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A01924 England and Scotlands happinesse in being reduced to vnitie of religion, vnder our invincible monarke King Iames. Written by I: Gordon.; Panegyrique of congratulation for the concord of the realmes of Great Britaine in unitie of religion, and under one king Gordon, John, 1544-1619.; Grimeston, Edward. 1604 (1604) STC 12062.3; ESTC S117967 22,135 50

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England and Scotlands Happinesse In being reduced to vnitie of Religion vnder our invincible Monarke King Iames. Written by J Gordon Printed at London by V. S. for William Aspley and are by him to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard 1604. A Panegyrique of Congratulation for the concord of the realmes of great Brittaine in vnitie of religion vnder one King AN auncient writer saith that the ground and maintenance of all Monarchies and Empires is concord their ruine and subuersion is discorde The Histories of things past for sixteene hundred yeeres since the eternall Sonne of God and Monarke of all Monarkes became man to redeeme such as should beleeue in him shew vs many fayre and admirable blessings which God hath powred vppon the Ilands of great Brittaine and the planting of Christian truth in them the which I will represent vnto your Maiestie to shew plainly that the cōcord vnion of the people nations ouer whom God hath made you King is the accomplishment and perfection of all the precedent benefites which his diuine bountie hath bestowed vppon the people vnder your most happie gouernment The Apostle Saint Peter in his first Catholike Epistle the second Chapter sayeth that Christians are a chosen race a royall Priesthoode a holy nation a people purchased to God as his owne The which is very fitly applied to the people vnder your commaunde seeing that God hath first vnited them vnder this royaltie and Priesthoode of Christian veritie and afterwardes hath vsed this vnion of their soules as a Mother to bring foorth the vnion of three Realmes vnder your Maiestie in one royaltie The sayde Apostle in the same place doth teach vs to what ende God hath placed vs in this happie concorde That is To the ende sayeth he that you shoulde declare his vertues who hath called you out of darkenesse to his admirable light The which should mooue vs to preferre the wonderfull workes of God before all worldly things who hauing freede and redeemed vs from darkenesse from inuocation and adoration of deade men and from Pagan Idolatrie wherein our predecessours haue beene so long abused worshipping Images and the visible formes of Creatures as the Creator himselfe and the creature insteade of the Creator hath since and in this latter age called and inspired vs to worshippe him the onely Creator of all things Moreouer the Apostle in the same place doeth shewe vs what man was before that is Before you were no people and now you are the people of God you had not obtayned mercie but now you haue obteyned mercie The people SIRE of the Ilands of great Brittaine were not vnited in religion in peace in concorde in like affections and will vnder one King but they haue beene long banded one agaynst an other in a Sea of discordes discentions and cruell warres against the decree and lawe of God for that they were out of Christian charitie hauing no other obiect in their soules but hatred and malice with a desire of reuenge and so by consequence they were not Gods people but cast-awayes by reason of their Idolatrie and spirituall fornication wherewith they were poluted and so vnworthy to obtayne mercie But now that the light of the Gospell the true worshippe of one God hath taken liuely and sure roote in their hartes vnder the fortunate raygne of the deceased Queene and vnder your happy and lawefull succession in these Realmes they are become of one heart of one affection and finally beeing made the true people of God they haue obtained blessing grace and mercie The comicall Poet sayth A King is the image of the liuing God Christian diuinity teacheth vs that in God there be three persōs vnited in one deytie essence and power Saint Augustine compares the Trinity to the three partes of a mans soule which are distinguished in opperations and functions vnited in one and the same essence I beseech God SIRE so to worke in the hartes of your subiects and in the three realmes vnited vnder the power and commaund of your royall Maiesty that beeing bound together they may represent the three persons of the Trinitye in one deity and that agreeing in one will vnder your Monarchy they may be made the true image of the heauenly that all may bee one in Christ as Christ is one with his father It was neuer seene in any age that the nations of the Ilands of Brittanie were vnited in hart and affection vnder one King as the admirable power of God hath lately brought them vnder your maiesty whereof the true and onely cause is the purity and truth of Christian religion the which God of his especial grace hath miraculously planted in your realmes and sence continued in you causing you to be borne the lawfull and vndoubted heire of these three auncient Imperiall Crowns of the west to raigne Christianly peaceably and happily as vndoubtedly you shall seeing that God hath indued and beautified you with learning in aboundance and so great wisdome as I may iustly say these vertues surpasse the greatnes of your