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A86941 The third part of the young clerks guide: or, a further collection of choice English presidents for indentures of settlement, of exchange, of bargains and sales, letters of attorney, declarations of trust, assignments, conditions, presentations, and sundry others of the newest forme. / Compiled by Sir R.H. and perused by a judicious practitioner, very useful and necessary for all.; Young clerks guide. Part 3 Hutton, Richard, Sir, 1561?-1639. 1659 (1659) Wing H3847; Thomason E1908_2; ESTC R209948 197,786 328

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part thereof and also all the estate right title interest claime and demand whatsoever of the said S W of in and to the same and every part thereof to have and to hold the said lands tenements hereditaments and premisses with the appurtenances unto the said S M and C D their heirs and assigns for ever to the only use and behoof of them the said S M and C D their heirs and assigns for ever and the said S W doth by these presents make constitute ordain authorize and appoint F L of c. in the said County of c. and G M of c. in the said County of c. their true and lawful atturneys for them in their names and stead joyntly or severally to enter into the said lands tenements premisses or into some part thereof in the name of the whole and possession thereof for them and their names and stead to take and after such possession so thereof had and taken for them and in their names and stead to deliver full and peaceable possession and seisin of the said lands tenements and premisses with the appurtenances or of some part thereof in the name of the whole to the said S M and C D or one of them or to their lawful atturney according to the forme of these presents ratifying and confirming and allowing all and whatsoever their said atturneys or either of them shall do in the premises by vertue of these presents In witnesse whereof the said S W to these presents his hand and seal hath set the c. day of c. in the year c. An Indenture to bar an estate-Tail THis Indenture made the seventh day of October in the eleventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King defendor of the Faith c. Between T. B. of W. in the County of B. Yeoman on the one part and T. M. of H. in the said County Yeoman and H. H. of H. aforesaid in the said County Yeoman on the other part Whereas T. B. deceased Recital of a Will Grand-father of the said T. B. party to these presents by his last Will and Testament in writing amongst other things therein contained did give and devise unto J. B. also deceased Father of the said T. B. party to these presents and to the Heirs male of his body with remainders over all that his Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in W. in the said County of B. and all that his Close adjoyning to the said Messuage or Tenement and all that acre of Meadow-ground called the long Hale lying in W. Meade and three yards of Meadow called the Elboes in the said Parish of W. and half his arrable Land Leyes and Meadow-ground lying and being in the Parish and Fields of W. aforesaid and R. or one of them with their and every of their appurtenances in the said County of B. as by the said last will it doth and may appear and which premisses do contain a Messuage with the appurtenances and one Yard-land by estimation be it more or lesse And whereas the said T. B. the Grandfather shortly after making the said Will dyed the said J. B. his son him surviving after which time the said J. B. having issue the said T. B. party to these presents his eldest Son and Heire male and the said J. B. being since also dead by and after whose decease the said T. B. party to these presents now is in actual possession of the said Messuage or Tenement Closes Lands Meadows and Premisses with the Remainders over as aforesaid Now this Indenture witnesseth That the said T. B. party to these presents To cut off the estate-tail intending as well to cut off the said estate-tail and to barre the Remainders thereon depending and to settle the said Messuage or Tenement Close Lands Meadows and Premisses to him the said T. B. party to these presents and his heirs as also to barre all pretences of right that futurely may or can be made unto all and every or any the said Messuage Lands Meadows and premisses so given to the said J. B. his Father and since come unto him the said T. B. party to these presents for that purpose Doth hereby Covenant and Grant for himself Covenant to levy a Fine his Heirs Executors and Administrators and for every of them to and with the said T. M. his Heirs and Assigns by these presents That he the said T. B. shall and will on and before the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle now next ensuing the date hereof in due form of Law acknowledge and levy one or more Fine or Fines Sur cognizance de droit come ceo c. before his Highnesse Justices of his Highnesse Court of Common-pleas at Westminster unto the said T. M. of and for the said Messuage or Tenement Close and all and every the said Meadows Lands and premisses by the name or names of one Messuage one Garden one Orchard forty acres of Land six acres of Meadow six acres of pasture and Common of pasture for all Cattel with the appurtenances in W. and R. or one of them in the said County of B. or by such other name or names quantity or number of acres as to the said T. M. or his Councel learned shall seem meet and expedient To the intent that he the said T. M. shall by force thereof stand and be seized of the Messuage or Tenement Close Lands Meadows and premisses untill a good and perfect common recovery with a double Voucher over may be duly had and executed of and for