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A46594 The royal charter of confirmation granted by His Most Excellent Majesty King James II, to the Trinity-House of Deptford-Strond for the government and encrease of the navigation of England, and the relief of poor mariners, their widdows and orphans, &c. England and Wales. Sovereign (1685-1688 : James II) 1685 (1685) Wing J381; ESTC R2580 74,522 223

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His Majesty doth hereby require the principal Officers and Commissoners of His Navy Governours of His Forts and Castles the Officers of his Customs and Commanders or Officers of any of His Majesties Ships or upon their meeting with or otherwise observing any Merchants Ships or Vessels of His Majesties Subjects wearing such a Flag Iack or Ensign contrary hereunto whether at Sea or in Port not onely to cause such Flag Iack or Ensign to be forthwith Seised but to return the Names of the said Ships and Vessels together with the Names of their respective Masters unto the Lord High Admiral Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty or the Iudge of the High Court of Admiralty for the time being to the end the persons offending may be duly Punished for the same And His Majesty doth hereby Command and Enjoyn the Iudge and Iudges of the High Court of Admiralty for the time being that at the several Sessions to be hereafter held by His Majesties Commission of Oyer and Terminer for the Admiralty they give in Charge that strict enquiry be made of all Offences in the Premisses and that they cause all offenders therein to be duly punished And all Vice-Admirals and Iudges of Vice-Admiralties are also to do the same and to attend the due observation hereof within the several Ports and Places of their respective Precincts Given at Our Court at Whitehall the Eighteenth day of September 1674. In the Six and twentieth Year of Our Reign By His Majesties Command GOD SAVE THE KING ORDERS CONSTITUTIONS AND BY-LAWS Made by the Master VVardens and Assistants of the Guild Fraternity or Brotherhood of the most Glorious and Individable TRINITY AND OF St. CLEMENT in the Parish of Deptford-Strond in the County of Kent Touching the Conservation good Estate wholesome Government Maintenance and Encrease of the Navigation of this Kingdom and of the Mariners and Sea-faring Men within the same By Vertue of Several Charters and Letters Patents made unto the said Corporation by several KINGS and QUEENS of this Realm And Particularly of a Charter of Constitution and Confirmation of the same made by our most Gracious Sovereign JAMES the Second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. Dated the Eighth day of July in the First year of his Majesties Reign Orders Constitutions and By-Laws Made by the Master Wardens and Assistants of the Guild Fraternity or Brotherhood of the most Glorious and Individable Trinity and of St. Clement in the Parish of Deptford-Strond in the County of Kent IMprimis It is Ordered The Penalties of Masters Pilots and Seamen for not appearing at the Trinity-House upon Summons that if any Master or Pilot Mariner or Seaman belonging unto or taking charge of any Ship or Vessel within the River of Thames shall at any time be Summoned to come before this Corporation at any of their Courts holden at the Trinity-House or other usual place of their meeting and shall deny or refuse to appear upon any such summons lawful and reasonable excuses always excepted they shall forfeit and pay if a Master or Pilot for every such default thirteen-shillings and four pence and if a Mariner or Seaman for his first default two-shillings for his second three shillings and four pence to the use of the Poor of this Corporation and for the third offence both Master and Pilot Mariner and Seaman shall be further punished at the discretion of this Company the Fine not exceeding forty shillings for a Master or Pilot and twenty shillings for a Mariner II. Item The Penalty of Masters of Ships going to Sea without paying their Duties to the Trinity-House Whereas heretofore sundry Masters of Ships have gone to Sea without paying such Duties as they ought to have paid to this Corporation at the time of their going It is therefore ordered that whatsoever Master of a Ship shall from henceforth go to Sea before he hath paid all such Duties as he shall then owe to this Corporation they being of him demanded before his going shall at his next Return into the River of Thames pay double so much as he ought to have paid at his going to Sea over and besides the Duties which from him may grow due for the said Voyage at his Return III. Item It is ordered that from the time that any Ship or Vessel within the River of Thames The Penalty of a Master and other Officers for not giving their attendance on board as required or any Creek or Harbour of the same shall first receive into her any Merchants Goods