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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16247 Boanerges. Or the humble supplication of the ministers of Scotland, to the High Court of Pariament [sic] in England Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. 1624 (1624) STC 3171; ESTC S102729 18,586 38

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in any English cloth or woollen clothes amongst them Shall wee follow with the losse of the Palatinate the slighting of our Embassadours in Germany the hazard of the Kings children in Prague the bereauing them of their inheritance the bestowing the Electorship vpon Bauaria and all those perils and indignities wee haue endured about that warre when yet we were made to beleeue there should be a more tractable composition or orderly course taken if we would defist from the prosecution Shall wee continue with your disgraces at home how euer many gracious things haue been published to reconcile the peoples opinion to the affecting the Spanish match all which haue yet had the misfortune of diuerting them from it either as disallowing the pamphlets that haue been that way written or esteeming them too triuiall and onely common tricks to get mony With what scorne did a supposed Spanish mad man aduance himselfe into the Chaire of Estate in the presence at White-hall and was onely dismist with a iest from Gondomar and a shipping out of England Was there euer such an abuse offered to a Kings house as the cutting of his pictures in the princely gallery when certaine Spaniards were so kindly entertained to be admitted into such priuat rooms Who could haue had better welcome then that counterfet fugitiue the Archbishop of Spalato and yet in requitall he preached publickly in the Mercers Chappell that the Church of Rome was a true Church of God and in priuate conference argued as if the Ecclesiasticall gouernment of England was but a mongrell Papistry How did Gondomar couzen our hospitalitie and abuse his Maiesties fauor for after he and his Priests had been welcomed to many noble houses in England and discouered the Ladies humors or dotage vpon their Iesuites after he had fraughted himselfe with the knowledge of our kingdome and diued as it were into the arcana regni after he had drawne on the net of political enforcement concerning the profit and honour of both Nations by this match with the iocundity of the Princes in their vnion and penselled out the excellencies of the Infanta Maria after we say that hee had as it were made a faction in England and knew by name who were Hispaniolized and for their priuate ends as all temporisers do neglected the publicke good either of Church or Common-wealth With what a iollitie did hee returne into Spaine and boasted there how easie it was to deceiue your simplicitie insomuch that wee in Scotland heard more particulars then you in England that his arguments were but Elo●chi and wished in our hearts his wisedom might proue Ahitophels and his deuices like Perillus bull of whom Phallaris for his inuention made the first triall Shall we prosecute other matters was it well done thinke you to compose that booke of Rosa Hispanioa and Anglicum punicum and expose it to publike view with an idolatrous and blasphemous frontispeece Christ comming from heauen to marrie them when he himselfe had cursed Israel if they matched with the Canaanites and Nehemiah with pulling their haire from their heads made the people put away their idolatrous wiues and for the booke it selfe the wiser and iudicious sort not onely derided it for the phrase and fantasticall title vnto as fantasticall a man but for the substance and examples which might be euery way and euery one retorted against the other and for the frontispeece the very women in Edenborugh haue made good sport to heare of the iests that haue beene contriued vpon it At the first when a certaine man demanded whom those pictures did personate and answer was made that the one was Charles Prince of Wales and the other the Lady Maria Infanta of Spaine and the third Iesus Christ come from heauen to marry them Not too fast replied the fellow but yet I am glad that Christ is between them for then sure he wil neuer suffer them to ioyn together except God giue her so much grace which seldome happens to a Spaniard to come out of Babilon and not be partakers of her Idolatries After this the book lying long on their stalls and the man ouen angred againe at such lukewarme gospellers and trades-men that care not by what for did meanes and superstitious filthinesse they enrich themselues he asked once againe what those pictures meant and they once againe answered the Prince of Wales and Princesse of Spaine with Christ between them Oh said he that 's impossible For if Christ meant any such matter he would haue dispatcht it before now and questionlesse there would neuer haue been such delayes and rediculous pride amongst them Then followed the Princes iorney into Spaine with rigging out a Nauy and selecting the Commanders to please the King of Spaine as was interpred of some of the principall Catholike Lordes of England who apparrelled their followers honorably and did all things befitting the dignitie of the nation but what followed vpon Brunswicks ouerthrow Spaine with Ixion bosted he must lie with Iuno and the house of Austria swelled so big that if the tumor of pride be not pricked downe it will burst with her own greatnes and presumption that they are not able to raise another Gigantomachia and with Typhon cast the mountaines against heauen for presently the noble Prince found a kind of remisnes and relaxation concerning his first entertainment peraduenture being a pathick to some indignities he and the Navy were all dismist without the Lady or any dispatch of the businesse so that we in Scotland did wonder how so great and so wise a King could either be misinformed or rely on any Temporiser to go forward with vncertainties and yet for all this you in England printed more books of the Princes royall entertainment in Spaine and like childrens wormseed it was trimmed ouer with gold and put into candid stuffe that is it had braue phrases and oratory with some things that sauored of impossibilitie A second booke told you of a second entertainment which the Prince had in Spain and for Spanish businesse had such an exotik phrase that when it came amongst vs we reputed it a very Rhomantidos indeed for the author inuented words neuer in any author before and bestowed as much paines about killing of buls and beasts ioco de cuno and other sports like our countrymen in times past who ran at S. Quintine as Homer did in describing the Troian wars Curtius in Alexanders conquests and Lucan in his Pharsalia Then followed a third booke of the Princes farewell and reciprocall gifts bestowed betweene Spaine and vs and this was as vineger to the teeth and smoake to the eyes of the subiect for had not their hearts been seasoned with the ioy and gladnes for his returne their mouthes had cursed outright and wished such deceiuers the womans reward that for golde betrayed her countrey and so had so much layd vpon her that they pressed her to death These collections most gracious Lords wee haue made not to intercede against
