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A21201 The copie of a letter sent in to Scotlande of the arivall and landynge, and most noble marryage of ... Philippe, prynce of Spaine to the ... Princes Marye quene of England solemnisated [sic] in the citie of Winchester : and howe he was receyved ... at Windsore, and of his ... entries in ... London : whereunto is added a brefe ouerture or openyng of the legacion of the most reuerend father in God Lord Cardinall Poole ... for the reconcilement of the realme of Englande to the vnitie of the Catholyke churche : with the very copye also of the supplycaciõ exhibited to their highnesses by the three estates assembled in the parlamente, wherin they representing the whole body of the realme ... haue submitted thes̃elues to the popes holynesse. Elder, John, fl. 1555. 1555 (1555) STC 7552; ESTC S105462 27,175 96

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bora est iam nos de somno surgere caet WHyche parcell of Scripture was so Godlye and so clearkelye handeled by him as no manne alyue all flattery doutles set aparte was able to meande it And there as saincte Paule exhorted the Romaines to caste awaye the workes of darkenes and to put on the Armoure of lyght c. Euenso his Lordshippe exhorted wished and willed yea and with all his hart desyered and praied all Englysh men and others which hadde slepte in Englande these one and twenty yeares in detestable Here●…yes and erronious Doctrines to forsake the deuel the fleshe and the worlde which was the occa●…yon of all euill and to embrace God and hys holye Catholyke fayth whyche fayth was tau●…hte by him preached by hys Apostles and receued of thē by the auncient olde fathers in the primitiue churche Whyche faith also hath cōtinued through al Christendom from age to age and also in Englande vntil kīg Henry the Eight toke on hym to be Supreme head of the church Frō which tyme vnto the reygne of the Quenes magestie y ● now is his lordshippe declared what miseries what calamities what sorowes and griefes Englande had susteaned What malice what enuie and ha tred what falshed what crafte subtiltie had reygned emongest all degrees in Englande What abhominable Herisyes what synistrat and erronious opinions were ill Englande withoute anye restreynt taught and receaued what tumultes and insurrections to the castinge awaye of manye and to the empoueryshynge of all were in dyuers quarters of the same And finallye vnto what ruyne and decaie the realme of England was like to come yf almyghtye god of hys goodnes had not blest the same in tyme with hys moste holye handes These wyth manye other notable yea and lamentable lessons to longe here to bee rehersed hys Lordeshyppe there declared whyche moued a greate numbre of the audience with sorowfull syghes and wepynge teares to chaunge theyr cheere In thys same selfe sermon he declared also how xix yeares agoe at that tyme when the insurreccion was in the north of England in defence of religion that king Henry the eyght was minded to haue geuen ouer the Supremacy to the Popes Holines but the leat therof was then because he thoughte it woulde be sayed it shoulde haue been done for feare He declared also how the said king sente him and Syr Henry Kneuet Knyghte to the Emperoure exhorting his Imperial maiesty to be intercessour for him to the Poope to receyue the supremacye but it tooke none effect because the time was not He declared further howe in kinge Edwardes dayes the counsell were once mynded to haue the Pope restored to y e Supremacy but the let therof was in those daies because as it was supposed it would haue ben sayd that the Realme could not be defended durynge the kynges minoritie without the Popes adsistaunce And finally he declared how the Quenes magestie at her coronacyō thoughte for to haue restored the Popes holynes to his Supremacy but the tyme he sayed was not then But now sayd he the tyme is cum that the kinges and Quenes magesties haue restored our holy father the Pope to his Supremacy And the thre Estates assembled in the parliament representing y e whole body of thys noble Empire of Englād and dominions of the same haue submitted them selues to his holynes and his successours foreuer He declared also howe that the moste Reuerende Father in God Lorde Cardinall Poole beinge there put by the kinge was sent in England as deputed Legat and Ambassadoure from the Sea Apostolyke of Rome hauinge full and ample commission from the Popes holynes to blesse the realme of Englande And here also he declared howe muche bounde Englande is to thanke God who of his deuine prou●…dence hath appointed suche a godlye and vertuous Prynce as the kynge that nowe is he beinge sonne to loo victorious and moste riche an Emperour and he beinge also so riche a Prince him selfe to ioyne in mariage with the Quenes Maiestie Who for the moste hartye loue that he had to hir hyghenes lefte his owne countreys realmes and regions to strengthē hir most noble grace to enriche her Empyre of England And so to conclude his lord shippe declared that all the premisses being well remembred consydered of all the audience And also the kyng and Quenes maiesties Godly procedinges beinge of them and all other theyr true subiectes hartely embraced and faithfully followed They al then mighte synge with the Angell whiche appered to the shepherde at the natyuytie and birth of oure sauioure Iesus Christe Gloria in excelsis deo et in terra pax hominibus c. And finally to say with the Prophet and Psalmist Dauid Haec es●… dies quam fecit dominus exultemus etletemur in ea Whiche sermon beeyng done the kynges magestie departed to wardes Westminster with his highnes my lord Cardinall with the crosse only borne before him Syns the day of whiche sermō all suche thynges as were amis and out of order here begin now to cum in rule and square and occupye their auncyente and accustomed places And the moste holy Catholike fayth and true relygion of Christ whyche in Englande hath been thys long tyme behynde the post and in Captiuitie is now being delyuered and cummyng home agayne of all bothe younge and olde embraced worshipped honoured And all erronious doctrine heretical bokes with the teachers setters fourth of the same are cōuicted abolished yea explosed and dryuen out of Englande for euer And finallye all they whiche were herers and fauorers of them nowe layinge theyr handes to theyr heartes and perceauinge theym selues seduced and deceaued by suche meanes are sory and do hartlye repent mynding faithfully from hensforth their fautes to amend Amongest whome I can no les do ●…y very good lorde thenne numbre my selfe as one For althoughe I was neuer praysed by god associated with any which wer erronious or suspected to be fautours and defendours of hereticall and sinistrate opinions but liuinge vnder silence during the two late kinges procedinges haue kept my selfe clere on euery side Yet neuertheles as oftē as I haue do remēber w e my selfe how lasciuiously I liued in Eng lād these xx yeres y e most part thereof haue followed the same trade of liberty voluptuous liuing as a great nūbre haue done where I myghte haue had endeuoured myselfe in the meane season to vertuous learning and studye I can no les doe then lament ▪ and be sory yea and with all my hart to repente as others doe Purposinge by Gods grace with them to mend my most miserable and synfull lyfe and so to continew to my lyues ende In whiche doing I with those whiche haue thus offēded they with me may be assured that our Sauiour Christ according vnto his owne infallible wordes spoken of one in the name of al sinners wil haue mercy pity compassion on vs saying
