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A39473 An exact abridgment of all the statutes of King William and Queen Mary now in force and use / by J. Washington.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Washington, Joseph, d. 1694. 1694 (1694) Wing E913; ESTC R23866 210,071 247

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or receiving any Pay Salary Fee or Wages as aforesaid or being Master Governor c. and others aforesaid neglecting so to do shall be ipso facto adjudged incapable to enjoy any such Office Pay Salary Fee or Wages Mastership Governors Place Headship Fellowship Employment or any Matter aforesaid of Profit appertaining thereunto and such Office and Place shall be adjudged void X. Barristers at Law Attornies Clerks and Officers in Chancery and other Courts and their Deputies or that shall Practise as such in Ireland after the last day of Hillary-Term next shall take the said Oaths and make and subscribe the said Declaration in the Kings Bench at Dublin before they be admitted to exercise any Place or Office or to Practise or Plead in any Court and all Persons that after the first day of March next shall be admitted into any Office or Employment or come into any Capacity by reason of which they should have been obliged to take the said abrogated Oaths shall take the said Oaths and make and subscribe the Declaration hereby appointed at such times and before such Persons as they ought to have taken the said former Oath by virtue of the said Act. XI No Person that is or shall be a Peer of Ireland shall Vote or make his Proxy in the House of Peers or sit there during any Debate nor shall any Member of the House of Commons vote or sit there during any Debate after the Speaker is chosen unless he first take the said Oaths and make subscribe and repeat this Declaration viz. I A. B. do solemnly and sincerely in the presence of God profess testifie and declare That I do believe that in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper there is not any Transubstantiation of the Elements of Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Christ at or after the Consecration thereof by any Person whatsoever and that the Invocation or Adoration of the Virgin Mary or any other Saint and the Sacrifice of the Mass as they are now used in the Church of Rome are Superstitious and Idolatrous And I do solemnly in the presence of God profess testifie and declare That I do make this Declaration and every part thereof in the plain and ordinary sense of the Words read unto me as they are commonly understood by Protestants without any Evasion Equivocation or mental Reservation whatsoever and without any Dispensation already granted me for this purpose from the Pope or any other Authority or Person whatsoever or without Dispensation from any Person or Authority whatsoever or without believing that I am or can be acquitted before God or Man or absolved of this Declaration or any part thereof although the Pope or any other Person or Persons or Power whatsoever should dispense with or annul the same or declare that it was null and void from the beginning XII Which said Oaths and Declaration shall in the next and every Parliament in Ireland be made and subscribed between 9 in the Morning and 4 in the Afternoon by the Peers at the Table in the middle of the House before they take their Place and whilst a full House is present and their Speaker in his Place and by the Members of the House of Commons at the Table in the middle of their House when a full House is sitting with their Speaker in his Chair in such method as each House is called over during which time all Business to cease and the Clerks are to Record the same taking of every Member of each House 1 s. XIII Peers and Members of the House of Commons Barristers at Law Attornies Clerks or Officers in Chancery or other Courts and Deputies in any Office offending contrary to this Act shall be disabled to hold any Office or Place of Profit or Trust Ecclesiastical Civil or Military there or here or in any of their Majesties Islands or Plantations and shall be disabled to sit in Parliament or make a Proxy or to sue at Law or in Equity or to be Guardian or Executor or Administrator or to take a Legacy or Deed or Gift and shall forfeit 500 l. to be recovered by them that will sue for the same XIV The Oaths required to be taken by this Act are these viz. I A. B. do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true Allegiance to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary So help me God I A. B. do swear That I do from my Heart abhor detest and abjure as Impious and Heretical that damnable Doctrin and Position That Princes excommunicated and deprived by the Pope or any Authority of the See of Rome may be deposed or murthered by their Subjects or any other whatsoever And I do declare That no Foreign Prince Person Prelate State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction Power Superiority Preheminence or Authority Ecclesiastical or Spiritual within this Realm So help me God XV. This Act shall not extend to any now Chaplain Secretary or Attendant to any of their Majesties Ambassadors Envoys or Ministers in any foreign Courts or Preacher to any English Factory or to any Chaplains in their Majesties Service by Sea or Land out of Ireland so as they take the said Oaths and make and subscribe the said Declaration within three months after their return nor to any Protestant now in Office or Place of Trust or Profit out of Ireland or England who shall return into Ireland and take the same before the 25th of December 1692. in the Kings Bench there the next Term after their arrival there XVI Archbishops and Bishops of Ireland and others having any Ecclesiastical Office or Promotion or being a Lecturer or Curate there that shall be in England the first day of Hillary-Term 1691. shall take the said Oaths and make and subscribe the said Declaration before the end of the said Term in the Chancery or Court of Kings Bench here and again before the 25th day of July 1692. in the Chancery or Court of Kings Bench there as aforesaid and if they neglect or refuse so to do they shall be ipso facto deprived and become incapable to be Lecturers or Curates any where and all other the Persons above mentioned who shall be here on the first day of the said Hillary-Term shall take the said Oaths and make and subscribe the said Declaration in Chancery or the Kings Bench in England or elsewhere shall be adjudged ipso facto incapable and disabled to hold and enjoy such Office pay c. Imployment or any part of them which taking the said Oaths c. in England shall be as effectual as if they had taken the same in Ireland XVII This Act shall not extend to disable any Persons who on the third of October 1691. were residing in Lymerick or in any Garrison then in the possession of the Irish or any Officers or Souldiers then in Arms by virtue of any Commission from the late King James or any commissioned Officers then in their
declare That it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take up Arms against the King and that I do abhor that traiterous Position of taking Arms by his Authority against his Person or against those that are commissioned by him Shall not from henceforth be required or enjoyned XII The Oaths required and intended by this Act are in these Words following viz. I A. B. do sincerely promise and swear That I will be faithful and bear true Allegiance to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary So help me God c. I A. B. do swear That I do from my Heart abhor detest and abjure as impious and heretical that Damnable Doctrin and Position That Princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope or any Authority of the See of Rome may be deposed or murthered by their Subjects or any other whomsoever And I do declare That no Foreign Prince Person Prelate State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction Power Superiority Pre-eminence or Authority Ecclesiastical or Spiritual within this Realm So help me God c. XIII The Names of Persons and Officers that shall take the said Oaths in the Chancery Kings Bench or Quarter-Sessions shall in the said respective Courts be inroll'd with the day and time of their taking the same The Rolls for the Court of Chancery to be publickly hung up in the Petty-bag-Office for the Kings Bench in the Crown Office and in some publick place in every Quarter-Sessions every Term and every Quarter-Sessions No Fee or Reward above 12 d. to be given to any Officer belonging to any of the said Courts for such Entries XIV Whereas since the 11th day of December 1688. the said abrogated Oaths could not be taken by Persons elected into Offices of Magistracy Places of Trust c. Be it enacted That if any such Officer shall before the first of August 1689. take the Oaths herein mentioned and required before such Persons who ought to have administred the said Abrogated Oaths the same shall be adjudged as good and effectual as if he had taken the said Abrogated Oaths XV. And whereas since the Feast of St. Michael last past divers Persons have been admitted into Offices Imployments or Places of Trust and could not take the said Abrogated Oaths and subscribe the Declaration at such time and in such manner as is appointed by the Act of 25 Car. 2. Entituled An Act for preventing of Dangers that may happen from Popish Recusants Be it enacted That if any such Person shall before the end of Trinity-Term next in the Chancery or Kings Bench or before the first of August 1689. at the Quarter-Sessions c. take the Oaths hereby appointed to be taken and repeat and subscribe the said Declaration and take the Sacrament according to the usage of the Church of England and procure Certificate thereof as by the said Act is directed that such Person shall be indemnified from any Penalty or Disability that he might have incurred by the said Act. XVI It shall be left to the King to allow to such of the Clergy as shall refuse the Oaths prescribed by this Act as he shall think fit not exceeding twelve an allowance out of their Ecclesiastical Benefices c. for their Subsistence not exceeding a third part to continue during the Kings Pleasure XVII Stat. 1 W. M. Sess 1. cap. 25. If any Commission for Military Imployment shall be granted to any Person at more than twenty Miles distance from London such Persons may take the Oaths and make and subscribe the Declaration mentioned in an Act of this present Session of Parliament Entituled An Act for the abrogating the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance and appointing other Oaths at the next Muster after the receipt of the said Commission before the Commissary of the Musters or his Deputy who shall send up a Certificate thereof under his Hand and Seal to the Person who issued such Commission XVIII If any Person receiving such Commission shall refuse to take the said Oaths c. he shall not be allowed upon the Musters but his Commission shall be void XIX Nothing in this Act contain'd shall extend to the Militia Papists I. STat. 1 W. M. Sess 1. cap. 9. The Lord Mayor of London for the time being and every Justice of Peace of London and for Westminster and Southwark and of the Counties of Middlesex Surry Kent and Sussex within their respective Limits shall cause to be brought before him every Person not being a Merchant Foreigner within the said Cities or within ten miles of the same as are reputed to be Papists and tender them the Declaration mentioned in the Statute of 30 Car. 2. Entituled An Act for the more effectual preserving the Kings Person and Government c. And if any such Person after