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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A60555 A narrative of the royal fishings of Great Britain and Ireland with busses for pickled herrings and barrel-cod, after the manner of the Hollanders. With further discoveries and helps for the management thereof in a profitable way for the undertakers. Published for the satisfaction of all therein concern'd. Smith, Simon, Agent for the Royall Fishing. 1661 (1661) Wing S4209; ESTC R223752 11,708 26

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A NARRATIVE Of the Royal Fishings OF GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND with Busses for Pickled Herrings and Barrel-Cod after the manner of the HOLLANDERS WITH Further Discoveries and Helps for the Management thereof in a profitable way for the UNDERTAKERS Published for the satisfaction of all therein concern'd LONDON Printed by W. Godbid in Little-Britain over against the Anchor-Inn 1661. A NARRATIVE ABOUT The Royal Fishing IN my former Treatise about the Royal Herring-Buss-Trade printed 1641. I have given directions for the building rigging and fitting out of a Buss in an experimental way practised by the Right Honourable Philip Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery Lord Chamberlain of His Majesties Houshold from the year 1632. till the year 1640. which was carried on in the way of an Association by which many Busses were builded and imployed by the Directions of the Netherlandish-Fishermen whom Sir William Courten of London Merchant procured and got them Endennized and they their Wives and Children dwelt here and taught our Shipwrights to build Busses after the Holland manner and cure the Herrings and make the Nets and all things thereunto belonging by which means our English Fishermen attained to all the Arts and Skill thereof and made many thousand Barrels of pickled Herrings and Cod-fish and did vent them in the places where the Hollander vented and found current sale and full allowance of the goodness of the Fish equal to the Hollanders as by the several Factors Accompts which the Author of this Treatise hath ready to be produced to any that are desirous to peruse them Now since the printing of the said Book which was perused by a Parliament-Committee and appointed to be published for the general direction of the whole Kingdom whereof no fruit hitherto hath come to the Nation though all generally approved of the Work yet finding no man to put it into action I was much discouraged thereat having formerly in my Narrative made it plainly appear that the ill success we found in the way of our Associations was not through the unprofitableness of that Imployment but in the unskilfull Managers thereof and the extraordinary discouragements we encountred with for the Dunkirkers and others the Subjects of the King of Spain in the Low-Countries have taken sundry of the Busses imprisoned and evilly treated their Fishermen some of them died in prison others they ransomed at great sums The Damage which the said Earl and his Associates do justly challenge for their Busses so taken loss of men and Ransoms detention of their Goods and preventing of their Fishing amounts to 50000 l. and upwards And having since met with a Book called Britain Buss printed in anno 1615. which doth very exactly set forth such Instructions as the Author could then attain unto which he took upon enquiry and information but not on his own knowledge or others practice onely he cites Sir W. Harvy a noble Knight that builded and set out a Buss of 100 Tun whom I well knew and had several meetings with at Mr. John Fletcher's shop a Ropeseller in Thames-street who was Partner with him in the building the said Buss in an 1615. which no man seconded until the Lord Chamberlains Association that began in the year 1632. as is before mentioned Also I have seen sundry Treatises that have been set forth about this Subject as I finde by the Book called Lex Mercatoria who cites one Book called The British Monarchy printed in the year 1576. Another intituled Hitchcocks New-years-gift printed an 1685. Another called Englands way to win wealth and another called The Trades Increase in the year 1615. And the Author of the Book called Lex Mercatoria doth set forth That it s not much above 100 years since that the Hollanders Fishing-trade began for Herrings Cod and Ling which took its original from the English One named Violet Stevens and other discontented Fishmongers which departed the Realm of England and went to the Town of Anchusen where they procured the Inhabitants to fish for them in the Seas Streams and Dominions of Great Britain which Inhabitants upon the decease of the said Englishmen took the whole Trade to themselves which afterwards was dispersed into several Towns whereby the Trade is so increased that