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A14827 A decacordon of ten quodlibeticall questions concerning religion and state wherein the authour framing himfelfe [sic] a quilibet to euery quodlibet, decides an hundred crosse interrogatorie doubts, about the generall contentions betwixt the seminarie priests and Iesuits at this present. Watson, William, 1559?-1603. 1602 (1602) STC 25123; ESTC S119542 424,791 390

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except it be with the flap of a fox tail shal neuer be able to do them any seruice Besides in the said decision I haue touched sundrie of the exceeding great base and most vile standerous and contemptible indignities wrongs and reproches neuer in honor to be put vp by any of a Dacres bloud offered by the Iesuits faction to the now Lo Dacre his euer honorable house name Yea one of his own c. was brought into such a forwardnesse of following these holy fathers taught withal her lesson how to vse the art of dissembling according to the Iesuits rule of sweating and forswearing in a contrarie sense and meaning that she was as bold and resolute as rash and impudent vnnaturally to maintaine that she would not for father mother sister brother nor all the friends she had in the world besides euer yeeld to forsake the companie of one Iesuit a Pearle for a Ladie let it hap as hap would Iohn Gerrard yet afterwards being charged therwith or to that effect that she should haue no dealings with any of them she deeply protested by a letter backe vnto his Lordship that she had not neither would haue notwithstanding that about the same time her said Iesuiticall father was either with her or shortly after came vnto her and since hath she had all wholy such as she knew to be of the Iesuits faction in plaine termes affirming it that there should none of the other side meaning the secular priests come to her knowledge wittingly and willingly within her doores Of all which with other practises in the North as the secret confederacy made by that faction against his honor I had intended to haue informed his Lordship if the foresaid partie had not disclosed a letter which I sent to insinuate as much vnto him and to giue him a caueat c. I will say no more here but that this third kind of cōsorts or factious heads set on by the Iesuits against the secular Priestes are of the proud ambitious and aspiring minds that hoping to clime high when these Realmes of England Wales and Scotland shal be all one Monarchiall I le of Iesuits they are not much to be blamed if they pleade their cause and prosecute their quarrell with tooth naile Thus you see that there must needes be many seduced by them and especially deuout women poore soules who mightily dote and runne riot after them Now what kind of people they are that liue so and by what art and meanes these seditious plot-casters do worke it you shall in the end find to your griefe In the meane while I must tell you this withal that of the more graue wise and truly more ancient Catholickes and religious sort of both cleargie and laitie men and women they loose daily more and more as by their owne confession the case is manfest and cleare For whereas they sayd about a three yeares agone that there were but three or foure of the factious Priestes so like lozels this Iesuiticall faction termed the secular Cleargie they now acknowledge and cannot denie it because the names of so many are in printed bookes for the appeale that there are thirtie and yet we wil find twise thirtie moe And for three or foure noble men and gentlemen of the laitie on our side as then they sayd we had no moe and those but of green heads and shallow wits God wot we will account vnto them so many scores And the like is for women which daily also increase of the better and grauer sort more ancient Catholike and matronlike behauior as is manifest by those noble Ladies some of honor others of worship born wherat their saucy factious Iacks scoffingly do enuie to wit that any such matchlesse matrons by any of theirs should modestly defend or speake in behalfe of their ghostly fathers or else very like it is that their malice doth rise of this that these rightly to be termed herein prudent virgins carrying the oile of Catholike Christian charitie which their foolish virgins want about with them in their timerous and tender hearts could not be drawn to raile and scold with their pure spirited soules a qualitie said to be naturally proper to a woman but yet neither proper commendable nor allowable to any gentlewoman of honour or worship borne but a staine to that sexe and a dishonour to womanhood yea and also to their profession if they reade or rather heare S. Pauls Epistles read against women tatlers and Gospellers wherwith he was troubled as now the secular Priests are to reuile the Iesuits with reprochful words as their seeming saints haue the secular Cleargie euerie where Well let it passe as the number of the Seminarie and Secular fautors do increase on all sides so questionlesse it will do stil And when these hot holy Ladies that now fume out flames of a Iesuiticall and seditious zeale against Priests shall lay their hands a little heauier on their hearts with Mea maxima culpa they will remember what they haue said and done and thereupon be as readie not to defame for we desire it not but to forsake their wicked seducers the Iesuits that haue set thē on to detract contemne and despise Christ his Catholike annointed Priests THE VII ARTICLE WHether the Iesuits or secular Priests are or ought sooner to be beleeued and why the one sooner or rather then the other THE ANSWERE Out of this quodlibet is inferied made knowne the great folly wil full scruple of many Catholiks that will beleeue a false hearted cousining Iesuit or Iesuiticall broker sooner then they wil do their owne ancient known ghostly father or other secular Priest so vpon a false suggestion that any authoritie be it lawful or vnlawfull inferior or superior without difference being once obtained ought to be obeyed by consequent that none may come to confession c. to a secular Priest because forsooth an hereticall in this point Iesuit saith so being in very deed themselues with their Archpresbitery in that danger of suspension excommunication and Gods curse by their wicked courses which they would cast ouer to the secular Cleargie in shew of the people not caring what damnable ●●●●e they liue in so as the blinded with their errours do not know it THe secular Priestes as worthier and superiour persons are euer to be credited and preferred before the Iesuites in matters of any account either pertaining to the Church or Common-wealth First because the secular priests represent in themselues the whole eccesiastical state which as a prime branch of a Common-wealth is euer one and the first of the two called States ecclestiasticall and temporall or the spiritual and temporal subiected vnder euerie Christian Prince and King Monarchial throughout the world Secondly for that the lawes of this land concurring herein with the Popes canons and Caesars codes a secular Priest his word is accepted of in counteruaile of twelue other witnesses wheras I
others or else deny it so you shal see in time that although our worshipfull Archpriest hath done nothing but by fahaer Garnets direction yet when his ridiculous vniust vncharitable d●ttyrannous proceedings shall come to the scanning father Garnet will doe the best he can to pull his necke out of the coller and master Blackwell shall be the Asse that must beare all the burden So father Parsons that holy man by his practise doth giue father Garnet a pregnant example In the most of those seditious bookes which he the said father Parsons hath published he hath either concealed his name or giuen them such names as it hath pleased him to deuise And one of his said bookes being set out by him vnder the name of master Dolman now that many exceptions are taken vnto it he good man was not the author of it his name is not Dolman and gladly he would shift and wash his hands of it but all the water betwixt this and Rome will not serue his turne so to do although by the common principle of the Iesuits he may by lying and equiuocating make a faire shew But of this enough is said before As concerning the second point I will now make it plaine vnto you that the Iesuits being charged as in the former question is set downe are not therein slaundered any way vniustly For First it is plaine that father Parsons and his company diuide it amongst them how they list haue laide a plot as being most consonant and fitting to their other designments that the common lawes of the Realme of England must be forsooth either abolished vtterly or else beare no greater sway in the Realme then now the ciuill lawe doth And the chiefe reason is for that the state of the crowne and kingdome by the common lawes is so strongly setled as whilest they continue the Iesuits see not how they can worke their wils And on the other side in the ciuill lawes they thinke they haue some shreds whereby they may patch a cloake together to couer a bloodly shew of their treasons for the present from the eies of the vulgar sort And certainly I could not choose but smile when I read this point in father Parsons booke to see how prettily this fine fingred figgeboy conueigheth his matter how the common lawyers must waite vpon the Ciuilians to beare their bookes after them and how they are to applaud to all that the doctors will auerre to be lawe vpon their bare words vnto them Secondly the said good father deeming of all men it seemeth by himselfe hath set downe a course how euery man may shake off all authoritie at their pleasures as if he woulde become a newe Anabaptist or king Iohn of Leyden to draw all the world into a mutinie rebellion or combustion And this stratageme is how the common people may be inueigled and seduced to conceit to themselues such a libertie and prerogatiue as that it may be lawfull for them when they thinke meete to place and displace kings and princes as men may doe their tenants at will hirelings or ordinarie seruants Which Anabaptisticall and abhominable doctrine proceeding from a turbulent tribe of traiterous Puritanes other heretikes this treacherous Iesuite would now foist into the catholike church as a ground of his corrupt diuinitie And sure it is strange to consider how the caitiffe handleth this point giuing aduantage thereby to all nations to reuolt from the See apostolike if any catholike prince would take holde or build vpon this absurd fellowes word or authoritie For that amongst other arguments he insisteth vpon certaine rebellious most traiterous examples how some kings in this Island haue beene dealt with As if a man should take vpon him to prooue murther lawfull bicause many examples of murther may be produced or as if this were a good argument England Scotland Ireland Denmarke Swethia many states in Germany many men in France and else where haue reiected the authoritie of the Pope his holines the See of Rome therefore Italy France Spaine other catholike countries may do the like Fourthly the said good fathers with their ringleader and muster-master father Parsons do take vpon them in the saide booke and in other treatises to deale with matters of succession and titles of the crowne as if their bare words were of higher authoritie then either Court Parliamentall Prince or Pope and bicause as it seemeth their said ringleader is a bastard himselfe it is woonderfull to see what very small account he maketh of succession by inheritance title of descent birthright or bloud Now tell me in this case A gentleman or substantiall yeoman hauing one heire and many seruants dieth were he not an asse that would affirme that the right of the saide heire should depend vpon the pleasure of his fathers seruants If they thought meet he should haue his fathers lands or otherwise they would bestow them as they thought good I am sure you would account it vniust vnnaturall indecent and ridiculous And all that this traitorous Iesuite writeth of this point is grounded vpon the like folly whilest he laboureth so giantlike in opposing himselfe against succession by inheritance to fight most impudently with all lawes nay with nature and with God himselfe Hereunto it also appertaineth how after he hath contriued the meanes as he thinketh how to depriue kings and heires from their inheritance he then taketh vpon him to appoint how others may and are to succeede in their roomes and possesse their ancient right And he proceedeth herein as grauely and substantially as he hath done in the premisses For except this may carrie a shew of a good argument fiue hundred or a thousand yeeres since the ancestors of the king of Spaine the king of Fraunce and of diuers other kings had no interest to the kingdomes which now they enioy therefore some others must be found out to be preferred to those kingdomes the good father saith nothing There is one who hath written a booke of the Bathes in England and as I remember for it is long since I saw the booke the author of it the rather to extol the first finder out of the said Bathes that therby he might prooue him to be an ancient gentleman doth set downe his petigree and neuer leaueth it I assure you vntill he come to these words which was the sonne of Seth which was the sonne of Adam It were not amisse in my poore opinion that Master Parsons should carefully seeke out for this mās kinred It is not vnlikely but that by his skil he might intitle them to very many kingdomes distributing this to one and that to another as in his omnipotentencie he should hold it most conuenient The man if he liue long will prooue mad in the end without question except you can imagine that these and such like vanities are sober conceits And yet that which he saith against the blood royall of England to aduance a pretended interest to the Infanta
Church without euer returne or reformation or recouery and thereupon haue they and other Iesuits that remained as then in the Church written most bitterly one against the other some of whose hereticall bookes my selfe haue seene in print But for those that seduce the English Catholikes of whom now principally these Quodlibets do intreate they neither can neither may iustly be called heretikes because they do not stand obstinate in their opinion of any of these things neither do they neither dare they maintaine anie of these heresies or errours as yet whatsoeuer they intend hereafter when they see an end of the appeale and who will stand to them and who forsake them but all in such slye dissembling equiuocate and couert sort as hard it shall be to fasten any error vpon them For their plots by doctrine like as by al other proiects tending rather in deed to flat atheisme then to any particular heresie they were vnworthy the name of temporised statists wherof they boast or to be readers in Machiuels schoole which is their secret practise in scholerisme if they should not denie all and change their opinions agreeing to time person and place and as a Counsellor at the common law once said rather trusting God with their soules then the world with their bodies he would neither burne for the one nor hang for the other So that as I said as hard it shall be to conuince them of anie errours in matters of faith as it was to haue conuinced Arius who subscribing to the Councels decrees sweare it was true as it there was written meaning in the paper kept close in his bosome or sleeue iust like to the Iesuits absurd equiuocating or counterfeited periuries sacriledges and cousinage in abusing the words of S. Paul with factus sum omnia omnibus vt omnes lucrifaciam as much to say in a Iesuiticall sense as to be a Seminarie Priest amongest Seminaries a Secular Priest amongest Seculars a religious man amongest religious a seditious person amongest seditious a factious Spaniard amongst Spaniards an English traitor amōgst traitors a Scottish villaine amongst Scots and amongst all these to denie affirme to obiect and answer to sweare and forsweare whatsoeuer may be a gaine to him for his incorporation pragmaticall common-wealth or societie which dissembling and Atheall dealing of theirs to make it manifest to all the world doctor Cicils booke against father Creton the Scots Iesuit may suffise For who doth not know how mightily this Scots father hath stood in opposition in shew of the world at least in presence of Scots and English against father Parsons our English Polipragmon concerning the Scots pretended title to the English crowne Insomuch as report hath gone that his Maiestie King Iames by letters and messages deuised and sent from these Scots religious statists to settle a sound opinion in his Princely heart of this false hearted hypocrite hath said that there was one Iesuit yet good old father Creton that dealt and spoke on his behalfe c. notwithstanding that the same maister Cicile doth clearely proue that this loyall Scots father in the Court of Spaine did runne a quite contrarie course sung Placebo to King Philip then and as a most infest enemie vsed as bitter peremptorie and traiterous or rather irreligious speeches of his owne Liege Lord and King as euer father Parsons had vsed in anie passage of speech or libell against him Therefore do I conclude this article as with an exposition of the former that as probable it is they will stand out euen as the Templars did to death before they will confesse any thing that may discouer their great impietie so questionlesse it were no policie in them to professe themselues as yet open enemies to the Sea Apostolicke much lesse to stand to any one of their innouate new inuented paradoxall doctrines either by word or writing but rather to labour at the first to draw the ignorant multitudes and so by peecemeale others of more grauitie wit and learning vnto them by plausible perswasions making them beleeue that they are the reformed Church for so they say a Iesuite is nothing else but a reformed Priest right Puritans in all things that they seek only to haue all Bishops and Prelats Kings and Princes ●iue in order according to their vocations and calling that all went to wracke in England Scotland Flanders Germanie Polony and where not before they came that Catholike religion Christian discipline and orderly life amongst all Priests and religious persons was euen worne out of vse and memorie vntil they reuiued it that they sought only to reduce all from errors and abuses which were in many old Q Marie Priestes and others and to draw them to the vnion of the Sea Apostolike To which Sea forsooth they onely did and euer would acknowledge an obedience to death this hauing bene the platforme of all other or the most part of heretikes at the first vnder colour of rooting euil out of the Church and that forsooth in the right of and on the Catholike Romane Churches behalfe therby to bring a greater mischiefe vpon it that is more filth into it and as our Sauiour Christ rightly parabolized of such finding the house cleane swept they bring seuen other foule spirits with them worse thē themselues were before Et sic fiunt nouiss hominis illius peiora prioribus So of very like sort their Pharisaicall hypocriticall and mock-mending doctrine of reformation tends to none other end thē to be an introduction to the sorie sequels of their arrogancie Whereof we need no better testimonie then Fa. Garnet the Iesuits Prouinciall here in England his forward resolute and zealous ostentation on the behalfe forsooth of the Sea Apostolike O pitiful complaining for institution of the Archpresbiterie vpon Cardinall Caietans surrepted letter of authoritie Which fraudulent institution and violently intruded Archpresbitery being in a sort yet with a reuerend regard of the Cardinals grace and not with that cōtempt it iustly did deserue resisted by the secular Priests this notable companion fa. Garnet in the froth of his zeale foming against the said seculars to make them seeme odious and contemners of the Popes authoritie for so these impudent shamelesse men made it seeme to the ignorant said he would marie would he stand to death in defence of the Popes holinesse his decree and institution of this new renowned Prelate O huge monstrous audacious nay officious intruding boldnesse did you euer heare the like cogging mate who to bleare the peoples eies and to band and bolster out so horrible a fact as to thrust a Iesuit Archpriest vpon vs and that most tyrannically to be flagellum Dei ouer the secular Priests spite of their teeth he would make men beleeue nay women indeed for the most part of their pure spirits are of the female sexe as easiest deluded that he tooke vpon him the defence of the Sea Apostolike in managing with huffe and ruffe this foisted in authoritie