The Copie of a letter sent in to Scotlande of the ariuall and landynge and moste noble marryage of the moste Illustre Prynce Philippe Prynce of Spaine to the most excellente Princes Marye Quene of England solemnisated in the Citie of Winchester and howe he was receyued and installed at Windsore and of his triumphyng entries in the noble Citie of London ¶ Wherunto is added a brefe ouerture or openyng of the legacion of the most reuerende father in God Lorde Cardinall Poole from the Sea Apostolyke of Rome with the substaunce of his oracyon to the kyng and Quenes Magestie for the reconcilement of the Realme of Englande to the vnitie of the Catholyke churche With the very copye also of the Supplycaciō exhibited to their highnesses by the three Estates assembled in the parlamente Wherin they representing the whole body of the Realme and dominions of the same haue submitted thēselues to the Popes Holynesse To the ryghte reuerende his very especial good lord lord Robert Stuarde Bishoppe of Cathenes ꝓuest of Dūbritane Colledge in Scotland Iohn Elder his humble oratour wisheth health and prosperous felicitie ALthough I haue ben minded diuers times my very good lord for to haue writtē to your Lordeship such newes as haue occurred here in time of peace or els where yet neuertheles by reason of vnnaturall warres betwixt both these Realmes of Englande Scotlande at whiche tyme I woulde not presume to wryte to forē places and partly because I could mete with none which had accesse to the place where you remained I haue therfore been let ted from so doing hetherto from tyme to tyme. And where as I haue good occasion ministred now to write by reason of suche most noble newes as are in Eng land at this presēt I wil so briefly as I maye aduertis you of the same Therfore your Lordeship shall vnderstande That Philip by the grace of god king of England Fraunce Naples Hierusalem and Irelande and sonne to the most fortunate and most victorious Monarche Charles the fifte of that name nowe Emperour of rome arriued to the coast of Englande with a nauy of vii score saile and landed at South hāpton in Hamshire within ten ●…le of the Citie of Winchester on friday the. xx day of Iuly last at iii. of the clocke at after none At whiche towne the Quenes maiestie being seuen mile from thens the Lordes of the counsel diuerse other Noble men most louyngly welcomed him where in the meane season my lord the Erll of Arundel lord Steward of Englande put a very riche garter about his left legge And there to recreat him selfe after the Sea with suche noble men as came with him he continued friday satterday and Sundaye Thā the next mūday which was the. xxiii of Iuli his highnes came to the Citie of winchester at vi of the clocke at nighte the noble men of Englande and his nobles riding one with an other before him in good order through the Citie euery one placed according to his vocacion and office he riding on a faire white horse in a riche coate embrodred with gold his doubl●…t hosen and hat suite like with a white fetherin his hat very faire And after he lighted ▪ he came the hie waye towardes the weast dore of the cathedrall churche where he was most reuerently receiued wyth professiō by my lorde the Bishop of winchester now lord Chan̄celler of Englād v. other Bishops mitred coped and staued where also after he had kneled kissed ●…he Crucifix and done his praier ●…e ascended from thens v. steps vpon a skafholde whiche was ●…ade for the solemnizaciō of his ●…ariage and vntill he came to ●…he Quere doore the procession ●…ong Laus honor et Virtus And after ●…e had entred the Quere per●…eiued the moste holy Sacrament he put of his cap and went bare headed with greate humilitie vntil he entred his seat or tra ues as they cal it where after he had kneled my Lorde Caunceller began Tedeum Laudamus and the Quere together with the Orgās song and plaied the rest Whiche beig doen he was brought with torch light to the Deanes house the lordes going before him and the Quenes garde in their riche coates stāding al the way which house was very gorgeously prepared for him adioining to my lorde the Bishop of winchesters palaice where the Quenes highnes then lay not passing a paire of but lengthes betwene Thys nighte after he had sopped at x. of the clocke as I am crediblye informed he was brought by the counsell a priuie waye to the quene Where her grace verye louingly yea and most ioyfullye receyued him And after that thei had talked together half an hour they kissed and departed I am crediblie informed also that at his departing he desired the quenes highnes to teache hym what he should say to the lordes in English at his departing and she tolde him he should say Good night my Lordes all And as he came by the lordes he ●…aid as the Quene had taught him So the nexte Tuesdaye at three of the clocke he went to the Quene frō the Deanes house a fote where euery body mighte see him The Lorde Stewarde The Erle of Darbey the Erll of Penbroke with diuers other lordes and noble menne as well Englishe as others wēt before him he going alone in a cloke of blacke cloth enbroidred with siluer a paire of white hose And after that he had entred the Courte where all kinde of Instrumentes played very melodiously and came with in the hal wher the Quenes ma gestie was standyng on a skafhold hir highnes descended and amiably receauing him did kisse him in presense of all the people And thē taking him by the right hande they went together in the chaumber of presence where after they had in sighte of all the lordes and ladies a quarter of an houre pleasantly talked cōmuned together vnder the cloth of Estate and eche of them merily smylyng on other to the greate comforte and reioising of the beholders he toke his leue of her grace departed towardes the Cathedrall churche to Euensōg al the lordes as I haue said going before him where also frō the Courte hal dore to the courte gate all the pensioners and the garde as he and the lordes wēt stode all along on both sides the wape ●…uensong being done he was very princely broughte frō the churche with torche lyghte vnto the Deanes house agayne Then wedins daye being ●…āct Iames daie and the. xxv of Iu ly his highnes at x. of the clocke and his nobles before him went to the Cathedral churche and remayned there the dores beyng very straightlie kepte vntyll the Quenes highnes came whose magestie with al her counsel and nobilitie before her came thyther at half houre to a leuen And entring at the west dore of the said Cathedrall churche where her grace was receaued the satterday before in like maner