to be transported into any parts beyond the Seas the Master or his Mate shall every day be aboard the said Ship or Vessel to see the said Merchants Goods safely taken in bestowed and placed within the said Ship if she shall be at Blackwall or above And likewise upon the Return of every Ship from their Voyages the Master or his Mate shall be aboard every day to see and provide that the Merchants Goods be orderly and safely delivered out of the said Ship if she shall be at Blackwal or above as aforesaid lawful and reasonable Excuses always excepted and if the said Ship shall be below Blackwall then the Master or his Mate shall be aboard three times in a week or every other day for the purposes aforesaid And for every time their neglecting so to do they shall forfeit and pay each of them to the use of the Poor of this Corporation the sum of six shillings and eight pence It is further order'd that the Mate Boatswain Gunner and Carpenter or two of themat least do constantly lye on board whilst the Ship shall have any goods remaining in her or shall forfeit and pay each of them for every such neglect to the use of of the Poor of this Corporation the sum of five shillings IV. Item Whereas by reason of Powder being taken aboard Ships before their departure out of the River of Thames The Penalty of taking or keeping Powder aboard but at such times and Places and by being kept aboard at their Return in the time of their unlading as also by the heating of Pitch Tar Rozine Grease Tallow Oyl c. aboard Ships there hath often happened great Losses by Fire to Merchants and Owners It is Order'd That no Ship outward bound do receive on board any Powder either for Merchandize or store for the Voyage before she shall be at or below Blackwall and not there till within twenty four hours before she shall set sail from thence to Gravesend and that every Ship homeward bound do put ashore her Powder as aforesaid at or before her arrival at Blackwall and that within twenty four hours if the Weather shall permit after her coming to an Anchor there or at the place of her unloading upon the penalty of the Master of every such ships forfeiting and paying to the use of the Poor of this Corporation for every time so offending
TRINITAS IN VNITATE THE ROYAL CHARTER OF CONFIRMATION Granted by His most Excellent MAJESTY King JAMES II. TO THE TRINITY-HOUSE OF DEPTFORD-STROND For the Government and Encrease of the Navigation of England and the Relief of poor Mariners their Widdows and Orphans c. LONDON Printed Anno 1685. THE Royal Charter OF CONFIRMATION Granted by His most Excellent Majesty King JAMES II. TO THE TRINITY-HOUSE OF DEPTFORD-STROND JAMES the Second By the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c To all to whom these Presents shall come Greeting Foundation of this Charter Whereas our well beloved Leiges and Subjects Shipmen and Mariners of this our Realm of England consisting of Master Wardens and Assistants of the Guild or Fraternity of the most glorious and undividable Trinity and of St. Clement in the Parish Church of Deptford Strond in our County of Kent are and have been of long time a Corporation and have enjoyed sundry Grants Liberties Priviledges and Immunities by force of divers Charters Former Charters and Letters Patents heretofore made unto them by several Kings and Queens of this Realm And Whereas the said Master Wardens and Assistants have humbly besought Us to Renew and Confirm their said Charters and to Grant unto them such further Authorities and Priviledges The Ends thereof as well for the good government and increase of the Navigation of this Kingdom as for the better ordering and establishing of the said Corporation and the releif of the poor Mariners their Widdows and Orphans as We in our Princely care should think meet Know ye therefore that We taking the premisses into our Royal consideration and well weighing how highly it imports the good state and welfare of this our Realm and of our good Subjects thereof and the encrease of Navigation that all disorders in the said Corporation should be redressed And out of an earnest desire that such good and decent orders may be established and practised in the said Corporation as may most tend to those ends for which the said Corporation was first instituted and to the promoting of the general good Have of our Especial Grace certain Knowledg and meer Motion Given Granted The Corporation confirmed and Confirmed and by these Presents for Us our Heirs and Successors do Give Grant and Confirm unto our said trusty and well beloved Subjects the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Guild or Fraternity of the most glorious and undividable Trinity and of St. Clement in the Parish Church of Deptford Strond in the said County of Kent That they from henceforth be and shall be called and accompted one body Corporate and Politick indeed and in name by the name