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england_n king_n queen_n spain_n 7,368 5 8.4419 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18179 The traduction [and] mariage of the princesse 1500 (1500) STC 4814; ESTC S110681 5,446 18

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prouynce / and greate abbottis lordes of the parlyament shulde in pontificaliꝰ gyue their attendaunce vpon hym for the more honour of the saide maryage wherfore it is necessary that the kynges letters be directed oute vnto the saide bisshoppis abbottis to aduertise thē therof to th entent that euery of theym may be the more redy to do that vnto hym belongethe in that behalfe / and in like wyse that euery bisshoppe / and abbot lord of the ꝑlyament make redy a barge or a bote to awayte vpon the kinge in his goynge to his paleys of westmynster as in another article it is expressed more at large ¶ And bycause the prince shulde be more in a redynesse It is thought accordinge that the same prince shulde lodge at the deane of poulis place the nighte before the saide mariage / and for to make his entre īto the churche before the princesse come thider whiche entre is deuised to be at the south dore next west warde to our lady of grace in the body of the church and with the pryncez householde seruaūtis to gyue their attendaūce and conuey hym to the haute place to be made byforne the Consistory in the saide body of the churche ¶ Item that the seide Princesse kateryne goo oute at the greate gate of the Bisshoppis paleys / and accompanied with greate astatis of lordis and ladies she make hir entre at the grete west dore of the churche and so to goo to the same haute place led wyth suche it grete estatis Bachelers that haue nat be maried as the kinge shall assigne ¶ Clerk of the werkis by the ouersight of maister Comptroller ¶ Item for the more easy comynge of the seide princesse It is deuised that barris shal be made fro the seide palleis gate vnto the seide gret west dore of the churche / And from the saide grete weste dore so all alonge the churche to the quere dore of the same ¶ Md also that the churche of Powlis be hangyd with arays ageynst the saide mariage ¶ Item that the trompettis stonde on loft ouer the same west dore and blowe cōtynuelly after the first comynge oute of the princesse oute of the greate gate of the saide paleys tyll the tyme she be in the churche vpon the haute place / and than furth with whā she shal be there the trompettis to scase ¶ Clerke of the werkis by the ouer sighte of maister comptroller ¶ This haute place is deuysed tobe sette in the naue and body of the churche euen anenst the Consistory to th entent that the kynge and the quene may secretly goo oute into the Bisshoppis paleys and see here the Seremonyes of their marige at their plesure And for thys cause a backe dore muste be made there in the same consystory by thaduys of warkemen which may be sone doone and at litell charge / for the saide Consystory hath ben well ouer sen● by vs. ¶ Item this saide haute place in facyon is deuysed to be made like vnto an haute place at a Coronacion or semblable to the hawte place at a crystenynge of one of the kynges chyldren wyth broode and large greeys and steppis and with a gode large space all on hight on loft to th entent that the Cardinall and the mynystres of the churche necessary for that acte And the prince and the princesse may be to gedyr no man aboue in the seide space all on hight on lotte than be necessary / And the Bisshoppis abbotis and other prelatis and Officers may stonde lower vpon the sayde steppis and of haute place / so as therby there growe none Impedyment to the sight of the people ¶ Maister Secretery / and the Maister of the Rollis ¶ And whan the saide Prince and princesse shal be on the saide haute place on loft and the Bannes asked than some doctour of the lawe named ī the roll bringe in obieccions openly ageynst the saide Bannes and mariage allegginge that the saide mariage can nat be lawfull for suche reasons as he shal exhibite there supposed to be groūded in the lawe of cry stis churche wherunto sōme other famous doctour named also in the rolle as thē maister of the Rollys and the Secretery if it so please the kinge shal reply and declare solemply the saide mariage tobe gode effectuell in the saide lawe of crisths churche the same obieccōns made or any other to be made ageinst the same natwistandinge this dialoge and relplica / cion to be had for the more honour of the saide mary age / and though there be no cause of substaunce nor in effect why the same ought to be done ¶ And in Case it be requysyte after the manere of Spay be as it is after the custome of England that sōme man shall gyue the bride Thanke who shall gyue this pryncesse as bride Is to be respyted vnto further knowlege be had Who shall haue cōmissyon from the kinge and quene of Spayne so to doo and ellis the mater to be remitted vnto the kynges highnesse as the cas shall require ¶ Itē whan all shal be fynysshed that is to be done vpon the saide haute place for the matrimony than shall the prynce and the princesse go to geder hande in hande all alonge the body of the sayde Churche streight afore hede vp to the quere and through the quere towardis the highe auter to their Places appointed there ¶ Item as sone as the seide prince princesse shall begynne to departe from the saide haute place than shall all the mynstrellis euery man after his faculte beinge all on hight in the vawtis of the churche do their poyntis in musike cōtynuelly as it shall come to their course / as the prince and princesse shal before the seide highe auter / than all the mynstrellis to sease ¶ And to th entent that the Prynce and the Pryncesses may haue alwey some place secretly to resort vnto for such casueltees may fall durynge the high masse It is forseyne that the prince shall haue a ¶ Item the Cardynall tharchebisshop of yorke the duk of Bukyngham the lorde marques with other lordes spiritual temporal with abbots lordes of the parlement tobe in bargys or botes either of ther owne or elles boroed or hyred to attende vpon the kynge quene prynce pryncesse foresaid that day ¶ Item besydis this ꝓuision that ther be one barge purposely deuysed kept for such estrangers as shal come with the saide pryncesse ¶ Item that the mayre of london the aldermen euery crafte felyship beynge in the clothe of theire crafte after one suete lyuerey of the same crafte haue their barges or grete botis in like wyse apoynted as they be vsid yerely tobe whan they go for the presentment of their Mayre for to take hys othe at the kynges eschequer at westmynster ¶ Item that the mayre and the Cite be warned at season conuement of the kynges determynacion to go to westmynster by water to the entent that they make in tyme at gode leyser puision for their bargis for their great botys shypbotis or other for by lyklynesse it shal be nedefull they so to doo Si●hen the bargis botis of the lordes spiritual and temporall that were wonte to serue the sayde Cyte at the presentment of their mayre muste of necessite nowe serue for the lordes them silfe ¶ And whan al these bargis and botis not only of the lordis spirituel and temporell / but aswell of the abbottis as of the maire and of the craftes of London shal be disapoynted / Than the sayde lordis abbottis the mayre and the craftis forsaide / houer and attende euery man in his barge or bote for his parte vpon the kynges barge at the said beynardis castel Than all the other bargis and botis to rowe by the kynge after the kinge and aboute the kynge as the space of the riuer with thebbe or flode as gode ordre shall lede them to the tyme his grace shal be landyd ad the greate brydge of westmynster and no barge nor bote to lande but suche as shal be assygned / All the other to houer styll to the tyme the kynge the lordis appoynted be landyd And after that done al other bargis and botis not apoyntid to lande shall departe to their lodgynges with the kynges special thankes ¶ And as Iustys Torneys and suche other Ceremonyes it is remitted to the saide maister Cōptroller Sergeaunt of the kynges armory ¶ Md to knowe bitwene the kynge the byshop of london howe the bishops paleys shal be repaired Richard pynson