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A13309 A table gathered ouut of a booke named A treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth, and the croune of England latelie compiled by a stranger and sent owt of France ... Leslie, John, 1527-1596.; G. T. 1572 (1572) STC 23617.5; ESTC S2355 16,228 50

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A TABLE GATHERED OVVT OF A BOOKE NAMED A Treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth and the Croune of England latelie compiled by a stranger and sent owt of France Printed in the yeare of our Lord 1572. The didicatorie epistle to her heighnesse MADAM this table of treasons doth your heighnes to witt of à booke called A treatise of treasons against you and the Croune of England That treatise is addressed of gratefull affection borne to yow ●…nd discovereth hidden treasons which ●…each to the danger of your person of your ●…ate and life That treatise discovereth the ●…ransposing of the crowne the extincting of your line and the hazarding of the Re●…lme It openeth vnto yow the contrivers of those treasons to be a couple of companions of base parentes borne first callid to Court th one from booke thother from butterie which two be now more then Barons by office and dignitie more then Earles by possessions and wealth more then Dukes in authoritie which two be now your cosoning Counsaillors though sett vppe by your good fauour in the cheifest places of the Realme whereby they haue made them selues mightie in money mariages and allies and be the two captaine cōspiratours that haue in their owne power and in the handes of their confederates all the offices all the portes all the fortresses your treasour your armour yea your selfe your succession and the whole realme to dispose at their will They be the two captaine conspiratours that haue beset yow rownde abowte with feares and dangers prepared by them selues and by sondrie fine deuises remoued from yow all defenses of faithfull frindes at home and a broade deuided the realme into factions abused your authoritie imploied your treasours to the danger of your state to the infamie of your person and to your final ouerthrow by death or depriuation ●…ere it be long Thus that treatise discouereth those two traiterous Counsaillours who to worke more subtilly their mischeuous intentions and to kepe yow from espying their terrible treasons haue misleaden yow by a false show of other treasons wich were neuer intended and abused yow vndre title of dutie pretence of seruice and colour of securitie to hold them vnsuspected In that treatise also your heighnes shal see the vnbuckling and lifting vpp of their ●…sardes and veiles that wold walke vn●…eene and still couertlie circumuent yow by their fine fetches whiles they freelie finish their determined treasons against your person and state That treatise of treasons is abridged into this table which showeth forth but in ●…reife maner vvhat in the same is at full enlarged It is therefore passing necessarie that ●…auing good regarde of your owne per●…on the preseruation of the realme and the ●…ightfull succession of the same yow call ●…or that treatise yow reade that treatise ●…s wel for the more full and better vnderstanding of the conspiratours practises fi●…allie ment as for their mischeuous meanes ●…sed to bring their practises to passe And ●…t is more then high time to vnderstand the ●…mpudent falsehood the fatall malice the desperat deuises of the conspiratours against your line your life and Succession if by speedie meanes and good aduise they be not prevented The author of the treatise and the abridger of the same beare good affectiō to yow and to the realme and therefore doe discouer vnto you the present perills that now hang over both which when yow shal by survew perceave and vnderstand God giue yow grace to consider and preuent And Madam for that it cannot be doubted but that those two Conspiratours doe watchfullie care and politickly provide how to kepe frō yow alletters bookes and treatesies which they feare may let or discouer their final purpose It hath ben thought neccessarie to invent and find owt all good meanes whereby the said treatise or at least the Table of the same might by some more faithful seruant of yours be addressed to your owne handes for the which respect it hath bene by meanes conveighed to the sight of your trustie servant Mr. Hatton and others who of dewtie and alleageance hath bene thought the most fitt instrument to present yow the same wherein he shal showe your heighnes more love dutie and faithful obediece then those of your Counsaillors that so many monethes sithence haue had the treatise it selfe in