duty and iustice had against him yet is the contrary course commended and amongst ciuill Gentlemen yea and Nobles generally more vsed viz. to place their guests as strangers and their friends in their own house at table before them vnlesse they be farre their inferiours And once being in companie where were foure secular Priestes at supper with a Noble person a Lord of high renowne I noted that his Lordship would not sit downe vntill they all were set and placed before him though it was not their place no not in his owne house so high to be exalted but such was his Noble mind merily iesting it out with these words How he had heard and seene it that Priests and women had all the preheminences in the land of peace and especially the first in the Church aboue Princes and both at the table aboue all others their otherwise equals but that in the field of war Captaines Coronels honorable souldiers went before them But now that a religious man in respect that he is a religious man should haue or looke for a place of honour or preheminence amongst men hauing by solemne vow renounced all earthly honours and dignities quite abandoned the company of all persons where states of honour or place-taking is of due right respected and wholly confined themselues to a priuate Cell Cloister or Monasterie there to be occupied onely with their bookes and beades for them to looke for places as the Iesuites do it was neuer heard of before this day religious persons hauing no place indeede at all abroad in the world because they haue or should haue quite forsaken the world and only in three times of publike assemblies or affaires they participate with the world and yet therein with the Ecclesiasticall or secular onely not with the temporall state whereunto the Iesuits are more neare incorporate by conuersation practise popular life then secular Priests themselues are one is in time of solemne processions at which it hath bin noted that the Iesuits wil seldome or neuer come because say some who call them Theatins they must take there the lowest place as inferiour to other religious orders Another is in time of general or prouincial Coūcel where how they haue shuffeled for place taking is not so openly knowne because there hath bin but one general Councel since their order first began then probably it being in the primitiues of their institutions they had better lowlier and more religious spirits then now they haue Marry notwithstanding for Prouincials father Heywoods Councell holden in Norfolke and father Westons contention in Wisbich declares what spirit they haue had long agone daily more and more do smell of in their humility for place taking yea and in all other respects of honor reuerence and esteeme in such high Courts and Councels The third and last is in times of Bishops visitations which of all things a Iesuit cannot endure to heare of to come amongst them And whereas all other religious orders do humbly obey their Bishops yeld to their Sūmons yea and seeke to haue visitations made amongst them the Iesuits quite cōtrary will acknowledge no superior but the Pope only no nor his Holinesse neither if he anger them Whereupon one of their great Rabbies in time of the Bishops visitatiō at Doway refused absolutly to come at his Lordship vpon summons or sending for him alleaging in plaine termes for his excuse that he had a superior of his owne order that he acknowledged no obedience due vnto his honor and that he would know his generals will and pleasure therein then he would giue him an answer But when the Bishop replied that both he and his Generall if they liued within his Diocesse should acknowledge an obedience vnto him or else get them both packing thence and that he would lay him fast by the heeles if he were so peremptory Then forsooth this haughty Rabby crouched hūbled himselfe craued pardō of error Let no man take exceptions at this my speech or thinke it needlesse to talke of Iesuits Priests Prelates and Bishops places forseeing England is become wild Priesthood had in contempt religion made but a matter of Atheall pollicie our gallants swaggerers and lusty Brutes neglecting their duty to God and man and a cōpany of new vpstart squibs vnder colour of zeale religion and holinesse fie fie take vpon them to ouertop Pope Prelate and Priest it is high time and very necessary as the times are to put the forgetfull in mind what things in times past haue bene what God and his Church exacteth at all our hands what hath bene by pontificall and imperiall lawes instituted and heretofore by sundrie Parliamentall acts and municipiall lawes of this land ordeined How by all lawes in all nations amongst all professions Priests and such as bare that name amongst Iewes Pagans and Christians of what religion soeuer were alwayes had in highest esteeme saue onely now brought in contempt by the Iesuits Amongst the Aegyptians a Priest was alwayes next in honour to a Pharoao amongst the Caules the Druides had the renowne amongst the Britons three Archflamines with thirty Flamines supplied the place of three Archbishops thirty Bishops throughout Logiers Cambre and Albanus now England Wales and Scotland with other Priests vnder them And sundry other Heathen nations had their Priests in stead of Princes as Kings to gouerne as Presbiter Iohn is at this present and to this day the high Courts of Parliament in England do consist by ancient custome of calling to that honorable Court of the Lords spirituall and temporall vnderstood by the Lords spirituall the Archbishops and Bishops as the most ancient inuested Barrons and some of their Earles and others Graces of this land and therefore alwaies first in place next vnder our Soueraigne King Queene Emperor Empresse Lord and Lady for there is no difference of sexe in Regall Maiesty This being so and that by the lawes Armoriall Ciuill and of armes a Priest his place in ciuill conuersation is alwayes before any Esquire There are 3. reasons of the contempt of Priestes one in that euery Gentleman of any reckening had his Chaplaine in house with him nimia familiaritas parit contemptum and an other in that some were but simple vnlearned god-wot not knowing their owne office nor the laities duty and a third in that many wanting patrimonies and meanes to liue were forced to sing placebo in applauding to all abuses These were the causes of religious fal Priesthoods dishonour which all feele smart of because all offended both Cleargy Laity therein as being a Knights fellow by his holy orders the third of the three syrs which only were in request of old no Barron Vicount Earle not Marquesse being then in vse to wit Sir King Sir Knight sir Priest this word Dominus in Latine being a nowne substantiue common to them all as Dominus meus Rex Dominus meus Ioab Dominus Sacerdos and
bestowed that silly simple man if the Spaniard had preuailed in the yeare 88. For to haue made him onely a Pater minister they could not with honestie because he was then a Cardinall and to haue made him Archbishop of Canterbury or Yorke or Bishop of London these were all too high places for him as not a man of sufficiencie to gouerne or deale in such affaires as these places did require And againe the Spaniards should haue bene our Bishops for a time and the English Iesuits their Interpreters So as it was a very difficult and doubtfull case what should haue become of the poore Cardinall till at length considering he could not liue long they determined to haue bestowed some of the meanest Bishoprikes in the land vpon him as Carlile or some such like Sed parturiant montes nascetur ridiculus mus all turned to a iest there was no such matter THE III. ARTICLE VVHether then do the Iesuits intend in that case the preferment of any temporall person seeing they intend no secular of England or not in the temporall state THE ANSWER THey do questionlesse intend it for the preferment of some for a while at the first otherwise they had no pollicy in them for I doubt not of their ingratitude further then to serue their turnes withall First for that some of their greatest aduersaries of the temporall Lords as the Lord Dacre c. are no way to be bearded out but by their ioyning with some such honourable persons as may and will make the Iesuites quarrell theirs against him for their owne aduantage Secondly for that it cannot otherwise be but that there are many secret promises with bonds vowes and protestations deepely made of sundry great and high preferments to those that now are sticklers for them Thirdly for that they haue receiued large summes of sundry great persons alreadie and therefore must repay them vpon other mens lands c. Fourthly for that they are not able to win nor yet keepe this so mighty a Monarchie but by the ayde of such c. But yet shall none of these be so aduanced but that they shall stand at the Iesuites deuotion as now the Archpriest doth to continue so long and no longer then is for their turne and that they shall be ruled and subiected vnder them THE IIII. ARTICLE WHether then seeing it appeares plaine we shall haue a change if the Iesuits preuaile do they intend a change of gouernement in the Monarchy onely or therewithall in the Vniuersities Innes of Court Chancery and in all other Colledges corporations companies and societies also or do they onely aime at some few chiefe houses c. THE ANSWERE NOw when you talke of societies you make me remember the new buildings in Edenborough called the Colledge or society house of the City where the Puritanes haue many prety orders obseruations and rules set downe amongst them for gouernement not much vnlike the orders of the Iesuits society For all these new illuminates must haue one tricke or other of innouation and singularity in euery thing And so I make no question of it but if the Iesuites preuaile they intend and will turne all things topsie turuie vpside downe sincke shal vp and sice shall vnder a dead man shall rise and do great wonder not so much as the society drinke but shall quite be changed and a lacke what ailes my minnie at me heigh hoe In Parsons high Councell of Reformacion wherein as those report that haue seene it this whole monarchicall Ile containing England Scotland and Ireland is made a Prouince depending vpon Spaine and Iesuitisme all the whole state must be changed as I told you before and the lands and seigniories of Cleargy and Nobility Vniuersities Colledges what not must be altered abridged or taken quite away Yea these popular Francklines great rich farmers or muckle carles of the countrey these Kentish yeomen vntriall Gentlemen the Iesuites officers must be authorised to confiscate certaine houses of speciall note in particular as this ignoble bastard Parsons in his vaine childish but arrogant hope hath already in conceit confiscated Cecill house to be Casa professa and another there by it to be Nouitiatum and so of others all must be changed into noua vitia yea such vices as were neuer heard of before For it is an imagined principle amongst the Iesuits which infatuates them to aduenture credit conscience and all that where they once set footing they must preuaile Vpon which vaine conceit their tormenting and troubling euery nation where they come causeth religiō to be blasphemed neuer any thing prospering in Gods Church where they come haue anie medling or dealing France abounded with Hugonites a kind of Puritanes and was neuer quiet so long as they were there yet now we see the Catholike religion hath maruelously increased since they for their sedition treacheries conspiracies were iustly banished thence How mightily Polonia was pestered and troubled by them it appeares in a booke intituled Equitis Poloni in Iesuitas anno primo Yea the Danskers made it an obiection of not admittance of the Sweden king to be their Soueraigne without condition of expelling the Iesuits from his Court and Counsell what fruite the Indians haue reaped by them the Spaniards shall themselues report it But so it is that by the crueltie of the Iesuits and Spaniards together let them take it betwixt them they are brought into that hatred as there is expected rebellions and reuolts from vnder King Philips allegiance euerie houre The like is of their garboiles in Italy Spaine Germany and other places and for England we haue said inough already all the world seeth it what mischiefe they haue brought and wrought amongst vs. Neither I will warrant shall you heare of one Iesuit that euer will acknowledge himselfe faulty nor say with Ionas Si orta sit haec tempestas propter me proijcite me in mare no it stands not with their lofty humilitie nor Atheall obedience nor Pharisaicall zeale to do so sed ex fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos Name me that nation that euer prospered in those actions wherein the Iesuits dipt their fingers in the fat or had any speciall commoditie or gaine in re or in spe thereby What good haue they done in the Low-countries or in Germany or in Scotland or in any other place where they come Onely this they haue done they come in with gloria patri euery where and vntill they haue like great fawcons or hawkes of the Tower firmely seazed vpon the pray kild at randon wing or souce they proceed forward with filio holding the panting heart fast in their talents for euery puny Iesuit though he be scarse able to say boe to a goose yet must he be as a correlatiue to his admired at holy father his Iesuit predecessor that went before him and so by consequent a rauening bird of pray to make poore foules I should haue sayd silly fooles sweet soules to tremble
men not as Gods in these cases knowing that the words inuasion and hostile power denotate a generall subuersion population and ouerthrow of the whole common wealth and state with slaughter of body soule and all together and not the conuersion of any one no nor preseruation or safetie of the already conuerted for so said the Duke of Medina in plaine termes scil I will respect neither one nor other if I haue them once vnder my sworde for I meane to make roome place and space there for my master c. Neither in very deede in such a case could he almost choose to doe otherwise though he had a more compassionate religious and humane hart then any Spaniard seemeth to haue For how should he knowe a catholike from a protestant in the open field where is no time to bow nor kneele vnlesse it be against their wils But when besides this it is manifest by the Dukes speeches yea and the Iesuits too at sundry times affirming the same as father Southwell at Wisbiche did confesse no lesse in the hearing of diuers priestes there prisoners that though the inuaders might yet would they not spare one catholike in England more then a protestant nor so much as they would spare the puritanes The reason whereof may be this in their barbarous policie scil least vnder that pretence if shew of religion might saue their liues all for the time becomming wholy catholikes would be too many and too strong a partie to remaine on liue and readie vpon euery the least occasion offered to rise in armes and take the crowne off from the inuaders head if inuested therewith thrust all forraigners out of the realme and set vp a catholike king of their owne countrie and nation againe Therefore seeing that to preuent this inconuenience the inuader whosoeuer will make sure worke if once he got footing without sparing of man woman or childe besides those traitors of Iesuits or puritanes that shall escape perhaps for a time as comming in vnder his banner to betray their natiue countrie into his hands I hold that man for woorse then mad that will runne vpon his owne death euery way as those English doe be they of what religion or profession soeuer that should vpon any false perswasion or feare of excommunication or otherwise oppose themselues against their natiue prince and countrie And if when no such danger was of vtter subuersion and destruction of all yet in these temporall and martiall causes we finde that no excommunication suspension or interdiction did take place so but that those punished by ecclesiasticall censure did still prosecute to death their prince and countries cause were the said excommunications or other ecclesiasticall censure iustly or wrongfully inflicted which when hot bloods are vp is not regarded of any as in the strife betwixt prince Lewis of Fraunce and king Iohn of England and his sonne after him king Henry 3. and the Baliol and Bruse of Scotland and sundry other examples it may appeere euen in catholike times when there was no religion but one then à fortiori in the case proposed like to a Danois conquest when the pretence is coloured with a religious maske and the pretendor intendes notwithstanding a generall massacre of all indifferently to plant a new people there with vtter extirpation of the ancient inhabitants there is no sense religion nor signe of humanitie in that English hart that would so vnnaturally be deluded with scruples doubts and sophisticall buzzes put into his head in the premises as not to resist Secondly an other interrogatorie point or question in the article proposed is that supposing the Iesuits and Archpriest had right on their side in the matters of contention betwixt them as they seeme to make the case as cleere for them as the seculars doe on the contrarie that thereupon they should iustly procure an excommunication with other ecclesiasticall censures to be inflicted according to the qualitie of the person the occasion giuen vpon the part of the appellans and all their adherents for their contempt disobedience c. formally reestablishing ratifying and confirming ad amplius the saide Archpriestes authoritie whether then ought not the seculars and all other catholikes obey and surcease from further pursuite against either the Iesuites or Archpriest or no And to this I answere that a supposed proposition must haue a supposed solution scilicet that supposing all were right iust lawfull and necessarie on the Iesuits part and the quite contrarie on the seculars then were the seculars not onely bound to obey and surcease but also to cry peccauimus and submit themselues to doe such penance as should be inioyned them c. 2. in the case proposed although they were to surcease from pursuite of the appeale in that matter yet were they not bound to let fall their plea on the behalfe of the Catholicke Church and common wealth in generall or of their owne natiue countrey in speciall for that the matters of contention betwixt the seculars and Iesuits being of two kinds the one proper as cōcerning the iniuries wrongs done one to the other and the other common as concerning the iniuries and wrongs done to the whole Church the common wealth the supreme power and soueraigne Maiesties in both states they being instrumentall agents and yet withall liue members of the two bodies misticall and politicall were bound to respect Bonum publicum before priuatum and by consequent not to desist from prosecuting the appeale in those cases wherein the interest is in the whole Church and commonwealth and not in themselues alone 3. I say the supposition is but a meere metaphisicall or rather chymericall supposall or conceite neither doe I thinke that there is any Iesuite in England this day but in his owne conscience he knowes he is in the wrong and that the seculars haue the right on their side as well in the particular as generall action and by consequent it is impossible as I said in the former article but that if euer the matter come to pleading it will goe on the seculars side against them 4. I say more that admit an excommunication should be gotten procured suggesto mendacio against them for the one cause or the other yet were the excommunicated suspended c. onely propter obedientiam to forbeare comming at or hauing the vse of the Sacraments But no further so as in prosecuting their appeale or doing of any other act for the furtherance of their cause they were as free as before from all sinne or other offence in not obeying any charge laide or commandement giuen them to the contrary 3. A third interrogatorie point doth seeme to import thus much in this article scz whether an excommunication suspension c. being gotten quo iure quaue iniuria against the seculars and their adherents hanging the appeale were it to be obeied or not in forbearing to come at the altar or Sacraments Whereunto I answere 1. That Post
