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A54746 The new world of English words, or, A general dictionary containing the interpretations of such hard words as are derived from other languages ... together with all those terms that relate to the arts and sciences ... : to which are added the significations of proper names, mythology, and poetical fictions, historical relations, geographical descriptions of most countries and cities of the world ... / collected and published by E.P. Phillips, Edward, 1630-1696? 1658 (1658) Wing P2068; ESTC R14781 461,103 384

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Dignity and Honour Of Knight-hoods there are many sorts but the most usual in this Nation are these Knight Bachelour the lowest but ancientest Order of Knight-hood and cometh from the Germans among whom it was an ancient custom that as soon as the State judged any of their young men fit to manage armes and weapons and allowed him sufficient for martial exercises then in the very assembly and council either one of the Princes the father or son of the kinsfolk of the young man did furnish him with a shield and a javelin as the Romans did the toga virilis or Virile gown to those whom they thought capable of publick imployment and thenceforth from a part of a private house he was accounted a member of the Common-wealth It was also an ancient ceremony to honour men with the Girdle of Knighthood which he who received was solemnly to go to Church and offerring his sword upon the Altar to vow himself to the service of God afterwards it came to be usual for Kings to send their sons to the neighbour Princes to receive Knighthood at their hands Then it was also that besides the Sword and Girdle Gilt-Spurs were also added for more ornament whence in Latin they are called Equi●es aurati the word Bachelours some derive from the French Baschevaliers as it were Knights of the lowest degree others from Batailler to battel or fight they are also simply and without any addition called Knights Knight Banneret from the Dutch word Bannerherr Lord or Master of the Banner is a Knight made in the field with the ceremonies of cutting the point of his Standard and making it as it were a Banner and is allowed to display his arms in the Kings army This Dignity was given at first by the Kings of England and France to such Gentlemen as valiantly carried themselves in two Royal Battels or to such as had ten vassals and means to maintain a Troop of Horses at their own charge Some say the first original of it was from Edward the third Knight Baronet is a new distinct Order erected by King James who for certain disbursements toward the Plantation in Vlster created divers into this Dignity and made it hereditary by his Letters Patents to be seen in the Rolles whereas before that time there were Baronets who were not Knights and these Knight Baronets were to have precedency in all Writings Sessions and Salutations before all Knights of the Bath and Knights Bachelours and Bannerets except those created under the Kings Standard in an Army Royal the King being personally present and the King was not to create any person into that degree of Baronet within the Kingdom of England above the number of two hundred Knight of the Bath an Order of Knights created within the lists of the Bath and girded with a sword in the Ceremonies of their Creation these Knights were wont to be created with a great many religious solemnities which usually belong to Hermites and other holy Orders Knights of the Carpet are another sort of Knights made out of the field and are so called because in receiving their order they commonly kneel upon a Carpet Knights of the Garter an order of Knighthood instituted by King Edward the 3d. some say upon occasion of good successe in a skirmish wherein the Kings Garter was used for a token others affirm that the King after his great successes abroad and at home dancing one night with the Queen and other Ladies took up a Garter that hapned to fall from one of them whereat some of the Lords smiling the King said that ere long he would make that Garter to be of high reputation and shortly after he erected this order of the blue Garter which consists of 26 martial Nobles whereof the King of England used to be the chief and the rest be either of the Realm or Princes of other Countreys there are also depending upon this order 26 poor Knights who have no other sustenance but the allowance of this house and are also called poor Knights of Windsor the site of this Colledge being the Castle of Windsor with the Chappel of St. George the Officers belonging to this Order are the Prelate of the Garter which Office belongeth to the Bishop of Winchester the Chancelour of the Garter the Register of the Garter who was alwayes Dean of Windsor the principal King of Arms called Garter and the Usher of the Garter which Office belonged to the Usher of the Princes Chamber called Black-rod Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem an Order of Knighthood erected in the year 1120. and had their first foundation and abode in Jerusalem afterwards they had their residence at Rhodes whence they were expelled by Solyman and ever since their chief seat hath been at Malta where they have done great exploits against the Turk there was one general Prior that had the government of the whole Order in England and Scotland but toward the end of Harry the eights reign they were suppressed in England for adhering to the Pope Knights of the Temple or Knights Templars an Order of Knighthood erected by Pope Gelasius about the year of our Lord 1117. these Knights in the beginning dwelling not far from the Sepulchre of Christ intertained Christian strangers and Pilgrims charitably and in their Armour led them through the holy land to view such things as there were to be seen and to defend them from the Infidels but because at the last they abounded in many Vices and many of them fell away from Christianity to the Saracens the whole Order was suppressed by Pope Clement the fifth and their substance given to the Knights of Rhodes and other Religious Orders Knights of the Shire two Knights or other Gentlemen of worth that are chosen by the freeholders of every County that can dispend fourty shillings per annum and be resident in the Shire formerly none but Knights were chosen to that Office Milites gladio cincti for so runneth the Tenour of the Writ when every one that had a Knights fee was constrained to be a Knight but now custome alloweth that Esquires may be chosen so that they be resident in the County Knight Marshal an Officer of the Kings house who hath the Jurisdiction and Cognisance of any transgression as also of all Contracts made within the Kings house and verge Knights of Calatrava in Spain an Order created by Alonzo the ninth King of Spain conferred upon certain Cavallero's who went in Devotion to succour Calatrava against the Moors their badge was a red crosse on the left side of their breast Knights of the Jar see Jar. Knights fee so much inheritance as is sufficient to maintain a Knight with convenient Revenue which was in ancient time about 800 Acres it is also taken for the Rent that a Knight payes for his fee to the Lord of whom he holds Knights service or Chevalry a certain ancient Tenure of Lands by which a man was obliged to bear Arms in
Germ. from Bertulph Bargaret old word a Sonnet or Ballet Barkary a tan house or house where they put barks of Trees Bark the Forresters say a Fox barketh Bark-fat a Tanners tub Bark-man a Boat-man from Bark a little ship or boat Barm yest the flowring or over-decking of Beer also a lap Barm-cloath an Apron Chaucer Barn or Bern a Northern word signifying a childe Barnabas the proper name of a man signifying in Hebrew a son of comfort Baroco a Term in Logick being one of the moods of the second figure of a Syllogisme wherein the first proposition is a universal affirmative the two second particular Negatives Baron French a title of Honour as much as Lord Barons are of three sorts First by Dominion and Jurisdiction Barons of the King whose Baronies were Capitales Secondly Barons of the subjects holding not of the King but by mes●alty Thirdly Lords of Mannours 〈◊〉 a tax or subsidy of aide to be levied for the King ou● of the Precincts of Baronies Barre a Term in Common-law is when the Defendant in any action pleadeth a Plea which is a sufficient answer also place where causes are pleaded also a Term in Blazo● being composed of two equidistant lines drawn overthwart the Escutcheon and differeth from the Fesse in that it is not confined to the Fesse-point Barfee a fee of twenty pence which every Prisoner acquitted of Felony payeth to the Goaler Barratour French a Term in Common-law signifying a common wrangler one that setteth men at variance causing them to implead one another at the Barre of Justice Barren signes are Libra Leo Virgo Barricado Spanish a defence against an enemies assault made of empty barrels fill'd with earth Barriers French a certain martial exercise in Latin called palaestra of armed men fighting with short swords within certain limits or lists which sever them from the spectators Barrister a pleader at the Barre● those who after seven years study of the Law are admitted to plead and stand without the Barre are called utter Barristers but a Serjeant or Princes Attorny or any of the King● Councel are admitted to plead within the Bar and are called inner-Barristers Barsalona or Barcellona anciently called Barcino or Colonia Faventia the chief Citie of Catalonia in Spain Barter from the Latin word vertere to truck or change Bartholomew Hebr. a proper name signifying the son of him that maketh the waters to mount Bart●● a place to keep Poultry in from the Dutch word baert to bring forth and Ho●n a H●n Bar●let a Term in Heraldry the fourth part of a Bar. 〈◊〉 Spanish the language of a Countrey of Spain called Bi●cay Base the bottom or foundation of any thing also the foot of a pillar also the deepest part in Musick being the foundation of the rest also a kinde of fish called a Sea-wolf Base-Court a Term in Law any Court that is not of Record as Court-Baron Base estate or base fee is a holding at the will of the Lord. Baselards old word Daggers Wood-knives Basil an Herb so called o● a very fragrant smell also a proper name signifying Royal or Kingly Basilical Greek Royal Magnificent Basilick vain see vein Basilisk Greek a kinde of a Serpent called a Cockatrice also a long piece of Ordnance called in Italian Basilisco also a star called the Lions heart Basinet a little basin Basis see Base Baskervil the name of a very eminent family descended from a Niece of Gunora that famous Norman Lady they had their ancient seat at Erdsley a Town in Herefordshire Bassa a Commander over Souldiers among the Turks Bastard signifies in the Common-law one begotten out of Wedlock Bastardise to corrupt to adulterate to change out of its own kinde into a worse Bastile or Bastillion French a fortresse or fortification the chief fortresse of Paris is called la Bastile being also the chief prison of the Kingdom of France Bastinado Spanish a banging with a Cudgel Bastion French a Skonce or Block-house called also a Cullion head Baston French a Bat or Cudgel it signifieth also in the Statute Law one of the servants or Officers to the Warden of the Fleet that attendeth the Kings Court for the taking of such men to Ward as are committed by the Court. Bastonado see Bastinado Batavia a part of lower Germany scituate upon the River Rhene called Holland Bath a famous Citie in Sommersetshire so called from the hot Baths of Medicinal waters which are there by Antoninus called Aquae solis by Ptolomy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 some report them to have been found out by Bleyden a Magician others by Julius Caesar others by an ancient Brittish King Battail-field a place near Shrewsbury so called from the great battail fought there between King Henry the fourth and Edmund Mortimer Earle of March where Sir Henry Piercy called Hotsspur was slain Battalion French the main battle of an Army Battle-bridge a place in York-shire otherwise called Stanford-bridge where Harald King of England slew Harald Hardreak King of Norwey Battlements the Turrets of houses built flat Batt●logy Greek a vain repetition of words Battus a certain keeper of Mares to whom Mercury delivered several Oxen which he had stollen from Apollo keeping Admetus his heards and coming to him afterwards in another s●ape he corrupted him with gifts to deliver the Oxen but seeing his perfidiousnesse he turned him into a stone called Index Batune a Term in Heraldry and seemeth to be the fourth part of a bend Sinister onely it toucheth not the chief nor the base point Bavaria a great Dukedom in Germany Baubels old word Jewels Baucis the wife of Philemon who intertained Jupiter and Mercury See Philemon Baud a brave a Ruffian from the French word Ribaud Baudkin a kinde of tinsel or stuff that glisters like sparkles Baudon custody a word used by Chaucer Baudrick furniture also a sword-girdle also an old fashion'd Jewel Baulk old word to crosse Baulm a certain Herb called Beewort Bawsin old word bigge grosse Bay a stop for water a road for ships also a brown red colour being the colour of the Palm-tree Chaucer also useth it for a stake Bay-window a window that boundeth out in a round form B E Beacon from the Dutch word Bekennen to give notice a light fastened upon a high pole to give warning of an enemies approach Beaconage money paid for the maintaining of Beacons Beads from the Dutch word beden to pray a certain number of prayers at the end of which it is the custome to drop a bead Beadle from the Dutch word Bedel a Cryer one that waites upon a Magistrate with a white wand to make any Summons an Officer especially belonging to a University also an Officer of the Forrest that makes all manner of garnishments for the Court of the Forrest and makes all manner of Proclamations as well within the Court of the Forrest as without A Beadroll Saxon a list of such as Priests use to pray for in the Church Beakehead in Navigation is that which
ravish't by him brought forth Hippolagus Cankdore old word a woeful case Canibals a people of India that feed uppon mans flesh Canicula a constellation in the Heavens called the little Dog Canicular dayes certain dayes in July and August wherein Canis Major or the Dog-Star riseth with the Sun and makes the weather extraordinary hot Canitude Lat. whiteheadedness hoariness Cannae a Town of Apulia not far from the River Anfidus where Hannibal overthrew Paulus Emilius and Terentius Varro Cannel bone the neckbone or wind-pipe so called from its likeness to a gutter or cannel Canobus see Canopus Canon Greek a rule to draw a streight line by also a law or decree of the Church also one that injoyes a living in a Cathedral Church Canonium the ancient name of a Town in Essex now called Chelmerford or Chensford standing upon the River Chelmer Canonize to examine by rule also to register for a Saint Canopus a City of Egypt so called from Canopus Amyctaeus the master of Menelaus his ship who was there buried also the bright star in Argo Canorous Lat. shrill loud singing A Canow an Indian boat Cantabria a Country of Hispania Tarracouensis now called Biscay and Guipuscoa bordering upon Asturia Cantae an ancient people of Scotland inhabiting that part which is now called Ross. Cantation lat a singing also an inchanting Canterbury the chief City of Kens anciently called in Latin Dorobernia now Cantuaria In the time of the Saxon Heptarchy it was the Royal Seat of the Kings of Kent Cantharides certain venomus green flyes used in physick and breeding on the tops of Ashe and Olive-trees Canticle lat a song or ballad Cantilene lat a tale or song Cantium a County in England vulgarly called Kent Cantlow the name of an honourable and ancient Family in Cornwall stiled in Latin records de Cantelupo Canto Ital. part of a H●roick Poeme Canton a corner also one of the divisions of the Country of Helvetia or Switzerland also a term in Heraldry signifying a corner in an Escutcheon Cantreds a Welsh word signifying the Hundreds into which their Countries are divided Cantyre a promontory called by Ptolomy Epidiorum being a Province of the South part of Scotland separated from Argile by the lake called Logh Fin in Irish it signifieth the lands-head To Canvase to sift a businesse from canvas and cloth made of hemp which is used in seives Canum or Cana a law term of Scotland signifying a duty paid to a Superiour or Lord of the land especially to Bishops and Church-men Canzonet Ital. a song or sonnet Capable French able or in a condition to do a thing or apt to receive an impression Artamenes Capacity in Common law signifies a right that a King or Clergy-man hath to purchase lands and is either natural by which he may purchase to him and his heirs or politick by which he may purchase to him and his successours Capaneus see Euadne Cap-a-pe armed armed from head to foot Caparasson French trappings or furniture for a horse Cape Spanish a neck or promontory of land shooting it self into the Sea To Caperate lat to frown Capers certain berries growing in hot Countries commonly used for sallads Capias a writ of which there be two sorts the one before judgement which is called Capias ad respondendum where an exigent is to be proclaimed 5 times and if the party appear not he is to be out-law'd The other is called a writ of execution after judgement which is of divers kinds Capias ad faciendum Capias pro fine Capias ut l●gatum inquiras de bonis catallis of which see a book called Natura Brevium Capillation lat hairinesse or causing hair to grow Capirotade a stewed meat compounded of several sorts of meat minced Capistrate lat to muzzel with a headstall Capital lat belonging to the head also deadly worthy of death