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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09142 The returne of the renowned caualiero Pasquill of England, from the other side the seas, and his meeting with Marforius at London vpon the Royall Exchange VVhere they encounter with a little houshold talke of Martin and Martinisme, discouering the scabbe that is bredde in England: and conferring together about the speedie dispersing of the golden legende of the liues of the saints. Pasquill, of England, Cavaliero.; Nash, Thomas, 1567-1601, attributed name. 1589 (1589) STC 19457; ESTC S114218 23,237 32

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THE Returne of the renowned Caualiero Pasquill of England from the other side the Seas and his meeting with Marforius at London vpon the Royall Exchange VVhere they encounter with a little houshold talke of Martin and Martinisme discouering the scabbe that is bredde in England and conferring together about the speedie dispersing of the golden Legende of the liues of the Saints ❧ If my breath be so hote that I burne my mouth suppose I was Printed by Pepper Allie Anno. Dom. 1589. PASQVILS RETVRNE TO ENGLAND Pasquill and Marforius PAS QVILL Thou art the man MARFORIVS I looked for though I little thought to meete thee so suddainly vpon the Exchange MARFORIVS Euer since you tooke shipping at Grauesende I haue had the disease of a Marchants wife so loue sicke in your absence that myne eye was neuer pulde from the Wethercocke and longing like a Woman for your returne I neuer sawe gale of wind blow merrilie out of the East nor heard any Ship shoote off her Ordnaunce in the Thems but I ranne presently to the water side to discouer your comming in I wonder how I missed you PASQVILL Neuer maruaile at that I haue learned to maske it while some of Martins good freendes stood watching for me at Lambith bridge I came to an Anker in Sandwich Hauen But of fellowship tell me howe hath my Countercuffe beene intreated MARFO It requireth a Summers day and a Winters night to tell you all It was verie welcome to the Court thankfullie receiued in both Vniuersities the Citties of the Land doe giue you good speeches as for the Countrey after the plainest manner with hart and good will they are ready to greete you with a Cake and a cup of Ale in euery Parrish This onely is the thing that greeueth them they know not what Pasquill is They desire in all places of the Realme to be acquainted with you because they would bring you intelligence thicke and threefolde to further your volume of the liues of the Saints PASQ. I thinke I shall prooue a state man my packets come in so fast alreadie that I beginne to swell in Bookes as bigge as Surius If any desire to knowe what I am tell them that I was once a Barbour in Rome as some report and euerie chayre in my shop was a tongue ful of newes Whatsoeuer was done in England Fraunce Germanie Spaine Italie and other Countries was brought to me The high and secrete matters of Lordes Ladies Kings Emperours Princes Popes Monarchs of the world did ring euerie day as shrill as a Bason about my doores In memory whereof as Mercurie turnd Battus to a stone for bewraying his theft it is thought that one Pope or other mistrusting the slipprines of my toūg blest me into a stone to stoppe my mouth Others affirme that the Cittie of Rome to requite mee with honour when I dyed erected me a little monument of stone with a bodie heade and hands thicke and short answerable to my stature and set it vp in the open streete where I assure you I haue stoode manie yeeres in the rayne my face is so tand with the Sunne and my hyde so hardened with the wether that I neither blush when I byte any man nor feele it when any man byteth me MARFO I wonder how you were able to continue there PASQ. To heare euery mans talke that passed by was better then meate and drinke to me In steede of apparrell in Summer I wore nothing but paper lyueries which manie great men bestowed vpon me to their great cost in Winter I care for no colde because I am a stone MAR. I beseeche you Sir tell me how came you into England PAS Beeing once somwhat busie with Signor Iacomo about a pretie wench kept at Frescata for the Pope his Fathers tooth Gregorie the thirteenth terque quaterque shooke his white head at me with such a terrible looke that I was a feard hee would haue smytte my head into Tyber with a Thunderbolt Neuerthelesse the olde man beeing of a mylde disposition and very mercifull I receiued a pardon for that fault At the last hearing the Schollers of the English Seminarie merrie as they returned from thier Vineyarde and full of fine tauntings when they talked of the Sectes and opinions spronge vp in England I stole out of Rome by night to make tryall my selfe of the trueth of theyr reports When I came to England for the good will I carried to my olde occupation I entred at London into Sprignols shop where the first newes I heard among two or three Gentlemen as they were a trimming was of a Martinist a Broker the next doore by which with a face of Religion hauing gotten other mens goods into his hands was but newe run away and left his wife to the charitie of the Parrish With this ridings I grew verie inquisitiue to know what Martin was A knaue quoth one a theefe quoth another he teacheth the Courte a Religion to robbe the Church And some of the Cittie that fauour him apt Schollers to take such an easie lesson begin to practise theyr cunning vpon their neighbors Hauing gotten this thred by the end I neuer left winding til I came to the paper that made the bottom I frequented the Churches of the Pruritane Preachers that leape into the Pulpit with a Pitchfork to teach men before they haue either learning iudgment or wit inough to teach boyes MAR. I pray you Sir why doe you call them Pruritanes PAS A pruritu They haue an itch in their eares that would be clawed with new points of doctrine neuer dreamed of and an itch in their fingers that woulde be noynted with the golden Aenulatum of the Church I knowe they are commonly called Puritans and not amisse that title is one of the marks they beare about them They haue a marke in the head they are selfe conceited They take themselues to be pure when they are filthie in Gods sight They haue a marke in the eye theyr lookes are haughtie They haue a marke in the mouth a yerie blacke tooth they are A generation that cursse their father MAR. How now Caualiero are you com to Scripture PAS Doost thou thinke Marforius that Pasquill hauing stoode so manie yeeres in the streets of Rome heard so many famous Clarks especially father Sware the Spaniarde and the sifted Greeke witte of Father Augustine and hauing spent so much time in priuate reading the best Bookes that night stirre vppe my deuotion I would skippe ouer the Booke of all Bookes the holie Bible No no I haue that volume in my hands when many a Martinist hugges a drabbe in his armes as you shal perceiue by the liues of the Saints I tarrie but for one packet of information frō Essex side and that worke shall come out of the Presse like a bryde frō her chamber spangled trapt with a full caparizon of the ornaments of this present age MAR. The Owles Almanack is expected at your hands as well