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A91186 An exact chronological history and full display of popes intollerable usurpations upon the antient just rights, liberties, of the kings, kingdoms, clergy, nobility, commons of England and Ireland Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1666 (1666) Wing P3962A; ESTC R232177 595,052 408

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et pro remedio animae meae dimitto Deo et Sanctis ejus Apostolis Petro et Paulo Sanctaeque Catholicae Ecclesiae omnem Investituram per Annulum et Baculum et concedo in omnibus Ecclesiis fieri electionem et liberam consecrationem Possessiones et regalia beati Petri quae a Principio hujus discordiae usque ad hodiernum diem sive tempore Patris mei sive etiam meo ablata sunt quae habeo eidem Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae restituo quae autem non habeo ut restituantur fideliter juvabo Et do veram pacem Calixto Sanctaeque Romanae Ecclesiae et omnibus qui in parte ipsius sunt vel fuerunt et in quibus Sancta Romana Ecclesia aurilium postulaverit fideliter juvabo Literae à Pontifice Imperatori vicissim datae hae sunt Ego Calixtus Servus Servorum Dei Dilecto filio Heinrico Dei Gratia Romanorum Imperatori Augusto Concedo Electionem Episcoporum et Abbatum Tentonici Regni qui ad regnum pertinent in praesentia tua fieri absque Simonia et aliqua violentia Et si quae inter partes discordia emerserit Metropolitani comprovincialium Concilo vel Iudicio saniori parti assensum auxilium praebeas Electus autem regalia per sceptrum a te recipiat exceptis omnibus quae ad Romanam Ecclesiam pertinere noscuntur et quae ex iis jure tibi debet faciat Ex aliis vero partibus Imperii consecratus infra sex menses regalia per sceptrum a te recipiat De quibus vero si querimoniam feceris secundum officii mei debitum auxilium praestabo Doque tibi veram pacem omnibus qui in parte tua sunt vel fuerunt tempore hujus discordiae Datae Anno 2122. 9 Calendas Octobris Estque observatione dignissimum quod Otto Frisingensis annotat Hoc pro bono pacis Henrico soli concessum esse et non successoribus ipsius Attende igitur quam honestè candide illi homines agant Haec diplomata ubi Romam perlata sunt incredibilem excitaverunt laetitiam et tripudium Vt autem triumphus ille de manubiis Caesari ereptis Communis et illustrior esset Sanctissimus Papa Caesar Calixtus 2. eas literas de extorta resignatione et renunciatione Iuris Caesarei de Investitura Episcoporum in Ecclesia Lateranensi publice suspendit ut omnibus et risum et insultationem more scilicet vere Apostolico moverent Pope Calixtus having thus publickly triumphed over the Emperor and forcibly wrested out of his hands the right of Investitures after above 46 years hot contests and bloudy warres about it between the Imperial Scepter and Papal Myter he next addressed himself to vanquish his Competitor Gregory the 8. by the Temporal as he had conquered the Emperor by the Spiritual sword whereupon conspiratione suorum facta more Romuleo non Petrino maximas copias mittit Sutrium ubi Gregorius se continebat addito divo Joanne Cremensi Sancti Chrysogoni Diacono Cardinali milite ut decebat Ecclesiasticum virum strenuo ad oppugnandam Civitatem Ipse Pontifex ad visitationum scilicet Ecclesiasticam praemisse exercitu cum gladiis lanceis tormentis pedetentim subsequitur quia Burdinus adhuc nomen Pontificium arrogabat quod electione habebat Romanos incursionibus infestabat ut qui contra se latrocinia exercebat peregrinos religionis suorum negotiorum causa cum turgida crumena Romam adventantes pecuniis spoliabat quas Papa Cardinales sacrifici avide expectabant Quid fit Sutrium expugnatione Petrinorum capitur Burdinus in potestatem Calixti traditur Jam attende quanta clementia mitissimus Papa erga hunc suum rivalem usus sit Burdinum non sine summa Caesaris et Papatus ignominia crudis sanguinolentis pellibus caprinis amictus per mediam Civitatis via Regia ut magis publicaretur educitur imperante Domin● Papa Calixto imponitur camelo capite ad caudam verso candamque manu tenentem publicéque omnibus deridendum conspuendum exponitur tandemque monasterio eum tanquam in carcerem intrudit ad tantae ultionis memoriae conservationem in camera palacii sub pedibus Calixti conculcatum depinxerunt Calixtus by these triumphant conquests of the Emperor and Antipope made the Church of Rome to increase into a Great mountain as Otto Frisingensis and others observe unde de eo Romae scriptum Ecce Calixtus honor patriae Decus Imperiale Burdinum nequam damnat pacemque reformat Yea he grew so insolent as to write this blasphemous Decretal Epistle to all Bishops Non licet regulis Eccesiae Apostolicae id est Romanae ullatenus deviare et sicut Dei filius venit facere voluntatem Patris sui sic et vos implete voluntatem Matris vestrae quae est Ecclesia cujus caput est Romana which he decreed in a Council at Rome Anno 1123. with this derogatory Canon to the Rights of Princes and other Laymen Laici quamvis religiosi sint nullam tamen de Ecclesiasticis rebus aliquid disponendi habeant facultatem sed secundum Apostolorum Canones to wit of Pope Steph●n omnium ecclesiasticorum negotiorum curam Episcopus habeat ea velut Deo contemplante dispen●et Si quis ergo Principum vel aliorum Laicorum dispositionem vel donationem rerum possessionum Ecclesiasticarum sibi vendicaverit ut Sacrilegus judicetur To which he annexed Decrees and Canons against Priests wives and marriages By these Canons this Pope and his Successors since engrossed into their own hands the disposal of most Archbishopricks Bishopricks and other preferments which they bestowed on their Creatures or those who would give most money for them without the guilt of Sacriledge or Simony to maintain their usurped Soveraignty against the Emperor and his Successors and thereby monopolized into their hands the Government of the Empire and all Christian Realms all Archbishops Bishops Abbots dignities and the whole Clergy being thenceforth solely dependant upon the Pope not Emperor Kings Princes who in that and subsequent ages were both Legats sworn Vassals Homagers to the Pope and the Grand swaying Officers of State Privy Counsellors Chancellors Treasurers Secretaries as well as Confessors to the Emperor the Kings of England France Spain Hungary Poland Denmarke Scotland and other Princes siding with the Pope against the Emperor Kings Princes their Crownes and Interests whenever they came in competition with the Popes usurped Supremacy and Jurisdiction and betraying their secrets unto him Rupertus Tuitiensis Abbas a learned Author flourishing under this Pope l 9. in Mat. c. 11. writes thus against these usurpations Viro spiritualis propositi non conceditur evaginare gladium Virga Discipulorum Christi est virga Pastoralis Officii super curam animarum sollicitè vigilantis Illam namque virgam quae Dominationis est non esse concessam Ministris Evangelii Pacis much lesse then the swords interdici imo
Romans wherby he so obliged them to him that Innocent after his release out of prison thought it not safe to stay at Rome but taking ship with his Cardinals passed over to Pisa and there excommunicated Anacletus From thence sending a Legate to Ludovicus Crassus King of France to relate the equity of his cause desired he might be there received as Pope the French Bishops being doubtfull to which of these Popes they should adhere some of them siding with Anacletus against Innocent thereupon a Council was held at Stamps where by St. Bernards means who stickled for Innocent and writ many Epistles to Kings Princes Bishops in his behalf Innocent was received as Pope After which he posted into Germany to Lotharius where a Council of Bishops was called at Leodium which received him as Pope engaging Lotharius the Emperor by Oath to restore him if he would crown him Emperor After which returning into France having by St. Bernards Epistles travel mediation engaged the Kings of Germany England Scotland Spaine Jerusalem to receive him as lawfull Pope he held several Councils at Rhemes Placentia Pisa and Claremount wherein he solemnly excommunicated anathematized Anacletus and all his adherents with horrible execrations St. Bernard in his 125. Epistle renders this account of these two Popes elections and proceedings ad Magistrum Galfridum de Loratorio Tu tibi quiescis mater tua Ecclesia graviter conturbatur habuit sua tempora quies sanctum otium hactenus sua negotia licenter libenterque exercuit Tempus faciendi nunc quia dissipaverunt legem Bestia illa de Apocalypsi cui datum est os loquens blasphemias bellum genere cum Sanctis Petri Cathedram occupat tanquam Leo paratus ad pr●dam he means Anacletus Altera quoque bestia penes vos subsibilat sicut catulus in ●bditis Illa ferocior ista callidor pariter convenerunt in unum adversus Dominum Christum ejus Demus operam cito dirumpere vincula eorum projicere à nobis jugum ipsorum Nos in nostris partibus una cum aliis Dei servis divino igne accensis Deo cooperante laboramus in conveniendo populo in unum Reges ad diripiendum pravorum consensum ad destxuendam omnem altitudinem extollentem se adversus scientiam Dei. Nec infructuosè Alemanniae Franciae Angliae Scotiae Hispaniarum Hierosolymorum Reges cum universo Clero populo favent adhaerent Domino Innocentio tanquam filii patri tanquam capiti membra solliciti servare unitatem Spiritus in vinculo pacis Merito autem illum recepit Ecclesia cujus opinio clarior electio sanior inventa est nimirum eligentium numero vincens merito At tu frater quid adhuc negligis quousque vicino serpenti tua malè secura dormitat industria Scimus quidem te filium pacis nulla posse ratione induci deserere unitatem sed profectò non sufficit nisi defensare atque ipsius quoque turbatores totis viribus debellare studueris Nec quietis timeas detrimentum quod non parvo tuae gloriae incremento compensabitur si fera illa vicina vobis tuo studio mansuescat vel obmutescat tantam Ecclesiae praedam Comitem dico Pictaviensem in man tua Dei pietas de ore Leonis eripiat In his Epistola 124. ad Hildebertum Senonensem Archiepiscopum qui nondum acceperat Papam Innocentium Epistola 126. ad Episcopos Aquitaniae contra Gerardum Engolismensem Episcopum Epistola 127 128. ex