Capitation lat pole-money or a tribute paid by the head Capite a Tenure whereby a man holdeth lands immediately of the King either by Knights-service or Soccage Capitol an ancient cittadel of Rome so called from a mans head that was found there when they digged to lay the foundation M. Manlius Capitolinus a famous Roman Captain so called because he valiantly defended the Capitol against Brennus and the Gaules but afterwards being suspected of affecting the kingship he was condemned to be thrown down headlong from the Capitol which he had saved Capitulate lat to make Articles of agreement also to divide into chapters Capnomancy Greek a divination by smoak Capo one of the three chief Officers among the Venetians Capouchins an Order of Fryers institued by Mathew Basci of Ancona they were so called from the coat or capouch which they used to wear Cappadocia a country in Asia which is parted from the great Armenia by the River Euphrates Capriccio Ital. the rough draught or first invention of any thing Caprichious fantastical whimsical from the Spanish word Capricho a humour Capricorn a Goat also the name of one of the twelve Signs of the Zodiack into which the Sun enters in the midst of Winter Caprification lat a term in Husbandry the dressing of wild vines or fig-trees Caprifoile a kind of herb otherwise called woodbine Capriole French a caper in dancing also a term in Horsemanship called the Goatleap Capstand or Capstern a term in Navigation being an instrument in a ship to weigh Anchor a win de-beam or draw-beam Capsulary Lat. belonging to a little chest or coffer Captation Lat. an endeavouring to get favour or applause Captious Lat. apt to take exceptions Captivate Lat. to take prisoner it is also taken in an amorous sense Capuchin vide Capouchin Caracol French spoken chiefely for souldiers to cast themselves into a round ring Caradoc an old Brittish name signifying Dearly beloved Caravan French a convoy of souldiers for the safety of Merchants that travel by land in the Eastern Countries Caravell French a swift ship Carbantorigum the ancient name of a Town of Nidisdale in Scotland now called Caerlaverock a place so impregnable that it was hardly taken by King Edward the first It is now the Mansion of the Barons of Maxwell Carbine one that serves on horseback with a petronell Carbonado Ital. a rasher or collop of meat a Gash in the flesh Carbuncle Lat. a certain precious stone also a botch or plague sore Carcanet French Carquan a rich chain or tablet for the neck Carcedony a kind of pretious stone so called from a City anciently named Carcedon now Carthage Carcelage the fees of a prison Carceral Lat. belonging to a prison Card an instrument to dresse wool also a Sea-map which Mariners use for the better steering of their course There is also a sort of playing Cards which are used for recreation Cardiacal Greek belonging to the heart also Cordial Cardigan the chief Town of Cardiganshire called by the Bittains Abertivy i. The mouth of the River Tivy it was fortified by Gilbert de Clare and afterwards being treacherously yielded
there an Eremite whom Capgrave an old Writer affirms to have been the Emperours son of Constantinople Congiary a gift of a Prince or great man to the people Conglobation lat a gathering round into a Globe Conglomeration lat a rolling up into a heap a winding into a bottome Conglutination lat a fastning together with Glue Congratulation Lat. a rejoycing with any one for his good fortune Congregation lat an assembling or gathering of people together Congresse lat a coming together also an incountring Congruence or Congruity lat agreeablenesse Conical having the figure of a Cone Conjectural lat that may be conjectured or guess't at Conjugal latin pertaining to marriage belonging to man and wife Conjugates a Term in Logick signifying things of the same rank order or original Conjugation lat a deriving of things under the same order a coupling of verbs with their moods and tenses under the same theme Conjunction lat a joyning together also a Grammatical word one of the eight parts of speech Conjuration lat a conspiracy or plot also a compact or bargaining with the Devil or evil Spirits to know any secret or effect any purpose Conizee and Conizour see Cognisee and Cognisour Connacht see Conaught Connascency lat a being born together a springing together Conne to learn without book from the Dutch word Kennen to know or learn Connen old word can Connexion lat a knitting or joyning together Coninesborough a Castle in York-shire where Hengist after he had been vanquish't by Aurelius Ambrose rallied his forces but being again utterly defeated he was beheaded Connivence lat a faigning not to see a winking at a fault Connubial lat belonging to wedlock or marriage Conovium the ancient name of a Citie which flourish't in old time in Caernarvon-shire and took its name from the River Conovius now called Conwey Conq●●ssation Lat. a shaking together a dashing in pieces Conquest a Term used in the practick of Scotland and differs from heritage in this that ●eritage signifies Lands Goods pertaining to any person as general Successour to his father or any other predecessour Conquest signifies those which any one possesseth by his own private Title or by gift or by any other single contract Conquestion lat a complaining together Conradus Germ. Able counsel the name of several German Emperours Consanguinity lat nearnesse in blood kindred Consarcination lat a patching or sowing of several pieces together Conscention lat a climbing or mounting Conscious lat inwardly guilty privy to ones self of any fault or errour Conscription lat a registering or inrolling Consecration lat a setting apart to the service of any one Consectary lat that which follows from the demonstration of an argument Consecution lat an immediate following Month of consecution is a term in Astrology signifying the space between each conjunction of the Moon with the Sun Consequence lat that which followeth of necessity also a businesse of consequence is a businesse of weight and moment Consequent lat following also being taken substantively it signifies the last proposition of an enthymeme the first being called an antecedent Conservation lat a keeping or preserving Conservator of the peace signifieth in Common law him that hath a special charge by vertue of his office to see the Kings peace kept Conservator of the truce and safe conducts was an officer appointed in every Port of the Sea to inquire of all offences done against the Kings truce and safe conducts upon the main-sea out of the Countries and out of the Franchises of the Cinque Ports Conserves French fruits conserved or condited Considerable of no mean degree of more than ordinary quality Cleopatra Consideration lat an advising or taking heed also a term in Common law signifying the material part of a contract without which no contract standeth or bindeth Consideration is either expressed as when a man bargaineth to give a certain sum for any thing or else imply'd as when the law inforceth a consideration Consignation lat a signing of a bill with ones own hand Consimilarity lat a likenesse or agreeing together Consistence lat a being or setling Consistent an epithite belonging to dry bodies and opposed to Fluid Consistory lat an assembly of Prelates a Council-house of Ecclesiastical persons Consition lat a planting together Consolation lat a comforting or putting in good heart Consolidation lat a sodering strengthning or making solid also a term in Common law signifying a joyning of two benefices into one and in the Civil law a uniting of possession occupation or profit with the property Consomniation lat a sleeping or dreaming together Consonant lat sounding together or agreeing also substantively taken it signifieth a letter which hath no sound of it self but as it is joyned with a vowel Consort lat a fellow companion or mate also a set or company of Musitians Consound lat Consolidum an herb otherwise called Backwort or Cumfry Conspersion lat a bedewing or sprinkling Conspicuous lat cleer manifest Conspiracy lat a plotting or secret consultation but in Common law it is alwayes taken in the evil part and signifieth an agreement of such as bind themselves by covenant or other allyance that each of them shall assist the other malitiously to indite or falsely to move and maintain pleas also such as cause children within age to appeal men of felony and such as receive men in the Countries with liveries and fees to maintain their malitious enterprises Conspiratione a Writ that lies against Conspiratours Conspurcation Lat. a defiling fouling or polluting Consputation Lat. a spitting upon Constable quasi comes stabuli or Master of the Kings horse or as others say derived from the Dutch word Konnin-Stable i. e. prop and stay of the King This word is diversly taken in Common law either for the Constable of England a place formerly of great Dignity or for an office belonging heretofore to the Lords of certain Mannours and at length there came to be ordained others of an inferiour rank as Constables of Hundreds or Franchises who were appointed for the conservation of the peace and called high Constables and under these the Constables of every Town or Parish who are called pety-constables Constant Lat. standing firm to ones duty or principles Constantinople see Byzantium Constantinus the son of Constantius and Helena he was the first Roman Emperour that profess't Christianity and for his great deeds was called Constantine the Great Constellation Lat. a company of Stars embody'd together and representing some figure Consternation Lat. amazement or astonishment Constipation Lat. a close embodying together Constitution Lat. an appointing or ordaining also constitution of the body the state and complexion of the body Constraint French a forcing or compelling Constriction Lat. the same also a binding together Construction Lat. a placing or setting together also a term in Grammar signifying the right placing of words or sentences Constupration Lat. a ravishing or deflowring a Virgin Consubstantial Lat. of the same Essence with another Consuete or
of for the present but after more full examination is either to stand or fall Debet solet a Writ of right which hath those words in it as formal words not to be omitted when a man sueth for a thing now first of all denied him and which hath been injoyed by his Ancestors as suit to a Mill or common of Pasture or the like Debilitation lat a making weak or feeble Debito a Writ which lieth where a man oweth money upon obligation or bargain for any thing sold. Debonairity French curtesie mildnesse also sprightlinesse Debosherie or deboistnesse see Debaucherie Decade Greek the number of ten Decadency lat a declining or falling down Decagon Greek a term in Fortification and Geometry signifying a figure of ten Angles Decalogue Greek the ten Commandments imparted to the Jews from God by Moses Decameron Greek a book of Fables written by Boccace so called because it is divided into ten parts or books Decapit●●ion lat a beheading Decapolis a Country of Syria so called because it contained 10 Cities December one of the 12 moneths so called as being the tenth from March. Decempedal lat ten foot long Decemtales a law-term being a supply of ten men empannelled upon a Jury and not appearing which are to be like in reputation to those that were empanneld Decemvirates lat the Decemvir● which were ten Noble men among the Romans chosen to govern the Common-wealth in place of the two Consuls until the laws were fully establisht Decennial lat lasting or being of the age of 10 years Deception lat deceit fraud or beguiling Deceptione a Writ that lieth against him that deceitfully doth any thing in the name of another for him that receiveth damage thereby Decerption lat a cropping off or pulling away Decertation lat a striving for any thing Decession lat a going away or departing Decies tantum a Writ that lieth against a juror that taketh money for the giving of his verdict wherein there is recoverable ten times so much as he took The Decimal chain a certain Mathematical Instrument for the measuring of land which is to be divided into ten equal parts each of which containeth about 19 in length Decimation lat a gathering tithes also a punishing every tenth man by lot De decimis solvendis c. a Writ which formerly lay against those that had farmed the Priors aliens lands of the King Deciners or Doziners such as were wont to have the check of ten Friburgs for the maintenance of the peace the limits of whose jurisdiction was called Decenna Decision lat a determining of any businesse or controversie The Deck of a Ship the floor of planks on which the Ordnance is plac'd Declamation lat a crying out against any thing also an Oration made onely for exercise Declaration lat a shewing forth also in Common law it is the shewing in writing the grief of the Demandant or Plaintife against the Tenent or Defendant wherein he supposeth to have received wrong Declension or Declination lat a declining or bowing down also in Grammar it signifieth the varying of Cases and Tenses in Nounes and Verbs In Astrology the declination of a Planet is his distance from the equator and as he declines from thence either northward or southward so is his declination nominated either north or south Declinator a Mathematical Instrument to take the declinations of the Planets Declivity lat a bending downwards a steepnesse Decollation lat a beheading Decoction lat a boiling away it is applyed chiefely to medicinable things as herbs roots c. Deconate vide Faces Decoration lat an adorning or decking Decortication lat a pulling off the outward rind or bark Decorum lat good grace order decency Decrees or Decretals a volume of the Canon law composed by Gratian a Monk of the Order of St. Benedict Decrement lat a decreasing Decrepit lat weak and impotent with age Decress●nt lat the waining or decreasing Moon Decrustation lat a taking away the uppermost rind or crust of any thing Decum●ence lat a lying down Decumbiture is when a man is so violently taken with a disease that he is forced to take his bed and it is properly taken from the first lying down of the diseased and from this the Crisis is to be gathered Decuple lat tenfold Decurion lat the chief of a Decuria which signifieth a Band of ten souldiers or a company of ten Senators also an Alderman or Burgesse of a City Decussation lat a cutting acrosse or in the form of a figure of ten Decussion lat a shaking off Dedecoration lat a disgracing or dishonouring Dedentition lat a shedding of teeth Dedignation lat a disdaining Dedimus potestatem a Writ whereby commission is given to a private man for the speeding of some act appertaining to a Judge it is called by the Civilians delegation Dedition lat a rendring up Deeds signifie in Common law writings that contain the effect of a contract between man and man which the Civilians call literarum obligatio Deep seeline a small line with which Seamen sound in deep waters to finde ground Defaillance French a failing or defect Defatigation lat a making weary Defaulking French an abating or cutting off It is called in Latin defalcation Defeasance or defeisance signifieth in Common law a condition annexed to an act obligation or recognisance which being performed the act c. is made void Defecation lat a refining or cleansing from the dregs Defection lat a failing also a revolting or falling away Defeisance or Defeasance Defendant is in Common law he that is sued in an action personal as Tenant is he who is sued in an action real Defendimus a word used in Enfeofment or Donation binding the Donour and his heirs to defend the Donee Defendour of the Faith a Title heretofore proper to the King of England as Most Christian to the King of France Catholick to the King of Spain It was first given by Pope Leo the tenth Defensative a term in Physick a Medicine which diverts the humours from the place affected Deficiency lat a want or failing Definition lat an explication or unfolding of the essence of a thing by its genus and difference Deflection lat a turning away also a bending down Defloration lat a ravishing or deflowring Defluxion lat a flowing downward also in physick it is taken for a falling down of humours to any part of the body Deformity lat ugglinesse Deforsour in Common-law is one that casteth another out of possession by force whereas Disseisour is he that doth it without force Defray to make free also to pay anothers charges from the Dutch word freshen Defunct lat dead Degenerate lat to fall from a more noble to a baser kinde to go aside from the vertues of ones Ancestors Deglutination lat an unglueing Deglutition lat a greedy devouring in physick it is taken for a powr of the animal faculty which makes us swallow our meat and drink with an appetite Degradation lat a casting