the Puritanean ministers the Consistorian discourses letters libels and practises of Knox of Buchanan of Beza of Cartwright of Barrow of Browne of Field of Gibson of Dauison and many others make it manifest nothing being more ordinary then to presse England and to inueigle her Maiesties loyall subiects with the examples of Geneua Scotland Some fewe of whose principles concerning state affaires I will heere set downe as well to giue you to vnderstand what state matters those are which as vnlawfull treasonable and pernicious both to prince and state are forbidden and doe indanger intangle and hazard their liues that deale in them as also that therby you may iudge how iustly the Puritanes and Iesuits iumpe togither in statizing First one and a chiefe principle of the Puritane ministers is neuer to let any forme face shew or name of an ecclesiasticall state remaine amongst them but to obliterate eradicate and vtterly extinguish the name of Bishops and of all auncient ecclesiasticall persons of from the face of the earth To which effect a Scots minister in a letter to his friend saith that certaine of the chiefe noble men of England dealt with him by instigation no doubt of some English ministers in the yeere 1583. to perswade the king of Scotland his master to ouerthrow all the Bishopricks in his countrey that his proceedings therein might be an example for England adioyning And so within two yeeres vpon repayre of 10000. men in armes to the king of Scots at Sterling the Bishopricks being wholy suppressed in deede one Knewstub a Consistorian minister of Suffolke wrote thus to Feild I would be glad quoth he to heare somewhat of the estate of Scotland It doth more trouble me then our owne For I am conceiuing some hope vpon the change of their former proceedings Which hope no doubt was as Cartwright saide that as those turbulent Consistorians had been an example to the church of Fraunce and Scotland to follow them so the Lord saith he the said Cartwright would haue vs also to profite and be prouoked by their example what to do mary to play the rebels as they had done Secondly another principle set downe in Whittinghams preface to Goodmans booke is taken out of Knox his doctrine scil that if kings and princes refused to reforme religion the inferior magistrate or people by direction forsooth of the ministerie might lawfully and ought if neede required euen by force and armes to reforme it themselues The first practise of which principle was at Geneua for abandoning of their lawfull prince the Bishop of that place For when they perceiued that the Bishop sought by force to encounter their proceedings and that as Sleidan notes he had excited the Duke of Sauoy to that end to assist him they then ioyned themselues into a more neere amitie with the Bernians other neighbouring consistorian states so as the Duke and Bishop comming together to besiege the citie were both repulsed Bernatibus illis auxilium ferentibus Thirdly another like principle to this is grounded vpon an oth of confederacie taken first amongst the followers of Knox in Scotland vpon a letter of his written from Diepe in the yeere 1557. by the iudgement as he saith of the most godly and learned that then liued in Europe meaning Iohn Caluin and the rest of the Geneuians The effect of which oth together with a testification of their intents made by a kinde of subscription was this sent to the Queene Regent in time of parliament holden by her in Scotland that vnles they had their desires they would proceede in their course for suppressing of all religious houses in Scotland agreeing to their order of reformation prescribed to be obserued through all that whole realme ann Dom. 1558. whereof a memorable letter was sent in the name of the people to all the religious houses that they should either remooue thence by such a day or else they would then eiect them by force and to make it sure on their part these new statists enacted before hand there that neither themselues nor any that ioyned with them should incurre therefore any danger in life or lands or other politicall paines and that if any violence hapned in pursuit of these matters they meaning the Queene and her subiects should thanke themselues Whereupon shortly after being all put to the harme and all men vnder paine of rebellion inhibited to assist them for contemning the Queens summon for their apparance at Striueling they rose vp presently in armes at Saint Iohns-towne excited by Knox his preachment made for that purpose for the ouerthrow of religious houses and within two daies had quite destroied and rased the houses of Blackfriers of the Gray-friers and Charterhouse monks downe to the ground and so proceeding in Fyfe Angus Mernis c. breaking downe all altars and images they wrote to the Queene threatning to destroy Saint Iohns-towne for that fact that vnles she staid from that cruelty they should be compelled to take the sword of iust defence protesting that without the reformation which they desired they would neuer be subiect to any mortall man Vpon which occasion taken they writ to all their brethren to repaire vnto them as also to the nobles vpon paine of excommunication to ioyne with them as it being their dutie said Knox so to doe to bridle the furie and rage of wicked men were it of princes and emperors Of like sort also they writ to the Bishops and clergie which then were in Scotland that vnlesse they desisted from dealing against them they would withall force and power execute iust vengeance and punishment vpon them and that they would begin that same war which God commanded Israell to execute against the Cananites Which exorbitant letters of theirs tooke such effect with the temporaltie that when Lion Herault in his coate armour commanded all vnder paine of treason to repaire to their houses by publike sound of trumpet in Glasco neuer a man obeied that charge but went forward to their associats at S. Iohn Stow. Fourthly this principle and manner of statizing they termed by an other name the resisting of the enemie which to make strong they set downe an other principle by entring into a league by solemne oth at their departure from S. Iohns towne that if any one member of their congregation should be troubled they should all concurre assist and conuent againe together for defence of the same As presently after they did vpon a new quarrel pickt against the Queen at S. Andrewes where by Knox his preachment they made hauocke cast downe spoiled and destroied all the frieries and abbies in the towne And so dealt they shortly after with the abbie of Scone the frieries of Striueling of Lithquo and of Edenborough whence the Queene being fled for feare they kept the field two monethes tooke away the coyning irons being as the Queene alledged a portion of the patrimonie of the crowne and iustified the same Fiftly vpon this principle followed another
that we all desire and not to haue taken this course that he did to flie away like false shepheards from the flocke of Christ and to become trumpetors of inuasion blood crueltie and destruction Our weapons ought to be spirituall praeces lachrymae praiers and teares preaching and sufferings for Christs sake according to the practise of all vertuous religious pious and catholike priests in all ages I know what father Parsons hath written of this point in an other treatise of his but his examples do not warrant him nor his fellowes to deale in this sort as he hath done Fiftly to rebinde this againe with authoritie of our omnipotent legifer Christ Iesus when the Samaritanes refused to receiue Christ did not Saint Iames and Iohn speake thus to our Sauiour and I dare say in verbo sacerdotis with a more sincere true and religious zeale then euer Parsons had in all his practises Domine vis dicamus vt ignis descendat de coelo consumat eos but Christ turning towards them What said he mary increpauit illos dicens nescitis cuius spiritus estis They thought as a good catholike noteth vpon this place that they might haue done as Elias did they imagined that they were ledde with the spirite of zeale and of their masters honour but indeed ducebantur spiritu vindictae terrestri non caelesti Sixtly father Parsons and his companions with the rest of the seditious Iesuits taking vpon them to be viri apostolici Iesuitical or rather Ignatiā apostles who by their calling forsooth are to preach throughout all the world and ought to be tied to no speciall place longer then they list it should haue beene more agreeable to their dignities and estimation to haue come amongst vs hither into England as the Apostles did name whither so euer they went and by signes and woonders to haue conuerted their countrey to the catholike faith seeing they take vpon them a perfection aboue priesthood and will be called new Apostles illuminats and extraordinarie Rabbies that haue more neere familiaritie and acquaintance with God then any other And this had beene apostolicall dealing indeed Mary yet perhaps the case may be altered if they can perswade vs that their founder first father hauing beene a captaine and a man of warre had some particular illuminations and priuiledges from heauen that although Christs Apostles proceeded with mildenesse and patience as we reade in the Gospell their master Christ did which was a longer course then a Iesuiticall humour is able with patience to endure yet his the said Ignatius disciples should haue leaue to take a shorter way and that by fire from heauen or hell if they could or by any treacherie cruelty treason or what mischiefe soeuer so it were propter bonum societatis or ordine ad deum they were to omit no oportunitie or villany that might further such their intents But by their leaues this being a new and ruffinly course neuer heard of for conuersion of any nation they must shew some better testimonie then either Angel from heauen or feind from hell can affoord them or els we wil not beleeue them to be any other then the forerunners of Antichrist as cōsorts of Puritans in this their rebellious doctrine Seuenthly if father Parsons and his fellowes haue any such large commission from their founder for from Christ they haue it not as that by force thereof they might haue sollicited the Popes holines and the king of Spaine by all false and slanderous suggestions as they did to vndertake that glorious and woorthie acte forsooth yet considering that they only pretend therby the good of their country the restitution of the catholike faith they might haue sollicited some other prince to haue taken in hand that enterprise and not to haue sought to haue put their prince country into the hands of the Spaniards who are at this day reputed throughout all the world to be the most cruell and bloody nation that liueth vpon the earth The treatise of that woorthy Bishop Bartholomeus Cusaus a Spaniard borne dedicated to the last king of Spaine hath laid the Spanish proceedings amongst the west Indians so plainely out in their colours how many millions of men women and children they haue there murthered and that with such inhumane barbarousnesse and much more then Phalericall cruelty as vntill they do repent them and are become a new generation all kingdomes and countries in the world are to pray at the least to be deliuered from them But none could or would I am perswaded serue their turnes but the Spaniard whose pride ambition and crueltie hath so possessed their harts as father Ignatius was not a righter Spaniard by birth then our English Iesuits are by imitation Eightly besides by framing themselues with all trayterous practises and fury to assist and set forwrad the Spaniards designements they haue a stronger conceit or rather a ful perswasion that when the king had subdued this realme neither he his sonne or his daughter would make their residence heere for then the Infantaes title mariage or placing in the Lowe Countries was not dreamed of but that this kingdome should haue beene reduced to a Prouince and committed to the gouernment of their societie scil to father Parsons our pettie Coruine knight the rest of his superintendēcie or societie Which passage though it may seeme very strait yet if euer you see father Parsons booke of intended Reformation you will finde roome ynough to put in more odious stuffe then I haue handled or am willing to smatter my pen withall And therefote thinke it no maruell if they professe themselues the very vowed vassals in effect of the Spaniard for I am perswaded in my conscience that they haue consecrated themselues more deuoutly to aduance the now king of Spaine or his sister to the scepter royall of this land then they haue to promote the catholike faith Neither make I any question of it at all but that if heereafter any Pope shall crosse the Spaniards plots and purposes as like inough they may England and Fraunce with other nations hauing hitherto beene euer more respectiue to the See Apostolicke and taken the defence of Saint Peters chaire more faithfully vpon them then euer Spaine did till now of late yeeres which God of his goodnesse may alter againe and grant to his church in these nations their woonted florish the Iesuits will haue such a figge in store for his Holinesse that shall do so as no Ruebarbe Angelica Mithridate or other medicine or antidote shall expell the venime poison and infection from his hart nor any bezar pearle golde or vnicornes horne long preserue his life after it And if there be as there are shrewd suspitions in Rome concerning the death of two Popes two Cardinals and one Bishop already but for breaking or rather intending to breake the Iesuits a little of their obstinate will and vnbridled insolencie and onely to reforme them in their order then
right stampe hath be laboured with his pen to winne vnto his byace and to bring her Ladiship in dislike of the secular priests as others haue sought but all alike preuayled she being both too wise constant and vertuous to be carried away with gloses you would maruell that euer any bearing the face of a religious man would write so exorbitantly as he there hath done to his vtter shame and discredit as you shall well perceiue when it once comes foorth in Print with the discouery of his arrogancy ignorance lies on the one side and of his malice slāderous toong contēpt of the secular priests on the other side But to returne to our former speech These circumstances of Parsons actions and names giuen to offenders demonstrating a soueraigntie or superioritie in cheefe to be in Master Blackwell it followeth that he being notwithstanding all this subordinate or for feare or want of wit experience and knowledge due to such a superior as he takes vpon him to be at the command of Fa. Garnet betwixt whom by a priest of their owne faction it hath been told that there is continuall intercourse once in euery 24. howers at least there can no lesse be aymed at by the Iesuits in this Isle then a supreme power imperialty and dominion ouer all And so I conclude that they ayme at the succession themselues to rule vnder the Spaniards or rather to cloake their intended ambitious aspires vnder the Spaniards wings a while vntill they haue gotten all subiected vnder them Sed caueat Hispania praelio partu venditur proelis fides THE VI. ARTICLE VVHether then seeing they shoote at the whole monarchie of great Britanie together with Ireland Doe they intend any thing against Fraunce or not Or whether their practise for England may hinder or further their attempts for Fraunce more then their like practises for Scotland one while and for Ireland another while may do or no THE ANSWERE ENgland is made the maine chaunce of Christendome as our countries heauie case is at this present by seditious factions tampering and aspiring heads Wherefore we haue iust cause so many as loue to liue in quiet to pray hartely for the preseruation of her Maiesties life For afterward great calamities are we sure to see so many as liue to that wofull hower by all probable coniecture And by consequent then it followeth that England is the onely butte marke and white they aime at as well in intention as in execution of their pretended expedition exployte and action Which failing farewell a Iesuits monarchie for euer But holding their plots cast for England then haue at all Fraunce and other nations by peece meale in succeeding turns of conquests And therefore standes it both the state ecclesiasticall and temporal vpon of England in chiefe of Fraunce next and so of all other states and princes to looke to them in time and to ioyne in aide fauour and assistance of the Seminarie and secular priests in this their appeale This conclusion needes no further better nor other proofe then a relation with aduisement of this discourse Quodlibeticall First for that as you may gather by the second reason in the last Article and perceiue more at large if you read father Parsons Dolemanian succession he bringeth all his chiefe and strongest arguments for intituling the Lady Infanta to the English crowne from that head scil for that she is the right heire of Brytaine and France c. Now then if she be the heire of France and Brytaine as in precise termes he calleth her in his Appendix and that thereby she be intituled to our English crowne then questionles if once she get or I should haue said they get possession of this Isle in her right which they aime at in chiefe their title therunto comming by this meanes it standes with no sense that they shoulde giue ouer their clayme on her graces behalfe to that kingdome whereof they say she is already heire hauing obteined that monarchy whereunto she is intituled by the foresaide claime of heritage and whereby withall reciprocally she is againe reintituled to the same French kingdome and crowne Neither will the law Salique keepe them out from aduauncing her royall ensignes in the middest of them For I holde it but for a kindly canuase banding bob or taunting effect to confront with France for Burgundy Britany and other states and seigniories of old depending vpon the French crowne affirming as father Parsons doth in Doleman that though by the law Salique the Lady Infanta may be defeated and put from her rightfull title of inheritance and lawfull claime to the whole kingdome of France in concreto or in sensu composito as a man may terme it yet no reason saith he there but that so many states prouinces as came to the crowne of France by heires generall or women but that the same should diuolue vnto the Spaniard by women heires againe Which if he can bring to passe for all those seigniories come by women then shall the French be so fleeced in abstracto or in sensu diuiso as let them rest assured to be distracted out of their wits ere the Spanish Iesuiticall faction haue left them vnlesse they surrender vp the whole into their hands and yeelde perforce to abrogate the authoritie of their Salique lawes it holding no way either in piety or policie with father Parsons principles that taking vpon him in his said booke of titles and high counsell of reformation to abolish vtterly the auncient municipall lawes of this lande which were established by highest authoritie then the lawe Salique of France and that before euer the saide lawe was heard of amongst them that they should not tender thrust vpon and compell the French to chaunge their forme of gouernment lawes customes and all at his designement Secondly although during the time of their I meane the Iesuits rebellious practises conspiracies against the last king Henry the 3. of France of the house of Valois and this king regnant Henry the 4. before king of Nauarre it was not directly knowne that the Iesuits had cast at the crowne and whole kingdome of France in those warres then maintained by aide of the Spaniard but as a great part of catholikes heere in England in former broiles and conspiracies as well by the dukes of Norfolke and of Guise as also by captaine Stukeley and doctor Saunders aided with Italians and Spaniards c. and finally by the attempt in the yeere 1588. did thinke that the Iesuits and their faction had done all of zeale though indiscretely and for the aduancement of Gods glory and the catholike cause pretended by them to be religion So the French catholikes many of them of ignorance folowing the parts of Spaine and other rebels against their Soueraigne and country by Iesuiticall perswasion hauing had the like good opinion of these religious men and thereupon following their direction at an inche yet since their expulsion thence for their treasons and
