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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22110 My the King. Letters patents, commanding that no greater or other customes, imposts, fees, entrie-siluer, or other dueties whatsoeuer, shalbe hereafter taken, extracted or receiued, by any officers or subiects of England and Ireland, from Scottish-men, or Scottish ships or any goods or merchandizes imported or exported by them or their ships, then is vsually receiued from English and Irish men, English and Irish ships, or any goods imported or exported by them or their ships, to or from England and Ireland, in all respects: and that Scottish ships bee no more reputed or accompted strangers bottomes, but free bottomes, paying no more customes, impositions or other dueties for goods imported, or exported by them, then if they were imported or exported in English or Irish bottomes, to or from England or Ireland. England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625.; Suffolk, Thomas Howard, Earl of, 1561-1626. aut 1615 (1615) STC 8515; ESTC S100812 3,345 3

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❧ By the King ¶ Letters Patents commanding that no greater or other Customes Imposts Fees Entrie-Siluer or other dueties whatsoeuer shal be hereafte● taken exacted or receiued by any Officers or Subiects of England and Ireland from Scottish-men 〈◊〉 Scottish Ships or any Goods or Merchandizes Imported or Exported by them or their Ships then is vsually receiued from English and Irish men English and Irish Ships or any Goods Imported or exporte● by them or their Ships to or from England and Ireland in all respects And that Scottish Ships bee no more reputed or accompted Strangers Bottomes but free Bottomes paying no more Customes Imp●sitions or other dueties for Goods Imported or Exported by them then if they were Imported or expo●ted in English or Irish Bottomes to or from England or Ireland IAmes by the Grace of GOD King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To Our right trustie and righ● welbeloued cousen and Counsellour Thomas Earle of Suffolke Lor● high Treasurer of England And to the Treasurer Chancellour vnder Treasurer Chamberlaines and Barons of Our Exchequer 〈◊〉 England for the time being And to Our Attourney Generall for t●● time being And to all and singuler Our Customers Collectours Fermours Comptrollers and other Officers of all and euery Our Customes Subsidies Imposts Butlarage Prisage and other dueties within all and euery Our Ports Hauen● Creekes Members and places whatsoeuer within Our Realme of England for the time ●●ing and which hereafter shall be And to Our right trustie and right welbeloued Sir A●thour Chichester Knight Baron of Belfast Lord Deputie of Our Realme of Ireland A● to the Lord Deputie Lord Lieutenant Lord Iustice and chiefe Gouernour of Ireland t● the time being And to the Treasurer Chancellour Vice-Treasurer and Treasurer warres and Barons and other Our Officers of Our Exchequer of Ireland for the time b●ing And to all and singuler Our Customers Collectours Fermours Comptrollers a●other Officers of all and euery Our Customes Subsidies Imposts Butlarage Prisag●● and other dueties within all and euery Our Ports Hauens Creekes Members and place● whatsoeuer within Our Realme of Ireland for the time being and which hereafter shall●● and to euery of them Greeting Whereas euer sithence Our comming to the possession 〈◊〉 the Imperial Crowne of the Kingdomes of England and Ireland Our ful resolution an● constant purpose and meaning was and alwayes hath bene by all good meanes to set f●●ward and aduance Trade Trafique and Merchandize aswell within Our Kingdome 〈◊〉 Scotland as in Our Kingdomes of England and Ireland and to augment and increa●● the Ships Shippings and Nauigation of the same Kingdomes of England Scotla●● and Ireland for the wealth strength and prosperitie of the same Kingdomes And for 〈◊〉 purpose and to giue the better encouragement vnto Our naturall Subiects of the said Kin●dome of Scotland to set forward and increase their Trade Shipping and Commerce 〈◊〉 haue heretofore giuen diuers and sundry priuate directions to diuers Fermors of Our ●●stomes Subsidies Imposts and other dueties aswell within Our Port of London as i●●uers other Ports and places in England That Our said Subiects of Scotland nor th●●● Ships Pinaces Lighters or other Vessels nor any of their goods wares or merchandi●● either brought into this Realme of England or into the said Realme of Ireland or tra●●ported out of the same Realmes of England and Ireland or either of them should be charg●● with the payment of any greater or other Customes Subsidies Tonnage Butlarage P●●sage Imposts Impositions or other payments summes of money or dueties whatsoeu●● for or in respect of any their Ships or other Vessels vpon pretence and allegation that the●● said Ships were strange and vnfree Bottomes or for or in respect of any such Exportatio● or Importation of any wares Merchandizes or commodities into the said Kingdomes England or Ireland or either of them and the Ilands vnder the Dominions of the sa●●● Then onely with such and the same and no greater nor other then Englishmen for and inspect of their Ships or for or in respect of any Importation or Exportation of goods war●● Merchandizes and commodities into the said Kingdome of