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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13445 An English-mans loue to Bohemia with a friendly farewell to all the noble souldiers that goe from great Britaine to that honorable expedition. As also, the names of the most part of the kings, princes, dukes, marquisses, earles, bishops, and other friendly confederates, that are combined with the Bohemian part. By Iohn Taylor. Taylor, John, 1580-1653. 1620 (1620) STC 23751; ESTC S111383 5,364 16

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the French or Drake to Spaine Thinke on braue valiant Essex and Mountioy And Sidney that did Englands foes destroy With noble Norris Williams and the Veares The Grayes the Willoughbies all peerlesse Peers And when you thinke what glory they haue won Some worthy actions by you will be done Remember Poicteirs Cressy Agincourt With Bullen Turwin Turnyes warlike sport And more our honours higher to aduance Our King of England was crown'd King of France In Paris thus all France we did prouoake T' obay and serue vnder the English yoake In Ireland 18 bloudy fields we fought And that fierce Nation to subiection brought Besides Tyrones rebellion which soule strife Cost England many a pound lost many a life And before we were Scotlands or it ours How often haue we with opposed powers In most vnneighbourly vnfriendly manners With hostile armes displaying bloudy banners With various victories on either side Now vp now downe our fortunes haue bin tride What one fight winnes the other losing yeelds In more then sixscore bloudy foughten fields But since that we and they and they and we More neere then brethren now conioyned be Those scattering powers we each gainst other lead Being one knit body to one royall head Then let this Iland East West South and North Iointly in these braue warres emblaze our worth And as there was a strife that once befell Twixt men of Iuda and of Israel Contending which should loue King Dauid best And who in him had greatest interest Long may contention onely then be thus Twixt vs and Scotland and twixt them and vs Still friendly striuing which of vs can be Most true and loyall to his Maiesty This is a strife will please the God of peace And this contending will our loues increase You hardy Scots remember Royall Bruce And what stout Wallace valour did produce The glorious name of Stewarts Hamiltons The Ereskins Morayes and the Levingstons The noble Ramseies and th' illustrious Hayes The valiant Dowglasses the Grimes and Grayes Great Sir Iames Dowglas a most valiant Knight Lead seauenty battles with victorious fight Not by Lieutenants or by deputation But he in person wanne his reputation The Turkes and Sarazens he ouercame Where ending life he purchast endlesse fame And his true noble worth is well deriu'd To worthies of that name that since suruiu'd Then since both nations did and do abound With men approu'd and through all Lands renown'd Through Europe and through Asia further farre Then is our blest Redeemer Sepulchre Through all the coasts of tawny Affrica And through the bounds of rich America And as the world our worths acknowledge must Let not our valour sleeping lye and rust But to immortalize our Britaines name Let it from imbers burst into a flame We haue that Land and shape our elders had Their courages were good can ours be bad Their deedes did manifest their worthy mindes Then how can we degenerate from kindes In former times we were so giuen to warre Witnesse the broyles twixt Yorke and Lancaster Hauing no place to forreigne foes to goe Amongst our selues we made our selues a foe Full threescore yeares with fierce vnkinde alarmes Were practis'd fierce vnciuill ciuill armes Whilst fourescore Peeres of the bloud royall died With hundred thousands commoners beside Thus Englishmen to warres did beare good will They would be doing although doing ill And Scotlands historie auoucheth cleare Of many ciuil warres and tormoyles there Rebellion discord rapine and foule spoyle Hath peirc't the bowels of their natiue soile Themselues against themselues Peeres against Peeres And kin with kin together by the eares The friend gainst friend each other hath withstood Vnfriendly friends weltering in their bloud Thus we with them and they with vs contending And we our selues and they themselues thus rending Doth shew that all of vs haue euer bin Addicted vnto martial discipline Spaine can report and Portingale can tel Denmarke and Norway both can wittnesse wel Sweden and Poland truely can declare Our seruice there and almost euery where And Belgia but for the English and the Scots Perpetuall slauery had beene their lots Vnder the great commanding power of Spaine By th' Prince of Parma's and the Archdukes traine Farre for my witnesses I neede not looke 'T is writ in many a hundred liuing booke And Newports famous battell brauely tels The English and the Scots in fight excels Yea all or most townes in those seauenteene Lands Haue felt the force or friendship of their hands Ostend whose siege all sieges did surpasse That will be is or I thinke euer was In three yeares three moneths Scots and Englishmen Did more then Troy accomplished in ten Ostend endur'd which ne'er will be forgot Aboue seauen hundred thousand Cannon shot And as if hell against it did conspire They did abide death dearth and sword and fire There danger was with resolution mixt And honour with true valour firmly fixt Were death more horrid then a Gorgons head In his worst shapes they met him free from dread There many a Britaine dide and yet they liue In fame which fame to vs doth courage giue At last when to an end the siege was come The gainers of it cast their losing summe And the vneuen reckoning thus did runne The winners had most losse the losers wonne For in this siege vpon the Archdukes side Seauen Masters of the Campe all wounded dide And fifteene Colonels in that warre deceast And Serieant Mayors twenty nine at least Captaines fiue hundred sixty fiue were slaine Lieutenants whilst this Leaguer did remaine One thousand and one hundred and sixteene Dyed and are now as they had neuer beene Ensignes three hundred twenty two all euen And nineteene hundred Serieants and eleuen Corp'rals and Lantzprizadoes death did mixe In number seauenteene hundred sixty sixe Of Souldiers Mariners women children all More then seauen times ten thousand there did fall Thus Ostend was at deare rates wonne and lost Besides these liues with many millions cost And when 't was wonne 't was wonne but on conditions On honourable tearmes and compositions The winners wanne a ruin'd heape of stones A demi-Golgotha of dead mens bones Thus the braue Britaines that the same did leaue Left nothing in it worthy to receiue And thus from time to time from age to age To these late dayes of our last pilgrimage We haue bin men with martiall minds inspir'd And for our meeds belou'd approu'd admir'd Men prize not Manhood at so low a rate To make it idle and effeminate And worthy Countrymen I hope and trust You 'le do as much as your forefathers durst A faire aduantage now is offered here Whereby your wonted worths may well appeare And he that in this quarrell will not strike Let him expect neuer to haue the like He that spares both his person and his purse Must if euer he vse it vse it worse And you that for that purpose go from hence To serue that mighty Princesse and that Prince Ten thousand thousand praiers shall euery day Implore th' Almighty to direct your way Goe on goe on braue souldiers neuer cease Till noble warre produce a noble peace A briefe Description of Bohemia THe Kingdome of Bohemia is well peopled with many braue horsemen and footmen rich fruitfull and plentifully stored by the Almighties bounty with all the treasuries of Nature fit for the vse and commodity of man it hath in it of Castles and walled townes to the number of 780 and 32000 villages by a grant from the Emperor Charles the fourth it was freed for euer of the payments of all contributions to the Empire whatsoeuer Morauia Silesia and Lusatia are as large as Bohemia well replenished with stout horsmen and footmen FINIS * Prince of Ascania Bishops of Halberstadt Magenberg Hilsheine Osenburgh The Marquesse of Anspash Cullinbagh Durlagh The Count Palatine of Lowtrecke and Luxenburgh The States of Venice Sauoy 34 Battells fought in France by Englishmen since the Conquest Henry the sixt The praise of sir Iames Dowglas in the raigne of K. Robert Bruce 1330. In 13. maine battells he ouercame Gods enemies and at last was slaine * The low countries Holland Zeland c.