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A72019 Constitutio[ns] and canons ecclesiasticall treated vpon by the Bishop of London, president of the conuocation for the prouince of Canterbury, and the rest of the bishops and clergie of the said prouince: and agreed vpon with the Kings Maiesties licence in their synode begun at London anno Dom. 1603. And in the yeere of the raigne of our soueraigne Lord Iames by the grace of God King of England, France and Ireland the first, and of Scotland the 37. And now published for the due obseruation of them by his Maiesties authoritie, vnder the great Seale of England.; Constitutions and canons. 1603. English Church of England. 1604 (1604) STC 10070.5; ESTC S124736 53,373 350

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persons hauing cure of soules and all other Preachers and Readers of Diuinitie lectures shall to the vttermost of their wit knowledge and learning purely and sincerely without any colour or dissimulation teach manifest open and declare foure times euery yeere at the least in their Sermons and other Collations and lectures That all vsurped and forren power forasmuch as the same hath no establishment nor ground by the law of God is for most iust causes taken away and abolished and that therefore no maner of obedience or subiection within his Maiesties Realmes and Dominions is due vnto any such forren power but that the Kings power within his Realmes of England Scotland and Ireland and all other his Dominions and Countreys is the highest power vnder God to whom all men aswell inhabitants as borne within the same do by Gods Lawes owe most loyalty and obedience afore and aboue all other Powers and Potentates in earth II. Impugners of the Kings supremacie censured WHosoeuer shal hereafter affirme that the Kings Maiesty hath not the same authority in causes Ecclesiastical that the godly Kings had amongst the Iewes and Christian Emperors in the Primitiue Church or impeach in any part his Regall supremacie in the said causes restored to the Crowne and by the Lawes of this Realme therein established let him bee excommunicated ipso facto and not restored but only by the Archbishop after his repentance and publike reuocation of those his wicked errours III. The Church of England a true and Apostolicall Church WHosoeuer shall hereafter affirme that the Church of England by Lawe established vnder the Kings Maiestie is not a true and an Apostolical Church teaching maintaining the doctrine of the Apostles let him be excommunicated ipso facto and not restored but onely by the Archbishop after his repentance and publike reuocation of this his wicked errour IIII. Impugners of the publike worship of God established in the Church of England censured WHosoeuer shall herafter affirme that the forme of Gods worship in the Church of England established by Law and conteined in the booke of Common Prayer and administration of Sacraments is a corrupt superstitious or vnlawfull worship of God or containeth any thing in it that is repugnant to the Scriptures let him be excommunicated ipso facto and not restored but by the Bishop of the place or Archbishop after his repentance and publike reuocation of such his wicked errors V. Impugners of the Articles of Religion established in the Church of England censured WHosoeuer shall hereafter affirme that any of the nine and thirtie Articles agreed vpon by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Prouinces and the whole Cleargy in the Conuocation holden at LONDON in the yeere of our Lorde God one thousand fiue hundred sixty two for the auoiding of diuersities of opinions and for the establishing of consent touching true Religion are in any part superstitious or erroneous or such as hee may not with a good conscience subscribe vnto let him bee excommunicated ipso facto and not restored but onely by the Archbishop after his repentance and publike reuocation of such his wicked errors VI. Impugners of the Rites and Ceremonies established in the Church of England censured WHosoeuer shal hereafter affirme that the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England by Law established are wicked Antichristian or superstitious or such as beeing commanded by lawfull authoritie men who are zealously and godly affected may not with any good conscience approue them vse them or as occasion requireth subscribe vnto them let him bee excommunicated ipso facto and not restored vntill he repent and publikely reuoke such his wicked errours VII Impugners of the gouernment of the Church of England by Archbishops Bishops c. censured WHosoeuer shal hereafter affirme that the gouernement of the Church of England vnder his Maiesty by Archbishops Bishops Deanes Archdeacons and the rest that beare office in the same is Antichristian or repugnant to the word of God let him be excommunicated ipso facto and so continue vntill he repent and publikely reuoke such his wicked errors VIII Impugners of the forme of consecrating and ordering Archbishops Bishops c. in the Church of England censured WHosoeuer shall hereafter affirme or teach that the fourme and maner of making and consecrating Bishops Priests or Deacons conteineth any thing in it that is repugnant to the word of God or that they who are made Bishops Priestes or Deacons in that forme are not lawfully made nor ought to be accounted either by themselues or by others to be truly either Bishops Priests or Deacons vntil they haue some other calling to those diuine Offices let him bee excommunicated ipso facto not to bee restored vntill he repent and publikely reuoke such his wicked errours IX Authours of Schisme in the Church of England censured WHosoeuer shall hereafter separate themselues from the Communion of Saints as it is approoued by the Apostles rules in the Church of England combine themselues together in a new brotherhood accounting the Christians who are conformable to the Doctrine Gouernment Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England to be prophane and vnmeete for them to ioyne with in Christian profession let them bee excommunicated ipso facto and not restored but by the Archbishop after their repentance and publike reuocation of such their wicked errors X. Maintainers of Schismatickes in the Church of England censured WHosoeuer shall heerafter affirme That such Ministers as refuse to subscribe to the forme and maner of Gods worship in the Church of England prescribed in the Communion Booke and their adherents may truly take vnto them the name of another Church