refusal to make and subscribe the same shall continue to be within the said City or Cities or within ten miles distant from the same he or she shall forfeit and suffer as a Popish Recusant convict II. The Justices of Peace shall certifie the Subscriptions taken before them by virtue of this Act and the Names of Refusers upon tender under their Hands and Seals into the Court of Kings Bench the next Term or else at the next Quarter-Sessions and if Persons so refusing and certified shall not within the next Term or Sessions after such refusal appear in the Court of Kings Bench or Sessions and in open Court make and subscribe the said Declaration and indorse his so doing upon the Certificate they shall be adjudged from the time of such their refusal as Popish Recusants convict III. This Act shall not extend to such as use any Trade or Manuel Occupation nor to such as within six months before the 13th of Febr. 1688. had their places of abode within the said Cities or ten miles compass not having any place of abode elsewhere so as before the said first day of August 1689. they certifie their Names Additions and Places of Abode at the Sessions of the Peace to be held for the said respective Cities Counties or Places the Clerk of the Peace to take but 2 d. for the entry of such Name Addition and Place of Abode IV. Nothing in this Act shall have any effect upon such Foreigners as are or shall be menial Servants to Ambassadors or Publick Agents V. Foreigners Servants to the Queen Dowager are likewise excepted not exceeding the number of thirty at any one time VI. Stat. 1 W. M. Sess 1. cap. 15. It shall be lawful for any two or more Justices of the Peace who shall know or suspect any Person to be a Papist or shall be so informed to tender to such Person the Declaration expressed in an Act of Parliament made Anno 30 Car. 2. Entituled An Act for the more effectual preserving the Kings Person and Government c. And if such Person shall not make and subscribe the said Declaration or shall refuse to appear upon notice left at his Place
the two Houses of Parliament should continue to sit and with their Majesties Royal Concurrence make effectual Provision for the Settlement of the Religion Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom so that the same for the future might not be in danger again of being subverted to which the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons did agree and proceed to act accordingly Now in pursuance of the Premisses the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled for the ratifying confirming and establishing the said Declaration and the Articles Cla●ses Matters and Things therein contained by the force of a Law made in due form by Authority of Parliament do pray that it may be declared and enacted That all and singular the Rights and Liberties asserted and claimed in the said Declaration are the true ancient and indubitable Rights and Liberties of the People of this Kingdom and so shall be esteemed allowed adjudged deemed and taken to be and that all and every the particulars aforesaid shall be firmly and strictly holden and observed as they are expressed in the said Declaration and all Officers and Ministers whatsoever shall serve their Majesties and their Successors according to the same in all Times to come And the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons seriously considering how it hath pleased Almighty God in his marvellous Providence and merciful Goodness to this Nation to provide and preserve their said Majesties Royal Persons most happily to Reign over us upon the Throne of their Ancestors for which they render unto him from the bottom of their Hearts their humblest Thanks and Praises do truly firmly assuredly and in the sincerity of their Hearts think and do hereby recognize acknowledge and declare That King James II. having abdicated the Government and their Majesties having accepted the Crown and Royal Dignity as aforesaid their said Majesties did become were are and of Right ought to be by the Laws of this Realm our Soveraign Liege Lord and Lady King and Queen of England France and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging in and to whose Princely Persons the Royal State Crown and Dignity of the said Realms with all Honours Stiles Titles Regalities Prerogatives Powers Jurisdictions and Authorities to the same belonging and appertaining are most fully rightfully and intirely invested and incorporated united and annexed And for preventing all Questions and Divisions in this Realm by reason of any pretended Titles to the Crown and for preserving a certainty in the Succession thereof in and upon which the Unity Peace Tranquility and Safety of this Nation doth under God wholly consist and depend The said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons do beseech their Majesties that it may be enacted established and declared That the Crown and Regal Government of the said Kingdoms and Dominions with all and singular the Premisses thereunto belonging and appertaining shall be and continue to their said Majesties and the Survivor of them during their Lives and the Life of the Survivor of them and that the entire perfect and full exercise of the Regal Power and Government be only in and executed by his Majesty in the Names of both their Majesties during their joynt Lives and after their deceases the said Crown and Premisses shall be and remain to the Heirs of the Body of her Majesty and for default of such Issue to Her Royal Highness the Princess ANNE of Denmark and the Heirs of her Body and for default of such Issue to the Heirs of the Body of his said Majesty and thereunto the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons do in the Name of all the People aforesaid most humbly and faithfully submit themselves their Heirs and Posterities for ever and do faithfully promise That they will stand to maintain and defend their said Majesties and also the Limitation and Succession of the Crown herein specified and contained to the utmost of their Powers with their Lives and Estates against all Persons whatsoever that shall attempt any thing to the contrary And whereas it hath been found by Experience that it is inconsistent with the safety and welfare of this Protestant Kingdom to be governed by a Popish Prince or by any King or Queen marrying a Papist the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons do farther pray that it may be enacted That all and every Person and Persons that is are or shall be reconciled to or shall hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome or shall Profess the Popish Religion or shall Marry a Papist shall be excluded and be for ever uncapable to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same or to have use or exercise any Regal Power Authority or Jurisdiction within the same and in all and every such Case or Cases the People of these Realms shall be and are hereby absolved of their Allegiance and the said Crown and Government shall from time to time descend to and be enjoyed by such Person or Persons being Protestants as should have inherited and enjoyed the same in case the said Person or Persons so reconciled holding Communion or Professing or Marrying as aforesaid were naturally dead And that every King and Queen of this Realm who at any time hereafter shall come to and succeed in the Imperial Crown of this Kingdom shall on the first day of the meeting of the first Parliament next after His or Her coming to the Crown sitting in His or Her Throne in the House of Peers in the presence of the Lords and Commons therein assembled or at His or Her Coronation before such Person or Persons who shall administer the Coronation Oath to Him or Her at the time of His or Her taking the said Oath which shall first happen make subscribe and audibly repeat the Declaration mentioned in the Statute made in the thirteenth year of the Reign of King Charles II. Entituled An Act for the more effectual preserving the Kings Person and Government by disabling Papists from sitting in either House of Parliament But if it shall happen that if such King or Queen upon His or Her Succession to the Crown of this Realm shall be under the Age of twelve years then every such King or Queen shall make subscribe and audibly repeat the said Declaration at His or Her Coronation or the first day of the meeting of the first Parliament as aforesaid which shall first happen after such King or Queen shall have attained the said age of twelve years All which their Majesties are contented and pleased shall be declared enacted and established by Authority of this present Parliament and shall stand remain and be the Law of this Realm for ever and the same are by their said Majesties by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same declared enacted and established accordingly And be it
the Quorum shall set prices of Coals to be sold by Retail And if any Ingrosser or Retailer of Coals refuse to sell as aforesaid the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Justices of Peace respectively shall impower whom they think fit to enter into any place where such Coals are stored up and in case of refusal taking a Constable to force Entrance and to sell the said Coals at the prices set as aforesaid rendring the Money to the Owner Charges deducted This Act to continue for 3 years and to the end of the next Session of Parliament No person sued by virtue of this Act shall be sued upon any other for the same Offence and if any Action be prosecuted for any thing done by colour hereof the Defendant may plead the General Issue and give the Special Matter in Evidence and if the Verdict be found for him or the Plaintiff become Nonsuit he shall recover his Damages and double Costs No Person having any Interest in a Wharf used for Coals or Trading in Coals in his own or any others name or engrossing the same in order to sell them shall intermeddle in the setting the price of Coals Continuance I. Stat. 4. 