to be paid by others proportionably with himself Deosculation lat a kissing with eagernesse Departer a Term in Law signifying he that pleading one thing at first in barre of an action and being replied thereunto doth in his rejoynder shew another matter contrary to his first plea also departers of Gold or Silver are those that purifie and part those mettals from the courser sort they are also called parters and finers Departure in despite of the Court is when the Tenet or Defendant appeareth to the action brought against him and hath a day over in the same term and does not appear but makes default it is called a departure in spight of the Court. Depauperation lat a making poor Depeculation lat a publick theevery or stealing from the Common-wealth Depend lat to stay or rely upon Depford a famous shipdock in Kent where the ships for the Kings Navy use to be built It was anciently called West-Greenwich and at the Conquest of England was given to Cislebert Mammignot one of William the Conquerours Souldiers Depilation lat a making bare of hairs a making bald Deploration lat a mourning for or bewailing Deplume lat to strip off feathers Deponent in Grammar signifieth a Verb which hath a passive termination and an active signification also in Common law it is he who deposeth or layeth down any matter upon oath Depopulation lat a spoiling or unpeopling of any Country Deportation lat a carrying away Deportment French carriage comportment or behaviour Depositum lat a pledge in feoffee or trust Depravation lat a spoiling corrupting or making nought Depraedation lat a preying upon a taking away by force Deprecation lat a diverting Gods judgements by prayer a praying against any calamity Deprehension lat a catching or taking unawares Depression lat a pressing downward also an humbling Deprivation lat a bereaving or taking away Depromption lat a bringing out Depudication lat a vitiating or corrupting Depulsion lat a driving from Deputy a Lieutenant one that governs in the place of another Dequace old word to dash Deradiation lat a casting forth of ray's or beames Dere old word to hurt Dereliction lat an utter forsaking Derein from the French word Desranger or the Norman word Desrene signifieth the proof of an action which a man affirmeth that he hath done and his adversary denies Derham in the Saxon tongue Deorham a Town in Glostershire where Ceaulin the Saxon King slew 3 Princes of the Britains Commeail Condidan and Fariemeiol and utterly subdued the Nation Deric a proper name of a man it being a word contracted from Theoderic Derision lat a scorning or laughing at Derivation lat a drawing or taking it is used in Grammar for the deriving of any word from its original also in Physick it is taken for a drawing of the humour from one part of the body to another Dertmouth a Port Town in Devonshire which in former times Mounsieur de Castel a French Pirate going about to invade was by the Country people intercepted and slain Derogation lat a lessening or detracting from the worth of any thing or any person Deruncination lat a taking away weeds or any thing that molesteth Derbices a people of Asia inhabiting near the mountain Caucasus who strangle their kindred as soon as they arrive at the age of 70 years and eat their flesh inviting their neighbours to the Feast And this they hold to be the most noble kind of burial Derceto the name of a certain Goddesse anciently worshipped at Askalon her forepart representing the shape of a woman her hinder part the shape of a fish Dercyllidas a famous Lacedemonian Commander who succeeded Thymbron he took Larissa Amaxitos and Colona and gained divers victories over the Persians Dervises an Order of religious persons among the Turks Descalsas Spanish a sort of Fryars in Spain that go barelegged Descant called in Latin frequentamentum vocis in French fredon is a term in Musick signifying the answering of quick notes in one part unto a slower measure in the other parti Descent lat a coming down also a deriving ones pedigree Description lat a setting forth the nature or property of any thing Descry from the French word cry or clamour to discover afar off Desection lat a cutting or mowing down Desert a Wildernesse or solitary place from the Latin word deserere to forsake but with the accent in the last syllable it signifieth merit from the French word deservir Desertion lat a forsaking or abandoning Desiccation lat a drying up Desidery from the Latin desiderium desire or lust It is a word used by Chaucer Designation or Design Lat. and French a purposing or contriving Designers see Deciners Desidious lat negligent lazy sluggish Desipience lat foolishnesse indiscretion also in Physick it is taken for the dotage of a sick person Desist lat to leave off to cease Deslavy leacherous beastly a word used by Chaucer Desmonia a County in Ireland anciently inhabited by the Vellabri and Iberni It is vulgarly called Desmond Desolation lat a lonelinesse or lying waste Despection lat a casting ones eyes downward Desperation lat a despairing or giving over Despicable lat lyable to contempt or to be despised Despoliation lat a robbing or spoiling Despondency lat a dejection of spirit or despairing Desponsation lat a betrothing a giving in marriage Despote Greek a great Title heretofore among the Greeks being as much as chief Lord or Governour of a Country Despotical dominion the power of a Master over his servant Despumation lat a taking off the scum or froth Destination lat an appointing or ordaining as it were by destiny Destiny Fate the three Destinies the three fatal Sisters See Atropos Destitution lat an utter forsaking or deserting Destruction lat a destroying or undoing Desuetude lat a desisting from any custom or use Desultorious lat given to vaulting Detection lat a revealing or laying open Detention lat a detaining or withholding † Deterioration lat a making worse Determination lat a purposing or intending Deterred lat frighted discouraged Detestation lat a detesting or abhorring Detinue French a Writ that lieth against him who having goods or chattels delivered him to keep refuseth to deliver them again Detorsion lat a wresting away Detraction lat a drawing away also a slandering Detriment lat hurt or dammage Detrition lat a wearing away Detrusion lat a thrusting a way Detruncation lat a cutting off a limb or branch Devastation lat a laying waste Devastaverunt bona testatoris a Writ lying against Executors for paying of Legacies without specialties before the debt upon the said specialties be due Deucaledonians a certain people inhabiting in old times the Western parts of Scotland They were vulgarly called Picts Deucalion the son of Prometheus he with his wife Pyrrha the daughter of Epimetheus were saved in the universal Deluge being carried in a ship to the top of Pernassus and consulting the Oracle of Themis what way they should take to restore mankind and
another Copy E D Edacity lat a greedy eating or devouring Eddie the turning round in a stream Edelfleda or Elfleda the wife of Ethelred King of the Mercians who after her husbands death governed that Kingdom for eight years with great prudence and moderation Edentate lat to make toothlesse Edgehill a Hill in Warwick-shire where the first pitch't field was fought between the forces of King Charles the first and the Parliament of England Edict lat a Proclamation or publick Ordinance Edification lat building also it is Metaphorically taken for instruction Edifice lat a house or building Edil or Eadile lat an Officer in Rome who was appointed to oversee the building of Temples and private houses Edinton called in old time Eathandune a Town in Wiltshire where King Alfred overthrew the Danes in a memorable battle here also William de Edinton Bishop of Winchester erected a Colledge for an Order of men called bon hommes i. e. good men Edition lat a setting forth of any thing but commonly it is taken for the impression of a book Edmund the proper name of a man signifying in the Saxon tongue happy peace St. Edmundsbury a Town in Suffolk anciently called Bederick's gueord i. e. the Court or Mansion-house of Bederick and seems to have been the same Town with that which Antonine calleth Villa Faustini It derived its present name from King Edmund who was cruelly put to death by the Danes and his body translated hither a stately Church being also erected to his memory which being demolished by Suenus the Dane was built anew by his son Canutus to expiate his fathers sacriledge Education lat a bringing up or instructing Edward a proper name signifying in the Saxon tongue happy keeper E F Effable lat to be express't or uttered Eff●ct Lat. the doing or finishing of a thing Efficacie lat vertue ability also force urgency in speech Efficient lat causing to come to passe it is a word chiefly applied to one of the four causes treated of in Logick Effiction lat a forming or expressing a thing Effigies lat the form or representation of any thing Efflagitation lat an earnest requesting or importuning Effl●rescence lat a sprouting or budding forth Effluence Effluvium or Efflux lat a flowing forth Effoemination lat a making soft nice or womanish Efforts French violent Assays strong impressions Effroenation lat unbridlednesse or rashnesse Effronterie see Affrontednesse Effusion lat a powring out or wasting Eft old word again Eftsoones old word quickly E G. Egbert a proper name signifying in the Saxon tongue ever bright and famous Egestion lat a voiding or conveying forth Eggement old word procurement Eglantine a certain herb so called from the Dutch Eghel i. e. a Hedge-hog because it is full of prickles It is also call'd sweet Bryar Eglogue see Eclogue Egregious lat excellent Egremont a Castle in Cumberland which William de Mes●hines held by Knights service of King Henry the first Egression or Egresse lat a going forth Egrimony see Aegrimony E J Ejaculation lat a casting forth also by Metaphor a spiritual trance Ejection lat a casting out The Eight anciently called Alney i. e. the Island a place in Glocestershire where a single Combat was fought between Edmund King of the English and Canutus King of the Danes to decide their right to the Kingdom Eirenarchie Greek the Office of Constable or Justice of Peace Ejulation lat a yelling or pittifull crying out Ejuration lat a renouncing a yielding up ones place E L. Ela the highest note in the scale of Musick or Gam ut Elaborate lat done with exactnesse and pains An Elaboratory or Labratory lat a place to work in properly a Chymists work-house or shop Elapidation lat a taking away stones Elapsion lat a slipping out Elated lat lifted up exalted proud Eld old word age Eldership Ele old word help Eleanor a proper name of women deduced from Helena Elecampane in Latin Enula Campana a certain Herb called Horseheal Election lat a choosing or setting apart Elections are times elected for the doing any manner of work by the secret operations of the Heavens by the nature of the signes planets and aspects of the Moon Electors certain Princes belonging to the Roman Empire Electrum a kinde of precious Gum called Amber distilling from Poplar Trees into which the Poets fain the sisters of Phaeton to have been turned Electuarie a certain confection or Medicinable composition made of the most select drugs Eleemosynary Greek an Almner or giver of Almes Elegancy lat gallantnesse in speech or apparel Elegie Greek a kinde of mournfull verse or Funeral song Elegit a Writ for the recovery of goods or lands toward the payment of any debt Elements those pure unmix't bodies which are principles of all things an Element is defin'd by the Philosophers to be a body not composed of any former bodies and of which all former bodies are composed also the rudiments of any Art also the single letters of the Alphabet Elench Greek a subtile or argumentary reproof Elenge old word strange Elephancie or Elephantiacy Greek a kinde of disease called a leprosie Elevation lat an exalting or lifting up Eleyson see Kyre Eleyson Elf a fairy it seems to be corrupted from the Greek word Ephialtes Elguze the left shoulder of Orion Elibation see Delibation Elicitation lat a drawing out an enticing Eligible lat apt to be elected or chosen Elimation lat a filing off Elimination lat a throwing over the threshold a casting out of doors Eliquament lat a fat juyce which is squeezed out of any kinde of flesh Elizabeth Hebr. quiet rest of the Lord a proper name of women Elision lat a hitting against Elixation lat a seething Elixir in Arab. signifieth strength it is commonly taken for the quintessence of any thing the Philosophers stone Elizabeth the proper name of a woman from the Hebrew words Eli and Shavang i. e. the Oath of God Elk a kinde of strong swift beast derived from the Greek word Alce i. e. strength Ellis a proper name corruptly for Elias Hebr. Lord God Elmet a certain Territory or little Region about Leeds in York-shire anciently so called which Eadwin the son of Ealla King of Northumberland Conquered from Cereticus the Brittish King in the year 620. Elocution lat proper speech handsome utterance Elogie lat a Testimony given in commendation of any one Eloinment French or Elongation lat a removing a great way off Elopement in Law is when a married woman leaves her husband and dwells with an Adulterer Eloquence lat neatnesse power and perswasivenesse in speech Elucidation lat a making bright clear or plain Elvish old word froward Elutheria Greek certain feasts celebrated by the ancient Heathens Elysian fields certain pleasant places into which the Heathens held that the Souls of men passed after death E M Emaceration lat a making lean Emaciating the same Emaculation lat a taking away of spots Emanation lat a flowing from Emancipation lat hath the same
Writers Forleten signifieth the same Forletten old word abandoned Formality lat outward shew precisenesse Formation lat forming or fashioning Formeth or seateth a term in hunting applied to a Hare when it squats in any place Formidable lat to be feared Form●sity lat beauty fairness Formulary lat belonging to a form also used in the substantive for a president or proceeding in Law Fornication lat whoredom Forenesse see Foreland Forses Gr. Catadupae waterfalls Forslegl●n old word slain Forspreak old word an advocate Fortitude lat valour or stoutnesse of mind Fortlet signifieth in Common Law a 〈◊〉 Fort or place of some strength Fortuitous lat accidental or coming by chance Fortuny a kind of Tourneament or running a tilt on horseback with Launces a sport much used here in old times Forwelked old word dried Forwyned old word withered Fosset a little long Coffer or Chest from the Latin word fossa a ditch Fosseway a highway digged out and made passable See Ikenild Fossion lat a digging A Foster contract for a Forrester Fother or Foder a twenty hundred pound weight Fotheringhay a Castle in Northamptonshire kept by William Earle of Aumart against King Henry the third when the Nobles of England revolted Fotion lat a cherishing Fougade French a kind of fire-work Foulk a proper name from the Dutch word Volg i. Noble Founes old word devises Fourche in French a fork signifieth in Common-law a delaying or putting off an action Fontegeld signifieth in the Forrest law an amerciament for not cutting out the balls of great Dogs feet in the Forrest it cometh from the Dutch word Fusz and Gelten to loosen Fownder is when a ship by an extraordinary leak becomes full or half full of water Fox stones an Herb so called from the likenesse of the Root F R Fracid lat rotten ripe Fraction lat a breaking also a dissention among parties in Arithmetick it is taken for a number having two denominations Fragility lat aptnesse to break brittlenesse Fragment lat a broken part or piece of any thing Fragrancie lat an odorousnesse or sweetnesse of smell Fraisheur French freshnesse coolnesse livelinesse Franck a French Coyn of about the value of two shillings Franchise in French signifieth liberty it is taken in Common-law for a priviledge or exemption from ordinary Jurisdiction also an immunity from tribute Franci a certain people anciently inhabiting a part of Germany who entred into Gallia under the conduct of Pharamond and conquered a great part of the Kingdom whence it came afterwards to be called France Francis a proper name of men or women from the German word Franck i. e. free not servile answerable to the Greek Eleutherius and the Latin Liberius Franciscans an order of Fryars instituted by St. Francis in the year 1198. they were injoyned chastity obedience poverty and many other strict rules of life and conversation Frank almoine French signifies in Common-law such Lands and Tenements as are bestowed upon those people that give themselves up wholly to the service of God for pure almes Franck bank such Copy-hold lands as the wife being espoused a Virgin hath after her husbands decease for his dowr Frank fee that which is in the hand of the King or Lord of a Mannour being ancient demesne of the Crown whereas that which is in the hand of the Tenants is ancient demesne onely Frank ferm is land wherein the nature of Fee is changed by Feoffement out of Knights service for certain yearly services Frank law is taken for a free injoyment of all those priviledges which the Law permits to a man not found guilty of any hainous offence Frank marriage a Tenure in tail special whereby a man hath Land with a woman to hir and the Heirs of his body without doing any service but fealty to the Donour Frank pledge a pledge or surety for free-men Frank ford a famous Citie upon the River Maenus being the chiefest Mart-Town in Germany Fra●c●●ia a Countrey in the East part of Germany called Frankenland F●antick Phrenetick Greek mad Fraternity lat a brother-hood also a company of men entered into a firm bond of society or friendship Fratricelli a sort of Hereticks instituted by one Hermannus in the year 1304. they preached Community among Christians and that it was unlawfull for them to be Governours one over another Fratricide lat the killing of ones brother Fratruels lat brothers Children Fraudation lat a defrauding or depriving Fra●dulency lat deceitfullnesse craftinesse Frea the same as Friga Frederick ●erm rich peace of this name there have been three Emperours of Germany for Frederick we commonly use Frery and Fery Frediswid Sax. very free a womans proper name Free●ooter a Souldier that makes inroades into an enemies Countrey for Cattel or any other commodity from the enemies Countrey it cometh from the Dutch words Frey i. e. free and beut i. e. prey the Italians call them Banditi Free Chappel a Chappel founded within a Parish over and above the mother Church unto which it is free for the Parishioners to come or not to come Freedstol i. e. the stool of Peace a certain Chair of stone erected by King Athelitan in honour of John de Beverly Arch-Bishop of York to which Offenders used to fly for sanctuary Free-h●ld free Tenure or Land which a man holdeth in Fee-tail or at the least for term of life Free-warren in Latin Libera Warrena the power of granting or denying Licence to any to hunt or chace in such or such Lands Fremund Sax. free peace a proper name Frendl●sse-man in the Saxon tongue signifieth an out-law Freob●rgh or Fridburgh the same in the Saxon tongue as Franck-pledge in French a surety for the peace or good behaviour Frery a proper name of a man contracted from Frederick which signifieth in Saxon tongue rich peace Frescades French cool refreshments against the heat of the summer To walk in Fresco Ital. to take the fresh aire also to drink in Fresco to drink fresh liquor Fresh disseisin in Common-law is that d●ss●isin that a man may seek to defeat of his own power without the help of the King or his Judges Fresh force a force done within fou●●y dayes Fresh shot is when any great River comes into the Sea so that it is fresh water for a mile or two Fresh sute is such an earnest following of an Offendour as never ceaseth from the time of the offence committed untill he be apprehended Fretrots a sort of Hereticks not much different from those which are called Adamites Friars minors Augustines Preachers and Carmelites which are the four principa● orders see in their proper places to these also belonging Fryars observants Conventuales ●apuchins Fric●sse French a kind of fried meat Frication Latin a rubbing or chafing Friga a certain Goddesse anciently worshipp'd by the Saxons under the form of an Hermaphrodite Frigate in Spanish Fragata a spial ship Frigefaction lat a making cold Frigeratorie lat a place to make or keep things cool Frigidity lat coldnesse Friperer French in
