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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06658 The beginning and endynge of all popery, or popishe kyngedome Lynne, Walter.; Joachim, of Fiore, ca. 1132-1202. Vaticinia. 1548 (1548) STC 17115; ESTC S108949 25,410 65

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¶ The beginning and endynge of all popery or popishe kyngedome And then shall that wicked be vttered whom the lord shal cōsume with the sprete of his mouth and shal destroy with the apperaunce of his cōmynge euen him whose comming is after the workinge of Sathan The epistle ¶ To the moost excellente and worthye prince Edwarde the .vi. by the grace of god Kyng of Englande Fraunce and Irlande defender of the fayth in earthe supreme head of this church of England and Ireland immediatly nexte vnder god and to his most deare vncle Edward duke of Somerset lorde protector of all the kinges maiesties realmes and dominions and gouernoure of his moost royall person His faithfull and obediente subiecte Gwalter Lynne wissheth the continuall assistence of goddes grace WHEN SATHAN perceyued the ground worke and foundacion of the papacie to be so weake slender that it shulde not be able to sustaine and beare the weight of the great heap that he intended to erect and buylde theron then dyd he mooste deare soueraine beynge the angell of darcknes put on him the fourme of an aungel of lyght And vnder that cloke he endeuoured all that he mighte to fortifye and strengthen it by the most sacred and holy scripture to thintente that the impietie and wickednesse therof might the better be cloked and hid And therfore dyd he subtylly inuent and diligently instruct all his faithfull children the byshops of Rome craftely to wreste and falsely to interpretate this place of scripture in Math. Thou art Peter and vppon this stone or rocke I will buyld my churche Vpon this foundacion buylded he so strongelye and erected so beautyfull and gloriouse a peece that all the whole worlde wondered therat The wise and learned men employed all their studye to enlarge and decke this princely palayce and see of Rome Yea princes and rulers thought it their duty to become labourers drudges in the erecting vpholding of this so gorgiouse a buldynge Finally the mater was so handled that thoroughe all christendome the see was taken for the fountaine and well of all mercie Remission and forgeuenesse of sinne were not to be had in any other place then there But now that it hath pleased the lorde accordynge to the wordes of his prophet Ioel in these oure dayes the latter daies of the worlde to powre out of his spirite vpō all flesh that this secrete and hid mistery of abominable iniquitie is come to lyghte and so opened that the suckelynges and younge babes of this tyme knowe more then dyd the auncient and gray heared fathers in the time of blyndnesse and ignoraunce That most victoriouse triumphāt prince your dearely beloued and naturall father perceyuynge that more then hell darkenesse wherin we his pore subiectes were led opened vnto vs the moste holy and sacred bible wherin are declared the misteries of this so gorgiouse a buyldyng Cease not therfore most graciouse prince to set forwarde this godlye worke that your father began And to th entent that your graces louinge subiectes may know by what craft and pollicie this buylding first began and afterwarde proceded I haue thought good to translate out of the Germaine tongue into Englysshe this little boke wherin is declared what maner of thinges the bishops of Rome were at the first what was their estate and condicion and what was their office or deutye Then how they abusynge their office aspired and came to so inordinate honour and dignitie Howe they leuinge Christ and his mooste holy worde enployed all their study to please men The secular power was it that they loked for And no dout it was that and not Christ that gaue to the byshops of rome the preeminence to be called fathers of fathers and to be preferred before other bishops But because so secrete a misterie can not wel be opened without plaine demonstracions the Author of this boke hath most plainly set forth by figures the estate that this Antichrist is in hath bene in or shal be in euen to the day of his vtter distruction These figures are not of the authors owne inuencion ne of late daies inuented but they were found in auncient libraries aboue .ccc. yeres sence The common experience that is daylye sene of the greate blyndenesse and ignoraunce of that time wold moue your highnesse to doubte of the truth and veritie of this reporte but to certifie your maiestie therin there is at this daye remaining in the abbaye of saint Laurence in Luyke a table of great antiquitie containynge portrature of like matter Wherby it is manyfest that the fathers of auncient tyme sawe in the papacie the thinge that they durst not vtter eyther by wordes or writinge but trustynge that the time wolde come when men might be bolde to speake it they dyd in the meane tyme kepe it in painting and portrature that suche as could coniecture might gather knowledge therby that the thynge myght remayne tyll such tyme as god had appoynted it to be declared bothe in wrytynge and wordes The Author therfore of this little boke hath not onelye added vnto these figures an exposicion to declare the meanynge of euery of them but manifest scriptures also to proue the thinges that they represente to be true so that these figures may appeare rather to be the figures of some Apocalipsis or reuelacion then the inuencion of any man The spirite of the lyuing god the geuer of all goodnesse instructe you in al godly knowledge that for the time of your reigne in this worlde your highnesse may vse the sword to you committed to the honor of god and wealth of his members lyuyng here vnder your dominion And then no doubte ye shall enioye the kyngdome that shall continue for euer AMEN Your faithfull and obedient subiecte Gwalter Lynne IN MONSTRVM QVOD libellus iste graphicè depingit ad Lectorem Candidum CApripedes Satyri tetrae Stymphalides Hydra Dira Canis Stygius Gorgones anguicomae Igne Chimaera furens rapido Scyllaeque triformes Monstraque si qua usquam fabula prisca refert Portento huic nostro uictricia sagmina cedunt Nec monstro immani cedere turpe putant Incesta siquidem uecordae libidine feruet Depascitque inopes expoliatque bonis Mille quibus miseros circumuenit obtinet artes Tutatur leges mordicus usque suas Vertice uittato stultè nimiumque superbit Inque pios flammis saeuit igne nocens Orbis opes conquirit opum sinuosa uorago Aestuat nummis cuncta profana facit Portenti nomen Pestis tibi Maxima binis Exprimit haud dubiè Lector amice notis P. M. Romuleae quanque Pater augustissimus urbis Cenceri falso iure proternus amat Scilicet est turpis Dominae meretricis alumnus Quam sacri arcanum uatis adumbrat opus Cui genius pronus studia in contraria Christo Antichristus E● Graio nomen non malê fonte dedit Nam uerè mihi crede pios qui torret egenos Deglubit