of the Master Wardens and Assistants of the Guild Fraternity or Brotherhood of the most glorious and undividable Trinity and of St. Clement in the Parish of Deptford Strond in the County of Kent Their Name And them by the same name of the Master Wardens and Assistants of the Guild Fraternity or Brotherhood of the most glorious and undivided Trinity and of St. Clement in the Parish of Deptford Strond in the County of Kent We for Us our Heirs and Successors do erect make ordain constitute declare and confirm by these Presents one body Corporate and Politick indeed and in name And that by the said name of Master Wardens and Assistants of the Guild Fraternity or Brotherhood of the most glorious and undivided Trinity and of St. Clement in the Parish of Deptford Strond in the County of Kent they shall from henceforth have perpetual Succession Their Succession perpetual and that they and their Successors by the same name be and shall be at all times hereafter a body Corporate and Politick and Persons able and capable in Deed and in Law not only to have hold occupy possess enjoy and retain all and singular the Usuages Customs Liberties Old Rights continued Priviledges Jurisdictions Franchises Preheminences Benefits and Commodities whatsoever which they or their Predecessors by the same or any other name or names of like Corporation have heretofore had and enjoyed or at this present do hold and enjoy But also to have hold occupy purchase receive possess New allowed enjoy and retain any other Liberties Priviledges Jurisdictions Franchises Preheminences Benefits and Commodities of what kind nature or quality soever they shall be to them and their Successors for ever And also by the same name to have hold purchase receive take possess To hold Lands c. and enjoy And also to give grant demise alien assign and dispose Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and Goods and Chattels or any of them and to do and execute all and singular other thing and things whatsoever To plead and be impleaded And that they and their Successors by the same name may plead and be impleaded answer and be answered defend and be defended in all or any whatsoever Court or Courts Place or Places Jurisdiction or Jurisdictions and before whatsoever Judge Judges and Justices and other Persons and Officers in all and singular Actions and Plaints Pleas Suits Quarrels Causes and Demands whatsoever of whatsoever kind nature quality or sort in such manner and form and by all those ways and means and to such end and purpose as any other our Leige people of this our Realm of England being persons able and capable in Deed or Law may or can have hold purchase receive possess enjoy retain give grant demise alien assign and dispose plead and be impleaded answer and be answered defend and be defended or do permit and execute And that the said Master Wardens To have break and alter their common Seal and Assistants and their Successors or the greater part of them whereof the said Master for the time being to be always one may make or cause to be made and have for themselves a Common Seal to serve for all the Causes Business and Occasions of them and their Successors in that Corporation And that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Masters Wardens and Assistants and their Successors the same Seal to break again and from time to time at their will and pleasure to alter change and make new when and as often as to them or the greater part of them whereof the Master or the Masters Deputy for the time being to be always one shall seem convenient And further We will To have a Master and by these Presents for Us our Heirs and Successors do Ordain That there shall be from henceforth for ever One of the said Guild Fraternity or Brotherhood to be elected and appointed in such form as hereafter in these presents touching the same is expressed which shall be called the Master of the said Guild Fraternity or Brotherhood for the time being Four Wardens And that there shall be also from henceforth for ever Four of the said Guild Fraternity or Brotherhood to be elected and
a further confirmation and explanation thereof that we will be further pleased to give grant confirm and explain in all ample and beneficial manner unto the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the Trinity-House of Deptford Strond aforesaid and their Successors for ever the making erecting setting up placing and laying out continuing renewing and maintaining from time to time of all and every Beacon and Beacons Buoy and Buoyes Mark and Marks Sign and Signs for the Sea which at the time of the making the said Deed were or at any time hereafter shall be made erected set up placed or laid forth at the costs and charges of the said Master Wardens and Assistants or of their Successors in or upon the Sea and Places Navigable or Sea-shores Coast near the Sea or Vplands or Forelands