persona Ducis Burgundiae Guillermo egregio Comiti Pictaviorum Duci Aquitanorum Epist 129. to 140. he pleads Pope Innocents cause and election against Anacletus commending those who assisted Innocent exhorting them to persevere therein and menacing those who would not embrace him or adhered to Anacletus wherein he hath some strange Hyperbolical expressions Quidam juxta Esaiam vidi foedus percussisse cum morte cum inferno fecisse pactum Ecce namque Christus Domini Innocentius positus est in ruinam in resurrectionem multorum Nam qui Dei sunt libenter junguntur ei qui autem ex adverso stat aut Antichristi est aut Antichristus Cernitur abominatio stare in loco sancto quam ut obtineat incendit igni sanctuarium Dei. Persequitur Innocentium cum eo omnem innocentiam Fugit ille nimiram a facie Leonis sicut dicit Propheta Leo rugiet quis non timebit Fugit secundum praeceptum Domini dicentis Si vos persecuti fuerint in una Civitate fugite in aliam Fugit in hoc verè virum se Apostolicum probans quod Apostolica sese forma insignierit Nec enim Paulus erubuit in sporta dimitti per murum sic effugere manus querentium animam suam subfugit autem non parcens vitae suae sed dans locum irae non ut mortem evaderet sed ut vitam acquireret Merito Ecclesiae Innocentio concedit ipsius vicem quem per eadem vestigia gradientem 〈◊〉 Nec sanè otiosa fuga Innocentii Laborat quidem sed honestatur in laboribus suis pulsus urbe ab orbe suscipitur finibus terrae occurritur cum panibus fugienti Et si furor Semei Gerardi Engolimensis nondum ex toto quiescat maledicere David Velit nolit pictor qui videt irascitur magnificatur in conspectu Regum portans coronam Gloriae Nunquid non omnes Principes cognoverunt quod ipse est verè Dei electus Francorum Anglorum Hispanorum pestremo Romanorum Rex Innocentium in Papam suscipiunt recognoscunt singularem Episcopum animarum suarum Solus adhuc ignorat Achitophel suum jam patefactum ac dissipatum consilium Fructra molitur miser super populum Dei malignare consilium cogitare adversus Sanctos sanctofirmissime adhaerentes continentes curvare genua ante Baal Nulla fraude praevalebit parricidae suo obtinere regnum super Israel super Civitatem sanctam quae est Ecclesiae Dei viventis columna fidei firmamentum veritatis Funiculus triplex difficile rumpitur Electio meliorum approbatio plurium quod his efficacius est morum attestatio Innocentium apud omnes commendant summum confirmant Pontificem Ad quod sane vestra Pater expectatur sicut pluvia in vellus vel sera sententia Non improbamus tarditatem quia gravitatem redolet levitatis abolet notam Nam Maria non statim respondit Angelo salutanti prius cogitans qualis esset illa salutatio Et Timotheo praecipitur nemini ci●ò manum imponere Dico tamen ego vobis notus Pontifici ne quid nimis dico ut familiaris notus non plus sapere quàm oportet sapere Pudet fateor quod Serpens vetustissimus nova audacia relictis insipientibus mulieribus etiam robur pectoris vestri visus est attemptare tantam Ecclesiae columnam
An Exact CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY AND FULL DISPLAY OF POPES Intollerable Usurpations Upon the antient just Rights Liberties of the Kings Kingdoms Clergy Nobility Commons of ENGLAND and IRELAND THE design of this Chronological History and Display being principally to remonstrate to the world by irrefragable Testimonies and Records the manifold unsufferable Vsurpations of the Bishops and See of Rome from time to time upon the antient indubitable just Rights and Liberties of the Kings Churches Nobles Commons of England and Ireland whiles they continued under their Foreign Jurisdiction More especially by Excom●unications Interdicts absolving Subjects from their Oathes of Allegia●ce raising Rebellions dethroning our Kings enforcing them to resign their Crowns to become their sworn Vassals Tributaries exempting Bishops Clerks from their Homage Judicatures collating Bishopricks Monasteries Ecclesiastical Dignities Benefices by Provisions to Aliens or others translating swearing Bishops Abbots to them and their Papal See vacating due Elections at their pleasures Appeals to Rome Dispensations Tenths Procurations First-Fruits Bribes Symony Crossadoes varieties of Extortions Oppressions by their Legates and other Instruments To discover their originals progresse growth revivals suppressions with the manifold memorable Complains Letters Oppositions Writs Prohibitions Declarations against them both in and out of Parliament and the frequent Treacheries Usurpations of our Popish Prelates Spiritual Courts Officers upon our Kings just Rights Prerogatives Regalities Courts Subjects Liberties to the extraordinary d●●ger mischief of the Crown Realm Church Christian Religion and peoples grievance And what Soveraign Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction our Kings as Gods Vicars have exercised from King Lucius his Conversion Anno 183. till the total extirpation of the Popes usurped Authority by King Henry the 8. and Edward the 6. by Histories and memorable Records in the Tower and Rolls for the most part unknown to our greatest Clerks Antiquaries worthy publick view yea adding much light to our Ecclesiastical and Political Histories very defective in these Transactions of grand Importance I apprehended it absolutely necessary by way of Introduction like a Wise Builder to lay a deep sure Foundation whereon to bottom this Weighty Structure that so if any Floods shall hereafter come or Windes blow and beat upon it from Rome or other Quarters they may not be able to shake or overturn it because it is founded upon a Rock To this end I shall by Gods assistance in one intire Book Chronologically and Historically remonstrate and where necessity requires Polemically examine discusse the Original of Soveraign Jurisdiction in what Persons God himself hath setled the Primitive Right and Exercise thereof as well over the Churches Militant as Civil State from Adams Creation till Christs Ascension and from thence till this present age And irrefragably demonstrate by Scripture Heathen Philosophers Fathers Councils Ecclesiastical Histories Imperial Laws Edicts Popes own Epistles Decretals Bulls Archbishops Bishops Popish Divines School-men Canonists Protestant Writers Testimonies and Presidents in all ages That the Supreme Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in governing protecting reforming the Church and people of God maintaining propagating the Orthodox Christian Faith the true publike worship of God suppressing all Heresies Errors Blasphemies Idolatries Schisms sinnes against both Tables in all Persons as well Ecclesiastical as Temporal taking care of the souls and salvation of men is originally vested by God himself in Kings Emperors or Soveraign Princes as Gods Vicegerents and Christs Vicars upon Earth as the principal part of their Royal Authority Office Trust not in High-Priests Priests Apostles Popes Patriarchs Archbishops Bishops or any other Ecclesiastical persons whatsoever who are all Subjects to and subordinate Ministers under them in the Churches Militant within their respective Empires Kingdoms Dominions as all inferiour Civil Magistrates Officers of Justice are in their Civil States Kingdoms Courts And that the received Distinction of two supreme Jurisdictions Powers specifically different from and independent on each other in their very essence nature by Divine Institution and at least ever since our Saviours Ascension immediately vested in two distinct callings professions of men to wit the Soveraign Civil Jurisdiction in and over all secular persons affairs in Emperors Kings and Temporal Powers alone the Supreme Ecclesiastical or Spiritual Jurisdiction in and over all Churches Militant Bishops Priests Church-Members Divine and Ecclesiastical affaires only in Popes or Patriarchs not Emperors Kings Secular Princes States is but a meer Popish Imposture Forgery Fancy Stratagem to cheat rob deprive all Christian Emperors Kings Princes of the richest Pearl Jewel chiefest Branch and Flower of their Diadems to exempt the Clergy from their Jurisdictions under this pretext and to subject both their Persons Crowns Kingdoms Subjects to the Antichristian Usurpations Tyrannies Exorbitances Oppressions of Ambitious Popes Prelates Priests as Ecclesiastical Histories evidence ever since this Heresie of two distinct Soveraign Authorities delegated by Divine Institution to two several Functions was first broached in the Christian Church being the same in substance with that of Duo Principia condemned by Popes themselves and the greatest Champions of their Universal Soveraign Monarchy as a most dangerous Heresie invented first by Marcion Manes Hermogenes and other Hereticks against whom Tertullian thus long since argued Quid erit unicum singulare nisi cui nihil adaequabitur Quid principale nisi quod super omnia nisi quod ante omnia in quo omnia Haec Deus solus habendo est solus habendo Deus est Si alius habuerit tot jam erunt Dii quot habuerint quae Dei sunt Quod summum sit Deus est summum autem non erit nisi quod unicum fuerit Unicum autem esse non poterit cui aliquid adaequabitur Veritas autem sic unum Deum exigit defendendo ut solius sit quicquid ipsius est Ita enim ipsius erit si fuerit solius Et ex hoc alius Deus non possit admitti dum nemini licet habere de Deo aliquid Ergo inquis nec nos habemus Dei aliquid Imo habemus habebimus sed ab ipso non à nobis Nam Dii erimus si meruerimus illi esse de quibus praedicavit Ego dixi vos Dii estis stetit Deus in Ecclesia Deorum sed ex gratia ipsius non ex nostra proprietate quia ipse est solus qui Deos faciat I may most aptly apply it to Emperors Kings who are Earthly Gods made such by God in their own Kingdoms as his Vice-roys The Soveraign Power Jurisdiction over all persons Churches causes as well Civil as Ecclesiastical within their respective Realms must be but one in●ire indivisible Soveraign Authority incommunicable unto any other subject or person whatsoever but by subordinate derivation and delegation by from or under them else they should presently cease to be Earthly Gods had Popes or Bishops a distinct Supreme Ecclesiastical Power within their Realms coequal with underived from or independent on them Whence St.