their handes and concealed the same either of doubt their practises might be vntimelie discouered and preuēted or in deede for lack of love towardes your heighnes person which standeth in greater perill then yow can beleeve God geve yow grace to sorsee and avoide the same Your heighnes dailie Orator G. T. A BRIEFE TABLE GATHERED OVVT of a booke callid a treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth and the Crowne of England c. Treasons in general THE cōspiratours final treasons be to extinct the howses and lines of King Henrie the 8. and of his Sister Queene Margarite of Scotl. Thone resting presentlie in the Q. that now is and thother in the Q. of Scotl. and to bring the Crowne vntimelie vnto the third howse the howse of Suffolke vnto the which them selues are vnited and their children incorporated Treasons in particular against the Queenes person the realme and right succession THE conspiratours induced the Q. to holde her selfe vnmaried whereby the howse of England might consume in it selfe and that whole line finishe in and with her person They haue preuented that none be declared nor accepted as heyre by lawe and by pretence of lawe haue compassed that the Q. haue no heire iudiciallie They meane by pretence of lawe to impeache al interestes and titles to the crowne that the trial thereof maie come to the swoard the principal force whereof resteth in the conspiratours handes They haue by spetial lawe prouided vnder paine of treason that their be no knowen heire in succession established and that the knowen heire be made not knowen They haue circumuented the Queene to extinct her owne line and made her an instrument to remoue the Queene of Scotl. whose depriuation they haue alreadie procured The keping of the Queene of Scotland in prison is a plaine promise of their indempnitie for murdering the Queene her selfe They gouerne tirannically whereby to bring the Q. in hatred an to kendle in the hartes of the people à wearines of her subiection that they may be the gladder to embrace such mutation as they intend and will attempt when they shal think the time ripe by death or depriuation to remoue her They haue deuided the realme into factions for the Crowne by preferring vntimelie the third howse before the second They haue made the Q. a warde at 40. yeres age and her suertie lesse by the halfe and made her an instrument to vndoe her selfe and do leade her to her owne destruction Their last new law taking his effect leaueth the Crowne without proprietarie to claime it They haue compassed the extincting of the howse and line of Englād and
●…cretlie to an other To charge and defame Noble persona●…es To displace all such persons as be impe●…iments to his final treasons To slander Catholicques to belie Prin●…es to occupie the people with lies and va●…ities To cosin the Queene by weeping and ●…hining to her face by feyning sicknes for ●…orrow till she relent to his lustes VVith a brazen face to owtface all the world and his owne Prince also with lies ●…pon lies each one lowder and lewder ●…en other Falselie to accuse subtillie to subourne hereby wrongfullie to condempne Noble ●…d notable personnages To depose Princes to transpose states to ●…urpe kingdomes for the thirst of heresie ●…d ambition To preferr his ambition before his Prin●…es honor his posteritie before hers his fa●…ilie before her kinred to plaie the Queene him selfe in essence and substance of gouernment To ligue him selfe with Rebelles to harborough pirats and of their thyeuerie to share owt his partlargelie To punish honest Citisens by pillerie for saying the troth To sett forth pilde pamfletes conteyning rayling reportes To tearme that treason to the Q. which impugneth his final treason To plaie Scoggan with a Queene To alienat peoples hartes and affections from the rightfull heire To fill the Realme with more thē fortie thousand strangers rascals vnder pretence of religion to serue his tourn at a day To make a treason of no trespasse VVhat detrimentes and preiudices haue ensued to the Q. and to the Realme and what encrease of strength and aduancement to the Conspiratours and their needie faction by their circumuentions tending to their final pourpose and treasons FIrst the separation of the Q. from the Catholicque Church from the vnitie and amitie of the See Apostolicque A confusion of the two obediences th one to God thother to the Queene A forsaking the seruice of all the bishops and principal Cleargie A lack of the seruice of the greatest of the Nobilitie and anciēt Gentlemen with 〈◊〉 supplie of officers and iustices greadie and hongrie of liuing A general change of the whole face of ●…e commen wealth A religion that changeth