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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A35627 The case of Mr. Benjamin Leech, brick-layer at the Old-Baily, the fourteenth day of October, 1682. Leech, Benjamin.; England and Wales. Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace (London) 1682 (1682) Wing C953; ESTC R36277 4,376 8

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THE CASE OF Mr. BENJAMIN LEECH Brick-layer AT THE OLD-BAILY THE Fourteenth day of October 1682. THE Poll for Election of Mayor for the year ensuing being continued by Adjournments from Michaelmas-day to the second of October one Benjamin Leech Brick-layer being a Free-man and Livery-man of the City of London came to Guild-Hall to Poll wherein in Discourse he was Charged to have said to this Effect That Sir William Prichard should never be Lord Mayor unless he came in by Stealth as North and Rich were Sheriffs for which he was without any Constable or other legal Officer carried before Sir John Moor Lord Mayor before whom he owned the Words or Words to that effect whereupon he was by the Lord Mayor Committed immediately to the Compter from whence he was Bailed next day giving his Recognizance with Sureties to appear at the next Sessions at Guild-Hall which Sessions of the Peace being Adjourned to the 13th of October to Old-Baily there was a Bill of Indictment preferred and found against the said Mr. Leech the Tenor of which followeth viz. London ss JVratores pro Domino Rege super Sacramentum suum praesentant quod Bejaminus Leech nuper de London Bricklayer existens persona mala perversae dispositionis secundo die Octobris Anno Regni domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gratia Angliae Scotiae Franciae Hiberniae Regis fidei Defensoris c. tricessimo quarto machinans false maliciose intendens Pacem dicti Domini Regis infra Civitatem London inquietare perturbare ac diversas Differentias Dissentiones inter Cives Civitatis predictae alios Legeos Subditos dicti Domini Regis infra hoc Regnum Angliae de concernens Electione Maioris Civitatis predictae Vicecomitum Civitatis predictae Comitatus Middlesex suscitare movere procurare quendam Willielmum Prichard Militem adtunc adhuc unum Aldermannorum Civitatis predictae adtunc in Electione pro Maiore Civitatis predictae existens pro uno Anno adtunc adhuc venturo necnon quosdam Dudley North Armigerum Petrum Rich Armigerum qui quidem Dudley North Petrus Rich nuper pro antea debito legitimo modo secundum antiquas Privilegias Consuetudines Civitatis predictae electi jurati fuerunt Vicecomites Civitatis London Comitatus Middlesex Electionem prefat Vicecomitum per Cives Civitatis predictae factam in maximum odium contemptum scandalum inferre ipse predictus Benjaminus Leech postea scilicet dicto secundo die Octobris Anno supradicto apud London videlicet in Parochia sancti Michaelis Bassishaw in Warda de Bassishaw London predict in Guild-Hall Civitatis predictae ibidem ad predict Machinationes intentiones suas melius perficiend habens Colloquium cum quodam Thoma Smyth in Guild-Hall predicta adtunc ibidem falso illicite injuste maliciose dixit retulit in auditu diversorum Legeorum Subditorum dicti Domini Regis Civium Civitatis predictae publicavit Quod Prichard prefatum Willielmum Prichard Militem innuendo non foret Dominus Maior Dominus Maior Civitatis predictae innuendo nisi foret Dominus Maior illicite per furtum Anglice by Stealth prout Vicecomites prefatum Dudley North Petrum Rich Vicecomites Civitatis predictae Comitatus predictae innuendo fuerunt Vicecomites Civitatis Comitatus predictae Ad magnam disturbationem Pacis dicti Domini Regis ad magnum opprobrium Gubernatorum Gubernationis Civitatis predictae necnon ad Scandalum Opprobrium Defamationem prefati Willielmi Prichard Militis prefati Dudleý North Petri Rich debito modo electi Vicecomitum Civitatis Comitatus predictae in malum exemplum omnium aliorum consimili Casu delinquentium ac contra Pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coronam Dignitatem suam c. Whereunto the Defendant offer'd the Plea following Leech ads Domini Regis ET predictus Benjaminus Leech in propria persona sua venit defendit vim injuriam quando c. omnem Contemptum quicquid c. petit Judicium de Indictamento predicto quia dicit quod Juratores pro Domino Rege predicto qui Indictamentum illud fecerunt presentaverunt adinde Retornati Impannellati fuerunt per quosdem Dudley North Armigerum Petrum Rich Armigerum tanquam Vicecomites Civitatis London quiquidem Dudley Petrus tempore Pannelli Retornatus illius per eos sic facti non fuerunt nec eorum alter fuit Vicecomites dictae Civitatis London per quod idem Indictamentum sic factum presentatum per hujusmodi Juratores sic ut prefertur Impannellatos Retornatos per Personas tunc non existentes Vicecomites Civitatis predictae vigore Statuti in hujusmodi Casu editi provisi vacuum in Lege existit nullius effectus hoc paratus est verificare unde petit Judicium de Indictamento illo quod Indictamentum illud Cassetur c. W. Thompson London ss THe Jurors for our Lord the King upon their Oaths do present that Benjamin Leech late of London Brick-layer being a Person of an evil and perverse disposition the second day of October in the thirty fourth Year of the Reign of our Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. devising and falsly and maliciously intending the Peace of our said Lord the King within the City of London to disquiet and disturb and divers differences and dissentions amongst the Citizens of the City aforesaid and other the Liege People and Subjects of our said Lord the King within this Kingdom of England of and concerning the Election of a Maior and Sheriffs of the City aforesaid and County of Middlesex to stir up move and procure and one Sir William Prichard Knight then and yet one of the Aldermen of the City aforesaid then in Election of Maior of the City aforesaid being for one year then and yet to come and also one Dudley North Esquire and one Peter Rich Esquire which Dudley North and Peter Rich lately before that time in a due and lawful manner according to the ancient Priviledges and Customs of the City aforesaid were Elected and Sworn Sheriffs of the City of London and County of Middlesex and the Election of the aforesaid Sheriffs by the Citizens of the City aforesaid made into the greatest hatred contempt and scandal to bring the aforesaid Benjamin Leech afterwards that is to say the said second day of October in the year abovesaid at London viz. in the Parish of St. Michael Bassishaw in the Ward of Bassishaw London aforesaid in the Guild-Hall of the City aforesaid there his aforesaid Contrivances and Intentions the better to perform having Discourse with one Thomas Smyth in Guild-Hall aforesaid then and there falsly unlawfully unjustly and maliciously did say relate and in the hearing of