not established by Lawe and dare presume to publish it that this their pretended Church hath of long time groaned vnder the burden of certaine grieuances imposed vpon it and vpon the members thereof before mentioned by the Church of England and the Orders and Constitutions therein by Law established Let them be excommunicated and not restored vntill they repent and publikely reuoke such their wicked errors XI Maintainers of Conuenticles censured WHosoeuer shall hereafter affirme or maintaine That there are within this Realme other meetings assemblies or congregations of the Kings borne Subiects then such as by the lawes of this land are held and allowed which may rightly challenge to themselues the name of true and lawful Churches let him be excommunicated and not restored but by the Archbishop after his repentance and publike reuocation of such his wicked errors XII Maintainers of Constitutions made in Conuenticles censured WHosoeuer shal hereafter affirme that it is lawfull for any sort of Ministers and Lay persons or either of them to ioyne together and make Rules Orders or Constitutions in causes Ecclesiasticall without the Kings authoritie and shall submit themselues to be ruled and gouerned by them let them be excommunicated ipso facto and not be restored vntill they repent and publikely reuoke those their wicked and Anabaptisticall errors
suffered to preach pendente lite LIIII The Licences of Preachers refusing Conformitie to be voyd IF any man licenced heretofore to preach by any Archbishop Bishop or by either of the Vniuersities shall at any time from henceforth refuse to conforme himselfe to the Lawes Ordinances and Rites Ecclesiasticall established in the Church of England he shall be admonished by the Bishop of the Diocesse or Ordinary of the place to submit himselfe to the vse and due exercise of the same And if after such admonition he doe not conforme himselfe within the space of one moneth We determine and decree That the licence of euery such Preacher shall thereupon bee vtterly voyde and of none effect LV. The forme of a Prayer to bee vsed by Preachers before their Sermons BEfore all Sermons Lectures and Homilies the Preachers Ministers shall moue the people to ioine with them in prayer in this forme or to this effect as briefly as conueniently they may Ye shal pray for Christs holy Catholike Church that is for the whole Congregation of Christian people dispersed throughout the whole world and especially for the Churches of England Scotland and Ireland And herein I require you most especially to pray for the Kings most excellent Maiestie our Soueraigne Lord IAMES King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defendour of the Faith Supreme Gouernour in these his Realmes and all other his Dominions and Countries ouer all persons in all causes aswell Ecclesiasticall as Temporall Ye shall also pray for our gracious Queene ANNE the Noble Prince HENRY and the rest of the King and Queenes Royall Issue Ye shall also pray for the Ministers of Gods holy word Sacraments aswell Archbishops and Bishops as other Pastours and Curates Ye shall also pray for the Kings most honourable Counsell and for all the Nobilitie and Magistrates of this Realme that all euery of these in their seuerall Callings may serue truely and painefully to the glory of God and the edifying and well gouerning of his people remembring the accompt that they must make Also yee shall pray for the whole Commons of this Realme that they may liue in true Faith and feare of God in humble obedience to the King and brotherly charitie one to another Finally let vs praise God for all those which are departed out of this life in the Faith of Christ and pray vnto God that wee may haue grace to direct our liues after their good example that this life ended wee may be made partakers with them of the glorious Resurrection in the life Euerlasting alwayes concluding with the Lords prayer LVI Preachers and Lecturers to reade diuine Seruice and administer the Sacraments twise a yeere at the least EVery Minister being possessed of a Benefice that hath Cure and Charge of soules although he chiefly attend to preaching and hath a Curate vnder him to execute the other duties which are to be performed for him in the Church and likewise euery other stipendarie Preacher that readeth any Lecture or Catechizeth or Preacheth in any Church or Chappell shall twise at the least euery yeere reade himselfe the diuine Seruice vpon two seuerall Sundayes publikely and at the vsuall times both in the Forenoone and Afternoone in the Church which he so possesseth or where he Readeth Catechizeth or Preacheth as is aforesaid and shal likewise as often in euery yeere administer the Sacraments of Baptisme if there be any to be baptized of the Lords Supper in such maner forme and with the obseruation of all such Rites and Ceremonies as are prescribed by the booke of Common prayer in that behalfe which if hee doe not accordingly performe then shall he that is possessed of a Benefice as before bee suspended and he thatis but aReader Preacher or Catechizer be remoued from his place by the Bishop of the Diocesse vntil he or they shal submit themselues to performe all the said duties in such mater and ●ort as before is prescribed LVII The Sacraments not to be refused at the hands of vnpreaching Ministers WHereas diuers Persons seduced by false Teachers doe refuse to haue their children baptized by a Minister that is no Preacher and to receiue the holy Communion at his hands in the same respect as though the vertue of those Sacraments did depend vpon his ability to preach Forasmuch as the doctrine both of Baptisme and of the Lords Supper is sufficiently set downe in the booke of Common prayer to bee vsed at the administration of the said Sacraments as nothing can be added vnto it that is material and necessary We doe require and charge euery such person seduced as aforesayd to reforme that their wilfulnesse and to submit himselfe to the order of the Church in that behalfe both the said Sacraments being equally effectual whether they be ministred by a Minister that is no Preacher or by one that is a Preacher And if any hereafter shal offend herein or leaue their owne Parish Churches in that respect and Communicate or caus● their children to be Baptized in other Parishes abroad and will not bee mooued thereby to reforme that their error and vnlawfull course let them be presented to the Ordinarie of the place by the Minister Churchwardens and Sidemen or Questmen of the Parishes where