vp printing Presses in priuate houses and iustified their idolatrous meetings as if the Masse meant to outface the Gospel of Iesus Christ frequented the Embassadours houses with much immodest iustificatiō of their Conuenticles threatned zealous Ministers for their inuectiues against Antichrist continued priuate inhibitions that no man should speake write preach or practise any thing against their designes insomuch that diuers haue beene imprisoned for discouering the Spaniards pride and hypocrisie and many put out of countenance for inuectiues against the Kings friends as the terme went Abroad I am ashamed to name the sundry pictures they haue published both in Antwerp and Brussels for all the peace and treaty with Spaine against the King and his children against our Countrey and Religion against God and his Annointed yea it is wonderfull to reade the infamous and scandalous lies they haue exposed as if his Maiesty had gone with his Councell to Masse to please the Pope and the King of Spaine as is apparant in Gallo Belgico What say you to ●oron● Regi● a booke printed in Brussels against his Maiesties royall person an Invectiue against Holland by laughing at her neer nosse vnto hell as being low ground and traducing the vertuous Queene Elizabeth most maliciously Iohn Kings Legacle Bishop of London the Gag for the Gospell the vneasing of heresie with diuers others all which though they be hellish and damnable yet are sold by the Diuels factor or a Spanish Iohn and in a maner winked at in the State whereas other relations tending onely to the discouery of errors and abuses in the Church are not onely suppressed but the authors punished and imprisoned to no other purpose but to discouer our feare that wee should be found guilty in Gods sight so that one hath beene imprisoned for writing a letter to the then Marquis of Buckingham against the Spanish march another for making or publishing a booke wherein Gondomar apprehended himselfe mockt derided a third for preaching a Sermon Be not vnequally yoked with Infidels a fourth for discouering the incestuous mariages of the house of Austria a fifth for reuealing the secrets of that tyrannous Inquisition in Spaine a sixt for applying to the present Ezechias folly in shewing the Baby lonish Embassadours the treasures of the Temple and the riches of the Pallace a seuenth for making a prayer to be deliuered from all infectious Spanish sheep by reason you had once a great rot of sheep in England by an infectious Ewe brought out of Spaine and diuers others for putting the axe to the roote of the tree and applying other texts contrary to your Bishops minds and some other Lords who affected Spaines greatnesse But such is your misfortune 〈…〉 p●o●●●nely abuse Gods prouidence with such ● cha●●cte● or the malignitie of time that hauing two fac●t● and befitting pictures as your aduersaries deserued they were both suppressed the plates cut in p●eces and the sellers imprisoned one was of the Kings holding the Pope● nose to a grind stone with the two Archbishops turning the same another was made by M r Ward of Ipswich concerning 88. and the powder treason and both for Gods glory and Englands honour yet neither they nor any thing else against the Pope or Spaine would be to era●ed yea when your reuerend and honorable Archbishop whose Statue deserues to be set vp in gold proued the Lords Champion against some Papisticall motiues and mixtures to be made amongst you some prophane tongue calld him Puritan Bishop and wicked stomacks belched contradiction in his face but we will vrge this matter no further onely pray that God will protect such as protect true Religion and assure your Honours that the Spirit of God will make them of the synagogue of Satan which call themselues Iewes and are not but such as keep the word of his patience shall be deliuered from the houre of temptation which must come vpon all the world Wee could name other seuerall conferences and disputations since this treaty with Spaine of which with diuellish arrogancie they haue boasted that Fisher the Iesuite so preuailed against Doctor White that many hearers turned Catholicks and how the illuminations of the Priests were diuine from heauen and the Papists Preachers had an Euangelicall spirit oh horrible impudencie and Spanish blasphemie Wee will not be preiudicate most honorable Lords and say it was a iudgement of God in that fatall Vosper of the Blackfriers to kill a hundred people with the fall of a loft and giue you all warning that God will not be mocked that blasphemies shall be reuenged that there is no such enemy to God and his Church as apostacie but wee will be bold to tell you that this disaster is turned vpon your owne heads for at Rome there hath been solemne Procession and from Rome letters of discouery that in England God hath beene so angrie with the hereticks meaning the Protestants that Churches and lofts haue ouerwhelmed many of them in their ominous falls If the diuell now be the father of lies who could inuent such vntruths You had a tempest of lightning and thunder in Iuly last and it spared not the gate-house in the Pallace of Saint Iames we will not say it was to chide you for building a Chappell to Idolatry and swearing to strange articles for the pleasure of the Spaniard but may affirme that if any Bishop was consenting to such a worke is it any other then when the Leuite became Priest to Micha and consecrated his idoll Come come be not deceiued if God be God let him be God if Baal be God serue him and if Spaine will match with England let it be done without fearfull conclusions and be not ouermatched with a prodigious treaty We are the bolder most gracious Lords to enter into these termes with you and to prostrate our selues before the throne of our dread Soueraigne with teares in our eyes and drops of blood from our heart because we desire that he would but consider the many and sundry inconveniences the Country hath endured since the peace with Spaine and with what particulars of disgraces and scorne wee haue all been branded since this last treaty about a mariage let vs then craue pardon great Lords if we make a mixture of triuiall and solid businesse together or are carelesse of method precedencie of time or not ranking the most eminent things in the first place shall wee begin with the complaints of the whole Land the swarming and increase of the poore the decay of trades insomuch that in London there are at least a thousand seuerall houses to be let and in the principal streets inferiour occupations are intruded to the disgrace of that great and famous Citie the exportation of our gold the carying away of our ordnance the anticipation of the benefit of our Virginia commodities by selling vnderhand Spanish Tobacco and such like and the slack eventing of our cloth and cottons by reason Spaine and Italy haue proclaimed inhibitions for bringing