the said Messuage or Tenement Lands To suffer a Recovery Meadows and premisses according to the course of common recoveries for assurance of Lands and Tenements in such cases used And it is hereby fully declared and agreed by and between all the parties to these presents That after the said Fine or Fines so to be levyed of the said Messuage Lands and premisses as aforesaid he the said T. M. shall and will permit and suffer him the said H. H. to bring and pursue against him the said T. M. one or more Writ or Writs of Entry sur Disseisin in le post returnable before his Highnesse Justices of his Highnesse said Court of Common-pleas at Westminster by which he the said H. H. shall demand against him the said T. M. all and every the said Messuage Lands Meadows and premisses by the name or names of one Messuage one Garden one Orchard forty acres of Land six acres of Meadow six acres of pasture and common of pasture for all Cattel with the appurtenances in W. and R. or one of them in the said County of B. or by whatsoever other name or names quantity or number of acres as to the said H. H. shall seem meet To which Writ or Writs the said T. M. shall appear Gratis and shall enter into the Warranty and
c. all such costs charges and expences as the said E. C. his c. shall at any time hereafter be put unto for or by reason of any cause matter or thing touching or concerning the said Executorship or the said last Will and Testament of the said A. W. And the said W. A. doth further covenant To performe the Will c. That he the said W. A. his c. shall and will well and truly fulfil accomplish and perform the said last Will and Testament of the said A. W. and well and truly content and pay all and every the Legacies guifts and bequests contained and specified in the same last Will and Testament according to the Tenor Purport and true meaning of the same In witnesse c. An Indenture in Consideration of Marriage in lieu of Joynture THis Indenture made c. between M. F. of the one part and I. I. and I. F. of the other part Witnesseth that the said M. F. for and in consideration of a Marriage heretofore had and solemnized between the said M. F. and C. his now wife and for and in full satisfaction and recompence of such Joynture or Dower as she the said C. shall have or challenge out of or in or to all or any of the Messuages Lands Tenements or Hereditaments of the said M. F. in case the said C. shall survive and overlive the said M. F. And for the continuance settling and establishing of the said Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments hereafter mentioned in the name blood and kindred of the said M. F. so long as it shall please Almighty God and for divers other good causes and considerations him the said M. F. hereunto moving Doth covenant c. That he the said M. F. and his heirs and all and every person and persons and their Heirs now standing or being seized or which at any time hereafter shall stand or be seized of or in all that Capital Messuage with the Appurtenances commonly called or known by the name of H. in B. aforesaid in the said County of S. in the tenure or occupation of the said M. F. or his Assinges and of and in all and singular the Lands Tenements Meadowes Pastures Feedings Commons Woods Underwoods and Hereditaments whatsoever with their and every of their Appurtenances to the said capital Messuage or Tenement belonging or appertaining or to or with the same at any time heretofore used occupied or enjoyed as part parcel or member thereof shall and will from henceforth stand and be seized thereof To stand seized and of every part and parcel thereof to the uses intents and purposes hereafter mentioned That is to say To the use and behoof of the said M. F. and C. his wife and their Assignes for and during their natural lives and the life of the longer liver of them without impeachment of or for any manner of waste The Uses and from and after the decease of the Survivor of them the said M. and C. then to the use and behoof of the Heirs of the body of the said M. F. and C. lawfully begotten and for default of such Issue then to the use and behoof of the right heires of the said M. F. for ever And the said M. F. doth further covenant c. That he the said M. F. at the time of the sealing and delivery of these presents To have power to raise uses is and standeth seized of a good perfect and indiffeazible estate in Fee-simple of and in the said Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and of and in every part and parcel thereof and that he hath lawful power and authority by these presents to raise limit and appoint the aforesaid several uses and estates and that all and singular the premisses with their and every of their Appurtenances now are and so at all times and from time to time hereafter shall be remain and continue unto the uses intents and purposes before Discharged of Incumbrances in and by these presents limitted expressed and declared free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all manner of former and other Bargaines Sales Gifts Grants Leases Joyntures Dowers Wills Intails c. and of and from all other Titles Troubles Charges and Intumbrances whatsoever In witnesse c. Words to be used upon the Delivery of Possession I do deliver you Possession and seizin of this house or of this parcel of Land in the name of all the rest contained in this Deed or Indenture To hold to you and your Heirs and Assignes for ever according to the Tenor form and effect of this present writing or Indenture A Conveyance of Land by three Co-heires and their Husbands well pend THis Indenture made the Twentieth day of March in the Tenth yeare of the Raign of our Soveraign Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the