conspiracies vpon more warie and further looking into their dooings drifts and plot castings comparing their infamous libels letters passages practises purposes and proceedings together and conferring one thing with an other heere and there and in all other nations kingdomes and prouinces where they come and can get footing as now in Sweuia the case is cleere how the Polonian king is defeated of that kingdome occasionated only by their treacherous ambitious tampring aspires sundry of sound iudgement and of the grauer more politike and wiser sorte amongst them that are not ledde away with passion or affection further then reason lawe iustice conscience and religion mooues bindes and compels them for to thinke are fully perswaded they escaped as great a danger of comming vnder a Iesuitical bondage when al France was in a furious combustion by them as euer they or anie other nation did at what time as the Templars the sampler of the Iesuits often mentioned by me in sundry places had confederated with the Turks or Sarazens in a general conspiracy for the ouerthrow of the whole christian world of France in chiefe And therefore as that most Christian catholike king great Henrie of France now regnant hath iust cause together with the state of France neuer to admit of the Iesuits againe to come within his borders or to like as the Scots phrase goeth within his bounds so maruell not though all that are Iesuits either in verbo or in voto in re or in spe or in faction or affection do mightily grudge murmur and euen gnash their teeth in the furie of their zeale with most bitter words reuiling as well the Popes holines as the king Christian the state the clergie the catholikes and the whole realme of Fraunce when they heare but the name of that nation or call to minde what a sweete morsell was taken out of their iawes at the reconciliation of the French king to the catholike Romish Church as the onely acte which dashed their hope for the time of that crowne frustrated their ambitious aspires to that mighty monarchie and put them halfe in dispaire of euer obtaining the like meanes of aspiring to soueraigne dominion Yea I am verily perswaded it gaue many of the more ambitious sort amongst them such a frantike phanaticall mad distraction in their wils as seuen yeeres retired exercise of contemplation will hardly bring them to a true mortified religious course and spirite againe For had they gotten Fraunce subiected vnder the Spaniards at that time as the ticklish state of all things stood here and elsewhere the Spanish title and claime to the English crowne rising thence as before is said they would haue had greater possibilitie of aduantage helpes and meanes by size ace and the dice for the conquest of all these northerne Isles then now they haue or are like hereafter easily to be possessed of the whole Christian world beginning now daily more and more to looke into them and their treacherous dealings Thirdly I might here enlarge my selfe with many weightie reasons to conuince the Iesuiticall ambition and aspires to the French crowne and kingdome as well by some suspitious speeches giuen our by their fautors of the causes moouing the marriage betwixt the Lady Infanta Isabella and the Archduke Albert and placing of them both in the Low countries as also by the generall passages and the Iesuiticall faction concerning the house of Burgundy and common applauses giuen on that behalfe how maruellous deepely affected the Burgundians are to the English how hatefull to the French how woorthy warriors of themselues and how that their forces together with the power of England and strength which the Lady Infanta their soueraigne would bring or send vnder the conduct of some Iesuiticall General perchance of Captaine Cubbocke were sufficient to bring both Fraunce and Scotland vnder the English subiection as of right they should These with many other the like perswasions vsed by them both to catholikes and others of our common aduersaries shew plaine if a man ponderate euery point particular and circumstance well with himselfe that the Iesuits aime at all these northerne Isles together with the whole kingdome of Fraunce and by consequent then these once gotten in full possession what kingdome in the world but per nullum tempus occurrens regi may by degrees come vnder their bowe bondage and Allobrogicall gouernment THE VII ARTICLE VVHether then bicause so it seemeth by this your last speech doe the Iesuits if they preuaile in England or Fraunce intend any thing against Spaine and the whole house of Austria and by consequent against the whole Empire and all other Monarchiall states of Christendome or else none but onely these before mentioned to themselues and the rest for the Spanish and Austrian lines THE ANSWERE IT is most certaine apparant and manifest by all coniecture reasons proofes and arguments ad hominem that they most traiterously haue cast the platforme and doe goe about so much as wit of man can deuise to bring all kings princes and states in Christendome vnder their subiection And therefore they haue an intendment against Spaine Austria and the whole empire as well as against England Scotland or Fraunce or any other peculiar prouince though not against all at once for that were meere follie in them but by peecemeale as I said before of these northerne Isles in setting one nation in opposition against an other and euery one to be iealous not only of their neighbour princes but also of their owne subiects each one apart and all this vnder pretence of religion making the Spaniards bicause he hath the best bag in deede though they pretend bicause he hath more religion in him then the rest a great many not knowing or at least not thinking of it how that the Spanish state is as ticklish as any in Christendome this day and as much bad and wicked liuers in it as any where almost is to be found the number of infidels Nueuo Christiano and lewd catholikes considered to be the cloake of their colorable aspires pretending for him alone as best able they thinke to beare them out against all other princes or soueraignes whosoeuer In which kinde of practise policie and matchiuilean deuise doe blinde the eies of the multitude which they chiefly labour for though it may seeme incredible to some that euer they should aspire to an absolute monarchie thereby considering they are so few in number and those dispersed here and there in sundry Nations ouer all the face almost of the whole earth yet who so doth wel consider that the Turkish empire the Ottomans race the Mahumetans state hath spred it selfe abroad vpon no expectation had either of themselues or feare conceiued at first of any other by them like to this platforme doctrine and pretend of the Iesuits they will thinke it neither strange nor impossible but rather very probable vnlesse God do strike them and confound their deuises And this I proue first to
Iesuites and neuer to trust a word they speake in commendation of the Spaniard and discommendation of other people or nations compared with them as also vpō the said kings Queenes and Archduke and Duchesse c. When they pretend any thing either on the catholike church or the Iesuites behalfe and by consequent shall doe an act of high merite iustice prudence and policy if they I meane all other christian princes and states expell these seditious factions turbulent irreligious persons out of all their territories seigniories regalties and dominions that haue pesterd the Church of God with such wicked doctrine as the proiect of that booke imports As none will iudge otherwise of them but as of most conscienceles careles and bloody minded men when they shall heare first of one booke set out as Greenecote is wherein the Author doth manifestly demonstrate that no different religion be it heresie or whatsoeuer ought to depriue a lawfull heire in fee simple of his fathers inheritance being but a subiect and a forraigner then in princes rights titles to kingdomes it must and ought to hold saith father Parsons in that place bringing in sundry examples how that neither in England catholikes by that name were debard of their lawfull inheritance vnder her Maiestie since the change of religion here neither the Puritanes in Scotland vnder the Queene Regent a catholike there neither in Fraunce Germany or else where was it euer heard of that any were disinherited for religious causes c. and then againe of an other as Parsons Doleman is together with his Appendix Philopater and others that quite discard all heretikes as he termes them from all interest pretend or title to any crowne Noe not if in case hereafter they should be catholike at the attempting of such an exploit or when they should see there were no remedy This last conceite with these hote spirited Puritanian Iesuiticall faction is holden so farre wide and contrary to the former as if the parties be not catholikes euer at the instant when their fatherhoods would haue them be you fully assured for no zeale of religion but of meere machiuilian policy either thereby to exasperate them against others or others against them and so to bring all a flote in fire and sword which is the onely thing they long for they must be censured iudged and condemned presently for reprobates atheists impostors to be conuerted and men be they Princes or whosoeuer vtterly of God forsaken This doctrine when princes and other men of learning iudgement and experience in such pragmatical platformes do perspicuously looke into and withall perceiue that religion is abused and Gods holy name blasphemed as being not his honor but their owne vnder a maske of catholike zeale they wish for they enter further into a deepe detestation of their Pharisaicall proiects iealously had of their owne naturall subiects and princely feare of their royall estates When they heare a man pretend as father Parsons doth on Spaniardes behalfe make a claime neuer heard of in any age to another mans lands in whose actuall quiet and apparantly rightfull possession by lineall discent from the father to the sonne for many hundred yeeres space times and ages past it hauing continued is now diuoluted to the present incumbent or prince regnant from his auncesters whose state title and regall honour he hath possesseth and peaceably enioyeth that so ancient renowned indubitate a right should now be called in question and that vpon the bare worde of a claymorous claime exceeding al meane modestie and measure made by an arrant traytor to God his Prince his countrey and to all lawes of God of nature of nations or of man and generally misliked of by all graue discreete prudent learned wise religious true harted catholikes especially for this his sodaine camelion vnexpected vndeserued vngrounded exorbitant passionate apostrophall change of a foisted in pretend audaciously presuming without buls breue billet ticket worde or warrant of any authoritie to charge all men to allow admit ratifie and confirme without all gainesay controlment or contradiction such a Soueraigne as he the said father Parsons will appoint them otherwise to be noted for Atheistes fooles rebels malicious politikes and aduerse to his catholike Maiestie and forsooth the common cause this this is that most odious scandalous irreligious treacherous erronious doctrine which is so preiudicial to the king catholike and his pretended cause as whiles Spaine is Spaine England England Fraunce Fraunce and Rome Rome will it neuer be forgotten nor forgiuen nor the iealousie thereof put out of all princes harts So as iustly father Parsons may be pointed at for woorse then a fabling libeller and were woorthie were he not a priest to be set vpon the pillorie and that euen by his catholike Maiestie for bearing the world in hand that he was set on to write those libels by warrant and priuitie of the said surmised pretendor whereas all circumstances both in the same bookes and scheduls together with those plotcasters speeches in secret to their friendes and the many dangers damages indignities discommodities accrewing to the king and his royal estate doe argue quite contrarie This is that venemous law will pearce the king catholike to the very naked hart if his Maiestie permit it to passe currant without due punishment inflicted vpon the presumant scribe and speedie abolishment of so polypragmaticall a platforme no lesse dangerously cast then traitorously laide to intrap all princes in Christendome in a Templars snare and as preiudiciall if not more in chiefe to the crowne and safetie of his royal person to his family in esse and to his successors for euer hereafter as to any other prince or monarch whosoeuer For let his Highnes winke at this doctrine and seeme to authorize it and then what better warrant or more plausible can be deuised when minds of people in all nations as ruefull experience doth tell vs are now a daies so quickly exulcerated with grieuous sores of gustes and discontent easily corrupted with maladies of contention and hastely set on horsebacke with superfluous humors of nouelties innouations ambition disdaine reuenge thirsting after bloud desirous of liberty and greedily affecting soueraignty then thus to authorize all and euery Prouince vnder his gouernment to rebell against him at their pleasure and auouche maintaine and defend for lawfull all their outragious insurrections malepert mutinies and contagious crimes against his highnes and soundest part of his nobles and subiects euery where but especially in the Low countries vnder this counterfeited conference holden at Amsterdam amongst the States there Yea by this colourable doctrine of Fa. Parsons hotch potch prodigious common wealthes authority when it comes to reasoning standing the premises without the kings controlment they may lawfully auerre al their practises proceedings and deeds past they may admit his maiestie peacebly to gouerne and raigne ouer them with this condition that he shall mantaine the course by them begun for gouernment
to receiue take and accept of for their practise and directions in all causes martiall monasticall spirituall and temporall This grosse error of father Parsons and his no lesse great absurditie then rash foolish presumptuous and most dangerous course where unto his proiects do tend by this his pretence for the Lady Infanta to colour his owne and his societies traitorous aspires doe argue his insolencie and pride to be so great as they blind his iudgement sence and censure from discerning that these his plots drifts and deuises will be not onely condemned and laughed at by a generall applause but he also vtterly reiected and cast off out of all indifferent mens conceites be they of what religion soeuer that beare any loue to their countrie or that wish a preseruation of their auncient nobility and gentry freed by lawes customes and priuiledges from that tyrannie spoile which this hard natured and most cruell harted man seemeth most to desire for his owne priuate respects and commodities And surely when I remember the words of some of his proctors apparators somners pursiuants attornies aduocates soliciters and serieants here in England that neither could neither can yet indure to here that the Popes holinesse should haue any dealing or medling in this matter as a gust which gauleth them to the very guts to heare and see some already of a more gracious sweet mild incline to mercy in her Maiesty towards the innocent on that behalfe then heretofore hath bene or then they can hope for to themselues or any way indeede do desire to any others father Parsons and the rest of his state compartners vrging nothing more then to haue persecution of catholikes increased not diminished at all further then to grant out bulles of excommunication against all those that should impugne the spanish title and withall to send out pardons and graines of indulgence to all those that should fight on the Spaniards side against their natiue countrie both which vnnaturall practises seing the Iesuites haue sought for to be put in execution to the vttermost thereby to torment vs on euery side and by consequent incense the soe oppressed with rage against their soueraigne and the state tell me deere catholikes what moues you to fawne vpon those that thus doe labour for your heauie destruction I cannot but muse with my selfe how euer this disguised vnfortunate stepfather father Parsons being filius terrae by birth an Englishman by education a catholike by externall profession a priest by charecter a religious man by vow and order and taking vpon him by function and calling wholy to aduance Gods cause yea with hallowes and how-hubs with whowbes whowes and outcries against all that tast not on the froth of his zeale hath hitherto refused to take his holinesse for an example and his sacred predecessors the successors of Saint Peter vpon whom he ought chiefly to haue relied as a speciall note of so sound a catholike and perfect religious person as he and his would make the simple people beleeue they are for a paterne to imitate who haue euer held most mild modest and moderate courses towards all but especially towards the kings of great Britaine were they Scots or English not halfe so seuere against any as oftentimes by surreptitiall suggestions of some euill and factious persons they were vrged to haue bene As well appeered in the bull of Pius the fift which though we wish had neuer come out and much more that the other two since that time denounced against her Maiesty had neuer bene seene or heard of in this world yet to speake Gods truth when the Pope his holinesse perceiued what bloody tragedies and massacres on all sides were like to ensue thereupon by commaund of withdrawing our naturall allegiance from our natiue soueraigne vpon wrong information giuen as before we haue touched at large the said Bull was called in againe and all catholikes throughout England left as free to obey her Maiesty in all things due to her princely regalitie as they were before But letting that and other excommunications passe as spoken of before with harty wish they had neuer bene amongst many examples of the deere loue and fatherlie compassion of the Popes holinesse towards the inhabitants and princes of this land in times of eminent common welthes dangers the chiefe since the Norman conquest was shewed in the daies and raignes of king Henry the second surnamed Fitzempresse and of his sonne king Iohn the third Monarche of England of a Plantagenets royall race Against whom hauing vsed his fatherly correction as pastor vniuersall ouer the whole flocke of Christ for their great tyrannie and crueltie vsed towards their naturall subiects yet vpon their repentance mercifully receiuing them into grace and fauour of Gods church againe his holinesse on the behalf of the second did not onely accurse and excommunicate prince Lewis of France with all his adherents forcing him to yeeld vp all the interest right and title that he or his posteritie had or euer should haue to the English crowne but also surrendred vp the said crowne of England frank and free to king Iohn and his heires and successors from of the head of Cardinall Pandulphus hauing sit enthronized three daies therewith in the Popes right of purpose to abate and end the strife for euer to inioy the same in as full absolute and ample manner as any prince or monarche euer enioyed or possessed a crowne And thousands there are in England that desire as much and I verily thinke more vnfainedly and with a better more sincere true and catholike religious mind then any of the Iesuiticall or spanish faction doe desire the conuersion of our countrie who yet will be ready to lay their liues to pledge for it that if as God forbid and I hope it shall neuer happen that any Lancastrian forraigner should get possession of this land with as many oathes homages and fealties made and done vnto him or her whosoeuer as prince Lewis had whom father Parsons brings in for an example in confirmation of the Lady Infantaes title by that house bloud and line of king Lewis of France be like of purpose to vrge the English as he hath to make the like protestation on the said Infantaes behalfe yet would euen this Pope Clement the eight according to his predecessors example reuoke recall repeale and force him or her to retire and withall would of his mere mercie a gift appropriated to Saint Peters chaire in speciall manner grant to our nation the election and choise and set vp a king of our owne natiue soile bred and borne within the confines of great Britaines Ocean vpon the like repentance and submission of former princes in this and all other Christian kingdomes maugre all the Iesuites Spaniards and huff muffes in the world These important considerations should haue touched father Parsons hart with deepe remorse to remember how mightily he hath resisted impugned and violated all lawes diuine and humane whatsoeuer
Portingals and Spaniards continued kept the honours point for Martiall exploits these latter yeares but who shall carie away the price in the cadences of the Spaniards God only knoweth Thus came the foure Patriarkes of Hierusalem Antioch Alexandria and Constantinople by succession of honor wealth and fame in Gods Church to rise and fall one after another and now all decayed dead and gone from their auncient state renowne and dignitie in the Church of God here militant on earth Thus came all Monasticall Heremiticall and religious orders of Saint Anthony of Saint Basill of Saint Augustine of Saint Hierome of Saint Benedict of Saint Bernard of Saint Dominicke of Saint Frances of Saint Clare of Saint Briget and sundrie other religious orders of men and women to haue their generation and corruption by the freedome left of God in humane actions and mans choise to be good or bad vertuous or vicious and to rise and fall by succession one after another by merited fame and iust desert of their life manners and graces giuen and employed by them to Gods glorie In few thus came the spirituall Knighthoods of the Templers the Knights of Saint Iohns the Knights of Rhodes and now of Malto by a lineall succession of fame renowne and worthinesse to haue panigericall histories set foorth of their prayses And the like is of later orders and societies of Carmelists Carthusians Capouchians Theatines Iesuits Bonhommes c. all which set vpon the worlds Theater represent a mournfull tragedie of mans miserie how like to flowers they haue now one and then another order companie or societie burgened blossomed bloomed and flourished and yet subiect to the fates of free-will in all humane wights their deriuatiues are strayed abroad haue left and are gone from the obedience deuotion pietie pouertie chastitie charitie humilitie patience and religious zeale which was in the primitiues and founders of their Orders What shal we say more the whole body mysticall of Christ consisting of the three estates Ecclesiasticall Temporall and Monasticall do auerre the Peripateticall Prince his principle to be true in all things depending vpon chance and chaunge concerning the conuersion of countries people and nations to the Catholike faith For was not the generation or beginning of the Mosaicall law a plaine corruption fall and decay of the law of nature all the Gentiles presently vpon the Orient rise bright shine and flourish of the Israelites Church and their Hebrew Monarchie being giuen ouer into infidelitie and Idolatrie contrarie to the law of nature vnder which the faithfull had liued aboue two thousand yeares without distinction of Iew or Gentile vntill this Mosaicall law began And when for the Iewes sinnes and offences the period of their Monarchie and end of their synagogues and temples honour and religion came did not then the primitiues of the East Church amongst the Christians carry away the auriflambe of all religious zeale After that when the heauie cadens of the East Church came did not also then the Sonne of iustice tanquam sponsus procedens de thalamo suo spread abrode the bright beames of his spouses glorie in a transparant light throughout these our West Ocean cloudes of heathenish darknesse and giue to these Northren Isles the prerogatiue regall of Prime-birth to his inheritance if the Britons and afterwards the English Saxons could haue kept it When by succeding turnes the most part of Asia and Affricke was corrupted and fallen away and all Europe conuerted to the sacred Apostolicall Romane faith when Monasteries began in this