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A10131 A chaine of pearle. Or A memoriall of the peerles graces, and heroick vertues of Queene Elizabeth, of glorious memory. Composed by the noble lady, Diana Primrose Primrose, Diana. 1630 (1630) STC 20388; ESTC S101193 5,780 22

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Pearle PRVDENCE HOW prudent was her Government appeard By her wise Counsels by the which SHEE steer'd In the most dangerous Times that ever were Since King or Queene did Crowne in England weare Her choice of Famous Councellers did show That Shee did all the Rules of Prudence know For though her Wit and Spirit were divine Counsels Shee knew were best where more combine That for Experience and deepe Policy Are well approved whose Fidelity Retaines them in the bonds of Loyall Loue And no great Pensions from their Prince can moue Thus rul'd SHEE prudently with all her power With Argus Eyes foreseeing every houre All dangers imminent least any harmes Should vs befall by Spanish Arts or Armes This Gift in her was much more emminent In that it is so rarely incident To our weake Sex And as a precious stone Deepe set in Gold shines fairer then alone Or set in Lead so did all Graces shine In Her more gloriously because Divine For Kings are Gods and Queenes are Goddesses On Earth whose facred Vertues best expresses Their true Divinitie wherein if WEE Them imitate t is our Felicity This Pearle of Prudence then Wee all should prize Most highly for it doth indeede comprise All Morall Vertues which are resident In that blest soule where this is president The fourth Pearle TEMPERANCE THE Golden Bridle of Bellerephon Is Temperance by which our Passion And Appetite we conquer and subdue To Reasons Regiment else may we rue Our yeelding to Mens Syren-blandishments Which are attended with so foule Events This Pearle in HER was so conspicuous As that the * Edward King Her Brother still did vse To stile HER His sweete Sister Temperance By which Her much admir'd Selfe-governance Her Passions still SHEE checkt and still SHEE made The World astonisht that so vndismaid SHEE did with equall Tenor still proceede In one faire course not shaken as a reed * Semper eadem But built vpon the Rocke of Temperance Not daz'd with feare not maz'd with any Chance Not wiih vaine Hope as with an emptie Spoone Fed or allur'd to cast beyond the Moone Not with rash Anger to precipitate Not fond to loue nor too too prone to hate Not charm'd with Parasites or Syrens Songs Whose hearts are poison'd though their sugred Tongues Sweare vow and promise all Fidelity When they are bruing deepest Villany Not led to vaine or too profuse Expence Pretending thereby State Magnificence Not spending on these momentany pleasures Her precious Time but deeming her best Treasures Her Subiects Loue Omnibus incutiens bland●● per pectorae amorem which SHEE so well preserv'd By sweete and milde Deameanor as it seru'd To guard Her surer then an Armie Royall So true their Loues were to Her and so Loyall O Golden Age O blest and happie Yeares O Musicke sweeter then that of the Spheares When Prince and people mutually agree In sacred Concord and sweete Symphonie The fift Pearle CLEMENCY HER Royall Clemency comes next in view The Vertue which in HER did most renew The Image of Her Maker who in that Exceeds himselfe and doth commiserate His very Rebells lending them the light Of Sunne and Moone and all those Diamonds bright * monstrae teterrima monstra So did ELIZA cast Her Golden Rayes Of Clemency on those which many wayes Transgrest Her Lawes and sought to vndermine The Church and State and did with Spaine combine And though by Rigor of the Law Shee might Not wronging them haue taken all Her right Yet Her Innate and princely Clemencie Mov'd Her to pardon their Delinquencie Which sought Her Gracious Mercy and repented Their Misdemeanors and their Crimes lamented So doth the the Kingly Lyon with his foe Which once prostrate he scornes to worke his woe So did this Vertues sacred Auri flame Immortalize our Great ELIZA'S Name The sixt Pearle IVSTICE HER Iustice next appeares which did support Her Crowne and was her Kingdomes strongest