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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07639 Certaine advertisements and articles, giuen by the Worshipfull Master Robert Iohnson Archdeacon of Leicester. In the visitation holden for the said archdeaconrie, at the feast of the Annunciation of our blessed lady the Virgine Marie in the yeare of our Lord God 1613. and the of reigne of our most gracious Lord King Iames, by the grace of God of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. the eleuenth, and of Scotland the fortie fiue.. Church of England. Archdeaconry of Leicester. Archdeacon (1591-1625 : Johnson); Johnson, Robert, 1540-1625. 1613 (1613) STC 10222; ESTC S92356 8,242 20

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CERTAINE ADVERTISEMENTS AND Articles giuen by the Worshipfull Master Robert Iohnson Archdeacon of Leicester In the Visitation holden for the said Archdeaconrie at the feast of the Annunciation of our blessed Ladie the Virgine MARIE in the yeare of our Lord God 1613. and of the Reigne of our most gracious Lord King IAMES by the grace of God of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. the eleuenth and of Scotland the fortie fiue LONDON Printed for Ambrose Garbrand 1613. The vse of the Ecclesiasticall Visitations ORdinarie Visitations Ecclesiasticall by what authoritie soeuer executed were originally instituted and ordained for the honour of God the good of his Church and the preseruation of the people of God in vnitie of true Religion and in holinesse of life and conuersation and that the Churches Parochiall other founded and erected for diuine worship might by Ecclesiasticall Magistrates and Church-gouernours in their distinct callings be furnished with reuerent and discreet Ministers godly and learned Preachers faithfully to teach and instruct the people in the truth of Gods word sincerely to administer the Sacraments and to doe and performe all other offices of the holy Church by name Matrimonie visiting the sicke buriall of the Dead thankesgiuing of Women after childbirth and such like according to the positiue Lawes and Ordinances of Christian Kings and Princes Gods Vicegerents on the earth without any Antichristian corruption Schismaticall innouation of addition of their owne And further that in due execution or such Visitations the enemies of Gods truth the Papall Schismaticall Anabaptisticall prophane or other might be reformed or expulsed Gods Church All idle and dissolute Ministers being insufficient and a scandall to their calling remoued and displaced and men or better sort sobrietie and worthinesse placed in their stead and that the people who are many times carelesse and negligent to be instructed oft seduced to follow innouation and strange worship might be reduced from their errours and superstition eyther by godly exhortation and perswasion or otherwise by the censures of the Church This diuine and verie necessarie inquisition by the prouidence of God and in wisedome of former times grauely ordained being duly executed by the Magistrate Minister Churchwardens such other as are trusted in this businesse would doubtlesse God assisting easily purge the Church of many inconueniences and bring the people to better obedience and more due acknowledgement of the benefits bestowed vpon them in placing ouer them so renowned sacred and religious a Prince and in giuing vnto them by his sole wisedome and authoritie vnder God libertie to serue God and to liue at home in peace ¶ An Aduertisement THankesgiuing for benefits and graces receiued and daily inuocation of Gods holy name for the continuance of his blessings towards vs and for the protection and defence of this Church Prince and People from the rage oppression and violence of Satan and his members as it is particularly commanded in many places in holy writ so it is warranted vnto vs by all examples of the Prophets and Patriarches in all ages therefore since we haue as good cause as euer nation had to prostrate our selues before the Maiestie of the Almightie for the infinite blessings brought vpon vs in placing ouer vs so religious sacred and godly a Prince as no Chronicle can euer mention neither any Kingdome or people euer had let vs therfore seriously yea let vs sincerely euen from the bottoms of our hearts acknowledge with all thanksgiuing the good receiued which we ought euen of our owne accord to do yet much more when we are commanded by publike authoritie And therefore for as much as we are by certaine statutes proclamations letters and ordinances required enioyned and commanded to celebrate the day of his Maiesties Coronation and of his wonderfull deliuerance from that bloody conspiracy of that family of the Gowries as also from that most horrible trecherous and vnspeakable action of that Antichristian hellish most damnable plot and practise lately intended not against the person of his Maiestie