southern Tropick The People are rude savage and treacherous their Commodities are Cloves Ginger and Silver Zocotara is an Isle lying just at the mouth of the Red-sea 60 miles in length and 24 in breadth rich in Aloes Gums and Spices In the Atlantick are St. Thomas an Island 180 miles about lying directly under the Equinoctial very plentiful for Sugar Princes Island is situate between the Equator and the Tropick of Capricorn 't is called so because when the Portugals first conquered it the revenues were alotted to the Portugal Prince The Gorgades are nine Islands situate nigh Cape viride in the Land of Negro's abounding in Goats and now usually called the Islands of Cape Verde The Canary-Isles are in number seven antiently for their fertility called the Fortunate Islands hence come our Canary Wines as also the little rare singing Birds called by that name The Grand Canary excells the rest in greatness and excellency for thither all the others repair for justice But Teneriffe exceeds in situation and same as being supposed to be the highest Land in the world the Mountain being fifteen miles high from whence in all Maps and Charts that I have published to the world I have placed the first Meridian and from thence Eastward do reckon the Longitude The Azores are in number nine of which Tercera being the greatest doth now give name to all the rest it is but eighteen miles in compass and abounds in Oad The second Isle of note is St. Michael Of the 4th part of the world called AMERICA AMerica first found out by Christopher Columbus a Genoese about the year 1486. But takes its name from one Americus Vesputius who some time afterwards made a further and more full discovery thereof This large Region is very plentiful in Fruits and sundry Creatures that the other parts of the world never knew as also in Mines but especially Silver of which the Spaniards at their first coming thither found incredible quantities and still supply Europe with that every year with their Plate Fleet. The Inhabitants are of a complexion swarthy These People are supposed to be the progeny of the Tartars with whose gross manners and ignorance they nearly agree as also in complexion or else of the ten Tribes carried away by Salmanaser America is divided by a certain Isthmus or narrow Neck of Land at Darien into two parts the one Northern called Mexicana the other Southern or Peruana Of the English Empire in AMERICA Of that part of America called Mexicana the greatest or at least the best part pays obedience to the English Sceptre As 1. New-England a very populous and thriving Colony This Plantation was first setled in the year 1623 the people are famous for the strictness of their discipline and living eminent Merchants and of great commerce in many parts of the world They coin money of their own and keep Printing Presses at Boston which is the chief Town of the Countrey which is on the main land the furthest part of the Plantations being bounded with vast Woods so that the utmost extent of the whole is not certainly known Virginia so called in honour to Queen Elizabeth our matchless Virgin Queen in whose days it was discovered is situate on the same Continent but more Southerly its Western Limits are unknown but on the North it has Mary-land and upon the South Carolina 'T is very populous and almost incredible to think what vast quantities of Tobacco is yearly brought from these Colonies to England to the happy livelihood of many thousand Families that deal in it Newfound-land noted for the plenty of Fish we have from thence lying on the South of Davis's Streights Mary-land New-York and New-Jersey are new Plantations lying between new-New-England and Virginia And there is lately added another Plantation called Pensilvania granted by Patent from his Majesty to William Pen Son to Sir William Pen one of our Late Admirals at Sea to him and his Heirs for ever Whose situation is at the head of the Bay of Chesopeack from 40 to 43 degrees of Latitude and five degrees of Longitude to the West Of MEXICO or NEW-SPAIN Mexico otherwise called New-Spain whence his Catholick Majesty intitles himself Hispaniarum Rex Is bounded on the East without Calfornia on the South Peruana but its Northern limits are unknown so that we cannot certainly say