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A10174 A shorte declaration of the lives and doctrinde [sic] of the Protestants and puritans vvher by one of independent iudgment may knovv the holinesse of their religion. Griffin, George Augustus, attributed name. 1615 (1615) STC 20451; ESTC S106114 88,828 192

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Sacrilegius wyfe others ascertaine that he did kill him selfe with his owen hande SIR IHON kNOX life the false Apostle of Scolland Extracted out of M. Nicoll Burns disputation and approoued by other Oculare vatnessis vvhich vvere liuing in his teme CHAP. VIII SIR Ihon Knox a renegat Priest of the Towne of Hadintowne in Scotland was Incensed with the burning lust of the flesh as the Prophete Daniell did foretell 12.37 that all feare of God and honnour of the world sette asside did thinke no shame at all to polute his Fathers bedde in cōmitting horrible Incest with his owen Mother in lawein an cordnekill who being Excōmunicated by his owen Bihope for such an horrible crime did in despight by his Bishope and censure vsed against him foresaike at once his Priestly dignitie and fanction with the Catholeque Re●igion and so be come an heretique Thus as S. Paul sayet 1. Tim. 110 hauing banished away good conscience from him selfe did make shipe wrake of his faith which loose of conscience and corruption of life is alwise the begining of heresie After that he did foresaike the mekenesse of Pristhood he become a cruell actour and conspiratour of the Cardinall Beatons deatd which was cruellie Murthered by our heretiques first plāters of this carnall Gospell in Scotland when the Castell of S. Androwes was taken from our heretiques which did hold the same by force Against the Queenes Maiestie Knox with the rest of the heretiques conspiratours of the said Cardinalls death were also taken by the frincemen and condemned as Slaues vnto the Galleyes Knex at the last by some quyet conuoy being sette at libertie from Galley Slauene went vnto England where he did lerne the artie of Necromancie for better aduanceēnt of his carnall Gospell The Earle of Murray in the meane seaon ceing in England Knox did enter in conference with him at S. Pauls Church in London where he did persuade the said Earle that God hade chosen him to be King of Scotland to Roote out Idolatrie Establish the light of their Gospell and that he as a new Iosias should mantaine and defend sir Ihon Knox the new Helias against all Catholique Pastours which he calletd the Priests of Baal and liekwise the Queens Maiestie which he Nicknamed Iesabeli VVhich things to performe and atchiue he sette out his booke Intituled the blast of the Trompet against the Regiment of weemen attempting therely to spoile the Queenes Maiestie with all ther pesteritie of their Regall Diademe and heriatle of the the Kingdome of Scotland so at one time did Endeuoure him selfe to Plant a false Renigion for atrue and to Install an vnlawfull King for an lawfull Princesse in the Realme of Scotland This was the Sound Intention whole drifte of this false Prophete with the rest of his seditious Ministers to ouerthrowe the Spirituall and temporall Estate in the Realme of Seotland at one time This forelorne Priest retourning from Englnnd to Scotland againe did persuade a Married woman with her daughter to foresaike her hasband to follow him and thus shamefullie Sacrilegiously and Incestuously seale and proper fruits or their Carnall Gopell After the death of that adulteresse he being an old decreeped Priest at the pits brinke he did ryde upon a prettie Guelded horse with his Silken ●carfe adorned with an Golden Ring Pretious Stones as yf he hade beene a young Springall and wanton youth an Euident Signe of an meere worlding full of bold presumption Diabolicall pride He did also wooe an Gentle woman of the house of Ochiltrie to Marrie in this princly forme and Enchant her so by his Deuillish Arte of necromancie that he did appeare to this young Gentlewoman not in his owen shape an olde decreeped Priest but as a young Strypling most beutifull to beholde site to fight courgiosly in Venus fiield and so did Incense such an disordained loue in hir heart towards him selfe that she could nowise ●iue or take repose without his accursed Societie All the world beholding her to be a beutifull braue and pleasant Damosell and Knox to be but an olde decreeped priest of an base and obscure condition and of Ignoble blood they could not Ascribe the cause of that vehement affection which she did beare to such decreeped Priest but his Dueillish Arte of Sorcerie or