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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00094 Iniunctions exhibited the [blank] day of [blank] anno. M. D. XXXVIII.; Injunctions. 1538 Church of England.; Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547. 1538 (1538) STC 10087; ESTC S108749 4,251 6

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Iniunctions exhibited the _____ daye of ANNO. M.D.XXXVIII IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN by the auctoritie and commission of the most excellent Prince HENRY by the grace of god kynge of ENGLANDE and of FRAVNCE defensour of the fayth lorde of Irelande and in erthe supreme heed vnder Christe of the Churche of Englande I Thomas lorde Crumwell lorde Priuie seale vicegerent to the kynges sayd highnes for all his iurisdiction ecclesiastical within this Realme do for thaduauncement of the true honour of almyghty god encrease of vertue and discharge of the kynges maiestie grue and exhibite vnto you _____ these iniunctions folowyng to be kept obserued and fulfilled vpon the peynes hereafter declared ¶ FYRST THAT ye shal truely obserue and kepe al and syngular the kinges hyghnes Iniunctions gyuen vnto you heretofore in my name by his gracis auctoritie not only vpon the peynes therin expressed but also in your defaulte nowe after this seconde monicion continued vpon further punishment to be straytely extended towardes you by the kynges highnes arbitrament or his vicegerent aforesayde ¶ ITEM that ye shall prouyde on this syde the feaste of _____ nerte commynge one boke of the hole Bible of the largest volume in englishe and the same sette vp in some conuenient place within the sayd churche that ye haue cure of where as your parysheoners may moste commodiousely resorte to the same and rede it The charges of whiche boke shall be ratably borne betwene you the person and the parisheoners aforesaid that is to say the one halfe by you and the other halfe by them ¶ ITEM THAT ye shall dyscourage no man priuely or apertly from the readinge or hearynge of the sayd byble but shall expressely prouoke fiere and exhorte euery person to rede the same as that whiche is the very truely worde of god that euery christen person is bounde to enbrace beleue and folowe if he loke to be saued admonishynge them neuerthelesse to auoyde al contention altercation therin and to vse an honest sobrietie in the inquisition of the trewe sense of the same and to referre thexplication of obscure places to men of higher iugement in scripture ¶ ITEM that ye shal euery sonday and holy day through the yere ▪ openly and playnly recite to your parishoners twyes or thries together or oftner it nede requyre one particle or sentence of the Pater noster or Crede in englyshe to the intent they may lerne the same by harte And so from day to day to giue them one lyke lesson or sentence of the same tylle they haue lerned the hole Pater noster and Crede in englyshe by rote And as they be taughte euerye sentence of the same by rote ye shall expound and declare the vnderstanding of the same vnto them exhortynge all parentes and householders to teache their chyldren and seruauntes the same as they are bounde in conscience to doo And that done ye shall declare vnto them the tenne Commaundementes one by one euery sonday holy day til they be likewise perfit in the same ¶ ITEM that ye shall in confessions euery lente examyne euery person that commeth to confession to you whether they can recite tharticles of our faith and the Pater noster in englyshe and here them saye the same particularlye wherin if they be not perfite ye shall declare to the same that euery chrysten personne ought to knowe the same before they shoulde receyue the blessed sacrament of the aulter and monysshe theym to lerne the same more parfytely by the nexte yere folowynge or elles lyke as they ought not to presume to come to goddis bourde without perfite knowlege of the same and yf they do it is to the great peryl of their sowles so ye shall declare vnto them that ye loke for other Iniunctions from the kynges highnes by that tyme to stay and repell all suche from goddis bourde as shall be founde ignorant in the premysses wherof ye do thus admonysshe theym to the intent they shoulde both eschewe the peryl of their sowles and also the worldly rebuke that they myght incurre hereafter by the same ¶ ITEM that ye shall make or cause to be made in the sayde churche and euery other cure ye haue one sermon euerye quarter of a yere at the leaste wherin ye shalpurely and syncerely declare the very gospel of Christ and in the same exhorte your herers to the workes of charitie mercy and faith specially prescribed and commanded in scrypture And not to repose their truste or affiaunce in any other workes deuysed by mens fantasyes besyde scripture As in wanderynge to pylgremages offrynge of money candels or tapers to fayned reliques or ymages or kyssing and lickyng the same sayinge ouer a number of beades not vnderstanded ne mynded on or in suche lyke superstition For the doinge wherof ye not only haue no promyse of reward in scripture but contrary wise greate threttes and maledictions of god as thynges tendynge to ydolatrie and superstition whyche of all other offences god almyghty dothe moste deteste and abhorre for that the same dyminysheth moste his honour and glorie ¶ ITEM that such feyned Images as ye know in any of your cures to be so abused with pilgremages or offrynges of any thynge made thervnto ye shal for auoyding of that most detestable offence of Idolatry forthwith take downe deleye and shal suffre from hensforth no candels tapres or images of ware to be set afore any image or picture but only the lyght that comenly goeth a crosse the churche by the roode lofte the lyght afore the sacrament of the aulter and the lyght about the sepulchre which for the adornynge of the churche and diuyne seruice ye shall suffer to remayne styll admonyshynge youre paryshioners that Images serue for no other purpose but as to be bokes of vnlerned men that can no letters wherby they myght be otherwise admonyshed of the lyues and conuersation of them that the sayde images do represent Whiche ymages if they abuse for any other intent than for suche remembrances they commytte ydolatrie in the same to the great daunger of their soules And therfore the kynges highnesse graciousely tenderynge the weale of his subiectis soules hath in parte alredy and more woll hereafter frauayle for thabolyshynge of suche images as myght be occasion of so great an offence to god and so greatte a daunger to the soules of his louynge subiectes ¶ Item that in all suche benefyces or cures as ye haue whervpon ye be not your selfe resydent ye shall appoynt suche curates in your stede as both can by their habilitie and woll also promptly execute these iniunctions and do their duetie otherwise that ye are bounde to do in euery behalfe accordingly and may profyte theyr cure no lesse with good example of lyuynge than with declaration of the worde of god or els their lacke and defautes shall be imputed vnto you who shall straytely aunswere for the same if they doo otherwyse ¶ ITEM that ye shall admit