whether this America be a Continent or an Island distinguisht by Sea from Asia Here are abundance of Golden-sanded Rivers store of Mines Mulberry-trees Silk Honey Black Amber c. It was exceeding populous before the arrival of the Spaniards who in seventeen years as Historians tell us slew six millions of them rendring the name of Christianity which they pretended to teach them odious to these poor Heathen by their cruelties The City Mexico is the feat of an Archbishop and the Spanish Vice-Roy 't is in compass six miles and contains 600 Houses of Spaniards and as many of Indians there is an University a Printing-house and Mint the People are witty and industrious good handy-crafts-men and Rich Merchants Jucutan is 900 miles in
circuit being a Peninsula situate over against the Isle Cuba the chief City is Guatimala over against which lies the Island of Sancta Cruze Of PERUANA Peruana the other or Southern part of America contains Castella Aurea Guiana Pera Brasile and Chile 't is in compass 17000 miles and consequently bigger than the other which is computed but 13000. It contains several Provinces as 1. Castella Aurea so called from its abundance of Gold is admirably stored with Mines Spices Pearls and Medicinal Herbs 2. Castella deloro in which is Nombre de dios and Panama two Towns through which passes all the Traffick between Spain and Peru for whatever comes from Peru is unladen at Panama carried by Land to Nombre dedios and there shipt for Spain and so on the contrary for what is to go to Peru. 3. New Granada situate on the South side a Country very strong by its natural Fortifications of vast stony Rocks yet it has many delicate Vallies which yield much Fruit and some Mines of Gold and Silver but not in any great quantity Cartagena hath a fruitful Soil and great Riches the Metropolis hereof Sir Francis Drake surprized in the year 1585 and besides inestimable Summs of Money and Plate took away with him from thence 240 pieces of Ordnance Guiana hath on the East and South the vast River of Amazons and on the North the great River Orenoque navigable with Ships of Burthen 1000 miles together and with Boats and small Pinaces almost 2000. Yet that of the Amazons is greater still being navigable 6000 miles and towards the Sea is said to be 200 miles broad this Country is situate under the Equinox and the People in the winter dwell in Trees for fear of being drown'd in the usual excessive Floods occasion'd by the frequent Rains Peru hath on the East the Mountains on the West Del Zur or the Pacifique Sea so call'd because it has no Flux or Reflux the Soil is luxuriant in all manner of Grain Fortunate in the civility of its Inhabitants frequency of Cities and salubrity of Air aboundant in Gold and Silver above any other in America The chief Cities are Saint Michaels and Arequipa situate on the River of Plate which is 200 miles long and 150 miles broad at the Mouth the King of this Countrey named Atabalipa being overcome by the Spaniards gave them for his ransome an House piled up full on all sides with refined Gold and Silver being in estimation above ten Millions which when they had received they most perfidiously slew him And here I would mind the Reader and for the honour of our English Nation that several of our Nation hath past and repast the Straights of Magelan into the South Sea or Mare Pacificum 1. Sir Francis Drake and in the year 1669 Sir John Narborough went thither with two Ships the one called the Sweepstakes and the other the Bachelour Captain Humphrey Flemming both which Ships proceeded till they came near the Straights of Magelan not far from Rio St. Julian which was the appointed place of meeting near which place they lost one another whereupon the latter returned home and the other proceeded on her Voyage in the South Sea as far as Baldivia and from thence returned safe to England in the year 1681. Some of our English men under the command of our Captain Sharp and Captain Ringroso after great exploits against the Spaniards by Land entred the South Sea and took some of their ships and in one of them returned home with considerable riches and came about Terra del fueogo and went so far Southerly as far as sixty degrees South Latitude and so came to England A MAPP OF ALL THE WORLD By Iohn