affectiō loue that he bare to thys realme being his natiue coūtry gaue to henry the. ii king of Englād y ● right seniory of the dominiō of Irelād whiche pertained to y e see of Rome I wil not reherse y ● manifold benefites y ● this realme hath receaued frō y ● Apostolike sea nor how ready the same hath been to reliue vs in all our necessities Nor I wil not re hearse the manifolde miseries and calamities that this Realme hath suffred by swaruing from that vnitie And euen as in thys Realme so in all other countries which refusing the vnitie of the Catholike fayth haue followed fātastical doctryne y ● like plages haue happened Let Asia and the Empire of Grece be a spectacle vnto y ● world who by swaruing from the vnitie of the Churche of Rome are broughte into captiuitie and subieccion of the Turke All storyes be full of like examples And to cum vnto latter tyme loke vpō our nie neigh bours of germany who by swarving from this vnitie are miserablye afflicted with diuersitie of sectes deuided in faccions What shal I rehearse vnto you the ●…umultes effusion of blood that hath happened there in late dayes Or trouble you with the rehersal of those plages y ● haue happened sins this Innouacion of religion wherof you haue felt the bitternes and I haue hearde the reporte Of al which matters I can say nomore but suche was the misery of the tyme. And see how farre forth this furie went For those that liue vnder the Turke may frely liue after their conscience and so was it not lawfull here Yf men examined wel vpon what groundes these Innouations began they shall well finde that the rote of thys as of many other mischieffes was avarice And that the lust Carnal affeccion of one mā confounded all lawes both deuine and humane And notwithstanding all these deuises pollicies practised within thys Realme against the church of Rome they neded not to haue loste you but that they sought rather as frēdes to reconcile you then as enemies to enfeaste you For they wanted not great offers of the most mightie Potentates in all Europe to haue ayded the church in that quarell Then marke the sequel ther semed by these chaun ges to rise a gret face of riches gayne which in profe cam to gret misery and lacke Se howe god then can confounde the wisdome of the wise and turne vniust pollicy to mere folye and that thing that semed to be done for reliefe was cause of playne ruyne and decay Yet see that goodnes of God which at no tyme fayled vs but moste benignlye offered hys grace when it was of our partes leaste soughte and worste deserued And when all lyghte of true religiō seamed vtterly extīcte as the churches defaced the aulters ouerthrowen the ministers corrupted ●…euen lyke as in a lampe the lyghte beyng cou●…red yet it is not quenched euē so in a few remained the confessiō of Christes fayth namely in the brest of the Quenes excellency of whom to speake wythoute adulacyon the saing of the Prophet may be verified Ecce quasi der elicta And see howe miraculouslye GOD of hys goodnes preserued her hyghenes contrarye to the expectacyon of manne That when numbers conspyred agaynste her and pollicies were deuised to disherit hir and armed power prepared to destroye hir yet she being a Uirgin helples naked and vnarmed preuailed had the victorye ouer tyrauntes which is not to be ascribed to any pollici of mā but to the almighty greate goodnes prouidence of God to whome the honoure is to be geuen And therfore it may be sayd Da gloriam deo For in mannes iudgemente on her graces parte was nothinge in apparance but dispayre And yet for all these practises deuises of ill mē here you se hir grace established in hir estate being your lawful Quene and Gouernes borne amonge you whome God hathe appointed to reigne ouer you for the restitucion of true religion and extirpacion of all erroures sectes And to confirme hir grace the more stronglye in thys enterprise Lo howe the prouidence of God hath ioyned her in mariage with a Prince of like religion who beinge a kinge of great might armour and force yet vseth towardes you neyther Armour nor force but seketh you by the waye of loue and amitie in whiche respecte greate cause you haue to gyue thankes to almighty God that hathe sent you suche Catholyke Gouernours It shal be therfore your parte againe to loue obey and serue them And as it was a synguler fauoure of God to conioyue theym in maryage so it is not to be doubted but that he shal sende them yssue for the comforte and suerty of thys common wealthe Of all Prynces in Europe the Emperours hath trauayled most in the cause of religion as it appereth by hys actes in Germany ▪ yet happly by some secret iudgement of god he hath not atchiued the ende with whom in my iourney hetherwardes I had conference touchinge my Legation whereof when he had vnderstandinge he shewed great apperaunce of most ernest ioye and gladnes saying that it reioysed him no les of there concilemēt of this realme vnto christian vnitie then that his sonne was placed by mariage in y ● king dome And most glad of all that the occasion thereof shuld come by me beinge an English manne borne whiche is as it were to call home oure selues I can wel compare hym to Dauid whiche thoughe he were a manne electe of GOD yet for that he was contaminate with bloode war coulde not builde the temple of I●…rusalem but lefte the finishynge therof to Salomon whiche was Rex pacificus So may it be thoughte that the appeasing of controuersies of religion in Christianity is not appoynted to this Emperour but rather to his sonne who shal perfourme the buildyng that his father hath begun which church cannot be perfitly builded wythout vniuersallye in all Realmes we adhere to one head and do acknowledge hym to be the vica●… of god and to haue power from a boue For al power is of God accordyng to the saying Non est potestas nisi adeo And therefore I consider that all power being in god yet for the conseruacion of quiet godly life in the world he hath deriued that power from aboue into two partes here in earthe whiche is in the power Imperial and ecclesiasticall And these two powers as they be seuerall and distinct so haue they two seueral effectes and operacions For seculer Princes to whom the Tēporall swerde is committed be ministers of god to execute vengeaunce vpon transgressours ill liuers and to preserue the wel doers and innocentes from iniury and violence Which power is represented in these two most excellence persons the king and Quenes Magesties here preesēt who haue this power committed vnto theim Immediatlye from god wythout any superioure in that behalfe The other power is of ministracyon
