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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B13202 A commission for the well gouerning of our people, inhabiting in New-found-land; or, traffiquing in bayes, creekes, or fresh riuers there England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1634 (1634) STC 9256.5; ESTC S101041 2,972 21

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A COMMISSION for the well gouerning of Our people inhabiting in New-found-land Or Traffiquing in Bayes Creekes or fresh Riuers there ¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER Printer to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL M.DC.XXXIII HIS MAIESTIES Commission for the well-gouerning of His subiects inhabiting in the New-found-land CHARLES by the grace of GOD King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To all to whom these presents shall come greeting VVhereas the Region or Countrey called New-found-land hath beene acquired to the Dominion of Our Progenitors which VVe hold and Our people haue many yeeres resorted to those parts where and in the coasts adioyning they imployed themselues in Fishing whereby a great number of Our people haue beene set on worke and the Nauigation and Marriners of Our Realme hath been much increased And Our Subiects resorting thither one by the other and the natiues of those parts were orderly and gently intreated vntill of late some of Our Subiects of the Realme of England planting themselues in that Countrey and there residing and inhabiting vpon conceit that for wrongs or iniuries done there either on the Shoare or in the Sea adioyning they cannot be here impeached and the rather for that We or Our Progenitors haue not hitherto giuen Lawes to the Inhabitants there and by that example Our Subiects resorting thither iniure one another and vse all manner of excesse to the great hinderance of the voyage and common dammage of this Realme For preuenting such inconueniencies hereafter VVee doe hereby declare in what manner our people in New-found-land and vpon the Sea adioyning and the Bayes Creekes or fresh Riuers there shall be guided and gouerned Doe make and ordayne the Lawes following in the things after specified Commanding that the same be obeyed and put in execution First if any man on the land there shall kill another or if any shall secretly or forceablie steale the goods of any other to the value of Forty shillings he shal be forthwith apprehended arrested detayned and brought Prisoner into England and the crime committed by him shal be made known to the Earle Marshall of England for the time being to whom the Delinquent shall bee deliuered as Prisoner And the said Earle Marshall shal take Cognizance of the cause And if hee shall finde by the testimonie of two witnesses or more that the partie had there killed a man not being at that time first assaulted by the party slaine or that the killing were by mis-aduenture or had stollen such goods the Delinquent shall suffer paine of death and all the company shall endeauor to apprehend such malefactor Secondly That no Ballast Prestones or any thing else hurtfull to the Harbourers be throwne out to the preiudice of the said Harbours but that it be carried a shoare and laid where it may not doe annoyance Thirdly That no person whatsoeuer either Fishermen or Inhabitants doe destroy deface or any way worke any spoyle or detriment to any Stage Cookeroome Flakes Spikes Nayles or any thing else that belongeth to the Stages whatsoeuer either at the end of the voyage when hee hath done and is to depart the Countrey or to any such Stages as hee shall fall withall at his comming into the Countrey but that hee of they content themselues with such Stage or Stages onely as shall bee needefull for them And that for the repayring of such Stages as he or they take they shall fetch Tymber out of the woods and not to do it with the ruining or tearing down of other Stages Fourthly That according to the ancient custome euery Shippe or Fisher that first entreth a Harbour in behalfe of the Shippe bee Admirall of the said Harbour wherin for the time beeing he shall reserue onely so much Beach and Flakes or both as is needefull for the number of boates that hee shall vse with an ouerplus only for one Boate more then hee needeth as a priuiledge for his first comming And that euery Ship comming after content himselfe with what hee shall haue necessary vse for without keeping or detaining any more to the preiudice of others next comming And that any that are possessed of seuerall places in seuerall Harbours with intent to keepe them all before they can resolue vpon which of them to choose shall be bound to resolue and send aduice to such after commers in those places as expect his resolution and that within fourty eight howres if the weather so serue that the said after commers may likewise chuse their places and so none receiue preiudice by others delayes Fiftly That no person cut out deface or any way alter or change the markes of any Boats or Traine-fats whereby to defraud the right owners And that no person conuert to his owne vse the said Boats or Traine-fats so belonging to others without their consents nor remoue nor take them from the places where they be left by the owners except in case of necessity and then to giue notice thereof to the Admirall and others whereby the right owners may know what is become of them Sixtly that no person doe diminish take away purloyne or steale any of the Fish or Traine or Salt which is put in Caske Traynefats or Cookeroome or other house in any of the Harbours or Fishing places of the Countrey or any other prouision belonging to the fishing trade or to the Shippes Seuenthly That no person set fire in any of the wood of the Countrey or worke any detriment or destruction to the same by Rynding of the Trees either for the seeling of Shippes holdes or for Roomes on Shoare or for any other vses Except for the couering of the roofes for Cooke-roomes to dresse their meate in and these Roomes not to extend aboue sixteene foot in length at the most Eightly That no man cast Ancor or ought else hurtfull which may breede annoyance or hinder the haleing of Seanes for baite in places accustomed thereunto Ninthly That no person robbe the Netts of others out of any drift Boate or Drouer for bait by night nor take away any bait out of their Fishing-boats by their Shippes sides nor robbe or steale any of their Nettes or any part thereof Tenthly That no person doe set vp any Tauerne for selling of Wine Beere or strong Waters Cyder or Tobacco to entertaine the Fishermen because it is found that by such meanes they are debauched neglecting their labours and poore ill-gouerned men not onely spend most part of their shares before they come home vpon which the life and maintenance of their wife and children dependeth but are likewise hurtfull in diuers other wayes as by neglecting and making themselues vnfit for their labour by purloyning and stealing from their owners and by making vnlawfull shifts to supply their disorders c. which disorders they frequently follow since these occasions haue presented themselues Lastly That vpon the Sundayes the Company assemble in meet places and haue diuine Seruice to bee said by some of the Masters of the Shippes or some others which prayers shall bee such as are in the Booke of Common Prayer And because that speedy punishment may be inflicted vpon the offenders against those Lawes and Constitutions Wee doe ordaine that euery of the Maiors of Southampton Weymouth and Melcombe Regis Lynne Plymouth Dartmouth Estlow Foye and Barnestable for the time being may take Cognizans of all complaints made by any offender against any of these Ordinances vpon the land and by oath of Witnesses examine the truth thereof award amends to the parties grieued and punish the deliuquents by Fine and Imprisonment or either of them and of their goods sound in the parts of New-found-land or in the Sea cause satisfaction thereof to bee made by Warrants vnder their hands and seales And the Vice-Admirals in Our Counties of Southampton Dorset Deuon and Cornewall vpon complaint made of any of the pre●isses committed vpon the Sea shall speedily and effectually proceed against the offenders Also We Will and Ordaine that these Lawes and Ordinances shall stand in force and bee put in due execution vntill VVe shall otherwise prouide and ordaine And VVee doe require the Admirall in euery Harbour in this next Season ensuing calling together such as shall bee in that Harbour publiquely to proclaime these presents And that they also proclaime the same on the Shore In witnesse whereof Wee haue caused these Our Letters to bee made Patents Witnesse our selfe at Westminster the tenth day of February in the ninth ●eere of Our Reigne Willys God saue the King