towed along some Channel Halo Greek a circle about the Moon and others of the Stars Halonesus an Island in the Aegean Sea which was defended by women when all the men were slain To make Halt French to make a stop a term of War Hallyattes a King of Lydia and father to Croesus who was overcome by Cyrus Halymote see Healgemote Hamadryades Greek wood-nimphs Hamburg the cheif City of Lower Saxony so called from Jupiter Hamon there worshipped Hames two crooked pieces of wood which encompasse a horse-collar from the Ham of the leg which is crooked or the Latin word hamus a hook Hamkin a kind of pudding Hamling of dogs see expeditating Hamlet a dwelling house a diminutive from the Dutch word Ham i. home Hammocks hanging beds used in ships Hampton-Court a Palace belonging to the Kings of England standing in Middlesex upon the River Thames it was built in a very costly and magnificent manner by Cardinal Wolsey and finisht by King Henry the eighth Hankwit or Hangwit Sax. a theif escaped out of custody Hannibal a great Captain of the Carthaginians who having long made war with the Romans was beaten by Scipio and in the end poisoned himself the word signifies in the Punic tongue Gracious Lord. Hanno a Carthaginian who seeking to make himself master of Carthage was at length taken and had his eyes put out Hannonia or Haynault one of the 17 Provinces of the Low Countries Hanselines upper sloppes Chaucer Hanse-towns certain Towns in Germany as Hambourg Magdenbourg Lubeck c. being the principal seates of the Dutch Merchants Hans signifying in the French tongue a Society or Corporation of Merchants Hansel Dutch the first money that is bestowed with a Tradesman in a morning Hans-en-kelder a Dutch word signifying Jack in the Cellar it is commonly taken for a child in the mothers belly Hansiatick belonging to the Hanse Towns Hanten old word they use or accustom Haphertlet a kind of course cover●ed for a bed Haquebut French the same as Harquebuse Haracana or Herocane a violent whirlwind or tempest which hapneth once in 9 years Some say it comes from the Spanish word Arancar to pull up by the roots Harald or Herauld French quasi herus altus i. high-master is an Officer whose imployment is to denounce war or proclaim peace to judge and examine Gentlemens Arms to marshal the Solemnities at a Princes Coronation and such like Harangue French a Speech or Oration Harase French to tire out to weary to disquiet Harbinger from the Dutch words her benghen i. hither keep an officer in a Princes Court that alotteth those of the household their lodgings in time of progresse but vulgarly taken for any one that goeth before and provideth lodgeing Harbour a Hart is said to Harbour when it goes to rest Harelip a lip cloven like a Hares lip Harepipe a snare made of a piece of elder or cane to catch a Hare with Hariant or Hauriant in Heraldry is when a fish is represented standing upright Hariolation lat a southsaying Harlot or Arletta Concubine to Robert Duke of N●rmandy and mother to William the Conquerour in disgrace of whom all whores came to be called Harlots Harman a proper name of men signifying in Dutch the General of an Army answerable to the Greek Polemarchus Harmodius and Aristogeiton two famous conspiratours against Hipparchus the Tyrant of Athens Harmonia the daughter of Mars and Venus and the wife of Cadmus to her is attributed by some the first invention of Musical Harmony Harmonides a Trojan whom Minerva inspired with all kind of manufacture Harmonical or Harmonious full of Harmony i. musical consent or agreement Harold see Harald Harpalice the daughter of Lycurgus she was a great huntresse and hearing that her father was taken prisoner by the Getans rescued him by force of arms Harpe the name of the Fauchion wherewith Mercury slew Argos and P●rseus Medusa Harping-Irons certain Irons to strike great fish withal being at one end like a barbed arrow and having at the other end a cord Harpings the breadth of a ship at the bow Harpocrates an Image used in the ceremonies of Serapis and Isis made with one hand upon his mouth and called by the Aegyptians the god of silence Harpyes the three daughters of Pontus and Terra Aello Celaeno and Ocypete they were part women and part birds having claws like vultures Homer saith that upon Celaeno whom he calls Podarges Zephyrus begat Balius and Xanthus the horses of Achilles Hart in the Forrest Laws is a Stag of 5 years old if having been hunted by the King or Queen he escape alive he is called a Hart royal Hart-hall a place for Students in the University of Oxford built by Water Stapleton Bishop of Exceter together with Exceter Colledge in the time of King Edward the second who in imitation of him built Oriall Colledge and St. Mary Hall Hatches of a ship are trap-doors to let things down into the hold they are also called scutles Hauberk or Haubert French a coat of maile Havelock a certain Danish foundling of the Royal blood who as it is reported was fosterd by one Grime a Merchant and from a skullen in the Kings kitchin was for his valour and conduct in Military affairs promoted to the ma●riage of the Kings daughter Havering a Town in Essex an ancient retiring place of the Kings of England so called from the fabulous conceit of a ring delivered by a Pilgrim as sent from St. John Baptist to King Edward the Confessour Haunt a term in hunting the walk of a Deer or the place of his ordinary passage in French Enceinte Hauriant see Hariant Hauselines or Hanselines old word breeches or slops Haw a hedge from the French word Hay also an old word signifying black also a disease in the eye Haward or Hayward a keeper of the common Heard of the Town who is to look that they neither break nor crop hedges from the French words Hay a hedge and Garde custody Hawise a proper name of women See Avice Hawkers certain deceitful people that go up and down from place to place buying and selling old brasse or pewter which ought to be uttered in open market Hawlkes old word corners Hawten old word insolent Hawthorn white thorn from Haegdoren Haeg in Dutch signifying white Hazard or Hasard the ace of the dice metaphorically any doubtful event Hay a Town in Brecknockshire called in Brittish Trekethle i. a Town in a Grove of Hazel-trees it was formerly a very flourishing place till ruined and depopulated by that arch rebell Owen Glendowerdwy Hayboot signifieth in common Law a permission to take thorns to make or repair hedges Hayn old word hatred H E Headborow the chief of the frank pledge the same as Constable or Tithingman from heord i. head and borhe i. pledge Heafling Sax. a captive Heafod Sax. a head Healgemote or Halymote a Saxon word signifying a Court-baron or meeting of the Tenants in one Hall Hearse an empty Tomb erected for the honour of
the dead from the Greek word Arsis a lifting up Hebdoma●e Greek the number 7. a week which consists of 7 dayes Hebe the Goddess of Youth and daughter of Juno without a father she was for her beauty preferred by Jupiter to be his Cup●bearer but one time falling down and discovering her secret parts to the gods she was removed from her place Hebetude lat bluntness dulness Hebrews a name given to the Israelites because they spake the ancient Hebrew Language which continued in the Family of Heber after the division of tongues Hebrides certain Islands in the Deu●aledonian Sea called also Ebudae and the Western Islands they are 44 in number but the chief of them are Levissa Eusta Mula and Ila Hebrus a River of Thrace where the head of Orpheus was thrown after his body had been torn in pieces by the Bacchides Hecalius a name attributed to Jupiter by Theseus from Hecale an old woman who had devoted her life to Jupiter for his safe return Hecate the daughter of Jupiter and Latona and the sister of Apollo Some think her to be the same with Diana or the Moon also the name of a famous Inchantresse of Thrace Hecatomb Greek a sacrifice wherein a hundred beasts were offered at one time Hecatompolis an Epithet of the Island of Crete which is said to have had a hundred Cities in it Hecatompylae the name of a City of Aegypt otherwise called Aegyptian Thebes Heck the name of an Engin to take fish withal from the Dutch word hecken i. to pick or heck a bramble Heckled old word wrapped Hecktick feaver a feaver which is habitual and which inflames the solid parts of the body it comes from the Greek word Hexis a habit Hector the son of Priam and Hecuba he was accounted the stoutest of all the Trojans slew Protesilaus and Patroclus but was at length slain himself by Achilles the word signifieth Defender Hecuba the daughter of Dyamas the wife of Priam King of Troy it is feigned of her that after the taking of Troy she was turned into a bitch Hederal Crown a Crown of Ivy from the Latin word Hedera Heer and Hace old word hoarse and harsh Hegesistratus an Ephesian who was the builder of the City Elea in Asia Hegira the Epoch or computation of time among the Turkes Heinfare or H●nfare old word a departing of a servant from his master from Hine and fare passage Heire of blood in Common Law is he who succeedeth by right of blood in any mans Lands or Tenements in fee but heir of Inheritance is he that cannot be defeated of his inheritance upon any displeasure Heirloom signifieth all implements of a house which having belonged to the house for certain descents accrew to the heir with the house it self Loom signifying a frame to weave in Heighth a vertue in writing or speaking wherein the expressions are neither too inflate nor too creeping but observing a decent majesty between both Helchesaites a sect of Hereticks who held it no sin to deny Christ in times of persecution their first Teacher was one Helchesaus Helchysm the drosse and scum of silver Hele old word to cover Helena the daughter of Jupiter and Laeda she was married to Menelaus and brought forth Hermione afterwards being stole away by Paris and being demanded of Priamus by the Greeks the Trojans refused to send her back which was the occasion of a very great war and of the destruction of Troy The word signifieth in Greek pittiful Heliacal rising of a Star is when a Star which was at first hid by the light of the Sun afterwards appears from the Greek word Helios i. the Sun Heliades the daughters of the Sun and sisters of Phaeton who wept themselves into Poplar-trees for the death of their brother and their teares became Amber their names were Phaaethusa Lampelusa and Lampetia Heliconian belonging to Helicon a hill of Phocis sacred to Apollo and the Muses Helioscopie Greek the furthest point of the Suns course in his ascention or descention Heliotrope Greek the name of a plant commonly called Turnsole also a kind of pretious stone Helle the daughter of Athamas King of Thebes she with her brother Phryxus crossing over the Pontick Sea upon a golden Ram being frighted with the danger fell into the sea from which accident that sea was ever after called Hellespont Hellebore the name of a certain plant called also Melampodium which is good against madness Hellenistical belonging to Greece or the Greek Language from Hellas the ancient name of that Country Helme signifieth in Navigation a piece of wood fastned to the rudder in a ship or boat also the helme of State is metaphorically taken for the chief place in the government of a Nation Helmed in stark stowers old word defended in sharp assaults Heluation lat a playing the glutton a greedy devouring Helve old word a handle of anything Helvetia a Country invironed by the Alps and the Hill Jura the Rivers Rhene and Rhone it is now called Swizzerland Hemerology Greek a Calender or Book wherein are registred the passages of every day Hemicranie Greek a disease in the head called the Meagrim Hemicycle Greek a half circle Hemingstone a Town in Suffolk which one Baldwin le Pettour held of the King per Saltum sufflatum Bumbulum seu Pettum i. e. by this Tenure that on every Christmasse Day before the King he should dance puff up his cheekes and fart Hemisphere Greek half the compass of the heavens or so much as is visible above the Horison Hemlock a certain plant called in Latin Cicuta whose juice being poison used to be given to capital offenders Henares a River in Spain near to which stands a Town called Alcala di Henares Henbane in Greek Hyoscyamus an herb which is counted rank poison Henchman or Heinsman a German word signifying a domestick servant It is taken among us for a page of honour Hend old word neat fine gentle Hengston hill a hill in Cornwall where the Brittish Danmonii calling the Danes to assist them to drive the English out of Devonshire were by King Egbert●otally ●otally defeated and ruined Hengwit see Hankwit Hengest the name of him who led the first English men into this Isle the word signifies in the Saxon Horseman Heniochus vide Auriga Henry the name of seven Emperours of Germany eight Kings of England four Kings of France four Kings of Castile the word comes from the German Einric i. rich and powerful or Herric i. rich Lord or else is contracted from Honoricus Hent old word to catch Hepatical Greek belonging to the Liver Hephaestian mountains certain burning mountains in Lycia Heptahedrical Greek having seven sides Heptagonal Greek belonging to a Heptagon or figure of seven angles Heptarchy Greek a sevenfold government or government of seven men as that of the Saxon Kings here in England Heraclea a City of Narbon in France now called St. Gilles Heraclitus the name of a famous Ephesian Philosopher who used to weep as often as
he thought upon the misery of the World Herald see Harald Herawdes old word feates of activity Herbage signifieth in Common Law the fruit of the earth provided by nature for the cattel also the liberty that a man hath to feed his cattel in another mans ground or in the Forrest Herbert a proper name of men signifying in Dutch famous Lord. Herbigage or Herborow old word lodging Herbalist or Herbary lat one that hath knowledge in the nature and temperaments of herbs Herbenger see Harbenger Herbert a proper name signifying in Dutch bright Lord. Herbipolis a City of Germany now called Wirtzberg Herbosity lat plenty of herbs Herbulent lat grassy full of herbs Hercinia a great Wood in Germany sixty dayes journeys in length and nine in breadth Herculean belonging to Hercules the cheif of which name was Hercules the son of Jupiter and Alcmena he being hated by Juno because he was born of a Concubine was by her ingaged in 12 very dangerous enterprises which are called Hercules his 12 labours all which he overcame to his great renown whence every great atcheivment came to be called a Herculean labour He is said to have built two pillars on Mount Calpe and Mount Avila as the utmost bounds of the Western World with the inscription of Nil ultra and at this day those places are called Hercules pillars This name Hercules signifieth in Greek Glory or Illumination of the Air. Here de Caesar a certain Epoch or Account from which the Saracens and Arabians used to compute their number of yeares as we do from the year of our Lord. It was also used in Spain for a great while the word signifieth as much as the Monarcy of Caesar. Hereditary or Haereditary lat coming by Inheritance Hereditaments signifie in Common Law all such things as descend to a man and his heirs by way of Inheritance and fall not within the compasse of an Executor as Chattels do Hereford the cheif City of Herefordshire anciently called Tresawith from the Beech-trees growing thereabout It was built as some say by King Edward the Elder in that tract of the Country called of old Ereinuc or Archenfeild out of the ruines of the ancient Ariconium the fame of this City was augmented by the Martyrdom of Ethelbert King of East England who going to wooe the daughter of Offa King of the Mercians was here forelaid and murthered by the procurement of Quendred Offa's wife Heremitage or Ermitage French a solitary place a dwelling for Hermites i. persons that devote themselves to a religious solitude Heresie see Haeresie Heresiarch or Haeresiarch Greek the principall Author of any Heresie or Sect. Heretog or Hertogh a Leader of an Army or a Duke from the Saxon words Here an Army and Toga to draw out Herility lat Masterly Authority Heriot