objects about which they are exercised not in their original subject or power it self Before I proceed to the next Proposition it will be necessary to answer 4. principal Arguments Presidents out of the Old Testament before and under the Law produced by Popes and their Parasites to evidence their pretended Universal Spiritual and Temporal Jurisdiction too over the Persons Crowns Kingdoms of all Kings Princes and the Emperor himself to dispose of them at their absolute Wills as derived only from and held under them which my Chronological Method confines me here to propound and answer in their order The first is that alleged by Pope Innocent the 3d. the first Pope who interdicted the Realm of England Excommunicated King John and by force and frauds induced him to resign his Kingdoms of England and Ireland to and resume them from him under an Annual rent and to do Homage to him for them as his Vassal This Pope in an Epistle to the Emperour of Constantinople useth this Argument before Adams creation to maintain his Temporal Monarchy Moreover you ought to know that God hath made two great Lights in the firmament of heaven the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night both of them great but the other greater Ad firmamentum igitur Coeli hoc est Universalis Ecclesiae fecit Deus duo magna luminaria c. Therefore God hath made two great lights to rule the firmament of heaven to wit of the Universal Church that is he hath instituted TWO DIGNITIES quae sunt Pontificalis authoritas Regalis potestas which are The Pontifical Authority and the Regal Power But that which ruleth in the day that is in Spiritual things major est is the Greater but that which in carnal things minor is the Lesser ut quanta est inter Solem Lunam tanta inter Pontifices Reges differentia cognoscatur mark it that it might be known there is as great a difference between Popes and Kings as there is betweeen the Sunne and Moon How great this difference is this Pope defines not But some illiterate Canonists and Glossers on this Text not well versed in Astronomy resolve the Sunne to be 47. times greater then the Moon whereas Johannes Clavius and other Astronomers determine it to be no lesse then 6529. degrees greater then it and by consequence the Pope to be so many degrees greater then the Emperor by this Popes Resolution in his over-erring chaire He subjoyns If his Imperial Highnesse would prudently consider these things he would not make or permit the Patriarch of Constantinople a great and honourable Member of the Church to sit on the left side near his Footstool when as other Kings and Princes sicut debent AS THEY OUGHT reverently rise up to and assign them a venerable Chair next them on their right hand Nos autem etsi non increpando scripserimus potuissemus tamen rationabiliter increpare Mauritius de Alzedo a Spanish Doctor of the Canon Law in his highly approved and applauded Book De Praecellentia Episcopalis dignitatis concludes from this Popes Text That there is as vast a difference between the Episcopal and Regal dignity not Papal only as there is between the Sun and Moon quoting many Canonists Divines Politians and Cardinal Bellarmin himself in his Apologia pro Responsione ad JACOBUM REGEM ANGLIAE averring it Yet Pope Sixtus the 5. was so angry with Bellarmin for not asserting the direct but oblique dominion of Popes over Kings in all Temporal things in this Apology that he purposed to have burnt and totally abolished this his Book AS HERETICAL And that upon reading of Alex Carerius his Book purposely written against Bellarmins Adversus Impios Politicos Haereticos hujus Temporis branding all for impious Hereticks who denyed the Popes direct Universal Dominion in Temporal things though they acknowledged it obliquely in-order to and absolutely in all Spiritual things In this applauded Book Carerius asserts There is that proportion between the Pope and the Emperor as is between the Sun and Moon not only in Magnitude but Splendor too For as the Sun is far more excellent and eminent then the Moon seeing she borrows her splendor and light of the Sun SO IS THE POPE THEN THE EMPEROUR seeing his Authority depends on the Pope and is derived from him Our own Thomas Waldensis alluding thereunto professedly asserts against Wickliffs defence of our Kings Supream Jurisdiction over Priests and Prel●tes That Priests as well as Bishops ARE TO BE PREFERRED BEFORE ALL OTHER EARTHLY PRINCES WHATSOEVER and the Priesthood before the Kingship as far as the Flesh before the Spirit Gold before Lead the Soul before the body and Heaven BEFORE EARTH in proof whereof he spends two whole Chapters and Alvarus Pelagius above forty Articles To all which I answer 1. That God created the Sunne to Govern the day and the Moon the night by a direct divine inviolable and irrevocable Institution observed from the Creation till now when Pope Innocent and his flatterers can produce any such divine Law and constitution made either by God at the creation or by Moses for the Jews High Priests Supremacy or by Kings Princes or Christ himself under the Gospel to convince any rational Christian that Popes and Prelates are the sole Universal Governours in the Church but Kings and Emperours only in the World That Popes or Bishops were ever typified by the Sunne and Moon the Church and Earthly kingdoms by Day and Night That there is as vast a difference between the Amplitude of Jurisdiction and Splendor of Popes Bishops Kings and Emperours as is between the Grandeur and Brightnesse of the Sunne and Moon That Kings and Emperours derive all their Regal Authority Crowns Kingdoms Splendor Excellency in the world from Popes Miters or Bishops Crosiers not God himself as the Old and New Testament Paul and Peter the first pretended Bishop of Rome it self dogmatically resolve as the Moon borrows her light and splendor from the Sunne as some assert but others rationally deny being both made at once by God on the fourth day two days before Adam the first man was created and some thousands of years before Popes Prelates the Grecian or Roman Emperours were extant in the world and so could not typifie either of them as these Pontificians dream Or when they can evidence that God hath constituted Popes to rule govern and give light to the whole World by day only and to the Emperour alone not Pope by night as the Sunne and Moon govern alternis vicibus without encroaching on one the others turns when as Popes Prelates usurp the Temporal Rights of all Emperors Kings as well as Ecclesiastical all the year long I shall then subscribe these Popes and Doctors conclusions as Catholick verities whereas yet I cannot but conclude them strong Antichristian delusions lyes which few sober men will
Non-sequitur 6ly The Kings of England France Spain Hungary Poland Denmark Sweden Bohemia Scotland Cyprus and others have been usually anointed crowned by their own Bishops the Kings of England most frequently by the Archbishops of Canterbury yet some times by the Archbishop of York or Bishop of London or Winchester Are therefore these Bishops that crown anoint them Kings thereby intituled to be their Soveraign Lords in all Temporal and Spiritual things and advanced above all other Archbishops and Bishops in their Realms not present at their Coronation Consecration and may dispose of their Bishopricks Crowns kingdoms at their pleasures If not I hope the Roman Pontifs will from henceforth disclaim this grand Argument for their Supremacy as most false and absurd The rather because none of the Jewish high Priests Priests ever pretended to much lesse exercised such a power over any of their most impious idolatrous Kings as Popes both claimed and exercised over pious Christian Kings Emperours to their eternal infamy And because Kings are actual Kings by desent or election before their Coronations The 3d. and principal warrant from the Old Testament which Popes and their Parasites insist on for their Supream Athority over all Christian Pagan Kings and Emperors Persons Crowns Kingdoms to dispose depose root out destroy them at their wills is that Text of Jeremy 1. 10. The Lord said unto Jeremiah See I have this day set thee over the Nations and over kingdomes to root out and to pull down and to destroy and to throw down to build and to plant Whence they thus argue Jeremiah the Priest to whom this power under the Law was given was but a Type of the Popes Christs Vicar General his absolute Dominion power under the Gospel of whom this Text was principally meant Therefore Popes may pull down root out destroy and throw down all Kings Emperors Kingdoms at their pleasures and dispose of them at their wills Thus Pope Gregory the 7th in his Confirmation of his Execration of Henry the Emperor Pope Innocent the 3d. Pope John the 22d Ostiensis Alvarus Pelagius Augustinus Triumphans Caspar Scoppius Carerius Radulfus Cupers Lelius Zecchus Bozius Marta Bellarmine and other Romanists conclude with very great Confidence from this Text. But to dismount these aspring Roman Bishops and Rooks I shall desire them to demonstrate first how Jeremiah only one of the private Priests of Anathoth not the high Priest of the Jews was in this and this alone a Type of the Pope or Peter If not then their pretences argument are false If yea then let them produce some Scripture warrant for it 2ly How Jeremiah and the high Priest too from whom they claim their power can be both Types at once of the Pope and his Papal pretended prerogatives 3ly Whether the High Priest had any such Supremacy vested in him as Jeremiah here received If not then Jeremiah was paramount him in Jurisdiction and might remove extirpate him at his pleasure as well as whole Nations Kingdoms being a Member of the Israelitish Nation and Realm and so the High Priest not Supream as they formerly argued If yea What need of any such special Commission from God to Jeremiah alone without the high Priests privity or delegation to the prejudice