Necromancie whereby he did bewitch the young Gentle woman in such fashon that she could not behold the shame and disgrace which she did Incurre when she did linke her selfe in Marriage with such a renegate Priest and Ignoble person as Knox was in verie deede The progresse of his life did shewe these things to be most true when an young wōan in the Lord Ochiltries house almost did loose hir life for feare when she did Espy thraugh an clift or bore in the doore Sathan in shape of a blacke men in quyet conference speaking with Knox which was the blacke Doctour and Master of Schoole whome froe he did learne his lesson as much in Sorcerie Necromancie as in the Preaching of his carnal Gospell A Gentle woman worthie to be beleeued in thi● behalfe did see Knox face toure in his necke during the time of his Preaching in S. Gils Church a● Edinbrugh as truly She did relate vnto me As the Arrians did not skare with the Doctrin● of Arrians when he did shute his Entralls in th● Iacks with the loose of his life publickly Euens● the puritans are not affrayed at the doctrine o● Knox which was damnad by God with such 〈◊〉 Monstrous prodige as the doctrine of Arrius wa● in ages long before Lastlly when he at the houre of death did assu● his Bretheren that the olde Religion should ari● againe they saide that he did but dotte and ra● in such speaches as a man be straught in mind 〈◊〉 Answerred to them saying to the end you ma● beleeue such things to be true as I haue foreto● you goe you Incontinently out of the house where I doe lye and when you retourne in againe ●ou shall find my words to be confirmed with a ●rodigous signe after they hade performed his will ●n this behalfe as he hade desired them to doe Entring in the house againe where they did ●eaue him giuing vp the Ghost they did find all ●he lights Extinguished and Knox him selfe lying ●old dead on the floore and his face tourned in ●is Necke This is the prodidgious end which ●his forelorne Priest did make most worthie of his deserts The young man which did serue him vnto his ●itter end did relate all these things to a Gentle man of Estate worthie of credence which did ●eherse these thinga as most true vnto his frinds as ●hey are tecited abue OF M. Ihon Craige a foresvvorne Dominican frier Minister to his Maiestie CHAP. IX Maister Ihon Craige apostata Frier Minister to King Iames the sixt of Scotland minded to retu●rne to his Monastrie being at time in Italie or laike of Moyen after he did foresaike the same ●onfesseth that the
thou mayest see Euidently ●w Luther Caluin with their broad doe sette ●de the lawe of God man with all good workes 〈◊〉 Establish their Iustification by only faith sith 〈◊〉 man is bound in conscience to keepe the lawe 〈◊〉 God according to this doctrne to what pur●se should any man paine hime selfe to worke ●od workes seing that he is not bound in consc●ce to doe the same or yet can he hope for any ●uenly rewarde at Gods hands for such things 〈◊〉 Moreouer yf no man be bound in conscience 〈◊〉 keepe the lawe of God according to this doc●ne no man shal be boūd in conscience to wor●pe honour and serue God as is cōmanded in 〈◊〉 first Table ●ikewise no man shall offend God when he lyeth ●th his Nighbours wyfe when he taketh away his Nighbours goods when he bee ●ayetd his Mas● when he foreswearete him selfe for anie world cōmoditie when he stayeth his Nighbour to fa●ssie his wre●td or cōmitet any other cryme agai● the lawe of God or man because he is not bou● in conscience to keepe such lawes and worke go● workes as wee haue shewen aboue according 〈◊〉 the doctrine of Luther and Caluin but all 〈◊〉 shal be free to doe what they please by Christ libertie without the controll in of any lawe ●it● diuine or humaine ar yet of any conscience Thus thou seest that these Newe Gospellers 〈◊〉 open the Gatte of mischeefe release the vaines 〈◊〉 concupissance to all horrible crimes by the liber● of their Gospell Besides these things this dotrine of our her●ques taketh cleane away all sinnes because t● sinne is no thing Else but a transgression su●ing or declyning from the lawe as the Gre● worde Vom Impor●eth 1 Ihon. 3 〈…〉 there is no lawe which bindeth the consciences men there is no transgression of the lawe th● is consequently no sinne at all as S. Paul wit●seth Rom. 4.15 which is the very herisie of 〈◊〉 libertins Children Engendred in the smoke● Luthers and Caluins heresies abaue mentione● So thou mayest Euidently see how the Doctr● of the Protestants and Puritans doth lead 〈◊〉 soules vnawares to the enter of atheisme 〈◊〉 of Infidelitie VVhen M. welsche in the second pairt of his ●ly obiceth to vs that manie popes did lead an ●godly life wee answere and confesse that in the ●urch of God there be white and chaffe mat 3. 