faith c. Between W. S. of B. in the County of B. Husbandman and I. his wife W. M. of L. R. in the parish of Princes Risborough in the said County husbandman and A. his wife and F. W. of P. R. aforesaid in the said County Husbandman and A. his wife and E. A. of the parish of P. R. aforesaid The Consideration and S. his wife on the one part and I. M. of H. aforesaid in the said County husbandman on the other part Witnesseth That the said W. S. and I. his wife W. M. and A. his wife and F. W. and A. his wife for and in Consideration of the summe of one hundred and Ninty pounds of currant money of England to them the said W. S. I. his wife W. M. and A. his wife F. W. and A. his wife E. A. and S. his wife by the said I. M. in hand paid before the insealing hereof the receipt whereof the said W. S c. do hereby acknowledge and thereof do joyntly and severally exonerate and discharge the said I. M. his Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them for ever by these presents The Grant And for other good causes and considerations them moving have granted aliened bargained fold infeoffed and confirmed and by these presents for them and their heirs do joyntly and severally Grant Alien Bargain Sell Infeoffe and Confirm unto the said I. M. his heirs and assignes for ever All that Messuage Tenement or dwelling house with the appurtenances scituate lying and being at or near a place called W. A. in the parish of B. alias B. in the said County of B. wherein the said W. S. now dwelleth and wherein one W. W. deceased Father of them the said I. A. and A. did lately dwell and inhabit and all those five several Closes of Arable Land Meadow pasture and wood-ground belonging to or used with the said Messuage Tenement and dwelling house lying and being in the Parishes of B. aforesaid W. and H. or in some or one of them in the said
term of ten years and one quarter of a year to the said I. his executors or assigns twenty and four pounds of lawful money of England at four Terms of the year that is to say at the Feast of St. Michael the Arch-Angel the Birth of our Lord God the Annunciation of our Lady and the Nativity of St. John Baptist or within fifteen dayes next after every of the said Feast-dayes by even portions And for the last quarter of a year six pounds at the Feast of St. Michael the Arch-Angel next ensuing the said term of ten years or within Fifteen dayes then next following as by the same Lease more at large appeareth If therefore the said H. B. his executors or assigns do yearly and every year during the said term of ten years well and truly yield and pay or cause to be yielded or paid to the said I. C. his executors or assigns the said yearly Rent of twenty and four pounds at the said four Feasts or terms of the year mentioned in the same Lease or within fifteen dayes next after every of the said Feast-dayes by even portions and the said summe of Six pounds at the said Feast of St. Michael the Arch-Angel next after the end of the said ten years or within fifteen dayes then next following according to the tenor and true meaning of the same Lease That then this Obligation to be void and of none effect Or else it to be in full force and vertue A Deffezance on a Recognizance or Statute staple THis Indenture made the one and twentieth day of August Anno Dom. 1634. and in the tenth year of the Raign of our Soveraign Lord Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the Faith c. Between I. B. Citizen and Salter of London of the one part and G. B. Citizen also and Salter of L. of the other part Witnesseth that whereas the said G. B. by a certain Recognizance of the nature of a statute of the staple made and provided for the recovery of debts taken Recognized and sealed before Sir I. C. Knight Mayor of the staple at W. and E. L. Esq Recorder of the City of L. bearing date with these presents standeth and is bound unto the said I. B. in the summe of four hundred pounds of lawful money of England payable as by the same Recognizance more at large appeareth Neverthelesse the said I. B. is contented and agreed and doth covenant promise and grant for himself his heirs executors and administrators to and with the foresaid G. B. his heirs executors and administrators and to and with every of them by these presents That if the said G. B. his heirs executors administrators or assigns or any of them do pay or cause to be paid unto the said I. B. his executors administrators or assigns or any of them at or in the now dwelling house of the said I. B. scituate in the Parish of St. A. H. London the summe of two hundred and eight pounds of lawful money of E. on the three and twentieth day of F. next coming after the date of these presents without fraud or coven That then the foresaid Recognizance shall be utterly void and of none effect or else it to remain in full force strength and vertue In witnesse whereof the parties first above named to these present Indentures enter-changeably have set to their hands and seals dated the day and year first above written A Declaration that a mans name in a Conveyance of Land was only in trust TO all to whom these presents shall come I S. V. of L. Goldsmith sends greeting Whereas I. R. of c. in the County of S. gent. lately purchased of Sir I. W. of c. all that Bain and yard with the appurtenances parcel of or belonging to the late Rectory of B. S. in the County of S. now or late in the tenure or occupation of the said I. R. his assignee or assignees which said premisses were by the direction and appointment of the said I. R. conveyed by the said c. to me the said S. V. and my heirs as by the said Conveyance thereof bearing date the five and twentieth day of September last past may appear which said Conveyance