onely but to the quite extirpation subuersion of his royall issue Religion and the whole state of this Kingdome it behooueth euery Minister all Church-officers be they Church-wardens or other as they tender their dutie to God their allegeance to their Prince their obedience to the lawes established to prouide that in their seuerall Parishes and Cures all solemnitie be had of the day of his Maiesties Coronation and all publike prayer be vsed according to the prescript forme set forth by authoritie as well the fift of August as vpon the fift of Nouember and that a particular note be giuen by the Minister and Churchwardēs of al such as shall refuse to come to Church those daies and for their better admonition it is required that the Minister doe make knowne vnto the people vpon the precedent Sunday the seuerall daies as they shall happen to fall Church recusants enemies to Gods truth to be presented 1 Church-Recusants as it is a name heretofore seldome or neuer heard of so are they in the condition and practise of their life knowne enemies of Gods truth such as hate to heare the word or partake the Sacraments and liue in open contradiction and opposition against the lawes of God and against the lawes of their Christian Prince and Common-welth These persons being iustly reputed very dangerous subiects and offensiue members in the Church are by the Minister Church-wardens with all care and diligence to be enquired after and presented by their knowne names surnames with addition of their titles and with declaration of what power and sufficiencie they are and what office they beare in the Church and Common-wealth which presentment so made is to be subscribed and deliuered vnder the hand of the Minister Churchwardens and Sworne men Admonishment to be giuen such as refuse the Sacrament and after vpon refusall to be presented 2 Where sundrie persons who haue béene héeretofore Recusants doe now of their owne accord frequent the Church though not so vsually as others yet refuse to heare the word preached or to receiue the Sacrament of the Lords Supper the better thereby to confirme them and to giue testimonie vnto others by those their outward actions of that their inward zeal deuotion and conformity it behoueth the Minister and Church-wardens in like sort first by godly admonition to perswade the said persons if so they can to receiue or otherwise to present all such as shal obstinately refuse being of the age of sixtéene years and aboue least their sufferance and permission of them become an offence vnto the godly and giue others cause by their example to backslide Wiues Children and Families of reformed Recusants not communicating ought to be presented 3 Though sundrie Recusants haue of late conformed themselues and doe now come to the Church to heare diuine praier and to receiue the Sacraments as by the lawes of God
and of this Realme they are commanded yet the wiues children and family of many of those reformed Recusants doe notwithstanding still continue obstinate and will not be drawne eyther by the example of the husband parent or master nor by any other godly perswasion or conference to doe and performe what to them euery of them in a Christian dutie to God the Prince belongeth For reformation whereof the Minister Churchwardens and Sworn-men are to take a true note and particular of euery such person in those families as shall refuse to come to Church or to receiue the Sacraments being of lawfull age and hauing no iust impediment shall accordingly present them 4 The infection of Recusancy being the very fruit and badge of Antichristian irreligon hath béene a surfet so long and dangerous in this Kingdome as by the daily increase of such as affect those dregs of Popery the disease and contagion séemeth in it selfe incurable and the rather for that the seuerall houses of Recusants here infected for the better strengthning of that cause as is supposed Marriages of Recusants and their children not publikely solemnized to be presented doe vsually couple and ioyne themselues in Matrimonie together and so are growne by that vnion and coniunction to a great strength and kindred now for as much as these marriages are most times in priuate houses celebrated without any publike licence or banes asking and the Children likewise begotten betwixt such persons are seldome or not at all in publike baptized It is thought fit and very conuenient that the Minister and Churchwardens of euery Parish doe very carefully informe themselues of all such marriages so supposed to be had and of all such Children so baptized that the seuerall persons herein Culpable may be presented and compelled to prooue by lawfull testimony their seuerall marriages that their Children are baptized according to the Ordinances of the Church now established or otherwise to endure such punishment and penalty as by the lawes Ecclesiasticall of this Realme in such case is religiously