North Christian world to be built and great multitudes of Monkes Friers Canons regulars Nunnes and other sacred Saints and holy persons to consort themselues together when Emperors Kings Queenes Princes Lords and Ladies of all degrees fled from their regall Palaces to priuat Cels and left the triumphes of their conquests the trophees of their loues and pompes and pleasures of their Courts to who so would possesse them when here an Anchoresse there an Hermit and in euery wood wild and desert some sacred virgine valed inuested interred dead to the world was to be found when all fertile soyles all places of pleasure profite and content all earthly wealths and reuenues of most woorth were turned into Abbey and Church lands liuings and liuelyhoods when holy emulation was who might giue most all gaue of the best and made this flourishing Isle our Ladies dower when Kings and Queenes Priests and Prelates Lords and Ladies Monkes and Friers sacred Virgins and chast Matrons and all sorts of persons knew their duties first to God to his Church to her Priests then to their Prince to the Commonwealth and to her Peeres and lastly each one to another how when and where to commaund or obey when all things sorted to so sweet a sympatheall harmonie in English hearts as England by a prerogatiue royall of grace diuine merited to be called Anglia chara Deo gens when flying fame of their rare Angelicall conuersation had fronted the coasts of furthest countries and occupied with great admiration of mind the mouthes of most men in the world when England Fraunce and Flaunders Italy Bohemia and Germany Spaine Portugal and Hungary Sicilie Naples and Cyprus Denmarke Poland and Sweden Scotland Ireland and Norway did striue for a supremacie to carry away the garland of vertue deuotion and religion on all sides Then inimicus homo enuying at mans felicitie to conforme by permission diuine Gods concurrence with secondarie causes to the Philosophers prescript of generation and corruption in tract of time corrupting all these Northren and Westerne parts of the world with contention ambition Turcisme heresie and Pharisaisme a new generation of Catholike truth and religion begins to labour and bring soorth their children amongst the Indians Antipodies and new found world before vnknowne vnto these Northren and Westerne parts discouered first by Portingals and Friers and after proceeded in by Spaniards and Iesuits And now listen what followed Amongst many other cadences and fals the heauiest of all the rest hath bene iudged by many to haue bene our English calamities begun at first by the ambitious aspires of Cardinall Wolsey who affecting the highest Soueraigntie in causes Ecclesiasticall on earth made a great breach by his contrarie plotting betwixt King Henry the eight of famous memorie and the Sea Apostolicke And afterward when vnder her Maiestie Queene Elizabeth our Soueraigne now regnant sundrie persons of rare indowments graces and abilities had retired themselues to places of studie and seruice of their Lord God beyond the seas where they liued in diuerse Seminaries and Colledges leading there a right Monasticall and religious life in a most perfect state of religious profession calling and order as both all other religious Orders and Ecclesiasticall persons that conuersed with them or knew their manner of life and whereunto their whole studie tended did acknowledge somtimes in teares proceeding after their returne hither in simplicitate cordis with all humilitie patience
deuout but indiscreetly zealous and tender hearts in serious reading perusing and canuasing the case cause of contentions betwixt vs and the Iesuits aswell in these ten crosse interrogatories as in others set downe in order one after another in forme following Amongst all which this being a chiefe and common passage of speech where Catholikes Scismatikes and others do meete to wit what great scandale these contentions haue giuen c therefore thus go the articles concerning that matter THE FIRST QVODLIBET OF plots by scandale WHether the Seminarie Priests or the Iesuits were first beginners of these contentions betwixt them and how long hath this thorough burnt coale of scandale lien smothered in the hote imbers of zealous hearts before it did burst out into that hideous flame which like a Babylonian fornace scorcheth and burneth those who first did cast their brethren into it THE ANSWERE THe Iesuits were the first beginners thereof and haue continued on this Salamandrian smoake of vaporous heats euen from their first authority gotten ouer the English Colledge and Seminaries at Rome vntill the foysted in authority of maister Blackwels Archpresbitery was conueied ouer the seas into England At what time the mistie cloudes of long conceited soueraignty did giue a cracke and the lightning flashing ouer all this whole I le of England Scotland and Wales the thunder-bolt fell vpon the afflicted Priests and seruants of God striking all resistants with Ecclesiasticall censures without remorse pity compassion taken or any respect had of either duresse or imprisonment or yet the affliction and daunger which obroad they liued in day and night And if any now be desirous to know more precisely of these generalities in particular manner he may please to reade sundry bookes and records of this matter set out at large what great troubles incessant affliction and extreame miserie all haue endured from time to time and how from point to point one contention did follow vppon another presently after that discord seedes were once sowne in the Romane Colledge by the plotcasters of the diuision betwixt the English and the Welch which was nothing else but a canuas to disgrace that reuerend prelate doctor Lewis a Welchman borne afterwards Bishop of Cassana by putting maister Morrice from the Rectorship of that Colledge whereunto doctor Lewis had preferred him The which Colledge was first founded as an Hospitall by Briton and after English Saxon Kings and Princes of this land for the reliefe of such as went on Pilgrimage to visite those holy places dedicated vnto Gods Saints and seruants by the memorable Martyrdome of 33. Popes betwixt Saint Peter and Saint Siluester the first vnder whom the Catholike Romane Church had peace and perfect quiet This Hospitall being now translated into a Colledge by doctor Lewis meanes then Archdeacon to the Bishop of Cambray and Refrendary to the Pope at that time was enriched with the pention of an Abbacy by Gregory the thirteenth of all holy memorie at what time as Cardinall Allane erected the Colledge at Rhemes in Fraunce for the same end intent and purpose of education and bringing vp of English youth in vertue and learning to do their Lord God and countrey seruice The sincere and religeous designments of this graue learned and reuerend Prelate being thus defeated by the displacing of maister Morrice and a Iesuit Priest made Rector of the Seminarie in his place herehence a Soueraignty being gotten in a sort vnder a colourable excuse of teaching and reading to the English youthes there which was the stroke of flintie heads on steely harts that gaue fire to the seditious match which hath welnigh set all Christendome on fire and flame then followed a pursuite of challenging a superiority by calling of Counsels holding of Courts and deciding of all matters here pell mell of their owne bare word I meane father Heywood though after in disgrace and other Iesuits and Priests that subiected thēselues to his and their summons without any knowne authority in the world so to do to the great discomfort discontent and dislike of many reuerend Priests and other vertuous learned and graue persons of the Catholike Laity in whose high prudence it did euen then appeare that the fire of ambitious aspires and contention begun at Rome was closely conueied ouer the English Ocean and would breake out if not troade out in time of it selfe as not many yeares after it did indeed For the Seminary Priests studying wholly the conuersion of soules and weining their thoughts from all conceits of superiority or gouernement ouer others in that afflicted state wherein all did liue did neuer imagine that any Iesuit or religeous person would euer haue dreamed much lesse haue sought for any such authority ouer indeede their superiours or at least their betters as all Seminarie and secular Priestes are neither were they willing to meddle in opposition against them if in case they sought for it as the wiser sort saw plainely at the first they most greedily did affect it being as desirous to liue peaceably with all as inconsiderate right Englishmen-like with their after wits to foresee what would happen And if some one or moe brake out in termes against them vpon iniuries or wrongs receiued at their hands yet were their complaints and demands of satisfaction and iustice so farre from being listened vnto by any of the rest of their brethren so cunningly had they cast their plots at first all ouercast with a bright seeming cloud of religeous zeale that euen those who felt the griefe of the same thorne which prickt them at the heart durst not once open their lips to speake in the defence of the innocent but rather all with one voyce with generall applause and clapping of hands with whoopes whowes and hoobubs would thrust them out for wranglers discard them for make-bates and hold them for vncharitable malecontents and disordered persons that should seeme to speake a word against a Iesuit nay that should not freely readily and voluntarily consent to whatsoeuer they defined designed or determined Hereupon the fire of contention more and more inkindling conglobed together in the highest cloud of surly minds and thereby giuing greater occasion of bursting out into an vnquenchable flame the next generall conflict to keepe in the smoake was at Wisbich where by Natures course and Philosophers consent in generation of things being vnnaturally growne to a full ripenesse not able to hold in any longer father Edmonds alias Weston was the Champion vnder whose infest banner of factious contention and seditious aspires displayd the sharpe shot of puny Iesuits and their fautous made first their challenge of superiority and then a deuision from their brethren the designed Martyrs worthy confessors and reuerend Priests of and in that place some whereof had endured aboue twenty yeares imprisonment for their religion and conscience sake before euer some of these hot-spurred censurers knew what durance meant as maister B●●et for one and some others also who had suffered more
to haue liued by thē in England to haue past on their time in this vale of teares here during the short time of their transitory life full of all heauinesse and not molested innocent lambes that sought no establishing of houses Colledges sodalities societies or corporations to remaine to posterity which the Iesuits chiefly aimed at This being the groūd of al their cruell oppression of the innocent crying to heauen for vengeance I vndoubtedly beleeue it was Gods holy will to haue the Iesuits impiety knowne sooner by the Seminary Priests then by any other secular or religious and that no doubt to Gods great glorie and the benefit comfort and reliefe of all true Catholike harts either in England or elsewhere THE ARGVMENT OF THE second Generall Quodlibet I Haue stayed longer vpon the first Quodlibet then time which hasteneth me to depart hence will well allow me the like demurre vpon the rest The next generall Quodlibet followeth very fitly to be of plots cast by the Iesuits doctrine how neare they come to Puritanisme what it is their doctrinals of policies do arme at wherein there are ten Articles to be discussed vpon concerning that matter THE I. ARTICLE VVHether the Iesuites or the Puritanes be more dangerous pernitious and noysome to the common-wealth either of England Scotland or any other Realme where both or either of them liue together or apart THE ANSWERE 〈◊〉 that all Catholikes would seriously weigh the danger that they do occasionate both to the Church and common wealth yea a●d to their owne both bodies and soules reputation and present state by siding with these sediti●● and ●acti●u●●●●● 〈◊〉 many 〈◊〉 will not be ●●●med of 〈…〉 nor 〈◊〉 ●●ed of 〈◊〉 owne folly THe Iesuits without all question are more dangerous not that their doctrine is as yet either so absurd as the Puritanes I meane in matters not of faith for therein I must and will so long as they remaine visible members of Gods Church euer esteeme of the worst and baddest Iesuit better then of the best and sanctliest seeming Puritane that liues but in matters and doctrine pertaining to manners gouernement and order of life nor that their intent is manifested as yet to be more malicious against both Church common-wealth Prince and Peere then the Puritanes are but because the meanes and their manner of proceeding is more couert more seeming substantiall more formall and orderly in it selfe and therefore are they more dangerous because of the two they are more like to preuaile by managing of whatsoeuer they take in hand And the rather for that their grounds are more firme their perswasions more plausible their performance more certaine as hauing many singular fine wits amongst them whereas the Puritanes haue none but grossum caputs many learned men on their sides the Puritanes not one many Gentles Nobles yea some Princes to side with them the Puritanes but few of the first rare to haue any of the second none at all vnlesse it be one of the last on their side And so by consequent if matters come to hearing hammering handling betwixt the Iesuits and Puritanes the latter are sure to be ridden like fooles and come to wracke Whereupon it also followeth that the former are in these respects more dangerous both to the Church and common-wealth as hereafter shall at large more manifestly appeare THE II. ARTICLE VVHether the Iesuites doctrine abstracted from matters of faith and religion come neerer in matters of life and manners to the Protestants or to the Puritanes THE ANSWERE THey are in this respect all wholly Puritanes and therefore do some for distinctions sake call the one Puritane Papists and the other Puritane Protestants To the better vnderstanding whereof a certaine great person is sayd to haue vsed a comparison in way of discourse betwixt Iesuits and Puritanes conferring them together in this manner or to this effect here ensuing Of all sects or religions the Iesuit and the Puritane quoth he come neerest and are fittest to be coupled like cats and dogs together First for that the Puritanes count all to be wicked sinfull creatures but thēselues A reason why some Catholike Gentlemen that liue about London whom I could name and what they haue sayd about those ●arie● were discontented when wanting their wiues 3. or 4. or mo dayes and nights together they must bee forsooth in the holy exercise how they haue conceited these matters and whether a new sect of Anabaptists or family of loue be not greatly suspected to be ingendred of some foule monster or other amongst these new illuminated Iesuits I leaue it there the Iesuits will haue none to be counted holy vertuous or religious that are not of their societie or followers Secondly the Puritanes haue their secret conuenticles and meetings which none other must be acquainted withall and so haue the Iesuites Thirdly the Puritanes are entred into secret league of conspiracy against all other professors of the Gospell and so are the Iesuits against all other professors of the Romane faith Fourthly the Puritanes call themselues the sainctly brotherhood deuided from all others that are not of their sect and opinion and the Iesuits call themselues the holy diuision separated from all other that are not of their faction Fiftly the Puritanes haue a secret watchword to know whom to trust or to admitte to be of their confederacy and so haue the Iesuites Sixtly the Puritanes take an oath as it is reported neuer to reueale to death any secret done attempted or intended by them or amongst them and to the same effect is the Iesuits oath or vow of obedience Seuenthly the Puritanes iudge all men bound to tell them what they demaund and yet they bound to tell none any thing but what they please and euen right so the Iesuites Eightly the Puritane holds he may denie any thing before any Iudge whatsoeuer that is not of his fraternitie with iura periura secretum prodere noli and to the same sense is the Iesuites equiuocations to any but to one of their societie Ninthly the Puritanes vse all scoffing scolding and ignominious disgracing speeches that may be with most infamous libels against the Bishops and English Cleargie and euen so so the Iesuits vse the like against all the Bishops and Prelates of the Romane Cleargy Tenthly the Puritanes all wholly affect singularity in gate in countenance in speech in apparell and all their actions and euen so do the Iesuits Eleuenthly the Puritanes cannot endure to heare of any to equall them in any thing and no more or much lesse can the Iesuits Twelftly the Puritanes must haue all men to obey them An● 〈…〉 hereof was i● W●●ch where being all examined by ciuill Magistrates which were Iesuits and which were not not one of those that are knowne and acknowledge themselues to be so indeed amongst then Iesuiticall confederates but did deny it vnto the said iustic●rs vnlesse one Irish●an c. so must the Iesuits Thirteenthly
the Puritanes may dispense with some of their confederacy to insinuate themselues into the Ministery and to vse Surplice cap crosse ring and all according to the Queenes iniunctions which is quite contrary to their doctrine but that they do it for loue of their benefices and euen so the Iesuites may dispense with some of their close confederates or society to passe vnder the name of secular Priestes for their priuate gaine and more aduantage though otherwise their profession be quite contrarie Fourteenthly the Puritanes will haue no superiours no more will the Iesuites Fifteenthly the Puritanes will acknowledge no obedience to any Ecclesiasticall dignitie no more will the Iesuites but yet both of them counterfeitly and dissemblingly do yeeld Sixteenthly the Puritanes labour to pull all Bishops downe and to haue none but Superintendents in England and haue made hauocke alreadie of all such in Scotland and the Iesuites will let no Bishop be in either Realme if they can keepe them from that superioritie ouer them Seuenteenthly the Puritanes seeke to pull downe Kings and Princes and so do the Iesuites Eighteenthly the Puritanes would bring all Kings and common-wealthes to a popularitie and Oligarchicall gouernement and so would the Iesuites Nineteenthly the Puritanes controull both Princes and Prelates as if they were their superiours and the Iesuites checke and controule both Pope and Prince as at least their equals Twentiethly the Puritane Ministers must be of counsell with the Prince in the highest affaires of his Realme so must the Iesuiticall padres or else all is out of frame One and twentiethly the Puritanes must appoint Prince Court and Counsell what to set downe and define in all matters of gouernement and state and so must the Iesuits Two and twentiethly the Puritanes must haue the perusing ratifying and confirming of whatsoeuer doth passe from the Prince or Lords spirituall or temporall of the land and so must the Iesuites or else it shall be despised reiected and holden for ridiculous and not worth the setting foorth or publishing Three and twentiethly the Puritanes must haue all Princes Nobles or other states so dutifull and seruiceable vnto them as they must not laugh they must not play they must not walke they must not talke they must not giue or receiue any gifts or vse any priuate conference or decent recreation c. without their consent or priuitie and onely so much and no more then they appoint them and euen iust so is it with the Iesuits Foure and twentiethly the Puritanes hold he cannot be a good Christian that doth resist them and the Iesuites that he cannot be a sound Catholike that speakes against them c. Fiue and twentiethly the Puritanes count themselues the new illuminates c. and the Iesuits that they are freer from errour more familiar with God more precisely and peculiarly illuminated and more specially indued with the spirit of guiding soules then secular Priests are c. Innumerable of the like comparisons may be made betwixt them in matters of life and manners and I pray God not too many in matters of faith and religion which seeing they both square and differ herein from the Protestants it followeth that the Iesuits and Puritanes do come neerest together in platformes though both opposite one to the other in intention as farre as farre may be THE III. ARTICLE VVHether the Iesuits doctrine smell of innouation and by consequent of heresie in any thing or else is it onely a singularity in matters of manners in all things done or maintained by them THE ANSWEE IT is one thing to smell of any corruption and an other to be infected with a pouant or stinke of the same and therefore that the Iesuits smell most horrible of both and that in a most dangerous manner it is cleare by all these fiue and twenty degrees comparatiue betwixt them and the Puritanes And the like may be sayd of their new institution of an Archpriest a plaine and manifest innouation as a word title and authority quite out of vse in the Church of God at this day All you deuout but maruelously seduced Catholikes for the loue of our sweete Sauiour I desire you and on Gods behalfe I charge you as you loue your owne soules to lay aside all blind affection and partial doom and conferre one of these Quodlibets with another and then weigh well with your selues what cause you haue to moue you to be so eager in defending these mo●e dangerous aduersaries of your soule then any other professed enemy to the Romane Catholike faith and neuer at all taken or appointed to gouerne in that sense and to that intent and purpose as he is taken to be and is by them instituted and appointed How they smell of other dangerous innouations it will bewray it selfe in time THE IIII. ARTICLE VVHether any of them haue published in printed bookes or openly or in priuate conference taught any thing contrary to the beleefe of the Catholike Romane Church or not THE ANSWERE THey haue and that euerie way in printed bookes in written copies or manuscripts and but most of all in priuate conference Which contrary to their opinion will not be hardest to get witnesses of to auouch it to their face especially in matters of confession and other points which I blush to write of as I haue had relation made vnto me But to the purpose whereunto otherwise do all their libels letters and suggested slaunders spread abroad against secular Priestes the Ecclesiastical state and the resemblance betwixt them and the Puritan Zuinefeldians Anabaptists or family of loue c. tend saue onely to the broaching abroad of most abhominable heresies And in particular whereunto doth father Parsons popular doctrine in the Ciuilians discourse tend saw onely to an absurd heresie of denying free will in humane actions when as in the first part and neere the beginning thereof to cut off all right of succession by birth and bloud he sets me this downe for a generall rule maxime or exioma scil Those things that are of the law of God and nature are common to all nations as God and nature are common to all ergo if the gouernement and regall right of succession were by the law of God and nature descending by birth and bloud the same should be common and alike in and to all nations as God and nature are c. But we see that is false for some nations haue one kind of gouernement and manner of succession and some another c. ergo gouernement and succession by birth and bloud are not of the law of God and nature This Elenchiall fallacy for he will not dare stand syncategorematically to approue it denies slatly free-will putting no difference betwixt the law of God and nature in man and the same law in bruite beastes whereas there is not a boy of any wit that rightly vnderstands onely Porphiries predicables but wold hisse him out of the schooles for a fond wrangling and vnlearned