was so made to me only in trust to and for the benefit of the said I. R. and his heirs Now know ye that I the said S. V. do hereby acknowledge and declare that I am nominated partly in the said recited Deed of bargain and sale by and on the behalf of the said I. R. and that I am therein trusted only by and for him the said I. R. and his heirs and that I do not claim to have any right or interest in the said barn and premisses or any part thereof by the said Conveyance so made to me or otherwise to my own use or benefit but only to and for the sole use and benefit of the said I. R. and his heirs And I the said S. V. do for my self and my heirs covenant to and with the said I. R. and his heirs by these presents that I the said S. V. and my heirs shall and will at any time hereafter upon request and at the costs and charges of the said I. R. and his heirs by good assurance and conveyance in Law convey the said barn and premisses to the said I. R. and his heirs or to such other person or persons as he shall nominate direct or appoint In witnesse whereof I the said S. V. have hereunto put my hand and seal the c. day of c. in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fifty and one A grant of Lands in Fee in consideration of money and in further consideration of exchange of other Lands THis Indenture made c. between c. Witnesseth that the said L. G. and also for and in consideration of a certain competent summe of lawful money of England to him in hand before the ensealing and delivery of these presents by the said I. B. well and truly paid and for and in consideration of other Lands Tenements and Hereditaments by the said I. B. conveyed and assured to the said L. G. and his heires in exchange Whereof and wherewith the said L. G. acknowledgeth himself fully satisfied and contented and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof clearly acquitteth and dischargeth the said I. B. his heirs and assignes by these presents hath bargained sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth fully and clearly bargain sell alien enfeoffe and confirm in exchange unto the said I. B. and his heirs All that Scite and capital Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances scituate c. now being in the tenure or occupation of the said L. G. or his assignes and all and every the barns stables out-houses orchards gardens and other appurtenances to the said Messuage or Tenement belonging or in any wise appertaining and all and every other the
part and H. H. of M. T. L. gent. of the other part as followeth IMprimis whereas the above-named P. C. now standeth lawfully seized in his demesne as of fee according to the custome of the Mannour of B. aforesaid after the decease of T. C. Widow of and in one copy-hold or customary messuage together with a garden back-side out-house and other appurtenances thereunto belonging scituate in the upper street in B. aforesaid and parcel of the aforesaid Mannour And whereas the said P. C. is now possessed of the aforesaid Messuage and premisses with the appurtenances by demise from the said T. C. for a certain term ending at the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next ensuing the date above written The said P. C. doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Assigns covenant grant and agree to and with the said H. H. his Executors and Assigns by these presents that he the said P. C. on this side and before the first day of Easter term next ensuing shall at the costs and charges of the said H. H. convey assign and set over unto the said H. H. and his Assigns all the present estate title and interest of the said P. of in and to the said Messuage and Premisses and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances and shall and will put the said H. H. or his Assigns in peaceable possession thereof and that the same shall be then in as good plight and repair as now they be Item the said P. C. for and in consideration of the summe of ten pounds of lawful money of England by the said H. H. unto the said P. C. well and truly payed whereof the said P. doth acquit and discharge the said H. by these presents as also for and in consideration of the summe of one hundred pounds of like money to be paid by the said H. to the said P. as hereafter in these presents is limited doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Assigns and every of them covenant grant and agree to and with the said H. H. his Executors and Assigns by these presents that he the said P. C. and S. his wife shall and will before and on this side the said first day of Easter term next ensuing by usual names surrender according to the custome of the said Mannour into the hands of the Lord of the said Mannour the aforesaid Messuage and Premisses with the Appurtenances and all their estate possession reversion remainder right title and interest therein to the use and behoof of the said H. H. his Heirs and Assigns for ever and that he the said P. hath now good right and title to the said Messuage and Premisses with the Appurtenances and a good estate therein in fee-simple according to the custome of the said Mannour after the decease of the said T. C. and shall make and give unto the said H.H. such assurance and security for the quiet enjoying of the Premisses as the said P. hath had made or given unto him by W. W. of whom the said P. lately purchased the same and shall and will assign over to the said H. by such ways or means as by him or his Councel learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised advised and required all bonds and other callateral security which the said P. now hath for the safe and free enjoying of the Premisses or any part thereof Item the said