Nolo mortem peccatoris sed magis ut cōuertatur et uiuat And thus England and al we that dwel therein accoumpt our selues not onely happy yea and most happy which from so many outragious stormes of errours cares and calamities are thus called home agayne to the sure hauen and porte of the most holy Catholyke faythe But also we do beleue with our very hartes and do confesse with al our mouthes that almighty God of hys deuine prouidēce hath preserued and kept iii. persons as lode ▪ star res and chiefe guydes for the defending inbringinge and restoring of Englande thus to the vnitie of Christes churche The first is the Quenes maiestie who being from her infācye a Uirgin and immaculate from all spottes of heresies it hath pleased God to defende hir ayde hir and saue her frō the hādes power and might of her enemies And geuing he●… y ● victorye ouer them in twinkelinge of an iye whiche as roaryng Lions would haue deuoured her The second is my lord Cardinal who beyng an exile out of hys natiue countreth Englande these xxi yeares for the two causes before mencioned and in the meane season so abhorred so hated and so detested as no man durst scars ones name him whō the quenes magestie nowe hath restored to his bloud and to the honor of his house And the thirde is my lorde the Bishop of wynchester Lord●… Chaunceller of England against whom from tyme to tyme suche sharpe snares haue been layed and suche ordinaunce leueled for that he fauored and wold haue had to his power defended y ● most holy Catholicke fayth that it is a wounder howe he hathescaped and speciallye at hys late being in London Toure But suche are the woorkes of GOD the author of all goodnesse who alwayes when it pleaseth him plucketh downe and deposeth the proude and hyghe minded and defendeth and exalteth the humble lowe of Spirite So that now all Christe ndō as well as Englande doth con fesse that these forenamed iii. per sons haue been thus throughe the prouidence of god moste hap ply defended preserued and kept frō their enemies hādes aboue the expectacion and iudgement of all menne for the restoring of Englande agayne to the vnitie of Christes religion Whiche no dout it is shalbe to the glorye of God the wealth of Englande to the perpetuall peace loue and quietnes of this most noble and hole yle of Britayn Other newes I haue none but those newes which most Ioifully reioyseth all Englande That the Quenes magestie is conceaued with Childe whom our Lord long preserue and send hir highnes a gracyous delyueraunce And also that in Christmasse holydayes the Prynce of Piemont arryued in Englande and shortly after hym the prynce of Orēge whiche are very pryncely intreated with the king and Quenes Magesties And beecause I thought youre lordeship woulde be somwhat desirous to knowe the stature and shape of this noble prince the kynges magestie of Englande that nowe is whō you haue not yet sene I thought it not muche amysse to descrybe hys person by wryting that your mynde may conceaue that which your iye hath not seen As for the quenes most excellent magesties person whose person you haue so often tymes sene I shall not greatly nede to depaīte vnto you Understande therfore that touchyng hys highth I can wel compare hym to Iohn Hume my lord of Iedwardes kinsman Of visage he is well fauored with a brod forhead gray iyes streight nosed and manly countenaūce From the forhead to the point of hys chynne hys face groweth smal his pace is prīcely and gate so straight and vpright as he leseth no inche of his higthe with a yeallowe head and a yeallowe berde And thus to conclude he is so wel proporcioned of bodi arme legge and euery other Limme to the same as nature cannot work a more parfite paterne And as I haue learned of the age of xxviii yeares Whose maiesty I iudge to bee of a stoute stomake pregnaunt witted and of most ientel nature I haue also sent your lordship certaine verses and adages writ ten with the hande of the Lorde Henry Stuarde lorde Dernley your nephew which he wrot this tyme twelue moneth I beinge with him then at Temple Newsome in Yorkshire And what praise your Lordship may thinke him worthie for this his towardnes in wrighting beinge yet not fully ix yeares of age The like praise is he worthye suerlye in his towardnes in the latin toūge and the frenche and in sundrye other vertuous qualities whom also God and nature hath endued with a good wit ientilnes beutie and fauour So yf it may please God to lend him long life he shall proue a witty vertuous and an actiue well learned gentle man Whose noble parentes are my singuler good patrons And thustrusting that your good Lordship of your accustomed humanitie and ientilnes wil accept thys my symple letter in good part sent vnto you for this newe yeares gyfte although it be rude and destitute of wit lerning and eloquence I most humbly besech the kyng of kynges and lorde of lordes long to preserue and kepe youre Reuerende Lordeship in health wealth and fortunate felicitie with a meri and mani new yeares From the Citie of London this new yeares day and the first of y e kalenders of Ianuary 1555. By youre Reuerende Lordeships humble oratour Iohn Elder ¶ The copy of the Quenes Magesties letters Patentes MArye by the grace of God quene of Eng land Fraunce Ireland c. To al printers of bookes bokesellers and to al other our Officers ministers subiectes these oure letters patentes hearyng or seing gretyng Know ye that we of our especial grace and meare mocion haue geuen and graunted and by these presentes doe geue and graunt ful power licence auctoritie and priuilege vnto our welbeloued Subiecte Iohn Waylande Citizen and Scriuenous of London that he and his Assignes only and none other person or persons shal frōhensforth haue auctoritie and libertie to printe al and euery such vsuall Primers or Manuel of praiers by whatsoeuer other title the same shall or maye be called whiche by vs our heires successours or by our clergy by our assent shalbe auctorised set forth and deuised for to be vsed of all our louing Subiectes throughout all our Realmes and domini ons duryng the ful tyme terme of seuen yeares next ensuing the date of these our letters Patētes And farther that it shall not bee lawfull for any maner of other person or persons of oure sayed Subiectes to print or to procure to be imprinted any Primers or Manuell of prayers by whatsoeuer title the same shall or maye be called or set forth duryng the sayed tearme nor any booke or bokes which the said Iohn Wa●…lande or his Assignes at his or their costes and charges shal first Prynte or set forth duryng the said terme of seuen yeares next ensuing the printing of the same boke or bokes vpon payn of forfature
as his highnes was the munday following her maiestie ascended the fore said steps and came towardes the quere dore where a little without the same dore was made a round mount of bordes ascendyng also fiue steps aboue the skafholde On which mount immediatlye after her magestie and the king were shreuen they were maried by my lord the bishop of winchester lord chauncellour of Inglande her magestye standing on the right side of the said mo●…t and the king of the left side And this y ● mariage being ended solēnizated which with y ● biddiges and banes therof was declared done by y ● said lord Chauncelor both in latin in english his lord ship declared also there Howe that the Emperours magestie re signed vnder his Emperial seale the kingdomes of Naples and Hierusalem to his sonne Philip Prīce of Spain wherby it might well appeare to all men that the Quenes highnes was thē maried not only to a Prīce but also vn to a king The Quenes mariage rīg was a plaī hoope of gold with out any stone in it For that was as it is said her pleasure because maydens were so maried in olde tymes Thys as I haue saide beyng ended and done The erle of Darbey beefore the quenes magestie and the Erle of Penbroke before the kinges highnes did bere ech of thē aswerd of honour And so both their maiestes entred the Quere hande in hand vnder a canapye borne by iiii knightes towardes the hie altar where after they had kneled a while with ech of them a Taper they arose and the Quene went to a seate or Traues of the right hande of