land must be coursed and canuassed with their letters postes and messengers in the passe and repasse out of England into Fraunce and from Fraunce to Flaunders and thence into Italy Germanie Rome Spaine Portugall and Ierusalem to blaze it abroade of the weakenesse loosenesse scandale badde and corrupt life of all Seminaries and secular Priestes in generall and how vnfit they are to come into England or for any of them to take the charge of soules vpon them for one mans offence or miscariage And he vnhappie man whose life death good name for euer after must hang in the blast of their mouths though he repent with S. Peter or recant with S. Marcelline yet shall his first fault be laid in his dish euer after with Pharisaicall vpbraiding of him whensoeuer occasion is offered of a malitious reuenge to betaken Nay what is more common with these precise pure illuminates then thus to censure of the most constant Martyrs and Confessours if not wholy Iesuited of this age Who though they neuer could be touched with any act word or thought of reuolt from Gods Church or stepping any whit awrie yet these diuellish spirites of a Luciferian pride and conceit of their owne proper excellencie will touch them to the quicke with these speeches I pray God he may stand he is but a weake man such a father had bene fitter then he to haue managed such a matter c. THE IX ARTICLE VVHether in regard of the premises if the Iesuits be such wicked men and so farre gone astray from the first prescript and institution of their order is there any likelihood of their continuance or if not then of what downefall THE ANSWERE I Told you before that Nullum violentum est perpetuum which is to be vnderstood of all humane and naturall causes acts and motions and that some of the Iesuits themselues haue presaged if not prophesied by manie fearefull signes a heauie destruction ruine and downefall to come vnto their societie by reason of the great pride insolencie heate of ambition and vnquenchable thirst in affecting of soueraigntie which raigneth amongst them But what fall it is they shall haue or where or when it will happen God he knoweth as for me Non sum Propheta nec filius Prophetae neither wish I to be but shal truly rather bewaile to see the genius of their hard fortune that men of so many good talents worthie parts singular abilities and rare indowments as sundrie of them haue should be bewitched as they are and as men inuolued in laberinths of errours drowne themselues in the Stigean lake of their owne folly Well Salomon was wiser more learned of better gouernment fitter to rule had a more peculiar gift and grace in all things and more often secreter and nearer familiaritie with God then euer any of them had to this houre here on earth and yet he became a prophane Idolater And therefore howsoeuer the Machiuilian or rather Mahumetane-like factiō giue it out that it hath bin reuealed vnto their foūder how mightily his societie should be impugned but still shall preuaile c. whereof I will speake hereafter yet am I rather moued to embrace the common opinion scil that their end will be a right Templarian downefall which for to make seeme probable because I am still in euery Quodlibet forced to be too tedious I will refeerre you for this matter to a peculiar worke which I haue taken some paines about in comparing first the Templars and the Iesuits together then the Iesuits and Machiuell after that Cardinall Wolsey and father Parsons and last of all the comtemplatiues of the said Parsons in Greencoate to the actiues of the same man in his practised Doleman for a Monarchy In which booke if it happen to come forth you shall see how all ambitions aspirers haue risen vp at the first and by what meanes how base persons haue attained to highest dignities how a man may insinuate himselfe to become great famous and admired at and what is required to make fortune as thsy say a mans friend In the meane space let it suffise that the Iesuits are and shall be well warned and therefore surely armed if they haue grace to accept of it to look to themselues and alter their course in time lest they be taken napping at vnwares as the Templars were THE X. ARTICLE WHether any danger to Gods Church to erre and vtterly to be ouerthrowne by the Iesuits ruine if it happen or no danger at all THE ANSWERE NO danger at all of either errour or any ouerthrow hurt or inconuenience to come to the Church yea or to the least member thereof by their outcast but rather in verie deede a greater securitie to all to haue such infectious poison burst and stinking weedes rooted out that the good and bad do not perish altogether by their abode amongst vs. So that amongst many other fables of their folly or rather of the ignorant multitudes folly seduced by them this is one to beare people in hand that these gallants courtly rabbies I hill warrant you in their coaches haue such a speciall charge care and authoritie committed vnto them of and ouer the whole Cotholicke Church that faile they or be they once expelled and thrust out of England all pietie deuotion Christian discipline and religion Before euer anie Iesuites came in England to plot conspiracies against our Soueraigne and her Realme to sow sedition amongst Catholicke and contention amongest Priests there was more ioy cōfort and truly Catholickes vnfeined charitie shewed to one another in one day then there is now in a whole yeare will presently quaile perish and play turne Turke into Atheisme Thus said they before and at their expulsion for high treason out of France but yet they proued false Prophets Gods Church hauing flourished more since their exile thence then euer it did whiles they were amongst thē Nay what haue they said more and auerd auouched and confirmed the same by writings preachings and other passages all their endeuours tending to this end forsooth they haue not bene scrupulous to affirme that he could not be a sound Catholicke and therefore father Parsons in Philopater is bold to call great Henry the now most Christian King of France a verie reprobate and one impossible to be a sound Catholicke nor yet the whole Realme of France euer soundly to be conuerted and so of others that should anie way dislike of the Iesuits proceedings against England But for any directly to oppose himselfe against those mens holy designements as sundrie Catholickes did in France mary sir that were matter enough to make him burne at a stake the like it were to impugne the king of Spaine or Archduches his daughters pretended title to the English Crown Nay which is a most odious and lothsome breath of bloudie broiles garboiles and cruelties threatned to all Nations by these Ascismists for what are they all say some that know them but massacring butcherly buyers
potent Kings Christian and Catholike did verily thinke they would haue pulled them downe and stoned them in the streete Thus you see what perfection these mortified men are come vnto and whereunto their ostentation of obedience to their superior doth tend Obedience indeed is a speciall vertue but one swallow makes no Sommer one vertue makes no creature perfect in his life one onely defect makes a priuation but all helpes must concurre to euery perfection Vnitas est principium numeri sed vnus vel vnitas non est numerus nisi abusiuè sumptus The fiue foolish virgins they did watch they liued chast they were obedient they were diligent they were carefull they carried lampes with them burning with indiscreet fire of zeale but they wanted oyle of charitie to keepe in the heate and make it perfect and therefore were they reiected with nescio vos Well yet admit this obedience of the Iesuits to weare the garland of perfection and merite the crowne of glorie what then Is there none hath equall part with them or may none be as perfect as any of them by this same meanes Yes questionlesse Saint Augustine our Apostle was sent by Pope Gregorie surnamed the Great for his many rare excellencies and graces into this flourishing Isle of England nolens volens with commaund not to returne vntill he had conuerted this people and nation to the Christian faith or else lost his life in defence of the same And he came by vertue of his Holinesse commaund and vnder obedience worthily perfourmed the same to his great merite How many Monks and Friers and other both secular and religious persons haue gone and do go continually with like authoritie when occasion is offered and vnder the same vow of obedience which these Iesuits make their vaunt of It were too long to stand to number them with what authoritie and vnder what other obedience vnlesse a more perfect kind do Seminarie Priests come into England saue onely this alone Where is then the difference of this great perfection which is in the Iesuits aboue all other Priests or orders of religion Where it is I know not but where the contrarie is I can giue a shrewd guesse at it It was said of old Cucullus non facit monachum It is not the death but the cause that makes a Martyr And we say now that meate makes and cloth shapes and manners makes a man and that all these faire shewes and flourishes in Academicall vertues may be without impeachment in their causes and yet stark nought in the effects produced by them And because saith the Philosopher that ex effectibus cognoscitur causa therefore by demonstration à posteriori it wil be proued that the Iesuits state of perfection is starke stinking nought and their ostentation of obedience meere hypocrisie and a seditious arrogant vaineglorious deluding of simple people with their vsurpate authoritie Is it alwaies a vertue and merite in those qui trans mare currunt to hazard their liues in forreine lands going either voluntarie or vnder obedience by commaund of their Superior If the Iesuites say it is not as it is not indeede then it followeth that they must graunt O that men wold but giue now and then an impartial glaunce vpon the Iesiu s protects and principles of their absurdities then should they see it luce clarius th●● they ab●●e euery vertue grace and meane left vs to worke our saluation by cum ●●more tremore simplicitate cordis who doth or can deny but that the three Euangelicall vertues of chastitie pouerty and o●e●ience are of counsell onely not of precept a in the Gospel and of precept not of counsell after a vow 〈◊〉 God hath past of them and yet ●oth w●ies they 〈◊〉 be and are often abus d to ●u●ll e●●●●●s ap●●e●●●●●●ne in 〈…〉 se●●●●●●●ons that 〈…〉 it is the intention not the action that occasioneth the merite In respect whereof we say and true it is by generall opinion of all men that two Christians going into the warres together against the Turke and both of them there slaine the one may die a blessed martyr the other be damned to hell without redemption and then by consequent they must needes graunt that though the cause seeme neuer so iust yet the intention may mar all that that which is known only to God alone during the time of hanging the same cause the same is known to man after the effects haue discouered it And so their ostentation of mortification obedience perfection of state and I know not what is in pollicie by them to be kept silent for burst it out once into the effects it will proue nothing but auarice extorsion cousinage trecherie and treason If they affirme which were grosse that the very act of going vnder obedience be meritorious and makes the habituated therewith perfect then I inferre that vpon such a generalitie Mithridates filling all the Adriaticke seas with Pirates to molest the Romane Nauies and to breake their forces did cause a high merite to redound by that act to his couragious souldiers for feare makes cowards couragious in extremities though questionlesse many of them went for obedience which had rather haue wished themselues halfe hanged to haue sit still at home slept in a sound skin amongst their wiues and children So a merchants factor going by commandement of his maister into Turkie Barbarie Persia or elsewhere committing himselfe to Neptunus mercie to winds and waues and all aduerse fortunes of sea and land yet because those that are bound they must obey and perhaps though vnwilling to haue taken that voyage in hand of himselfe yet going on his maister his cost and charges he takes it vpon him with great alacritie and ioy of mind and by consequent meriteth greatly thereby if this principle hold true with the Iesuits And a number of the like examples may be brought to shew their grosse errour or rather the fond opinion of many that thinke vpon their inueigling perswasions that a Iesuite hath taken vpon him the most perfect state and vocation of life of any other whosoeuer Whereas in very deede it is especially as now they vse it the most imperfect of all other a very platforme canuase and deuise how to strengthen and enrich themselues with wealth friends and insinuating of thēselues into Princes Courts and affaires and thus forsooth for obedience sake these humble soules must passe into India Turkie England Scotland and all nations and be remoued sent for and posted euer like merchants indeede that trafficke where most gaine is to be made by interchaunging of merchandize from one Mart hauen promontorie or Monopole to another and so another sent in his place thither againe or perhaps none at all if no commoditie be to be reaped thereby either by holding in of some friends that would slip from them or else by meanes of giuing intelligences of affaires in those coasts necessarie to be made knowne And thus much for these pure
yet any one wise man no nor sound Catholike or good Christian in the world vnlesse he were either a Ieseuit in re or in spe or a broker for them THE VII ARTICLE VVHether any other profession or religious order haue done like good for instructing of youth or conuerting of countries to Gods Church or reformation of life and manners of such as liue in the Church as the Iesuits haue or not THE ANSWERE LIke as I told you before the Iesuites intrude themselues into both secular religious and temporall Princes affaires and must euery one of them be Rector chori Dominus fac totum and an absolute superlatiue in all things or else all is naught So herein they challenge a prerogatiue royall to themselues alone so farre beyond all measure of copartnership with any other as they haue bene bold to affirme that religion had vtterly quailed if they had not bene yea the Catholike Church in eminent danger to haue bene quite extinct and ouerthrowne In so much as they haue not feared to affirme that the Pope erred de facto in the reconciliation of the French King which great no lesse impudency and insolency then arrogancy and impiety in them as it may be put amongst others of their malepart errors and vsurpate censures so know they to their owne perdition shame and confusion that the Church of God hath no need of them But let them all as I pray God for their wretched soules sakes that too many of them do not proue ranke heretikes yet for the Catholike saith and Church of God neither they neither portae inferi preualebunt aduersus eam and that he qui potens est ex lapidibus suscitare filios Abrahae can raise vp better more learned prudent and perfecter and purer then any pure illuminate amongst them out of the very ashes and dust of seculars or other religious bodies when they are all dead and gone to the place prepared for them And therfore in answer to the Article I say First that as it hath alwayes bin seene hitherto in Gods Church at the rising of any new and extraordinary sect or opinion in religion that God hath stirred vp some certaine person or order of religion to be a curbe to that new sect or heresie as is cleare by S. Benedict by S. Dominicke by S. Augustine by S. Thomas Aquinas and sundry others and yet not these such as without whom the Catholike faith had bin extinct or the Church of God ouerthrowne So re●rend a regard was alwaies had of both secular and religious persons as no Noble or other Peere of highest honor in this lād but would haue had their childrē yea their heires brought vp in Bishops pallaces or Abbots monasteries vnder those spirituall guides before euer any Iesuit came within ken of humane knowledge Yea some Bishops in England are recorded to haue had 7. or 8. Earles with other Noble mens sonnes attending vpon thē at one time not that any Bishop did expect seruice at their hands but that it was thought fit to traine them vp these in their youth c. So no question of it but the Iesuits at the first institution of their society did much good in these dangerous times of heresies sects and innouations wherewith the Christian world was and is yet intangled more is the pitty but yet being far inferior to the aboue named religious orders as the church of God could thē haue bin without thē so now much more without these yet done aswel perhaps better as now the case stāds thē she hath done by their helpes meanes Secondly for their instructiō of youth c. I haue told you inough before it is but a double diligence like to a Beares loue to his whelpes to pray for his owne paunch And yet take it in best sense there haue bin are wil be youths brought vp better then they do both by secular religious teachers whē they shal be far to seeke Mary that it is so now for the present it proceeds of one of their former trickes of gaining credit fame as by alluring sweet natured youths vnto them withall in stopping by disgracing speeches other meanes that none whom they can hinder shal be gouerned taught or instructed by any but themselues Yea was not this one speciall cause of foisting in the Iesuites readers into the Romane Colledge and other places was not this one speciall cause to hinder the Benedictines religious intent charitable designments when they offered to haue brought vp and maintained 30. English youthes from time to time to prepare them for their natiue country Which these Momists Zoilists Aristerkists and enuious Iesuits could not endure to heare of was not this the cause of their Archpriests late command that no youth should go ouer to any Colledge without his approbation testimony giuen of him to the fathers Yea and withall hath not this bene the cause that many fine yong Gentlemen haue lost their wits haue bene made vncapable of all gouernment either in the Church or common-wealth euer after Let one William Tempest as fine a youth one who had as many signes of a generous hart and gentle bloud in him as any that euer went out of England in this age be a heauy spectacle as it cannot chuse but be so to all his friends for all others to looke vpō whē they are moued to send their children to be brought vp vnder Iesuits Thirdly concerning their paines taken in conuersion of countries I pray you what nation is there that is wholly conuerted by their only meanes They entred Polony and streight there followed vpon it a rebellion against their Soueraigne in conclusiō the Danskers wold not admit him to be their King vnlesse he wold cast off that seditious society that had raised such mutinies against the Cleargy They pierced India thrust out the Dominicans Augustinians other poore religious Friers in fine made the Spaniards become odious to that strāge people natiō They ruled the rost ouer al in France And wherunto tended all their seeming religious indeuor but treason to the king rebellion in his subiects population ruine destruction of their natiue country common-wealth They came here into England and no sooner had they set foote on shore but presently their harts were inflamed with flashes of conspiracies how to top the highest place They haue residence in Spaine and how mightily haue they labored to wring the bucklers out of the Dominicans hāds for possessing the chaire to teach at Salamanca And with the like busie turbulent seditious heads is Germany Bohemia Cicily Italy and Rome it selfe molested pestered and disquieted Therefore as they haue neither conuerted any countrey directly and by their owne only labours but peruerted many a deuout soule by sinister dealings so neither haue they done halfe that good in any place wheresoeuet they yet came as sundry both secular religious Priests haue