H. H. doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Assigns covenant promise and grant to and with the said P. C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them by these presents that he the said H. H. or his Assigns shall and will upon the aforesaid surrender made by the said P. and S. his wife and the peaceable possession delivered of the Premisses in such good plight and repair as they now be according to the true intent and meaning of these presents pay content and satisfie unto the said P. C. or his Assigns the whole and just summe of one hundred pounds of lawful money of England Item it is agreed between the said parties to these presents that the said H. H. shall buy of the said P. C. such movables as now be in the said Messuage and Premisses or that he shall be pleased to leave there at such rates as two men to be by the said P. and H. indifferently chosen shall appraise the same and that the said H. H. shall pay unto the said T. C. all Rents that shall grow due unto her for the Premisses from the day of the date of these presencs in witnesse whereof the parties above named to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year first above written An Indenture of Covenants to stand seized to uses in consideration of marriage c. THis Indenture made the _____ day of January in the year of the Raign of our Soveraign Lord Charles by the graec of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the faith c. the second between I. F. of D. in the County of D. Gent. of the one part and N. G. of W. K. in the said County Yeoman I. S. of S. in the said County Yeoman and W. B. of S. aforesaid Yeoman of the other part witnesseth that for and in consideration that the said I. F. hath married A. the daughter of the said N. G. and by her issue hath one son and to the intent to provide and establish some certainty of living and livelihood to be had and enjoyed by or unto the said A. after his decease and for the establishment of some part and portion of those inheritances as is descended unto him the said I. F. from his Ancestours unto his said son I. begotten on the body of the said A. and unto such other issues as it shall please God to send him of the body of the said A. for the natural affection and fatherly love he beareth unto the said I. and other issues he may happen to have on the body of the said A. and to the intent that she the said A. may be the better able to bring up educate and help the said I. his sonne and such other childe or children as he shall happen to have by the said A. when it shall please God to call the said I. F. out of this mortal life if it shall chance that she shall over-live the said I. F. doth by these presents covenant grant and agree to and with the said N. G. I. S. and W. B. and to and with every of them that he the said I. F. his Heirs and Assigns and every of them shall and will from henceforth stand and be seized of and in one Messuage or Tenement and Cottage with all and singular the Appurtenances set lying and being in S. in the Parish of B. R. now in the tenure of I. L. under the yearly Rent of ten shillings one other Cottage parcel of the said Tenement now in the tenure of one W. D.
the appurtenances in and by the said recited Indenture bargained and sold and of every part and parcel thereof to the said H. B. his heires and Assignes to the only use and behoof of him the said H. B. his heirs and Assignes for ever Which said grant bargain and sale for and concerning the said Moity of all and singular the premisses before mentioned to be by the said recited Indenture granted bargained and sold to the said H. B. as aforesaid was had and made to and in the name of the said H. B. by the Nomination and appointment of the said W. E. and in trust to the use of the said W. E. his heirs and Assigns Now this Indenture further witnesseth that the said Sir W. B. according to the said Trust and at the request and desire of the said W. E. and for divers other good causes and Considerations him thereunto moving Hath aliened bargained sold infeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth alien bargain sell infeoffe and confirm unto the said W. E. his heirs and Assigns All that the said Moity and half part of all the said Messuages and of the said 4. yard-lands of arable Land Meadow and pasture with their Appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof and all other the premisses whatsoever in and by the said recited Indenture bargained and sold unto the said H. B. or to his use as aforesaid and also the Reversion and Reversions of all and singular the Moity and half part of all and singular the said premisses and every part thereof and the yearly Rents thereupon reserved due and payable To have and to hold the said Moity and half part of all the said Messuage or Tenement and of the said 4. yard-lands of arable Land Meadow and pasture with their Appurtenances and the Reversion and Reversions before specified in and by the said recited Indenture bargained and sold to or for the use of the said H. B. as aforesaid unto the said W. E. his heirs and Assignes to the only use and behalf of the said W. E his heirs and assigns for ever And the said Sir H. B. for himself his heirs executors and administrators and for every of them doth Covenant and grant to and with the said W. E. his c. That he the said Sir H. B. for and notwithstanding any Act or thing whatsoever by him done or suffered to the contrary now is and at the time of the ensealing hereof and of the first executing an estate by force of these presents shall be lawfully seized in his Demeasn as of Fee-simple to him and his heirs of and in the Moity and one half of the said Messuage or Tenement and premisses whatsoever with the appurtenances