of this Our Realm of England near unto the Sea or Seas of the same The Ballastage granted and confirmed to the Trinity-House Now know ye That We of Our special Grace certain knowledge and meer motion and for sundry good Reasons Causes and Considerations Us especially moving Have given granted confirmed ratified and approved and by these presents do for Us Our Heirs and Successors Give Grant Confirm Ratifie and approve unto our loving and faithful Subjects the Master Wardens and Assistants of the Trinity-House of Deptford Strond in Our County of Kent and to their Successors for ever the Lastage and Ballastage and Office of Lastage and Ballastage of all and all manner of Ships and other Vessels whatsoever coming or being or which hereafter at any time shall be coming floating lying or remaining issuing passing sailing or going in upon to or out of the River of the Thames or elsewhere betwixt the Bridge of the City of London and the Main Sea or any Wharf Bank Creek Coast Shore or any part of the same or near or adjoyning thereunto betwixt the Bridge of London aforesaid towards the West part and the said Main Sea towards the East part of what burthen soever such Ship Vessel or Vessels be or shall be and by what name or names soever and in what kind or kinds soever the such Ballastage or Lastage is or may be called reputed or known exercised or used And also the Beaconage and Buoyage and the Office of Beaconage and Buoyage The Beaconage and Buoyage also confirm'd to the Trinity-House and the making erecting setting up placing and laying out continuing renewing and maintaining from time to time and at all times at their Costs and Charges of all every and whatsoever Beacon and Beacons Buoy and Buoyes Mark and Marks Sign and Signs for the Sea in any and whatsoever place and Places in or upon the Sea Places Navigable and Channels for passing into or out of Havens or Rivers or Sea-shores Coasts near the Sea Vplands or Forelands or other Places of our Realm of England near unto the Sea or Seas of the same as to the said Master Wardens and Assistants or their Successors their Substitute or Substitutes Deputy or Deputies Assign or Assigns shall from time to time seem meet good necessary or convenient To enjoy the said Ballastage Beaconage and Buoyage for ever To have and to hold the said Ballastage and Lastage and Office of Ballastage and Lastage and the said Beaconage and Buoyage and Office of Beaconage and Buoyage and all and every other the premises heretofore in these presents mentioned to be given granted ratified and approved with all and every Fees Advantages Sallaries Profits Emoluments Commodities and Rights With all Fees Profits c. thereunto being Incidents and Appurtenances whatsoever to for out of or by reason of all or any of the premises any way due payable accustomed appertaining or belonging unto the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the Trinity-House of Deptford Strond aforesaid and their Successors for ever by themselves their Substitute or Substitutes Deputy or Deputies Assigne or Assigns to use exercise execute and enjoy for ever And all and every the said premises to hold of Us Our Heirs and Successors To hold them in free and common Soccage as of our Manor of East Greenwich in Our said County of Kent in free and common Soccage and not in Capite or by Knight-Service although express mention of the true yearly value or of any other value or other certainty of the premises or of any of them or of any Gifts or Grants by Us or any Our Progenitors unto the said Master Wardens and Assistants before this time made in these presents is not made Or any Statute Act Provisoe Ordinance or Restraint thereof or of any thing contained in these presents to the contrary made had Ordained or provided or any other want of Writ of Ad quod damnum or any other thing matter or Cause whatsoever in any wise notwithstanding In Witness whereof c. Witness Our Self at Westminster the Eleventh day of June in the Six and Thirtieth Year of our Reign Per Breve de privato Sigillo Powle Pro William Brenck THE GRANT OF King CHARLES II. In the 17. Year of His Reign OF THE BALLASTAGE In the RIVER of THAMES TO THE TRINITY-HOUSE CHARLES the Second by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To all whom these presents shall come Greeting Now whereas Our late Royal Predecessor Queen Elizabeth of happy memory by her Highness Letters Patents under her Great Seal of England bearing date at Westminster the eleventh day of June Q. Eliz. Grant of the Ballastage to the Trinity House recited in the Six and thirtieth year of her Reign did amongst other things give grant confirm ratifie and approve unto her loving and faithful Subjects the Master Wardens and Assistants of the Trinity House of Debtford-Strond in the County of Kent and to their Successors for ever The Lastage and Ballastage and Office of Lastage and Ballastage