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A13753 A Discouerie of the treasons practised and attempted against the Queenes Maiestie and the realme, by Francis Throckmorton who was for the same arraigned and condemned in Guyld Hall, in the citie of London, the one and twentie day of May last past. Q. Z.; Throckmorton, Francis, 1554-1584. 1584 (1584) STC 24050.5; ESTC S118509 17,000 28

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rather desire the trebling of the torment iustly by your Maiesties lawes imposed vpon mee of the same may bee any satisfactiō to your Maiestie for the haynous cryme wherof I remaine by your Maiesties lawes iustly condemned or any mitigation of your Maiesties indignation worthily conceiued against me that desire not to liue without your fauour and dying will wish from my heart that my ende may bee the beginning of your Maiesties securitie and my death the preservation of your life and the increase both to your Maiestie and to this your most flourishing common wealth of all the most happie blessings of almightie God Your Maiesties most wofull subiect in that he hath offended you Francis Throckemorton HE sent vnto her Maiestie together with the sayd submission a declaration written likewise with his owne hand contayning the effects of the most principall pointes of his treasons formerly confessed retracting onely the accusation of his father and some other particularities of no moment to cleare him of his treasons the effect whereof followeth in his owne words as he set them downe The declaration THe onely cause why I coyned the practise first by me confessed vniustly touched my father was for that partly I conceiued that the paper written so long sithens could not now by lawe haue touched me but principally for that I was willing thereby to colour the setting downe of those names and hauens in Romane hand which were written long after the time by me confessed vpon occasion of conference betweene the Spanish Ambassadour and me of this later practise Mine intelligence with the Scortish Queene began a little before Christmas was two yeres the Cipher I had from Thomas Morgan in Fraunce the first letter I receiued by Godfray Fulgeam by whom also came all such others as I after receiued for the most part vnlesse it were such as came to me by F. A. his hands who as hee tolde mee William Ardington receiued them of the fellowe by me spoken of in my former confessions whose name I protest before God I knowe not nor whence he is And for such letters as came vnto mee in the absence of Fulgeam they were inclosed vnder a couerture from Fulgeam were deliuered me by the hands of Robert Tunstead his brother in Law to whom I deliuered such as I had for the Scottish Queene couered with a directiō to Fulgeam and once I remember or twise I sent by one of my men called Butler letters for the Scottish Queene to the house of the said Tunstead neere Buckstones couered with a direction to Tunstead and vnder a letter to Fulgeā In such letters as came to me frō the Scottish Q. were inclosed letters to F. A. many times most times some for Thomas Morgan Her letters to mee contayned c. But before I retourned mine answere to her I vnderstoode of the death of the Duke of Lenox and withall heard from Morgan with whom all mine intelligence was for with my brother I neuer had any other then that the matters by mee written to Morgan were by him imparted to my brother most times that by the perswasion of the Pope and the King of Spaine the Duke of Guyse had yeelded to performe the iourney in person and that it was thought that the next way to attayne libertie for the Scottish Queene and to reforme Scotlande was to begin here in England and therefore he desired to knowe from me whether in mine opinior Catholiques woulde not backe any such force as should be sent considering a demaunde of tolerance in religion for them should insue the wel performing of the said enterprise and what I thought the force would amount vnto both of horse and footemen and where I thought to be the fittest landing Mine answere was that as then I sawe no great probabilitie of the good successe of such an enterprise for that the Catholiques were timorous dispersed the matter perilous to be communicated to many without which I saw not how any estimate could be made of the forces besides that it was an eminent danger to the Scottish Queene whereof I sawe no remedie I tooke notice of this matter in my next letters to the Scottish Queene whose answere was that shee lately heard of that determination c. Vpon my former answere to Morgan he desired me the I would conferre with the Spanish Ambassadour to whō I should bee recommended from thence hereupon the said Ambassadour sent for me and brake with me in this matter assuring me the in his opinion he found it verie casie to make great alteration here with very little force considering the disuse in men to warre and troubles woulde so amase them as he thought that they woulde be assoone ouerthrowen as assailed and he could not thinke but in such a case Catholikes would shewe themselues sith the purpose tended to the obteyning for them libertie of conscience and therefore hee desired mee to acquaint him what I thought men would doe in such