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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22015 By the King Iames by the grace of God, king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland ... : whereas our late sister ... Elizabeth late queen of England by her letters patents bearing date at Westminster the xiii. day of Iuly, in the xxxvi. yeere of her raigne ... England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625. 1605 (1605) STC 8376; ESTC S3659 16,354 5

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❧ By the King IAMES by the grace of God king of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the Faith c. To al men to whom these Our present Letters shall come Greeting fitz- (a) The recitail of the late Queenes Letters Patents by her granted to Sir George Delues and William Fitz-william Wheras our late Sister of famous Memorie Elizabeth late Queen of England by her Letters Patents bearing date at Westminster the xiii day of Iuly in the xxxvi yeere of her Raigne Reciting thereby that whereas it had beene alwayes of ancient time and so from time to time thought and found very profitable for the common wealth of this Realme That all manner woollen cloth made within this same Realme to be sold should be searched measured and sealed by the Alnagers of her Progenitors and of her Highnes being Officers to that purpose appointed to the intent aswell that no person should bee deceiued by buying deceitfull woollen cloth vnduely made As also that by reason of the true making of the said woollen Cloth the making thereof might be continued And the people of this Realme therby the better set on worke (b) Thought fit and reasonable that a reasonable fee should bee paid to the Alnager for his paines And that it had likewise beene thought and found very reasonable and necessary that a reasonable fee should be paide vnto the saide Alnager for his paines in that behalfe And that a Subsidie should be paid for the said Clothes vnto her said Progenitors and her Highnes And to that end that diuers Acts of Parliaments and Ordinances had beene made in the time of her Progenitors and were then in force And that for asmuch as then of late yeeres diuers sorts of woollen Clothes and other commodities commonly called double middle and single Bayes Rashe or Stammell of Florence sort Serge of Frence sort Sayes of Flaunders sort Narrow worsteeds Grograynes Mockadoes of euery sortes Plumets Freezadoes Carrel Fustian of Naples Blankets called Spannish Rugges Knithose of worsted yarne and of all sorts of new Draperies and other new Stuffes and commodities then made of wooll onely or most part of wooll had been chiefly deuised made within her Realme of England by Strangers Aliens borne that resorted into this Realme (c) That all new sorts of Draperies by Statutes ought to be searched weighed and sealed and charged with a Subsidie in such sort as other woollen clothes And that then of later time the making was vsed in diuers places within this Realme aswell by the saide strangers as by her Subiects which new sortes of Draperies and woollen commoditities with all other like that should be therafter inuented or deuised to be made wholly or most part of wooll within this Realme ought by the Statutes Lawes and Ordinances of this Realme and by the true meaning and equitie of the same to be searched and measured or weighed and sealed and to be charged with a Subsidie to be paide to her Maiestie her heires and successors in such sort as other woollen clothes before that time sold or made within this Realme of England had beene and ought to be And that no Officer or Officers were especially appointed either to the searching measuring weighing and sealing of the said new Draperies or to the collection of the said Subsidie vntill that then of late yeeres her trustie seruants Sir George Delues Knight and William Fitz william two other Maiesties Gentlemen Pentioners had beene thereunto appointed by her seuerall Leases which then were expired and determined By reason whereof not onely the said newly deuised Clothes and woollen commodities had wanted and might againe want the due allowance that ought to haue beene and was by the sealing thereof to the daunger of the buyers of the same But also that her said late Maiestie had likewise wanted and might againe want the Subsidy of the same to her great losse (d) Her Maiesties pleasure that all the new sorts of Draperies and Clothes should at all times bee surueyed measured weighed tried and sealed c. Wherefore minding and intending redresse and remedie to bee had in that behalfe her Maiestie then thought good and her will and pleasure had beene signified by her former Letters Patents and then was that all the said new sortes of Draperies and Clothes aboue particularly specified and expressed and euery of them made to be made within this her Realme of England and all other sorts of woollen Clothes new Draperies made and to be made within this said Realme of wooll or the most part of wooll which in the time of her Raigne or late before had not beene vsusually made within this said Realme of England or for the which the said Alnagers had not commonly vsed before that time to make any search measure weighing marking or sealing or to take the said Subsidie should at all times from thencefoorth be surueyed measured weighed tryed and sealed by such person and persons as by the Lord Treasurer of England for the time being should be from time to time appointed (e) That the subsidie should bee leuied and payd for the same from thencefoorth And that the said Subsidie should be leuied and paide for the same from thencefoorth And that for asmuch as her said trustie seruants Sir George Delues and William Fitz-william either of them Alnager Alnagers of the said new Draperies and Collectors of the said Subsidie of the same for and during the space of xxi yeeres to commence and beginne at the Feast of the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist then last past before the date of the same Letters Patents by themselues their Deputies and Assignes (f) The Queens Maiesties authoritie to her Alnagers to weigh measure trye search and seale or marke all the new sorts of draperies And her said Maiestie did thereby for her her heyres and Successors giue and graunt vnto the said Sir George Delues and William Fitz-william their Executors Administrators and Assignes and euery of them full power and authoritie to weigh measure trie search and seale or marke all and singular the said double middle and single Bayes Rashe or Stammell of Florence sort Serge of the French sort Sayes of the Flanders sort Narrow Worsteeds Grograynes Mockadoes of euery sort Plummets Freezadoes Carrell Fustians called Fustians of Naples Blankets called Spanish Rugges Knit-hose and all and euery other new sorts of Draperies or Clothes and other Stuffes made or to be made only or most part of wooll within this Realme of England which in the time of her Raigne or late before had not beene vsually made within this said Realme of England or for or of the which the said Alnagers for the time being had not commonly before that time vsed to make any search measure weighing marking or sealing or to take the sayd Subsidies (g) To haue and to hold during the space of 21. yeeres To haue and to hold to them the same from the feast