of his inherent high priesthood 4ly Whether this transcendent power was given only to Jeremiah as an extraordinary Prophet of God sanctifyed in and called from the womb or as he was an ordinary Priest If as an extraordinary Prophet only as the Text expresly resolves then Popes can lay no Title to it till they can prove themselves such extraordinary sanctifyed called Prophets as Jeremiah and produce the like special divine Commission to each of them from God himself as he received If as to an ordinary Priest alone then every ordinary Priest among the Jewes heretofore had and by like consequence every ordinary Masse-priest in the Church of Rome hath as absolute a Soveraign power over all Kings Emperors Nations Kingdoms of the world as the high Priest or Pope himself pretends to from this Text and then where is his sole Monarchy over them when equally and intirely divided amongst so many inferiour Priests or any Kings or Kingdoms safety 5ly Whether it extends to Kings there being not a word of Kings but only of Nations Kingdoms in this Text 6ly Whether Jeremiah by virtue of this Commission did either challenge or exercise any such Soveraign Authority over Amon Jehoiakim or Zedekiah Kings of Iudah their kingdom under whom he lived though very wicked and idolatrous by deposing them from their thrones absolving their Subjects from their allegiance and setting up other Kings in their steads If not it is infallible then this was no Commission for such a rooting out destroying pulling and throwing down as these Pontificians dream of but of far different Nature to wit only by denouncing Gods judgements against them that if they persevered in their sins God himself would root out and destroy pull and throw them down but if they repented upon his menaces he would build and plant them This God himself declared to be his only meaning even to Ieremiah himself and to us ch 19. 5. to 11. Then the word of the Lord came to me saying O House of Israel cannot I do with you as this Potter saith the Lord Behold as the clay is in the Potters hand so are ye in my hand O house of Israel At what instant I shall speak concerning a Nation and concerning a Kingdom to pluck up and pull down and to destroy it If that Nation against whom I have pronounced turn from their evil I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them And at what instant I shall speak concerning a Nation and concerning a Kingdom to build and to plant it If it do evil in my sight that it obey not my voice then I will repent of the good wherewith I said I would benefit them Now therefore go to speak to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem saying Thus saith the Lord Behold I frame evil against you and devise a devise against you return ye now every one from his evil way and make your wayes and your doings good This way of working out pulling down building up and planting Kings and kingdoms and no other he useth throughout his prophecy especially ch 25. 17. to 38. where God commands him to take the wine cup of his fury at his hand and to make all the Kings and kingdoms of the world to drink it that so they may spue and fall and rise no more and become a desolation for their sins if they repented not This was the rooting up and pulling down which Samuel exercised towards Saul the first King of Israel and his kingdom when he thus publikely menaced them But if ye shall still do wickedly ye shall be destroyed both you
propugnacula And Jacobus Crucius Rector of the Jesuites Novices at Landsperg An. 1584 writes Miles esse debet nostrae Societatis pater as Ignatius a fiery Souldier was quia ut Militis est totis viribus in hostem irruere nec desistere donec victor evadat ita nostrum est in omnes irruere qui Pontifici Romano resistunt illosque consiliis dictis et scriptis vocato etiam seculari brachio hoc est ferro igne tollere et abolere sicut Pontifex et nostra vota contra Lutheranos suscepta volunt et mandant Nay Edmond Compian the English Jesuit in his Dissertatio Ecclesiae Catholicae or Letter to Qu. Elizabeths Council printed Treveris Anno 1583. p. 22. proclaims to all the world Quod ad Societatem nostram attinet velim sciatis omnes nos qui per totum orbem longè lateque diffusi sumus quorum est continua succes●io magnus numerus sanctum faedus iniisse nec quamdiu vel unus nostrum supererit studium consilia nostra de salute vestra that is as his own Treasons against Queen Elizabeths person shew to destroy her and her Kingdoms together and as Ludovicus Lucius and Hospinian truly interpret it id est Religionis Reginae et Regni vestri eversione aut sub Papae iugum reductione intermissuros Iampridem inita ratio est et inchoatum certamen nulla vis nullus Anglorum impetus superabit And this whole Society as Watson a secular Priest in his Quodlibets informs us have long since boasted That they were the men miraculously constituted by God who should turn all things in England upside down and make such an universal dismal change in Church Lawes Parliaments in such sort as from the beginning of the world the like was never heard of before and turn our Kingdom into a Japonian or Helvetian Commonwealth which they lately effected Therefore it cannot consist with the safety of our King kingdoms Church State Religion to tolerate any of this spreading Desperate order of Jesuites amongst us banished out of most forraign Popish as well as Protestant Kingdoms States for their manifold Treasons seditions against their Kings Magistrates Government and who made very many attempts to destroy the sacred persons of Queen Elizabeth King James were the principal contrivers of the late horrid Gunpowder Treason to blow up our King Queen Prince all the Royall Issue Lords Commons Church Kingdom Religion Parliaments at once had a principal hand in the unparallel'd murder proceedings against our late King Charles of glorious memory and had no small influence in the late metamorphosis of our Hereditary Kingdomes into the confused Chaos of a new Free Commonwealth Having as the General of the English Jesuites confessed to a Noble English Lord in their Colledge at Rome Anno 1653. in England above 1500 of their Society able to work in several trades which the Bu●l of Pope Gregory the 13th inables them to exercise as well as to preach without Orders They having a Consistory and Council that ruled all the affairs of the Kings in England into which they never came over in those swarms as they did during our late confusions as Cromwell himself relates in his printed Speech Sept. 4. 1654. p. 16 17. and being the Heads and Lay-preachers to most of our New sects as well as Soldiers in our late Armies and Garisons Their 5th Title whereunto all Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and that by divine right is now pretended to be annexed as inseparable incommunicable to Kings Temporal Magistrates or to ordinary Priests Presbyters Ministers is that of Bishop or Overseer and their office a Bishoprick or good work Acts 20. 28. Phil 1. 8. 1 Tim. 3. 1. Tit 1. 7. To which I answer first That if the Supream Titles offices of Apostles Disciples Evangelists have no such Jurisdiction included in or conferred by them as is pretended then this of Bishop or Overseer inferior to them can have none at least none greater or so great as they 2ly It is only a Title of Ministry not of Dignity of Labour not Honor of Operation not Denomination of Watching not Lording or loytering as Fathers and Councils in all ages have defined I shall present you with a short view of their resolves herein to abate that Timpany of Ambition pride superciliosnesse luxury which Popes others challenge only from this Title of Bishop Origen within 220. years after Christ resolved Qui Principatum desiderat Ecclesiae debet fieri omnium servus in humilitate servili ut obsequatur omnibus in his quae perrinent ad salutem haec docet nos sermo divinus Ecclesiarum Principes Principum mundalium imitatores esse non debent sed imitari debent Christum accessibilem mulieribus loquuentem pueris manus imponentem discipulis suis pedes lavantem atque tergentem exemplum eis dantem ut ipsi similiter faciant suis fratribus Neque enim ad Principatum Ecclesiae venit qui salvari vult etsi praeest sed ad servitutem Ecclesiae Et si oportet discere de Evangelio Principes quidem Gentium dominantur eis qui potestatem habent in illis Magistratus vocantur vos autem non sic Qui vocatur ergo ad Episcopatum non ad Principatum vocatur sed ad servitutem totitius Ecclesiae Si vis credere de Scripturis quia in Ecclesia servus sit omnium qui praeset Propter quod ait Apostolus Ita nos existimet homo ut ministros Christi dispensatores mysteri●ram Dei. Peccat autem in Deum quicunque Episcopus qui non quasi conservis servus ministrat sed quasi Dominus Frequenter autem et quasi amarus Dominus dominans per vim similis constitutus Egyptiis qui affligebant vitam filiorum Israel vi c. St. Ambrose resolves Nisi bonum opus amplecturis Episcopus esse non potes a Bishoprick being not a Dignity or Dominion but a good work c. St. Chrysostom Hom. 11. in Ephesios Non dominamur ait fidei vestrae thus resolves O D●lecti nec Domini more haec imperamus Doctrinae verbi praefecti sumus non est nobis mandatus Magistratus nec data Auctoritas Consiliariorum admonentium locum tenemus Opus Imperfectum in Matth. Hom. 35. Principes Gentium dominantur eis c. Christus fructum humilitatis terrestris posuit primatum caelestem et primatus terrestris fructum posuit confusionem caelestem Quicunque ergo desiderat primatum caelestem sequatur humilitatem terrestrem quicumque autem desiderat Primatum in terra inveniet confusionem in coelo ut jam inter servos Christi non sit de Primatu certamen nec festinet unusquisque eorum quomodo aliis major appareat sed quomodo omnibus inferior videatur Conversatio igitur melior est desideranda non dignior gradus Principes autem Ecclesiae fiunt ut serviant minoribus suis et ministrent iis
