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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07033 A pithie, and most earnest exhortation, concerning the estate of Christiandome together with the meanes to preserue and defend the same; dedicated to al christian kings princes and potentates, with all other the estates of Christiandome: by a Germaine gentleman, a louer of his countrey.; Ad potentissimos ac serenissimos reges commonefactio. English Marnix van St. Aldegonde, Philips van, 1538-1598. 1583 (1583) STC 17450.7; ESTC S107814 25,937 82

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be troden vnder the Popes feete could not neuerthelesse mollifie their mindes without suffering great iniuries tollerating notable abuses Let him suppose that the Pope wanteth no occasions to arme the Spaniard to the destruction of the Germaines seeing that they which be of his owne religion do not onely not oppose them selues against the protestantes but also daily enter a legue amity and firme alyaunce with them Let him coniecture that the spanierds not beeing able to subdue Germany to their own dominiō neither to reduce it to the Popes obedience vnlesse to that end they contract amity with the rest eyther in respect of ancient allance or by right of protection or for feare of their armies it is necessary for the Germains to stande to one of these conditions namely either to ioyn with the spaniardes in the conquest of their fellow cuntry me or els vniting their whole forces together to take armes against thē for the deliuery of an Germany out of their bondage This vnles they doe spedely take in hād so vsing the occasiō of the affairs of the low coūtries doe cutte off the encrease of the Spanish power they shal hereafter in vain each after other endeuour to turne away the force of their tyrannie Certainly most noble princes the King of Spains power is great and yet is it such that as by your sufferance I had almost said slouth the foundations therof haue sprong and growen forward so may it again by your vnion as easily be shaken and finally with small labour by your power and concorde be brought to vtter subuersion For all the Prouinces of his obedience do lie separate a great way each from other whereby their victuals may easily be cut off their forces debarred and their strength vtterly ouerthrowen in case you will but of your selues helpe your selues and not suffer Italy by a list running thorough the middest of Germany to be ioyned with Flaunders A matter so much the easier for you to compasse for that you see euidently how al nations do abhorre their great tyranny and attend no other but opportunitie to free themselues out of their bōdage Neithe are you ignoraunt with how weake a power and with what a handfull of men or smal beginnings the Prince of Orenge hath wasted brought to naught their great enterprises consumed their mighty armies what a while the low countries destitute of al aide and bereaued of succour haue borne the brunt of so mighty a Prince also in what daunger within these fewe yeares Don Iohn of Austrich of late daies the Prince of Parma were of being driuen out of all the said low countries with their whole power yea that at that time had not sundry prouinces by reason of ciuil dissention departed from the general vnion the Duke of Aniow through peruerse counsail let slip his good fortune which he possessed they had not only abādoned Flanders but also peraduēture limited their dominions with the Pirinean mountaines So that as you are not to cōtēne their might suffer it thus to growe on so haue you no cause most noble Princes to fear the greatnes therof or to dant you frō valiant defence of your selues or reuenge of the common liberty The king of Spains power can not greatly hurt you if in time you see to your businesse If you neglect not the warres of the low coūtries if through your authority you vndermine al Billies purposes concerning the riuer of Ems if you represse the fiery ambitiō of the Duke of Bauier togeather with his exceeding affection to the king of Spain if with the most christiā king if with the right excellēt Queen of England al other christian princes and potentats you do earnestly cōsider of some necessary meanes to suppresse this their ouer great power and authority But if contrariwise you suffer the inhabitauntes of the low cuntries your next neighbours through the spanish power almost wasted yet to be cōsumed with the strēgh of Germany if you hould your peaces when you see the inhabitants of Cleueland Iuliers Coulogn euē quake for fear at the precepts of the king of Spain if you force not the inhabitāts of liedge to ayd the cōmō enemy with money munition wepons as hitherto they haue opēly don If you bridle not the vile ambition of the Duke of Bauier but suffer him to ioyne the Archbishoprick of Coulogn electorial dignity to his authority If you restraine him not from ioyning his forces with the spanish to the destruction of Flanders and exclude not the spaniard frō al the hauens of the Ocean sea doubt not but Flāders being brought vnder the yoke Germany deuided into factions France consumed in ciuil wars or with drawn into sundry opiniōs diuers affections the terror of the spanish name waight of his empire wil become a mighty tēpest ineuitable inundation which hauing piersed the causies ditches bāks wil shortly be sufficient through the fury of his ambitiō to incroch al christēdō togither Against which procedings if any man wil thē oppose himself either by force or otherwise he shal though to late finde that which in the beginning of our discourse wee haue set downe namely that fit opportunitie to doe well being once escaped vs which wil neuer be recouered either by intreaty or compulsion wil cry vengeaunce against vs and bring vppon vs that plague which our rechlesnes and negligence doth deserue This prognostication I beseeche God to turne from all Christendom especially from Germanie my sweete countrie most earnestly desiring him in the name of our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST that he will vouchsafe in his holy spirit to assist all your counsails most noble princes of thempire you al other christian Kings Princes and magistrates and therewith so gouerne conduct and frame all your enterprises and determinations that you may conclude vpon and put in execution whatsoeuer shal seem most iust profitable requisite and necessary for the benefite of all Christendome the glory of his holy name and the wealth and saluation of his people FINIS