a case and where I thought the fittest landing and what holdes in these partes were easiest to be surprised I answered him that as it seemed the enterprise stood vpon great incertainties if it depended of the knowledge of a certaine force to be found here which no man could assure him of vnlesse he had sounded all the Catholikes which was not possible without manifest hazarde of the discouerie of the purpose for as for any great personage I know no one to be drawen into this action that could carie any more then his ordinarie retinew the onely way in such a case was I tolde him for such as woulde bee drawen into this matter and were of credite in their countreys to leuie forces vnder colour of the Princes authoritie But for that these things depended vpon vncertaine groundes which was not fit to be used in so great an action I said it was to be resolued that the force to bee sent should be of that number that what backing soeuer they should finde here they might be able of themselues to encounter with any force that might be prouided to be sent against them and therefore they could not bee lesse then 15000. men For the place of their landing I said it depended much vpon the force that should be sent for if that were in great number it mattered not where they landed if in a small companie then was it requisite that it shoulde be in the Countreys best affected and furthest from her Maiesties principall forces which I said to be in the Northren parts on either side To the danger of the Scottish Queene by me obiected he said he knewe no remedie vnlesse she might be taken away by some 200. horse which I tolde him I sawe not to be possible for that I knewe not any gentleman in those partes which were men if any to perfourme it that I durst wish to bee made acquainted with the matter before hande Finally our conclusion was that I should informe him of the
be his owne hand writing and so they are in trueth There were also found among other of his papers twelue petidegrees of the discent of the Crowne of England printed and published by the Blshop of Rosse in the desence of the pretended title of the Scottish Queene his Mistresse with certaine infamous libelles against her Maiestie printed published beyond the seas which being found in the hands of a man so cuill affected comparing the same with his doings and practises against her Maiestie you wil iudge the purpose wherefore he kept them Shortly after his apprehension hee was examined by some of her Maiesties priuie counsell how he came by the said two papers of the Hauens and he most impudently denied with many protestations that he neuer sawe them affirming they were none of his but were foisted in as he termed it among his papers by the gentlemen that searched his house Notwithstanding being more earnestly pressed to confesse the trueth he sayd they had bene left he knew not how in his chamber by a man of his who not long before was departed out of the Realme named Edward Rogers alias Nuttebie by whome they were written And to make this deuice to carie some colour of trueth after his committing to the Tower hee found the meanes to get three Cardes on the backeside of which Cardes he wrote to his brother George Throckmerton to this effect I haue bene examined by whom the two papers conteining the names of certaine Noblemen and gentlemen and of Hauens c. were written and I haue alleaged them to haue bene written by Edward Nutteby my man of whose hand writing you knowe them to be Meaning by this deuice to haue had his brother cōfirme his falsehode These Cardes were intercepted and thereby the suspition before conceiued of his practises increased whereupon as vpon other iust cause and matter against him hauing bin sundrie tunes brought before some of the principall personages of her Maiesties most honorable priuie counsell and by them with all industrie examined and perswaded in very milde and charitable maner to confesse the trueth promising to procure pardon for him in case he woulde bewray the depth of his practises but no persuasion preuailing her Maiestie thought it agreeable with good pollicie and the safetie of her Royal person and state to commit him ouer to the hands of some of her learned counsel and others her faithfull seruants and ministers with commission to them to assay by torture to drawe from him the trueth of the matters appearing so waightie as to concerne the inuading of the Realme c. These men by vertue of that commission proceeded with him first as the counsell had formerly done by way of persuasion to induce him to confesse but finding that course not to preuaile they were constrained to commit him to such as are vsually appointed in the Towre to handle the Racke by whom he was layd vpon the same and somewhat pinched although not much for at the end of three daies following he had recouered himselfe and was in as good plight as before the time of his racking which if it had then or any other time bene ministred vnto him with that violence that hee and his fauourers haue indeuoured slaunderously to giue out the signes thereof would haue appeared vpon his limmes for manie yeeres At this first time of torture hee would confesse nothing but continued in his former obstinacie and deniall of the