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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19078 The Lord Coke his speech and charge VVith a discouerie of the abuses and corruption of officers. Pricket, Robert.; Coke, Edward, Sir, 1552-1634. 1607 (1607) STC 5491; ESTC S104999 27,699 62

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I behold a Riuer with a siluer currant bounded in her equall course with what just proportion shee doth disperse her streames without bewraying any little rage of intemperate violence But if the passage of that streame bee stopt then how like a raging Sea shee ouer-flowes her banckes and that then by an vnresisted force the Meadowes humble Vallies weake and low growne Shrubs are drowned vp enduring a recure-lesse wracke whilest Hilles Mountaines stand safe from feare of harme Euen so it fareth with vs The equall course of Iustice being stayed the poore meaner sort of people they are ouerwhelmed with wrongs oppression whilest great and wealthy men like Hilles and Mountaines buyld their Stations sure being freed from any cause of griefe Iustice with-held only the poorer sort are those that smart for it Iustice vnto all estates doth measure an euen proportion to rich and poore her met-wand keepes an equall length being sealed with the testimonie of an vpright conscience To Kings Rulers Iudges and Magistrates this sentence is proper Vos Dijestis you are Gods on earth when by your execution of Iustice and Iudgement the God of heauen is by your actiōs represented but if by vs that so are called Gods Iustice and Iudgement be peruerted it will be heauy for our soules when we shall dye like men Briefly the office of a Iudge is patiently to heare each party speake soberly to answere or object directly to see as neere as may bee possible each truth substantially prooued And then to Iudge with an vpright heart according to Iustice and Equitie Neuer in any one thing preferring Conclusion before a conscionable wise and judiciall Consideration In which vprightnesse the execution of Iustice vsed by the Right Honourable my most worthie Predecessor in this place shall be an Example which I will desire to follow Of all the Morall vertues Iustice Queene-like is enthroned for vnto her onely is a Throne ascribed because her Execution doth neerest represent Heauens eternall Deitie Iustice and Mercie are inseparable Vertues Mercie and Iudgement as it was Righteous King Dauids and lately our good Queenes heauenly Elizabeth so it is nowe vertuous King Iames his Song in whose princely breast Mercie and Iudgement are most gloriously vnited And to the end that I his Subiect and in his place his Substitute and you his Subiects may execute Iustice as wee ought I will nowe out of my last word de Quibus declare vnto you of whom and of what Causes wee are to enquire that Iustice and Iudgement may thereby receiue a more cleare and powerfull Execution Those then of whome wee are in the first place to enquire are such by whome our King is most disobeyed his State disturbed and Kingdomes threatened Whereof if you consider it will be euident That all those growing and desperate attempting euils by which wee are most prowdly menaced and Aflicted doe principally proceed from three sorts of Recusants liuing amongst vs. Of all which the Popish Recusant is the most dangerous with our English Romanists will I therefore at the first begin and in the discription of their Actions and practises I doe desire that my wordes may bee entertained with your best Attention Our Worldes Admired Queene Renowned Elizabeth did as you know in the beginning of her Raigne change the State of Religion in this Kingdome in her first Parlament by the consent of her Lordes Spirituall and Temporall being especially by the Lord of Heauen directed Error Popish blindnesse and Faithlesse Constitutions grounded vpon Humaine Traditions were extinct And Religions Puritie according to the Law of Faith was Reestablished being built vpon the vnremoued foundation of the alone Autenticke word Canonicall The bookes of the old and newe Testament from the trueth whereof shee did alwayes direct the course of her so happie and Tryumphant Gouernment Notwithstanding the Change of Religion it cannot bee denyed That for the first tenne yeeres of her Maiesties Raigne the estate of Romaine Catholique in England was Tollerable though some were Committed in the beginning of her Cōming to the Crowne yet none but those whose precedent Actions had caused the faith of their Allegience to remaine doubtfull and so was the manner of their commitment mixed with such gratious Clemencie As that they rather endured a fauourable restraint then any straight or rigorous imprisonment But aswell those so restrayned as generally all the Papists in this