of all and all manner of Ships and other Vessels whatsoever coming and being or which then after at any time should be coming floating lying or remaining issuing passing sailing or going in upon to or out of the River of Thames or elsewhere betwixt the Bridge of the City of London and the Main Sea or any Wharf Bank Creek Coast Shore or any part of the same or near or adjoyning thereunto betwixt the Bridge of London aforesaid towards the West part and the Main Sea towards the East part of what burthen soever such Ship or Ships Vessel or Vessels were or should be and by what name or names soever and in what kind or kinds soever the said Ballastage or Lastage is or might be called reputed or known exercised or used To have and to hold amongst other things by the said Letters Patents granted the Ballastage and Lastage with all and every Fees Advantages Salaries Profits Emoluments Commodities and Rights incidents and appurtenances whatsoever to for or out of the premises any way due and payable accustomed appertaining or belonging
to the said Master Wardens and Assistants of Trinity House of Deptford Strond aforesaid and their Successors for ever by themselves their Substitute or Substitutes Deputy or Deputies Assign or Assigns to use exercise execute and enjoy for ever and all and every the said Premises to hold of her said Majesty her Heirs and Successors as of her Manor of East Greenwich in the said County of Kent in free and common Soccage and not in Capite nor by Knights service as in and by the said Letters Patents more at large may appear The Reason for granting the Ballastage to Collonel Carlos And whereas upon information given unto Us by Our trusty and well beloved Subject and Servant Colonel William Carlos of Brewed in the County of Stafford Esq That if we should grant the said Soil and Gravel of our said River of Thames for Ballasting of Ships that such our grant would not entrench upon or be prejudicial to the said Grant made to the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the Trinity House as aforesaid We did by Our Letters Patents under Our Great Seal of England bearing date at Westminster the Seventh day of February in the twelfth year of Our Reign grant The Grant thereof to Colonel Carlos recited demise and to farm let unto the said Colonel William Carlos his Executors Administrators and Assigns the Ballasting of all Ships and other Vessels whatsoever riding or being or then after to ride or be in the River of Thames in as large and ample manner to all intents constructions and purposes as we or any our Royal Progenitours or Predecessors Kings or Queens of this Realm or any Our or their Lord Admiral or Admirals of England for the time being or any others theretofore had granted or enjoyed the same or might should or ought to have had or enjoyed the same and also the Gravel Sand and Soil of the said River of Thames and every part and parcel thereof and the cleansing of the said River from Shelves and other annoyances And further We did by the said Indenture of Demise give and grant unto the said Colonel William Carlos his Executors Administrrtors and Assigns full power priviledge license and authority that he the said Collonel William Carlos his Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them by himself or by his or their Deputy or Deputies Agents Factors Workmen and Servants or any of them from time to time and at all times during the term in our said Indenture of Demise mentioned in all and every place and places whatsoever within the said River being to the damage and annoyance of the same at his their and every of their wills and pleasures should and might dig take up draw forth and raise for the better furnishing of Ships with Ballast the said Gravel and Sand and soil out of the said River by all such wayes and means as he they or any of them should think fit and the said Gravel and Soil so by him them or any of them raised and taken up to land and lay on Shore upon any of Our wast ground in all and every convenient place and places and to take off the same as his or their or any of their occasions should require and upon any Wharfs agreeing first with the Owners of the same and he the said Collonel William Carlos his Executors Administrators Deputies and Assigns solely and only to convert utter dispose and sell the said Gravel Sand and Soil to and for the Ballasting of all or any Ship or Ships Vessels and Boats whatsoever which should have occasion to take or use Ballast within the said River he the said Colonel Carlos his Executors Administrators Deputies and Assigns affording and selling the same at such reasonable and moderate rates and prizes as the River Ballast was then and had formerly been usually sold for ballasting of Ships And we did likewise by our said Indenture of Demise strictly will require and command all other person and persons Bodies Politick and Corporate