holy is he that hath part in the first Resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be Priests God and of Christ From which Texts Tertullian thus argued Nonne Lalci Sacerdotes sumus Regnum quoque nos et Sacerdotes Deo Patri suo fecit St. Ambrose resolves Omnes filii Ecclesiae Sacerdotes sunt St. Hierom determines Genus Sacerdotale Regale sumus omnes qui baptizati in Christo Christi censemur nomine Which St. Chrysostom thus backs Et tu in baptismo Rex essiceris Sacerdos Propheta adding St. Peter calls the whole Church of Christ A Kingly Priesthood St. Augustin concludes Hoc Sacerdotio Regali consecrantur omnes pertinentes ad corpus Christi Summi veri Principis Sacerdotum Omnes sunt sacerdotes quia membra sunt unius Sacerdotis Yea St. Bernard most Commentators and all Protestant Divines from these Texts resolve That every faithfull Christian is after a spiritual and ghostly manner both a Priest to offer up spiritual Sacrifices unto God and likewise a King to rule over his sins and corruptions Therefore Mr. Hardings inference from this Text of Peter That the Pope being a Bishop may be a King But on the other side a King may in no wise be a Bishop or Priest That the Priesthood which is the greater may contain the Kingship being the lesse but not è converso And Dormers inference thence You are a Kingly Priesthood as who should say the Priesthood before was not Kingly for that their Kings under the Law ruled over Priests but now is the Priesthood Kingly for that to it be subiect even Kings themselves So that unlesse the Pope yea every Popish Priest may rule over Kings and Princes as their Lords paramount and that in Temporals as well as Spirituals and all the world at their pleasures they think they are no Kingly Priestood must needs vanish into smoak since not only every Christian King but private Christian is as much as really a Spiritual Priest and King too by St. Peters and St. Johns resolutions as the Pope or St. Peter himself Especially if we believe Johannes de Parisiis his decision Sacerdotium dicitur Regale a Regno non hujus mundi sed coeli and the Glosse on Gratian from St. Cyprians resolution Christus actibus propriis Dignitatibus distinctis potestates utriusque discrevit Hinc est argumentum as the Glosse resolves quod Papa non habet utrumque gladium or at least it evidenceth that every private Christian being both a Spiritual King and Priest hath both swords as well as the Pope who upon this account can have no superiour Spiritual or Temporal Jurisdiction over them since Par in parem non habet Imperium To cloze up this Chapter I can discover upon serious disquisition nothing in all or any of the Evangelical Commissions or Titles given to the Apostles or Ministers of the Gospel that can invest St. Peter or any other Apostle Pope Bishop Presbyter Minister Priest with Supream Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction or Dominion much lesse advance the Pope to such a transcendent superiority over the whole Church all Bishops yea Emperors Kings themselves as now they exercise prescribe expect by their very Caeremoniale wherein they inform us Papa nemini omnino mortalium reverentiam facit assurgendo manifeste aut Caput inclinando aut detegendo Such is his Antichristian pride But on the other side the Emperor himself when he is to be crowned by the Pope ut primum videt Pontificem detecto capitc illum genu terram contingens veneratur iterum cum appropinquat ad gradus sedis genu flectit Demum ut ad Pontificis pedes pervenit illos in reverentiam Salvatoris who never received nor required any such reverence from Emperors or Kings devote osculatur Yea the Empresse Imperatrix Coronata mox osculatur pedem Pontificis Moreover the Emperor himself like a Groom of the Popes Stable or Footman must hold the Popes stirrop and lead his horse as Pepin did to Pope Stephen and Frederick to Pope Hadrian and as Constantine the Great did to Pope Silvester if we credit Mr. Harding If more Kings be present then the more worthy King must lead the Popes horse on the right side and the other on the left And if he be not pleased to ride then four of the greatest Kings whereof the Emperor to be one if present must bear the Popes chair on their shoulders and the Pope sitting therein At his feast the Emperor or greatest King must bring water to wash his hands they must carry the first dish of meat and set it on his Table At his Coronation two Cardinal Deacons must hold up the sides of his Pluviale or loose upper Garment and the Emperor or in his absence two of the chiefest Kings must hold up the tayl thereof If they happen to offend the Pope they must dance attendance barefooted at the Popes gates as did Henry the 4th the Emperor and that for divers dayes and nights and in a cold frosty snowy sharp season Or they must be whipped with rodds on their naked body as was Henry the 2d of England who received three stripes on his naked body from many religious persons and from others 4. or 5. who in great numbers resorted to his pennance Or else suffer the Pope to trample on their necks as Pope Alexander the 3d. did on the neck of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa justifying this his proud insulting over him by a blasphemous wresting of this sacred Text Thou shalt tread upon the Adder and the Basili●k And when the Emperor replyed He shewed this humility Non tibi sed Petro this insolent Pope retorted et Mihi et Petro Yea Caelestine the 3d. when he crowned Henry the 3d. Emperor and had set the Imperial Crown on his head which he bowed down to him the proud Pope sitting in his chair Statim pede in terram excussit presently struck the Crown off his head with his foot to the ground designans per hoc quod ipse Papa haberet potestatem coronandi Imperatorem si meruerat dejiciendi si demeruerit Antoninus averrs Non minor honor debetur Papae quam Angelis Vnde Papa recipit a fidelibus yea a Regibus et Imperatoribus Adorationes Prostrationes et Oscula pedum quod non permisit Angelus a Iohanne Evangelista fieri Therefore he learned this humility and prostration not from this good Angel but the Apostate Angel the Devil who usurped a power to give all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them to Christ if he would thus fall down unto him and worship him as Kings and Emperors do to the Pope who though he stiles himself Servus servorum Dei in his Epistles yet displayes himself to be Rex superbiae Rex Regum Dominus Dominorum in and by this his
Augustine thus resolves Sicut terreni Imperatoris auctoritas currit per omnes ut in omnibus ejus sit reverentia Ita Deus instituit ut ab ipso Rege Dei auctoritas incipint et currat per cunctos Quamvis frequenter mundus hoc non intelligit alii se subjiciat in potestate positus quam debet tamen institutio est ut unus sit qui timeatur Ubi ergo haec institutio non est ibi Cathedra pestilentiae reperitur as it is at Rome Nusquam enim unius Dei auctoritas abjicitur nisi apud eos qui multorum Deorum praedicant metum From hence our Thomas Waldensis thus concludes Ecce ab ipso Rege incipit auctoritas currit per cunctos executores justitiae hoc instituit Deus non ergo instituit Deus ut inciperet à Summo Sacerdote sola executio potestatis manaret in Principem Ecce inde est Imperator unde homo antequam Imperator unde homo antequam Imperator nisi à Deo Quamvis a Deo per Sacerdote Christianus homo tamen nec homo nec Christianus homo nisi a Deo Ita nec Imperator nec Christianus Imperator nisi a Deo quamvis per Pontificem fidelis sit Imperator a Christo et inde potestas illi unde et spiritus et nunquid spiritus illi a Pontifice Tertullianus intendi Quod non sed a Deo profecto ergo non potestas illi a Sacerdotio provenit a cujus dono animam non accepit Potestatis Regiae primum initium in ipso Rege a Deo et ab ipsius auctoritate manat in subditas potestates as well Ecclesiastical as Civil as I shall here demonstrate against all Papal or Pontifical pretences to the contrary For methods sake I shall digest the sum of my First Book into these 5. Propositions 1. That from Adams creation till the Law given by God to Moses and by him unto the Israelites his peculiar people the Supreme Paternal Regal Magistratical with that now stiled Spiritual Pontifical Ecclesiastical Authority or Jurisdiction both in and over the Family State Church Militant was by Divine and Natural Right vested united in one person not many to wit First in Adam himself but after his decease in the First-born unlesse disinherited by God for sin or in the Patriarch or Master of the Family Tribe who was both King and Priest having the Priesthood annexed to his Paternal or Regal Office not these to his Priestship 2ly That God after the Israelites deliverance from the Aegyptian bondage when he first new-modelled them into a Commonwealth and afterwards into a Kingdom setled both their State and Church-government dividing the Priesthood from the Supreme Civil Magistracy Kingship vesting the one in Moses Josuah David Solomon and their Royal Successors the other in Aaron his Sons and Tribe of Levi left the Soveraign Ecclesiastical Power Jurisdiction over all persons causes still annexed to the Kingly or Supreme Magistratical Office and residing in the King or chief Civil Officer as before transferring to Priests only the Ministerial Priestly Offices not the Soveraign Spiritual Jurisdiction the same in kind with a real part of and various dispensation only from the Civil Supremacy 3ly That the Supreme Government of the Church Militant after Christs Incarnation under the Gospel was vested in Jesus Christ himself God and Man only as he is the King not Priest or Prophet of the Church his Priestly and Prophetical Offices being united to his Kingly as the first highest in dignity and order not his Regal to his Pontifical or Prophetical Offices 4ly That Jesus Christ as Supreme King Lord Head of his Kingdom the Church whilst on Earth never claimed nor exercised any Temporal Regal Jurisdiction or Magistratical