royall maiesty If we examine the order of Histories we shall obserue that this most happy vnion of English and Scottish vnder one King hath beene long before foreseene by the diuine prouidence to be finally effected in our age by the establishment of the ancient Christian religion in your Ilands and the abolishion of the new religion of Arrius Nestorius and Eutichius brought in by the Stratagems of the olde serpent the spirite of errour and darkenesse through the ministry of Popes who since sixe hundred yeeres vnder the name of Christianity haue built vp againe this pagan idolatry hauing changed the Bishops and pastors of the Church into worldly power vsurping vpon the Kings of the Westerne Empire in whose soules through superstition and ignorance of the Christian truth they haue planted a more insupportable tyrannye then that which auncient Rome had conquered by force of armes The great God of armies hath in your Maiesties person begun this happy vnion and concord betwixt two nations which had for so many ages beene in cruell and bloudy warres that you might imploye the valour of their armes for the deliuery of his church from the barbarous tyranny wherewith shee hath beene long oppressed by Popes And as Constantine the great the protector and restorer of the auncient Christian Church was borne in great Brittaine and there beganne his Empire obtayning afterwardes admirable victories against fowre Romaine Tyrantes persecutors of the Church of God by meanes whereof he did abolish Gentilisme and planted Christian Religion at Rome and throughout the Empire In like sorte the same God hath raised your Maiestie to the height of greatnesse to be successor vnto Constantine in the saide Realmes and to chase out of the same Rome the idolatry and abhomination of the Gentiles the which Sathan hath sence brought in vnder the name of Christ which is the true meanes to purchase you the iust title of protector and defender of
the faith and restorer of Christianitie And as God by that marriage of Henrie the seauenth with Elizabeth his wife made the Vnion of the houses of Lancaster and Yorke who had a long time beene in bloudye warres and by the marriage of Iames the fourth King of Scotland with Marguerite the eldest daughter of the sayde Henrie the seauenth your great graundfather the coniunction of the crownes of England and Scotland within these hundred yeares So wee hope that the same God will imploye this admirable Vnion vnder your commaunde to vnite the Christian and vniuersall Church vnder one spirituall royalty which is the worship of one God and to abolish idolatry which hath in a maner swallowed vp and deuoured the true Church My intention is to represent in briefe vnto your Maiesty and to all Christians desirous of eternall health the infinite graces benifits which God hath powred vpon your Ilands in the planting maintaining the preaching of his Gospell that it may plainely appeare that neither the deceased Queene Elizabeth of happy memory nor your Maiesty haue established any new religion in your Ilands but banished the new being polluted and defiled with errours and false worshippes of the Gentiles Arians Nestorians and Eutichians that the Religion which dooth now flourish in your Realmes is the same which soone after the death of our Sauiour was preached and receaued by the Kings your predecessours and by the people of your Realmes Theodoret a Greeke bishop and one of the most ancient of the Church in his bookes de curatione Grecarum affectionum sermon 9. de legibus makes a goodly comparison betwixt the power of the Romaine Empire and their Lawes the Empire of Iesus Christ and of his Lawe receiued throughout the worlde He saieth the Romaines could neuer make the Persians and Parthians of the East subiect to their lawes nor towardes the North the Cimbrians Danes nor the people of Brittaine But the power of Iesus Christ hath beene greater for saieth he our fisherman that is Saint Peter and our maker of tents which is Saint Paul haue made the Brittish people subiect to the lawes of Christ the which would not obey the Romaine lawes so as antiquitie doth testifie that the Apostles haue preached in our Ilands Metaphrastes cited by the Cardinall Baronius sayeth that Saint Peter came thether Ioseph of Arimathie and Simon Zelotes came likewise as Histories do teach vs. This seede of the Gospell in your Ilands tooke such increase as King Lucius and all his subiects about the yeere 180. did publikely receiue the Christian religion And indeede the Chronographers haue noted that about the yeare of our Lord 180. Brittaine was the first part of the world which did publiquely receiue the fayth of Christ for Lucius King of Brittaine did in those dayes depose the Priests of the Gentiles and did substitute in their places Bishoppes and Christian pastors hee banished Gentilisme out of his countrie which hapned not in any part of the worlde vntill the time of Constantine the great Tertulian and Origen who liued about the same time testifie that the countries of Brittaine beeing inaccessible for the Remains were subiect vnto Christ The Bishops of this Iland were at the councell of Nice held vnder Constantine the great three hundred yeares after Christ which is the first period of Christianisme during the which the Christians did suffer twelue most cruell persecutions vnder the tyrannie of Paganisme and the Idolatrie of olde Rome We well wot that