Holland and Zealand have above 2000 Busses and Fishing-Vessels which by the blessing of God that above 600000 Lasts of Fish are taken yearly in the Dominions of the King of Great Britain And he saith that one Tobias Gentleman a Fisherman made a Treatise Intituled Englands way to win Wealth who saith they are seen to sail out of the Maze Texell and flie 1000 Sayl together to catch Herrings in the North Seas most of them Ships of 120 some of 100 Tuns and others of 60 Tuns apiece having in them 24 men and some 20 some 16 men in a Vessel and they continue their course Northwest and by North until they arrive at the Island of Sheteland which lieth in the heighth of 60 Degrees of Northerly Latitude and the Herrings which they take are presently sent away by other Vessels called Yagors into the East-countries some to Riga and Revel some to the Narve Russia and Stockholme and all Poland Prussia Pomerland Littuania Stattene Lubeck and Denmark Deep Burdeaux Rochel Nants Morloix Cane Rouen Paris Amiens and all Piccardy c. Their Cod and Ling is done with smaller Ships of 40 Tuns burden called Pinks or Well-boats Also they have a Fleet of Fly-boats of 200 Tuns burden or more which be at the North-east of Sheteland having small Boats with them called Cobbles and the commodious Fisher-Towns he notes to be Colchester Harwich Orford Alborrough Dunnidge Walderswick Sould Yarmouth Blackney Wells Lyn Boston Hull Scarborough Hartlepoole Whittby Marske Stockton and Gisborough Newcastle and others Northwards c. And further he tells us that St. Dunstan the Bishop termed to be the Patron of the Goldsmiths had no other Elixar or Philosophers Stone than the Cold and Silver which by the Benefit of Fishing was obtained whereby the Kingdoms Plate and Bullion was procured For the advancement of which Fishing-Trade he did advise that three Fish-days ought to be kept in a week which caused also more abstinence and hence the Proverb came That St. Dunstan took the Devil by the nose with his pinchers All which recital is to shew that the English formerly had the sole Fishing and did serve the Netherlands and all other Nations with Pickled-herrings Cod and Ling whereby the Poor were relieved and Trading thereby much cherished which Imployment the Netherlanders having gotten the States of Holland and West-Freizland by their Proclamation say that the Trade of the general fishing for Herrings and the great fishings is one of the principal Means and Happiness of their Countries and the Inhabitants thereof Now for as much as his Majesty was graciously pleased to receive a Petition exhibited in June 1660. The Copy whereof followeth TO THE High and Mighty MONARCH CHARLES the Second By the Grace of God King
of England Scotland France and Ireland Defendor of the Faith c. The Humble Petition of Simon Smith late Agent for the Royal Fishing SHEWETH THat Your Majesties late Royal Father of Glorious Memory did in the year 1632. upon the following Motives viz. 1. The great plenty of Fish in the Seas Rivers and Creeks of His Majesties Dominions 2. The employment of all sorts of People 3. The advancement of Trade 4. The increase of strength to the Navie 5. The profit that might accrew to His Majesties Subjects 6. The increase of sundry Manufactures for setting at work idle and vagrant people whereby they may be able to relieve themselves and others and Merchandize and Traffick may by their industry be improved Constitute and establish a Society of Fishers and declared that he was resolved by all good occasions favourably to assist the said Trade and graciously to accept the forwardness of all those who should express their zeal to His Majesties Service in so general and publick an undertaking it being then resolved and concluded by His Majesty that the said Trade in it self was very honourable and necessary for this Kingdom as also hopefull and likely to prove very beneficial to the particular Adventurers Now that the true managing and most advantagious prosecution thereof is by experience discovered as by the Petitioners Book annexed are expressed Whereupon the Right Honourable Philip late Earl of Pembroke and Mountgomery and his Associates did cause sundry Vessels to be built which imployed many Families in making of Nets and other Provisions which yearly went out to the fishing and performed the taking and curing of Herrings and Barrel-Cods and found Foraign vent which continued until the year 1640. although the Adventurers were much hindered and damaged by the Dunkirkers to the value of ten thousand pounds and upwards for which no Reparation could be as yet had whereby the prosecution thereof was given over and the Fishers and others that were trained up to a right understanding of the business were dispersed by reason of the National Troubles increasing which Troubles having begotten great numbers of