5. W. M. cap. 24. Entituled An Act for Providing Carriages by Land and by Water for the use of His Majesties Navy and Ordnance shall be in force for Seven years from the 13th day of February 1692. and from thence to the end of the First Session of Parliament then next ensuing II. An Act Entitused An Act for encouraging of Coynage made in the 18th Year of King Charles 2. And another Act made in the 25th Year of the same King Entituled An Act for continuing a former Act concerning Coynage shall be in force from the 13th Day of February 1692 and to the end of the First Session of Parliament then next ensuing III. An Act made in the 2●th and 23th Years of the Reign of the same King Entituled An Act for the better and more certain recovery of Fines and Forfeitures due to His Majesty shall be in force and is hereby made perp●tual IV. All Officers to whom it belongeth to make returns of Estreats into the Court of Exchequer shall upon the delivery in of all and every such Estreat and Estreats take this Oath viz. You shall Swear that these Estrates now by you delivered are trult and carefully made up and examined and that all Fines Issues Americaments Recognizances and Forfeitures which were Set Lost Imposed or Forfeited and in right and due course of Law ought to be estreated into the Court of Exchequer are to the best of your Knowledge and Understanding therein contained And that in the same Estreats are also contained and expressed all such Fines as have been paid into the Court from which the said Estreats are made without any wilful or fraudalent Discharge Omission Misnomer or Defect whatsoever So help you God Which Oath any of the Barons of the Exchequer shall Administer V. An Act made in the 22th and 23th Year of the same King Entituled An Act to prevent the Planting of Tobacco in England and for Regulating the Plantation Trade shall be in full force for Seven Years from the said 13th Day of February 1692. and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament VI. An Act made in the 19th Year of the same King Entituled An Act for Assigning Orders in the Exchequer shall be in force for Seven years from the said 13th Day of February 1692. and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament VII Whereas an Act made in the 22th and 23th years of the same King Entituled An Act to revice an Act Entituled An Act to prevent the disturbance of Seamen and others and to preserve the Stores belonging to His Majesties Navy Royal with some Alterations and Additions was by an Act made in the 1st Year of the Reign of the late K. James Enacted to be in force for Seven years and from thence to the end of the 1st Session of the next Parliament The said last mentioned Act shall be continued for Seven years from the said 13th of February 1692. and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament VIII An Act made in the 22d and 23d of the said K. C. 2. Entituled An Act to prevent Frauds in the buying and selling of Cattle in Smithfield and elsewhere together with a Proviso in an Act made the 1st year of the late K. James for the Reviving and Continuance thereof That the said Act should not extend to Salesmen or Factors employed by Farmers or Feeders shall be in force for Seven years from the 13th of February 1692. and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament IX An Act made in the 1st year of Their Majesties Reign Entituled An Act for the better preventing the Exportation of Wooll and encouraging the Woollen Manufacture of this Kingdom except such part thereof as relates to the free Exportation of the Woollen Manufacture shall be in force for Three years from the said 13th day of February 1692. and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament X Provided that no Wooll shall be Imported from Ireland into the Port of Exeter any thing in this or any former Act to the contrary notwithstanding XI An Act made the 13th and 14th years of the late King Charles 2. Entituled An Act for the better relief of the Poor of this Kingdom as to all Parts other then what relates to the Corporations thereby Constituted shall be in force for Seven years from the said 13th of February 1692. and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament XII An Act made in the 30th year of the late K. Charles 2. Entituled An Act to enable Creditors to recover their Debts of the Executors and Administrators of Executors in their own wrong shall be perpetual XIII And further Executors and Administrators of Executors or Administrators of Right who shall waste or convert to their own Use the Goods or Estate of his Testator or Intestate shall be chargeable as their Testator or Intesta●e should or might have been XIV If any Woman hath been or shall be Convicted of any Felony for which a Man might have the Benefit of Clergy and hath once had or shall have the Benefit of an Act made at the last Session of this present Parilament E●●●ed A● Act to take away Clergy from some Offenders and to being others to punishment and shall be again Convicted of any other Felony such Woman thall be totally excluded from having any other benefit of the said Act. XV. The said last mentioned Act to continue for Three years from the said 13th of February 1692. and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament XVI An Act made in the 13th and 14th years of the Reign of the late King Charles 2. Entituled An Act for preventing abuses in Printing Seditions Treasonable and Unlicensed
and the said Act and all Clauses therein shall be of force until the said 24th of June 1696. LII And the Rates and Duties for all sorts of Tobacco granted by an Act made in the 1st year of the said K. James shall be continued in like manner And the said last mentioned Act shall be of force till then LIII Provided that this Act shall not extend to repeal or alter an Act made in the 1st year of Their Majesties Reign Entituled An Act for prohibiting all Trade and Commerce with France LIV. It shall be lawful to advance as well upon the security of this Act as upon the security of the said two former Acts from and after the payment of the Sum of 600000 l. to the States General of the United Provinces any Sum or Sums of Money at the Interest of 8 l. per Cent. LV. All Monies c. as in Paragraph 47. LVI If several Tallies c. as in Paragraph 48. LVII Nor shall it be c. as in Paragraph 49. LVIII Moneys due c. as in Paragraph 50. LIX Nothing in this Act shall extend to defeat or obstruct the Provision made by an Act in the 1st year of Their Majesties Reign for payment of Wages due to the Servants of the late K. Charles II. in such manner as by the said Act is directed LX. Stat. 4 5 W. M. c. 5. There shall be paid to Their Majesties over and above the Duties already payable LXI For every 100 l. value of Amber Beads imported after the 1st day of March 1692. and before the 1st of March 1696. 20 l. for Amber rough 10 l. for every 100 l. value for Amber-Oyl 10 l. for every 100 l. value LXII For Anchovies the little Barrel not exceeding sixteen pounds of Fish for every 100 l. value 5 l. LXIII For Wood Weed or Sope-Ashes 6 s. the Last LXIV For Barbers Aprons and Cheques 8 d. the Piece LXV For every 100 weight of Battery Bashrones or Kettles containing 112 pounds 5 s. LXVI For every such 100 weight of Mettle prepared for Battery 5 s. LXVII For every such 100 weight of Books unbound 4 s. LXVIII For Lamp-black 20 l. for every 100 l. value LXXIX For Boutel Reins 10 l. for every 100 l. value LXX For every Gross of Bracelets or Neck laces of Glass 2 s. 6 d. LXXI For Brass wrought 5 l. for every 100 l. value LXXII For Buckrums 5 l. for every 100 l. value LXXIII For Hair-buttons 10 l. for every 100 l. value LXXIV For Bristles drest and undrest 5 l. for every 100 l. value LXXV For every pound of Bacon 4 d. LXXVI For Calves Skins 5 l. for every 100 l. value LXXVII For Carpets 5 l. for every 100 l. value LXXVIII For every Gross of Catlings and Lutestrings 18 d. LXXIX For Scotch Coals 5 l. for every 100 l. value LXXX For every 1000 of walking Canes 25 s. LXXXI For Canes called Rattans 5 s. the 1000. LXXXII For every 100 weight of Cast-Copper containing 112 pounds 7 s. 6 d. LXXXIII For every 100 weight of Copper part wrought or raised containing 112 pounds 12 s. 6 d. LXXXIV For every such 100 weight of Copper fully wrought 17 s. 6 d. LXXXV For Coral Beads and all polish'd Coral 20 l. for every 100 l. value LXXXVI For all Manufactures of Cotton only Except Dimity not brought from East-India or China 5 l. for every 100 l. value LXXXVII For every 100 l. value of Couries 10 l. LXXXVIII For Elephants Teeth 10 l. for every 100 l. value LXXXIX For Flax rough 5 l. for every 100 l. value XC For Flax dressed or wrought 15 l. for every 100 l. value XCI For every 100 l. value of Tow 5 l. XCII For every Yard of Flannel 2 d. XCIII For every Yard of Frieze 3 d. 2 q. XCIV For every 100 l. value of Furs 5 l. XCV For Gold and Silver Thread and Wire 5 l. for every 100 l. value XCVI For every pound of Goats Hair called Carmenia Wooll 4 d. XCVII For every pound of Goats Hair of any other sort 2 d. XCVIII For Hides of all sorts drest and underst except Buff and Losh 5 l. for every 100 l. value XCIX For every Buff-hide 2 s. C. For every Losh-hide 1 s. CI. For Hemp rough 5 l. for every 100 l. value CII For Jewels and pretious Stones 20 s. for every 100 l. value upon the Importer's Oath in lieu of all Duties now payable for the same CIII For every pound of Indico of foreign Plantation not being of the Growth of any the Dominions or Plantations belonging to the Crown of England 4 d. CIV For every pound of Indico of the Growth of our own Plantations 2 d. CV For all Iron Iron-pots Kettles c. and all other Iron Wares imported from Ireland the same Duties as are laid on Iron and Iron Wares imported from any foreign Part by an Act of the Second Year of Their Majesties Reign Entituled An Act for granting to Their Majesties certain Impositions upon all East-India Goods and Manufactures c. CVI. For Latten shaven black Latten and round Bottoms 10 l. for every 100 l. value CVII For Leather of all sorts 5 l. for every 100 l. value CVIII For all Lime and Lemmon-Juice 20 l. for every 100 l. value CIX For Litmus 5 l. for every 100 l. value CX For all Lapis Calaminaris 20 s. for every Tun. CXI For Madder 5 l. for every 100 l. value CXII For Orchal 5 l. for every 100 l. value CXIII For Pintadoes not brought from East-India or China 5 l. for every 100 l. value CXIV For Pitch not being of the Product of the Dominions or Plantations of the Crown of England or Scotland one Moiety more then is charged in the Book of Rates CXV For all sorts of Plate of Silver gilt or ungilt 5 l. for every 100 l. value CXVI For Rice 5 l. for every 100 l. value CXVII For Rosin except French Rosin not being of the Product or Plantations belonging to the Crown of England or Scotland 10 l. for every 100 l. value CXVIII For every Weight of Salt except such as shall be used in curing Fish 5 s. CXIX For Silk thrown of all sorts in the Gum 5 l. for every 100 l. value CXX For every pound of Silk wrought other then Alamodes and Lutestrings 2 s. more then the same is already charged in the Book of Rates or by an Act in the Second year of Their Majesties Reign Entituled An Act for Granting to Their Majesties certain Impositions upon all East-India Goods c. CXXI For Silk-ferret or Floret one Moiety more then the same is charged with in the Book of Rates CXXII For Skins of all sorts 5 l. for every 100 l. value CXXIII For all Tarr not being of the Product of the Dominions or Plantations belonging to the Crown of England or Scotland one Moiety more then is charged in the Book of Rates CXXIV For Ticks and Tickings except Scottish 5