they dwel and there receiue such punishment by Ecclesiasticall censures as such obstinacie doth worthily deserue that is Let them persisting in their wilfulnesse be suspended and then after a moneths further obstinacie Excommunicated And likewise if any Parson Vicar or Curate shal after the publishing hereof either receiue to the Communion any such persons which are not of his owne Church Parish or shall Baptize any of their children thereby strengthening them in their said errours Let him bee suspended and not released thereof vntill hee doe faithfully promise that hee will not afterwards offend therein LVIII Ministers reading Diuine Seruice and Administring the Sacraments to weare Surplisses and Graduats therewithall Hoods EVery Minister saying the publike Praiers or ministring the Sacraments or other Rites of the Church shall weare a decent and comely Surplisse with sleeues to be prouided at the charge of the Parish And if any question arise touching the matter decencie or comlinesse thereof the same shal be decided by the discretion of the Ordinary Furthermore such Ministers as are Graduats shall weare vpon their Surplisses at such times such Hoods as by the orders of the Vniuersities are agreeable to their degrees which no Minister shall weare being no Graduat vnder paine of suspension Notwithstanding it shal be lawfull for such Ministers as are not Graduats to weare vpon their Surplisses in stead of Hoods some decent Tippet of black so it be not silke LIX Ministers to Catechize euery Sunday EVery Parson Vicar or Curate vpon euery Sunday and Holy day before Euening prayer shall for halfe an houre or more examine and instruct the youth and ignorant persons of his Parish in the ten Commandements the Articles of the Beliefe
for not presenting oftner then twice a yeere The olde Churchwardens to make their presentments before the new be sworne Conuenient time to bee assigned for framing Presentments None to bee Cited into Ecclesiasticall Courts by Processe of Quorum nomina None to be cited into seueral Courts for one crime No sentence of Depriuation or Deposition to bee pronounced against a Minister but by the Bishop No Acte to be sped but in open Court No Court to haue more then one Seale Conuenient places to bee chosen for the keeping of Courts Peculier and inferior Courts to exhibite the originall copies of Wills into the Bishops Registry ¶ Iudges of Ecclesiasticall Courts THe Qualitie and oath of Iudges The Qualitie of Surrogats ¶ Proctors PRoctors not to retaine Causes without the lawfull assignement of the parties Proctors not to retaine Causes without the counsell of an Aduocate Proctors not to conclude in any Cause without the knowledge of an Aduocate Proctors prohibited the oath In animam Domini sui Proctors not to be clamorous in Court ¶ Registers A Buses to be reformed in Registers A certaine rate of Fees due to all Ecclesiasticall Officers A Table of the rates of Fees to be set vp in Courts and Registries The whole Fees for shewing Letters of Orders and other Licences due but once in euery Bishops time ¶ Apparitors THE number of Apparitors restrained ¶ Authoritie of Synods A Nationall Synode the Church representatiue Synods conclude aswell the absent as the present Deprauers of the Synode censured IAMES by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith c. To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting Whereas our Bishops Deanes of our Cathedrall Churches Archdeacons Chapters and Colleges the other Cleargie of euery Diocesse within the Prouince of Canterbury being summoned called by vertue of our Writ directed to the most reuerend father in God IOHN late Archbishop of Canterbury and bearing date the 31. day of Ianuary in the first yeere of our Raigne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the 37. to haue appeared before him in our Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul in London the 20. day of March then next ensuing or elsewhere as he should haue thought it most conuenient to treat consent and conclude vpon certaine difficult and vrgent affaires mentioned in the said Writte Did thereupon at the time appointed and within the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul aforesaid assemble themselues and appeare in Conuocation for that purpose according to our said Writte before the Right reuerend Father in God Richard Bishop of London duely vpon a second Writte of Ours dated the 9. day of March aforesaid authorized appointed and constituted by reason of the saide Archbishop of Canterbury his death President of the said Conuocation to execute those things which by vertue of our first Writ did appertaine to him the said Archbishop to haue executed if he had liued Wee for diuers vrgent and weighty causes and considerations vs thereunto especially mouing of our especial grace certaine knowledge and meere motion did by vertue of our Prerogatiue royal and supreme Authoritie in causes Ecclesiastical giue and grant by our seuerall Letters Patents vnder our great Seale of England the one dated the 12. day of April last past and the other the 25. day of Iune then next following full free and lawfull libertie licence power and Authoritie vnto the said Bishop of London President of the said Conuocation and to the other Bishops Deanes Archdeacons Chapters and Colleges and the rest of the Cleargie before mentioned of the said Prouince That they from time to time during our first Parliament now prorogued might conferre treate debate consider consult and agree of and vpon such Canons Orders Ordinances and Constitutions as they should thinke necessary fit conuenient for the honour and seruice of Almighty God the good and quiet of the Church and the better gouernement thereof to be from time to time obserued perfourmed fulfilled and kept aswel by the Archbishops of Canterbury the Bishops their Successours and the rest of the whole Clergie of the sayd Prouince of Canterbury in their several Callings Offices Functions Ministeries Degrees and administrations as also by all and euery Deane of the Arches and other Iudge of the sayd Archbishops Courts Gardians of Spiritualties Chancellors Deanes and Chapters Archdeacons Commissaries Officials Registers and all and euery other Ecclesiasticall Officers and their inferiour Ministers whatsoeuer of the same Prouince of Canterburie in their and euery of their distinct Courts and in the order and maner of their and euery of their proceedings and by all other persons mthin this Realme as farre as lawfully being members of