Seller Hydrographer to the King EUROPE Lat N. 72. As it is now Divided Contines these Enquires Kingdoms and Estates On the West England Scotland Ireland France Spaine Portugal On the North The Empire of Russia Sweden Denmark In the Middle Italy Germany XVII Provinces On the East Poland Lythvania Turky in Europe Petite Tartary Lat. N. 35. EUROPE Europe is bounded on the north with the North-Sea on the East with Asia on the West with the Atlantick Ocean and on the South with the Mediterranean Sea in length 2800. in bredth 1200 miles The Ayre tempe rate the Soyle fertile Mighty in Trade abounding in Richea excellent in all Arts Sciences the People of white skins generally professing the Chrystian faith inhabited by the lureage of Laphet the 3 Principall languages Latin Tutomck Sclavoruan Great BRITAIN and IRELAND   Cityes Rivers ENGLAND London Westminster Thames York Bristoll Alexander Chester Glocester Humber Canterbury Lincoln Tyne Winchester Exeter Sererne Worcester   Norwich   Bath Wells   SCOTLAND Edenburgh Tweed St Andrews Tay St Iohnston Frith Dundee Glascow Don Aberdeen Dee IRELAND Dublin Shanon Waterford Share Galoway Blackwatter Limerick Barrow Great BRITAIN and IRELAND ITALIA ITALY hath these States The Principality of Piedment Citye Tur●● The Principality of Massa Citye Ma●● The Marquisat of 〈◊〉 Citye 〈◊〉 The Dukedom of Turcany Citye Fleren●● The Dutchies of Milan Citye 〈◊〉 Parma Citye Par●● Modena Citye Modena Mantua Citye Mantua The Republiques of Venice Citye Venice Genoa Citye Genoa Luca Citye Latea The Bishoprick of Trent Citye Lient St Peters Patrimony Rome The Estates of the Church The Bolognese Bologana The Ferran●●● Ferrara Romagua Ravenna Urbino Urbino Marca Ancona Sorcu● The Kingdom of Naples ITALIA Turkie in EUROPE Containes Romania or Conthin●inople Thrace Adrinople Tartary the lesser Crim Moldavia Soczawa Walachia Tmyorista Transilvaina Alba Tulia or W●senberg Hungaria Buda Greece Salonica S●●avonia Ser●ia Bulaaria Bosn●● Taisa or Taiza ●●lands in the Aegean Lo●ian Ad●●arique Sea● Turkie in EUROPE The Empire of GERMANY is Divided into X Circles The Kingdom of Bohemia not included The Circle of Franconia Francfort Noremberg Bavaria Munichen Austria Vienna Suabia Ausburgh Ulme The Higher Rhine or Alsatia Strasburgh Cassel The Lower or Electoral Rhine Heidelbergh Mayence Treves Cologne Westphalia Munster The Higher Saxony Dresden Berlin Sterin The Lower Saxony Brunswick Hamburgh Lubeck Burgundy Containing the 10 Catholique and 7 United Provinces GERMANY THE IX CHIEF ISLANDES in the MEDITERRANEAN Counted in Europe are Cityes Sicily Palermo Messina Sardinia Callari Corsica Bastia Majorca Majorca Minorca Port Mahon Corfu Corfu Cephalenia Cephalenia Zante Zante Crete or Candia Candia Canea The IX Chiefe Islands in the Mediterranean Counted in Europe 1 Sicily 2 Sardinia 3 Corsica 4 Majorca 5 Minorca 6 Corfu 7 Cephalonia 8 Zante 9 Candia There are in FRANCE VIII Ancient Soverain Courts of Iustice or Parliaments       Cityes In The Isle of France The Parliament of Paris Normandy Rouan Britanny Renes Guiene Bourdeaux Languedoc Tholouse Provence Aix Dauphine Grenoble Burgundy Dijon To which have been added In Lorrain The Parliament of Mers Bearn Pau FRANCE The Kingdom of SWEDEN Hath these VIII Considerable Parts Countries Cities East Gotland Colmar West Gotland Gotenburgh Sweden Stockholm Upsal Lapland
is professed Mahometisme Paga●sme Christianity ●●daisme This parts is touched with the Royall Scepter of England in the strong hold of Langier The Higher and Lower ETHIOPIA Contains these Chief Kingdoms Kingdoms Cities Barnagasso Barya The Island of Gueguer Anciently ●eroe Tigres Caxume Amara Amara Bagamedri Ambadara Dann●te Damut Dambea Dambea Cafares Cafates Narea Narea Goyame Goyame The Higher and Lower ETHIOPIA NUBIA Math these Kingdoms Kingdoms Cities Gorham Gorham Cusa Cusa Nibia Nulna Dancala Dancala Lalac Jalac Bugilia Bugtha Caufila Cansila Danfila Dasila These Chief Cities Gualna Darga NUBIA The Country of the NEGRO'S BLACKS Hath On this Side of the River Niger the Kingdoms of Gualata Gnalata Genehoa Genehea Tombur Tombut Agades Agades Canum Cano Cassena Cassena Gangara Gangara On the other Side of the River Niger the Kingdoms of Melli Melli Gago Gago Zanfara Zanfara The