custody or stood upon Bail on the said 13th day of February shall be proceeded against as if the said Crimes had been committed before the said 11th day of December and all Persons for any Matter arisen since the said 11th day of December and before the said 13th day of February shall be liable to any Action and it shall be sufficient in all Indictments and Informations for any such Crimes and in all Actions and Declarations for any such Cause to alledge the Year of our Lord instead of the Year of the King and in such Indictments Informations or Actions wherein Conclusions used to be contra Pacem Domini Regis to conclude contra Pacem Regni and Indictments for Felonies committed within that time shall be good having the words contra Pacem Regni though the words Domini Regis Coronam Dignitatem be omitted X. Recognizances Statutes and Obligations made since the said 11th day of December and before the said 13th day of February in the Name of and to the late King James II. shall be good and may be sued in their Majesties Names and all Persons who were bound by Recognizance to the said late King to appear in the Court of Kings Bench at any time in Hill Term or at the next Assizes Oyer and Terminer General Gaol-delivery or of the Peace shall be obliged to appear in the said Court of Kings Bench on the first day of Easter-Term 1689. and at the next Assizes Sessions of Oyer and Terminer c. under the Penalty of forfeiting the said Recognizance c. XI Writs and Process issuing out of any of the Courts of Westminster as of Mich. Term 1688. that have been executed before they were returnable and all Bills Plaints Judgments and Proceedings in any Inferior Court and Executions thereupon since the said 11th day of December and before the said 13th day of February shall be good as if the said late King had continued so XII Bail Bonds taken by Sheriffs c. though not lawfully qualified since the first day of November 1687. and Recognizances of Bail taken since the said 11th day of December before any Person who upon the first day of December last was Justice of the Kings Bench Common Pleas or Baron of the Exchequer shall be good and may be inroll'd in Easter-Term 1689. and all Commitments to prison on any Writ or Process by the said Judges since the said 11th day of December shall be good in Law XIII No part of the time from the 10th of December 1688. until the 12th of March 1688. shall be accounted as part of the six months from the time of the avoidance of any Church in which any Person is bound to bring his darrein Presentment or Quare impedit or as any part of the time in which any Person by virtue of any Statute of Limitation ought to bring his Action Iudgments I. Stat. 4 5 W. M. cap. 20. The Clerk of the Essoins of the Court of Common Pleas every Clerk of the Doggets of the Court of Kings Bench and the Master of the Office of Pleas in the Exchequer shall before the end of every Easter-Term put into an Alphabetical Dogget by the Defendants Names a particular of all Judgments for Debt by Confession non sum Informatus or nihil dicit entred in the said respective Courts of the Term of St. Hillary preceding containing the Names of the Plaintiffs and Defendants their Places of Abode Title Trade or Profession if any such be in the Record and the Debt Damages and Costs recovered thereby and where the Actions were laid and the Number-roll of the Entry thereof and every Clerk of the Judgments and other Clerk of the Courts of Common Pleas and Kings Bench shall within ten days before the said time bring to the Clerks of the Doggets Notes in Writing of all the Judgments by them entred of the said Term of St. Hillary upon Verdicts Writs of Enquiry Demurrer and every other Judgment for Debt or Damages in all things as aforesaid and that the Clerk of the Judgments and every other Clerk of the Exchequer shall within the time aforesaid bring unto the Master of the Office or Pleas the like Note in Writing of all the like Judgments by him entred to the end they may be respectively entred and the respective Officers and Clerks shall before the last day of the Term of St. Michael make the like Doggets containing all Judgments of the Terms of Easter and Trinity in all things as aforesaid and before the last day of every Hillary-Term the like Doggets of Judgments in Michaelmass-Term The said Doggets to be kept in Books in Parchment to be searched and viewed by all Persons at reasonable times paying for every Terms search 4 d. and no more on pain that every Clerk of the Essoins of the Court of Common Pleas Clerk of the Doggets of the Kings Bench and Master of the Office of Pleas in the Exchequer and every Clerk before-mentioned shall for every Term in which he shall neglect his Duty forfeit 100 l. one moiety to the Party grieved and the other moiety to the Prosecutor II. No Judgment not doggetted as aforesaid shall affect any Lands as to Purchasers or Mortgagees or have any preference against Heirs Executors or Administrators in the administration of their Ancestors Testators or Intestates Estates III. The Plaintiffs in every of the said Judgments shall pay to the Clerks of the Judgments for every Judgment entring 4 d. over and above the Fees now due IV. This Act to continue for one year from the 25th day of March 1693. and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament King and Queen I. STat. 2 W. M. Sess 1. cap. 1. The Lords and Commons publish declare and enact in Parliament that they do recognize and acknowledge that their Majesties are and of Right ought to be by the Laws of this Realm their Soveraign Liege Lord and Lady King and Queen of England France and Ireland c. in and to whose Princely Persons the Royal State Crown and Dignity of the said Realms with all Honors Prerogatives c. are fully rightfully and entirely invested incorporated united and annexed II. All and singular the Acts made in the Parliament assembled the 13th day of Febr. 1688. were and are the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom and as such ought to be reputed taken and obeyed Leather I. STat. 1. W. M. Sess 1. cap. 23. Whereas an Act made in the 20th year of King Charles II. Entituled An Act for giving liberty to buy and export Leather and Skins tanned or dressed was revived by another Act made in the first year of the Reign of the late King James II. Entituled An Act for reviving a former Act for exporting Leather which Act will expire at the end of this Sessions Be it enacted that the said two Acts be revived and continue in force from the end of this Session of Parliament for seven
provide each their Souldier with pay in Hand not exceeding one Months Pay as if all the Pay before advanced and provided had been re-imbursed Oaths I. Stat. 1 W. M. Sess 1. cap. 6. The Oath herein after mentioned shall be administred to King William and Queen Mary at the time of their Coronation viz. The Archbishop or Bishop shall say Will you solemnly promise and swear to Govern the People of this Kingdom of England and the Dominions thereunto belonging according to the Statutes in Parliament agreed on and the Laws and Customs of the same The King and Queen shall say I solemnly promise so to do Archbishop or Bishop Will you to your Power cause Law and Justice in mercy to be executed in all your Judgments King and Queen I will Archbishop or Bishop Will you to the utmost of your Power maintain the Laws of God the true Profession of the Gospel and the Protestant reformed Religion established by Law And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of this Realm and to the Churches committed to their charge all such Rights and Priviledges as by Law do or shall appertain unto them or any of them King and Queen All this I promise to do After this the King and Queen laying his and her Hand upon the Holy Gospels shall say King and Queen The Things which I have here before promised I will perform and keep So help me God Then the King and Queen shall kiss the Book II. The said Oath shall be in like manner administred to every King or Queen who shall succeed III. Stat. Anno 1 W. M. Sess 1. cap. 8. Henceforth no Persons shall be obliged to take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy or either of them by force of the Acts of 1 Eliz. or 3 Jac. or any other Statute and the said Oaths are hereby abrogated II. The Oaths appointed by this present Act to be taken and the Declaration appointed by this Act to be made c. shall be taken made repeated and subscribed by such as were required by any Act to take the said abrogated Oaths or either of them before such Persons as hereafter is expressed viz. Archbishops and Bishops and all above the Degree of a Baron of Parliament in the Court of Chancery or Kings Bench between the hours of 9 and 12 in the Forenoon before the end of Trin. Term next or at the General Quarter-Sessions for that County or Place where they shall be or reside between the said hours before the first day of August next IV. Other such Persons shall take the said Oaths and make and subscribe the said Declaration before such Persons as by any Act were authorized to tender the said abrogated Oaths V. All Persons other than such concerning whom other provision shall be made in this Act or Session of Parliament that shall be admitted into any Office or Imployment Ecclesiastical or Civil or come into any capacity by reason whereof they should have been obliged to take the said abrogated Oaths or either of them shall take the Oaths hereby appointed in such manner as they ought to have taken the former Oaths and under the same Penalties Forfeitures Disabilities and incapacities VI. If any Person now having any such Office or Imployment neglect or refuse to take the said Oaths before the first day of August next or sooner if required by order of Council such Office and Imployment shall be void VII Archbishops or Bishops and other Persons now having any Ecclesiastical Dignity Benefice c. neglecting or refusing to take the said Oaths before the first day of August next shall be suspended for six months from the said first of August and if they shall not within the said space of six months take the said Oaths they shall be ipso facto deprived and are hereby adjudged to be deprived VIII Governors Heads or Fellows of Colledges or Halls in either University or of any other Colledge Masters of Hospitals or Schools Professors of Divinity Law Physick or other Science in either University or in London neglecting or refusing as aforesaid before the first day of August next shall be suspended six months to be accounted as aforesaid and if they shall not within the said space of six months take the said Oaths their Offices Imployments Masterships Governments Fellowships and Professorships shall be void IX Other Persons refusing to take the said Oaths being lawfully tendred shall be committed by the Persons tendring the same to the Common Gaol or House of Correction for three months without Bail or Mainprize unless such Offenders shall pay down 40 s. or such lesser Sum as the Persons tendring the said Oaths shall require which Mony shall go to the relief of the Poor of the Parish or Place where such Offender did last reside and if at the end of three months such Persons shall again refuse c. they shall be committed as aforesaid for six months unless they shall pay down such Sum of Mony as the Persons tendring the said Oaths shall require not exceeding 10 l. nor under 5 l. the said Mony to be disposed as aforesaid and unless such Offenders shall become bound with two Sureties to be of the Good Behaviour and appear at the next Assizes or General Gaol-delivery for the place where they shall reside at which Assizes or Gaol-delivery the said Oath shall be again tendred in open Court and upon refusal the Persons refusing shall be adjudged incapable of any Office Civil or Military and be bound to their Good Behaviour till they take the said Oaths and if such Persons shall refuse to make and subscribe the Declaration mentioned in the Statute of the 30th Year of King Charles II. Entituled An Act for the more effectual preserving the Kings Person and Government c. they shall be taken and deemed Popish Recusants convict to all intents and purposes X. Commission-Officers and Non-Commission or Warrant-Officers now employed by Sea or Land shall take the said Oaths and make and subscribe the last mentioned Declaration before the Lord Admiral or Commissioners of the Admiralty or their Deputies or such as their Majesties shall appoint to administer them And all Persons hereafter to be put into any such Imployment shall before the delivery of their Commission or Warrant take the said Oaths and make and subscribe the said Declaration before the Lord Admiral or Commissioners of the Admiralty or their Deputies or such as shall issue such Commission or Warrant or such as shall be authorized to administer the same as aforesaid and in case of refusal shall be incapable of taking or executing such Office or Imployment XI The Oath appointed by the Statute of 13 Car. 2. Entituled An Act for the ordering the Forces in the several Counties of this Kingdom And so much of a Declaration prescribed in another Act made in the same Year Entituled An Act for the Uniformity of Publick Prayers c. as is expressed in these Words viz. I A. B.