Authority over any of his Subjects much less over Emperors Kings Kingdoms Nations or Soveraign Civil Powers nor ever deprived any of them of their Crowns nor absolved their Subjects from their Allegiance nor cast down pulled or rooted up their Kingdoms nor gave them to whomsoever he pleased Neither did he either before at or after his Passion Resurrection or Ascension derive any such Superlative Power to St. Peter as his sole universal Vicar or Viceroy nor to any other Apostle Bishop Priest or Pope whatsoever Nor yet delegate to them his supreme Spiritual Jurisdiction over his Kingdom in this world the Church Militant and all the Members of it but only the Ministerial part of his Prophetical Office his High Priesthood being personal untransferrable incommunicable to any other to wit preaching the Gospel publickly to all Nations administring the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lords Supper according to his Institution and Command feeding his sheep with the sincere milk of his Word teaching them as his Apostles Ministers Servants to obey whatsoever he hath commanded them beseeching intreating them as his Ambassadors in his stead to be reconciled unto God to declare pronounce them absolved from their sins by God himself upon their sincere Repentance and to denounce damnation against them in case they do not repent and believe in Christ 5ly That Gods principal end and intention in ordaining Kings and supreme Civil Magistrates in the world was not the bare external administration of Justice between man and man the protection of their Subjects from violence oppression the preservation of them in worldly peace plenty prosperity the punishment of Malefactors the rewarding of Well-doers encouragement of Arts Vertue Trade Industry or fighting their Battels in times of War against Invading Enemies though considerable parts of their Regal Office and Soveraign Authority But the advancement of Gods honour worship service glory and spiritual Kingdom whose Viceroys they are the suppression of all Idolatry Blasphemy Heresie schisme sin wickednesse the promotion of the eternal salvation felicity of their people and to be Kings for the Lord their God by advancing his interest all they can Upon which ground in order to effect these ends God himself as well under the Gospel as Law hath delegated the supreme Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction only to Kings and other Soveraign Temporal Potentates not to Popes Bishops Priests who are subordinate to them as their Subjects Ministers not Copartners with them in their Soveraign Ecclesiastical Authority in point of Interest nor yet in its actual execution no further then they are pleased by their Laws or Commissions to delegate it to them as their Substitutes When I have Chronologically evidenced and fully demonstrated the truth of these five Conclusions in so many distinct Chapters in this First Book I shall then wholly addresse my self to my intended Chronological History in relation to the Kings and Crown of England from Lucius our first Christian King Anno Dom. 183. till the Popes extirpation concluding my First Tome thereof with the reign of King Henry the third Anno 1273. THE FIRST BOOK CHAP. I. Proposition 1. That from Adams Creation till the Law given by God to Moses and by
credit In the mean time since Kings Emperors were long before Popes Bishops who derive all their Lordly power Splendor Temporalties Jurisdictions Bishopricks precedency above other Ministers only from their donations not they their Crowns Kingdoms or Regal Authority from Popes or Bishops as all Histories attest against their Papal pretences to the contrary Since the Moon doth frequently ecclipse the Sunne by the interposition of her body between it and the earth as the Papal and Pontifical power hath frequently ecclipsed more or lesse the power splendor of our own and other Kings and the Roman Emperours but these Suns ver ecclipseth the Moons but only the interposition of the earths Ball betwixt them in their Divine jurisdiction being very little granted to them out of meer bounty not duty as I shall prove in due place Since the Jurisdictions Constitutions Decrees Ceremonies Franchises of Popes Prelates are still various and subject to change like the Moon the Light both of their Doctrine and Life since Pope Gregory the seventh Innocent the third Adrian the fourth Boniface 8. hath been rather Moon-light yea darkness it self then Sun-shine and the Popes Bishops Priests Monks of the Church of Rome it self more carnal earthly ambitious vitious and dark then the Kings Princes Civil Magistrates and Lay-people as St. Bernard and many of their own Authors as well as Protestants assert that the Papacy opposing and exalting it self ever since these Popes above all Christian Kings and Emperours is that Man of sin which Christ himself shall destroy with THE BRIGHTNESSE OF HIS COMMING LIGHT of the Gospel I shall rather conclude that the Pope with his Prelates Priests are the Moon and their Church the Night the Emperour and Christian Kings the Sunne and their kingdoms the Day signified in Genesis 1. then Popes and Prelates of the Church of Rome if rightly parallel'd The 2d Text alleged for the Popes Supremacy over Kings and Emperours as well in Temporals as Spirituals is The High Priest and Priests anointed crowned Saul David Solomon Jehu Joash Kings of Judah and Israel as Popes and Bishops do Kings now Ergo they were paramount their Kings as well in Temporals as Spirituals because they were anointed by and received their Crowns and Kingdoms from their hands alone who might dispose of them at their pleasures Thus Pope Adrian the 4th argued from Popes coronations of the Roman Emperour deduced from the Jewish high Priest Whence hath he King Frederick the Empire but FROM US By election of the Princes he hath the Name of King by OUR CONSECRATION he hath the name of Emperour Imperator quod habet totum habet a nobis Whatever the Emperor hath he hath the whole from Vs It is in our Power to give the Empire to whomsoever we will Hence Laurentius Ostiensis Alvarus Pelagius Marta with sundry other Pontificans thus second Pope Adrian Since Kings are made Kings by their Unction which can be had from none BUT A PRIEST as Saul and David by Samuel It is apparent they are above above Kings and That all Kings receive both the Confirmation and Administration of their Kingdoms from the Spiritual Iudge The Emperor receives his Temporal power from the Pope and Church of Rome who Confirms Annoints Crowns him therefore approves rejects and deposeth him at his Pleasure To which I reply 1. That Samuel anointed Saul and David to be Kings not at but before their Coronations and that by Gods special command as his Minister only not their Superiour whence Samuel told Saul The Lord anointed thee King over Israel and David alwayes stiled him THE LORDS ANOINTED not Samuels refusing to offer the least violence to his person upon this account So David is stiled Gods anointed who tells him I anointed thee KING over Israel and called him Mine anointed adding With my Holy oyle have I not Samuel anointed him 2. Neither Samuel nor any other of the High Priests who anointed Saul David or any King of Judah or Israel did ever from thence either claime or exercise the least Jurisdiction or Superiority over their Persons Crowns Kingdoms in Spiritualties or Temporalties as Popes and Prelates claime exercise over Christian Kings and Emperours Crowned by them Nor yet Jehojeda the High Priest who not only Anointed and Crowned Joash King but was the principal Instrument in preserving and restoring him to his Crown when Usurped by Athaliah But they all dutifully submitted to and obeyed their Royal commands ordinances in all Ecclesiastick and Divine as well as civil things as the premises evidence 3ly Not only the High Priests but Elders and People anointed David and Jehoahaz Kings without any Priest or High Priest that we read of Yet none of them claimed exercised any Supremacy over these Kings upon this account 4ly Zadoc the Priest and Nathan anointed Solomon King by King Davids special command not their own Authority who put Abiathar the chief Priest from being Priest unto the Lord because he sided with Adonijah and crowned him King and made Zadock Priest in his place Here the very King deposeth the chief Priest and tells him he deserved also to dye for anointing Adonijah not the high Priest the King for being crowned and anointed by Zadock 4ly One of the sons of the Prophets a young man by the Prophet Elisha his command from God not the high Priest anointed Jehu King saying Thus saith the Lord I HAVE ANOINTED THEE KING OVER ISRAEL which having executed he opened the door and fled If this young Prophets meer anointing Jehu King gave him an absolute Jurisdiction over him in spiritual and temporal things as these Pontificians argue then this Minor Prophet likewise gained the supream Jurisdiction over the high Priests themselves and Zadock and Nathan over Abiathar the chief Priest by anointing Solomon King as well as over Jehu and Solomon which they dare not averre 5ly Popes themselves who pretend to this absolute Soveraign power over Emperors Kings by reason they crown and anoint them are both elected crowned and anointed Popes by Bishops and Cardinals only not Popes as all their Historians Pontificale Ceremoniale Romanum attest Will Popes then inferr Ergo they are higher greater in Power Jurisdiction then Popes and may dispose of the Papacy Popes and depose them at their wills Besides in the Church of Rome all other Episcopal Churches and our English Church meer Presbyters at first and of latter ages inferiour Bishops and Clergymen both elected anointed consecrated and installed all their Patriarchs Metropolitans and Archbishops Will it therefore follow that they are superiour to Patriarchs Metropolitans Archbishops in Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and may remove them at their wills If not then this grand Argument of Popes Popelins for the Popes Prelates supremacy over Emperors Kings Churches kingdoms in Temporals and Spirituals because they anointed crown them is a meer ridiculous