during the three first Periods of Christianitie whereof eyther conteynes three hundred yeares the true and onely worshippe of one God which hath beene planted since the Apostles time in your Ilands hath beene continued there during the laid time and yet the Christians which liued in those ages no not the Remaines did euer allowe in the publique vse of the seruice of the Church of the worship of the host in the Romish masse nor of the pretended woode of the very crosse nor of the Images of Iesus Christ or his sepulcher seated neare to Mount Caluarie all which are worshiped in the new Romish Church as God himselfe which worships are abhominations of the Gentils Arriens Nestoriens which bring with it the shipwracke of eternall health The Christians vvhich liued during the first Period of the three hundred yeares of Christianitie did inuiolably keepe the first commaundement Thou shalt haue no other Gods against my face or before mee which the Thargum of the Caldeans hath interpreted besides mee or any other then mee The Greeke translation saith other Gods besides me Athanasius interpreting this commaundement sayth Hee hath not forbidden them to haue other Gods for that there were other Gods but least any one falling from the true God should make him a God of that which is not like to those Gods which the Poets and writers make mention of which haue but the name of God and not the effect And the same Authour sayeth If reason and the esteeme we houlde of God doth make vs beleeue that hee may bee in all places and that nothing of all that which God hath under him is God and that all things are vnder his power why doe not they which make a creature God see that it is out of the definition attributed vnto God Theodoret vppon the same commaundement saith that the Arrians offend against it and the true Christians obserue it They doe not allowe any thing to be held or worshiped for God but the deuine nature but those which follow the error of Arrius and Eunomius sinne directly against the deuine law for they confesse the onely Sonne of God but they maintaine that he was created and is deuided from the deuine substance God hauing sayde Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me doubtlesse these men bring in another God By these authorities we do inferre that the Romains which worship the host in the Masse breake this commaundement for they agree that it is no part of the deuine nature but of the substance and nature of Iesus Christs humanitie who is worshiped according to his diuinitie and not after his humanitie according to the aunbient simboles of the Church The Christian faith then hath for a firme and onely foundation the worship of one God according to this first commaundement and the worship of any thing created by God which is vnder him ought not to be receiued in the Christian religion but the onely deuine nature of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost ought to be worshiped and called on in Triple vnitie without the which nothing ought to be worshiped without manifest impietie and idolatrie The same Theodoret interpreting this commandement saieth Serm. 2. God the maker of all things in the beginning of the law which he gaue vnto Moses cōmaunded him to worship one God I am saith he the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt whē he hath put Moses in mind of his late benefits he exhorts
Idols and Images abolishing the new Masse or the worshiping of the Hoast Soone after many Princes did rise and many faithfull learned men by whose ministrie and valour the purenesse of the preaching of the Gospell was restored in the sinceritie of Christian truth as it was at the comming of Constantine in the West of Europe I may therefore iustly say that among all the Princes which haue laboured for the restoring and reformation of the auncient Church your predecessours King Edward and Queene Elizabeth of happle memories haue beene the first which haue built vpon this foundation after Constantine although long after and now SIRE these blessed soules behould from heauen the full perfection of their worke which must be finished by you whom they haue left the successour and heire of their most royall enterprises Your Maiestie hath a familiar example in the life of the disceased Queene of happie memorie who hath bene a true mother vnto you In whose gouernment we haue seene as in a looking glasse that God hath accompanied her with an admirable and extraordinarie prosperitie foelicitie and happie successe in all her affaires for hee hath drawne her from a prison to a kingdome he hath made her to raigne fortie and fiue yeeres in great peace and tranquilitie hauing discouered aboue twentie enterprises readie to bee put in execution against her life and state hee indued her with all kindes of perfections and vertues as prudence modestie and wisdome in all her actions beautified with a liuely and sound iudgement farre exceeding her sex And for a fulnesse of happinesse the same God did prolong her daies vnto threescore and ten yeares in the which she was alwayes victorious ouer her enemies both home bred and strangers What is then the cause SIRE I will attribute it wholy vnto God and to the puritie of his Gospell and to Christian religion the which she hath established in her kingdoms whereof this most Christian and generous Princesse made a sincere profession all her life Hauing therefore in this peaceable