the Church it may concerne them as in our sayd Letters Patents amongst other clauses more at large doth appeare Forasmuch as the sayd Bishop of London President of the sayd Conuocation and others the sayd Bishops Deanes Archdeacons Chapters and Colledges with the rest of the Clergie hauing met together at the time and place before mentioned and then and there by vertue of our said authority granted vnto them treated of concluded and agreed vpon certaine Canons Orders Ordinances and Constitutions to the end and purpose by Vs limited and prescribed vnto them and haue thereupon offred and presented the same vnto Vs most humbly desiring Vs to giue our Royal assent vnto their sayd Canons Orders Ordinances and Constitutions according to the forme of a certaine Statute or Acte of Parliament made in that behalfe in the xxv yeere of the Reigne of King Henry the eight and by our sayd Prerogatiue Royall and supreme Authority in causes Ecclesiasticall to ratifie by our Letters Patents vnder our great Seale of England and to confirme the same the title and tenour of them being word for word as ensueth Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiasticall treated vpon by the Bishop of London President of the Conuocation for the Prouince of Canterbury and the rest of the Bishops and Cleargie of the said Prouince and agreed vpon with the Kings Maiesties licence in their Synode begun at London An. Dom. 1603 And in the yeere of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lord Iames by the grace of God King of England France and Ireland the first and of Scotland the 37. ❧ Of the Church of England I. The Kings supremacie ouer the Church of England in causes Ecclesiasticall to be maintained AS our duety to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie requireth wee first decree and ordaine That the Archbishop of Canterbury from time to time all Bishops of this prouince all Deanes Archdeacons Parsons Vicars and all other Ecclesiasticall persons shall faithfully keepe and obserue and as much as in them lieth shall cause to bee obserued and kept of others all and singuler Lawes and statutes made for restoring to the Crowne of this kingdome the ancient Iurisdiction ouer the state Ecclesiastical and abolishing of all forren power-repugnant to the same Furthermore al Ecclesiastical
Of the Church of England THe Kings supremacie ouer the Church of England in causes Ecclesiasticall to be maintained Impugners of the Kings Supremacie censured The Church of England a true and Apostolicall Church Impugners of the publike worship of God established in the Church of England censured Impugners of the Articles of Religion established in the Church of England censured Impugners of the Rites and Ceremonies established in the Church of England censured Impugners of the gouernement of the Church of England by Archbishops Bishops c. censured Impugners of the forme of consecrating and ordering Archbishops Bishops c. in the Church of England censured Authors of Schisme in the Church of England censured Maintainers of Schismatickes in the Church of England censured Maintainers of Conuenticles censured Maintainers of Constitutions made in Conuenticles censured ¶ Of Diuine Seruice and Administration of the Sacraments DVe celebration of Sundayes Holy daies The prescript forme of Diuine Seruice to be vsed on Sundayes and Holy dayes The Letanie to bee read on Wednesdayes and Fridayes Colledges to vse the prescript forme of Diuine Seruice Students in Colledges to weare Surplisses in time of Diuine Seruice Reuerence and attention to bee vsed within the Church in time of Diuine Seruice Loyterers not to bee suffered neere the Church in time of Diuine Seruice Bread and VVine to bee prouided against euery Communion The Communion to be thrice a yeere receiued VVarning to be giuen beforehand for the Communion Students in alledges to receiue the Communion foure times a yeere Copes to be worne in Cathedral Churches by those that administer the Communion Surplisses and Hoods to bee worne in Cathedrall Churches when there is no Communion Notorious offendours not to bee admitted to the Communion Schismaticks not to bee admitted to the Communion Strangers not to bee admitted to the Communion Fathers not to be Godfathers in Baptisme nor children not Communicants The lawfull vse of the Crosse in Baptisme explaned ¶ Ministers their Ordination Function and Charge FOure solemne times appointed for the making of Ministers None to bee made Deacon and Minister both in one day The Titles of such as are to be made Ministers The qualitie of such as are to be made Ministers The examination of such as are to be made Ministers Subscription required of such as are to bee made Ministers The Articles of Subscription The forme of Subscription Subscription before the Diocesan Reuolters after Subscription censured Cautions for institution of Ministers into Benefices An oath against Symonie at institution into Benefices Licences for pluralitie of Benefices limited and Residence enioyned Residence of Deanes in their Churches Deanes and Prebendaries to Preach during their Residence Prebendaries to be resident vpon their Benefices Beneficed Preachers being resident vpon their liuings to preach euery Sunday Beneficed men not Preachers to procure monethly Sermons Absence of Beneficed men to be supplied by Curates that are allowed Preachers None to be Curats but allowed by the Bishop Ministers not allowed Preachers may not expound Strangers not admitted to Preach without shewing their Licence Strangers not admitted to preach in Cathedrall Churches without sufficient authoritie The names of strange Preachers to bee noted in a Booke No publike opposition betweene Preachers The Licences of Preachers refusing Conformitie to be voyd The forme of a Prayer to bee vsed by Preachers before their Sermons Preachers and Lecturers to reade diuine Seruice and administer the Sacraments twise a yeere at the least The Sacraments not to bee refused at the hands of vnpreaching Ministers Ministers reading Diuine Seruice and Administring the Sacraments to weare Surplisses and Graduats therewithall Hoods Ministers to Catechize euery Sunday Confirmation to bee perfourmed once in three yeeres Ministers to prepare children for Confirmation Ministers not to marrie any persons without Bannes or Licence Ministers of exempt Churches not to marry without Bannes or Licence Ministers solemnly to bid Holy dayes Ministers solemnly to denounce Recusants and Excommunicats Ministers to conferre with Recusants Ministers