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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22152 By the King. A proclamation prohibiting the importation of allome and the buying, or spending thereof in any of His Maiesties dominions.; Proclamations. 1618-03-16 England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625. 1618 (1618) STC 8563; ESTC S100781 3,863 3

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to the hands of Our Agent or Agents in London in this behalfe the full value of such Allome as the said offendors heeretofore haue or heereafter shall haue imported bought solde vented or receiued as aforesaid And Our further will and pleasure is and Wee doe heereby declare that whatsoeuer Our said Treasurer or Our said Agent or Agents haue already done or shal do hereafter against any offendor or offendors in requiring and taking the forfeiture of any Allome or the value thereof so imported or vttered as aforesaid or in the mitigating and taking any lesse some then the value of the same of any such of fender in the Premisses or otherwise according to the good discretiō of Our said Treasurer Agent or Agents We do wil from time to time approue allow of by these presents And this signification of our pleasure shal be aswel vnto our said Treasurer Agent Agents for the time being as vnto all euery such Cōmissioner Commissioners as haue heretofore been or hereafter shal be imployed in or about this Our seruice a sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalfe without any account to be by them or any of thē respectiuely yeelded to Vs Our Heires or Successors and without incurring any penaltie in the doing and excuting this Our seruice and Royal Commandement And forasmuch as heretofore diuers great quantities of Allome haue beene imported into this Realme vnder the name and names of sundry poore Mariners and others which are not able to pay the value therof nor giue satisfaction for the same Our will and pleasure is the better to auoid such frauds and deceits in the time to come That in whatsoeuer Ship or Vessell any such Allome in greater or lesser quantitie shall be found or discouered to be so imported and to be shifted away that seizure thereof cannot be made That then such Mariners or others who shall so import or colour the said Allomes shall not onely be punished as aforesayd but that euery Master or Owner of such Ship or Vessell wherein such Allome shall be so imported and shifted away as aforesaid shal forfeit to Vs the value of the same Allome And that such Ship or Ships shall bee arrested and stayed by the officers of euery Porte respectiuely vntill the said forfeiture be duely answered and payde to the hands of Our sayd Agent or Agents or such others as they shall appoint in that behalfe And for the better execution of the premisses Wee doe straitly charge and command all Iustices of Peace Maiors Shiriffes Constables Headboroughs Tithingmen and all other Our Officers and Ministers aswell of Our Admiraltie as otherwise and all other Our louing Subiects to whom it shall or may appertaine That they and euery of them at all time and times hereafter and from time to time be ayding and assisting to Our said Agent and Agents and to such our Commissioners as shall bee from time to time appointed for or about this Our seruice And also to bee from time to time ayding and assisting to all our Customers Collectors Searchers Waiters and to all such other person and persons as shall be authorised by Our said Agent or Agents for the searching seizing taking and carrying away of all such Allome imported or hereafter to bee imported contrary to this Our Royal Prohibition and Commandement And if any person or persons shal be found priuily or secretly to oppose or animate any others to contradict or withstand them in the due execution of this Our seruice and Royal Commandement That then Wee doe by these presents straitly charge and command all and euery Our said Officers respectiuely That euery such person or persons shal be apprehended brought before Our Treasurer for the time being to receiue such order and condigne punishment as shall be thought meete to be inflicted vpon him or them for the same Giuen at Our Palace of Westminster the sixteenth of March in the fifteenth yeere of Our Reigne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the one and fifty God saue the King ¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill Deputies and Assignes of Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie ANNO M.DC.XVII
¶ By the King ❧ A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of Allome and the Buying or Spending thereof in any His Maiesties Dominions IAMES by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting Whereas by two seuerall Proclamations heretofore by Vs published the one in the seuenth yeere and the other in the twelfth yeere of Our Reigne for sundry causes therein expressed wee signified our expresse pleasure and straightly inhibited aswell the Importation as the expence of any foreine Allome within any our Realmes or Dominions thereby charging and commanding all persons whatsoeuer aswell Our naturall borne Subiects as Denizens or Strangers That none of them should at any time then after attempt or presume to bring or cause to be brought into these Our Realmes of England Scotland or Ireland or into any other Our Dominions or into any the Ports Hauens Creekes or places of any of them any Allome in greater or lesser quantities made or to be made in any forreine part or place whatsoeuer or any Allome made here within this Kingdome after that the same had beene once exported vpon paine of forfeiture of all and