England and the Dominion of the same or Irishmen for or in respect of their Ships or for or in respect of any Impor●●tion or exportation of goods wares Merchandizes and commodities into the said Kingdo●● of Ireland or the dominions of the same or either of them are from time to time respectiue●● charged withall AND whereas notwithstanding Our said Princely resolution consta●● care and directions so giuen as aforesaid for the aduancing of the good estate of Our said kin●dome of Scotland We are neuerthelesse giuen to vnderstand by the manifold complaints 〈◊〉 diuers Our good Subiects of that Kingdome that they their Ships Barks and other ve●sels goods wares and Merchandizes are from time to time aswell in diuers Ports Hauen● and places of lading and vnlading within Our Realme of England as also in diuers Ports Hauens and places of lading vnlading within Our said Realme of Ireland charged a●● burthened with diuers more and greater Customes Subsidies Impositions taxations p●●ments and summes of money then Our naturall Subiects of England or Our Subiects 〈◊〉 Ireland are seuerally and respectiuely charged withall contrary to Our good meaning 〈◊〉 that behalfe WE vnderstanding that the Fermors and Officers of Our Customes Su●sidies Imposts and other dueties within Our Port of London and other of Our principa● Ports hauing taken notice of Our good pleasure intention concerning the premisses Ha● from time to time duetifully obediently submitted themselues thereunto AND the●●fore supposing that ignorance of Our Princely will and not any wilfull neglect or contempt 〈◊〉 Our pleasure hath caused some other of Our Customers Fermors and Officers of Our sa●● Realmes of England and Ireland to whom Our good purpose and intention was not 〈◊〉 well knowen to run vnwittingly into Our displeasure WE haue therefore thought good to giue generall and publique declaration and notification of Our pleasure and will herein to the intent that none of Our Subiects either in England or Ireland may pretend ignorance in that behalfe AND therefore doe by these presents signifie and declare aswell vnto you the persons aboue mentioned as vnto all other Our Officers ministers and Subiects whatsoeuer within Our said Realmes of England and Ireland and either of them whom it doth and shall concerne That Our Royall will pleasure and expresse commandement is tha● 〈◊〉 more greater or other Customes Subsidies Butlerage Prisage Tonnage Imposts i●●●sitions dueties payments or summes of money Fees for Entries or other Fees or rewa●●● whatsoeuer shall at any time hereafter be taken receiued exacted required challenged 〈◊〉 ●●manded by any Our Officers or Subiects of England or Ireland of any Scottishm●● 〈◊〉 Scottishmen or any other person or persons borne within Our Realme of Scotland 〈◊〉 in respect of their persons countrey or nation or for or in respect of any the Ships Pin●●●● Barks boats or vessels of any such Scottishman or Scottishmen as vnfree Bottoms ●●●ming arriuing or remayning within any Port or Ports Hauen or hauens or other cree●● 〈◊〉 place creeks or places within Our said Realmes of England and Ireland or either of th●●● or the dominions of them or either of them for exercise or trade of Merchandize or for 〈◊〉 respect of any Goods wares Merchandize or commodities whatsoeuer by any such S●●●tishman or Scottishmen imported or brought in or hereafter to be imported and brought 〈◊〉 the said Realmes of England and Ireland or Exported and caried out or hereafter to 〈◊〉 Exported and caried out of the same kingdomes or either of them Then onely such and 〈◊〉 same which are and lawfully ought to be taken required and had of the naturall borne S●●iects of England and the naturall borne Subiects of Ireland seuerally and respectiue●● 〈◊〉 the like cases and for the like respects Any former Law statute custome ordinance vsage ●●uision or any other matter or thing whatsoeuer to the contrary notwithstanding W●●●● and straitly charging and commanding all Our officers ministers and Subiects wha●●●euer aswell within Our kingdome of England as within Our kingdom of Ireland to 〈◊〉 it appertaineth That they and euery of them take full notice vnderstanding of Our Ro●●●● pleasure and commaundement before declared And to see the same duely obserued in 〈◊〉 things according to the tenour and true meaning of the same vpon paine of Our heauy ●●dignation and displeasure and of such punishment and penalties as by Our Lawes 〈◊〉 statutes can or may be inflicted or imposed vpon wilfull contemners of Our commande●●●● and prerogatiue Royall Neuerthelesse Our will and pleasure is And We doe by these 〈◊〉 sents signifie and declare Our Royall intent and meaning to bee That all and euery 〈◊〉 Subiects of Our Realme of Scotland shal be subiect to such forfeitures and penalties in 〈◊〉 of deteyning of Custome or other dueties and colouring Strangers Goodes or other●●●● in like maner as Our Subiects of England and Ireland respectiuely are by the Lawe● 〈◊〉 Statutes of either Realme or by Our prerogatiue Royall lyable vnto IN witn●●●● whereof We haue caused these Our Letters to be made Patents Witnesse Our selfe at Westminster the twelfth day of April in the thirteenth yeere of Our Reigne 〈◊〉 England France and Ireland and of Scotland the eight and fourtieth God saue the King ❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie ANNO 1615.