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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B17357 A copy of a letter sent by E.B., an eminent Quaker in London, to the Pope in Rome transmitted thence by Cardinal Bromio to a person of quality in England : with a copy of the faculties granted to John Locet, Englishman and priest at Rome, 1678, for England, Scotland, and all the Kings dominions, Ireland excepted. E. B. 1690 (1690) Wing B49 3,805 2

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much of thy ambitious Lordship and Dominion but we the simple and harmless Sheep of Gods Fold called by the People in scorn Quakers and Shakers from the strong actuating of the Spirit within have reformed our selves to the Pattern of the Apostles and Primitive Teachers and Preachers and being filled with the Spirit speak from the Light thereof And from this Light I now plainly write to thee being stirred up to warn thee of the VVrath to come and to tell thee that unless thou makest a thorow Reformation according to our Holy Pattern and come into the Community of the Saints on Earth thou shalt never have Communion with those in Heaven I am to denounce Judgment against thee and thou shalt be overthrown and thou shalt be scourged for thy abominable Practises against the People of England in the Plotings underminings Murthers and wicked Contrivances of thy Ban-Dogs that call themselves Jesuites but are Judasses that betray Kingdoms and wurry the People Thy time is but short and thy Reign of a few days for either the King of France if ever he gets the Monarchy of the West will unnest thee and remove thy Sea to Paris and have a Pope of his own or else God will let loose the Rage of the Turk against thee and suffer him to plant his Half-moons in Rome as well as in Jerusalem for a scourge and Vengeance of all the filthiness and Abominations acted in that ploce Look to it I give thee this friendly warning take it to heart for I tell it thee in plainness and sincerity and from the Light which shineth in Thy Friend in the Love and in the Truth E. B. From London the 7th day of the 4th Month in the year 1679. Faculties granted at Rome 1678. to John Locet Englishman and Priest for England and Scotland and for all the Kings Dominions excepting Ireland 1. Power to absolve from Heresie and Apostacy all both Ecclesiasticks and Laicks 2. To absolve in all Cases of the Bulla Caenae 3. Power of dispensing Marriages within the 3d and 4th Degree of Consanguinity and Affinity and to declare them Lawful and such Issue Legitimate 4. Power of administring all the Sacraments 5. Power of restoring the just Right of asking being lost 6. Power of Celebrating Mass in all decent places above or under Ground on Portable Altars twice a day if necessary and if it cannot be otherways Celebrated for fear of Hereticks 7. Of laying up of Holy things in secret without Lights if there be danger 8. Power of reciting the Rosary or other Prayers if they cannot have a Brevary or other Office 9. Power of keeping and reading any Prohibited Books besides those contained in the Bulla Coena besides those of Charles Moline Nicholas Machivel and Books of Judicial Astrology Also of giving Licence to others to read the Scriptures faithfully tranflated into English and to the Laicks English Books ogainst Heretick as need shall be 10. Power of dispensing and communicating simple Vows for a reasonable cause that of Chastity and of Religion being excepted 11. Power of blessing the Sacraments and other Holy Utensils necessary for the Mass where there is not Unction 12. Power of Dispensing the eating of Flesh Eggs ' white-meats also in the time of Lent 13. Power of granting a Plenary Indulgence for those Converted from Herefie and to those who cannot be confessed in the Article of Death 14. Power of granting every Lords day and on Holy days an Indulgence for 10 years to those that assist at those Meetings and a plenary Indulgence to those that confess and receive the Sacrament on certain Feast-days 15. Power of having the Benefit of these Indulgencies themselves 16. Power of Celebrating the Mass de Requiem for any one on a portable Altar for the freeing a Soul out of Purgatory They were granted for 7 years only and reversable without shewing Cause at the will of the Pope signed Barbarine Proctor Chr. Abbas Blancus Secretary FINIS
A Copy of a Letter sent by E. B. an eminent Quaker in London to the Pope at Rome transmitted thence by Cardinal Bromio to a Person of Quality in England With a Copy of the Faculties granted to John Locet Englishman and Priest at Rome 1678. for England Scotland and all the Kings Dominions Ireland excepted Friend I Am moved at this time by the Spirit to speak to thee a few words which plainly proceed from the Light within and may prove for thy Edification and Conversion I will not revile thee nor call thee Antichrist the Whore of Babylon the Scarlet Whore nor the Beast the Dragon or the Serpent Titles frequently bestowed on thee and which if thou deservest thou best knowest But I come to thee in the Meakness and the werds of Truth and Light to speak to thy Soul as thou art a Man and pretendest to have Lordship and Dominion over both the Souls and Bodies of Men. But by what Authority dost thou usurpe the Title of Papa Father of the whole Church of Christ Who first conferred that Title on thee Was it from above or from Men Jesus when he was on Earth commanded Peter to feed his Sheep and as a Servant to administer to them