them to subject themselves to his Royal Scepter and Government Be wise now therefore O YE KINGS be instructed ye JUDGES of the earth Serve the LORD with fear and rejoyce unto him with trembling Kisse the Sonne a Ceremony used by Subjects f●●datories to Kings Soveraign Lords when they kneeled down before swore Homage and Fealty to become their Men and Vassals from that day forwards of life limb or terrene honour and to be true faithfull bear faith and true allegiance to them continued in England till this day lest he be angry and ye perish from the way when his wrath is 〈◊〉 but a little Blessed are all they that trust in him In all these Prophecies of Christs kingdome and Government under the Gospel in the Old Testament Christ 〈…〉 and set forth only as a KING and Soveraign Lord reigning and 〈◊〉 over his ●ubjects as a King not as a Priest or Prophet and his Church stiled described 〈◊〉 by the Name of a Church never once used throughout the Old Testament but only of a KINGDOM or of Mount Zion or Jerusalem THE CITY OF GOD where the House of the Lord was built his publike worship setled by David and Solomon the Metropolis of all Kings of the seed of David where they were crowned reigned and gave Judgement as Kings whence it was stiled THE CITY OF DAVID for there were set THRONES OF JUDGEMENT even THE THRONES OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID and the CITY OF THE GREAT KING in relation to Christ himself whence the Church under the Gospel 〈◊〉 likewise stiled The City of the living God and described in all her glory under the 〈◊〉 of A CITY Rev. 21. 13. to the end and ch 22. 1 to 27. wherein his Subjects serve and worship him as their LORD GOD KING and shall REIGN WITH HIM FOR EVER AND EVER All which considered infallibly demonstrate the Supreme Rule and Government of the Church on earth under the Law to be vested only in and exercised by the Kings and Soveraign Rulers of Gods people not in by the High Priests or Levites and under the Gospel in by Christ himself only as KING and Supream Lord thereof as it is his kingdom not as a Priest or Prophet and that his reign Dominion Jurisdiction in and over it is for ever appropriated to his Regal not Pontifical or Prophetical office 5ly As the Angel told Mary a little before Christs Conception the Grandeur stability perpetuity of his kingdom So the Wisemen which came to Jerusalem to worship him being the first-fruits of his Kingdom and Church under the Gospel inquired after him only as a King saying Where is he that IS BORN KING OF THE JEWS for we have seen his Star in the East and are come to worship him Whereupon he Chief Priests and Scribes being assembled by King Herod to inform him where Christ should be born answered At Bethlehem of Judea for thus it is written by the Prophet And thou Bethlehem art not the least among the PRINCES of Judah c. for out of thee shall come A GOVERNOR WHO SHALL RULE MY PEOPLE ISRAEL where these Wisemen finding him with Mary his mother they fell down and worshipped not his mother Mary with an Impera filio Monstra te esse matrem Jube benedicere c. as Popes and their disciples daily pray unto her even now in their Offices Primers Mass-books set forth by Papal authority but the Babe when they had brought forth their gifts they offered unto him Gold Frankincense and Myrrhe On which place Saint Cyprian first and others after him have this observation In auro REGEM in thure Sacerdotem in myrrha Incorruptibilem quamvis pa●sibilum demonstrat In loco humili supellectile vili REX Regum DOMINUS Dominorum invenitur recognoscitur ab aliis adoratur And although Christ never claimed nor exercised any temporal Authority over the Kingdom of David to which he was born heir as Herod feared but only over his Spiritual kingdom which he affirmed Not to be of this world yet he owned himself to be A KING and Pilate himself positively professed it though the Jews would not by demanding of them when they cried out to have him crucified shall I crucifie your KING and fixing this written Title on his Crosse which he would not alter at the high Priests importunity in Hebrew Greek and Latin JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS to evidence his Kingship over his Kingdom the Church which none of the Princes of this world then knew for had they known it they would not have crucified the Lord or King of glory as the Apostle and Psalmist stile him yea the very multitude of people proclaimed him a King when he rode into Jerusalem in regal Triumph by strowing their garments and bough● of trees in the way singing with a loud voice Hosanna Blessed be the King and kingdom of our father David that commeth in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest After which he went into the Temple and threw out them that bought and sold therein overthrew the Tables of the money-changers and them that sold Doves by virtue of his Regal not Sacerdotal power 6ly It is very observable that Jesus Christ whiles on earth was most usually stiled both by Mary his Mother all his Disciples especially by Saint Peter and by all sorts of persons who addressed themselves unto him by petition or otherwise Lord the Lord my Lord our Lord and his other Titles of Jesus Saviour Christ c. are very seldom mentioned throughout the New Testament by Angels Saints Evangelists Apostles or any others but with this addition Christ the Lord Jesus our Lord the Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour Lord God c. every tongue of Angels Saints yea of Devils and damned spirits confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord Lord of all Lord and Christ Lord both of quick and dead which Title many Hypocrites and the foolish Virgins reiterated saying Lord Lord open c. Which Appellation Christ himself resolved to be true You call me Lord Master so I am his Father having put all things in subjection under his feet especially his redeemed ones who professe this as an Article of their faith r But unto us there is but one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him Now this Title Lord attributed to Christ in its eminentest sense denotes only his Regal Dominion Lordship and Soveraignty over them in and under the Gospel as their KING as the penitent Theefs speech to him on the Crosse LORD remember me when thou commest into THY KINGDOM the Apostles question to him LORD wilt thou at this time restore the KINGDOM to Israel Saints Pauls conclusion THE LORD will preserve me to his HEAVENLY KINGDOM with St Peters For so an entrance shall be ministred unto
lucro tuo et vano nomine Tu es abhominabilior Iudaeis Ipsi crucifixerunt corpus meum solum Tu autem crucifigis et punis animas electorum meorum quibus malicia tua et transgressio amarior est omni gladio Et ideo quia tu similis es Lucifero injustior Pilato immitior Iuda abhominabilior Iudaeis ideo merito conqueror super te After which she there brings in Christ himself by S. Peters advice passing this sentence against the Pope Haec autem est vera justitia ut primus qui sedet in sede tua et opera habet Luciferi amittat cum contemptu sedem in qua praesumpsit sedere as Luciferian Pope Hildebrand did et particeps sit poena Luciferi Then she introduceth Christ himself swearing thrice by God the Father his own body and the holy Ghost quod faciam justitiam super hos and passing this memorable Judgement upon the Pope his Ministers Members Vicars adhering to him Gladius meae severitatis in corpus tuum intrabit qui a superiori capitis ingredietur et sic profunde et valenter infigetur ut nunquam extrahatur Sedes tua mergetur quasi lapis ponderosus qui non subsistat antequam venerit in novissimum profun●i Digiti id est assessores ardebunt igni sulphureo et inextinguibili Brachia tua id est Vicarii ad animarum profectum extendi deberent sed extenduntur ad utilitatem mundi et honorem judicabuntur poena quam dicit David Piant filii ejus orphani uxor ejus vidua alieni recipiant substantiam ejus Quae est uxor ejus nisi anima quae relinquetur a gloria coelesti et erit vidua Deo Filii ejus id est virtutes quas habere videbatur simplices mei qui sub ipsis erant separabuntur ab eis dignitas eorum bona ad alios devolventur et ipsi pro dignitate aeternam confusionem haereditabunt Deinde ornatus Capitis eorum demergetur in lutum inferni a quo nunquam consurgent Vt sicut hic per honorem et superbiam super alios ascenderunt sic in inferno prae aliis demergentur ita profunde ut impossibile sit eis resurgere Let all proud Popes chew the cud upon it Having thus presented you with Hildebrands Antichristian practises in his life hear Benno Cardinalis Sigebertus Gemblacenfis both living in that age Anno 1085. Mat. Paris Historiae Angl. Anno Domini 1084 1086. Vincentius Speculum Hist l. 36. c. 82. Floreutius Wigorniensis Anno 1106. Antonin Chron. Tit. 16. cap. 1. sect 21. Magnum Chronicon Belgicum p. 124. Dr. Barns Balaeus and others in Vita Greg. 7 Cent Magd. 11. c. 8. 