vt in quo quis peccauit in eodem punietur Now then that this neuer practised nor ordinarily heard of the like crueltie amongst heathen and infidels should be in vse amongst the Christians nay amongst Catholickes nay amongst Priestes nay amongst religious persons and that against their own deare brethren countrimen and friends that suffer for the same cause which they pretend to suffer for that this should be maintained as lawfull by any Iesuit who takes vpon him to be an illuminate an inculpable guider of soules a man come to the highest step of the scale or ladder of perfection that all laws shold bind men to giue of their owne proper goods and treasures for reliefe of captiues and the poore and needie and that these men notwithstanding should withhold not their own which were more tollerable but other deuout and charitable persons both men and womens deuotions and beneuolence and that not from ordinarie captiues or other poore afflicted for Christ his sake but for such as are not without cause of iealousie had of thē all for the Iesuits cursed conspiracies treacherous attempts persecuted imprisoned put to death The very Canibals and Anthropophagies shall rise vp at the last day and condemne this barbarous and sauage generation of Belials brood for this crime And whereas the grace of God deriued to his Church by the sacred priesthood ought to be bestowed gratis as is said Gratis accepistis gratis date the Iesuits haue deuised a false kind of exercise whereby to fleece charitable people and so inrich themselues therin imitating Simon Magus in selling Gods blessings nay in that their precise course is farre more execrable then his was For Simon Magus dealt plainly though villanously and most blasphemously in offering to buy the holy Ghost and gifts of God for money But these ô what shall I terme them deale cousiningly in making people beleeue that the exercises or other graces which they bestow in Gods behalfe are more precious and singular in themselues then if giuen by anie other either secular or religious Priest that is not Iesuited The persecutiō of the Iesuites is so extreme in depriuing of prisoners yea and all others abroade so much as they can possibly of all reliefe that vnlesse her Maiestie and honorable Councell either clearly dismisse her tried most loyall subiects with a gracious conniuence at their secret vse of their function no way seeking to offend any one or else extend her magnificall beneficence in maintaining them as condemned to her Highnes prisons they are not possibly long to continue hold out or liue and so draw them on by litle and little to make it seeme a matter in conscience to giue anie thing from them nay not to giue all a man or woman hath or can possibly make for them in recompence of these so great and extraordinary giftes graces bestowed vpon them As though the least gift of God or drop of grace giuen in and by any sacrament ministred by any though the meanest priest be able to be counteruailed with all the wealth in the world which foule abuse is nothing else but a meere mentall Simonie vsurie sacriledge and most impious hypocrisie That this shamefull theft should not onely passe vnpunished in measure according to the qualitie condition and state of the person who taking vpon him a religious profession it aggrauates at least if it do not alter and change the sinne to be more hainous in him then in any other by many degrees of impiety But withal that the people should be set on to auow it as most iust conuenient to be so scil that no reliefe should be sent to anie opposite to a cursed pharisaicall Iesuites designements yea and that the Iesuits themselues should glory in it make their vaunt of it scil that they wil make all the secular priests leape at a crust ere it be long for so said that good holy father Iohn Gerrard of late to the Ladie Markham in Notingham shire who told it shortly after to Master Atkinson c. and that they will driue the Seculars perforce to yeeld vnto them for meere pouerty want The pillages of the Iesuits both in England and Scotland being so much the more odious by how much as spirituall robberies yea and that committed by religious seeming persons passe al temporall pilferings there are three in chiefe which are generally to be noted First a report of faculties gotten to abstract from what parsonage or vicarige they list all spiritualities for preuenting forsooth of symony thereby to make them meerely temporal and saleable and then being sold at the highest rates vpon pretence of deuiding the mony betwixt S. Peter and poore prisoners one good father or other comes with Dominus opus habet and makes alwaies the best part of it their owne cleare gaines Secondly alike to this is their order set downe for restitution as verbi gratia an vsurer or extraordinary gaine-maker by buying or selling or by anticipation or dilation of payment or a Lawyer taking more of Clients then his ordinary fees or a procurer of any euill cause also a landlord Sherife or other officer or persō whosoeuer that gets any thing falsly or indirectly for which a restitutiō as indeed there ought must be made because the parties often know not how much nor to whom to make it therefore must they compound forsooth with the fathers giuing certa pro incertis to Saint Peter and the prisoners but the fathers swallow vp all or the most of it yearly amounting to a mighty sum of mony some one man hauing giuen 500. pounds to that end Thirdly but amongst al their deuises to enrich increase their order their forme of meditatiō called by thē an holy exercise is worthy the noting for all others to beware of them that haue not felt the smart of it already and this practise is for such as are either for their pregnancie of wit learning or their parentage friends or their wealth possessions fit for the Iesuits purpose cannot otherwise but by the taking of this holy exercise be allured to their society this then is such a barbarous cruelty as I want words to expresse the abhominatiō of the sin Maister Tempest was so canuased amongst them that hauing his faculties taken from him and being thrust out a doores of his owne friends his father in law hiding his face whē he came in place where he was his owne sister not daring to owne nor acknowledge him nor to send him any reliefe and in few his ghostly father denying him to come at the Sacraments at length being thus cruelly dealt withall he was forced to yeeld to whatsoeuer they would vrge him vnto notwithstanding that as himselfe hath since confessed and told some of his friends he neuer to death could or should like of them in his hart knowing their tyranny and extreame cruelty to passe all measure against whomsoeuer they powred out their
Althogh it might haue bene in some sence a speciall point of vncharitable pollicy for the Iesuits to haue reiected that friendly offer to haue brought vp 30. of our English youthes as at Rome because that probably many of those would haue bin Benedictines and haue frustrat the Iesuits hope of hauing al here for themselues without copartners yet was it no pollicie in thē to beate a Priest almost to death for but making the motion of receiuing one into the Benedictines order for that foule fact did openly bewray their vnmortified passionate humours pride ambition malice auarice and other shamefull vices too too bad to be spoken of but most of all to be in any religious person that with the worlds weapons they make their vaunt that they can conquer the world Therefore dare they attempt to bid battell liuing in the world to religious men liuing out of the world and still themselues be no worldlings Herein then consists the miserie which being discouered any man may reade the riddle plaine scil that for asmuch as the Benedictines had all or the most part of the Abbey lands in England bequeathe vnto their Monasteries by sundry deuout holy and vertuous Catholike men and women in times past liuing in this Realme and for that the Dominicanes haue the chaire of authoritie for reading in the schooles especially in Salamanca in Spaine which grieues these pure spirited soules at the very heart and what banding brawling and quarrelling they haue made with them about it were too long to recite and also to them belongs of due right the soueraigne authoritie of the sacred Inquisition and withall to be called Predicatores preachers where euer they go with an higher prerogatiue then euer any Iesuite could or I hope euer shall haue for it were daungerous and great pitie that euer such ambitious men should obtaine such ample priuiledges And lastly for that the Scotists Franciscanes especially the Obseruants haue also had sundrie Frieries here in England as also the Carthusians commonly called the Charterhouse Monkes haue had the like in some sort Therefore was there bona causa cur none of all these or any other religious order that had euer enioyed either house or land in Albions Ile should euer come there again or any other religious order that might liue without the Iesuits for their sakes But all of them as reprobates and of God forsaken must be banished hence and a statute made in that high Councell that none such should euer come within this land after it is conquered by Spaniards and Iesuits sicut placuit Iesuitis The second Act enacted or statute made in that high infernall Consistorie was concerning the Church and Abbey lands scil That forasmuch as there be an hundred Bishoprickes great and small in these three kingdomes of England Scotland and Ireland with well nigh 20000. Parsonages and Vicariges and how many Monasteries Nunneries Frieries and other religious houses it is hard to tell the number Notwithstanding there was a booke brought into Paules Churchyard in written hand to be bound vp and sent God knowes where into Spaine as it may be thought because the partie that brought it was a sideman of the Iesuits the collection wherof as it was there reported stood the party in foure hundred pounds In which booke of a huge volume in a small hand there were set downe all the religious houses that euer haue bene in this Realme what land was giuen vnto them where it yet lyeth who gaue it how long since vpon what condition and prouiso when by whom how much and wherein altered diminished or increased and in whose possession it is at this present These with other circumstances and particulars being set downe no man can iudge otherwise but it was a worke fit for that Synodicall court to haue the perusing and censuring of it And there if any where is their nūber of religious houses like these to be found All which as also nothing else belonging either to the Ecclesiasticall or Monasticall state must be any longer in the hands of Bishops Abbots or other secular or religious persons as heretofore they were accustomed and incorporated vnto their seuerall orders But all must be vnder the holy society of Iesus presently vpon the establishing of the spiritual monarchy Which done their father General or Prouinciall must call out foure Iesuits two secular Priests who must be also demy Iesuites else all were naught These sixe Vicars I pray God not of hell for of heauen they are not they smell so ranckly of Cartwrights and Bruses pure synodall ministery like sixe Dutch Peeres of whom the Prophecies talke or so many mighty Lords shall haue the lands mannors Lordships parsonages monasteries and what soeuer else belonged to Church or cloister resigned ouer into their hands allowing to the Bishops Parsons and Vicars competent stipends pensions to liue vpon according as Bishops Suffragans Montseniors haue allowance in other Catholike countries or rather as the Turkes Bassaes Ianizaries vnder him are maintained And all this sicut placuit Iesuitis as the Romanes in their leagues were wont to write or rather iuxta decretum Medorum atque Persarum à quo prouocare non licet as king Darius sayd Liuery and seisen thus taken by these sixe Tribunes or popular Nobles all the rest must be imploied in pios vsus as father Generall of Rome shall thinke good The Colledges in both Vniuersities must be likewise in the power of these mortified creatures No Bishop nor Parson nor Vicar nor fellow of any Colledge must be so hardy as once to demand an account what is become of their reuenues lands and Lordships If they do this shall be the answer mirantur superiores c. or in plaine tearmes how dare you seeme to inquire how a Iesuite disposeth of any thing being peculiarly guided by the Spirit c. The third Statute was there made concerning the Lords temporall and other of the Nobility Gentry of this land And this Statute did consist of this point especially sci That euery Noble or Gentleman of special account and liuing such as to omit others Sir Robert Cicill Sir Iohn Fortescue Sir Iames Harington Sir Robert Dormer Sir Iohn Arundell now his sonne maister Iohn Arundell called great Arundell of Cornwall Sir Iohn Peter Sir Mathew Arundell of Warder his sonne and heire Sir Henry Constable Sir Iohn Sauage with sundry other Knights and Esquires all which were there limited by that blind prophane Parliament what retinue they should keepe when time came of inhauncing how much should be allowed them to spend yearely and what diet they should keepe at their tables The fourth Statute was there made concerning the common lawes of this land and that consisted of this one principall point that all the great charter of England must be burnt the manner of holding lands in see-simple free-taile franke Almaigne c. by Kings seruice soccage or villanage brought into villanie scoggerie and popularitie and in
betwixt him and Doctor Squire then liuing were very likely to be renewed and so to worke great discredite both to him and the cause Catholike Thus stood the case then with Maister Blackwell now see the canuasse for Retractation of this slaunder giuen out of so stately a Polipragmon This simple man quite altered in nature manners and conuersation by reason of strong drinke priuate close liuing and familiaritie with some fathers of that societie became an officious Agent libeller-like to Rome by writing against his brethren the seculars enticed I make no question of it by some cony-catching deuise of Fa. Parsons thereby intending to be his bane at length as his new magisteriall office at his procurement instituted will be no doubt of it the onely meanes to plague him in reuenge of his former speeches vsed against the said father Who should quite forget himselfe his principles of Machiauell and all his rules of pollicie if Maister Blackwell scape scotfree after all the Iesuits turnes are serued by such a blockish instrument as cannot perceiue their mumbling meaning as resting wholly at their deuotion to stand or fall Yet so it is now as whether drowned in vaine delight of his new supremacie or otherwise inueigled to be a close Iesuit as sundry such there are which going vnder the name of seculars make the said seculars cause seeme more odious weake and exorbitant or howsoeuer it comes to passe Maister Blackwell sings now placebo domino meo Parsonio in terra viuentium for the time and layeth me on loade vpon euery opposite to a Iesuites designement Now he condemneth all as suspended and irregular persons that either directly or indirectly maintaine write or speake in defence of the censure of Paris which cleared the seculars from schisme sinne and all other crime or offence in the first resistance of his Archpresbitership and then againe threateneth all with thundring sentences of Ecclesiasticall censures that speake conferre procure or seeke for any redresse against his ignorant crueltie appointed of purpose and either doth not or will not know it to be slagellum fratrum suorum yea a scourge to himselfe and all England besides It is strange to consider how now he be labors himself in laying about him on all sides to defend the neuer heard of more impudent shamefull and palpably ignominious It is but a signe of a dastardly mind and most vnfit to be in authority to persecute those most whome all men note to be freest frō offence and yet such as by reason of a humerous tender and scrupulous heart they carry are easi iest ouercome and forced to yeeld For exāple whereof get and read all the passage by letters and messages betwixt the Archpriest and Ma. More c. reprochfull and abhominable facts of Fa. Parsons and the rest of the Iesuits And especially he tyrannizeth if he find a sweete nature and mild disposition any way opposite vnto him such a one as Maister Thomas More a very reuerend secular Priest of many good parts and abilities who as I haue heard of late hath fared worse for my sake which I am very sory for though outwardly there was made no shew of it for I could tell perhaps why I can no lesse admire how that euer wise men should be so blinded as not to discerne which many do not then smile in my sleeue to thinke how brauely they haue bobd this double diligent M. Blackwell with this statute of Retractation of slaunder whereby if euer it come to hearing he is as sure to be hoysted ouer the barre for an ambidexter by comparing his former speech to his present proceedings as I am sure to haue written and set it downe here for a looking glasse vnto him with this emprise aboue it tristitia vestra trust to your self good Ma. Blackwell and forsake in time that seditious company who moue you to act write and speake you know not what against your selfe as one day you will find it I could here particulate this statute but it were too tedious to do so more exactly in discouerie of M. Blackwels ignorance simplicitie Who whiles I was in Scotland sent out an inhibition against all such bookes printed per Biennium c. by any Catholikes meanes or procurement within these two Realmes of England or Scotland as either might exasperate our common aduersaries here or otherwise preiudice the worthie labourers in our common causes that had merited so well of their countrey and all Catholikes as Father Parsons had for he was the famous man and I the infamous wretch whom all men iudged that speech to be intended for as no doubt it was and that by instigation of his good spirite Fa. Garnet to stop thereby the answer to Fa. Parsons Doleman of succession to the English Crowne which then they knew I went about A copie of which schedule being sent vnto me by a friend out of England to Edenborough where then I lay I could not tell well whether to laugh or be angrie to see the slinesse craft and pollicie of the Iesuits to put such a sharpe sword of Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction into a rawe simple and mad mans hands as if the point had not bin blunted and the edge turned by abuse of his authoritie neuer rightly had and many wayes since iustly lost as wil be proued against him he wold haue kild all that euer came in his I should say the Iesuits way and himselfe vnnaturally therewith as I feare he hath already For amongst other errors committed by him in that inhibition this was one scil that he would suffer all Parsons seditious bookes to passe current as his Philopator speaking most rebelliously against her Maiesty and the whole State and Nobles of this land his Doleman entituling most traiterously the Spanish Infanta to the English Crowne together with his Appendix fathered on Cardinall Allane being dead his Letter to the Marques Huntley to creepe in againe with Scotland but sent through England to be huffed ruffed and vanted of and sundrie other of his confederates libels lette●s and messages matter enough to haue moued a Saint to anger much more a mortall wight to be exasperated therby and knowing as he could not chuse but know it that I sought nothing lesse then to exasperate either my Soueraigne or present State but all quite contrary to confute all and whatsoeuer he had written leauing the question vndecided and fault where it was in him his clearely to be seene yet he to forbid both printing and reading of mine and extolling the other to the skies what a man should thinke hereof it may be easily discerned An other error therein was in that his authoritie if he had any and that it were not lost againe did extend onely to the censure allowance of such bookes as were of matters of Religion and Ecclesiastical gouernment and discipline so as this booke I then was thought to be in hand withall was out of his commission to meddle or deale