to visite the sicke Ministers not to refuse to christen or bury Ministers not to deferre Christening if the childe be in danger Ministers to keepe a Register of Christnings Weddings and Burials Ministers not to Preach or administer the Communion in priuate houses Ministers not to appoint publike or priuate Fasts or Prophesies or to exorcize but by authority Ministers not to hold priuate Conuenticles Decencie in apparell enioyned to Ministers Sober conuersation required in Ministers Ministers at no time to forsake their Calling ¶ Schoolemasters NOne to teach Schoole without Licence Curats desirous to Teach to bee licenced before others The duetie of Schoolemasters ¶ Things appertaining to Churches THE great Bible and Booke of Common prayer to be had in euery Church A Font of stone for Baptisme in euery Church A decent Communion Table in euery Church A Pulpit to be prouided in euery Church A Chest for Almes in euery Church Churches to be kept in sufficient reparations Churches to be suruayed and the decayes certified to the high Commissioners A Terrier of Glebelands and other Possessions belonging to Churches Churches not to be prophaned ¶ Churchwardens Questmen and Sidemen THe choise of Churchwardens and their accompt The choise of Sidemen and their ioynt Office with Churchwardens ¶ Parish Clearks PArish Clearkes to bee chosen by the Minister ¶ Ecclesiasticall Courts belonging to the Archbishops Iurisdiction NOne to be Cited into diuers Courts for probate of the same Will The Rate of Bona notabilia liable to the Prerogatiue Court None to be Cited into the Arches or Audience but dwellers within the Archbishops Diocesse or Peculiars The restraint of double Quarrels Inhibitions not to be granted without the subscription of an Aduocate Inhibitions not to be graunted vntill the Appeale be exhibited to the Iudge Inhibitions not to bee granted to factious Appellants vnlesse they first subscribe None to marrie within the degrees prohibited None to marrie vnder xxj yeeres without their Parents consent By whom Licences to marrie without Bannes shal be granted and to what sort of persons Securitie to bee taken at the granting of such Licences and vnder what conditions Oathes to be taken for the Conditions An exception for those that are in Widowhood No Sentence for Diuorce to bee giuen vpon the sole confession of the parties No Sentence for Diuorce to be giuen but in open Court In all Sentences for Diuorce bond to be taken for not marrying during each others life The penaltie for Iudges offending in the premisses ¶ Ecclesiasticall Courts belonging to Bishops and inferior Ordinaries and the proceedings in them NOtorious crimes and scandals to be certified into Ecclesiastical Courts by presentment Schismatickes to be presented Disturbers of diuine Seruice to be presented Not Communicants at Easter to be presented Ministers may present Ministers shall present Recusants Ministers and Churchwardens not to bee sued for presenting Churchwardens not bound to present oftner then twice a yeere Churchwardens not to be troubled
nor any Register of any Ecclesiasticall Courts nor any Minister belonging to any of the said Officers or Courts shal hereafter for any cause incident to their seueral Offices take or receiue any other or greater Fees then such as were certified to the most Reuerend Father in God Iohn late Archbishop of Canterburie in the yeere of our Lord God one thousand fiue hundred ninetie and seuen and were by him ratified and approued vnder paine that euery such Iudge Officer or Minister offending herein shall be suspended from the exercise of their seuerall Offices for the space of sixe moneths for euery such offence Alwayes prouided that if any question shall arise concerning the certaintie of the said Fees or any of them then those Fees shall be held for lawfull which the Archbishop of Canterburie for the time being shall vnder his hand approoue except the Statutes of this Realme before made doe in any particular case expresse some other Fees to be due Prouided furthermore that no Fee or money shall bee receiued either by the Archbishop or any Bishop or Suffragan either directly or indirectly for admitting of any into sacred Orders nor that any other person or persons vnder the said Archbishop Bishop or Suffragan shall for Parchment Writing Waxe Sealing or any other respect thereunto appertaining take aboue ten shillings vnder such paines as are already by Law prescribed CXXXVI A Table of the Rates of Fees to bee set vp in Courts and Registries WE do likewise constitute and appoint that the Registers belonging to euery such Ecclesiasticall Iudge shall place two Tables containing the seuerall Rates and Summes of all the said Fees one in the vsuall place or Consistorie where the Court is kept and the other in his Registrie both of them in such sort as euery man whom it concerneth may without difficultie come to the view and perusall thereof and take a Copie of them the same Tables to be so set vp before the Feast of the Natiuitie next ensuing And if any Register shall faile to place the said Tables according to the tenor hereof he shal be suspended from the execution of his Office vntil he cause the same to be accordingly done and the said Tables being once set vp if hee shall at any time remooue or suffer the same to be remooued hidden or any way hindered from sight contrary to the true meaning of this Constitution he shall for euery such offence be suspended from the exercise of his Office for the space of sixe moneths CXXXVII The whole Fees for shewing letters of Orders and other Licenses due but once in euery Bishops time FOrasmuch as a chiefe and principall cause and vse of Visitation is that the Bishop Archdeacon or other assigned to Visite may get some good knowledge of the State Sufficiencie and Abilitie of the Cleargie and other persons whom they are to Visite Wee thinke it conuenient that euery Parson Vicar Curate Schoolemaster or other person licenced whosoeuer doe at the Bishops first Visitation or at the next Visitation after his Admission shew and exhibite vnto him his Letters of Orders Institution and Induction and all other his Dispensations Licences or Faculties whatsoeuer to bee by the said Bishop either allowed or if there be iust cause disallowed and reiected and being by him approued to be as the Custome is signed by the Register and that the whole Fees accustomed to bee payed in the Visitations in respect of the premisses bee payed onely once in the whole time of euery Bishop and afterwards but halfe of