or Hariot hath formerly been used to signifie a tribute given by a Tenant to the Lord of the Mannour for his better preparation toward war Here in the Saxon tongue signifying an Army but now it is taken for the best chattel that a Tenant hath at the hour of his death which is due unto the Lord by custom Herlaxton a Town in Lincolnshire near which was ploughed up a brazen vessel wherein a Golden Helmet beset with pretious Stones which was given as a present to Catherine of Spain wife to King Henry the eighth was found Herman see Harman Hermaphrodite Greek a word compounded of Hermes i. Mercury and Aphrodite i. Venus and signifieth one of both Sexes Man and Woman See the story of Hermaphroditus and Salmacis elegantly described in the fourth Book of Ovids Metamorphosis Hermetical Greek belonging to Mercury the messenger of the gods who is called in Greek Hermes or to Hermes Trismegistus the great Aegyptian Philosopher Hermione the daughter of Menelaus she was betrothed by her father after the end of the Trojan war to Pyrrhus the son of Achilles which Orestes to whom she had been before espoused by her Grandfather Tyndarus taking ill he slew Pirrhus in the Temple of Apollo Hermitage Hermite see Heremitage Hermotimus a certain man of Clazomena whose Soul used to leave his body and wander up and down bringing him news of things that were done a great way off his body lying in the mean while as it were asleep but at length his enemies finding his body burnt it so that his Soul had no habitation left to return to Hernious lat bursten bellied Herod sirnamed Antipater a King of the Jews created by the Roman Senate he destroyed the Temple built by Zorobabel and erected another more magnificient in its place he put his wife Maria●ne to death and his two sons Aristobulus and Alexander Heroick or Heroical Greek noble lofty becoming a Heroe whence Heroick Poem is a Poem treating of Heroic actions or persons Heroine a woman of a noble spirit and excellent virtues A Heron a kinde of bird called in Latin Ardea ab ardendo because its dung burns whatsoever it touches Herophila the name of the Erythraean Sibil who having asked Tarquin a very great price for her three books of Prophesies and being refused it she burnt 2. and afterwards received as much for that one that was left as she demanded for all the three Herostratus one that to purchace himself fame burnt the Temple of Diana Hersilia the wife of Romulus who after her death was worshipp'd by the name of Hora or the goddesse of youth Hertford i. e. the Ford of Harts the chief Town of Hertford-shire having a Castle upon the River Lea built as some say by King Edward the Elder and augmented by Gislebert de Clare who was Earle of this Town in King Henry the seconds dayes Bede treating of the Synode that was held here in the year 670. calleth it Herudford i. e. Redford Herthus a goddesse worshipt by the ancient Saxons in the same nature as Tellus by the Latins some think the word earth to be thence derived Hesione the daughter of Laomedon King of Troy whom Hercules having freed her from a great Whale gave in marriage to his friend Telamon after he had ransack't Troy because her father Laomedon performed not his promise to him Hesperus the son of Japetus and brother of Atlas who flying from his Countrey went and inhabited in Italy whence that Countrey came to be called Hesp●ria he had three daughters Aegle Arethusa and Hesperethusa called the Hesperides who lived in the Hesperian Garden whose Trees bare golden Apples that were kept by a watchfull Dragon whom Hercules slew it is also faigned of Hesperus that after his death he was changed into the Evening Star Hests old word commands or decrees Hete old word a vow offer or promise Heteroclite in Grammar is taken for a Nown that hath a different way of declining from other Nouns Heterodox Greek being of another opinion or judgement then what is generally received Heterogeneal Greek being of another or different kinde Heteroscians Greek people that live between the Aequator and the Tropicks whose
breathing between Interstitial lat having an interstice or space between Intertexture lat a weaving between Interval lat a distance or space either of place or time Intervenient lat coming between Intervert lat to turn upside down also to beguile or deceitfully to take away a thing committed to any ones trust Intervigilation lat a watching between whiles Intestable lat uncapable by the Law to make any Will or be taken for a witnesse Intestine lat inward lying within the entrailes Inthronization lat a placing upon a Throne or Seat of Majesty Intimation lat a signifying or secret declaring Intimidation lat a making timorous or fearful Intinction lat a dying a dipping into any coloured liquor Intire lat whole or sound Intitulation lat an intiteling an adding a title unto any thing Intollerable lat not to be born or endured Intonation lat a thundering or making a terrible noise Intoxication lat a poisoning or envenoming Intractable lat not to be managed or trained unmanageable Intrado Spanish an entrance also a yearly revenue Intraneous lat inward Intricacy or Intrique lat and Fr. an intanglednesse incumbrance or winding like a labyrinth Intrinsecal lat inward or secret Introduction lat a leading in also a beginning or preface to any discourse Introgression lat a going in Intromission lat a sending inward † Introruption lat a breaking in a rushing in by violence † Introversion lat a turning upside down also a turning ones thoughts within a looking a word used in practical Divinity Intrusion lat a wrongful or unmannerly thrusting in Intuition lat a clear seeing into a distinct beholding Intumescence lat a swelling or rising up into a heap Intumulation lat a throwing a heap upon a burying Invagination lat a putting into a sheath or scabbard Invalid lat of no force strength or value Invasion lat an assailing or setting upon anothers right or dominions Invecked from the Latin Invehere a term in Blazon as a bordure Invecked is when the line of which the bordure is made inverts its points not toward the field but into it self Invection lat a carrying in or against Invective lat railing sharp bitter in expressions as it were violently carried on against any one Inveigle to allure or intice from the Dutch word avanglen i. to cast alluring eyes Invellop see Envelope Inventory lat a certain writing wherein is contained a Catalogue or reckoning up of the Goods Chattels of a deceased party which are to be prized or valued by sufficient men and exhibited to the Ordinary Inversion lat a turning the inside out a changing the order of things or words Invest lat to give possession which used to be done by delivering the Tenant a rod and administring him an Oath also to instal with any honour or dignity Investigation lat a making diligent search or inquiry Investiture lat a giving possession an endowing with honour Inveterate lat grown old rooted and setled by long custome Invigilation lat a carefull watching a diligent over-seeing Invigorate to inspire vigour life and spirit Invincible lat not to be conquered or overcome Inviolable lat not to be violated or broken Inviron French to encompasse Invisible lat not to be seen or discerned Invitation lat an inviting bidding or calling unto Inumbration lat a casting a shadow upon Inunction lat an anointing thoroughly Inundation lat an overflowing with water Invocation lat an invoking or calling upon Involation lat a flying into or a flying upon Involve lat to wrap or fold in to entangle or overwhelm Involuntarie lat unwilling Inurbanitie lat incivility want of courtesie or affability Inure or Enure to accustome also in Common-law it signifieth to take effect or be available Inusitate lat not accustomed unwonted Inutility lat unprofitablenesse Invulnerable lat not to be wounded J O Io the daughter of Inachus King of the Argives she being beloved of Jupiter was transformed into a Cow that she might not be known of Juno who neverthelesse suspecting caused her to be watch't by Argus who had many eyes but Argus being slain by Mercury Juno sent a Gadfly to sting her which made her run up and down restlesse till at length she arrived at Aegypt where being restored to her former shape she was married to Osiris and called Isis. Joab Hebr. Fatherhood Joachim an Hebrew proper name signifying preparation of the Lord. Joan a proper name of women answerable to that of John in men it was the name of several great Queens as those of Aragon and Naples Joannitiques a certain order of Monks that wear the figure of a Chalice upon their breasts Job Hebr. sighing or sorrowing Joblin French a sot or gull Jocasta the daughter of Creon King of Thebes and the wife of Laius after whose death she was married unknowingly to her son Oedipus to whom she brought forth Eteocles and Polynices who slaying one another in a contest about the Kingdom she killed her self for grief Joculatory or Jocous lat jesting sportive done or spoken in jest Jocund in Latin Jucundus chearfull pleasant or joyfull from Jocus i. a jest John a proper name signifying in Hebrew gracious there have been divers great Kings and other famous men of this name as Kings of England Scotland Spain and Portugal 23 Popes of Rome also Joannes Hircanus a famous Captain of the Jews who conquered Samaria Idumaea and a great part of Syria Joannes Acutus or Hackwood an English-man who performed several great martial exploits in Italy under the Dukes of Milain Joannes Guttenberg a German who invented the Art of printing this name was anciently pronounced Juon Joinder in Common-law is the coupling of two in a suite one against another Joyning-issue a Term in Common-law the referring a point of a matter depending in suite to the tryal of the Jury Joynt-Tenants in Common-law are those that hold Lands or Tenements by one Title or without partition Joynture a Term in Law being a Covenant whereby a husband assureth unto his wife in respect of marriage lands or Tenements for Term of her life or otherwise Jolaus the Nephew of Hercules he drove his Unkles Chariot when he fought against Cycnus the son of Mars afterwards when he grew old he was restored to youth by the prayers of Hercules Jollitrin Fr. a youngster or young Gallant Jonas a proper name signifying in Hebrew a Dove Jonathan another Hebrew name signifying the gift of God Joncade French a certain kinde of spoon meat Ionia a Countrey of Asia the lesse having twelve great Cities whereof Miletus and Ephesus were the chief the inhabitants of this Countrey descended anciently from the Greeks whence their language was called the Ionick Dialect Ionick Order in Architecture see Corinthian Jopaean a certain expression used in Hymnes or songs of rejoycing Jopa● an African King who was one of those that sought to have married Dido he was a great Musician and sung in verse of the course of the Moon and the motion of the Stars Jordan
word signifies in Greek softhaired Julius the sirname of Ascanius the son of Aeneas and his first wife Creusa he came along with his father into Italy and built the City Alba in the place where he found the white Sow with the 30 Pigs also the son of Ascanius who stood in competition for the kingdom of Alba with Silvius Posthumus the son of Aeneas by his second wife Lavinia the word signifieth in Greek the soft down appearing on the chin of a young man before he comes to have a perfect beard July the name of the fifth moneth from March which was heretofore accounted the first moneth of the year it was so named from Julius Caesar being in former time called Quintilis Jumentarious lat belonging to a horse or any kind of labouring beast called in Latin jumentum Juncture lat a joyning together also a joynt also juncture of time the very nick or moment of time June the fourth moneth of the year from March the first Some say it was so called from Juno as it were junonian moneth Others from Junius Brutus who begun his Consulship in that moneth it is called in Greek Hecatombaeon from the Hecatombs or Sacrifices of a hundred Oxen which used to be offered to Jupiter in this moneth Junke in Navigation is any piece of an old cable Juno the daughter of Saturn and Ops and both wife and sister to Jupiter to whom she brought forth Vulcan and Mars and a daughter called Hebe whom she conceived by eating of green Lettice she is called Juno a juvando i. from giving help also Lucina from causing men to see the light of the World being said to be present at the birth of all children that come into the World and to sit crosse-legged when any miscarry She is also called Sospita a Sospitando i. e. keeping in safety Juno's teares a kind of plant otherwise called Vervain Junto or Junta Span. a meeting together of men to ●it in council Ivory French the Elephants tooth being the finest and whitest kind of bone of which boxes and several sorts of things are made Jupiter the son of Saturn by his wife Ops born at the same birth with Juno and hid in the mountain Ida in Creet where he was bred up by the Curetes unknown to his father Saturn who intending to devoure all his male children his wife Ops gave him a great stone wrapt up in swadling clouts to eat instead of his son Jupiter who coming to age and understanding his fathers designs against him conspired against him and cast him out of his dominions and divided the government of the World between himself and his two brothers the Heavens he reserved to himself to Neptune he gave the Empire of the Sea and to Pluto the lower Regions of the Earth Jupiter Belus the second King of Babylon or as some say the first he was the son of Nimrod called also Saturn Juration lat a swearing or taking an oath Jurats French certain officers otherwise called Eschevins or Sheriffs Jurden or Jordon a kind of Urinal or Chamberpot also Jordan is the name of a River dividing Perea from the rest of Judaea Juridical lat belonging to the Law judicial or which will bear an action Jury in lat Jurati signifieth in Common Law a company consisting of 24 or 12 men empanelled and sworn to deliver a truth upon such evidence as shall be delivered them touching the matter in question there being three sorts of trials either by Assize or Jury by Battel or by Parliament In every general Assize there is both a Grand Jury consisting of 24 substantial men chosen indifferently out of the whole County and others called Petit Juries consisting of 12 to whom are referred such things concerning life and death as the Grand Jury have approved of Jurisdiction lat authority to make or execute Laws Also it is used for any kind of power or authority A Jurist a Lawyer Jurisprudence lat knowledge or skil in the Laws Jurn or Journchoppers the regraters or changers of yarn Juror one of the twelve men in a Jury Jury-mast is one made at sea in case of necessity by fastning several pieces together Jussel a minutal from jus signifying a dish made of several meats minced together Jussulent lat full of broth or pottage Justes French tikings or combats on horseback with Speares and Lances Justice or Justicer French an officer deputed by the King or Common-wealth to act by way of judgement Justice of the Kings Bench is the capital or chief Justice of England he is a Lord by his office which is most especially to hear and determine all pleas of the Crown that is such as concern offences committed against the Crown Dignity and Peace of the King as Treasons Mayhems and the like Justice of Common pleas is he who hears and determines all causes at the Common Law that is all civil causes between common persons as well personal as reall He is also a Lord by his office Justice of the Forrest or Justice in eyre of the Forrest is he that hath the hearing and determining of all offences within the Kings Forrest committed against Venison or Vert and is also a Lord by his office Justices of Assises such as were wont by special commission to be sent into this or that County to take Assises for the ease of the subjects Justices of oyer and terminer are Justices deputed upon some special and extraordinary occasions to hear and determine causes Justices in eyre those that were wont to be sent with commissions into divers Counties to hear such causes as were termed the Pleas of the Crown and were for the ●ase of the subjects who must have come to the Kings Bench if the cause were too high for the County-Court from the French word Erre a journey Justices of Goale delivery are such as are sent with commission to hear and determine all causes appertaining to such as for any offence are cast into Goale Justices of Nisi prius the same now adayes with Justices of Assises Justices of tryal baston or trayl baston were certain Justices appointed by Edward the first to make inquisition through the Realme upon all Officers as Mayors Sheriffs Escheatours c. touching extortion briberies intrusion into other mens lands and Barratours that used to take money for beating of men and they had power either to punish by death or to exact a ransome This term comes from two French words treille an arbour or form and baston a staff or pole to note that the Justices imployed in this commission had authority to proceed without any solemn Judgement-seat but wheresoever they could apprehend the malefactours Justices of peace are such as are appointed by the Kings commission to attend the peace in the County where they dwell whereof such whose commission begins Quorum vos unum esse volumus are called Justices of the Quorum Justicies a Writ directed to the Sheriff for the dispatch of justice in some especial cause wherewith