Fort. For should not Lawes be executed well And Malefactors curb'd a very Hell Of all Confusion and disorder would Among all States ensue Hereto vnfold The exemplary Penalties of those Which to the Realme were knowne and mortall Foes And as some putrid members par'd away Least their transcendent Villany should sway Others to like Disloyalty would aske A larger Volume and would be a Taske Vnfit for Feminine hands which rather loue To write of pleasing subiects then approue The most deserved slaughtering of any Which justly cannot argue Tyranny For though the Pope haue lately sent from Rome Strange Bookes and pictures painting out the Doome Of his pretended Martyrs as that they Were baited in Beares skins and made a prey To wilde Beasts and had Bootes with boiling Lead Drawne on their Legges and Hornes nail'd to their head Yet all our British world knowes these are fables Chimaera's Phantasm's Dreames and very Bables For Fooles to play with and right Goblin-Sprights Wherewith our Nurses oft their Babes affrights His Holinesse these Martyrdomes may adde To the Golden Legend for they are as madde That first invented them as * Vappa Voraginosa he that write That branelesse Booke and yet some credit it For Cruelty and fond Credulity Are the maine Pillers of Romes Hierarchy The seventh Pearle FORTITVDE THIS goodly Pearle is that rare Fortitude Wherewith this Sacred Princesse was endu'd Witnesse Her braue vndaunted Looke when Parry Was fully bent SHEE should by him miscarry The Wretch confest that Her Great Majestie With strange amazement did him terrifie So Heavenly-Gracefull and so full of Awe Was that Majesticke Queene which when some saw They thought an Angell did appeare SHEE shon So bright as None else could Her Paragon But that which doth beyond all Admiration Illustrate Her and in Her this whole Nation Is that Heroicke March of Her 's and Speech At Tilbury where Shee did All beseech Brauely to fight for England telling them That what their Fortune was should Hers be then And that with full Resolue Shee thither came Ready to win or quite to loose the Game Which words deliver'd in most Princely sort Did animate the Army and report To all the World Her Magnanimity Whose haughtie Courage nought could terrify Well did Shee shew Great Henry was Her Sire Whom Europe did for Valor most admire ' Mongst all the Warlike Princes which were then Enthronized with Regall Diadem The Eight Pearle SCIENCE AMong the Vertues Intellectuall The Van is lead by that we Science call A Pearle more precious then th' Aegyptian Queene Quaft off to Anthony of more Esteeme Then Indian Gold or most resplendent Gemmes Which ravish vs with their translucent Beames How many Arts and Sciences did decke This HEROINA Who still had at becke The Muses and the Graces when that Shee Gaue Audience in State and Maiestie Then did the Goddesse Eloquence inspire Her Royall Brest Apollo with his Lyre Ne're made such Musicke On her Sacred Lips Angells enthron'd most Heavenly Manna sips Then might you see her Nectar-flowing Veine Surround the Hearers in which sugred Streame SHEE able was to drowne a World of men And drown'd with Sweetnes to reuiue agen Alasco the Embassador Polonian Who perorated like a meere Slavonian And in rude rambling Rhetoricke did roule SHEE did with Atticke Eloquence controule Her Speeches to our Academians Well shew'd Shee knew among Athenians How to deliver such well-tuned Words As with such Places punctually accords But with what Oratory-ravishments Did Shee imparadise Her Parliaments Her last most Princely Speech doth verify How highly Shee did England dignify Her Loyall Commons how did Shee embrace And entertaine with a most Royall Grace The ninth Pearle PATIENCE NOW come we Her rare Patience to display Which as with purest Gold did paue her way To Englands Crowne for when her Sister rul'd Shee was with many great Afflictions schoold Yet all the while Her Mot was Tanquam Ovis Nor could her Enemies proue ought amisse In Her although they thirsted for her bloud Reputing it once shed their Soveraigne good Sometime in Prison this sweere Saint was pent Then hastily away Shee thence was sent To Places more remote