upon Record against them or are charg'd in Execution or imprison'd upon Attachments for Debt or upon Outlawries for Debt or upon any Process in Law or Equity for Debt Damages or Costs only who shall take the Oath mentioned in the Act of 22 and 23 Car. 2. Entituled An Act for the Relief and Release of poor distressed Prisoners for Debt and the Oath in this Act following shall be released in manner and form as is mentioned in the said Act and in one other Act made in the 30th year of the said late King Charles II. Entituled An Act for the farther relief and discharge of Poor distressed Prisoners for Debt II. Justices of Peace who pursuant to the said Acts or to this present Act shall make any Order for the discharge of any poor Prisoner for Debt shall cause to come before them any Sheriff Gaoler or Keeper of Prison where such Prisoners are and administer to them this Oath viz. I A. B. do swear that J. S. was really and truly my Prisoner in my custody without any fraud or deceit in me or by any other to my knowledge at or upon the 28th day of November 1690. So help me God III. If any Sheriff Gaoler c. refuse to appear and take the said Oath he shall forfeit to such Prisoner so about to be discharged the value of the Debt for which he is imprisoned to be recovered by Action of Debt in any their Majesties Courts of Record and if any such Sheriff Gaoler c. shall forswear himself he shall suffer as a person convicted of perjury IV. Prisoners taking the benefit of this Act and taking the Oath in the first recited Act mentioned shall also before such Justice or Justices by whom such Oath is to be given take this Oath viz. I A. B. do swear That on the 28th day of November 1690. I was actually a Prisoner in the custody of the Gaoler or Keeper of D. Prison in the County of C. at the Suit of J.S. without my consent or procurement or by any Fraud or Collusion whatsoever So help me God V. Such Prisoners forswearing themselves besides the penalties now in force against persons convicted of Perjury shall suffer seven years imprisonment VI. This Act shall not extend to persons in Execution for a Fine impos'd for any Offence VII Taking the Oaths and giving the Creditors notice as by this Act is required in all other things for the discharge of any poor prisoner it shall be observed in form and method as is directed by the two before mentioned Acts. VIII None shall have the benefit of this Act who shall stand charged with more than 100 l. principal Mony or Damages or who shall stand charged with any Debt to their Majesties IX Notwithstanding the discharge of such Prisoners Judgments against them shall be good in Law against their Lands and Goods their wearing Apparel Bedding for them and their Familes and Tools for their Trade c. only excepted X. Stat. 4 5 W. M. cap. 21. If any Defendants taken or charged in custody upon any Writ or Writs out of any of the Courts at Westminster and detained for want of Sureties for their appearance the Plaintiffs may before the end of the next Term after such Writ or Process shall be returnable declare against such Prisoners in the Court out of which the Writ shall issue and cause a Copy thereof to be delivered to such Prisoners or the Gaoler in whose custody he shall remain to which if the said Prisoners shall not appear and plead the Plaintiff shall have Judgment as if they had appeared and refused to answer or plead XI In all Declarations against Prisoners detained by virtue of any Process out of the Kings Bench it shall be alledged in custody of what Sheriff Bailiff c. such Prisoners are at the time of such Declaration which allegation shall be as effectual as if such Prisoners were in the custody of the Marshal or the Marshalsey c. Prizes I. Stat. 3 4 W. M. cap. 4. An Act for preserving two Ships lading of Bay-Salt taken as Prize for the benefit of their Majesties Navy Religion I. SEat Anno 1 W. M. Sess 1. cap. 18. Neither the Statute made in the 23th year of Queen Elizabeth Entituled An Act to retain the Queens Majesties Subjects in their due Obedience nor that of the 29th of the said Queen Entituled An Act for the more speedy and due execution of certain Branches of the Statute made in the 23th year of the Queens Majesties Reign nor that Clause of a Statute made in the first year of the said Queens Reign Entituled An Act for the Uniformity of Common Prayer c. whereby all persons are required to resort to their Parish-Church or Chappel or some usual place of Common-prayer c. Nor the Statute made in the third year of the Reign of King James I. Entituled An Act for the better discovering and repressing Popish Recusants nor that other Statute made in the same year Entituled An Act to prevent and avoid Dangers which may grow by Popish Recusants nor any Statute made against Papists or Popish Recusants except the Statute made 25 Car. 2. Entituled An Act for preventing Dangers which may happen from Popish Recusants and except the Statute made Anno 30 Car. 2. Entituled An Act for the more effectual preserving the Kings Person and Government c. shall be construed to extend to any persons dissenting from the Church of England that shall take the Oaths mentioned in a Statute made this Parliament Entituled An Act for removing and preventing all Questions and Disputes concerning the assembling and sitting of this Parliament and shall make and subscribe the Declaration mentioned in a Statute made in the 30th year of King Charles II. Entituled An Act to prevent Papists from sitting in either House of Parliament which Oaths and Declaration the Justices of Peace at their General Quarter-Sessions are hereby required to administer and thereof to keep a Register no Fee or Reward to be paid above 6 d. for such Entry and that but once nor above the farther Sum of 6 d. for a Certificate thereof II. Persons already convicted or prosecuted in order to Conviction of Recusancy that shall take the said Oaths mentioned in the said Statute made in this Parliament and make and subscribe the Declaration aforesaid in the Court of Exchequer or Assizes or General Quarter-Sessions c. to be thence certified into the Exchequer shall be discharged from all Penalties c. incurred by any the aforesaid Statutes III. All persons that shall take the said Oaths and make and subscribe the said Declaration shall not be liable to any penalties mentioned in an Act of the 35th of Queen Elizabeth Entituled An Act to retain the Queens Majesties Subjects in their due Obedience nor in an Act made in the 22th year of King Charles II. Entituled An Act to prevent and suppress Seditious Conventicles nor shall be prosecuted in
prosecutions in the Court of Kings Bench for Matters and Causes cognizable only in Parliament and by divers other arbitrary and illegal Courses And whereas of late years partial corrupt and unqualified Persons have been returned and served on Juries in Trials and particularly divers Jurors in Trials for High-Treason which were not Freeholders And excessive Bail hath been required of Persons committed in criminal Cases to elude the benefit of the Laws made for the Liberty of the Subjects And excessive Fines have been imposed And illegal and cruel Punishments inflicted And several Grants and Promises made of Fines and Forfeitures before any Conviction or Judgment against the Persons upon whom the same were to be levied All which are utterly and directly contrary to the known Laws and Statutes and Freedom of this Realm And whereas the said late King James II. having abdicated the Government and the Throne being thereby vacant His Highness the Prince of Orange whom it hath pleased Almighty God to make the Glorious Instrument of delivering this Kingdom from Popery and Arbitrary Power did by the Advice of the Lord Spiritual and Temporal and divers Principal Persons of the Commons cause Letters to be written to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal being Protestants and other Letters to the several Counties Cities Universities Boroughs and Cinque-Ports for the choosing of such Persons to represent them as were of Right to be sent to Parliament to meet and sit at Westminster upon the two and twentieth day of January in this year one thousand six hundred eighty and eight in order to such an establishment as that their Religion Laws and Liberties might not again be in danger of being subverted upon which Letters Elections having been accordingly made And thereupon the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons pursuant to their respective Letters and Elections being now assembled in a full and free representative of this Nation taking into their most serious consideration the best means for attaining the ends aforesaid do in the first place as their Ancestors in like case have usually done for the vindicating and asserting their ancient Rights and Liberties declare That the pretended Power of suspending of Laws or the Execution of Laws by Regal Authority without consent of Parliament is illegal That the pretended Power of dispensing with Laws or the Execution of Laws by Regal Authority as it hath been assumed and exercised of late is illegal That the Commission for erecting the late Court of Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Causes and all other Commissions and Courts of like nature are illegal and pernicious That levying Mony for or to the use of the Crown by pretence of Prerogative without grant of Parliament for longer time or in other manner than the same is or shall be granted is illegal That it is the Right of the Subjects to petition to the King and all Commitments and Prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal That the raising or keeping a standing Army within the Kingdom in time of Peace unless it be with consent of Parliament is against Law That the Subjects which are Protestants may have Arms for their Defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by Law That Election of Members of Parliament ought to be free That the freedom of Speech and Debates or Proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any Court or Place out of Parliament That excessive Bail ought not to be required nor excessive Fines imposed nor cruel and unusal Punishments inflicted That Jurors ought to be duly impannelled and returned and Jurors which pass upon Men in Trials for High-Treason ought to be Freeholders That all Grants and Promises of Fines and Forfeitures of particular Persons before Conviction are illegal and void And that for redress of all Grievances and for the amending strengthening and preserving of the Laws Parliaments ought to be held frequently And they do claim demand and insist upon all and singular the Premisses as their undoubted Rights and Liberties And that no Declarations Judgments Doings or Proceedings to the prejudice of the People in any of the said Premisses ought in any wise to be drawn hereafter into Consequence or Example To which demand of their Rights they are particularly encouraged by the Declaration of his Highness the Prince of Orange as being the only means for obtaining a full redress and remedy therein Having therefore an intire Confidence That his said Highness the Prince of Orange will perfect the Deliverance so far advanced by him and will still preserve them from the Violation of their Rights which they have here asserted and from all other Attempts upon their Religion Rights and Liberties The said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled at Westminster do resolve That William and Mary Prince and Princess of Orange be and be declared King and Queen of England France and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging to hold the Crown and Royal Dignity of the said Kingdoms and Dominions to them the said Prince and Princess during their Lives and the Life of the Survivor of them And that the sole and full Exercise of the Regal Power be only in and executed by the said Prince of Orange in the Names of the said Prince and Princess during their joynt Lives and after their deceases the said Crown and Royal Dignity of the said Kingdoms and Dominions to be to the Heirs of the Body of the said Princess And for default of such Issue to the Princess Anne of Denmark and the Heirs of her Body and for default of such Issue to the Heirs of the Body of the said Prince of Orange And the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons do pray the said Prince and Princess to accept the same accordingly And that the Oaths hereafter-mentioned be taken by all Persons of whom the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy might be required by Law instead of them and that the said Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy be abrogated I A. B. do sincerely promise and swear That I will be Faithful and bear true Allegiance to their Majesties King WILLIAM and Queen MARY So help me God I A. B. do swear That I do from my Heart Abhor Detest and Abjure as Impious and Heretical this damnable Doctrin and Position That Princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope or any Authority of the See of Rome may be deposed or murdered by their Subjects or any other whatsoever And I do declare That no Foreign Prince Person Prelate State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Iurisdiction Power Superiority Pre-eminence or Authority Ecclesiastical or Spiritual within this Realm So help me God Upon which their said Majesties did accept the Crown and Royal Dignity of the Kingdoms of England France and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging according to the resolution and desire of the said Lords and Commons contained in the said Declaration And thereupon their Majesties were pleased That the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons being