Country of the NEGRO'S or BLACKS These ISLANDS Belong to Africa 〈◊〉 The Acores or Western Islands Pice Tercera Gra●●sa N 32 The Madera Islands Madera Porte Sands N 28 The Canary Islands N 2● Palma 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 N ●9 Cape de Verd Islands S t● 〈◊〉 St 〈◊〉 St 〈◊〉 N 13. St Thomas Island under the Equator Paresan S. 16. The Island of St Helena S. ● The I of Madagascar or St Laurence Fort Louis S. 25. N 13. The I of Zoeotora or Adoes N 12 The I of Bebemandel at ● month of ● Red●●● N. 34. Malta in the Mediterrancan La Valette These Islands Belong to AFRICA The Coast of the Higher Ethiopia Divided into the Coasts of Abex Ayan Zanguebar Hath these IX States The Cities of Suaquem Arquice In Abex Adel Adel In Ayan Adea Adea In Ayan Magadoxa Magadoxo In Ayan Brava Brara In Ayan Melinda Melinda In Zan guebar Mombaza Mombaza In Zan guebar Quiloa Quiloa In Zan guebar The Isle City of Hozambique In Zan guebar The Higher ETHIOPIA BILEDULGERID The Country of Dates Hath these VIII Parts Suz Taradande Dara Dara Segelmesse Segelmesse Tegorarin Tegorarin Zeb Zeb Beledulgerid the Proper Biledulgerid Fezzen Fezzen The Desert of Barca Ammon BILEDULGERID BARBARY Hath these VII Kingdoms Morocco Morocco Fez Fez Tangier under the King of England Trennsin Telensin Oran Algier Algier Bugia Constantina Tunis Tunis Biserta Goletta Cape Bonne Tripoly Elliamma Tripoly the Old New Barca Bennichum ant●ently Beremce Barca Coiroan an t ly Cyrene BARBARIA CONGO Hath these VI Parts Biafra Biafra The Anzicains Loanga Banza Leange Congo Divided into its Provinces Sunda Songe Pango Bata Bamba Pemba Cacongo Zaire Angola Dongo CONGO ZAARA or the Desert is Divided into these V. Deserts Zanhaga Zanhaga Zuenziga Zuenziga Targa Torga Lempta Lempta Berdoa Berdoa On the S●and S.E. of these are the Deserts of Gaoga Gaoga Borno Borno ZAARA EGIPT is now Divided into these IV Parts   Cities The Higher Egipt antiently Thebais at present Said Said Girgio The Middle Egipt an t ly Heptanamos at present Bechria or Demesor Memphis or Grand Cairo The Lower Egipt an t ly the Delta at present Errif Alexandria Rosetta Damiata The Coast on the Red Sea Sues The Coast on the Red Sea Cossir AEGYPTUS GUINY Is Divided into These III Principal Parts Meleg●rette Cachien or Serra-Liona Guiny On the Coast of ●vory Assim Tabo On the Gold Coast St George de la Mina Fort Nassaw The Kingd m of Benin Benin GUINEA The most Southern Parts of the LOWER ETHIOPIA are divided into II great Countries The Empire of the Monomotapa which contains The Galles The Monoemugt Butua Monemotapa The Cafreria or Land of Cafres which Hath Malemba Benguela Mataman The Cafres The Cape of Good Hope Safala The Lower ETHIOPIA AMERICA Lat. N. 80. Is Divided into Septentrionahs or the Northern America The Artick Lands Canada or Now France Virginia and the English Plantations Florida New Mexico Mexion or New Spain The Isles Antilles Lucayes Caribes or Canibal 〈◊〉 or the Southern America Terra firma or the Main Land Guiana Brasil Perit The Paraguay or Rio de la Plata Chili 〈◊〉 or the Southern America The Magellanique Lands Lat. S. 54. AMERICA America is divided into two great Prmins●la's the Northermost 〈◊〉 Mexicana and the Southermost Peruana The first is divid●● into severall Provinces the principall of which doth Homage to Great Britains Mon●●ch this Part was to the Monour of our Nation first discovered by Madoc son to Owen Guined and afterward by Sebastin Cabot at the charge of King Menry the 7th The second Peninsula containeth severall Provinces belonging to the Crown of Spaine Portugal The whole Continent aboundeth with all things necessary for the use of mon no● only for food as fish flesh fruits b●● also for great q●●ntitys of Silver that are found in the bowels thereof MEXICO or new SPAIN The Kingdom of MEXICO New called NEW SPAIN Is thus Divided Countreys Towns New Gralicia Compostella Guadalaira Guadalira New Biscay Ende Mexico Mexico Mechoacan Valadolid Panuco St Steren Iucatan Merida Guat●●ala St Jago Honduras Camayagua Nicaregua Leou Costa rica Cartage Veragua Conception MEXICO or NEW SPAIN THE English Empire in AMERICA Countreys Towns Hudsons bay   New found land St Johns New England Boston Plymouth New England London Cambridge New York New York New