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england_n king_n prince_n spain_n 7,228 5 8.4983 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12273 A declaration of the sentence and deposition of Elizabeth, the vsurper and pretensed quene of Englande Sixtus V, Pope, 1520-1590.; Allen, William, 1532-1594, attributed name. 1588 (1588) STC 22590; ESTC S113460 3,815 2

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A Declaration of the Sentence and deposition of Elizabeth the vsurper and pretensed Quene of Englande SIXTVS the fifte by Gods prouidence the vniuersal pastor of Christes flocke to vvhome by perpetual and lavvful succession apperteyneth the care and gouernemēt of the Catholike Churche seinge the pittyfull calametyes vvhich heresy hath brought into the renoumed cuntryes of Englande and Irelande of olde so famouse for vertue Religion Christian obedience And hovv at this present through the impietie and peruerse gouernemēt of Elizabeth the pretensed Quene with a fewe her adhearētes those kingdomes be brought not onely to a disordered and perillouse state in them selues but are become as infected members contagious and trublesome to the whole body of Christendome And not hauinge in those parts the ordinary meanes vvhich by the assistāce of Christian Princes he hath in other prouinces to remedy disorders and kepe in obedience and ecclesiastical discipline the people for that Henry the 8. late kinge of Englande did of late yeares by rebellion and reuolte from the See Apostolike violently seperate him selfe and his subiects from the cōmunion and societie of the christian comonvvelth And Elizabeth the present vsurper doth continevve the same vvith perturbation and perill of the cuntryes aboute her shevvinge her selfe obstinate and incorrigible in such sorte that vvithout her depriuation and deposityō there is no hope to reforme those states nor kepe Christendome in perfect peace trāquillety Therfore our Holy Father desyringe as his duty is to prouide present effectuall remedy inspired by God for the vniuersall benefite of his Churche moued by the particuler affection vvhich him selfe and many his predecessors haue had to these natyons And solicited by the Zelous and importunate instance of sundry the most principall persones of the same hath dealt earnestly vvith diuers Princes and specially vvith the mighty and potent Kinge Catholike of Spaine for the reuerence vvhich he beareth to the See Apostolike for the olde Amity betvvene his house and the Croune of England for the specyall loue which he hath shewed to the Catholikes of those places for the obteyninge of peace and quietnesse in his cuntryes adioyninge for the augmentinge and increase of the Catholike faith and finally for the vniuersall benefite of all Europe that he will employe those forces vvhich almighty God hath giuen him to the deposition of this woman and correctiō of her complices so wicked and noysome to the worlde and to the reformation and pacification of these kingdomes vvhence so greate good and so manifold publike commodeties are like to ensue AND to notefy to the vvorld the iustice of this acte and giue full satisfaction to the subiects of those kingdomes and others vvhosoeuer and finally to manyfest Gods iudgements vpon sinne his Holynes hath thought good together vvith the declaratory sentence of this vvomans chasticement to publish also the causes vvhich haue moued him to procede against her in this sorte FIRST for that she is an Heretike and Schismatike excōmunicated by two his Holines predecessors obstinate in disobedience to God and the See Apostolike presuminge to take vpon her contrary to nature reason and all lavves both of God and man supreme iurisdiction and spirituall auctority ouer mens soules SECONDLY for that she is a Bastard conceyued and borne by incestuous adultery and therfore vncapable of the Kingdome asvvell by the seuerall sentences of Clement the 7. and Paule the 3. of blessed memory as by the publike declaration of Kinge Henry him selfe THIRDLY for vsurpinge the Croune vvithout right hauinge the impediments mentioned and contrary to the auncyent acorde made betvvene the See Apostolike and the realme of England vpon reconciliation of the same after the death of S. Thomas of Canterbury in the time of Henry the second that none might be lawfull kinge or Quene therof vvithout the approbation and consent of the supreme Bishopp vvhich aftervvard vvas renevved by kinge Iohn and confirmed by othe as a thinge most beneficiall to the kingdome at request and instance of the lordes and Comons of the same AND FVRTHER for that vvith sacrilege and impiety she continevveth violating the solemne Othe made at her coronation to mainteyne and defende the auncyent priuileges and ecclesiasticall libertyes of the lande FOR MANY and greuous iniuryes extorsions oppressions and other wronges done by her and suffered to be done against the poore and innocent people of both cuntryes FOR sturringe vp to sedition and rebellion the subiects of other nations about her against their lavvfull and naturall princes to the destructyon of infinite soules ouerthrow and desolation of most goodly cittyes and cuntryes FOR harboringe and protectinge Heretikes fugetiues rebelles and notorious malefactors vvith greate iniury and preiudice of diuers comon vvealthes and procuringe for the oppressiō of Christendome and disturbance of comon peace to bringe in our potēt and cruell enemy the Turke FOR so longe and barbarouse persecution of gods saints aflictinge spolynge and imprisoninge the sacred Bishops tormentinge and pittyfully murtheringe numbers of holy Preists and other catholike persons FOR the vnnatural and iniust imprisonment and late cruelty vsed against the most gracyous Princesse Mary Quene of Scotland vvho vnder promise and assurance of protection and succor came first into Englande FOR abolishinge the trevv Catholike religion prophaninge holy Sacramēts Monasteryes Churches Sacred persons Memories of saints and vvhat els so euer might helpe or further to eternal saluation And in the Comon vvelth disgraceing the auncyent Nobility erecting base and vnvvorthy persons to all the Ciuile and Ecclesiastical Dignetyes sellinge of lavves and iustice And finally exercysinge an absolute Tyrannie with high offence to almighty God oppressyon of the people perdition of soules and ruine of those cuntryes WHERFORE these thinges beinge of such nature qualety that some of thē make her vnable to reigne others declare her vnworthy to liue His Holinesse in the almighty power of God and by Apostolical auctority to him committed doth renewe the sentēce of his predecessors Pius 5. and Gregorie the 13. tooching the Excōmunication and deposition of the sad Elizabeth and further a nevve doth Excommunicate and depriue her of all auctority and Princely dignety and of all title and pretensy on to the said Croune and Kingdomes of England and Ireland declaringe her to be illegittimate and an vniust vsurper of the same And absoluinge the people of those states and other persons whatsoeuer from all Obedience Othe and other bande of Subiection vnto her or to any other in her name And further doth straitely commaunde vnder the indignation of almighty God and nayne of Excōmunication and the corporal punishmēt appoynted by the lawes that none of whatsoeuer condition or estate after notice of these presents presume to yeilde vnto her Obedience fauor or other suceurse But that they and euery of them concurre by all meanes possible to her chastisement To the ende that she which so many wayes hath forsaken God and his Churche beinge now destitute of