poor Families and Vagrants in the Nation who for want of Employment are brought into a miserable condition and will perish unless some speedy course be taken for their relief The consideration whereof hath stirred up Your Petitioner humbly to present this Herring-Buss Fishing to Your Majesty as the onely Employment for redress therein First For the making of Nets which will set on work all sorts of people both young and old in the Trades of Hemp-beaters Hatchelers Hemp-dressers Twine-spinners Net-makers Beetesters Brayders Labourers for tanning the Nets c. Also Shipwrights Joyners Mast-makers Pully-makers Rope-makers Sail-makers Smiths and sundry others Also the provisions for Casks Clap-boards Coops Cleevers Hoopers and others The Manufactures of and belonging to every Buss will set on work twenty Families besides the breeding of Country Youths to be serviceable Mariners in short time the exportation of the Herring to Foraign parts will imploy many Ships and make a greater importation of commodities as Hemp Pitch Tarr Rozen Masts Deals Clap-boards Salt and sundry other Provisions This Work being of so great consequence requires Your Majesties most gracious and serious consideration to be made a National business and such persons chosen for the managing thereof as for conscience sake may be for the publick good and not self-ends for if it be recommended to all Corporations in the Nation and in every County to raise a stock to buy Hemp and other Materials to set their poor on work and to provide Artists to teach and manage the making of Nets c. to be sent to a Magazine at the next Port a B●ss may be there built and furnished out for that County Town or Corporation and so in the Fishing-season may go forth to the Fishing-grounds at the Island of Sheteland where the Hollander hath his Rende●vouz for all his Busses as by the annexed Book thereof appeareth and return with great profits to the Imployers Your Petitioner therefore most humbly implores Your Majesties gracious favour to take the Premisses into Your Majesties Consideration and to give such furtherance and countenance to the same as to Your Gracious Majesty shall seem fitting and the benefit of such a business requires And Your Petitioner shall ever pray for Your Majesties long and happy Reign over us And thereupon His Majesty manifesting his great desire to have all his poor People imployed did the 23 of July following write his Letter to the Lord Mayor of the City of London as is hereafter expressed CHARLES R. RIght Trusty and well-beloved We greet you well Whereas Our Royal Father of Blessed Memory did in the year 1632. Constitute and Establish a Society of Fishers and Declared that He was resolved by all good occasions favourably to assist and graciously accept the forwardness of all those that should express their zeal to His Majesties Service in so general and publick an Vndertaking It being then Resolved and Concluded by His Majesty that it was very honorable necessary for this Kingdom Now that the true managing and most advantageous prosecution thereof is by experience discovered by Philip late Earl of Pembroke and Mountgomery and his Associates who did cause sundry Fishing Vessels to be provided and built which imployed many Families in making of Nets and other Provisions one Vessel imploying twenty Families in work besides the breeding of Country Youths to be made serviceable Mariners in short time as by the Book called The Royal Herring Buss Fishings presented unto Vs doth plainly appear And whereas We are informed that the Nation doth abound with great numbers of poor Families and Vagrants who for want of imployment are like to perish unless some speedy care be taken for their relief And that the several Wards and Suhurbs of this Our City of London and Hamlets adjacent are burthened with multitudes of poor people not onely which are born in the said places but such as come out of sundry Countries to seek Relief For Redress whereof We do hereby recommend unto the care of You Our Lord Mayor of the said City to advise with each Alderman and cause his VVard-moote Inquest to give in a particular of all the poor Inhabitants within his VVard what their employment is and how many are without employment and present the same to the rest of the Inhabitants in his VVard with a Copy thereof and excite them to a free subscription for raising a Stock to buy Hemp and Clapboards to make Herring Fishing-nets and Barrels for the furnishing and fitting out of one Buss or Fishing Vessel to belong to the said Ward which will give all the Poor and Vagrants employment the said Ward husbanding the same to their best advantage The which We shall in like manner recommend to all the Counties Cities and Towns within Our Dominions whereby to make it a National employment for the general good and will give all fitting