and Christianlike manner yeelded vp her blessed soule to her benefactor and Creatour the great God immortall she left those realmes aboūding in all riches in great peace and admirable vnion and concord And moreouer to seale vp her forepassed life and death with a greater benefit for the loue she bare vnto her subiectes which is a great proofe of the blessing of God we haue seene the wisdome she vsed euen at the last gaspe hauing so profitably and so effectually perswaded her subiects to imbrace acknowledge your Maiesty whom she knew to be the true lawfull vndoubted heire and successor of her goodly flourishing Realmes of England and Ireland by right of consanguinity and lawfull succession Who dooth not see the assistance of God in all this action In that he would haue your Maiesty established in this most high degree of honour not for any other respect but that in raigning happily and in peace you should finish the full deliuery and restoring of Israel and of the Churches of your realmes and to continue the pure preaching of the Gospel so happily begun by her Maiesty of blessed and happy memory against the Idolatry of Rome I doubt not SIRE but Sathan and his supporters will herein imploy their straragems to counsell your Maiesty to induce you to ioyne with that great whore of Babilon a whore which makes the kings princes of the earth drūk with the cup of her spiritual fornicatiō But I assure my selfe that your Maiesty like vnto wary nice Vlisses will stop your eares against al her charmes inchantments and all urements continuing inuiolable constant and resolute in your royall vertues the which God hath bountifully planted in you to maintaine and preserue his Church and Sacraments to his honor and glory in their purety against the poisons Romish inuensions of men Most humbly beseeching your Maiesty to remember that the Popes pretend to be the true kings of England and Ireland houlding the Kinges of the said kingdoms for their vassals and tributaries who now vnder colour to free you from their said pretensions would draw you vnto them and impose vpon you a most heauy and seruile yoake If your Maiesty should so forget your selfe as to cleaue vnto them who knoweth not that their successors are accustomed to disanull the deedes and promises of their predecessors and which is more to hould no faith with heretickes as they call you But SIRE this is nothing in respect of the hard slauery of soules whom they torture with their censures and excommunications So as you shal no sooner subiect your selfe vnto their lawes but vpon the first dislike they will absolue and free your subiects from their oath of obedience due vnto their true and lawfull King they will depose you at their pleasures and giue your crownes to whom they like wherof we haue too many late examples But when they shall see your Maiesty to oppose constantly against their tyranny they will not dare to attempt against you nor your realmes And moreouer is not your Maiesty at this present protector of the Church of all your realmes yea the greatest of the Soueraigne kings which professe the purenes of the Gospell shall not these lawfull titles of honour be sufficient to diuert your Maiesty from following the counsell of such Sirens of state They would gladly perswade you to acknowledge this furious beast who seekes but to deuour good Kings to chalenge to himselfe all power as he saith in heauen earth and hell An essentiall marke that he is the man of iniquity mētioned in the Scriptures which hath raised himselfe aboue all nations and aboue all religion If this monster held you at his deuotion the which I with all your good subiects thinke to be impossible how great a leuiathan soeuer he be doubt not SIRE but he would make you the most vile and most abiect of al his lifetenants treading you more proudly vnder his feete then euer he did the good Emperour Barbarosse And then let your Maiesty consider in what misery calamity and desolation of desolations both you my Lord the Prince whom you loue deerely and all your subiects who pray for you hourely should be reduced in these your flourishing realmes The Almighty God which gouerneth disposeth of Monarchies according to his will which giueth victories in battailes who is the spring and fountaine of all wisedome and knowledge giue your Maiesty a raigne like vnto the Queene of blessed happy memory Increase your Maiesty in wisedome and knowledge and in true piety and purenesse of his seruice giue you victory ouer all them that shall attempt against you or your estate and finish the worke in you begun for the restoring of the true Church banishing out of your Ilands and realmes all tyranny heresie and Romish Idolatry And for a happy ende the same eternall God giue you a full and perfect inioying of the Crowne of glory in the happinesse of eternall life through his sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde FINIS Baleus ex Gilda et alijs script Anglis Niceph l. 2. c 4 Plat. in vit The lesph Athanas Oret cont gentes tom 1. pag. 34. In Parenetico Euseb in vita Constan Idem in Constant Euseb ibid. Sedulius in cap. 1. epist ad Rom. Aug. epist 45. ad Max grammat tom 2. Athā cont Arr. orat 3 et epist ad Ephes Orat. 3. pro. pace Expositor ordin in Rom. Casand in Litur Honor. in Gemma anime Ado. in Chro. Aeneas Siluius in Hist Boem * Matth. Paris in Hist Angl. sub Henric. 3. pa. 660. Mat. vvestmon in Florib hist sub an 1216.