Kingdome not any of them did refuse to come to our Church and yeeld their formall Obedience to the Lawes Established And thus they all Continued not any one refusing to Come to our Churches during the first tenne yeeres of her Maiesties gouernment And in the beginning of the eleuenth yeere of her Raigne Cornewallyes Beddingfield and Silyarde were the first Recusants They absolutely refusing to come to our Churches And vntill they in that sort began the name of Recusant was neuer heard of amongst vs. In the beginning of the eleuenth yeere when three Recusants were onely in this Kingdome to bee found In the same yeere Pope Impius though abusiuely surnamed Pius Quintus his Hellishnes was informed by some of our English Iesuits that such was the number of Romaine Catholiques here in England as that if his Horriblenesse would denounce an Excommunication against the Queene there was in this Realme and Kingdome a power Catholical which would presently vpon an instant be in redinesse to enter into open hostilitie with force sufficient to depose and vtterly to supplant her Highnes and to reestablish the Romaine faith Pope Impius of that name the firste vpon the Information specified the better to seuer his hope in his good meaning to this Kingdome presently plotteth with the King of Spaine for asuddaine Inuasion vpon the present Excommunication of the Queene And to this end one Robert Rodulphy a gentleman of Florence was sent by the Pope vnder colour of Marchandize to sollicit a Rebellion amongst vs. And gaue order vnto him for the receiuing of one hundred and fiftie thousand Crownes to set forward this Attempt And Phillip King of Spaine by the instance of the Pope had determined to send the Duke of A●lna into England with all his forces in the Low Countries To Assist some great men amongst vs who were by the Pope Sollicited to be the principall Agents in a most Rebellious enterprise vnto whome some of the one hundred and fiftie Thousand Crowns was deliuered and some other part sent into Scotland for the like effect Thus as you haue heard euen at the same time when her Maiesty the late Queene delt most mercifully with the Papists did the Pope with them conspire to worke her Ruyne this Kingdomes Ouerthrowe secretly complaning how on sodaine they might bring vpon vs Distructions Spoyle and generall Desolatton when our then Soueraigne that Queene of Vertue knowing Shee had diserued no such euill did not in the least sort suspect any such danger The Pope hauing as he thought surely Established the foundation of his hopes Hee
then Denounced the Excōmunication against the Queene which was not vnto her selfe made knowne vntill the intended Rebellion in the North brake forth a little before Christmas in the yeere 1569 being the twelfth yeere of her Highnesse Raigne And then it was knowne that the Pope had Excommunicated her Maiestie And thereby freed her Subiects as the Bull imported from their Subiection and Obedience But God was pleased that the Popes Bull was so Bayted as that the Rebellion by it procured was sodainly suppressed For the Pope whose labour is to defend Lies was himselfe deceiued with a lie for the strength of the Papists here not being such as hee was enformed The true harted Protestants taking parte with the Soueraigne did quickly Cutt the Throats of our English Romaines dryuing some of the heads of that Rebellion vnto a shamefull flight and brought the rest by our Lawes Iustice to a shamefull death Her Maiestie in the thirteenth yeere of her Raigne hauing made the Law before specified the very next yeere following out Commeth Sanders Booke de Visibili Monarchya wherein he plainely seteth downe how the Pope had sent one Morton and Web two Priests before the said Rebellion to the Lords Gentlemen in the North to Excite them with their followers to take vp Armes signifying vnto them the Popes Commandement Alleadging That her Maiestie being excommunicated Her Subiects were released from their Obedience And therefore he doth Directly Iustifie the sayd Commotion Ascribing the euill successe thereof to the late publishing of the saide Excommunication Because it was not generally knowne vntill the yeere after it was Denounced VVhen Felton had set it vpon the Bishop of Londons gate Affyrming that if it had bin published the yeere before or when the Rebells were in Armes they had assuredly preuailed against the Queene and executed the saide Sentence at the same time for her deposinge from the Crowne Thus Trayterously with more then Brazen Insolence did that Traytor Sanders spitt out his poysoned venim Thereby desiring to Corrupt the hearts of her highnes Subiects and to make them fit for a newe Rebellion which course by him takē was Immitated by Parsons many others to the like effect Who ceased not by there