the altar and the kinge to an other seate of the left hand where they continued thus seue cal in their meditaciōs praiers vntill the gospell was saied and then they came out and kneled all the hie masse tyme openly before the hie aultar the care clothe beeyng holden as the maner is Where duryng hie masse tyme the Quenes Chapell matched with the quire and the organs vsed suche swete proporcyon of musicke and harmonye as the like I suppose was neuer beefore inuented or harde The hie masse beeing done whiche was celebrated and sayd by my lorde the Bishop of winchestre hauing to his coadiutors y ● fiue bisshops afore said y ● is to say the bisshops of Duresm Ely Lōdō ▪ L●…ncolne and Chichestre Wherin both the Princes offering rich Iewels deliuerīg their Tapers yea the kinges highnes at the Agnusdei kis syng y ● celebrator accordig to the ceremonies of mariages vsed in holy catholicke churches The king of heroldes opēly in presēce of both their magesties y ● whole audience solempnly proclaymed this their new stile and Title in Latin frenche in englishe The stile in Latin Philippus et Marie dei gratia Rex et Regina Anglie ●…rancie Neapolis Hierusalē et Hiberni●… fidei defensores Principes His paniarum et Secilie Archiduces Austrie Duces Mediolani Bur gundie et Brabantie comites Haspurgi Flandrie et Tyrolis And wheras this letter maye come perhaps from your Lordships handes in the handes of of those which vnderstād not the latin tōge I wil therfore by your lordships leue to satisfie cōtent their mīdes beig vnlearned not only declare y ● same stile title in English but also all suche other thinges as shal folowe in Latin The stile in Englishe Philip and Marie by the grace of god king and Quene of England Fraūce Naples Hierusalē Ireland defēders of the faith Princes of Spain and Secyll Archidukes of Austria Dukes of Millā Burgūdy and Brabāt Counties of Haspurge Flaūders and Tirol ¶ This stile and title beeing thus proclamed the kyng the Quene departed hand in hande vnder the forsaid Canapie to my lord Chaūcellers place where the quenes grace was lodged whose two most prīcely most rich Abilimentes was of betin gold vpō golde and so riche set with preci ous stones as no man coulde esteme the value therof At which place during diner time as none could be in the world more sump tuous where their magestyes dined opēly in the hal both together at one table vnder the cloth of estate there was such soūdes and noise of al maner of Iustru mentes as hath been seldome hearde where also at the thirde course I perceiued all the heraldes of armes entre the hall two and two in their heraldicall gar mentes and crying three times with an hye voyce Largesse The king of them commonlye called Garter proclamed there againe the kynges highnes the Quenes new stile title in maner fourme and effect as he did in the Cathedrall churche when hie masse was done And so crying three tymes Larges agayne they departed And thus shortly to conclude there was for certain daies after this moste Noble mariage suche triumphing bankating singing masking and daunsing as was neuer in Englande here tofore by the reporte of all men Wherfore to see the kinges magestie and the Quene sitting vnder the cloth of estate in the hall where they dyned and also in the Chābre of presence at dansing tyme where both their magesties dansed and also to behold the dukes and noble men of Spain daūse with the faire ladyes and moste beutifull nimphes of England it should seme to him that neuer see suche to be an other worlde Nowe to trouble youre Lordshyp any further with the hole perfite declaration of the riche and sundrie apparelles whiche the nobilitie of Englande and Spayne vsed and ware at and after the mariage of these two most excellent Princes it were but a phantasie and losse of paper and ynke for no mortall Princes Emperoures and kinges only except were able surely to excell them And such braue liueries as their seruaūtes had I neuer sawe the lyke in all the Countreys that euer I trauayled And finally with what ryche hanginges y ● Cathedral Church of Winchester and the Quyer was hanged and the two seates where bothe the Princes sat it was a wonder to se. And againe to vew marke what Eligaunt verses in Latin of all kynde of sortes were affixed and set vp on the Cathedrall Churche dores and the portes of my Lorde Chauncellers place where the king and the Quene laye by the Skollers of Winchester Colledge in prayse and commendacion of this most noble and rare mariage of Philip of Spayne and MARI of Englande it shoulde quicken the spirites of al dull doltes to embrace good letters and of the best learned to fauour the good will of al painefull studentes I purpose for to sende the Copy of some of theym to your lordship God willing hereafter And i the meane season I will not omit two verses whiche were wrytten in a whyte fielde whych Heroldes call siluer with faire Romayne letters of blacke which they call sable aboue the inner port of the place wher the two Princes lay a month before
they c●…m thither whiche verses as I am aduertised were made by my lorde the Bishop of winchester nowe lorde chaunceller of Englande whose excellēt learnyng is well knowē euery where yea and he to bee of moste exacte Iudgemente in all kinde of good letters These be the two verses O domus es felix minium miniumque be●… Hospitio tales nunc habitura tuo That is to saye Thou art happy house righte bli●… bli●… again That shortly shalt suche noble geastes retayn ANd after that their maiesties had thus remayned in the Citie of winchestre ten daies vnto the which Citie and to Southhampton in token and perpetuall memorye of thys their most noble mariage solem nizated in the one of the kiges first lāding in the other they did geue great priuilegis and la●…des for euer they remoued frō thens on tuesdaye the last of Iuli and riding through the Citie in a very princelye order they wente to Basing xv mile frō winchestre Where at my lord Treasurer of Englandes house they lay that night and the next day folowīg where was suche noble Chere prouided for them and both their nobilities as I haue not sene the like for the tyme in my dayes The next thursday being the seconde of August they departed from thens and rode to Reding wher after they had lyne but that nyghte they came to Windesore the next friday at vi of y ● clocke at nyghte And cumming in at the west end of the town they came with two swerdes borne before thē streight way towardes the churche weste dore wher with procession they were receaued by my lord Chaun celler where also the lord Stewarde of Englande reuested the king with the robe of the order of the garter and the Quenes magestie put the collar of the same order aboute hys necke whiche being done they bothe proceded vnder a Canapy towardes the quere y ● lordes of the order going beefore them in their robes and collars also And after that the kyng was there installed and Te deum song and ended they came out at the same dore of the quere where they entred and wente to a place of the north side of y ● same where the kinges highnes the lordes put of their robes Which being done the kinges magestie and the Quene departed on horse backe to their lodging in Windsor Castel And to make an ende here of their progres your