Jarsey New Castle Mary land St Maryes Virginia James's Town Carolina Charles Town The ENGLISH Empire in AMERICA BRAZIL Is by the Portugals divided into these Capitanties The Capitanie of Paraiba Paraiba The Capitanie of Tamaraca Tamaraca The Capitanie of Pernambuco Chuda The Capitanie of Pernambuco Reely The Capitanie of Seregi●pe Seregi●pe del Rey The Capitanie of Balna de Tados los Sanctos St Sab●ader The Capitanie de Los Istcos Las 〈◊〉 The Capitanie de Porto Seguro Portō Segure The Capitanie de Spiritu Sancto Spiritu Sauches The Capitanie de R●●o Janeiro St Sebestian The Capitanie de San Vin●ente Les Sanctos To which have been added N. W of the former The Capit ●● Para Para The Capit ●● Maranham Maranham The Capit ●● Ciara Cia●a The Capit ●● Rio Grande Poteng● BRAZIL TERRA FIRMA is Divided into N. Great Governments The Government of Terra firma Panama Nombro de Dios The Government of Cartagena Cartagena The Government of Sancta Martha Sancta Martha The Government of Rio de la Hacha N ra Sign ra de los Remedios The Government of Vene zuela or Little Venice Coro The Government of Paria or New Comana or New Cordova The Government of The New Kingdm. of Granada Sancta Fe de Bogota The Government of The Lake of Parima The Government of Guiana Manoa or El Doroda The Government of Caribiana Fort St Louis TERRA FIRMA NEW MEXICO Hath these IX Prorinces The Province of Anian On the Strait of Aman The Province of Quivira The Province of New Albion The Province of Conibas The Province of Cibola Granada The Province of The Apaches The Province of New Mexico S ta Fe. The Province of New Granada The Province of The Island of California NEW MEXICO PARAGUAY or Rio de la Plata Hath these VIII Sarge Countries   Cities Paraguay Guaybiane Chaco St. Jago del Estero Rio de la Plata Assumption Tucuman Corduba Trapalanda St. Louys Parana Incarnation Guayra Guayra Urvaig Visitation PARAGUA The Chief Islands of the Antilles and Lucayes are VII The Antilles Cuba St Jago ●avana or St Chrystophers Iamaica Port Royall Port Maria Oris●m Hispaniola St Domingo Porte de la Plata Porto Rico St Iuan The Lucayes Lucayon Bahama which gives the Name to the Channel between these Islands and Florida Guanahani the first land discovered by Columbus near America 〈◊〉 by him called St Salvador The Chief Islands of the ANTILLE S and LUCAYES CANADA or NEW FRANCE Hath these VI Countries Estoriland or Terra de Labrador alias New Bretany Brest New France Quebec Tadousac The 3 Rivers Saguenay Acadie Port Royal La Herue New Swedland Christina The People of Hurons Algouquins Iroquois Canada or NEW FRANCE FLORIDA is Divided into these V Parts The Peninsula Cabo de Florida The Spanish Florida St. Mathew St. Augustino Quilata The French Florida Charles Fort Carolina The Kingdom of Apalacites Melilot The Isles of Bermudes lying opposite to the Eastern Sh●ar FLORIDA MEXICO or New Spain is Comprised under these IV Audiences or Soverain Courts of Justice St. Domingo Hath under it The Islands in ye. Gulf of Mexico Florida Rio de la Hacha Venezuela in the New Audalusia Mexico Hath Panuco St. Estevan del Pnerto Mechoacan Mechoacan Thascala Los Angelos Guaxaca Antequera c. Ouadalajara or New Gallicia hath Cinaloa St. Jeban New Biscany Endes Los Zacatecas Zacatecas Chametlan St. Sebastian c. Ouatimala hath Soconusco Guavetlan Chiapa Ciudad Real Vera pax Vera pax Honduras Valladolid c. MEXICO or new SPAIN The Western Coast of the Southern America Contains these III large Countries Peru. Popayan Popayan Cah Quito Quito Los Quixos Bacca Pacomoros St. ●ean de los Saliuas Peru Lima or de los Reyes Los Charcas Cusce Los Charcas Pot●ssi Los Charcas La Plata La Siera S ta Crux de la Siera Chili Chili St. Jago de Chili La ●mperiale Los Arauques The Magellanique Lands The Magellanique Lands Ciudad del Roy ●lippe The Patagona The Magellanique Islands or Terra del Fugo The West Coast of SOUTH AMERICA The Artick Or POLAR LAND Hath these II Parts Groenland Alwigford Skegford Barford Isleland Halar Episcop Reynebroers Mid Astadt Modruneller Mumhapnera Naki Mokrus●ld Gre●nastri Skalholt Episcop Piknek●p Ha●er Staph●lt ●eplawick Melastader S●l●oge Bign●●●r Oddo Ikrid● cloyt ●ltaga Hilbi Poma Gunpur Heirskeid Bride Kurbar Hop Reybru Stadur Natz Gliss Kolbe●stad the Artick POLE