the saide accustomed Fees in euery other Visitation during the said Bishops continuance ¶ Apparitors CXXXVIII The number of Apparitors restrained FOrasmuch as wee are desirous to redresse such abuses and aggrieuances as are saide to grow by Sumners or Apparitors Wee thinke it meete that the multitude of Apparitors be as much as is possible abridged or restrained Wherefore we decree and ordaine that no Bishop or Archdeacon or their Vicars or Officials or other inferior Ordinaries shall depute or haue more Apparitors to serue in their Iurisdictions respectiuely then either they or their predecessors were accustomed to haue thirtie yeeres before the publishing of these our present Constitutions All which Apparitors shall by themselues faithfully execute their Offices neither shall they by any colour or pretence whatsoeuer cause or suffer their Mandats to be executed by any Messengers or Substitutes vnlesse it bee vpon some good cause to be first knowen and approued by the Ordinarie of the place Moreouer they shall not take vpon them the office of Promoters or Informers for the Court neither shall they exact more or greater Fees then are in these our Constitutions formerly prescribed And if either the number of the Apparitors deputed shall exceed the foresaid limitation or any of the saide Apparitors shall offend in any of the premisses the persons deputing them if they be Bishops shall vpon admonition of their superiour discharge the persons exceeding the number so limitted if inferiour Ordinaries they shall be suspended from the execution of their Office vntill they haue dismissed the Apparitors by them so deputed the parties themselues so deputed shall for euer be remooued from the Office of Apparitors and if being so remoued they desist not from the exercise of their said Offices let them be punished by Ecclesiasticall censures as persons contumacious Prouided that if vpon experience the number of the said Apparitors be too great in any Diocesse in the iudgement of the Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being they shall by him be so abridged as hee shall thinke meete and conuenient ¶ Authoritie of Synodes CXXXIX A Nationall Synode the Church representatiue WHosoeuer shall hereafter affirme that the Sacred Synode of this Nation in the Name of CHRIST and by the Kings Authoritie assembled is not the true Church of ENGLAND by representation let him be Excommunicated and not restored vntill hee repent and publikely reuoke that his wicked error CXL Synodes conclude as well the absent as the present WHosoeuer shall affirme that no maner of person either of the Clergie or Laitie not being themselues particularly assembled in the said sacred Synode are to be subiect to the Decrees thereof in causes Ecclesiasticall made and ratified by the Kings Maiesties supreme Authoritie as not hauing giuen their voices vnto them let him bee Excommunicated and not restored vntill hee repent and publikely reuoke that his wicked error CXLI Deprauers of the Synode censured WHosoeuer shall hereafter affirme That the sacred Synode assembled as aforesaid was a company of such persons as did conspire together against godly and Religious professors of the Gospel and that therefore both they and their proceedings in making of Canons and Constitutions in causes Ecclesiasticall by the Kings authoritie as aforesaid ought to be despised and contemned the same being ratified confirmed and enioyned by the said Regall Power Supremacie and Authoritie let them be Excommunicated and not restored vntill they repent and publikely reuoke that wicked error WE of our princely inclination and Royall care for the maintenance of the present Estate and Gouernement of the Church of ENGLAND by the Lawes of this our Realme now setled and established hauing diligently with great contentment and comfort read and considered of all these their sayd Canons Orders Ordinances and Constitutions agreed vpon as is before expressed and finding the same such as Wee are perswaded will bee very profitable not onely to our Clergie but to the whole Church of this our kingdome and to all the true members of it if they be well obserued Haue therefore for Vs our Heires and lawfull Successours of our especiall Grace certaine Knowledge and meere Motion giuen and by these presents doe giue our Royall assent according to the forme of the sayd Statute or Acte of Parliament aforesayd to all and euery of the said Canons Orders Ordinances and Constitutions and to all and euery thing in them contained as they are before written And furthermore Wee doe not onely by our sayd Prerogatiue Royall and supreme Authoritie in causes Ecclesiasticall ratifie confirme and establish by these our Letters Patents the sayd Canons Orders Ordinances and Constitutions and all and euery thing in them contayned as is aforesayd but doe likewise propound publish and straightly enioyne and command by our sayd Authority and by these our Letters Patents the same to bee diligently obserued executed and equally kept by all our louing Subiects of this our kingdome both within the Prouince of CANTERBVRIE and YORKE in all points wherein they doe or may concerne euery or any of them according to this our will and pleasure hereby signified and expressed and 〈◊〉 likewise for the better obseruation of them euery Minister by what name or title soeuer he be called shall in the Parish Church or Chappell where he hath charge reade all the sayd Canons Orders Ordinances and Constitutions once euery yere vpon some Sundayes or Holy dayes in the afternoone before Diuine Seruice diuiding the same in such sort as that the one halfe may bee read one day and the other another day the Booke of the sayd Canons to be prouided at the charge of the Parish betwixt this and the Feast of the Natiuity of our Lord God next ensuing Straightly charging and commaunding all Archbishops Bishops and all other that exercise any Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction within this Realme euery man in his place to see and procure so much as in them lieth all and euery of the same Canons Orders Ordinances and Constitutions to be in all poynts duely obserued not sparing to execute the ●ena 〈…〉 them seuerally mentioned vpon 〈…〉 that shal wittingly or wilfully breake or neglect to obserue the same as they tender the honour of God the peace of the Church the tranquilitie of the Kingdome and their dueties and seruice to Vs their King and Souereigne In witnesse c. ¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie ANNO DOM. 1604.
