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england_n king_n queen_n realm_n 4,464 5 8.2993 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13004 A Declaration of the lyfe and death of Iohn Story, late a Romish canonicall doctor, by professyon 1571 (1571) STC 23297; ESTC S524 11,233 32

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prayer sayd these wordes I did often times in Queene Maries tyme saye to the Bishops that they were to busie with Pecora campi for so it pleased him to terme the poore cōmons of Englād chopping at twiges but I wished to haue chopped at the roote which if they had done this gere had not cum now in question and here in most traiterously he ment the distruccion of our dere soueraigne lady Queene Elizabeth For the which wordes spoken in such an audience and in such vehement maner there was no honest nor true hart that hard him but did vtterly abhorre him And sone after that he had declared his trayterous hart to the Queenes highnes and his conscience accusing him he fled and lurked about in sondry corners as did Cain when he had murdered his brother Abell But at the last he was taken in the west countrye rydyng before a Male in a frise coate lyke a seruing man and was apprehended in the highwaie by one maister Ayleworth a gentleman one of the Queenes seruauntes and brought before the counsaill and after sent to prison to the Queenes Bench for more thē suspicion of Treason in the fyrst yere of her highnes reigne And after the sayd Story had remained there a whyle he espyenge hys tyme and by the helpe of his frendes as commonly suche lewde papistes lacke none he brake the said prison and fled againe beyond the Seas namely into Flaundyrs and there not only practised diuerse wicked treyterous enterprices towardes our Soueraigne lady the Quenes maiestie and the state of this realme by sondry cōferences that he had with such as haue of late rebelled cōspired the destruccion of the same But also he became an open comon enemi to euery good subiect of this realme of England and obteyned in Flaundyrs of the Duke of Alna a comission and aucthoritie to practise his olde cruetie to arest aprehend al such Englishmens goods as shold arriue in those countries or that did traffique out of England into those parts or from thence into England and to confiscat the same by reason of which aucthoritie he vsed there such extremytie that he was the spoiler vndoer of dyuerse merchauntes and of more would haue bene if he had longer continued wherfore the said Merchauntes were in forced to study and deuyse some remeady and to practise some waye or meane howe to remoue this comber some man from them And among other deuises they hauing experience of hym to be a gredy and rauenous wolfe put into his head by such as he suspected not that ther was a pray for hym of English goodes in a Ship that lai● in a certein place which was named vnto him where he should fynd such a treasure of goods to be confiscate as woulde be sufficient for him during his life The wolfe beynge hongry and desyrous of this great pray set forward and came into a Shyp that promysed to brynge hym to the place where the praye was But to be shorte ●●ssone as he was entered the Shipe the s●●e brought hym cleane a waye out of Flaundirs into England and landed him at Harwyche in the Moneth of Auguste last paste And sone after knowlege being geuen to the Queenes honorable counsail of his landynge he was brought to London and there he was comitted to prison to the lollardes tower in Powles where he contynued a whyle that he myght well peruse that place wherin he had most cruelly tormented many a good Chrystyan But he lacked there one thing which was the monstrous and houge Steckes that hee and Boner his old faithfull frend had vsed to turmoyle and persecute the poore and Innocent christians in hanging sum therin by the heles so high that only their heades laye on the ground Some wer stocked in both feet armes some also wer stocked by both their feet and by both thir thombes and so did hang in the Stockes And some also were stocked by both theyr fete cheyned by the necke wyth collars of Iron made fast behynde theim to a post in the wall and suche other deuelishe and tyrannus engynes and deuyses by hym practised these at his being in the lolardes Tower he myssed and great pitie it was that he had not tasted of theim But alack the good Bisshop Gryndall late Bysshop of London had brent and consumed them with fire But to returne where I left after that Story had contynnued a certaine of tyme in the lollardes Tower had ben diuers tymes examined hee was from thence remoued to the Tower of London wher he remayned vntill the .xxvi. day of Maye 1571. And then was he● brought from thence into westminster hall before the iudges of the Queenes Benche and there arayned And after the indictment had ben read vnto hym theffect wherof was that wher as Rychard Norton Thomas Markenfelde Christopher Neuyll Frances Norton Thomas Ienny alias Iennings with other traytors after their offences committed in the north and being therof indicted in the .xii. yere of the Queenes highnes raigne before the right honorable Thomas Erle of Sussex lorde president of the Queenes coūsaill in the north partes Iohn lorde Darcye c. they after their indictment did the .xxiii. of Iune in the yere aforsayd embarke theim selues in sundry Shippes and fled this realme vnto Antwarpe in Brabant whych is vnder the gouernment of kyng Phylip and ther contrarye to theyr allegeaunce did lead their liues and the aforsaid Iohn Story D. W. P and I. P being borne in England and the Queenes subiectes did with theim conspire compasse and Imagin the Queenes death and her highnes to depose and depryue And by diuers perswasions and letters did also procure straungiers to inuade this realme of England and to leuy warr against the Queene and her hyghnes to depose And that the aforsayd Iohn Story c. knowing the abouesaid Norton and others to haue committed their treasons here in England did receaue cōfort and helpe theim at Antwarp aforsaid agaynst their allegeaunce c. And after the indictment read he being called vppon by the courte to answere to the same pleaded that he was not the Queenes subiect nor had not bene these vii yeres but was the subiect of the most catholicke and mighty prynce kyng Philip kyng of Spayne to whome hee was sworne and had in Fee of him one hundreth pound by the yere therfore said hee I am not bound to answer to that indictment neyther will I answere vnto it And here he vsed many pretie tauntes as well to the iudges as also pleasyng him selfe with giuinge of pretie nippes and girdes And verye stowtlye he maintayned his former plea affirming also that they were not his lawfull iudges neither that they had law to procede against him being none of the Queenes subiectes And then beyng demaunded where he was borne he answered in England Then sayd they it folowith that you are subiect to the lawes of thys realme and should be so to our Queene