Hereticall and Lying Pamphlits with most Trayterous impudencie to abuse her Maiestie and the State And not thus contented in the yeere one thousand fiue hundred seuentie and nine Stukely assisted by Sanders and other Catholiques both English Irish and Italian with the Popes Commission entred into Ireland The Pope himselfe in the furtherance of that Course sending thither certaine forces vpon his owne Charge Whilest all that time her Maiestie that Queene of mercie was so farre from being moued as that with Patience shee endured all these Iniuries onely inforcing that one Lawe which as you haue heard shee most Iustly made against them Whilest Ireland by the Popes procurement remained in Combustion It happened that Pius Quintus dyed and Gregorie the thirteenth succeeded in his place who presently Reneweth his Predecessors former Bull and denounced her Maiestie to bee Excommunicated with Intimation of all other particulers in the former Bull mentioned which done there was by him sent ouer into England Campion and Parsons they came vnto vs in the yeere one thousand fiue hundred and eightie there comming was to Alienate the hearts of her Maiesties Subiects from their due obedience And to make a partie strong to depose the Queene Ioyning with the Pope and King of Spaine by whome there was then an intended preparation against vs. But the Attempts and practises of them both at that instant fayling in England The Pope as a Temporall Prince displayeth his Banner in Ireland with purpose to depriue her Highnes First from that Kingdome and then by degrees to depose her from this Notwithstanding so mild was the proceedings of her Maiestie against them as that there were in the space of Tenne yeers not much aboue twelue persons that were by the Iustice of her Lawes adiudged to die and the most of them Semenaries and all of them Conuicted in causes of Treason Her Maiestie when shee heard of the second Excommunication and had seene what followed in her Kingdome vpon the first Shee was then in all Christian Pollecie enioyned to preuenr the successe of dangers imminent Her Highnesse therefore in the yeere one thousand fiue hundred eightie and one caused a Proclamation to bee made for the calling home of her Subiects from beyond the Seas such especially as were Trayned vp in the Seminaries perceiuing that they learned nothing there but disloyaltie Treason And presently after this her Proclamation shee called a Parliament wherein a Lawe was agreeable in effect to the sayd Proclamation enforced with a penaltie of death for any Ies●ite or Seminary Priest to repayre into England and for any to receiue or intertaine them shee would willingly that those of such profession should keep themselues without the Lymits of her Kingdome But if against her will they would come into her Land to sow the seed of Sedition and Rebellion amongst her Subiects and to lay their plots how to supprize her life and to make a way for Forraigne Enemies with bloodie handes to enter vppon her Dominions And by Hostill Inuasion to bring her Kingdomes to distructition and to expose her people vnto the Slarie of a seruile yoake What shoulde her Maiestie lesse haue done in the preuention of such a Lamentable euill but to hang vp them that were the principall Actors in so bloodie and Tragecall a Tyranny From the yeere eighty one to eightie eight her Maiestie was not free from Continual Traiterous and Rebellious practises desperately attempted against her life or intended subuertion of her Kingdome First the Popes forces being ouerthrowne in Ireland the Pope and King of Spaine presently ioyned with the Duke of Guise for the executing of a most desperate disignment against her Maiestie Arden and Someruilde would haue layd vyolent handes vpon her sacred person Dostor Parrie intended the like villanie Northumberland reuolted from his Obediēce Mendoza the Iesuite and others of that Crue or Sect appointed by the Pope to order and Mannage these deuelish designments In the yeare eightie to forerunne the purposed Spanish Inuasion against which time Campion Parsons Haywoode and all the Iesuites and Seminaries had so besturred themselues There is certaine bookes printed beyond the Seas sent ouer into England therby to prepare the hearts of our people to Ioyne with Spaine and to take vp Armes against their Soueraigne with perswasions grounded vpon this position Viz. That in all warres which may happen for Religion euery Catholike man is ioyned in conscience to imploy his person and forces by the Popes direction that is how far when where how either at home or abroad he may and must breake with his temporall Soueraigne and that vpon paine of deadly sinne Vpon a foundation so diabolical What fruits other then diuellish can be expected And yet do but further note how