he gave him no Authority to Slaughter them or to Flcece them or to use any Tyranny towards them Thou pretendest to sit in Peters Seat have a care I warn thee that it be not Satan's Chair for it is very doubtful if the Man Peter was ever at Rome and it is for certain never had any Authority there and was neither Lord Master or Pope but a Servant to the Servants of Jesus Christ which Title thou also ownest in Words when in Deeds thou art proud as Lucifer and wouldest set thy Feet on the Necks of Kings and Princes and proudly trample on the People of God Thou pretendest to the Spirit show it by thy Works to Infallibility but thou hast failed in thy Doctrine and in thy Practices I hold with thee that the Spirit is to be the guide of the Saints and that the Spirit is infallible and can never be mistaken but it is not to be confined to thee and to thy Cardinals for I tell thee our Pope George Fox hath as much of the Spirit as thou hast and it is as infallible and therefore thou oughtest not to ingross it to thy self since it is communicated to all the Children of God and to all the Saints that observe and hearken to the Light within But thou hast done wickedly thou and all thy Predecessors for several hundreds of years have been building a very Babel of Confusion thou hast made Religion the Devils stalking Horse to drive Souls into his Snares thou hast set up the Calves at Dan and in the Mount thou hast polluted Religion with Idolatry and made of it a meer piece of Art Pollicy and Legerdemain I tell thee plainly thou hast set up a Pompous outward Religion only full of Gaudy out-sides without any Truth or Sincerity and without the Spirit the Light or the Life of God Look therefore I advise thee as a Friend and Brother to the Light within thee which shineth in thy darkness that will teach thee better things thou canst not but see and know the vanity of thy Religion which thy Sons and thy Daughters follow and thou thy self laughest at the Ignorance and Folly of most of thy Adherents and Followers who zealously follow thy Dictates without sight or knowledge Thou actest against thy own Conscience and against Knowledge and against Light which is the Sin against the Holy Spirit and for this thou shalt be condemned unless thou timely repent thee of and reform thy Errors It is to maintain thy Pride thy Lust and thy Covetousness that thou strivest to kick against the Pricks and to establish thy Abominations in the sight of the Israel of God but the day will come and is even at hand that thou and thy Ismaelites which are become the Sons of the Bond-woman of Sin that he cast out into utter Perdition Thou and thy gor-bellied Cardinals that live like Princes and fatten themselves up in their abominable Lusts against the day of Slaughter are very unlike the Apostles and Disciples of Christ who taught and preach'd the Word with Pains Care and Travel in meekness and Poverty from the true Light and Spirit shining within their Souls and were the Primitive Christians on Earth again to see the Shop of confusion thou and thy Hierarchy have made out of their simple spun thred they would not be able to know or believe this to be any part of the Religion they taught or begun with so great Labour Travel Pains and Martyrdom Thus hast thou made all their Labours of little or no effect and still takest care to keep poor Souls in the Snares of sin and in the bonds of Ignorance I tell thee plainly thy Conscience does witness against thee and thou dost fee these Truths but it is thy Pride that makes thee Tyrant like to exercise Lordship and Dominion over others and to maintain this Lordship and Tyranny thou art fain to exercise cunning Arts and pollicies of the Carnal man and even to fly to the subtilties of the Serpent and the wicked one leaving no stone unturned to maintain thy Vanity and to fulfil thy Lusts Thou knowest well enough there is no Purgatory such as thou hast invented to affright and delude poor ignorant people out of their mony but the execrable gain which thou makest by Indulgencies will not let thee Reform that wicked and abominable Error Thou also knowest the Vanity of praying to Saints and to carved Idols express against the Word of God Yet because of the Gain and Reputation these bring to thee and the means to delude the ignorant by false Miracles and pretended Reliques thou still keepest it a Foot with all thy ridiculous Shews Proccssions Jubilies Holy-water Exorcisms Altars Copes Miters Crosiers Surplices and other Trinkets invented by the Devil and his Instrument the vain mind of subtle Man to draw the Eyes and Ears but not the Hearts of the Calvish Multitude who bleat after these things and understand them not Thou knowest the unnaturalness and impossibility of thy breaden Gods real Presence and yet for the great respect it begets to thee and thy Priests with the Rabble of Moncks Friers Nuns Eremits and such like thou still most stifly against Religion Sence and Reason maintainest that idle Opinion Think therefore before it be too late of Repentance and Reformation do the work thorowly The Light hath formerly shined with some glimmering in the times of the Albingenses in France and of Wickliff in England and of Jerom and Huff in Pragne and afterwards of Luther in Germany they caused some Reformaiion from the grosest of thy superstition and filthiness of Idolatry but yet too much of the Dregs remains and the Carnal minded man yet retains much of thy Pride Vanity Pomp and Shew in their outward Worship and