in and by the said recited Indenture bargained and sold to the said H. B. to his use as aforesaid and that he the said Sir H. B. for and notwithstanding any Act or thing by him done or suffered to the contrary as aforesaid now hath and then shall have good right full power and lawful authority to bargain sell and convey the said Moity of the said Messuage or Tenement and premisses with the appurtenances in the said recited Indenture bargained and sold unto him the said H. B. as aforesaid unto the said W. E. his heirs and Assignes according to the intent of these presents And that he the said W. E. his heirs and assigns shall or may for ever hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold occupy possesse and enjoy the said Moity of the said Messuage or Tenement and premisses with the appurtenances in the said recited Indenture mentioned to be conveyed to the said H. B. or to his use as aforesaid without the let suit trouble molestation interruption or eviction of him the said Sir H. B. his heirs or assigns or of any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming by from or under him his estate or title L. Cum Coven pro ulter Assur Letterdel Atturney c. In witnesse whereof c. A Covenant to deliver Evidences by such a time ANd the said G. A. for him c. that he the said G. A. his heirs Executors or Administrators or some of them shall and will before the first day of March next ensuing the date hereof deliver or cause to be delivered unto the said A. Lady D. and Sir I. D. or to one of them all such Deeds Charters Evidences Court-Rolls Exemplifications of Records transcripts of Fines Terrars Escripts Writings and Muniments concerning only the premisses or only any part or parcel thereof as now be in the possession custody or keeping of the said G. A. or of any other person or persons by his delivery or to his use or which he may obtain get or come by without suit in Law whole uncancelled safe and undefaced or in as good plight as the same now are and be and also true Copies of all such other Deeds Charters Evidences and Writings as the said G. A. hath touching and concerning the said Lands and premisses or any part thereof joyntly or together with any other Lands c. of the said G. A. the said A. Lady D. and Sir I. D. and their heirs or some or one of them paying and bearing the charge of making and writing the same Copies c. A Declaration of a Fine and Recovery to variety of uses well pend THis Indenture made c. Between the Right Honourable T. Lord W. of the one part and the Right Honourable W. Lord P. Sir M. F. of Recital of the Recovery c. on the other part Whereas the said M. B. and W. D. in the term of E. in the eleventh year of the Raign of our said Soveraign Lord King I. of England c. by Writ of Entrie sur Disseisin in le post did recover against the said T. Lord W. all those the Mannors of M. alias M. A. L. A. R. and N. with the appurtenances and of 30. Messuages 30. Tofts 6. Water-mills 6. Dove-houses 30. Gardens 1000. acres of Land 200. acres of Meadow 1000. acres of pasture 2000. acres of wood 300. acres of Furze and heath 10. pounds Rent free warren and view of Frank-pledge with the appurtenances in M. alias M. A. N. and S. and also the Advowson of the Churches of M. alias M. and A. as in and by the said Recovery remaining of Record in his Highnesse said Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster to which Relation being had more at large appeareth Of the Time And whereas in the term of the Holy Trinity last past before the date hereof that is to say a Die sce Trinitatis in tres septimanas in the said term in the Court of our Soveraign Lord the Kings Majesty before his Justices at Westminster a Fine sur Cognizance de droit come ceo c. with Proclamations according to the forme of the Statute in such case made and provided was levied between the said W. R. and W. D. Plaintifs and the said T. Lord W.
Church or Chantreys of R. aforesaid And all that Messuage Tenement or Farm Of a Farm scituate and being in R. aforesaid now or late in the Tenure or Occupation of W. C. or his Assignes called or known by the name of S. or by whatsoever other name or names the same is called or known and all Houses Edifices Buildings Barns Stables Yards Backsides Orchards Gardens Lands Tenements Meadows Pastures Wayes Easments Passages Profits Commons Commodities Woods Wood-grounds Timber and Trees Waters Water-courses Emoluments Herditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said Messuage Tenement or Farm and premisses or any of them belonging or in any wise appertaining or reputed to be belonging thereto or used therewith And also all those Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments with their appurtenances called the Chantrey Lands in R. aforesaid And also all and singular other the Messuages Cottages Lands Tenements Meadows Pastures Feedings Woods Wood-grounds Rents Reversions Services and Hereditaments whatsoever of them the said R. H. M. and I. H. or any or either of them in or within the Towns Fields Parishes Hamlets Territories or Precincts of R. and B. and L. or any or either of them in the said County of O. And also all the estate right title interest use possession and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders rent and rents claim and demand whatsoever of them the said R. H. M. and I. H. and every and either of them of in and to the said Mannor and Premisses and of in and to every part and parcel thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining Of Writings with a Covenant to deliver them by such a time And all Writings Evidences Deeds Charters Fines Escripts Court-Rolls Exemplifications and Minuments whatsoever concerning the said M. and premisses or any