to make any further demōstratiō or repeticiō Vndoutedly any man that wold open the eyes of his vnderstanding narrowly consider of these counsailes demenures might plainly perceiue that al these drifts tended not to the subduing of the lowe countries who refused no kind of obedience but rather to the laying of a firme foundatiō of the spanish monarchy that they leuel at And indeed the Duke of Alua immediatly vpon his ariual in the low cuntries determined to set vpon the City of Coulogne vnder pretence that she had admitted into the nūber of Burgeses the king of Spayns pretended rebels at the same time sought also to bring into his subiectiō the city of Mūster in Westphaly both which interprises had at one time takē place had not the prince of Orenge who thē had leuied a strong power in Germany interrupted his whol deuises vtterly subuerted the course of his counsel practises which notwithstāding he did not neuertheles forbeare to prescribe cōmand lawes to the inhabittants of Coulogne or with great threts to moue the magistrats to his obedience At the same time also he firste delt with the bishop of Treuers who promised al helpe and fauour in the aduancement of the Kings affairs to the great preiudice of the Palatin elector of hapy memory after grew to debate with him for the chiefe town of his countrie which he affirmed to be vnder the King his maisters protection He also limited to the Duke of Cleue suche counsailours as should no otherwise gouerne his Countrey then as if it had wholy ben vnder the absolute commaunde of the king of Spayne he sought to binde the Earle of Embden vnto him as his vassall vnder colour of protection and safgard He commaunded the inhabitantes of Liege to furnish him of weapons furniture victuals To be brief he exccuted vpon al borderers all absolute authority commandement power And as for the princes that were farther off first he quarrelled with the most high and noble Queene of England vnder colour pretence of entercourse and emprisoned such English merchants as vsually trafiqued in the said prouinces he commaunded her to banish whō he lift whiles himselfe not onely harboured and friendly entreated in the low countries sundry lewd persons which had beene attainted of treason against their soueraigne but also enriched them with giftes and yearly pentions By sundry deuises and driftes did they solicite the Queene of Scots being then prisoner to worke some new trecherous deuise they loded with honor and rewardes the murderers of the regent of Scotland vsing both thē their counsailes and endeuours in sundry their affaires And what not they found means by the Popes bul to pronoūce the Queene of England an heretique and vnlawful inheritour They raysed troubles against her in the hart of her Realme They put her in daunger of her life They did by publication habandon her Realme to the first that woulde or could surprise or seaze vppon it and expressely charged Don Iohn of Auctrich perticularly immediately vpon the quieting of the lowe countries to leauy mortall warre against her to marrye the Queene of Scottes and with her to appropriate to him selfe the Realmes of Englande Scotlande and Irelande These thinges when they coulde not compasse to their mindes by reason of the warres reuiued amonge the Estates of the lowe Countries they sought to bring to passe thorough Irelande whether they transported in outwarde shewe in the Popes name but in trueth by the commaundemente motion and will of the King of Spaine a number of Italians and Spaniardes that they passing through that I le which they hoped to finde wholy at their deuotion into the realme of England might the more commodiously subdue and bring it vnder their power and authoritie And had not the King at the Duke of Aluaes perswasion who wondred at the difficulties and lettes that happened in this enterprise thought it best to referre this matter to a more conuenient time the waight of all this warre had longe since bene transported into Englande in hope that that beeing first gotten the Spaniard thereby being at quiet on that side of the Sea might haue a more readye way to subdue all the whole lowe countries And as for Fraunce whiche by reason of the Kinges noneage was troubled with domesticall dissention they omitted no manner of inuentions or pollicies but emploied their whole industry care and study to wrappe and entangle it more and more in ciuill warres to the end that when the same so florishing and mighty a Realme were with her own weapons almoste subuerted and destroyed they might as their leasure with more opportunitye and as conueniēt time serued with the lesse a do subdue it neither neede I here much to stande vppon those meanes whiche they haue vsed to heape more coales vpon these ciuil flames what helpes they haue ministered to the nourishing of these discordes with what affection they haue trauailed in it what actions among parties clokinges leagues and conspiracies they haue inuented wherwith to maintein and vpholde this miserable kindling For the most Christian king doth euidently wel know that diuers times they haue procured his subiects to rebel and sought means again to bring them to take armes yea and least any man should thinke they did it for zeale to their Catholique religion they haue with promises of greate summes of ready monie sought to seduce the heartes of the Princes defenders of the reformed religion neither is he ignorant how often he hath ben informed that sundry times they haue endeuoured to corrupt seduce and winne from their sworne allegiaunce the particuler gouernours of townes fortresses and hauens on the sea costes how they haue with great diligence laboured euen the King of Nauai promising him great summes of money in case he would break the peace last concluded yea howe they haue proceeded euen to his highnes perswading him to take armes to the subuersion of the King his brother and the desolation of his whole kingdome whome when they perceyued nothing prone to serue their mischieuous tournes they haue sought to make away with poyson and sworde hauing to that ende hired expresse murderers who since haue by law ben executed I wil not here speake what number of pentioners the King of Spaine hath bounde to his deuotion not onely in the priuie councel of the King of France but also of all other Christian Kinges Princes and potentates through whom he doth at his pleasure trouble the estates of some procure the rising of others subiects ouerthrow and supplant whatsoeuer counsails are holden against him and to be briefe make them determine and like of all that he thinketh commodious to himself This is manifestly and well knowen to all Kinges and Princes to whose detriment these thinges are put in practise none dare the while speak any worde of al these matters or once open his lips against them so greatly are all mens mindes ouertaken with feare and astonied at