his hew like he Camelion and at xiiij yeres end is not yet knowen which secte shal preuaile A diuision from al other princes by an other law then the Q. progenitours were wont Infamie dishonour reprochfull termes ●…ermes of Schisme and heresie termes of a ●…he head a breachlesse head a domme head of the Church The reuiuing the buried question and ●…ruple of her mothers mariage which time ●…ad put to silence euerie where her fathers ●…ife and maners her mothers mariage and ●…eath her owne birth and conuersation made the matter of much secret talke at ●…ome and more open penning euerie where abroade The setting vpp of a partie protestant the professed poison of kinglie regiment that obey no longer then their partie be of strength and now showe a●… litle obedience to the Q. as to the Pope The Queene for assured forrain frindshippe brought to stand poste alone and constreyned to leane wholie to the capitaine conspirators Infinit vexations of the subiectes for religion yet making show in their lettres t●… princes that the Catholiques may live af●… their conscience and none impeached ●… religion or faith Field preachings secret lectures differences of sectes and seruices of religion inciuilitie vnbrideled loosenes of conscienc●… barbarous maners For ancient entire amitie with Catholique Princes confederacie with Hugonots Gues and protestant rebelles Of two Q. the one remoued from he●… seat thother abiding but the deuotion o●… them that in woard and deede repine a●… womens regiment Suppressing of truthe supporting of falsehood a lying and Macheu●…lian regimēt ▪ A yelding to the Conspiratours th●… substance and effect of Kinglie dominion The consumption of ancient Nobilitie the setting vppe of a base and needie sort that make them selues Noble The violation of the ancient league betwene the Q. and the howse of Spaine and Bourgundie the laying handes vpon the king of Spaines money for paiment of forrein rebelles Great charges lost much care cast away english blood spilt dishonour gained a seade of qwarell sowen a roote of reuenge planted and laide vpp in the deck which wil be demanded when time serueth The weakening of the Q. strength and state the preiudicing her amitie with the mightiest and sincerest frind that ●…he had vpon earth so proued by 13. yeres experience The refusing of the Q. safetie by contempning sondrie frindlie motions of Emperours and kings for her reuniting to the Church England verified to be a harlott the ●…urce of al euills accompted the neast and ●…enne of theeves rebels and pirates in dāger to answer the spoiles of Nations by restitution or waie of reuenge at one time or other The deliuerie of the Q. and the Realme wholie into the handes of the two conspi●…atours who be the kinges of the Realme 〈◊〉 effect the Q. onlie bearing the name ●…f Q. The Q. circumuented her state indangered her honour stained the Conspiratours aduanced the Nobilitie abased the people oppressed the realme impouerished and the Q. made a compagnion of an vnfortunat felowshipp A declaratorie sentence of Excommunicatiō a discharge of the subiectes obediēce the weight whereof to be pondered by the presidentes of time past euen confessed by the startling storming and rageing thereat of those that to her presence seeme most to make light of it Violation of common Iustice and priuat Iniustice vsed to the furtherance of their final pourpose FIrst the Conspiratours vsed a sclanderous forme of proceeding against the Duke and Q. of Scotl. and where they be iudges all is treason that they will haue so They vse manie waies of corrupt proceading and arts to slander and intrapp the guiltlesse They saue harmelesse all their owne frindes with the iniurie of any third that will not with money bye his iust sentence The Iustice of the Realm is prostibulated to be sold or hyred for money by malice or affection By the ministerie of Rob. Beale in the yeare 1563. the conspiratours haue procured that the doubtfull wedlocke betwen th erle of Harford and the ladie Cather in their frindes opinions by the seales and firmes of certaine forrein learned men is cleared againe which the conspiratours reserue in secret to serue a tourne when the daie commithe They procured that the statute made for the Oth of the womanish Primacie should binde the inferiour multitude vnto that wherein it leaueth the Nobilitie free They ordeined the penaltie of an other statut to take place from xiiij yeres before the crime or any offence committed The Q. is weakened the Nobilitie abbased the people pillaged them selues enriched their confederates strengthened The B. of Rosse diffamed because his seruice tended to preuent the conspiratours hidden treasons Charles