part thereof which the said R. H. now hath in his possession or can conveniently come by without suit in Law And true Copies of all such Writings and Evidences as do concern the same or any part thereof with any other lands tenements or hereditaments the same Copies and every of them to be copyed and written out at the costs and charges of the said Sir R. D. his heirs and assigns All which said Writings and Evidences the said R. H. doth hereby covenant for him his heirs and assigns to and with the said Sir R. D. his heirs and assignes to deliver unto him the said Sir R. D. his heirs or assignes at or before the Feast of St. J. the Apostle next ensuing the date hereof safe whole uncancelled and undefaced To have and to hold the said Mannor or Lordship Advowson Rectory Chantrey Messuages Tenements Farm Lands Meadows Pasture hereditaments and all other the premisses with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Sir R. D. his heirs and assigns to the only c. And the said R. H. for himself c. doth Covenant c. That he the said R. H. now is and at the time of the first executing of an estate of the said Mannor and premisses Seized in Fee-simple by force of these presents unto the said Sir R. D. shall be lawfully and absolutely seized in his Demeasn as of Fee-simple to him and his heirs of and in the said Mannor Messuages Lands Tenements Advowson Hereditaments and Premisses with their Appurtenances without any manner of Condition or Limitation of any Use or Uses to alter change determine or make void the same and without any Reversion or Remainder thereof or of any part thereof in his Highnesse the Lord Protecter his Heirs or Successors being made or limited by the said R. H. or I. H. his Uncle deceased whose heir the said R. H. now is And that he now hath and then shall have good right full power Power to Alien and lawful and absolute authority to grant bargain sell and convey the said Mannor lands and all other the premisses with the appurtenances unto the said Sir R. D. his heirs and assignes according to the true intent and meaning of these presents notwithstanding any Act had made done or suffered by the said R. H. or the said I. H. his said Uncle or either of them And that the said Mannor Messuages Lands Advowson and all other the premisses with their and every of their appurtenances now are Freed from Incumbrances and so shall and may for ever hereafter remain continue and be unto the said Sir R. D. his heirs and assignes free and freely and clear and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged of and from all and all manner of former and other Gifts Grants Leases Joyntures Dowers Uses Wills Intails Annuities Statutes-Merchant and of the Staple Recognizances Bonds Judgments Executions Extents Seizures Condemnations Rents Arrerages of Rents Intrusions Forfeitures Mortgages Fines for Alienation without licence Debts of Record Debts to his Highnesse Estates Titles Troubles Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever had made committed done or suffered by him the said R. H. or by his Assent Consent Act means or procurement or by I. H. his said Uncle or either of them One Lease for the term of 20 years to be accounted from the Feast of the Annunciation of our Lady St. Mary the Virgin in the year of our Lord God An Exception of Leases c. of parcel of the premisses made by the said R. H. to one I. D. wherein the yearly Rent of nine pounds is reserved One other Lease for the term of 22. years to be accounted from the Feast of St. M. in the Eighteenth year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King James over England c. of other parcel of the premisses made by the said R. H. to one C. O. and whereupon the yearly Rent of 20. l is reserved One other Lease c. All which said several Rents shall from henceforth be due and payable to the said Sir R. D. his heirs and assigns during the several and respective termes aforesaid And further the said R. H. and I. H. for themselves c. Do Covenant Covenant for quiet enjoying c. with the said Sir R. D c. That he the said Sir R. D. his heirs and assigns and every of them shall and may for ever hereafter quietly and peaceably have hold occupy possesse and enjoy the said M. Farm Advowson lands and premisses with their and every of their appurtenances without the let suit trouble disturbance denial molestation interruption or eviction of them the said R. H. and I. H. or either of them their or either of their heirs or assigns or any of them And without the lawful Let Suit Trouble Denial Molestation Interruption or Eviction of all and every other person and persons whatsoever lawfully claiming by from or under them the said R. H. and I. H. or either of them their or either of their estate right or title or by from or under I. H. deceased Uncle of the said R. H. except before excepted And also that they the said R. H. and I. H. parties