trueth The second time that bee was put to the Racke before hee was strayned vp to any purpose hee yeelded to confesse any thing hee knewe in the matters obiected against him whereupon he was loosed and then the Commissioners proceeded with him according to such Interrogatories as had bene deliuered vnto them which for the more breuitie shall here bee omitted the intent of this declaration tending onely to discouer vnto you the treasons and treacherous dealings of the said Francis Throckamorton aswell before as sithens his imprisonment for your better knowledge of the man and manifestation of the due and iust proceedings held with him by her Maiesties Commissioners appointed to that seruice And here you are to note that when hee was first pressed to discouer by whome the plottes of the Hauens were sette downe and to what purpose he began without any further interrogation ministred by way of an historicall narration to declare that at his being at Spaw in the Countrie of Liege certaine yeres past he entred into conference with one Ienney a notorious knowen Traitor touching the altering of the state of the Realme here how the same might be attempted by forraine inuasion and to the like effect bad sundrie conferences with Sir Francis Englefield in the low Countreys who daily solicited the Spanish king in Spaine his Gouernours in the said Countreyes to attempt the inuading of the Realme continued a course of practising against her Maiestie and the state by letters betweene Sir Francis Englefielde and himselfe vntill within these two yeres last past and that he did from time to time acquaint Sir Iohn Throckemorton his late father with his traiterous practises who as he said seeing no probabilitie of sucoesse in them dissuaded himfrō any further medling with those practises He hath further confessed the he vsed his Fathers aduise opinion in setting downe the names of the Catholique Noblemen and Gentlemen and did acquaint him with the description of the Hauens for the landing of forces which he conceiued and put in writing onely by view of the Mappe and not by particular sight or suruey of the said Hauens Item he hath also confessed that vpon the intermission of writing of letters and the accustomed intelligences passed betweene Sir Francis Englefield and him he was made acquainted by his brother Thomas Throckemorton by letters cōference and by Thomas Morgan by letters two ōf the principall confederates and workers of these treasons reslding in France with a resolute determination agreed on by the Scottish Queene and her confederats in France and in other forreine partes and also in Englande for the inuading of the Realme That the Duke of Guyse should be the principal leader and executer of that inuasion That the pretention which shoulde be publiquely notified should be to deliuer the Scottish Queene to libertie and to procure euen by force from the Queenes Maiestie a tolerance in religion for the pretended Catholiques But the intention the bottome whereof should not at the first be made knowen to all men shoulde be vpon the Queenes Maiesties resistance to remooue her Maiestie from her Crowne and state That the Duke of Guyse had prepared the forces but there wanted two things money and the assistance of a conuenient partie in England to ioyne with the forraine forces and a third thing how to set the Scottish Queene at libertie without perill of her person For the first thing wanting viz. money messengers were sent from forraine parts both to Rome Spaine their returne daily
expected to their liking And the Spanish Ambassador to encourage the English to ioyne both in purse and person did gine out that the King his Master woulde not onely make some notable attempt against Englande but also woulde beare halfe the charge of the enterprise For the seconde thing viz. the preparing of a sufficient partie in England to receiue and to ioyne with the forraine forces one especiall messenger was sent ouer into England in August last vnder a countersaite name from the confederates in France to signifie the platte and preparation there and to sollicite the same here That Thomas Throckemerton his brother made him priuie to his negotiation at his last being here in England and that thereupon Frauncis Throckmerton tooke vpon him to be a follower and meane for the effectuating therof among the confederats in Englande with the holpe of the Spanish Ambassadour whom he instructed howe and with whome to deale for the preparing of a conuenient partie heere within the Realme for that himselfe woulde not be seene to be a sounder of men lest hee might be discouered and so endanger himselfe the enterprise knowing that the Ambassadour being a publique person might safelie deale therein without perill That the Duke of Guyse and other heads of the enterprise had refused some landing places and made speciall choise of Sussex and about Arundel in Sussex both for the neere cutte from the parts of Fraunce where the Duke did or best could assemble his force and for the oportunitie of assured persons to giue assistance c. That hee taking vpon him the pursuite of this course shewed the whole plotte and deuise of the hauens for landing to the Spanish Ambassador who did incourage him therein he promising