and all her Friends Debar'd accesse and none but such attends As ready were with poison or with knife To Sacrifice this Sacred Princesse life At bloudy Bonners becke or Gardiners nod Had they not bin pre●ented by that GOD Who did Susanna from the Elders free And at the last gaue her her Liberty Thus by her patient bearing of the Crosse Shee reaped greatest Gaine from greatest Losse For he that looseth his blest Liberty Hath found a very Hell of misery By many Crosses thus Shee got the Crowne To Englands Glory and her great Renowne The tenth Pearle BOVNTY AS Rose and Lillie challenge cheefest place For milke-white Lustre and for Purple Grace So Englands Rose and Lillie had no Peere For Princely Bounty shining every-where This made her Fame with Golden Wings to fly About the World aboue the Starry Sky Witnesse France Portugall Virginia Germany Scotland Ireland Belgia Whose Provinces and Princes found her Aid On all Occasions which sore dismaid Spaines King whose Europaean Monarchy Could never thriue during her Soveraignty So did Shee beare him with her Distaffe so By * Elisabethae fuit Terrae Regina Marisquè Primo Iacobi Sea and Land Shee him did ouerthrow Yea so that Tyrant on his knees Shee brought That of braue England Peace he * beg'd and thought Himselfe most happie that by begging so Preserv'd all Spaine from Beggery and Woe Here all amaz'd my Muse sets vp her rest Adoring HER was so Divinely blest At nos horrifico cinefactam TE propè Busto Insatiabiliter deslebimus aeternumque FINIS
A Chaine of Pearle OR A Memoriall of the peerles Graces and Heroick Vertues of Queene Elizabeth of Glorious Memory Composed by the Noble Lady Diana Primrose Dat ROSA mel apibus quâ sugit ARANEA virus LONDON Printed for Thomas Paine and are to be sold by Philip Waterhouse at his shop at the signe of St. Pauls-head in Canning-street neere London-stone 1630. TO ALL NOBLE LADIES and GENTLE-WOMEN TO You the Honour of our Noble Sex I send this CHAINE with all my best Respects Which if you please to weare for her sweet sake For whom I did this slender POEM make You shall erect a Trophie to her Name And crowne your selues with neuer-fading Fame Devoted to your Vertues DIANA P. TO THE EXCELLENT LADY the Composer of this Worke. SHine forth Diana dart thy Golden Raies On Her blest Life and Raigne whose Noble Praise Deserues a Quill pluckt from an Angels wing And none to write it but a Crowned King Shee Shee it was that gaue vs Golden Daies And did the English Name to Heauen raise Blest be her Name blest be her Memory That England crown'd with such Felicity And Thou the Prime-Rose of the Muses nine In whose sweete Verse ELIZA'S Fame doth shine Like some resplendent Star in frosty night Hast made thy Natiue Splendor far more bright Since all thy PEARLES are peerles-orient And to thy selfe a precious Ornament This is my censure of thy ROYALL CHAINE Which a far better Censure well may claime DOROTHY BERRY THE INDVCTION AS Golden Phaebus with his radiant face Enthron'd in his Triumphant Chaire of State The twinkling Stars and Asterismes doth chafe With his Imperiall Scepter and doth hate All Consorts in his Starry Monarchy As preiudiciall to his Soveraignty So Great ELIZA Englands brightest Sun The Worlds Renowne and everlasting Lampe Admits not here the least Comparison Whose Glories doe the Greatest Princes dampe That ever Scepter swai'd or Crowne did weare Within the Verge of either Hemispheare Thou English Goddesse Empresse of our Sex O Thou whose Name still raignes in all our hearts To whom are due our ever-vowd Respects How shall I blazon thy most Royall parts Which in all Parts did so divinely shine As they deserue Apollo's Quili not mine Yet since the GODS accept the humble Vowes Of Mortalls daigne O Thou Star-crowned Queene T' accept these ill-composed Pearly-Rowes Wherein thy Glory chieflty shall be seene For by these Lines so blacke and impolite Thy Swan-like Lustre shall appeare more white Thy Emperiall Majesties eternall Votary DIANA A CHAINE OF PEARLE OR A Memoriall of Q. Elizabeth The first Pearle RELIGION THE goodliest Pearle in faire Eliza's Chaine Is true Religion which did chiefly gaine A Royall Lustre