the further and more better and perfect assurance surety and sure-making of the said Capital Messuage or Tenement Lands Meadows Pastures and all and every other the premisses with the appurtenances to the said I.B. his Heirs and Assigns as by the said I. B. his Heirs or Assigns or his or their Councel learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised or advised In witnesse c. Articles concerning Lands purchased untill the Covenants could be made Articles of agreement i●dented made concluded and agr●ed upon the _____ day of Sept. between H.D. of E. in the C. of H. gent. of the one party F.R. of the Parish of S. M. in the fields in the C. of M.T. of the other party viz IMprimis the said H. D. for the consideration hereafter in these presents mentioned and expressed for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said F.R. his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them by these presents that he the said H. D. and _____ his wife their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns shall and will at the proper costs and charges in the Law of the said F. R. his Heirs Executors Admin or Assigns by or before the tenth day of October now next coming after the date of these presents make seal deliver do execute and acknowledge all and every such Act and Acts Deed and Deeds Fine and Fines Assurance or Assurances or other conveyances in the Law whatsoever as he the said F. R. his Heirs Executors or Assigns or his or their Councel learned in the Law shall reasonably devise advise or require for the sure conveying setling assuring and sure-making unto the said F. R. his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever All that Messuage or Tenement with all the Appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining as the same now is in the occupation of B. A. Pewterer his Assignee or Assignees And of all that Messuage or Tenement with all the Appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining as the same now is in the tenure or occupation of _____ S. Chandler his Assignee or Assignees And of all that room or shop with the Appurtenances now in the occupation of W. Cheese-Monger all which premises are scituate lying and being on the South-side of the High-street commonly called Fleet-street London over against the Conduit at or near the corner turning into Salisbury Court there In consideration whereof he the said F. R. for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said H. D. his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them by these presents that he the said F. R. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or some of them shall and will well and truly satisfie content and pay or cause to be satisfied contented and paid unto the said H. D. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns the full summe of five hundred and ten pounds of lawful money of England in manner and form following viz. Ten pounds thereof at the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt of which said ten pounds the said H. D. doth hereby acknowledge and confesse and thereof doth clearly and absolutely exonerate acquit and discharge the said F. R. his Heirs Executors and Administrators for ever by these presents And the other five hundred pounds residue and in full payment thereof forwith and immediately after that he the said H. D. A. his wife their Heirs Executors or Assigns shall have levied and acknowledged to the sole and onely proper use and behoof of the said F. R. his Heirs Executors Admin and Assigns in due form of Law such Conveyances and Fine or Fines of all the premises with their Appurtenances before mentioned or intended to be sold unto him the said F. R. his Heirs Executors or Assigns as the Councel learned in the Law of the said F. R. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns shall reasonably devise advise or require without covin or delay Item it is agreed between all parties to these presents that all Assurances and Conveyances and all Fine or Fines hereafter to be had levied and acknowledged of all the premises before mentioned shall be and enure and shall be deemed construed and taken to be and enure to the sole and onely proper use benefit and behoof of him the said F R. his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever and to no other use intent or purpose whatsoever Lastly it is agreed that if the said _____ D. doth not travail up in person to the Cities of London or Westminster for to levy and acknowledge such Fine or Fines or other conveyances as shall be requisite for the sure setling of the premises unto the said F. R. his Heirs Executors and Assigns in form afore mentioned then he the said H. D. his Heirs Executors or Assigns shall pay and allow unto the said F. R. his Heirs Executors or Assigns at the acknowledging of such Fines the sum of ten shillings sterling for and towards his charges in procuring of a Writ called dedimus potestatem to enable her the said D. to acknowledge the same Fine in the Country In witnesse c. Bonds to perform Covenants A plain bargain and sale to be enrolled THis Indenture made the _____ day of in the seventh year of the Raign of our Soveraign Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the faith c. Between I. B. Citizen and Grocer of London of the one part and I. D. of H. in the County of E. Esq I. S. of Lincolns Inne in the County of M. Esq I. C. of D. in the County of H. Clark and R. D. Gent. second son of the said I. D. of the other part witnesseth that the said I. B. for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred and thirty pounds of good and lawful money of England to him in hand paid by the said I. D. the receipt whereof he acknowledgeth by these presents hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth clearly and absolutely grant bargain and sell unto the said I. D. I. S. I. C and R. D. their Heirs and Assigns for ever all that Field or parcel of land lying and being in R. in the County of E. commonly called or known by the name of Hilly Field And all that little Marsh or parcel of Marsh-ground lying and being at or near the end of the said Field or parcel of Land And also all that great Marsh or parcel of Marsh-ground and the little Marsh or parcel of Marsh-ground adjoyning to the same great Marsh in R. aforesaid All which premisses do contain together by estimation thirty and five acres be they more or lesse and are set lying and being in R. aforesaid and now or late in the tenure and occupation of T. L. of H. in the said County of E. Esq and the above-named I. D. or one