prouided the law it self requiring a due and perfect register continually to bee kept by the Minister and Churchwardens of all marriages and Christenings had within the Parish and to be yearely sent into the Bishops Register there to be recorded 5 Now for the auoyding of the future euill which may happen in such case it is required that the Churchwardens and sworn-men of euery Parish doe inquire and informe themselues what Ministers other then ehe Parochiall Minister doth vsually celebrate diuine seruice Strange Ministers and Scholemasters frequenting the houses of Recusants to be presented administer the Sacraments and performe other Church Offices in those priuate Families and whether the said person so executing such offices bée a Minister licensed and haue subscribed to the Articles of Religion and if not to present him further what schoolemasters the said families being noted for Recusancy haue to teach their Childrē and what license the said schoolemāsters haue so to doe for that many transformed Iesuites and Seminaries vnder the name and colour of schoolemasters doe vsually frequent such places and in the Cloake and couert thereof doe exercise al their superstitious seruice and Idolatrous practises 6 For as much as some pretēd haue informed as it séemeth the Kings most excellent Maiestie and the Honorable Lords other of his Highnes priuy Councel All excommunicate Recusants vpon Oath for conformitie to be absolued that sundry Recusants being excōmunicate persons would willingly come to the Church receiue the Sacramēt in case they might obtaine their absolution from the sentēce of excommunication inflicted it is thought fit hereby required that the Ministers of euery Parish Chappel or Hamlet within this Dioces doe forthwith or so soone as with conueniency they may giue publike notice in the Church or otherwise to the persons thēselues or at their mansion houses that if they will come to the Ordinary who did excommunicate them or being not able to come will procure commission to bee granted for their better ease to their particular Minister and take oath for their after-conformitie they shall bee absolued without fée so as they haue commited no other offence which doth deserue some publike reformation or satisfaction to the congregation 7 Lastly for as much as Schisme and deuision in Religion and in the Ceremonies of the Church hath doth much disturbe the peaceable gouernment of the same One vniforme order of Common prayer c. wherein default is to be presented and doth likewise giue great occasion to the professed enemies of Gods truth thereby to withdraw the people and such as are weake from the Religion doctrine discipline of the Church now established for that we are not as they pretend vnto them at vnitie within our selues it is very necessary and behouefull that sithence it hath pleased the Kings most excellent Maiestie by his late Canons exemplified vnder the broad seale of England to decrée and set downe that one vniforme order in the execution of diuine seruice and in the administration of the Sacraments of apparel as of Church ornaments and Ceremonies should be vsed by the Cleargie of this Kingdome as well in the publike execution of those their particular offices as in other their outward conuersation and behauiour that the same be accordingly vsed and prouided or else that the Church wardens doe present whether the fault bee in the Minister who will not weare the same or in the Parishioners who will not prouide those ornaments necessary and commaunded Articles to be enquired of within the Archdeaconrie of Leicester INprimis whether the Church of your Parish Double benefices bee now vacant and destitute of an Incumbent how long it hath so remayned whether any sequestration be granted of the fruits to whom and by whom If it haue an Incumbent what his name is of what bringing vp and degrée in Schooles what the valure of the liuing is in the Kings Bookes who is the Patron by right or aduouson whether hee hath any more benefices or Ecclesiasticall promotions how many and where If hee lie not on his Benefice to whom hee letteth his tithes for what yearely commoditie the ordinary charges deducted Whether the Curate be orderly and lawfully admitted vpon due triall examination of his sufficiency and honesty vnder the seale of office 2 Whether Common Prayer be distinctly and audibly read within the Parish Church Church-books the Sacraments reuerently and orderly administred whether for better performance of them you haue a booke of Common prayer two Psalters the English Bible the Homilies the Paraphrases of Erasmus in English the Table of the ten Commandements a comely Table standing vpon a frame for the holy Communion decently couered and a conuenient Communion cup with a couer agréeable and a séemely and decent Pulpit 3 Whether your Parson Vicar or Curate Monethly Sermons be a painefull zealous and diligent Preacher at