whatsoever during the Term thereby granted to forbear to sell vend give or utter any Gravel Sand or Soil of the said River to or for the ballasting of any Ship or Ships or other Vessels within the said River without license first had and obtained in writing under the Hand and Seal of the said Colonel William Carlos his Executors Administrators or Assigns or his or their Deputy or Deputies or some of them upon pain of our High displeasure and such further pains penalties and punishments as by the Laws or Statutes of this Realm or otherwise should or might be inflicted on them for their contempt of Our Royal Pleasure and Commandment in the premises To have hold take and enjoy the said Ballasting of Ships and other Vessels the said Gravel and Soil of the said River and the cleansing thereof in as large and ample manner and form to all intent constructions and purposes whatsoever as We or any Our Royal Progenitours or Predecessors Kings or Queens of this Realm or any Our or their Lord Admiral or Admirals of England or any others had thentofore had granted or enjoyed the same or might should or ought to have had and enjoyed the same together with all and every the Licenses Powers Priviledges Authorities Profits Commodities and Advantages whatsoever for the cleansing of the said River as aforesaid and other the Premises unto him the said Colonel William Carlos his Executors Administrators and Assigns from the date of our said Letters Patents of Demise for and during the Term and unto the ful end and term of Thirty and one years from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended Yielding and paying therefore yearly and the said William Carlos for himself his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns did covenant promise and grant and agree to and with Us our Heirs and Successors by the said recited Indenture of Demise to pay unto Us our Heirs and Successors for and during the said Term of One and Thirty years the yearly rent or Sum of One thousand Marks of lawful Mony of England into the Receipt of Our Exchecquer at Westminster at the Feasts of St. John the Baptist and the Birth of our Lord God or within forty days next after the same Feast by even and equal Portions as in and by the said Indenture of Demise relation being thereunto had more at large appears And further reciting that whereas divers Suits by reason of Our said Indenture of Demise The Title to the Ballastage disputed between Trinity-House and Collonel Carlos decided by the King granted to the said Colonel William Carlos as aforesaid did after arise and were prosecuted in Our Name between the said Master Wardens and Assistants of Trinity House aforesaid and the said Collonel William Carlos touching the Right and Title to the Ballasting of Ships in the River of Thames and interest of the Sand Soil And Gravel of Our said River of Thames for the aforesaid use of
purpose shall and may demand levy and receive all Impositions Fines Forfeitures and Payments imposed or to be imposed by the said Master Wardens and Assistants and their Successors or payable or demandable by and from any Person or Persons by Vertue of these Presents at all times hereafter for ever In consideration of the growing Poverty of Seamen they have power of purchaseing in Mortmain to 500 l. per Annum And for as much as the Poverty of Mariners and Seamen belonging to the said Corporation is now much more encreased then hath been in former time and not able to be relieved from the Revenues of the Lands and Possessions of the said Corporation which now they have or were enabled to have purchased being so small in yearly value Therefore to the end that the said Master Wardens and Assistants and their Successors may be from henceforth the better enabled from time to time to bear and sustain their Charges and Expences drawn and occasioned by reason of their Corporation We of our Especial Grace certain Knowledge and meer Motion have given and granted and by these presents for Us our Heirs and Successors do give and grant unto the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the Guild Fraternity or Brotherhood of the most glorious and undivided Trinity and of St. Clement in the Parish of Deptford Strond in the County of Kent and their Successors full free especial and lawful License Power and Authority not only to retain possess and enjoy to their own proper use and behoof without any Accompt to be rendred made or given to Us Without account our Heirs or Successors in that behalf all and singular such Lands Tenements and Hereditaments Goods and Chattels as they have heretofore obtained purchas'd or had and do at present possess and enjoy by force and vertue of any other Letters Patents or Grant had and made to them by the name of any former Corporation by or from the said late Kings and Queens and according to the purport and true meaning thereof or otherwise howsoever