yeere and many notwithstanding doe not receiue that Sacrament once in a yeere We doe require euery Minister to giue warning to his Parishioners publikely in the Church at Morning prayer the Sunday before euery time of his administring that holy Sacrament for their better preparation of themselues Which said warning We enioyne the sayd Parishioners to accept and obey vnder the penaltie and danger of the Law XXIII Students in Colledges to receiue the Communion foure times a yeere IN all Colledges and Halles within both the Vniuersities the Masters and Fellowes such especially as haue any Pupils shall be carefull that all their said Pupils and the rest that remaine amongst them be wel brought vp and throughly instructed in poynts of Religion that they doe diligently frequent publike Seruice and Sermons and receiue the holy Communion which we ordaine to be administred in all such Colledges and Halles the first or second Sunday of euery Moneth Requiring all the sayd Masters Fellowes and Schollers and all the rest of the Students Officers and all other the seruants there so to be ordered that euery one of them shall Communicate foure times in the yeere at the least kneeling reuerently and decently vpon their knees according to the order of the Communion Booke prescribed in that behalfe XXIIII Copes to be worne in Cathedral Churches by those that administer the Communion IN all Cathedrall and Collegiat Churches the holy Communion shall bee administred vpon principall Feast-dayes sometimes by the Bishop if he be present and sometimes by the Deane and at some times by a Canon or Prebendarie the principall Minister vsing a decent Coape and being assisted with the Gospeller and Epistler agreeably according to the Aduertisements published Anno 7. Elizabethae the said Communion to bee administred at such times and with such limitation as is specified in the Booke of Common prayer Prouided that no such limitation by any construction shall bee allowed of but that all Deanes Wardens Masters or Heads of Cathedrall and Collegiate Churches Prebendaries Canons Vicars Petticannons Singing-men and all others of the Foundation shall receiue the Communion foure times yeerely at the least XXV Surplisses and Hoods to bee worne in Cathedrall Churches when there is no Communion IN the time of Diuine Seruice and Prayers in all Cathedrall and Collegiat Churches when there is no Communion it shall bee sufficient to weare Surplisses sauing that all Deanes Masters and Heads of Collegiat Churches Canons and Prebendaries being Graduats shal daily at the times both of Prayer and Preaching weare with their Surplisses such Hoods as are agreeable to their degrees XXVI Notorious offendours not to bee admitted to the Communion NO Minister shal in any wise admit to the receiuing of the holy Communion any of his Cure or Flocke which bee openly knowen to liue in sinne notorious without repentance Nor any who haue maliciously and openly contended with their neighbours vntill they shall be reconciled Nor any Church-wardens or Sidemen who hauing taken their oathes to present to their Ordinaries all such publike offences as they are particularly charged to inquire of in their seuerall Parishes shall notwithstanding their said oathes and that their faithfull discharging of them is the chiefe meanes whereby publike sinnes and offences may be reformed and punished wittingly and willingly desperately and irreligiously incurre the horrible crime of Periurie either in neglecting or in refusing to present such of the sayd enormities and publike offences as they know themselues to be committed in their sayd Parishes or are notoriously offensiue to the Congregation there although they bee vrged by some of their neighbours or by their Minister or by their Ordinary himselfe to discharge their consciences by presenting of them and not to incurre so desperately the said horrible sinne of Periurie XXVII Schismaticks not to be admitted to the Cōmunion NO Minister when hee celebrateth the Communion shall wittingly administer the same to any but to such as kneele vnder paine of suspension nor vnder the like paine to any that refuse to bee present at publike Prayers according to the Orders of the Church of England nor to any that are common and notorious deprauers of the Booke of Common Prayer and administration of the Sacraments and of the Orders Rites and Ceremonies therein prescribed or of any thing that is conteined in any of the Articles agreed vpon in the Conuocation 1562. or of any thing conteined in the Book of ordering Priests and Bishops or to any that haue spoken against and depraued his Maiesties soueraigne Authoritie in causes Ecclesiasticall Except euery such person shall first acknowledge to the Minister before the Churchwardens his repentance for the same and promise by word if he cannot write that hee will doe so no more and except if he can write he shall first do the same vnder his hand-writing to bee deliuered to the Minister and by him sent to the Bishop of the Diocesse or Ordinarie of the place Prouided that euery Minister so repelling any as is specified either in this or in the next precedent Constitution shall vpon complaint or being required by the Ordinarie signifie the cause thereof vnto him and therein obey his Order and direction XXVIII Strangers not to be admitted to the Communion THe Churchwardens or Questmen and their Assistants shall marke aswell as the Minister whether all and euery of the Parishioners come so often euery yeere to the holy Communion as the Lawes and our Constitutions do require And whether any Strangers come often and commonly from other Parishes to their Church and shall shew their Minister of them lest perhaps they be admitted to the Lords Table amongst others which they shall forbid and remit such home to their owne parish Churches and Ministers there to receiue the Communion with the rest of their owne neighbours XXIX Fathers not to be Godfathers in Baptisme nor children not Communicants NO Parent shall bee vrged to bee present nor bee admitted to answere as Godfather for his owne child nor any Godfather or Godmother shal be suffred to make any other answere or speech then by the Booke of Common prayer is prescribed in that behalfe Neither shall any person be admitted Godfather or Godmother to any child at Christning or Confirmation before the said person so vndertaking hath receiued the holy Cōmunion XXX The lawfull vse of the Crosse in Baptisme explaned WEe are sorie that his Maiesties most princely care and paines taken in the Conference at Hampton Court amongst many other points touching this one of the Crosse in Baptisme hath taken no better effect with many but that still the vse of it in Baptisme is so greatly stuck at and impugned For the further declaration therfore of the true vse of this Ceremonie and for the remouing of all such scruple as might any wayes trouble the consciences of them who are indeed rightly religious following the royall steps of our most worthy King because he therein followeth the rules of the Scriptures