defence of his Countrey Knighten Guild a certain Guild or Company in London consisting of 19 Knights it was founded by King Edgar who gave them a portion of void ground lying without the Citie now called Portsoken Ward Knipperdollings a certain Sect of Hereticks who lived in Germany about the time of John of Leyden they were so called from one Knipperdolling who was the first founder of that Sect. Knolls of Peace certain Mounts cast up by mans hand in the Sherifdom of Sterling in Scotland called in Latin Duni Pacis K U Kunigunda or Cunigunda the wife of Henry the second Duke of Bavaria and Emperour of Germany she to free her self from the aspersion of inchastity that was cast upon her caused certain Plough-shares to be heated red hot and placed at a little distance one from the other and went over them blindfold without receiving any harm whereby she cleared her self from all suspition the like was reported of Edward the Confessours wife and this tryal afterwards became oftentimes in use upon such like occasions and was called the tryal of fire Ordeal K Y Kyle a County in the South part of Scotland by Bede called Campus Cyel i. e. the field Ciel this with other Territories Eadbert King of Northumberland annexed to his Kingdom Kyrie Eleison a form of solemne invocation used in the Liturgy or Service book and signifieth in the Greek tongue Lord have mercy upon us L A LAbarum Greek a military streamer or flag also a Church Banner or Ensigne Labda the daughter of Amphion of the Race of the Bacchidae she being lame and despised by the rest of the Bacchidae married Aetion to whom she brought forth Cypselus so called from a certain Corn measure wherein his mother hid him from the ten men whom the Corinthians by a publick decree ordained to kill him because it had been foretold by the Oracle that a son of Labda should invade the Tyranny of Corinth Labdacisme see Lambdacisme Labdanum or Ladanum a kinde of sweet Gumme taken from the leaves of a certain small shrub called Cistus Ledon Labefaction lat an enfeebling or making weak Labels Ribbands hanging down upon Garlands or Crowns made of flowrs also little pieces of parchment cut out long-wayes and hanging upon Indentures or other kinde of writings also in Heraldry they are those lines which hang down from the file in an Escutcheon Labeons lat blaber-lipped persons Labienus one of Caesars Captains who did very famous actions under him in Gallia but when the Civil wars broke out fled from him to Pompey's party Labile lat slippery apt to slip or fall Laborariis the name of a Writ that lieth against such as having not wherewith to live do refuse to serve † Labori●sity lat laboriousnesse painfulnesse Labour a ship is said to Labour in the Sea when she rowles and tumbles very much either a Hull or under Sail. Labyrinth Greek a Maze or place made with so many turnings and windings that a man once entered in cannot finde the way out whereof the two most famous were that built by Miris King of Egypt and that which Daedalus built for Minos King of Crete it is also by Metaphor used for any kinde of intanglement or intricate businesse Lacca a kinde of red Gumme issuing from certain Trees in Arabia Laceration lat a tearing or dismembring Lacert Latin from Lacerta a Lizard from Lacertus the brawny part of the arm Lacession lat a stirring up or provoking Laches in Common-law signifieth negligence from the French word Lasche i. carelesse or slothfull or Lascher to loosen Lachesis the name of one of the Destinies Lacken old word contemned also extenuated Lachrymation lat a weeping or shedding tears Laconisme Greek a speaking briefly or after the manner of the Lacedemonians Lactary lat a Dairy house or place where they keep Milk or make Cheese Lacteal or Lacteous lat milky milk white or made of milk Lactucina a certain goddesse among the Romans see Matura Lacunation lat a making holes Ladanum or Laudanum see Labdanum Ladas a Page of Alexander the Great he ran so swift that the print of his foot could not be discerned in the sand Ladon a River of Arcadia where Syriax was turned into a Reed Laghslite a Saxon word from Lah Law and Slite a breach signifying a Mulct for breach of the Law Lagophthalmie Greek a disease in the eyes which causeth one to sleep like a Hare with the eye-lids open Lai●al lat belonging to Lay-men or such as have not to do in the Ministerial function Laines courses or ranks laid in the building of stone or brick-walls a Term in Masonry Laire a Term in hunting the place where a Deer harbours by day Lais a woman of Sicily who going to dwell at Corinth became a very famous strumpet and exacted excessive rates for the prostitution of her body afterwards removing to Thessaly she was in such high request among the men of Th●ssaly that the women out of envy killed her in the Temple of Venus it was by her instigation that Alexander the Great caused Persep●lis to be burnt Laius the son of Labdacus King of Thebes and the father of Oedipus see Jocasta or Oedipus Lake a kinde of red colour used in painting Lambith q. Lomehith i. e. a Lomy or Clayish rode a Town in Surry famous for a stately Palace belonging to the Arch-bishops of Canterbury first built by Arch-bishop Baldwin in the year 1183. in this place Hardy-Canute the Danish King of England giving up himself wholy to luxurious banquettings costly intertainments expired suddenly in the midst of his debauchery and excessive Cups Lambdacisme Greek a pronouncing the letter L. which is called in Greek Lambda with greater force then it should be Lamdoides the hindermost seam of the skull Lambert the proper name of a man signifying in Saxon fair Lamb or as others will have it Far famous Lambition lat a licking a lapping with the tongue also a going over a thing with a soft touch Lamiae lat certain Female spirits or apparitions by some called fairies there was also one Lamia a Concubine of Demetrius to whom the Thebans built a Temple under the name of Lamia Venus Lammas day the first of August so called as some say because the Priests on this day were wont to gather their Tithe-Lambs others take it from the Saxon word Laffmess i. Breadmass it being kept as a feast of Thanks-giving for the first fruits of the Corn it is also called Gule or Yule of August see Gule of August Lampadios a constellation in the head of Taurus Lampasse vulgarly called the Lampreys a disease in the mouth of a Horse so named because it is cured by burning with a Lamp or a hot Iron Lampetia see Neaera Lampoon a kinde of Drolling Poem or Pamphlet wherein any person of the present age is mentioned with reproach or scurrility Lamprey or Suck-st●ne a kinde of fish called in Latin Muraena Lampsacus a Town upon the Hellespont near
and gives another his place as it were lever le cul i. to lift up or remove the buttock it is also called Hitchbuttock Levie French signifieth in Common Law to erect or sit up also to tax or gather money Leviathan an Hebrew word signifying a Whale or as some think a water-serpent of a vast bignesse Levigation or Laevigation lat a making plain or smooth Levitical belonging to the Tribe of Levi or to the Priestly office which in the time of the Law was the peculiar inheritance of that Tribe Levity lat lightnesse Lewis the chief Town of Sussex famous for the great pitcht battle fought between King Henry the third and the Barons of England Lewis the proper name of a man contracted from L●dowic Lewlin or Lewellin the proper name of a man signifying in the old Brittish tongue Lion●like and is equivalent to the Latin name Leontius and Leoninus Lexicon Greek a Vocabulary or Dictionary Lex talionis lat a law which recompenceth exactly one good or ill turn for another Leyerwit Lotherwit Sax. a liberty to take amends of him that defileth ones bondwoman without licence L H Lhan in the Brittish tongue signifieth a Church as Lhan Badern Vaur the Church of great Patern Lhan Stuphadon the Church of St. Stephens L I Libation or Libament lat an offering up or sacrificing to God the first taste of any thing that is eat or drunk Libb old word to geld from the Greek word thlibein i. to presse Libell lat a little book also a scandalous or invective writing secretly cast abroad or published by stealth also an original declaration of any action in the Civil Law Liberate the name of a warrant issuing out of the Chancery to the Treasurer Chamberlaines and Barons of the Exchequer for the payment of any annual pension or other sums granted under the Broad-Seal Liberation lat a freeing or delivering Liber Pater a name attributed to Bacchus the god of wine Libertas lat a priviledge held by grant or prescription whereby men injoy some benefit or favour beyond the ordinary subject also the name of a goddesse among the ancient Romans who had a Temple built unto her upon the hill Aventinus Libertatibus allocandis a Writ that lieth for a Citizen or Burgesse of a City who refusing or deferring to allow his priviledge is impleaded before the Kings Justices Libertinism lat the state and condition of a Libertine i. e. one born or made free a freeman also Libertinism or Libertinage is taken for sensuality licentiousnesse a dissolute life and conversation Libethra a Town seated upon the mountain Olympus of which it was foretold by the Oracle that all the inhabitants should be destroyed by a Sow when the Sun should behold Orpheus his bones which was thus verified A great multitude of people being gathered together to hear a Shepherd sing in the way which leadeth from Dion to Olympus a large Urn containing Orpheus his bones which stood in that place was overturned and his bones laid open to view and the very same day a great violent stream called Sys which in Greek signifieth a Sow overflowing destroyed the whole Town with all the people in it Libethra is also the name of a Fountain of Magnesia sacred to the Muses who are thence called Libethrides Libidinous lat sensual incontinent full of lustful desires Libitina an ancient goddesse worshipt by the Romans who was the Patronesse of Funerals Sepulchres and all things belonging to the dead Libral lat belonging to a weight or measure called Libra which is also the name of one of the 12 Signs of the Zodiack into which the Sun entring causeth the vernal Equinoctial Library lat a studdy or place where Books are kept Libration lat a weighing or ballancing Librata terrae see Farding deale of land Libya the fourth part of the World commonly called Africa Licence to arise in Common Law is a liberty given by the Court to a tenant that is essoynd de malo lecti in a reall action after he hath been viewed by Knights thereunto appointed until which time if the Demandant can prove that he hath been seen out of his chamber or walking up and down his grounds he shall be adjudged to be deceitfully essoyned Licentiate lat one that hath full licence or authority to practice in any Art the same with him that we commonly call Bachelour of Divinity or of Physick or of Civil Law and in Common Law a Barrister Licentious lat loose disorderly unruly Lichas a boy that waited upon Hercules by him Deianira sent the shirt ●hat was dipt in the Centaurs blood which Hercules having put on and perceiving the venome to seize upon his body he in a fury took Lichas by the hair of the head and flung him into the Sea where he was immediately changed into a Rock Lichfield a Town in Staffordshire by Bede called Licidfield i. the field of dead bodies from a great number of people who as some say were martyred here in the time of Dioclesian Lich-fowles ominous or ill-boding birds as the Night-raven and Lich-owle commonly called the Scritch-owle the word Lich signifying in the Saxon language a Carcase or dead body Licitation lat a cheapning a setting out to sale also an enhauncing of a price Licite lat lawfull allowable Lictorian lat belonging to the Lictors who were certain Officers among the ancient Romans twelve in number who carried the Axes and bundles of rods before the Magistrate they are now taken for the same as we commonly call Sergeants Liddesdale a Countrey in the South part of Scotland so called as it were a dale by the River Lidde Lide see Leed Lieftenant French as it were holding the place one that executeth any place Office or imployment in anothers stead or absence Lief or Leof Sax. rather Lief-hebber Sax. a Lover Liege French in Common-law is taken ●ither for the Liegelord or he that acknowledgeth Liegeancie or Fealty to his Liege Lord. Liegeancie or Ligeance French such a duty or fealty as no man may owe or bear to more then one Lord also Ligeance is used for the Territory or Dominions of the Liege Lord. Lierwit see Leyerwit Lifts in Navigation are certain ropes which serve to top the yard arms of all yards to make the ends of them hang higher or lower or even as we li●t Ligament or Ligature lat a band or string to tie with in Anatomy it is taken for the string wherewith the joynts of bones and gristles are fastned and knit together Ligation lat the act it self of tying or binding Ligne French to couple as Dogs with bitches Lignation lat a providing for or going to fetch wood Lignean or Ligneous lat woodden made of wood Lignum vitae the wood commonly called Aloes by the Arabians Calambuco Liguria a hilly Countrey of Italy reaching from the Ap●nnine to the Tuscan Sea Ligurion lat a glutton or devourer Liguration lat a ravenous devouring Lilie lat a kinde of specious flowr otherwise the rose
Wantage in the Saxon tongue Wanading a place in Bark-shire anciently a Mannour house of the Kings of England famous for being the birth-place of Alfred that prudent and learned Prince Wapentake a certain division of a County called also a hundred it is so called from an ancient custome wherein he that came to take the government of a hundred was met by all the better sort who came and touch't his Lance or Weapon by which Ceremony they were sworn and confederate Warbling of the wings a Term in Faulconry for after a Hawk hath mantled her self she crosses her wings together over her back which action is called the warbling of the wings Ward a portion of the Citie committed to the special charge of one of the 24 Aldermen also a part or division of a Forrest also the Heir of the Kings Tenant holding by Knights service during his nonage is called Ward whence Warden a Guardian or Oversee-er Warin a proper name in Latin Guarinus it comes from the German Gerwin i. all victorious Wardmote a Court kept in every Ward in London Wardstaff a kinde of petty Sergeanty which is a holding of Lands by this service namely to carry a load of straw in a Cart with six horses two roaps two men in harnesse to watch the said Wardstaff when it is brought to the place appointed Wardwit see Warwit Wardrobe Ital. Guardaroba a place where the Garments of Kings or great persons use to be kept and he that keeps the inventory of all things belonging to the Kings Wardrob is called Clark of the Kings great Wardrobe Wards and Liveries a certain Court erected in the time of King Henry the eighth Warrant or Warranty in Common-law is a Covenant made in a deed by one man unto another to warrant and secure himself and his Heirs against all men whatsoever for the injoying of any thing agreed upon between them it is called by the Civilians A●tipulati● Warren lat Varrenna or Vivarium a prescription or grant to a man from the King of having Pheasants Partridges Conies and Hares within certain of his Lands Warscot a contribution that was wont to be made towards Armour in the Saxons time Warwick the principal Town of Warwick-shire which with much probability is judged to be the same with that which anciently was called praesidium i. a Garrison for the Saxons called it Warringwyck the Brittains Caer G●arvick both which words seem to have sprung from the Brittish word Guarth which also signifieth a Garrison here the Captain of the Dalmatian hors-men kept his residence under the command of Dux Britanniae this Town is situate over the River Avon upon a steep Rock fortified with strong walls and a Castle toward the South-west Warwit or Wardwit a being quit of giving money for keeping of watches Wassail Sax. Waesheal i. be in health an ancient Ceremonious custome still used upon twelf day at night of going about with a great bowl of Ale drinking of healths taken from Rowena the daughter of Hengistus her Ceremony to King Vortiger to whom at a banquet she delivered with her own hands a Golden Cup full of wine Wast in Common-law is where a Tenant for Term of years or otherwise doth to the prejudice of the Heir or of him in the reversion make waste or spoyl of houses woods gardens orchards by pulling down the House cutting down Timber c. Water-line a Term in Navigation that line which ought to be the depth that a ship should swim in when she is laden a head and a stern Watling street see Ikenild street Wavey a Term in Blazon bearing a resemblance of the swelling wave of the Sea W E Weald of Kent the wooddy part of the Countrey from the Dutch word Wald which signifieth a Forrest or Wood. Wega the shining Harp Weapon salve that which cures a wound by being applied to the weapon that made it Weathercoil is when a ship being a Hull layeth her head the other way without loosing any of her sayl which is done by bearing up the Helm Weed or Wede Sax. a garment or suit of apparel Wedding a joyning in marriage from the Dutch word Wed i. e. a pledge Weigh a certain weight of Cheese or Wool containing 256 pounds of Av●ir du pois Weights see Aver du pois and Troy weight Welken an old Saxon word signifying a Cloud also the Element or Sky Weold or Wold Sax. a Forrest Werewolf or Manwolf Were signifying in the Saxon language a man a kinde of Sorcerer who by anointing his body and putting on an enchanted girdle takes upon him the shape and nature of a Wolf worrying and killing humane Creatures Weroance a name given to any great Lord among the West-Indians Werre or Were a certain pecuniary mulct anciently set upon a mans head for killing of a man Werregelt theft a thief that may be redeemed by Werre Westphalia a Province of Germany and one of the 12 Circles of the Empire containing in it 6 Bishopricks 3 principalities 7 free Cities with divers great Earledoms W H Wharfage a fee due for things landed at a wharf or brought thither to be exported While Sax. which Whitehart silver see Blacklow Forrest Whitespurres certain Squires made by the King Whitsuntide as it were the time of the white son also Whitsunday seemeth to signify as much as sacred Sunday from the Saxon word Wihed i. sacred being a certain feast celebrated in memory of the holy Ghost descending upon the Apostles in fiery tongues it is called in Greek Pentecost as being the 50th day from the Resurrection Whole-chace-boots large hunting or winter riding bootes summer riding bootes being called demichace Wh●odings plancks which are joyn'd and fastned along the ship-sides into the stem Whorlbat in lat Caestus a certain game or exercise among the ancients wherein they whirled leaden plummets at one another W I Wigornia the chief Citie of Worcestershire commonly called Worcester the Brittains call'd it Caer-Wrangon and CaerGuarangon the Saxons Weorgaceaster it was set on fire in the year 1041. by Hardy Cnute the Dane in revenge because the Citizens had slain his Huscarles it was also very much harrassed in the time of the Civil Wars in King Stephens reign but soon it flourish't again with greater splendour then before Wilfred Sax. much peace a proper name of men Saint Wilfrid's needle a certain narrow hole in the Church of Wakeman in Yorkshire wherein womens honesties were in times past tried for such as were chaste did easily passe through but such as had been faulty were miraculously held fast and could not get through William Dutch Wilhelm the proper name of a man the word signifying a defence to many Wilton a Town of Wiltshire in ancient times the principal Town of the whole Shire and from which it took its denomination that it was heretofore called Ellandunum appears by the Testimony of old Records when Weolstan being stiled Earle of Ellandunum it is farther added that is to say of Wilton here in a very