But also to have receive and Purchase further to them and their Successors for ever of Us our Heirs and Successors or of any other Person or Persons whatsoever Manors Messuages Lands Tenements Rectories Tithes Rents Reversions and Services or any of them or any part or parcel of them or any of them and any other Possessions and Hereditaments whatsoever without License or Writ of ad quod dampnum so always as the said Manors Messuages Lands Tenements Tithes Rectories Rents Reversions Services Possessions and Hereditaments or such parts or parcels of them or any of them by the said Master Wardens and Assistants and their Successors so to be purchased obtained or had so as aforesaid do not exceed the clear yearly value of five hundred pounds by the year above all Charges Deductions and Reprises the Statute of not puting Lands and Tenements into Mortmaine or any other Statute Act Ordinance Provision or Restraint thereof heretofore had made ordained and provided or any other Cause thing or matter whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And we do further by these presents for Us our Heirs and Successors With Power to others to be benefactors to them in Mortmain to that Value give and Grant to all and every our Subject and Subjects whatsoever full Power License and Authority that they and every of them may at their Wills and and Pleasures give grant bargain set alien convey and assure unto the said Master Wardens and Assistants and their Successors Manors Messuages Lands Tenements Rectories Tythes Rents Reversions and Services or any parts or parcels of them or any of them and any other possessions and Hereditaments whatsoever so always as the said Manors Messuages Lands Tenements Rectories Tythes Rents Reversions Services Possessions and Hereditaments or any of them do not exceed the clear yearly Value of five hundred pounds above all Charges Deductions and Reprizes the said Statute of not putting Lands and Tenements in Mortmain or any other Act Statute Ordinace Provision or restraint to the contrary notwithstanding And further of our more especial Grace Certain Knowledge A Confirmation of all former Grants of Liberties Estates c. and meer Motion We have granted and confirmed and by these presents do for Us our Heirs and Successors grant and confirm unto the said Master Wardens and Assistants and their Successors all and all manner of Liberties Franchises Immunities Exemptions and Jurisdictions which the said Master Wardens and Assistants or any of them by what name or names so ever by Vertue of what Incorporation soever heretofore have had held used or enjoyed or ought to have had used and enioyed to them and their Successors for ever of an Estate of Inheritance by vertue or force of any Charters or Letters Patents by any of our Predecessors Kings or Queens of England or any other Person or Persons whatsoever by any manner of means heretofore made confirmed or granted or by any other means Right Custom Use Prescription or Title heretofore used had and accustomed to have and to hold to the said Master VVardens and Assistants and their Successors for ever to be held of Us our Heirs and Successors by such the same and the like Rents Services and Sums of Money as the same were formerly holden by and not otherwise Wherefore We will and do strictly Charge and Command for Us our Heirs With an Exemption from all Accounts for any thing claimed or done by them before the Date hereof and Successors that the said Master Wardens Assistants and their Successors shall and may have hold and enjoy for ever all the aforesaid Lands Tenements Liberties Authorities Jurisdictions and Franchises aforesaid according to the Tenor and Effect of these our Letters Patents without let or hindrance of Us our Heirs and Successors or of any Justices Sheriffs or other Bayliffs or Ministers of Us our Heirs and Successors whatsoever willing that neither the said Master VVardens and Assistants nor any of them by reason of the Premisses or any of them by Us our Heirs and Successors the Justices Sheriffs Escheators or other Bayliffs or Ministers of Us our Heirs and Successors whatsoever be thereof hindred molested vexed grieved or in any wise troubled Willing and by these presents charging and commanding as well our Treasurer Chancellor and Barons of our Exchequer at VVestminster and other the Justices of Us our Heirs and Successors as our Attorney and Sollicitor General for the time being and every of them and all other our Officers and Ministers whatsoever that neither they nor any of them do prosecute or continue or cause to be prosecuted or continued any Writ or Summons of Quo VVarranto or other Writ or Writs or Process whatsoever against the said Master VVardens and Assistants or any of them for any Cause Thing Matter Offence Claim or Usurpation or any of them claimed attempted used had or usurped before the making of these presents