to the rest and ti'de The Hearts of ALL to her when Mary di'de And though Shee found the Realme infected much With Superstition and Abuses such As in all humane Iudgement could not be Reform'd without domesticke Mutiny And great Hostility from Spaine and France Yet SHEE vndaunted brauely did advance Christs Glorious Ensigne maugre all the Feares Or Dangers which appear'd and for ten yeares SHEE swaid the Scepter with a Ladies hand Not vrging any Romist in the Land By sharpe Edicts the Temple to frequent Or to partake the holy Sacrament But factious Romanists not thus content Their Agents to their holy Fathersent Desiring him by sollemne Bull proclaime ELIZABETH an Heretike and name Some other Soveraigne which might erect Their masking Masse and hence forthwith eject The Evangelicall Profession Which flourisht vnder her Protection The Pope to this Petition condescends And soone his Leaden Bull to England sends Which by one FELTON on the Bishops Gate Of London was affixed But the STATE For that high Treason punisht him with death That would dethrone his Queene ELIZABETH Yet was this Ball of Wild-fire working still In many Romanists which had a will The present State and Governement to change That they in all Idolatrie might range And hence it came that Great Northumberland Associate with Earle of Westmerland And many moe their Banners did display In open Field hoping to win the Day Against these Rebells Noble SVSSEX went And soone their bloudy Purpose did prevent Westmerland fled Northumberland did die For that soule Crime and deepe disloyalty Having engaged Thousands in that Cause After which time the QVEENE made stricter Lawes Against Recusants and with Lyons heart Shee bang'd the Pope and tooke the Gospells part The Pope perceiving that his Bull was baited In such rude sort and all his hopes defeated Cries out to Spaine for helpe who takes occasion Thereby t' attempt the Conquest of this Nation But such Sage Counsellers ELIZA had As though both Spaine * In vltimam rabiem fureremque conversi and Rome were almost mad For griefe and anger yet they still did faile And against England never could prevaile The second Pearle CHASTITY THE next faire Pearle that comes in order here Is Chastity wherein SHEE had no peere Mongst all the Noble Princesses which then In Europe were the Royall Anadem And though for Beauty SHEE an Angell was And all our Sex did there in farre surpasse Yet did her pure vnspotted Chastitie Her heavenly Beautie rarely beautifie How many Kings and Princes did aspire To win her Loue In whom that Vestall Fire Still flaming never would Shee condescend To Hymen's Rihtes though much Shee did commend That braue French MONSIEVR who did hope to carry The Golden fleece and faire ELIZA marry Yea Spanish PHILIP Husband to her Sister Was her first Sutor and the first that mist her And though he promis'd that the Pope by Bull Should license it SHEE held it but a Gull For how can Pope * Yet his Canonists say Benè dispensal Dominus Papa contra Apostolum Extrae de Renunc Ca. post translationem with Gods owne Law dispence Was it not time such Popes to cudgell hence Thus Her impregnable Virginity Throughout the World Her Fame did dignify And this may be a Document to all The Pearle of Chastity not to let fall Into the filthy durt of foule Desires Which Satan kindles with his Hell-bred fires For whether it be termed Virginall In Virgins or in Wiues stil'd Conjugall Or Viduall in Widdowes God respects All equally and all a like affects And here I may not silent overpasse That Noble Lady of the Court which was Sollicited by TAXIS that great DON Embassador for Spaine when SHEE was gone Who to obtaine his will Primo Iacobi gaue her a Chaine Of most rare Orient Pearle hoping to gaine That Worthy Lady to his Lust Related by thehonotable Kt. and Baronet SIR Richard Hoūghton of Houghton Tower But Shee That well perceiu'd his Spanish Policy His faire Chaine kept but his foule Offer scorn'd That sought thereby her Husband to haue horn'd TAXIS repulst sent to Her for his Chaine But as a Trophie Shee did it retaine Which Noble President may all excite To keepe this Pearle which is so Orient bright The third