bloudy battel Egbert King of the West-Saxons overcame Beorwulf King of Mercia in the year of our salvation 821. here also about fifty years after King Aelfrid joyning battel with the Danes was at length put to the worst Wimple a plaited linnen cloath which Nuns wear about their necks also a flag or streamer Wimund Sax. sacred peace a proper name Winchester see Venta Windlasse a piece of Timber placed from one side of the ship to the other close abast the stem Windsore a Town in Bark-shire by the Saxons called Windleshore haply from the Winding-shore it is famous for a most stately Castle built by King Edward the third who in this Castle held prisoners at the same time John King of France and David King of Scots he also founded that Noble Order of the Garter of which see more in the word Knight there is likewise a magnificent Church begun by the same King and consecrated to the Virgin Marie but finisht by King Henry and Sir Reginald Bray Winefrid the name of an ancient Brittish Virgin Saint of whom it is reported that after her head was cut off by Cradacus there sprung up in the same place the Well which at this day is called Saint Winefrids Well and that Benno the Priest joyned her head again to her body it is also the proper name of divers women the word signifying in the Saxon tongue an obtainer of peace Winwidfield a place near Leeds in York-shire so called from the great victory which Oswy King of Northumberland had over Penda King of the Mercians wherein Penda was utterly overthrown Wippedfleed see Tanet Wisard a witch a cunning man one that telleth where things are that were lost some think it comes from the Saxon word Witega i. a Prophet Wiseacre the same from the Dutch words Waer i. truth and Sagen i. to tell it is vulgarly taken for a fool Witchcraft a certain evil Art whereby with the assistance of the Devil or evil Spirits some wonders may be wrought which exceed the common apprehension of men It cometh from the Dutch word Wiechelen i. to divine or guesse it is called in Latin Veneficium in Greek Pharmaceia i. the art of making poysons Withernam from the Dutch words Wider i. again and Namp i. a taking is in Common Law when a distresse is taken and driven into a hold or out of the County so that the Sheriff cannot upon the replevin make delivery thereof to the party distreined W O Woad a certain herb wherewith cloth is dyed blew it is called in Latin Guadum Glastum or Pastellum Woden a certain Idol worshipt by the ancient Saxons and thought to be the same with Mars or the god of Battle whence the fourth day of the week came to be called Wodensday or Wednseday Wodensburgh q. the Burgh or Town of Woden the abovenamed Idol a village in Wiltshire where in the year 590 Ceaulin King of the West-Saxons was in a bloody battle vanquisht by the Brittains and forced to end his dayes in exile Wolds Sax. mountains or hills without woods whence that part of Leicestershire lying Northward beyond the Wreken is called the Wold or Would of Leicestershire as being hilly without woods Wolfetchsod Sax. the condition of an Utlary upon whose head the same price was formerly set as on a Wolfs head to whomsoever should kill him Woodstock Sax. a wooddy place a Town in Oxfordshire where King Ethelred assembled the States of the Kingdom and enacted Laws here King Henry the first built a very magnificent Royal Palace in which King Henry the second that he might keep his Paramour Rosamund Clifford concealed built a Labyrinth with many intricate turnings and windings which was called Rosamunds Bower but it is so utterly effaced that at this day it is not to be discerned where it was In this Town Geffery Chau●er a most famous English Poet was brought up Woodward an officer of the Forrest whose function is to present any offence of Vert or Venison done within his charge and if he find any Deer killed or wounded to give the Verderer notice of it Woolwinders those that wind up fleeces of wool into a kind of bundle to be packt and sold by weight Worcester see Wigornia Wormatia a famous City of Germany built upon the River Rhene it is vulgarly called Worms and hath been sometime an Arch-Bishops See W R Wreath in Heraldry is that which is between the Mantle and the Crest called also a Torce also a Boares tail so termed among Hunters Wreck Fr. Varech Lat. Veriscum naufragium is when a ship perisheth at sea and no man escapeth alive in which case whatever goods are cast upon land belong to the King or the Lord of the soile but if any person come to land or if either dog or cat escape alive the goods return to the owner if he claim them within a year and a day Wreedt Dutch angry fierce furious whence the word wroth is commonly used by us for anger or fury Writ Lat. Breve because the intention of it is expounded in few words signifieth in Common Law the Kings precept whereby any thing is commanded to be done touching the suit of action as a defendant to be summoned a distresse to be taken c. It is called by the Civilians Actio or Formula W U Wulpher Sax. helper the proper name of a King of middle-Middle-England it answers to the Greek names Alex●as or Epicurus Wulfrunes Hampton from Wulfrune a devout woman who inriched the Town a Town in Staffordshire vulgarly called Wolverhampton X A XAnthi a certain people of Asia who were utterly destroyed by Cyrus his Lieutenant Harpagus Xanthippe the wife of Socrates a woman of a very froward and petulant disposition insomuch as Alcibies told Socrates that he wondred how he could indure to live with her to which he answered that he kept her to exercise his patience at home that he might the better bear the petulancy of others abroad Xantippus a famous Captain among the Lacedaemonians who assisting the Carthaginians overcame the Romans in a great battle and took Regulus the Consul prisoner Xantho one of the Sea-Nimphs the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys Xanthus a River of Troas called also Scamander X E Xenocrates a famous Chalcedonian Philosopher who succeeded in the Academy of Speusippus he was a man of a very strict and severe conversation Xenodochy Gr. an Inne or Hospital a place for the receiving of Pilgrims Strangers and Travellers Xenophon the son of Gryllus a famous Athenian Philosopher and expert Captain he went with an Army of 10000 men along with Cyrus into Persia and after Cyrus was slain brought back his Army with little losse through many strange Countries and divers great difficulties and dangers He was for his Eloquence stiled the Attick Muse and writ many choice and elegant books Xeriff the title of a Prince or Supream Ruler in Barbary Xerophthalmie Gr. a certain disease in the eyes which causeth a rednesse or sorenesse without
Cause at second hearing being a full answer to their Tenets 5. Re-assertion of Grace Vindiciae Evangelii or the Vindication of the Gospel a reply to Mr. Anthony Burghess Vindiciae Legis and to Mr. Ruthford by Robert Town 6. Anabaptists anatomized and silenced or a dispute with Master Tombs by Mr. J. Crag where all may receive clear satisfaction in that controversie the best extant Octavo 7. A Glimpse of Divine Light being an explication of some passages exhibited to the Commissioners of White Hall for Approbation of Publique Preachers against John Harrison of Land Chap. Lancash 8. The zealous Magistrate a Sermon by T. Threscos Quarto 9. New Jerusalem in a Sermon for the Society of Astrologers Quarto in the year 1651. 10. Divinity no enemy to Astrology A Sermon for the Society of Astrologers in the year 1643. by Dr. Thomas Swadling 11. Britannia Rediviva a Sermon before the Judges August 1648. by J. Shaw Minister of Hull 12. The Princesse Royal in a Sermon before the Judges March 24 by J. Shaw 13. Judgement set and Books opened Religion tried whether it be of God or Man in several Sermons by J. Webster Quarto 14. Israels Redemption or the Prophetical History of our Saviours Kingdom on Earth by K. Matton 15. The Cause and Cure of Ignorance Error and Prophanesse or a more hopeful way to Grace and Salvation by K. Young Octavo 16. A Bridle for the Times tending to still the murmuring to settle the wavering to stay the wandring and to strengthen the fainting by J. Brinsley of Yarmouth 17. Comforts against the fear of death wherein are discovered several Evidences of the work of Grace by J. Collins of Norwich 18. Jacobs Seed or the excellency of seeking God by prayer by Jer. Burroughs 19. The sum of Practical Divinity or the grounds of Religion in a Chatechistical way by Mr. Christopher Love late Minister of the Gospel a useful Piece 20. Heaven and Earth shaken a Treatise shewing how Kings and Princes their Governments are turned and changed by J. Davis Minister in ●over admirably useful and seriously to be considered in these times 21. The Treasure of the Soul wherein we are taught by dying to sin to attain to the perfect love of God 22. A Treatise of Contestation fit for these sad and troublesome times by J. Hall Bishop of Norwich 23. Select thoughts or choice helps for a pious spirit beholding the excellency of her Lord Jesus by J. Hall Bishop of Norwich 24. The Holy Order or Fraternity of Mourners in Zion to which is added Songs in the night or chearfulnesse under afflictions by J. Hall Bishop of Norwich 25. The Celestial Lamp enlightening every distressed Soul from the depth of everlasting darknesse by T. Fetisplace Admirable and Learned Treatises of Occult Sciences in Philosophy Magick Astrology Geomancy Chymistry Physiognomy and Chyromancy 26. Magick and Astrology vindicated by H. Warren 27. Lux Veritatis Judicial Astrology vindicated and demonology confuted by W. Ramsey Gent. 28. An Introduction to the Teutonick Philosophy being a determination of the Original of the Soul by C. Hotham Fellow or Peter-House in Cambridge 29. Cornelius Agrippa his fourth book of Occult Philosophy or Geomancy Magical Elements of Peter de Abona the nature of Spirits made English by R. Turner 30. Paracelsus Occult Philosophy of the Misteries of Nature and his Secret Alchimy 31. An Astrological Discourse with Mathematical Demonstrations proving the influence of the Planets and fixed Stars upon Elementary Bodies by Sir Chr. Heydon Knight 32. Merlinus Anglicus Junior the English Merlin revived or a Prediction upon the Affairs of Christendom for the year 1644. by W. Lilly 33. Englands Prophetical Merlin foretelling to all Nations of Europe till 1663. the actions depending upon the influences of the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter 1642. by W. Lilly 34 The Starry Messenger or an Interpretation of that strange apparition of three Suns seen in London the 19 of November 1644. being the Birth-day of King Charles by W. Lilly 35. The Worlds Catastrophe or Europes many Mutations until 1666. by W. Lilly 36. An Astrological Prediction of the Occurrences in England part of the years 1648 1649 1650. by W. Lilly 37. Monarchy or no Monarchy in England the Prophesie of the white King Grebner his Prophesie concerning Charles Son of Charles his greatness illustrated with several Hieroglyphicks by W. Lilly 38. Annus Tenebrosus or the Dark Year or Astrological Judgements upon two Lunary Eclipses and one admirable Eclipse of the Sun in England 1652. by W. Lilly 39. An easie and familiar Method whereby to judge the effects depending on Eclipses by W. Lilly 40. Supernatural Sights and Apparitions seen in London June 30. 1644. by W. Lilly as also all his Works in a Volume 41. Catastrophe Magnatum an Ephemerides for the year 1652. by N. Culpeper 42. Teratologia or a discovery of Gods Wonders manifested by bloody rain and waters by I. S. 43. Chyromancy or the Art of divining by the lines engraven in the hand of man by dame Nature in 198 Genitures with a Learned Discourse of the Soul of the World by G. Wharton Esq. 44. The admired Piece of Physiognomy and Chyromancy Metoposcopy the Symmetrical Proportions and Signal moles of the Body the Interpretation of Dreams to which is added the Art of Memory illustrated with figuers by R. Sanders in Folio 45. The no lesse exquisite then admirable Work Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum containing several Poetical Pieces of our famous English Philosophers who have written the Hermitique Mysteries in their own ancient Language faithfully collected into one Volume with Annotations thereon by the Indefatigable industry of Elias Ashmole Esq. illustrated with Figures Excellent Treatises in the Mathematicks Geometry of Arithmetick Surveying and other Arts or Mechanicks 46. The incomparable Treatise of Tactometria seu Tetagmenometria or the Geometry of Regulars practically proposed after a new and most expeditious manner together with the Natural or Vulgar by way of Mensural comparison and in the Solids not onely in respect of Magnitude or Demension but also of Gravity or Ponderosity according to any Metal assigned together with useful experiments of Measures and Weights observations on Gauging useful for those that are practised in the Art Metricald by T. Wibard 47. Tectonicon shewing the exact measuring of all manner of Land Squares Timber Stone Steeples Pillars Globes as also the making and use of the Carpenters Rule c. fit to be known by all Surveyors Land-meters Joyners Carpenters and Masons by L. Digges 48. The unparallel'd Work for ease and expedition intituled the exact Surveyor or the whole Art of Surveying of Land shewing how to plot all manner of Grounds whether small Inclosures Champain Plain Wood-Lands or Mountains by the Plain Table as also how to finde the Area or Content of any Land to Protect Reduce or Divide the same as also to take the Plot or Cart to make a Map of any mannor whether according to Rathburne or any other