euery quantitie and quantities of Allomes so brought or caused to be brought into Our said Realmes or Dominions contrary to Our Commandement signified in that behalfe and also vpon paine of Our indignation and displeasure and of such further paines penalties and punishments as are therein more at large expressed And wheras by a late Commission awarded by Our Cōmandement to diuers persons to enquire examine vpon Oth or otherwise in sundry of the Northerne parts places of this Our Realm of the due obseruatiō performance of the Premisses it was manifestly proued certified by the returne of the said Commission That Our Royal wil pleasure so often published in that behalfe hath not beene accordingly obeyed and obserued but that through the negligence and conniuence of some officers and others in the seuerall Ports and Creekes of this Kingdome there is as great a Commerce and Intercourse maintained between the Importers of forreine Allome and sundrie Tradesmen the Buyers and spenders of Allome as if the same had not at all been by Vs inhibited and restrained Wee therefore being sensible of the neglect of Our said former Proclamations published in this behalfe haue thought good to reuiue and renew the same And doe hereby signifie and declare vnto all and euery Our louing Subiects and others Our expresse will and pleasure to bee That Our said former Proclamations and euery Clause Inhibition and Prohibition or any other thing therein conteined shall bee from hencefoorth duely obserued and obeyed vpon paine of Our high displeasure and to incurre such further penalties and punishments as Wee or Our Priuie Councell or our Treasurer of England for the time being shall thinke fit to impose vpon all and euery the offenders and delinquents in that behalfe And further Wee will That the Buyers and Traders in Allomes so imported or to bee imported as aforesaid shall incurre and sustaine the like penalties punishments and forfeitures as the Importers of the same are or ought to incurre by vertue or tenour of Our sayde former Proclamations And that all such Searchers and Officers in all and euery Our Ports by whose meanes conniuencie or negligence such Allome as aforesayd is or shall be suffered or caused to bee landed sold or spent within our said Realmes or Dominions after due proofe shall be thereof had made and certified by Commissioners appointed or to be appointed in that behalfe or otherwise shall be left to the discretion of Our high Treasurer of England for the time being to be by him punished by the losse of his or their office or place or by imprisonment or otherwise for such his or their negligence or offence in the premisses And whereas by the disbursements and expence of sundry great summes of money by Vs heretofore made in and about the said Allome workes in this Our Realme the same are now brought to such perfection as that they doe annually yeeld not onely a sufficient quantity of Allome for the necessary vse and seruice of Our own Realmes and Dominions but also a surplusage of good quantitie to be transported into forreine parts for supplie of their wants We minding the maintenance of Our said Allome workes and intending to prouide for the same Doe therefore straitly charge and commaund That no forreine Allome nor any English Allome that shall bee once transported and afterwards returned from forreigne parts shall be bought solde vttered or spent within any Our Realmes or Dominions other then such English Allome as heretofore hath beene or hereafter shall be made by our Agents Deputies or Factors at Our owne Allome works and which hath not beene already transported and returned as is before forbidden And Wee doe hereby straitly charge and command all and singuler person and persons as well Our naturall borne Subiects as Denizens or Strangers Merchants Marriners Artificers and others That none of them nor any other person whatsoeuer doe attempt heereafter to importe buy sell or vent or cause to bee imported bought sold or vented any such forreigne or English Allome as is before mentioned or forbidden to be imported or solde as aforesaid vpon paine of forfeiture of all such Allome to be seized to Our vse And for want of such seizure to forfeit the value of all such Allome as shall be so imported or come to their or any of their hands or possession or bought solde spent or vented by them or any of them and vpon such further penalties and punishments as Wee or Our Priuie Counsell or Our Treasurer for the time being shall thinke fit to inflict vpon euery such offendor And for the better finding out and discouery of the said offendors Wee are well pleased and doe hereby require and command That Our Treasurer Chancellor and Barons of Our Exchequer for the time being shal and may awarde such and so many Commissions as they shall thinke meete to be directed to discreete and fit persons in all or any Our Ports or elsewhere to inquire of and examine vpon oath or otherwise all such persons as are or shall be suspected to haue heeretofore offended or which heereafter shall offend against this or our former Proclamations in this behalfe or any other person or persons whatsoeuer for the better finding out and discouerie of the said offences and offendors as is before mentioned To the ende that as well the Importers of all such Allome as the Buyers Sellers Spenders and Receiuers thereof may receiue such condigne punishment by fine or otherwise for their offences as by Our said Treasurer of England for the time being or by Our Court of Exchequer shall be thought fit And in case such Allome shall not or cannot be taken or found to be seised That then euery such offender shal forfeite and pay