Tallies of Loan and Orders for repayment shall be levied which Orders shall be assignable XVIII Every Sum and Sums so to be borrowed with Interest not exceeding 8 l. per Cent. to be paid every three months shall be payable to the Lenders out of any the next Aids or Supplies to be granted to their Majesties in Parliament and shall be transferred thereunto as soon as such Aid shall be granted and in case no such Aid or Supply shall be granted before the second day of February 1693. then such Sum or Sums shall be paid to the Lenders out of any of their Majesties Treasure not already appropriated by Act of Parliament XIX Whoever shall refuse to take in payment crack't Mony being the currant Coin of this Kingdom shall for every such Offence forfeit 5 l. and be liable to such other Punishments as by any Law may now be inflicted for such Offences XX. Every Receiver-General appointed by the said Poll-Act shall prepare a Duplicate in Parchment of the whole Sum charged in any of the Parishes and Places whereof he is Receiver General to be subscribed by two or more of the Commissioners and return it into the Exchequer before the last day of Easter-Term next with a Schedule containing the Names Sirnames and Places of Abode of every Person within their Collection that hath not paid and every Receiver General not making such returns except the same have been returned pursuant to the said Poll-Act shall forfeit 50 l. and be uncapable of any Office or Place of Trust in their Majesties Service XXI No Fees shall be taken by any Officer of the Exchequer or in any Office wherein any Receiver General is concerned in taking out his Commission passing his Accounts taking out his Quietus for receiving or paying any Mony granted by this or any other Act of this Parliament for Aids to their Majesties but such ancient Fees as shall be allowed by the Barons of the Quoif and the said Barons shall deliver a Table of the Fees by them allowed to the Lords and Commons in Parliament at the next Session Trade and Commerce I. Stat. 1 W. M. Sess 1. cap. 34. From the 24th day of August 1689. No Goods or Commodities of the Product or Manufacture of the Dominions of the French King or made of or mixed with any such Goods or Commodities shall during three years or before the end of the first Session of Parliament after such three years expired be imported into England Ireland Wales Berwick or the Isles of Jersey Guernsey Alderney Sark or the Isle of Man and all Importations vending or uttering of any French or other Commodities contrary to this Act are hereby declared to be a common Nusance and the Commodities so imported may be seized by any Person and carried into their Majesties Ware-house of the Port or Place where they are seized or to the Ware-house of the next Port Member or Creek to the place of Seizure and Persons claiming the same shall tender good Security to answer the Penalties of this Act and to make their claim within twenty days after seizure to the Collector or Customer or his Deputy where there is no other Collector established or to the Commissioners of the Custom in time of vacation or within ten days in Term-time by delivery of a Bill to such Officer subscribed with his Name Addition and Place of Abode with the particulars of the Goods claimed and the date of the Claim and the Names of his Sureties they being worth 500 l. a-piece at least and to give Bond to their Majesties in double the value of the Goods and the Penalties in this Act to answer the value of the Goods and other the said Penalties and after such Security given the Claim and Sureties Names and the Sum and date of the Bonds to be registred and subscribed by the Claimer Collector or Customer to whom such Bill shall be delivered and for want of giving Security and making Claim as aforesaid the Goods shall be adjudged to be imported contrary to this Act and be forfeited and within seven days after such default shall be destroyed as hereafter is appointed but if such Security be given and Claim made as aforesaid an Information shall the next Term or sooner be exhibited in the Exchequer and no Writ of Delivery or Restitution shall be granted till the Cause be determined by the Verdict of a Jury to be returned by the proper Officers in the presence of a Commissioner of the Customs in London and of the principal Officer in any Out-port which Jury upon the taste or view of the Goods o● upon proof shall judge the quality and value thereof and whether imported contrary to this Act and in what Vessels imported and by whom imported or sold and in whose custody they were when seized and if the Jury shall find that they were of the Product or Manufacture of the French Kings Dominions or mixt with any Goods of such Product or Manufacture then all such liquid Commodities shall be adjudged to be staved and spilt and other Commodities to be publickly burnt in the presence of one of the Sheriffs of London in the Port of London and of the chief Magistrate in any other Port who are required to be present and assisting in the destruction thereof and to view taste and examine them according to the first Entry made in the Warehouse-Book and to join with the Collector c. who are also required to be present at the destruction thereof in a Certificate to be entred in the said Book of the day of the destruction thereof no Persons to take away or save any of the said Commodities on pain to forfeit 40 s. above the value of the said Goods II. Importers thereof shall forfeit the full value according to the Rates hereafter mentioned and Persons in whose custody they shall be found when seiz'd or who shall sell or retail them shall for the first Offence forfeit the value thereof as aforesaid and for the second Offence double the value and be disabled to bear or execute any Office or Employment relating to the Customs or any part of the Revenue or any other Office whatsoever and if any such Commodities imported contrary to this Act shall within the time aforesaid upon any pretence be sold retailed or uttered or be found within England Ireland c. any Persons may seize them and like Information and Judgment for destruction thereof shall be had and given as aforesaid III. They in whose custody such Goods shall be found shall incur the Forfeitures and Penalties aforesaid and if any dispute or doubt shall arise whether the said Goods were of the Product or Manufacture of the French Kings Dominions or imported contrary to this Act the proof shall lie on the Importer Claimer Vender c. and not on the Informer and if any Informer shall by Fraud or Collusion desist or delay Prosecution he shall forfeit 500 l. All Officers belonging to the Customs and
French Kings Dominions in Europe into England during the said War without leave obtain'd they shall be kept in Prison without Bail or Mainprize during their Majesties pleasure for any time not exceeding twelve months Tythes I. Stat. 3 4 W. M. cap. 3. All Persons that shall sow or cause to be sown any Hemp or Flax shall pay to every Parson Vicar or Impropriator of the Parish or Place for every Acre so sown pulled or drawn an annual Sum not exceeding 4 s. before it be carried off the Ground and so proportionably for the recovery of which such Parson c. shall have the common and usual Remedy II. This Act shall not charge any Lands discharged by any modus d●cimandi ancient Composition or otherwise III. This Law to continue for seven years and to the end of the then next Session of Parliament Wills I. Stat. 4 5 W. M. cap. 2. From and after the 26th day of March 1693. Persons inhabiting or who shall have any Goods within the Province of York may by their last Wills dispose of all their Personal Estate as they shall think fit and their Widows Children and other Kindred shall be barred to claim any part of the Personal Estate in other manner than as by their Wills shall be appointed II. This Act shall not extend to the Citizens of the Cities of York and Chester who are or shall be Freemen of the said Cities inhabiting within the same or the Suburbs thereof at the time of their death Wool I. Stat. 1 W. M Sess 1. cap. 32. Owners of Wool or their Agents that shall at any time carry or cause to be carried any Wool to any Port or Place on the Sea-Coasts to be conveyed to any other Port or Place in England Wales or Berwick from whence the same may be transported into Foreign Parts shall first cause a due entry thereof to be made at the Port from whence it shall be intended to be conveyed containing the Weights Marks and Numbers thereof before they carry it within five miles of any such Port or Place or else such Wool found and the Beasts and Carriages conveying it shall be forfeited and the Persons conveying driving or abetting the same shall forfeit and suffer as by the Laws and Statutes now in force against the exportation of Wool II. The forgoing Clause shall not extend to hinder any Person from carrying their Wool from the place of Shearing to their own Dwelling-house c. though within five miles of the Sea so as within ten days after Shearing and before they otherwise dispose of the same they certifie under their Hands to the Officers of the Customs in the next Port the quantity thereof viz. the number of the Fleeces and where housed and do not remove the same without first certifying the Officer of the next Port under their Hands of their intention to remove it three days at least before such removal the said Officers to keep and register such Certificate but Persons neglecting to certifie as aforesaid or removing their Wool before such Certificate of their intention shall be liable to the Penalties of the former Clauses III. Cocquets for carrying Wool from any Port in England Wales or Berwick shall be written upon Paper and sign'd by three Chief Officers of such Port at least and Certificates of landing them again at any other of the said Ports or from Ireland shall be so sign'd and all such Wool both at shipping and landing shall be weigh'd in the presence of the said Officers giving such Cocquets and Certificates and the Weight Marks and Numbers of such Wool shipped and landed shall be expressed in both Cocquet and Certificate IV. Officers not observing the Directions of this Act shall be adjudged Abettors of the Transportation and suffer the Penalties contain'd in the Statutes of the 12th and 14th years of King Charles II. against Transportation of Wool V. No Wool shall be shipt from Ireland but from Dublin Waterford Youghall Kinsale Cork and Drogheda nor imported from thence but into Leverpool Chester Bristol Minehead Barnstaple Bidford and Exeter VI. For the better execution of this and other Acts against the Exportation of Wool Sir Tho. P. Lord Mayor of London Sir H. G. Baronet Sir P. W. Kt. Sir B. N. Kt. Sir J. M. Kt. Sir P.R. Kt. Sir R.D. Sir W.P. Kt. and Bar. Sir H.A. Bar. Sir W.A. Kt. Sir R. N. Sir J. F. W. H. J. S. J. S. F. O. J. P. R. B. W. C. E. M. Esquires S. H. W. H. Senior J. P. J. V. J. G. B. C. Gentlemen Mr. M. of Horton Sir T. S. Bar. W. D. Esq J. A. of Woley Esq Sir W. L. Sir J. P. Kt. Sir B. A. Bar. Sir R. J. Kt. Sir J. L. Kt. Sir G. R. Kt. Sir S. D. Kt. Sir T. V. Kt. N. T. W.H. T.C. W.G. H.S. S.M. J.S. T.F. A.M. W.C. T.H. T.S. W. J. Esquires P. S. H. C. J. D. R. S. D. P. T. C. P. B. J. P. R. H. J. B. J. H. E. B. N. B. W. S. B. J. D. J. A. J. T. T. P. P. H. N. J. P. M. F. W. S. J. K. Senior J. M. Junior W.W. J.Y. R. F. J.L. T. P. W.B. J.U. J. S. J.M. or any five or more of them are hereby authorized for putting this and other the said Laws in execution and by their Substitutes to be appointed under the Hands and Seals of five or more of them to seize all Wools Woolfels and other Things above-mentioned which shall be endeavoured to be exported contrary to this Act and to prosecute Offenders against this or any the said Laws VII Owners of Ships Masters or Mariners knowing of the Exportation of any Sheeps-wool Wool-fells Mortlings Shorlings Yarn made of Wool Wool-flocks Fullers-earth or Tobacco-pipe Clay contrary to the meaning of this Act that shall within three months after their knowledge thereof or after their return into England Ireland Wales or Berwick give the first Information thereof and by whom where and in what Vessel upon Oath before any of the Barons of the Exchequer in England or Ireland or any three of the Commissioners appointed by this Act or the Head-Officer of the Port where they shall first arrive and shall be ready to justifie and prove the same shall not be subject to the Penalties of this or any other Act for the said Offence but shall recover and receive such benefit and advantages as are appointed by any precedent Act. VIII The Powers given to the said Commissioners shall not hinder any Persons lawfully authorized from seizing Wool or prosecuting Offenders against this or any former Act. IX If any Prosecution shall be against any Person for what he shall do in pursuance of this Act he may file a Common Bail or enter into a Common Appearance and plead the General Issue and give this Act in Evidence and if the Plaintiff be non-suit or discontinue or a Verdict pass against him or Judgment upon a Demurrer the Defendant shall recover