that if hee might haue respite vntill the next spring the same should be done more exactly That at the time of Thomas Throckemertons being here least the negotiation of the enterprise by some casualtie might faile in the only hand of one man Thomas Throck morton there was also from the confederats sent ouer into Sussex Charles Paget vnder the name of Mope alias Spring and therof an aduertisement couettly sent to Thomas Throckmorten both that Thomas might vnderstande it and not be offended that another was ioyned with him in his labour That the Spanish Ambassadour by aduertisements from the confederates was made priuie to this comming of Charles Paget vnder the name of Mope and yet knowen to him to be Charles Paget That the said Ambassadour did according to his sayde aduertisements knowe and affirme that Charles Paget was come ouer to view the hauens and Countrey for landing of such forraine forces about Arundell and specially to sound and conferre with certaine prineipall persons for assistance The same Ambassadour also knewe and affirmed that Charles Paget had accordingly done his message and had spoken with some principall persons heere according to his commission and was returned Hee moreouer confessed that there was a deuice betweene the Spanish Ambassadour and him howe such principall Recusants here within the Realme as were in the Commislion of the peace in sundrie Counties might vpon the first bruite of the landing of forrame forces vnder colour and pre●rt of their authoritie and the defence of her Maiestie 〈◊〉 men whome they might after ioyne to the forraine forces and conuert them against her Maiestie In these fewe articles is briefly comprised the whole effect of his confessio made at large without any Intert ogatonie particularly ministred other then vpon that ●opapers before mencioned contayning the names of men o● hauens And heere you are to note that at the time of his apprehension there was no knowledge or doubt had of these treasons or of his priurtie vnto the in but onely an information and so pition deliuered conceiued of some practese betweene him and the Scottily Queene as to before mentioned For the discouering whereof after he had bene sundrie times vpon his alleagaunce commended to declare his doings in conueying and receyuing of letters to and from her he did voluntarily confesse that hee had written diuers letters vnto her and had conueyed many to and fro betweene her Thomas Morgan in France by whose meanes he was first made knowē vnto her that he had receiued as many letters from her Hee also declared the effect of his letters to her of hers to him which letters betwene them were alwaies written in Cipher and the Cipher with the Nullities and markes for names of Princes and Counsailors hee sent vnto the Queenes Maiestie written with his owne hand Hee also deliuered the names of some by whom hee conueyed his letters to the Scottish Queene as by one Godfrey Fulgeam who fled the Realme immediatly vpon Throckemortons apprehension and one other person whom he described by his stature shape and apparell and the man sithens apprehended and examined hath confessed the same the mans name is William Ardington The summe and effect of the most part of these confessions although they were at the time of his arraignement opened and dilated by her Maiesties Sergeant Atturney and Sollicitor generall at the barre and therefore seeme not needfull to be repeated heere yet because the purpose of this discourse is to shew sufficient proofe that the matters contained in his said confessions are neither false nor fayned as Frauncis Throckmorton most impudently affirmed at his triall alleadging that they were meere inuentions of him selfe by policie to auoyde the torture they haue bene here inserted to the ende you may the better iudge of the proofes presumptions and circumstances folowing by comparing the matters with their accidents and consequently see the falsehoode of the Traitor the iust and honourable proceedings of her Maiestie and the honest and loyall endcuours of her Ministers imployed in the discoucring of the treasons First it is true and not denied by himselfe that he was at Spawe about the time by him mencioned and had conference with Ienney in that place and with Sir Francis Englefield in Flaunders and that he hath written letters to Sir Frauncis and receiued letters from him for if he should denie the same he were to be conuinced by good proofe for it hath bin noted in him by many of his countrey men English subiects that both in those partes and in Fraunce hee did continually associate him selfe with English Rebels and Fugitiues If then you consider with whom he hath conuersed beyond the seas and compare his religion with theirs you wil iudge of his conuersation accordingly and it is to be supposed that those men knowen to be continuall practisers against the Queenes Maiestie and this Realme from whence for their Treasons and vnnaturall demeanures they are worthily banished will not in their conuenticles and meetings forget to bethinke them of their banishment and howe they might be restored to their countrey whereunto no desert in her Maiesties life time which God long continue can wel without her Maiesties great mercie restore them Then I