of the Natiuitie of Saint Iohn Baptist then last past for and during the space of one and twenty yeeres from thence next ensuing with authoritie and full power to seale and marke such of the sayd Draperies and stuffes as were and should be lawfully and truely made And with such seale and seales or other marke as by her High Treasurer of England for the time being should bee deliuered and appointed to them for the purpose (h) Her Maiesty willed they shuld be reputed taken and called Alnagers of the new draperies c. And whereas also her said Maiestie by her said Letters Patents did for her her Heyres Successors will and graunt that during the said Tearme of one and twentie yeares they should bee reputed taken and called Alnagers Sealers Searchers and Viewers of the new Draperies and woollen commodities made and to be made within this said realme and the Collectors of the Subsidies and duties thereof (i) Her Maiesties command that at the new draperies which were put to sale should be measured tried searched and weighed and such as were found good and marchantable should bee sealed And whereas also her Highnesse did further of her certeine knowledge and meere motion graunt will and commaund That euery of the saide Frezadoes double middle and single Baies Rash or Stamel of Florence sort Serdge of the French sort Worsteds Grograines Mockadoes of euery sort Plumet Carrels Fustians called Fustian of Naples Buffins Blankets called Spanish Rugges knit hose of Worsted yarne Iarsey yarne or other woollen made and to bee made within this said Realme to be put to sale and all other of the sayd Draperies and stuffes made to be made within the same Realme of England being all or the most part of Wooll as aforesaid to be put to sale should be measured searched weighed and tried by the said Sir George Delues and William Fitz william and their Executors Deputies and Assignes or by some or one of them during the sayd space of twentie and one yeeres before the same should bee put to sale And that all such of the same as should be found to be good Lawfull and Marchantable ware should be sealed or marked by them their Deputies Factors or Assignes by a Seale or marke to them to be appointed by the sayd high Treasurer of England as aforesayd (k) All such draperies and stuffes being found to be defectiue or deceiptfully made or wrought shuld be cut and lagged to the intent no persons should be deceiued thereby And that such of the same Draperies and stuffes as should be found by them their Deputies and Ministers Factors or Assignes or any of them to be defectiue or deceitfully made or brought should bee cut and Iagged at both the ends thereby to note the same defect and default without any seale or other marke to be put to the same to the intent that no person or persons should be deceiued thereby And whereas also her Maiestie by her sayd Letters Patents Recyting further that forasmuch as no certaine rate or summe of money was before the sayd graunt then tofore made to the said Sir George Delues and William Fitz-william as aforesaid taken or payd to her sayd Maiestie or certainly set downe for the measuring searching trying and Subsidies of the sayde Draperies and other stuffes as aforesayd the Contents whereof were diuers did signifie her will and pleasure to bee as by her sayd former graunts her sayd Maiestie had before signified viz. That where by her lawes and Statutes there had bene and then was allowed due and payd for the sayde Subsidie to her sayde Maiestie for euery broad Clothe which by the Statute of this Realme ought to weigh threescore and foure pounds the summe of (l) 4 d. in money fo● euery broad cloth which by Statute ought to weigh 64 pound weight and 2. d. for euery halfe cloth foure pence in money for euery halfe of such Cloth two pence in money which amounteth to one farthing for euery foure pound weight of the same Cloth (m) For measuring searching and sealing of euery whole cloth ob and for euery halfe cloth a farthing And for the measuring searching and sealing of euery whole Cloth one halfe peny to the Alnager for his fee and for euery halfe Cloth one farthing That therefore the Rates and summes of money as well for the Subsidie as for the Alnage of the sayd new Draperies and other new wollen commodities particularly and otherwise specified or contained in a Schedule vnto the said Letters Patents annexed should bee paid allowed and leuied from thencefoorth of and for euery of the sayd new Draperies which was found to agree or not much to differ in proportion from the Rates and Duties set payd and allowed then-tofore for broad wollen Cloathes And that if any person or persons of what estate or degree soeuer he or they should bee did sell or put to sale or cause to be sold or put to sale or should fraught or imbarque or cause to be shipped fraughted or imbarqued any of the new said Draperies or wollen Cōmodities or such stuffes as is aforesaid in the said Letters Patents authorised to be searched to the intent to Transport the same to be put to sale before the same should bee searched measured weighed and sealed by her Maiesties sayd Officers or their Assignes as aforesayd And the fees and Subsidies aforesayd therefore payd or agreed for That then and so often as hee she or they so putting to sale shipping lading fraughting or imbarquing the same should (n) To forfeyt xx s for vttering or putting to sale shipping lading or fraughting euerie piece before it were first searched measured and sealed forfeit and pay for euery piece thereof so put to sale or offered to bee put to sale shipped fraughted or imbarqued twenty shillings of lawfull money of England And where also her sayd late Maiesty by her sayd Letters Patents of her further especiall grace meere motion and certaine knowledge did demise and grant to farme to the said Sir George Delues and William Fitz-william their Executors and Assignes the Subsidies summes and duties limitted by the sayd Letters Pattents to be payd of or for all and euery the said new Draperies and other woollen Commodities aforesayd And all and euery the forfeytures afore sayd as to her Maiesty her Heires and Successors should grow answerable or due To haue and to hold the sayd Subsidie summes duties and forfeytures to the sayd Sir George Delues and William Fitz-william their Executors Administrators and Assignes from the feast of the Natiuitie of Saint Iohn Baptist then last past before the date of the sayde Letters Patents vnto the end and terme of one and twenty yeeres from thence next ensuing and fully to be Compleat and ended c. (o) The woolles of the Realme from time to time conuerted not onely into stuffes draperies and commodities but also into diuers other new sorts of stuffes not made within