to ply on Sundays XII The Commissioners for the better discovery of Offenders herein shall publish a List or Account of all the particular Numbers of such Hackney-Coaches as shall be appointed for every Lords-Day successively through the Year Fines I. STat. 5 6 W. M. Sess 5. cap. 6. Six shillings and eight pence shall be paid upon signing Judgment to the proper Officer who signeth the same in full satisfaction of the Capiatur Fine and all Fees due for or concerning the same which said Officer shall make an increase to the Plaintiff of so much in his Costs to be taxed against the Defendant Iustices of Peace I. Justices of Peace in Wales limited to eight in each County repealed STat. 5 W. M. Sess 5. cap. 4. Whereas by a Statute made the 34th and 35th of H. 8. Entituled An Act for certain Ordinances in the Kings Majesties Dominion and Principality of Wales there is a Clause contained in these Words viz. That there shall not exceed the number of eight Justices of the Peace in any of the said Shires over and above the President Council and Justices aforesaid and the Kings Attorny and Solicitor which President Council Justices and the Kings Attorny and Solicitor shall be put in every Commission of Peace in every of the said twelve Shires And whereas this Clause is found inconvenient Be it enacted That the said Clause be repealed And that it may be lawful to and for the King and Queen by Commission under the Great Seal to constitute nominate and appoint any such number of Persons to be Justices of Peace in any of the said Counties of Wales as they shall think fitting according to such Ways and Methods as are commonly used for the constituting nominating and appointing of Justices of Peace for any County of England And that the Persons so constituted nominated and appointed shall have power and authority to act and do any thing appertaining to the Office of a Justice of Peace in as large and ample manner as any Justice of Peace within the Dominion of Wales might or ought to have done before the making of this Act any Law c. to the contrary notwithstanding I. Stat. 5 6 W. M. Sess 5. cap. 5. Certiorari to remove Indictment That in Term-time no Certiorari at the Prosecution of any Party indicted shall be granted out of the Court of Kings Bench to remove any Indictment before Trial had and from before the Justices of the General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace unless such Certiorari shall be granted upon Motion of Council and Rule of Court in open Court and that the Parties indicted prosecuting such Certiorari shall find two Manucaptors before one or two Justices of the County in 20 l. to plead to the said Indictment in the Kings Bench and at their own Charges to procure the Issue that shall be joyned upon the said Indictment to be tried at the next Assizes held for the County where the said Indictment was found after such Certiorari shall be returnable if not in London Westminster or Middlesex and if in the said Cities or County then to cause it to be tried the next Term after such Certiorari shall be granted or at the sitting after the said Term if the Kings Bench shall not appoint any other time and if any other time then notice to be given to the Prosecutor and the said Recognizance and Certiorari to be certified into the Kings Bench and there filed and the name of the Prosecutor to be indorsed and if the Party prosecuting such Certiorari being the Defendant shall not before allowance thereof procure such Manucaptors to be bound in a Recognizance the Justices of Peace may try the said Indictment at the said Sessions notwithstanding such Certiorari so delivered II. Costs against Prosecutor of a Certiorari And if the Defendant prosecuting such Certiorari be convicted then the Kings Bench shall give reasonable Costs to the Prosecutor to be taxed according to the course of the said Court and within ten days after demand upon Oath and refusal thereof he shall have an Attachment against the said Defendant by the Court for his Contempt and the Recognizance not to be discharged till the Costs so taxed shall be paid III. Certioraries grantable in vacation Nevertheless in the Vacation Writs of Certiorari may be granted by any of the Justices of the Kings Bench whose Names shall be endorsed and the Name of the Party at whose instance it is granted and before the allowance of such Writ the Party indicted prosecuting such Certiorari shall find such Sureties as before-mentioned in this Act. IV. Certioraries in Cheshire Lancaster and Durham And also upon every Certiorari granted within Chester Lancaster and Durham to remove Indictments as aforesaid the Parties indicted prosecuting such Certiorari shall find Sureties to try the said Indictments at the next Assizes or General Gaol-delivery and if convicted shall be liable to like Costs to be taxed as by this Act provided where the same are granted out of the Kings Bench. V. For repairing High-ways c. Provided if any Indictment be against any Person for not repairing High-ways Cawsies Pavements or Bridges and the Title to repair the same may come in question upon such Suggestion and an Affidavit made thereof a Certiorari may be granted to remove the same into the Kings Bench any Law to the contrary notwithstanding VI. Sureties Provided that the Parties prosecuting such Certiorari shall find two Manucaptors to be bound in a Recognizance with Condition as aforesaid Leases I. Leases of Lands part of the Dutchy of Cornwal STat. 5 6 W. M. Sess 5. cap. 16. All Leases and Grants made by the late King Charles II. or by the late King James or by their present Majesties or to be made within seven years next ensuing by Letters Patents or Indentures under the Great Seal of England or Seal of the Court of Exchequer or Copy of Court-Roll according to the Custom of the respective Manors of the said Dutchy or thereunto annexed of any Offices Messuages Parks Lands Tenements or Hereditaments parcel of the said Dutchy of Cornwal or annexed to the same other than of Honours Lordships or Manors shall be effectual in Law according to the purport of the same Copies Leases and Grants against the present King and Queen their Heirs and Successors and against every Person that shall have or enjoy the said Dutchy by force of any Act of Parliament or by any other Limitation II. Provided For one two or three lives or thirty one years that such Lease be not for more than one two or three Lives or thirty one Years or for some Term determinable upon one two or three Lives and not above And if such Leases be made in Reversion that then the same with the Estate in possession do not exceed three Lives or thirty one Years not dispunishable of Waste
his Certificate the principal Commissioners of Excise shall pay it and if the Officer refuse to pay or give such Certificate he shall forfeit double the Sum. XI If any Person shall export beyond the Seas any Salt Mony repaid for Salt exported upon Certificate of the Officer as well Foreign as English or any Rock-Salt the Officer where the Salt was made taken out of the Pit or imported and the Duty thereof paid or secured shall upon demand gratis deliver a Certificate under his Hand and Seal that the Duty imposed by this Act on such Salt hath been duly paid or secured and then the Officer where the Salt is exported upon producing the Certificate and Oath made of the shipping of the said Salt and of it s not being relanded in England or Wales shall give a Debenture under his Hand for repayment of the said Duty which being produced to the Officer of the Place where the Duty on the said Salt shall have been paid or secured such Security shall be discharged and the Mony for the Duty of the said Salt shall be repaid upon demand by the said Officer without Fee XII All Salt imported by Sea or Land into England What shall be charged as Foreign Salt Scotch Salt where to be entred Wales or Berwick and not of the Product of any of the said Places shall be adjudged Foreign Salt and so chargeable And all Scotch Salt brought by Land into England shall be entred at Carlisle or Berwick under forfeiture of double the value XIII The Justices of Peace not concerned in making or selling Salt at every Easter and Michaelmas Sessions Justices of Peace to settle the Prices of Salt shall set the Prizes of Salt to be sold by the first Seller for the next half year and none to sell above those Prices under the Penalty of 5 l. and forfeiture of double the value to be levied by distress and sale of the Offenders Goods one half to the King and the other to the Informer XIV No Person shall be capable of acting as chief Commissioner for collecting the said Duties till he hath taken before one of the Barons of the Exchequer the Oaths appointed in the first year of K. William and Q. Mary Entituled Oaths of the Commissioners and other Officers An Act for abrogating the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance and the Oath following You shall swear to execute your Office truly and faithfully without Favour or Affection and shall from time to time true Account make and deliver to such Person and Persons as their Majesties shall appoint to receive the same and shall take no Fee or Reward for the Execution of the said Office from any other Person than from their Majesties or those whom their Majesties shall appoint on that behalf The like to be taken by other Officers before two of the chief Commissioners or two Justices of Peace of the Place where he shall be appointed Officer mutatis mutandis XV. The General Issue may be pleaded by the Defendant on Suit General Issue to be pleaded and the Special Matter given in Evidence and if the Verdict pass for the Defendant or the Plaintiff be non-suit he shall have double Costs XVI No Certiorari to supersede No Certiorari shall supersede Execution or other Proceedings upon any Orders made by the said chief Commissioners or Justices of Peace in pursuance of this Act. XVII All Salt shall be measured by a Bushel of eight Gallons Winchester Measure Measures of Salt by fit Measurers sworn and admitted by some neighbouring Justice without Fee upon Forfeiture of double the value of Salt not so measured XVIII No Salt shall be delivered from any Salt-Works or Pits without notice to the Officer Salt not to be delivered without notice to the Officer upon forfeiture of the Salt so delivered and upon forfeiture of 20 l. by the Owner of the Salt-Works one half to the King and the other to the Informer XIX If any of the Salt for which the Duty shall have been repaid and discharged upon the Exportation thereof The penalty of relanding in England by Fraud shall by Fraud or otherwise be landed in England Wales or Berwick before the Duty be again paid and such Entry and all other things performed as are herein before required in case where any Foreign Salt is imported the Offender shall forfeit double the value of such Salt so landed and such other Penalties as are herein inflicted upon any Person landing Foreign Salt contrary to the intent of this Act. XX. If any Merchant being a Subject of this Realm Vessel lost or taken he may buy the like quantity without paying Duty shall ship any Salt that hath paid the Duty to convey it by Sea to any part of England and the Vessel shall happen to be lost or taken he shall upon proof before the Justices at Quarter-Sessions of such loss have a Certificate of it and upon producing the same to any Collector of this Duty the Officer shall let him buy the like quantity without paying any Duty for the same XXI The Owners of any Rock-Salt may remove the same into Ware-houses When the Owner of Rock-Salt shall pay or secure after due entry thereof made and a Warrant or Ticket taken for the same from the Officer next to the Salt-Pits and the Owner shall not be obliged to pay or secure the payment of the said Duty till the said Rock-Salt shall be sold and delivered XXII No Person shall be obliged by Contract before the first of December 1693. Buyer not to deliver till payment secured to deliver any Salt or Rock-Salt unless the Buyer at the time of the delivery pay to the Seller such Mony as he hath paid or secured for the Duty XXIII All Salt made in Cheshire shall be entred by Weight only Salt made in Cheshire how to be entred Pit-Salt how to be entred Refiner of Rock-Salt his allowance 56 l. weight shall be taken to be a Winchester Bushel of eight Gallons Winchester Measure and shall be entred and taxed accordingly And all Salt taken out of the Pits shall be entred by weight only and that six-score pounds weight thereof shall be deemed a Winchester Bushel of eight Gallons Winchester Measure and entred accordingly And where any Rock-Salt shall be melted and resined which had before paid the Duty the Refiner shall have allowance after the rate of 12 d. per Bushel Oath being first made before some Justice of the Peace of the particular quantity by him so imployed XXIV This Branch of the Act concerning Excise upon Beer Ale Cyder and other Liquors herein after expressed over and above all Duties and Impositions by any former Act unexpired commenceth from the 17th of May 1697. and continues for sixteen years and no longer in manner following viz.   l. s. d. Every Barrel of Beer or Ale above 6 s. the Barrel by the Common Brewer or Seller over and above