〈◊〉 good and badde fishes Mat. 13.48 some ●edde with the wedding Garniemt others not ●edde with the same Mat. 22.12 some the●e goats Mat. 25.32 foolish Virgins some wise ●th 25.2 some Veshells of honnour some of ●tumelie 2. Tim. 2.20 some Reprobate Mat. 〈◊〉 14. augast Tract 45. in Ibhannem at lib. cont cres●um cresconium cap. 34. and amonigst the rest a ●ditor Inddas amongst the Apostles Mat. 26. 〈◊〉 wherefore as the faithfull Apostles should not ●onemned for the Prodition of Iudas Right ●he holy Apostles docours the holy Martires 〈◊〉 virgins of the Catholique Romaine Church ●uld not be condemned for the leud leues of ●ers Albeit some of the Popes in their owen proper ●sons haue ouerseene them seules in their dutie ●ther mortall men doe yet they haue not com●ted such crymes as welsche affirme them lyn● to haue done And because it belongeth not to my purpose at 〈◊〉 time to Examine seurallt all welsches forged 〈◊〉 Malitious detractions in this behalfe I will 〈◊〉 sette doune tow Examples for all the rest ●reby the Indiffernt Reader may by the Euid● lyes sette doune in these two Examples by welsche coniectuae his forged lyes and malitio● detractions in the rest of the Popes liues detract● by him malitiously As concering the first Example it is of Pop● Iane which welsche alleadgeth to hau decei● fully cropen in the Apostaicall seate and likew● in her Papall dignitie to haue conceiued a● borne an Childe To knewe this to be a forged lye and Euide●able let the Reader Read Cardinall Bellarmi● lib. 3. deponti Kom cap 24 where he prooue● this triuth as I ascerten it to be The. 2. Example is of Pope Grehorie the 〈◊〉 where welsche bringeth in a false Schismatiq● called Benn● to accuse the holy Pope Malieus● as the Iewes brought in a falle witnesse to accu● Christ our Sauiour and to see the light of th● purpose Read Cardianall Bellarmine lib. 4. ● Pontif· Rom. cap 7. and you shall find all thin● in this behalfe as I ascetaine them to be welsc● liewise a malitiouse detractour and forger of ly● But wee haue that aduatage of the Protestants Puritans that the Doctrine and liues of the h● Pastours and Doctours Martires and Virgins the Catholique Romaine Church were cōfirm● by diuine Miracles which is the Infallible testi● onie of God and their festuall dayes celebrat● yeerely for the same respect by the Catholiq● Romaine Church for a testimonie of the Reli●ous ho●o●s due to their holiness as to the faith● Instruments of the holy Ghost true seruants and friends of God But when our Protestants Puritas wold haue confirmed their false doctrine by false Miracles and thus to make as much as lay in their powere God an false God and false witnesse God did tourne their attempt to their owen shame and reprotch when Luther did Endeuour him selfe to cast the Deuill out of a possessed persone the Deuill did chasse him away Staphil apolog 2. Genebrard lib. 2. Chonogr anon 1545. VVhen Caluin did attempt fainedly to raise a man from death to life for confirmation of his false doctrine he did kill a quicke men by his hypocrisie according to the Iust Iudgment of God Bolsecus in vita Caluine Likewise knox the chiefe minister of Scotland Preaching in S. Gills Church in Edinbrughe did suffer such a publique sham before the people that his face did tourne in his Necke as such that did see that Monstrous sight did aelate the hame vnto my selfe Thus as Erasmus sayeth since time they did beginne their new Religion they could nuer cure an lame Horse of his disease And concerning their liues yea the patriarchs prophets and Pillars of this now Religion which haue them seluer out for the to reformers of the world and as faithfull guids to Heauen were of such abhominable detastable liues that no man shal be able to find out more malitious treasons Cruell seditiions horrible slaughter of Church men perturbations of Realmes such pactise of Necromancie and forcerie adulterie simonie spoling of Church men and Catholique Rōaines of their goods and Guere then was done by Luther Zuīngllsus Caluin Beza Knox King Henry the Eight in England and by suchlike others which did defend them in their Malitious deeds as you may see in the historie of Surius Genebrard lib. 2. Chronogr Bolsccus in vita Caluene et Bazae Stephilus in his Apologie Doctor sanderus in sellise mate Anglicano stanislcans Rescus polonus lib 2. de atheismis et phalarismis Euangelicorum M. Nicol Burne in his Dispution Against the Ministers of scotland and others which haue