10. Chronicon Joannis Brompto● col 978. Henricus de Knyghton de Eventibus Angliae l. 2. c. 3. Lambertus Schafnaburgensis Histor Anno 1074. c. Cuspinian in Henrico 4. learned Philip de Morney Dr. Crakenthorp Bishop Usher Dr. Beard Bishop Downham Dr. Squir●● with sundry others out of them who give us this account of Hildebrands last words repentance absolution of the Emperor and all others Excommunications at his death Hildebrandus Papa qui Gregorius VII apud Salernium exulans moritur Volumus vos scire qui Ecclesiasticae curae solliciti estis quia Dominus Apostolicus Hildebrandus qui et Gregorius nunc in extremis positus ad se vocavit unum de xij Cardinalibus quem prae caeteris diligebat et confessus est Deo et Sancto Petro et toti Ecclesiae se valde peccasse in Pastorali cura quae ei ad regendum erat commissa seque suadente Diabolo contra humanum genus iram Dei et odium concitasse Postea vero sententiam quae in orbe terrarum effusa est pro augmento Christianitatis revocasse dicebat Tunc demum misit praedictum Confessorem suum ad Imperatorem et ad totam Ecclesiam ut opraret ei indulgentiam quia finem vitae suae aspiciebat et jam cito induturus erat angelicam vestem et dimisit et dissolvit vincula omnium bannorum suorum Imperatori et omni populo Christiano vivis et defunctis Laicis et Clericis et jussit suos abire de domo Theodorici et amicos Imperatoris ascendere I have more largely related this History of Pope Hildebrands Antimonarchical as well as Antichristian proceedings upon these considerations 1. Because he was the first visible founder erecter of that Antichristian Papal Soveraignty Tyranny which his ambitious Successors have since presumed to claim exercise over Christian Emperors Kings Kingdoms Churches Prelates The first who attempted to excommunicate depose interdict the Roman Emperors give their Crowns Kingdoms to others to absolve all their subjects from their Oathes of Allegiance to them and excite Subjects to rebell and take up arms against their rightfull Kings to dethrone them for not obeying their Papal Decrees 2ly Because he was the chief contriver before after his intrusion into Peters pretended Chair how to deprive the Roman Emperors of their antient hereditary Soveraign Ecclesiastical right of electing ratifying investing confirming Popes Patriarchs Archbishops Bishops and to defraud robb all other Christian Kings Princes Nobles Lay-Patrons of their Patronages Presentations Collations to Bishopricks Benefices or any other Ecclesiastical dignities under the false pretext of Simony Heresie Sacriledge Idolatry wherewith he branded it on purpose to monopolize the sale and disposal of them to himself and his Successors to make all Bishops Clergymen and Religious Orders sworn Vassals Feudatories Votaries Servants to and sole Dependants on the See of Rome but perfidious Traytors Rebels to their own natural Kings Princes as exempted from and having no Dominion over them nor engagements to them 3ly Because he was the first Pope who violently persecuted married Priests prohibiting all Laymen to hear their Masses c. unlesse they were totally divorced from their wives in obedience to his Papal Decrees Which Antichristian Usurpations Innovations of his being the Original ground president of all his Successors intollerable Encroachments on proceedings of like nature against our English Kings and their Soveraign Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and the Emperor Henries oppositions against him and his encroachments a grand encouragement to our Kings vigorous oppositions against his successors usurpations of like nature in England the chief Subject of my ensuing History I deemed it not only expedient but absolutely necessary to present the world with a full and faithfull Narrative of his Hildebrandian Antimonarchical Sentences Decretals Proceedings the opositions made against them which have ever since infested all Christian States Churches with high contests schisms wars between the Crown and Miter And before I procceed to his Successors I shall give you this further Account of these 3. particulars beginning with the Original ground of the quarrel Investitures and Simony I have formerly discovered how some of Hildebrands immediate Predecessors by his advice and instigation made
hic c. Christi Ministri sciant Apostolatum non esse Dominium sed summae Humilitatis Ministerium ut ponant animas pro fratribus suis And if this be not sufficient he thus quite subverts the foundation of Peters and the Popes Supremacy Christus super seipsum videlicet firmam petram suam aedificat Ecclesiam Et mutato nomine Petrus à petra denominatum per quod significatum est quia cunctis super illud fundamentum quod est Christus aedificantur juxta Prophetam vocandum sit nomen novum quod os Domini nunciavit And what that name is St. Peter himself defines 1 Pet. 2. 4 5. Ad quem accedentes quasi ad lapidem vivum ipsi tanquam lapides vivi the same with Peter superaedificamini domus spiritualis c. This Antichristian Pontiff dying of a feaver Anno Domini 1125. Lampertus Bishop of Hostia ambitione quorundam potius quam bonorum consensu arte magis astutia Leonis Frangepanis potentissimi Civis quàm cordatorum hominum suffragiis magna equidem contentione in Pontificem electus erat à populo the Cardinals electing creating Theobald Cardinal of St. Anastatia Pope calling him Coelestine against whom Lambert prevailing by Leo his power took upon him the name of Honorius the 2. cum potissimorum in Curia Romana judicio tanto censeretur dignus honore omnibus ejus superbissimis regni titulis insignitus His Papacy was more peaceable them his predecessors Omnibus enim terribiles erant Romani Pontifices excommunication●s fulminae qui sibi adversantes ipso etiam Imperatores egregie compescere poterant But yet though the Emperor having quitted the right of Investitures as aforesaid durst not to claim or assert yet the Kings of England and France did strenuously exercise assert Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction over Bishops and their Churches and collated to all Ecclesiastical Dignities notwithstanding Calixtus Decrees as is evident by these memorable Passages in the Epistles of Hildebertus Caenomanensis Episcopus flourishing in that age who thus complained of H. 1. King of England Epist 19. Longum est enarrare quàm constanti tyrannide Rex Angliae in nos faevierit qui temperantia Regis abjecta decrevit non prius Pontifici parendum quàm Pontificem compelleret in sacrilegium quia etenim turres Ecclesiae nostrae dejicere nolumus transmarinis subjiciendi judiciis coacti sumus injurias pelagi sustinere singularem scilicet molestiam itineris atque unicam totius humanae compaginis dissolutionem Tantis igitur agitati turbinibus ad Apostolorum limina decrevimus proficisci magnum novae tribulationis arbitrati remedium si Romanus Pontifex nobis consilio subvenerit auxilio After which he being made Archbishop of Towers and taking upon him to dispose of the Deanery Archdeaconry Prebendaries thereof without and against the King of France his assent in obedience to Pope Paschals and Calixtus forecited Decrees the King thereupon confiscated his Churches temporalties whereof he thus complained in his 67. Epistle to this new Pope Honorius the 2. Quantis tribulationum turbinibus Turonensis agitatur Ecclesia vestram venerande Pater latere non credo sanctitatem Adhuc enim Francorum Rex innocentiam meam tantum persequitur odio ut traducar in gravamen Ecclesiae quod constate esse Sanctuarii fisco ascripsit Tota quoque terra ipsius ita mihi his qui mecum sunt in Domino suspecta est clausa ut nec ego nec illorum aliquis in ea pedem ponere audeant His aliisque permor angustiis quia zelo zelatus sum legem Domini Dei quia non sum transgressus terminos quos patres nostri posuerunt quia dignitates Ecclesiasticas nec ex Regis praecepto disposui nec ei disponendi facultatem indulsi Sciens enim quia Oportet magis Domino obedire quam hominibus personas elegi quae in exequendis Ecclesiae negotiiis Pondus diei portant aestus Alteri igitur Archidiaconatum alteri Decaniam dedi c. Haec idcirco vobis Pater sancte scripsi quatenus si quis aliud Sanctitati vestrae de praefato retulint negotio vos ipsam cognoscatis veritatem Not by way of Appeal And in his 75 Epistle he complains That not so much as one of his Friends defended his or his Churches cause with the King of France to procure their peace Silent amici silent Sacerdotes Jesu Christi denique silent illi quorum suffragio credidi Regem mecum in gratiam rediturum c. ne sagittas suas in sene compleret Sacerdote ne sanctiones Canonicas evacuaret ne persequeretur cineres Ecclesiae jam sepultae c. Although this Bishop complained thus of these Kings to this Pope and others yet he declaimed more bitterly against the Corruptions of the Pope and Court of Rome in one of his Epistles omitted in the Jesuites Edition of their Bibliotheca Patrum Romani sunt quos timent qui timentur Hi sunt quos haec peculiariter provincia manet inferre calumnias deferre personas afferre minas auferre substantias Hi sunt quorum laudari audis in otio occupationes in pace praedas inter arma fugas inter vina victorias Hi sunt qui causas morantur adhibiti impediunt praetermissi fastidiunt admoniti obliviscuntur locupletati Hi sunt qui emunt lites vendunt intercessiones deputant arbitros judicanda dictant dictata convellunt attrahunt litigaturos protrahunt audiendos trahunt addictos retrahunt transigentes Hi sunt quod si petas nullo adulante beneficium promittunt pudet negare paenitet praestitisse Hi sunt qui negant reverentiam Clericis originem Nobilibus consessum prioribus congressum aequalibus cunctis jura Nullum illis genus hominum ordinum temporum cordi est In foro Scythae in cubiculo viperae in convivio scurrae in exactionibus harpyae in collocutionibus statuae in questionibus bestiae in tractatibus cochleae in contratibus trapezitae Ad intelligendum saxei ad judicandum lignei ad succensendum flammei ad ignoscendum ferrei ad amicitias pardi ad facetias Vrsi ad fallendum Vulpes ad superbiendum Tauri ad consumendum Minotauri Spes firmas in rerum motibus habent dubia tempora certius amant ignavia pariter conscientiaque trepidantes Cum sint in praetoriis Leones in castris lepores timent foedera ne discutiantur bella ne pugnent Quorum si nares afflaverit rubiginosi aura marsupii confestim videbis illic occulos Argi manus Briarei ingenium Sphyngis In his 82 Epistle to Pope Honorius the 2. he thus declaimes against Appeales to Rome Honorio Deigratiâ Excellentissimo Reverendissimo Patri suo Sanctaeque Romanae Ecclesiae Summo Pontifici H. humilis Turonum Minister debitae integritatem obedientiae Philosophus ait colere officis non exasperare verbis oportet potestatem