any Ecclesiastical Court for not conforming to the Church of England IV. Provided always that if any Assembly of Persons dissenting from the Church of England shall be had in any place for Religious Worship with the Doors locked barred or bolted the persons that shall be at such Meetings shall receive no benefit from this Law V. Nothing herein contained shall exempt any Persons from paying Tithes or other Parochial Duties to the Church or Minister nor from any prosecution in any Ecclesiastical Court or elsewhere for the same VI. If any person dissenting from the Church of England shall be chosen or appointed to any Parochial or Ward-Office and shall scruple to take it upon him in regard of the said Oaths or any other thing required by Law such person may execute his Office by a Deputy that shall comply with the Laws in that behalf such Deputy to be allowed and approved as such Officer himself should have been VII No person dissenting from the Church of England in Orders or pretended Orders nor any Preacher or Teacher in any Congregation of Dissenting Protestants that shall make and subscribe the Declaration and take the Oaths aforesaid at the General Quarter-Sessions held for the Parts where he lives and shall declare his approbation of and subscribe the Articles of Religion mentioned in a Statute made in the 13th year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth except the 34th 35th and 36th Articles and these words of the 20th Article viz. The Church hath power to decree Rites and Ceremonies and Authority in Controversies of Faith and yet shall be liable to any of the Pains or Penalties mentioned in an Act made in the 17th year of the Reign of King Charles II. Entituled An Act for restraining Non-conformists from inhabiting in Corporations nor the Penalties mentioned in the said Act of the 22th of the said Kings Reign for preaching at any Meeting for exercise of Religion nor to the penalty of 100 l. mentioned in an Act made in the 13th and 14th of King Charles II. Entituled An Act for the uniformity of Publick Prayers and administration of Sacraments c. for officiating in any Congregation allowed by this Act. VIII The making and subscribing the said Declaration and taking the said Oaths and making the Declaration of approbation and subscription to the said Articles shall be recorded at such Quarter-Sessions for which 6 d. shall be paid and no more IX Such persons shall not preach in any place but with Doors not locked barred or bolted X. And whereas some dissenting Protestants scruple the Baptizing of Infants Be it enacted That every person pretending to Holy Orders who shall subscribe the said Articles of Religion except before excepted and also except part of 27th ARticle touching Infant-Baptism and shall take the Oaths and make and subscribe the Declaration aforesaid as aforesaid shall enjoy all the Priviledges Benefits and Advantages which any other dissenting Minister might enjoy by virtue of this Act. XI Ministers Preachers or Teachers of Congregations that shall take the Oaths and make and subscribe the Declaration aforesaid and subscribe such of the Articles of the Church as are hereby required shall be exempt from serving upon Juries or from being chosen or appointed to any Parochial or Ward-Office or any other Office in any Hundred Shire City Town c. XII Every Justice of Peace may require any person that goes to any Meeting for exercise of Religion to make and subscribe the said Declaration and take the said Oaths or Declaration of Fidelity hereafter mentioned in case such person Scruple the taking an Oath and upon refusal shall commit such person to prison and certifie his Name at the next General or Quarter-Sessions and if upon a second tender at next General or Quarter-Sessions he refuse as aforesaid he shall be recorded and taken for a Popish Recusant convict XIII And whereas there are other Dissenters who scruple the taking any Oath such persons shall make and subscribe the said Declaration and this Declaration of Fidelity viz. I A. B. do sincerely promise and solemnly declare before God and the World That I will be ture and faithful to King William and Queen Mary And I do solemnly promise and declare That I do from my Heart abhor detest and renounce as Impious and Heretical that damnable Doctrin and Position That Princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope or any Authority of the See of Rome may be deposed or murthered by their Subjects or any other what soever And I do declare That no Foreign Prince Person Prelate State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Power Jurisdiction Superiority Preheminence or Authority Ecclesiastical or Spiritual within this Realm and shall subscribe a profession of their Christian Belief in these Words viz. I A. B. profess Faith in God the Father and in Jesus Christ his eternal Son the true God and in the Holy Spirit one God blessed for evermore and do acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine Inspiration which Declarations and Subscriptions shall be recorded at the General Quarter-Sessions and Persons making and subscribing the two Declarations and Profession aforesaid shall be exempted from the penalties of the Laws against Popish Recusants or Protestant Non-conformists and from the penalties of an Act made in the 5th year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth Entituled An Act for the assurance of the Queens Royal Power over all Estates and Subjects within her Dominions by reason of their refusing to take the Oath mentioned in the said Act and from the penalties of an Act made in the 13th and 14th years of King Charles II. Entitutled An Act for preventing Mischiefs that may arise by certain Persons called Quakers refusing to take lawful Oaths and enjoy the Benefits Priviledges and Advantages which other Dissenters ought to enjoy by virtue of this Act. XIV Persons refusing to take the said Oaths when tendred shall not be admitted to make and subscribe the said two Declarations though required by a Justice of Peace at a General o● Quarter-Sessions unless within 31 days after such tender of the Declarations to them they produce two Protestant Witnesses to testifie upon Oath that they believe him to be a Protestant Dissenter or a Certificate under the Hands of four Protestants who are conformable to the Church of England or have taken the Oaths and subscribed the Declaration aforesaid and a Certificate under the Hands and Seals of six or more of the Congregation to which he belongs owning him to be one of them XV. Till such Certificate or Witnesses be produced the Justice of Peace shall take a Recognizance with two Sureties in 50 l. for producing the same and for want of security shall commit him to prison till he produces the same XVI All the Laws made for frequenting Divine Service on the Lords-day shall be still in force against all persons except they come to some Assembly of Religious Worship allowed by this Act.
the Commissioners for the Prizes out of their Majesties share of Prizes LVIII Provided that if the Commissioners do not pay the same or give a Bill payable out of the first Monies that shall come to their Hands by three days after the same ought to be paid and demand thereof made free of all Charges and Deductions such Commissioners shall be uncapable of any Office in their Majesties Service for the future LIX The shares proportions and rewards given by this Act to Commanders Officers and Seamen shall be in lieu of all Shares in Prizes taken in Fight and otherwise during this War any thing in an Act made in the 13th Car. 2. Entituled Articles and Ordinances for the regulating and Government of their Majesties Navy Ships of War and Forces by Sea or any Declaration or Order of their Majesties to the contrary notwithstanding LX. If any Person shall imbezil any thing whatsoever upon or above the Gun-Deck or in any other place in any Ship taken or seiz'd on as Prize or retaken from the Enemy he shall forfeit his share and reward hereby allowed him and if he be an Officer he shall forfeit for every such Offence 500 l. one moiety to their Majesties the other to him that will sue for the same and shall be uncapable of any Office or Employment under their Majesties for seven years LXI Ships taken as Prize within the Streights of Gibraltar may be carryed into Cadiz or Alicant or Messma or Naplet and be put into the possession of such as shall be authorized by their Majesties to receive and preserve the same till by the Court of Admiralty of England they be adjudged lawful Prize or otherwise legally disposed of the Captors being hereby required to transmit with all speed the Papers taken therein or attested Copies thereof to the said Court LXII Ships taken as Prize in America may be carried into any of their Majesties Ports there and put into the possession of the Chief Governor to be kept as aforesaid till they be disposed of by such as shall be lawfully commissioned in that behalf LXIII Ships taken in any place beyond the Cape of Good Hope may be carried into the Port or Place where any English Factory is established and put into the possession of the Chief Person of the Factory to be kept as aforesaid till condemnation by such as shall be commissioned in that behalf LIV. Where any Vessel shall be taken as Prize by a Privateer in which Vessel there shall be no Goods of the growth or manufacture of the Dominions of the French King then after condemnation and payment of Customs and other Duties the Persons interested in such Privateer shall have the whole to their own use without deduction for Tenths or any other part to their Majesties or the Lord High Admiral LXV Where any Vessel shall be taken within any of their Majesties Ports Rivers or Havens by any Privateer such Prize shall belong to their Majesties as a Perquisite of the Admiralty of England and the Captors to have such part thereof as their Majesties shall think fit to allow LXVI If any Vessel taken as Prize or any Goods therein shall appear to belong to any of their Majasties Subjects continuing under their Majesties Protection and Obedience which were before taken by their Majesties Enemies and retaken such Vessels and Goods and every such part thereof belonging to their Majesties Subjects shall be restored by Decree of the Court of Admiralty to the former Owners they paying in lieu of Salvage if retaken by a Man of War an eighth part of the value which Salvage shall be answered to the Captains Officers and Seamen in the said Man of War to be divided as in this Act is directed touching the share of Prizes belonging to them where Prizes are taken by any of their Majesties Ships of War and if taken by a Privateer or other Vessel after having been in possession of the Enemy twenty four hours an eighth part of the value if above twenty four hours and under forty eight a fifth part if above forty eight hours and under ninety six a third part if above ninety six hours a moiety all which Payments to any Privateer or other Vessel to be made without deduction and if such retaken Ship shall appear to have been set forth by the Enemy as a Man of War the former Proprietors shall pay the full moiety of the true value for Salvage LXVII If any Vessel whereupon Wool is laden to be transported contrary to Law be taken by any Privateer on proof thereof in the Exchequer the Persons interested in the Privateer shall have a moiety of the Vessels and Goods and their Majesties the other moiety LXVIII The Lord High Admiral or Commissioners of the Admiralty shall express all things by this Act directed to be observed concerning Prizes c. in the Instructions by them to be given to Captains and Commanders of their Majesties Ships of War and to Commanders of Privateers LXIX All Goods of the growth or manufacture of France imported and seized shall be sued for and prosecuted in the Exchequer in manner and form as is provided by an Act made in the 14th year of King Charles II. Entituled An Act for preventing Frauds in his Majesties Customs two thirds thereof to be to the use of their Majesties c. they defraying the Charges of the Prosecution and one third to the Prosecutor and no composition to be made for their Majesties part such Goods to be secured and sold as Prize Goods are appointed by this Act to be secured and sold LXX If the Commissioners of the Prizes or of the Customs shall detain the Shares belonging to Persons interested in Privateers two days after the same ought to be paid and demand thereof made free from all Deductions except for Ware-house-room and 2 l. per Cent. for all other Charges they shall forfeit double the Sum so detained Treason I. Stat. 3 4 W. M. cap. 13. If during the present War with France any Persons shall send load transport or deliver or cause to be sent loaden c. to or for the Use of the French King or any of his Subjects residing in his Dominions any Arms Ordinance Powder Bullets Pitch Tar Hemp Masts Cordage Iron Coals Lead or Salt-Peter such Offenders shall be adjudged Traytors II. If any during this War shall send load c. to the use of the French King or any of his Subjects residing c. any Goods or Merchandizes whatsoever other than the Goods herein before particularly mentioned they shall incur a Premunire III. If any of their Majesties Subjects shall after the 10th of March 1691. without their Majesties Licence voluntarily go or imbark in any Vessel with an intent to go into any the Dominions of the French King he shall be adjudged to be guilty of High-Treason IV. If any of their Majesties Subjects shall after the 25th of March 1692. voluntarily come or return from any of the