wood of trees growing by the sea side especially in the North parts of Scotland and the Islands thereabouts They are also called Claik-geese and Soland-geese Bernard from the Dutch word Beornhart i. e. beares heart the proper name of a learned Monk of Burgundy who entred into the Monastery of Cisteaux Bernard Colledge a Colledge in Oxford re-edified by Sir Thomas White Citizen of London and called by a new name Trinity Colledge as Durham Colledge was repaired by Sir Thomas Pope and dedicated to St. John Baptist. Bernardines an Order of Monks instituted by Robert Abbot of the above-named Monastery whereof St. Bernard was the chief they were also called Cistertian Monks Bernet a Town in Hertfordshire famous for the great battle fought between the two Houses of York and Lancaster where Rich. Nevil Earle of Warick was slain Berry a Saxon word signifying a dwelling house a Lord of a Mannours seat Berth convenient room at sea to moor a ship in Bertha a womans name signifying in the German tongue bright or famous Berthinsec or Birdinsec a law in Scotland whereby a man cannot be hanged for stealing a sheep or so much meat as he can carry upon his back in a sack but onely scourged Bertram an herb called pellitory of Spain also a proper name See Ferdinando Berubium a Town in Strathnahern in Scotland now called Vrehead Besant an ancient coin of Gold otherwise called Bisantine from Byzantium i. e. Constantinople where it used to be coined It is uncertain what value it is of some attribute to it the value of a Ducket It is also a term in Heraldry by which they understand plates of Gold containing 104 pound and two ounces of Troy weight in value 3750 pound ster They were round and smooth without any representation on them Besieging is when a Planet is placed between the bodies of the two malevolents Besestein or Bisestano the name of the chief Exchange or Market-place in Constantinople Besyen trouble Bet old word better also quickly Bete old word help boot Beten old word to kindle Bethlem see Bedlem Betle or Betre a kind of Indian plant called Bastard-pepper Betonie a medicinal plant so called having many soveraign vertues Betrassed old word deceaved Betreint old word sprinkled Betroth from the Dutch word Betrouwen to make sure to promise one in marriage Beverage French a mingled drink Bevy a troop a company The Forresters say a Bevy of Roes Bewreck old word revenged Bewryen old word bewray'd Bezill see Beasel Bezoar a pretious stone bred in the maw of a Goat B I Bialacoyl old word fair welcoming Biace or Bias French that which makes the boule to run obliquely Bibacity Lat. the immoderate love of drink Bibliopolist Greek a Book-seller Bibliotheque Greek a study of books a library Bice a certain blue colour used by Painters Bid a boon old word to desire a request Bid-ale the setting up of one decayed in his estate by the liberality of friends invited or bid to a Feast Bicipital Lat. having two heads Bicorp●real signes are those signes which represent two bodies or double bodied as Gemini and Pisces Biennial Lat. of two years continuance Bifarious Lat. twofold or that may be taken two wayes Biformed Lat. having two shapes Bifront Lat. having two foreheads Bifur●ous Lat. twoforked Bigamy Greek the marriage of two wives at the same time which according to Common law hinders a man from taking holy Orders or one that is a prisoner from having the benefit of his Clergy Bigat a certain silver coin among the Romans from Bigia a chariot drawn with two horses which was stamped upon it Bigot French a scrupulous superstitious fellow Bilanciis deferendis a writ directed to a Corporation for the carrying of weights to a Haven to weigh the wools that are licenc't to be transported By-laws Orders made in Court leets or Court barons by common assent farther than the publick law binds In Scotland they are called Birlaw or Burlaw Bilbilis an ancient City of Hispania Tarraconensis famous for the birth of Martial the Latin Poet now called by some Calatayn'd Bilboa or Bilbo a City of Biscay in Spain where the best blades are made The Bildge or Buldge of a ship is the breadth of the flooce whereon the ship doth rest when she is a ground Bilinguis Lat. double-tongued also a Common law term signifying the jury that passeth between an Englishman and Alien whereof part are English and part Strangers Binarie Lat. the number of two Binarchy Greek a government where two onely bear sway Bindeweed a certain herb otherwise called With-wind Binne old word a manger also a place to put bread in Bint old word bound Bipartite Lat. divided into two parts Bipatent Lat. open on both sides Bipedal Lat. two-foot long Biquintile is an Aspect consisting of 141 degrees thus C●aractered Bq. Brigandes a kinde of wilde Goose. Birlet old word a Coife or Hood Bisexons Lat. of both Sexes Bismare old word curiosity Bison French a wilde one great-eyed and broad-fac't Bisque a fault at Tennis also a compound dish Bissextile Leap-year which is every fourth year wherein one day more then ordinary is added to February having commonly but 28 dayes and that odd day they call dies Intercalaris Bisumbres see Amphiscii Biton and Cleobis the two sons of Argia the Priestesse who for want of horses drew their Mothers Chariot to the Temple themselves whereupon their Mother requesting of the Gods a reward agreeable to their piety they were both found dead the next morning Bitressed see Betrassed Bittazle a close Cubbard placed on the steerage before the tiller whereon the Compasse doth stand Bits two square pieces of Timber commonly placed abast the manger in the loof of the ship Bittour a bird so called a kinde of Heron which they say hath three stones Bitume a kinde of slimy clay almost of the nature of brimstone or pitch also a kinde of liquor flowing out of mare mortuum that burns like Oyl Bituriges a certain people of Gallia aquitanica whose Countrey is now called Berry and their chief Citie Bourges Bizantin see Besant B L Black book of the Exchequer a book which treateth of all the ancient Ordnances and Orders of the Exchequer Blacklow a Hill in Warwick-shire upon which Pierce Gaveston whom King Edward the second raised from a base Estate to be Earle of Cornwall was beheaded by the Nobles for his insolencie Blackmore Forrest a Forrest in Dorcetshire called also the Forrest of Whitehart from a very beautifull Whitehart which King Henry the third going thither a hunting and taking great care to spare was killed by T. de la Linde which so incensed the King that he set a perpetual Fine upon the Land which at this day is called Whitehart silver Black-rod the Usher belonging to the Order of the Garter so called from the Black-rod he carrieth in his hand he is also of the Kings Chamber and of the Lords House in Parliament Black buried gone to Hell A Blain a
blister Blanch French white also the proper name of a woman frequent in England Blandiloquence Lat. a flattring or speaking fair Blandishment French a flattring or soothing with fair speeches Blankers white furniture Blankmanger French a kinde of delicious meat made of Rice Almond milk Capons brains and other things Blasco an Island in the mouth of the River Rhene now called Languillade Blase Greek Blasios a proper name signifying sprouting forth Blatant barking bawling Blateration Lat. vain-babling Blaze Dutch to spread abroad Blazon French the description of a Coat of Arms. Blay or bleak a kinde of fish of a whitish colour Ble old word sight view Bleach to whiten to dry in the sun Blemishes marks made by hunters where the Deer hath gone Blend to mix to mingle together Blent old word stayed ceased turn'd back Blepharon Greek he that hath great eye-brows Blesiloquent Lat. faltering in speech stammering Blue-bottle a kinde of blue flowr so called Blue-mantle the name of an Office belonging to one of the Pursevants of Arms. Blight an Herb called burnt-corn or the black Chameleon Thistle Blinkard one that looks ask●w or with distorted eyes Blinks a Term in hunting boughs rent from Trees and cast overtwhart the way where a Deer is likely to passe thereby to hinder his running they are called in French Brisees Blissome to tup as the Ram doth the Ewe Blite an Herb so called Blith an old British word that signifies yielding milk profitable also Blith or Blithsome is used for pleasant or jovial Blive old word readily fast Blo old word blue Blocks in Navigation are those small woodden things wherein the running ropes do run Blomary the first forge in an Iron-Mill through which the Iron doth passe after It is melted out of the Mine Bloom to blossome Blote to smoke from the Dutch word bloet i. e. bloud Bloudy-hand see Dogdraw Bloud-wit an old Saxon word used in Charters of liberties anciently granted signifying an Amerciament for shedding of bloud Blunder to keep a pudder bestir ones self Blyn old word to cease B O Boa a kind of diseases incident to children which fills them full of red pimples which is called by Physicians Rubella or the Measels Boanerges Hebr. sons of Thunder Boas a kinde of Serpent which being nourish't with Cows milk grow's to a monstrous greatnesse in so much as one of them having been killed there was found an Infant whole in its belly Plin. Boatswain a Term of Navigation the Subpilot he that swayeth or governeth a boat or ship under the chief Pilot. Boccone Ital. a morsel or bit also poyson Bockland a Term in Law land held by book or charter Bodotria or Bederia the ancient name of a Town in Scotland now called Edenburgh Frith or the Forth and Frith Boeotia a Countrey in Greece formerly called Ogygia and separated from Attica by the Hill Cytheron Bohemia a part of Germany beyond the Danow whose chief Citie is Prague Boistous old word halting lame lowly Bole-armoniack a kind of earth or soft crumbling-stone which is found in a part of Armenia used by Painters to make a kinde of faint red colour Boline a Term in Navigation signifying the Coard in a ship with which Mariners use to draw the sayl that it may gather winde Bollen old word swelled Bollingbroke a Castle in Lincoln-shire famous for being the birth-place of King Henry the fourth who was called Henry of Bolling-broke Bolmong a medley of several Granes together it is also called Masselin or Mong-corn Boltsprit a Term in Navigation a mast at the head of a ship Bombasine a stuffe made of Bombast or Cotton Bombard a kinde of Gunne or piece of Ordnance Bombilation Lat. a humming of Bees Bombycinous made of silk from the Latin word Bom●yx i. e. silk Bona Patria a Term of the practick or law in Scotland signifies the choosing of twelve men out of any part of the Countrey to passe upon Assise who are called Jurators Bonaght a certain tax formerly exacted in Ireland for the maintenance of the Knights called Bonaghty Bonair see debonair Bona a womans name signifying in Latin good Bonasus a wilde beast having the head of a bull and the body of a horse Bonaventure Lat. good luck the proper name of a famous holy Fryer of St. Francis Order and of divers other Eminent men Bonet a kinde of a Cap. Bonewell the name of a pretty Well near Richards Castle in Hereford-shire so called because it is alwayes full of little fish bones or as some think of small Frog bones although they be from time to time quite drawn out of it Bongrace French good grace handsome behaviour also a kinde of covering for Childrens foreheads to keep them from the heat of the Sun Bonhommes French an order of Fryers instituted by St. Francis de Paula they were also called Fryer Minims or Minorites Boniface Lat. quasi well-doer the proper name of several Popes and divers other eminent men Bonjour a salutation used in French being as much as good morrow with us Bonito a kinde of fish so called from the French word Bondir to leap up Bonium the ancient name of the Monasterie of Bangor in Cheshire where Pelagius the Heretick was brought up Boodeth old word sheweth Boolie old word beloved Boon old word a request Boot of Bale old word ease of sorrow's Bootes a North-star near Charles wain called also Bubulcus or Arctophylax which the Poets fain'd to have been Arcas the son of Calisto who was changed into a Bear and plac't also among the signs Boracho a Spanish word signifying a bottle made of a Pigg's skin with the hair inward dress't with rozen and Pitch Borage a kinde of Herb good for the heart and to expel melancholy Borax or Borace a hard and shining mineral like green earth wherewith Goldsmiths use to soder Gold or Silver It is also called Chrysocolla Borbonia a Dukedome in France which began from the line of Philip de Valois Bordel Ital. a Brothel-house Bordlanders the demesns that Lords keep in their hands for the maintenance of their bord or table Borduce in Heraldry is a circumference or tract of one mettal colour or fur drawn about the armes and it contains the first part of the field Boreas the son of Astraeus or as some say of Strymon he married Orithya the daughter of Erichthonius King of Athens and begate Zetes and Calais It is also the name of the North wind Borith an herb which Fullers use for the taking of spots out of cloth Born old word to burnish Borough see Bourrough Borrell old word attire on the head Borrow old word a pledge a surety Borysthenes the greatest River in Scythia next to Ister Boscage a place set thick with trees also a term in painting a picture that represents much wood or trees Bosenham or Boseham a pleasant Town in Sussex where K. Harald liv'd retired for his recreation and lanching forth into the sea in a little Bark he was carried by contrary winds into
voice a crying out or exclaiming Voculation lat a giving a word its right tone or accent Vogue French powr swey authority Voidance a want of an incumbent upon a benefice Voider a Term in Heraldry being an Ordinary consisting of an Archline moderate bowing from the corner of the chief toward the Nombrill of the Escotcheon Voiding a Term in Heraldry being an exemption of some part of the inward substance of things voidable by reason whereof the field is transparent through the charge Vo●sinage French neighbourhood Volant or Volatical lat flying or passing swiftly away Volatil lat a Term in Chimystry unfixt apt to evaporate Volitation lat a flying often Volta Ital. a course or turn in riding or in dancing Volubility lat facility or aptnesse in turning about or changing also a quick and easie delivery in speech or pronunciation Voluntary lat done willingly without force or constraint Voluptuous lat given to pleasures or delights Volutation lat a tumbling rolling or wallowing Volutina a certain goddesse among the Romans who according to Varro was said to be the overseer of the little cups or sheaths of Corn wherein the Grain is inclosed which in Latin is called Involucrum as Hostilina was to take care that the Corn was supplied with new ears which is called in Latin Exaequatio or Hostimentum Vomanus a River of Picenum in Italy Vomition lat a vomiting or spewing Voracity lat greedinesse gluttony aptnesse to devour Voraginous lat swallowing up like a Vorago i. a Whirlpool Gulf or Quagmire Voration lat a devouring Votary lat he that binds himself to the performance favour Voucher in Common-law is a calling of one into the Court to warrant or make good Lands bought with warranty for the secure injoying thereof against all men Vowel a letter which soundeth of it self without the help of a consonant U R Vrania see Muses Vranoscopy Greek a viewing or contemplating of the heavens Vrbanity lat the fashion of the City civility courtesie gentlenesse in speech or behaviour Vreter Greek the passage of the Urine from the Reins to the Bladder Vricornium in old times a very famous Citie and the principal in Shropshire built by the Romans the Saxons called it Wrekencoaster from the Hill Wreken near which it stood it is now but a poor Village and called Wreckceter or Wroxcester Vrim and Thummim Hebrew lights and perfections 12 precious stones in the breast-plate of the High-priest which shon like the flame of fire Vrinator lat a diver or swimmer under water Vrn lat a certain Vessel among the ancients where the ashes of dead bodies that had been burnt were kept hence it is taken for any grave or sepulcher it signifieth also a certain liquid measure containing two gallons and a pottle Vroscopy Gr. an inspection of Urines commonly called a casting of water Vrsa Major the great Bear a constellation in the heaven Vrsine lat belonging to a Bear Vrsula the proper name of a woman signifying in Latin a little she Bear Vre Greek from Oros a mountain a kinde of wilde Oxe U S Vsquebagh a strong liquour used among the Irish signifying in that language as much as Aqua vitae Vstion lat a burning Vstulation lat the same also a curling with hot irons Vsufructuary lat reaping the profit of that thing whose propriety belongs to another Vsury lat the taking of interest or use-money for any summe lent Vsurpation lat a having or possessing against right or equity U T Vtas the eighth day following any term or feast Vtensil lat houshold-stuff that which is usefull and necessary about a house Vterine latin belonging to the womb Vtlarie in Latin Vtlagatio a punishment for such as being called into Law do contemptuously refuse to appear whereby they forfeit their goods or lands to the King or State Vtopia the feigned name of a Countrey described by Sir Thomas More as the pattern of a well govern'd Common-wealth hence it is taken by Metaphor for any imaginary or feigned place U V Vveal lat belonging to a Grape like a Grape Vvid lat moist or wet Vulcan the God of fire the son of Jupiter and Juno he was thrown out of heaven for his deformity into the Isle of Lemnos by which fall he became lame he was brought up by Eurynome the daughter of Oceanus and Thetis he was the master of the Cyclops and made Thunderbolts for Jupiter also Hermione's bracelet Ariadne's Crown the Chariot of the Sun the Armour of Achilles and Aeneas c. he would have married Minerva but she refusing him he married Venus whom he having caught in bed with Mars threw a Net over them and exposed them to the view of all the gods Vulgarity lat a being common vulgar or publickly known Vulneration lat a wounding or hurting Vulpine lat belonging to or like a Fox crafty subtle Vulsion lat a pulling Vulturine lat belonging to a Vultur or Geyr being a ravenous kind of bird Vulturnus a certain Town of Campania with a River of the same name Vvula lat the pallat of the mouth U X Vxellodunum a Town of Quercy in France vulgarly called Cadenack Vxorious lat belonging to a wife also fond or doating upon a wife U Z Vzita a Citie of Africa called by Strabo Uxitas W A WAdham Colledge a Colledge in the University of Oxford so called from the name of him that erected it Wafters a Term in Navigation men of War that attend merchants ships to conduct them safe along Wage see Gage To Wage Law to prosecute a law sute A Wagtail a kinde of bird otherwise called a Waterswallow in Latin Motacilla in Ital. Ballarina Waif or Waive the same which the Civilians call derelictum any thing whether it be Cattel strayed or goods stolen and quitted upon Hue and Cry which being found are to be proclaimed sundry Market dayes and if they challenge them within a year and a day are to be restored otherwise they are to belong to the Lord of the Franchise also as a man forsaken of the Law to which he was sworn is said out-lawed so a woman not being sworn to the Law is called Waive Wain Dutch a decreasing defect or want Waive see Waif Wakes certain feasts and solemnities which use to be kept the week after that Saints day to whom the Parish Church was dedicated Walbury Sax. gratious an ancient proper name of several women Waldwin a proper name signifying in the German tongue a Conquerour answerable to the Latin name Victor for Waldin we now use Gawen Walereared a Term in Navigation not shipshapen or when a ship is built right up Walter the proper name of a man signifying in Dutch a Pilgrim or as others say a Woodman Wandsdike contracted from the Saxon Wodensdike i. the Ditch of Woden the Brittish Mars a Ditch of wonderfull work in Wiltshire many miles in length near which Ina King of the West Saxons and Ceo●red King of the Mercians joyned battel and departed the field on even hand