and the practise of the Primitiue Church we do commend to al the true members of the Church of England these our directions obseruations ensuing First it is to be obserued that although the Iewes Ethnicks derided both the Apostles and the rest of the Christians for preaching and beleeuing in him who was crucified vpon the Crosse yet all both Apostles and Christians were so farre from beeing discouraged from their profession by the ignominie of the Crosse as they rather reioyced and triumphed in it Yea the holy Ghost by the mouthes of the Apostles did honour the Name of the Crosse being hatefull among the Iewes so farre that vnder it he comprehended not onely Christ crucified but the force effects and merits of his Death and Passion with all the comforts fruits and promises which wee receiue or expect thereby Secondlly the honour and dignitie of the Name of the Crosse begat a reuerend estimation euen in the Apostles times for ought that is knowen to the contrary of the signe of the Crosse which the Christians shortly after vsed in all their actions thereby making an outward shew profession euen to the astonishment of the Iewes that they were not ashamed to acknowledge him for their Lord and Sauiour who died for them vpon the Crosse And this signe they did not onely vse themselues with a kinde of glory when they met with any Iewes but signed therewith their children when they were Christned to dedicate them by that badge to his seruice whose benefits bestowed vpon them in Baptisme the name of the Crosse did represent And this vse of the signe of the Crosse in Baptisme was held in the Primitiue Church as well by the Greekes as the Latines with one consent and great applause At what time if any had opposed themselues against it they would certainely haue beene censured as enemies of the name of the Crosse consequently of Christs merits the signe whereof they could no better endure This continuall and generall vse of the signe of the Crosse is euident by many testimonies of the ancient Fathers Thirdly it must be confessed that in processe of time the signe of the Crosse was greatly abused in the Church of Rome especially after that corruption of Popery had once possessed it But the abuse of a thing doth not take away the lawfull vse of it Nay so farre was it from the purpose of the Church of England to forsake and reiect the Churches of Italie France Spaine Germany or any such like Churches in all things which they helde and practised that as the Apologie of the Church of England confesseth it doth with reuerence retaine those Ceremonies which doe neither endammage the Church of God nor offende the minds of sober men and onely departed from them in those particular points wherein they were fallen both from themselues in their ancient integritie from the Apostolicall Churches which were their first founders In which respect amongst some other very ancient Ceremonies the signe of the Crosse in Baptisme hath bene retained in this Church both by the iudgement and practise of those reuerend Fathers and great Diuines in the dayes of King Edward the sixth of whom some constantly suffered for the profession of the trueth and others being exiled in the time of Queene Mary did after their returne in the beginning of the Reigne of our late dread Soueraigne continually defend and vse the same This resolution and practise of our Church hath beene allowed and approoued by the censure vpon the Communion Booke in King Edward the sixt his dayes and by the harmonie of confessions of latter yeeres because in deede the vse of this signe in Baptisme was euer accompanied here with such sufficient cautions and exceptions against all Popish Superstition and errour as in the like cases are either fit or conuenient First the Church of England since the abolishing of Poperie hath euer held and taught and so doth hold and teach still that the signe of the Crosse vsed in Baptisme is no part of the substance of that Sacrament For when the Minister dipping the Infant in Water or laying Water vpon the face of it as the maner also is hath pronounced these wordes I baptize thee in the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost the Infant is fully and perfectly baptized So as the signe of the Crosse being afterwards vsed doeth neither adde any thing to the vertue or perfection of Baptisme nor being omitted doeth detract any thing from the effect and substance of it Secondly it is apparant in the Communion Booke that the Infant baptized is by vertue of Baptisme before it be signed with the signe of the Crosse receiued into the Congregation of Christs flocke as a perfect member thereof and not by any power ascribed vnto the signe of the Crosse So that for the very remembrance of the Crosse which is very precious to all them that rightly beleeue in Iesu Christ and in the other respects mentioned the Church of England hath reteined still the signe of it in Baptisme following therein the Primitiue and Apostolicall Churches accounting it a lawful outward Ceremony honourable Badge whereby the Infant is dedicated to the seruice of him that died vpon the Crosse as by the words vsed in the Booke of Common prayer it may appeare Lastly the vse of the signe of the Crosse in Baptisme beeing thus purged from all Popish superstition and errour and reduced in the Church of England to the primary Institution of it vpon those true rules of Doctrine concerning things indifferent which are consonant to the word of God and the iudgements of all the ancient Fathers Wee hold it the part of euery priuate man both Minister and other reuerently to reteine the true vse of it prescribed by publike Authoritie considering that things of themselues indifferent doe in some sort alter their natures when they are either commanded or forbidden by a lawfull Magistrate and may not be omitted at euery mans pleasure contrary to the Law when they bee cōmanded nor vsed when they are prohibited ¶ Ministers their Ordination function and charge XXXI Foure solemne times appointed for the making of Ministers FOrasmuch as the ancient Fathers of the Church led by example of the Apostles appointed Prayers and Fasts to bee vsed at the solemne ordering of Ministers to that purpose allotted certaine times in which onely sacred Orders might be giuen or conferred We following their holy and Religious example doe constitute decree That no Deacons or Ministers be made and ordained but onely vpon the Sundayes immediatly following Ieiunia quatuor temporum commonly called Ember weekes appointed in ancient time for Prayer and Fasting purposely for this cause at their first Institution and so continued at this day in the Church of England and that this bee done in the Cathedrall or Parish Church where the Bishop resideth and in the time of diuine Seruice in the presence not onely of the