Lordship shall vnderstande that after they had remayned at wind sor certain daies after the kīges installacion they came to Richemont Where being aduertysed that all suche triumphes and pageants as wer deuised in Londō agaynst their cumming thyther were finished ended they came frō thens by water on friday the xvii of August lāded at S. Ma rie Oueres staires on Southwarke side Where euery corner keing so straight kept as no man could passe come or go but those which were appointed to attende their lāding they passed through my Lorde chauncellers house at Suffolke place which was prepared for their lying that night This Suffolke place and your Lordshyp bee remembred is of the left hande as we enter into Southwarke cummyng from Hampton Courte whiche place was made by the olde Duke of Suffolke immediatly after that he maried the godly vertuous Princes Marye quene Dowager of Fraunce and the seconde doughter of king Henry the. vii Nowe to begyn and declare their cumming to London and so make an ende your reuerend Lordship shall vnderstande that bothe their moste excellent Maiesties made their moste noble and Triumphinge entres into the noble Citie of London furth of Southwarke place the next satterdaye whiche was the. xviii of August at ii of the clocke at after none Where after all the lordes of their moste honorable priuie counsel and the ambassadours of all nacyons with the nobilitie of Englande and Spayne and diuers other noble and ●…entle mē as wel Eng lish as straunge wer al on horse backe two and two in a rāke the lord Maior of Londō as the two Prīces came out at the gate kne led and deliuered a mace whiche signified his ●…ower and authoritie within the citie of London to the Quenes grace Whose magestie deliuering the said mace to the lord Maior again the kinges highnes and she ascended their horses so marchyng towardes London bridge the quene of the righte hande and the king of the lefte with two swerdes of honoure before theym and before the swerdes the Lord Maior of London bearing the Mace the Toure of London begynneth to shoote And when they came to the drawe bridge there they made the fyrst staye where there was in the higth thereof a fayre table holden vp with two greate Giauntes the one named Corineus Britannus and the other Gogmagog Albionus In which table in a fielde siluer with faire Romaine letters of sable these xii verses following were wrytten Vnica caesareae stirpis ●…pes Inclite princeps ●…ui deus imperium totius destinat orbis ●…ratus et optatus nostras accedis adoras Ecce sagittipotens tibi tota Britania dextr●… porrigit et gremiū tibi nobilis anglia p●…dit Te tamē in primis urbs Londoniēsis honor at Incolumemque suū gaudet venisse Philippū Ipsa suis sentit charum te ciuibus esse Et f●…re foelicem tali se principe credit Teque putant omnes missum diuinitus urbi C●…ius mens studiū uox uirtus atque uolūtas ●…det et in clari cōsentit amore philippi That is to say O noble Prince sole hope of Cesars side By god apointed all the world to gyde Rig●…t ha●…tely welcome art thou to our land The archer Brit●…yne yeldeth the hir hand And noble England openeth her bosome Of ●…actie affection for to bid the welcome But chiefly London doth her loue vouchsafe Reioysing that hir Philip is come safe She seith hir Citisens loue the on eche side And trustes they shal be happy of such a gide ▪ And al do thinke thou art sent to their citie By thonly meane of Gods paternall pitie So that their minde voice study power and will ●…s onlie set to loue the Philippe still HEre also the Toure of London the signe geuen that the kinge and the Quene were in syghte thereof shotte suche peales of ordinaunce in about euery quarter therof and specially out of the toppe of the whyte foure of the wharffe as neuer was heard the lyke in Englande here to fore Which being done they proceded forwarde vntil they came in gracious strete where in their waye the conduit therof was finely trīmed wheron was painted verye ingeniouslye the nine worthies with many notable prouerbes and adages written with fayre Romā letters on euery side ther of And at the signe of the splaied Egle they made the second staie where the first pagēt was deuysed and made by the marchaunt straungers of the Stilliarde Where emōgest diuers notable stories there
their way a skoller of Paules skoole decked vp in cloth of gold delyuered vnto the kinges highnes a fayre boke which he receaued verye ientlie Where also a fellow came slipping vpō a corde as an arrow out of a bow from Paules steple to the grounde lighted with his heade forwarde on a greate sorte of fether beds And after he clame vp the corde again and done certaine feates their magesties lighted being in Paules church receaued with procession by the Bishop of London and Te deum songe ended they departed and marched towardes fletestrete at the condit whereof they made the sixt last staye where was the fift and hin dermost pagent of all Wherein was a Quene a king representing their highnes hauing of their right side Iusticia with a swerd in her hande and Equitas wyth a payre of ballaunce And of theyr left side Veritas wyth a boke in her hande wheron was written Verbum Dei Misericordia with a hearte of golde Where also from the heigth of the pageant descended one which signified Sapientia with a crowne in eche of her handes wherof the one she put on y e head of her that presented the quene and the other on the head of him that presented the king vnder which two wer written in a field azure with fayre Roman letters of siluer these vi verses folowig Qui uer ax clemēsque simul ac iustus et equus Virtutisque suam compleuit lumine mentem Si diadema uiro tali sapientia donet Ille gubernabit totum foeliciter orbem Et quia te talem cognouimus esse Philippe Nos fortunatos fore te regnante putamus That is to saye When that a man is ●…entle iust and true With vertuous giftes fulfilled plenteously If wisdome then him with hir crowne endue He gouerne shal the whole world prosperously And sith we know thee Philip to be such While thou shalt reigne w●… thinke vs happy much ANd after y e their magesties had seen the effecte of thys pageant they proceded forward towardes tēple bar where they stayed a litle in viewinge a certayn Oracion in Latin which was in a long table wrytten with Romayne Letters aboue the parte therof as they passed and departed furth of y ● Citie Which oraciō declared that such triumphes and pagiantes as were deuised and made in the noble citie of london by the Lord Maior therof his brethren and the citisens for theyr entries whose most happy cumming they most hertly so long tyme desired and wished for and agayne the running and reioysing of the greate number of people as were there calling and crying euery where God saue your graces was an euident token testimonie and witnes of their faithful and vnfained hertes to the Quenes highnes the king For whose moste excellente Maiesties they prayed vnto almightye God longe to lyue rule and reygne ouer their moste noble Empyre of Englande ANd now makyng an end here of this theyr most triumphyng entries into y ● noble citye of Lōdon they de parted from Temple Barre towardes Yorke place otherwyse called the whyte hal Wher after they had lighted they came hand in hand into y e great