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england_n king_n return_v scotland_n 4,273 5 8.4668 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B12627 The Kynges Maiesties free and most general pardon. England and Wales. Sovereign (1547-1553 : Edward VI).; Edward VI, King of England, 1537-1553. 1549 (1549) STC 7819.10; Interim Tract Supplement Guide Harl.7614[198] 7,163 9

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pounde or vnder wherof any shriefes hath here to fore accompted before the barōs of the kinges exchequer or els where and payed the same yssues fynes or amerciamentes vpon his or their said accompte determined to the kinges vse and haue his or their quietusest for the same PROVIDED also and be it enacted by thauctoritie of this present parliament that all and euery person and persons which haue tended to sewe liuereye out of the kinges hādes or that ought to sew any lyucreye out of the kinges handes or that ought to sewe any outer lemaine of any manours landes tenementes or hereditamentes whatsoeuer they be shal sue and be bounden to sue his and their liuereie lyuereis and outer lemain of his and their manours landes tenementes hereditamentes as they ought or should haue done if this fre pardon had neuer bene graunted any article clause matter or sentence acte or actes thing or thinges ▪ in this present acte of fre perdon comprysed or specified to the contrarie in anywise notwithstanding AND excepte and forprised out of this free pardon all and synguler persone and persones being the saide xiiij daye of Marche in the yere of oure lorde God a M. ccccc xlviij prisoner or prisoners in the toure of London or in the fleete or whiche were in the said prisons or any of theim at any tyme syns the fyrst day of Februarye in the yere of our lord God M. ccccc xlviii and are not discharged out of pryson the said xiiii daye of Marche and also all and synguler persone persones at any tyme before the eight daye of Marche in the sayd yere of our lord God M. ccccc xlviii put to death or in execucion by vertue of any maner of iudgement against him or theim geuen AND except and forprised out of this free pardon all and all maner of treasons done committed or perpetrated by any persone or persones in any of the parties of beyond the sea or in Scotlande by any person or persones nowe being beyond the sea or in Scotlande other then suche treasons or petit treason as hath ben committed perpetrated or done by any person being beyond the sea or in Scotlād that before the feaste of the natiuitie of our lord God that shal be in the yere of our lord God M. ccccc xlix shall come and make their returne and repayre into this realme of England And except al impeticions punishmentes forfaictours paines of death executions and iudgementes for the said treasons AND furthermore the kinges maiestie of his especiall grace and clemencye is pleased and contented that it be enacted and established by thaucthoritie aforesaid that all and synguler persone persons being borne within this realme of England or in any of the kinges dominions and now being beyond the sea or in Scotland whiche before the fyrst day of Marche in the yere of our lord God M. ccccc xlviii did flee out of this realme of England or any other of the kinges dominions for any high treason petyt treason misprision of treason or for any felonie murder or other crime or offence by him or theim in anywyse committed done or perpetrated shall by vertue of this free pardon be clerely discharged acquited and pardened of all and all maner of treasons petit treasons misprision of treason and other offences and crimes whatsoeuer done committed or perpetrated before the said fyrst daye of Marche in the said yere of our lorde God M. ccccc xlviii And of all maner of Impeticions suites penalties forfaictours and execucions for the same So that he or they do come and make their retourne and repaier into this realme of England on thissyde the sayd feaste of the natiuitie of our lorde God M. ccccc xlix AND also our said soueraigne lord the king by vertue of this acte and by thaucthoritie abouesayd doth geue aucthoritie and licence to all and euery of the said persones and persone being beyond the sea or in Scotland to returne and repaire into this realme of England and other his dominions before the same feaste of the Natiuitie of our lorde God M. ccccc xlix PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayd that it shal be lefull to all and euery clerke and other officer of any of the kynges courtes without any forfaiture losse or punishement for the same to award and make writtes of Capias Vtlagatum at the suite of the partie plaintife against any person or persons beyng outlawed in any accion to the intent to compel the persons or person so out lawed to make answere to the plaintife or plaintifes at whose suite he or they were or was outlawed and also that euery person and persons nowe beeyng outlawed shal be bounden to sue a writ of Scire facias against the partie or parties at whose suite he or they wer or was outlawed before suche tyme as the persons or person so outlawed shall take any aduauntage of this free pardon concernyng his or their outlawry AND the kyng our soueraigne lorde is contented and pleased to graunt by thaucthoritie aforesayd that it shal be lawfull to all and singuler Archebishops and bishops of this his realme of England and Waies to deliuer out of prison and set at libertie all and singuler those persons beyng in prison in their custody or in the custody of any of them as clerkes or clerke conuict or attainted whiche be pardoned by this acte of free pardon without any further act or suite to be made for the allowaunce of this pardon or otherwise any acte of Parliament lawe vsage custome or other thyng to the contrary in any wise notwithstandyng PROVIDED alwaies and be it enacted by aucthoritie aforesayd that this present act of free pardon or any thyng therin contained shal not in any wise extend to discharge or pardon any offence payn or penaltie done committed or forfaited by force of any estatute heretofore made against the decaiyng of any house or houses of husbandry or conuertyng of any lande from tyllage into pasture otherwise or in any other maner then to pardon and discharge all issues profites paynes and penalties growen or due to the kynges Maiestie or to his late father of famous memory kyng Henry the eight before the last day of Marche in the yere of our Lord God M. ccccc xlix or by reason of any suche offence or offēces which issues profites paynes and penalties are plainely and clearely before pardoned in and by this present act of free pardon nor shal extende to geue or make any licence or dispensacion to any person or persons to hold or cōtinue the same so decayed or cōuerted contrary to the forme of any suche estatute or statutes ¶ God saue the Kyng Imprinted in the house of Richard Grafton printer to the Kynges Maiestie Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solu●