chamber of presens Where also after they had talked a litle space they toke theyr leaue eache of other And so the Quenes magestie en tring that part of the courte comenly called the kinges side and the kynges highnes entryng the other parte called the Quenes there they rested and remayned for certayne dayes Wher in the meane season two princely presentes came to their Magesties The one from the Emperour which is xii pieces of Arras worke so richelie wrought with Golde Siluer and silke as none in the worlde maye excell them In which peces be so excellentlye wroughte and sette out all the Emperoures maiesties procedinges victories againste the Turkes as Apelles were not able if he were aliue to mende any parcell thereof with his pensell And the other present from the Quene of Polonia which is a paire of Regalles so curiouslye made of golde and siluer and so set with precious stones as lyke or none suche haue bene seldome sene And after they had thus remained at the white hall certaine daies as I haue said and hadde bene in Westminster colledge where their maiesties were receyued with Procession by the Deane therof had heard masse perused al the monumētes and tōbes of such kinges as be enterred they their departed to Hāptō Courte where they continued vntill thys Parliment At which tyme they came from thens to white hall agayne Whyche Par limente did begin the. xii day of Nou●…ber last on which day both their magesties and al the lords spirituall and temporall as vse custum hath euer been rode to westmister Abbey with all Princely ensignes of honor and so lempnities appertayning to the Roiall estate Further youre Lordeshippe shall vndrestande that the. xviii daye of the sayed moneth The Righte Reuerende Father in GOD LORDE Cardinall Poole accompanyed wyth my Lorde Paget my lord Clynton syr Anthony Browne knight late created Lorde Montague and dyuers other noble menne came from Grauesende to the white hall in one of the kynges barges Where the kinges maiestie beinge aduertysed that he hadde shot London brydge his highnes with the swerde of honoure borne before hym came downe and receaued him verye amiably as he landed at the com mon landynge brydge of the Courte And from thence they bothe passed vp to the Chambre of presence where the Quenes maiestie was sittinge vnder the clothe of estate whose highnes also receaued him very ioyfully And after that both theyr maiesties and he had communed an houre very Louinglye my lorde Cardinal toke his leaue of their highnes And thē my lord Chaūceler of his right hande and the Erle of Shrewsbery of his left they went by water to Lambeth which is a place perteyninge to the Archebishop of Canterbury where his lordeship lyeth as yet This Cardinall is an Englyshe mā borne of whome I am sure your lordshyp hath hearde discended of the bloude Roiall of Englande For his mother was doughter to George Duke of Clarence which was brother to Edward y e fourth of that name kinge of Englande Whyche Cardinall hathe bene an exile out of England these xxi yeres The cause whereof was that he woulde not assente to kynge king Henry the eight in the matter of diuorse from his most lawfull wife Quene Katherin mother to the quene that nowe is And that he would not admitte the sayd king to beare the title of Supreme head of the Churche of Englande whiche by a newe example he hadde lately as it is now sayd vsurped This opinion did not onely purchase exile to thys Cardinal himselfe but also was the death of the vertuouse lady the Countes of Salysbery his mother y e lord Montegle hys brother and the Marques of Exester his cousin
wyth manye other noble menne being suspect as adherentes to him in the same opinion Surely thys cruelty was great but that whyche exceded all the rest thys olde lady being at least lx and .x. yeares of age cosin to the king and beyng as it is saied most innocent and giltles was without iudgement or processe of the lawe drawen by the hore heres to y e blocke not knowyng any cause why to dye Many lyke examples of crueltie folowed in Englande by that alteracion whiche are oute of my purpose but this I haue touched by occasion of this Cardinall who nowe by the quenes goodnes is restored to the honour of his house And now of late is arriued in Englande as Ambassadour and legate from the Popes holynes with moste ample commission to receiue the e Ralme of Englande vnto the vnitie of the church wherof your lordship shal ꝑceue more hereafter He is se meth to be of nature sad graue whose good lyfe maye be an example to the reste of his profession and hys excellent learning is well knowen through all Europe For I assure your lordship that at my beinge in Rome xvi yeares agon I haue hearde out of the mouthes aswel of my coūtry men then being in Rome as of the Romaines them selfes no les yea and more then I haue saide For it is commonly sayde of him by lerned men in Rome and in other places where I haue trauayled Polus Cardinalis natione Anglus pietatis et literarum testimonio dignus non qui Polus Anglus sed qui polus Angelus uocetur But nowe passinge ouer the praysinges of thys noble vertuous prelate whome no manne dispraiseth I will procede where I lefte Within fewe daies after hys cumminge to Lambeth a daye was prefixed by appoyntment of the king and Quenes maiesties that the three estates of England being called vnto the parliament shoulde be brought vnto the presence of the Cardinal for the better vnderstanding of his legation This assemble was appointed in the greate Chambre of the court at Westminster where as the king and Quenes maiesties sitting vnder the cloth of estate and al the three estates placed in theyr degrees the Cardinall sytting in a Chaire on y e right hād out of the cloth of estate my lord Chaunceller of England began in this maner MY lordes of y e vpper house you my masters of the nether house here is present y ● righte reuerend father in god my lord Cardinal Pole come frō the Apostolike Sea of Rome as ambassadour to the king and Quenes magesties vpon one of the moste weightiest causes that euer happened in thys Realme And whiche perteineth to the glo ry of god and your vniuersall benefit The which ambassage their magesties pleasure is to be sign●… fied to you all by hys own mouth Trustyng that you will receyue and accepte it in as beneuolent and thankefull wyse as theyr highnesses haue done and that you will geue attente and inclynable eare to hym When hys Lordship had thus made an ende my Lorde Cardinall taking the occasion offred without any studye as it semed spake in effecte as foloweth My lordes all you that are y e cōmons of this presēt Par liment assembled which 〈◊〉 effect is nothing els but the stat●… body of the whole Realme As y e cause of my repaire hither hath been both wisely grauely declared by my lord Chaunceller So before y e I entre to y e particularities of my cōmissiō I haue somwhat to say touching my selfe to geue most hūble harti thākes to the king Quenes magesties after thē to you all whiche of a mā exiled and banisht frō this cō mon wealth haue restored me to a member of the same and of a man hauyng no place nether here or els where within this realme haue admitted me in place where to speake and to be heard Thys I protest vnto you al that though I was exiled my natyue country w tout iust cause as god knoweth yet y ● ingratitude could not pull from me the affeccion and desire that I had to proffit and doe you good Yf the offer of my seruice might haue ben receaued it was neuer to seke where that could not be taken you neuer failed of my prayer nor neuer shall But leauing the rehersall therof and cumming more nere to the matter of my commission I signifie vnto you all that my principall trauayl is for the restitucion of thys noble Realme to the auncient nobilitie and to declare vnto you that the Sea Apostolike frō whens I come hath a special respect to this Realme aboue al other and not without cause seīg that god himselfe as it were by prouidēce hath geuē this Realme prerogatiue of nobilitie aboue other which to make more playne vnto you it is to be considered that this Iland first of al Ilādes receiued the light of Christes religion For as stories testifie it was prima prouinciarum quae amplexaest fidem Christi For the Brittōs beīg first inhabitaūtes of this realme not withstandyng the subieccion of the Emperours heathen Princes dyd receyue Christes fayth from the Apostolike Sea vniuersally not in partes as other countryes nor by one one as clockes encrease their houres by distinction of tymes but al together at ones as it were in a moment But after that their ill merites or forgeatfulnes of god had deserued expulsiō and that Straungers being infidels had possessed this land yet god of his goodnes not leauing where he ones loued so illumined y ● hartes of the Saxons being heathē m●… that they forsoke the darknes of heathen errours enbraced the light of Christes religiō So that within small space Idolatry and heathē supersticion was vtterlye abādoned ī this Ilād This was a greate prerogatiue of nobilitie wherof though the benefite be to be ascribed to god yet the meane occasion of the same came from the Church of Rome In y e faithe of whiche churche we haue euer since continued and consented with the rest of the worlde in vnitye of religion And to shew further the feruent deuocion of the inhabitauntes of this Iland towardes the Churche of Rome We rede y ● diuers Princes in the Saxons time with great trauell and expenses went personally to Rome as Offa Adulpbus whiche thought it not inough to shew thē selfes obedient to the said see vn les y ● in their owne persones they had gon to that same place from whence thei had receued so great a grace benefite In the time of Carolus magnus who first foūded the vniuersity of Parys he sent into England for Alcuinus a great learned mā which first brought learning to that vniuersity Wherby it semeth that the greatest part of y ● world fet the light of religiō frō Englād Adriā y ● fourth being an English mā cōuerted norway frō infidelity which Adriā afterwardes vpō great
confi●…caciō of the same Primers Manuall of praiers and bokes to thuse of vs and our successous Wh●…rfore we wyl commaunde al you our Printers and other our subiectes that ye nor any of you doe presume procure or attempt to prynt or setteforth any maner Primers Manuall of prayers booke or bokes which the said Iohn Waylande or his assignes shall first printe duryng the tyme of this oure priuiledge and licence vpon payne of forfature and confiscacion of thesame Primers Manuall of prayers and bokes as aforsayd And as ye tender our pleasure wil auoide the contrarye In witnes whereof we haue caused these our letters to be made Patentes Wytnes oure selfe at Westminster the foure and twentith daye of October in the fyrste yeare of oure reigne Per breue depriuato sigillo et de data predicta Imprinted at London in Fletestrete at the signe of the Sunne ouer agaynst the Conduit by Iohn Waylande Cum priuilegio per septenium The kynge landed at southamptō the. xx of Iu ly ▪ M Diiiii How lōg he remayned at Southhamp ton His cumming to the Citie of 〈◊〉 chester ●…owe he was receyued wyth procession b●… my lord Chaunceller in the 〈◊〉 be all churche of winchestre His humilitie and re uerence in syght of the most blessed ●…ment of the aulter Howe he was brought by the Lordes of the counsell to the Quenes maiestie a priuy ●…ay ●…ow he wēt to the Quene o●…enly wher al m●… mighe see ▪ hym How ioyful ly the Quenes mage stie receaued hym in presence of all the peo ple. ●… The day of their moste Noble ma riage The quenes magestie and the king were shreuen before they were maried Howe the Emperour resigned the kyng dome of Naples and Hierusalē to the kiges highnes his sonne The sweard ●…earers the day of their ma●… How ●…od ly they vsed themselues duryng h●… masse time to giue example to al others The hy●… masse was song by the Lord chaun celer The kinges highnes and the quenes ▪ magesties new Stile and title Their 〈◊〉 most riche abilimētes the daye of their mariage Mirth ioy pastime at and after their maryage The riche apparels of then obi litie of England and Spai All kynd of verses set vp by the scollers of winchester colledge in commē dacyon of their most noble mariage Laudes and priui legis geuē to the Citie of win chester Southhāp ton The day of their depa●… tyng from winchester Their cūming to windsor how they were there receaued with procession the kyng installed Their cūming to Richemōd Their cūmyng to London Their most triumphing entries into London The lord●… Maior of London de liuered his ma●…e The firste staye These ver ses were set vp aboue the drawe bridge of London The secōd Staye The firste pagiant in Gracious ●…ete The third Staye The secōd pagent at the west ende o●… Cornwel The forth Staye The thirde pageant at the east ende of Chepe Their fift Stay The fourth pagiant on the west en●…e of Chepe They wer receaued at poules with procession by the Bisshop of London The la●…te Staye The fifte and laste pagent The effecte of an oracion set vp aboue the porte of ●…ē ple barre Two prin cely and most excel lent presentes The begynnyng of the Parlamēt The cummyng of my Lorde Cardinal ●…owe he was first re ceued of the ●…yng ●…ow he was afterwarde receyued by the quene My Lorde Cardinal was an exile out of hys country xxi yeares The causes wherfore he was exiled Diuers noble men haue suffred in Englande for hys sake The quenes magestie hath restored the Lorde Cardinal to the honour of hys house My Lorde Cardu●…ls prayse emongest learned m●…●…n straunge countryes The three Estates of Englan●…e assembled before the kyng the Quene ●… my Lorde Cardinal My Lorde Chauncellers wordes My Lord 〈◊〉 oracyon y ● kyng and Quenes 〈◊〉 be●…ng present and y ● three Estates Englande of al Ilan des receyued fyr●…te the faith of Chryste Two powers in earth the Ecclesiasticall power and y e Imperial The three Estates assembled agayne be fore the kynge and Quenes magesties and my lord Cardynall How they dyd exhibit a supplicacyon to theyr magesties The 〈◊〉 of the submission How the kynges magesty and the Lord 〈◊〉 dynall came to Poles the fyrst Sun day in 〈◊〉 uente My Lord Chauncel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 mō at Poles crosse that daye What miseries eng lande hath sustayned sins it swar ued from the vnitie of the Ca 〈◊〉 ●…ayth How king Henry the Light xix yeares agon thoughte to haue ge uen ouer the supremacye How he sēt to the Em perour for the same e●… fecte The kiges forme and stature