some afterwards becoming very holy vertuous and religious persons in another kind and others giuē ouer to such libertie as the obseruation had by them of their superiors behauiour and other rules and principles partly insinuated and taught them partly collected by necessarie sequeles and conferring of things together by them they fall quite away out of Gods Church and become Apostataes from their faith their vow their obedience and all things and so make the former inseparable accident to become separable and quite separated from them Of this kind then of the Iesuits obeysants to leaue the former commandants to purge their Politiques from Atheisme I can say none otherwise then as of inferior subiects petite captaines forragers purueyors and common souldiers to wit that though such be bound to obey their Soueraigne the Generall of the field or Emperour of the warres yea perhaps sometimes in battell vnlawfull in attempts tyrannicall and vniust enterprises which they often neither knowing neither suspecting neither bound to enquire after for Princes affaires are subiects secrets sacramentum regis reuelare nefas est they may intend act and performe without offence vnder obedience that which in the commandant is most criminall offensiue and damnable yet neither doth neither can this excuse them in foro externo and by the law of nature of nations and of armes to be equally guiltie as the other are and being taken in the warres or otherwise by the opposite Prince or aduersarie may be proceeded against as if they were the Generals Coronels and Captaines of whole regiments companies and bands because they as instruments these as principall agents intend the producing of one and the selfe same effect precedent in these causes And conformably hereunto forasmuch as the Generall the Prouincials and the Rectors amongst the Iesuits are those in cuius virtute caeteri operantur although many of the inferiour sort of Iesuits obeisants may be and I verily thinke are vertuous and good men of themselues and so do liue and may no doubt continue so to their liues end yet by reason of this subordination and due obedience required in all inferiours to their superiours and all euery religious or secular order or societie as Friers and Monks to their Abbots Priors and Guardians these againe to their Prouincials and these to their Generall of Benedictines Dominicanes Franciscans c. Also in Cannons of Cathedrals to their Deane Deanes Archdeacons Parsons Vicars and all the rest of the seculars and religious or Ecclesiastical and Monasticall order to their Bishops Bishops to their Metropolitanes and Primates c. and all these againe together with the Lords and other Nobles Gentles and meaner subiects subordinate one vnder another to their Soueraigne Lord Prince and King c. It must needs follow that there is not a Iesuite in all England this day but hath a bitter smacke of Fa. Parsons impietie irreligiositie trecherie treason and Machiuilean atheisme And so by reason of their subordinate obedience they are all tainted with that fowle vice which consists of many Atheall principles all reduced to two monstrous heads to wit exaltation of them selues and downcast of all that side not with them And like as the cutting off of whole bands of common souldiers The Iesuits haue al the three helps of aduancing thē to a Monarchie scil money by cousinage men by false deuises and munition by promise of kingdomes to great persons is a more securitie for the aduerse partie then if but one captaine were cut off alone these three matters money munition and multitude being the strength of all warfare and onely hope of conquest victorie and triumph and againe as the increase and supply of such is the onely helpe and meanes of repairing an annie casseered or bringing a broken battel into rankes orders againe it must needs be a consequent of course that the Iesuits haue no smal drift in collecting conueying and hoording vp so great and many summes of money in creeping in with so many great persons and in flocking together here in England as of late yeres they haue and daily do more more increase And it cannot be otherwise but that so long as there is one Iesuit left in England there will be mutinies treasons conspiracies and factions do what Pope or Prince or any other is able to do or say to the contrarie Therfore do I conclude that their aduancement being the readie downefall of all that are not with them there is not a Iesuit nor a Iesuits fautour any where to be found but hath a fowle taste of Atheisme either directly per se or indirectly or virtute primi principalis agentis The experience whereof halfe witted men may see in England and elsewhere the chiefe obiection in request to make sillie soules to dote on thē being this scil Why is not such a Father a good man I neuer heard him speake an euill word of any creature nor meddle in anie state matter or other worldly affaire but all his speech tends to pietie vertuous life and mortification c. I say if anie be so pure as beleeue it that list now that I haue both heard so much seene so manie letters of Fa. Gerrard to the contrarie of whom of al the rest I euer thought the best that Iesuit of all other doth most hurt as vsed of purpose to win affections and get great summes of money into his hands whereby the societie is backt strengthened and the aduerse partie thereby more weakened euery way And this reason was once alleaged on the Lord Dacres behalfe why none of his should in pollicie giue any extraordinarie countenance to any Iesuite knowing the chiefe was his Lordships mortall enemie and therefore the name of a friend to any inferiour did increase the number of enemies all running one way for obedience THE V. ARTICLE WHether then seeing it seemeth that the Iesuites worke much by inferior agents employing those that are fit for nothing else to winne peoples harts vnto them by gifts bribes plawsible perswasions words of admiration and other meanes in all things rare may then any one mā or other set forth himselfe to the world or not verbi gratia in concealing such things as may hinder his owne aduancement as meannesse of birth insufficiencie of wit want of learning wealth and other fauours of fortune or abilities vertues and graces either attending on the bodie or mind together with hiding such defects as are priuate in himselfe either of nature or otherwise accidentall And if he may then whether to the preiudice of any other or not either in generall or inspeciall THE ANSWERE NO question but he may do so either for a publike or for a priuate good so it be without preiudice of others thereby yet neither may all persons do so alike nor those that may yet not at all times alike nor in all places equally without difference For the better vnderstanding wherof it is to be noted
that those who haue quite abandoned the world ought not to seeke aduancements in the world and by consequent not to set forth themselues otherwise then they are indeed Neither in truth shal you finde it in any religious order or person vnlesse they be apostataed from their faith as is ordinary by that occasion taken saue only amongst the Iesuits with whom it is as common a practise as to say their Breuiary See a notable stratageme for this matter in the next Article how Doctor Worthington president at Dowry and father Ho●t the fully states man at Bruxels bestirred thēselues in procuring boyes and girles and ●ll sorts of p●rs●● to m●ke p●●t●on to the king of 〈…〉 and other Princes to haue f●●her Parsons made Lord Cardinall of England m●king it seeme otherwise that all religion and hope of the king Catholikes aduancemēt to the English Crowne would ●uaile and be dashed for euer yet forsooth these holy fathers may not seeke for any ●●●●ncemēt neither will neither may they take it being thrust vpon them So the foxe will eate no grapes not hungry hoūds any du●ty pu●dings vnlesse they can come by thē and not be seene And I verily thinke more common in some of them whose whole studie meditation and indeuor seemeth as it were to tend to this onely end how to aduance them selues and their societie Which mind of theirs for that it suffers a contradiction by reason of their religious profession and vowe of voluntarie pouertie containing in it many particulars opposite to all or any either ecclesiasticall or temporall aduancement therefore must they set all their wits a wool-gathering making choise of the finest locks to worke vp this web in so smooth a loome and that so couertly and the threeds so layd and wrought in close couched together as not a breake knot or anie the least tuft or end of a threed extrauagant of any mundane thought or secular aduancement fished for by them be left to be seene but all pure zeale spirituall contemplation perfect mortification Christian renunciation contempt of honour riches and all worldly esteeme Of this I neede to say no more euery Quodlibet and Article ministring occasion to talke of the Iesuits ambition incrochment and seeking for aduauncement by concealing such defects wants in themselues as are verie necessarie to be knowne no way ought to be kept close neither will they be so hereafter vnlesse they mend their maners and reforme themselues in their order Now for others that liue in the world abroad in way of aduancement to and in a state ecclesiasticall or temporall thus stands the case I told you before in the Quodlibets of Fame and report what a Priests place and office was and how the state Ecclesiasticall or secular was euer to be preferred before the Monasticall or religious Monos tying them to a solitarie life Religion to a stricter retired course and order Therefore true it is that though both Priests and lay persons may lawfully seeke for aduancemēt as hereafter shal be shewed Quia qui in Episcopatum desiderat bonū opus desiderat said the choise vessel of deuine election to his scholer disciple consecrated Bishop per impositionē manum suarum yet is there a great difference in the matters to be reuealed or cōcealed for the better furtherance or hinderance of their aduancement verbi gratia a man giuen ouer either to wine or women is not to take vpon him the charge of soules but being initiated to holy orders a close Cell is fittest for him to auoyd both the danger of damning his owne soule by fact scandall and leud example giuen and also the ruine and fall of others by his conuersing with them Qui enim tangit picem coinquinabitur qui amat periculum periculo peribit And thererefore ought he secretly to impart the conflicts he hath with himselfe in such a case to his ghostly father with desire to haue him worke some conuenient meanes to stop his preferment if he be vrged to take curam animarum vpon him Otherwise if needes he must take charge then let him euer haue iust Iob his league written in his heart Pepegi foedus cum oculis meis ne cogitarem quidem de virgine and so concealing his owne infirmities obstando principijs as much as is possible ter dominū rogando yea ter centies with S. Paul vt auferratur à se stimulus carnis angelus Sathanae qui illum colophizat let him not double but to beate in his heart or feele in his flesh that comfortable answer which the said Apostle had made vnto him in the like case Sufficit tibi gratiae meae nam virtus in insirmitate perficitur And so let him go forward in the name of God reueale his defects to God alone But now on the contrarie in a temporall man these defects are not so great a blemish because the one may easily be remedied by mariage a sacrament instituted in remedium peccati post lapsum Adami and the other as sufficiently supplied by competent diet and neither the one or the other so daungerous to the Church weale publike or the infected therewith as they are in the former Againe in a temporal man these are greater defects and causes of hinderance to his preferment then in a Priest scil meannesse of birth want of wealth deformitie of bodie foule diseases and the like For that although all these things are to be respected in a Priest scil that he be not base borne nor a bondslaue nor a beggars brat nor a deformed creature nor infected with any filthie disease c. but on the contrarie of honest parentage a free borne Denison of sufficient patrimonie or meanes to liue though he were not Priest of comely personage and of a cleane constitution of bodie optima quaeque Deo and further although the question betwixt Ciuilians and Diuines be pro contra It was wel asked when Adam delued and Eue span who was then a Gentleman insinuating thereby that all Noblenesse and gentry came at the first but of mean persons compared in manners and order of life with their successors or posteritie Yea the greatest Emperour honor and families in the world came oftē vp of meanest officers in their progenitors scil of bondslaues of Scriueners of Gardiners c. which is the cause that wheras all honor and gentrie riseth frō one of these two heads scil from learning or from chiualrie that by consequent a Gentleman of proper merit by either may is to be preferred before him of bloud coat armor perfect and ancestry if his deserts excel the others otherwise not c. concerning dispensations legitimations and enabling of such irregulates and defectiues to aduancement in the Church and common wealth wherof somewhat I spoke in the foresaid Quodlibet of Fame and Report and more at large haue set it out in the Antiperistasis to Dolemans succession in the barre of bastardie yet forasmuch as
honor est in honorante say Deuines in exposition of the princely Prophets speech Omnis honor regis ab intus in fimbrijs aureis c. And for that the questiō is not of admittance into the nūber of nobles or gētles but being once matriculated cataloguated registred in that Kalēder whether that then being but a Gentleman of proper merite onely and not of bloud coat-armor or auncestrie the foresaid wants and defects do more disable the subiect wherein they are inherent to aduancement ecclesiasticall or ciuill that is whether a Priest by function or an Esquire by creation ought more to conceale and hide his faults and which of them may be soonest hindred from preferment to higher dignities as from an ordinarie Priest to be a Pastor Vicar Deane Archdeacon Bishop c. and from a Gentleman of coat-armor to be a Knight Baron Lord baron Vicount and Earle c. Wherein because it is presupposed that they are both in the way to preferment the one as a consecrated Priest by his spiritual the other as a created Esquire by his temporal gentrie the difference by consequent must needes follow thereupon to be this that being once admitted by dispensation legitimation c. those things most in request with a Priest afterward must be learning vertue gouernment c. None of which in our speech of meanes to aduancement are so exactly required in a temporall Gentleman and on the other side the graces and abilities expected at a temporall mans hand must be parentage valor comelinesse of person and wealth sufficient to maintaine his estate c. which may cause his good fortune by marryage and otherwise none of which are required so precisely in a Priest and perhaps not at all necessities his preferment standing not vpon mariage or ostentation of his wealth friends and temporall abilities but vpon the managing of the thing he hath or is to take in hand wherein wisedome prudence and other ciuill politicall and morall vertues are required And so by consequent it followeth that as both are to maintaine their honour renowne and credite to the vttermost so both may conceale such defects as may hinder the same preferment which otherwise might and would accrew vnto them alwaies respecting time place person and other circumstances as may preiudice either one or other thereby which to explane how that may happen I will set the case downe in these few examples following Saint Augustine rightly called the Apostle of England because sent hither by blessed Saint Gregorie the Great to conuert as he did this countrie to the Catholike Romane faith sending for the Welch or Briton Priests fallen into Apostacie and Pesagianisme to come to conference with him concerning sundrie of their heresies and grosse errors obseruing well his actions and behauiour towards them vpon the speech of a false prophet or Pelagian Hermit they all that came to parlee presently left him before the first encounter because he did not rise and giue them the chaire place or honor point at their meetings mightily condemning him for an arrogant proud man But yet was it no pride in him at all because he both came in all humble wise submitting himselfe to the meanest in all Kent vntill he had conuerted them and also for that he should by giuing them place coming as he did an Apostle haue preiudiced the See Apostolike and the Popes Holinesse from whence as an ambassadour with Legatiue power he came and also he should therein haue preiudiced the Regall Maiestie of King Ethelbert of Kent by name who then hauing receiued the Catholike Romane faith at Saint Augustines hands whom for that cause his Maiestie had highly priuiledged they did not send for him but he sent for them by authoritie from the said King who afterward also compelled them to receiue the same faith and to renounce their heresie with the death of two thousand Monks of Bangor Abbey at one time procured by the King of Kents exciting the King of Northumberland and others to warre vpon them c. Conformable to this example in another kind may very well be the secular and Seminarie Priests comming into England with like Apostolicall authoritie as did Saint Augustine and therefore as they are to humble themselues in all respects wheresoeuer they come in England as he did in Kent vnder any ciuill magistrate vnder her Maiestie and not to contend for a cappe or a knee where is readie prepared for them a racke and a halter by course of lawe in this land through the Iesuites mischieuous practises bringing all the rest to be had in iealousie thereby so are and ought they to stand vpon points when they come in place where their priesthood is called in question A●●●e 〈◊〉 with 〈◊〉 we●l ●e two ●●●●ble ●●●●●●es of 〈◊〉 N● 〈…〉 bo●● h●●●●●d a●●b●●h 〈◊〉 ●●all men Th● 〈◊〉 was a●●o●re shew●● by the Lord ●●d D●cre ●o Capt. Stuke●●y wh●ch Stuke●●y tak ng vpon him to be ●n extraordinary g●●a● person desire●●he ●●●le Dacre is 〈◊〉 on a time to g●ue him countenance and the place of 〈◊〉 where e●●● h● sta●●● 〈…〉 checks 〈◊〉 it told hi● ●o● and further if he once este●ed to take either place or titl● of honor vpon him in his pres●nce he would ma●● him know him selfe as too ●reat ●n indignity 〈◊〉 so highly ●●scen●ed of that honor he was of 〈◊〉 h● bloud to be suffered th●t be should well know that honour consisted not in popular applause nor yet 〈◊〉 excesse fur●●it of worldly ●ches The other example was of a Noble mans son who being prisoner to a Knight f●r that the said Knight had en●red into some ●●ai●● with 〈◊〉 concerning hi● Noble bloud be tooke him by the slee●e as they w●re in go●●g ouer a stile passing ouer before him said Know you Sir H.B. I am W. sonne of W Lo. S. and though I gaue you place before yet hereafter I will not neither can I without preiudice of my house and honour do it c. and vsed with contempt either of their function or of the Sea Apostolike by whose authoritie they pleade Marrie yet herein also with a different respect had to an aduersarie of an other profession and religion whom in these times to contend withall it were in vaine and but an occasion of moe dangers many blasphemies greater sinnes and to one that is of the same religion the secular Priest is of A verie fit example agreeing whereunto was of late shewed by one secular Priest to three sundry persons all Catholikes and one a Priest Iesuited to the first being a Gentleman but yet meaner of calling then either of the other he gaue place at table hand wall and stile because he saw it proceeded of simplicitie inciuili l● rudenesse in him though perhaps entermingled with some spice of s●l● conceit and sawcinesse and withall there came no contempt of Priesthood dire●tly thereby The second hauing also before time alwayes giuen place because he was
Priest preacher If euery Priest shold take place agreeing to their Vice-gerencie vnder Christ there could be no order kept all being of equall power in respect of Priesthood therfore was it well prouided by the lawes and proceeded of institution deuine as may appeare by our Sauiours giuing of preheminence to Saint Peter aboue the rest of the Apostles that were as well as he all equally Priests that the power of iurisdiction should be a note to take their place by aswell amongst themselues as amongst others abroad in the world or Doctor of Diuinitie before a Knight c. And finally although in regard of the same order a Nobleman or his sonne take place of all these yet alwaies Ioels sentence stands inuiolate ratified confirmed and augmented with many sacred sanctions priuiledges and prerogatiues due to the priesthood now which were not so before in regard whereof the highest honour temporall on earth is no whit dishonoured but rather hath an augment of honour by his Priesthood which to confirme that holy Bishop Saint Ambrose was bold being moued by the Emperour and in his princely presence to drinke to the best man at the table to take the cup with a wassall to his Deacon saying all peace health honour and happinesse to you my Lord Emperour your Maiestie knoweth that a Priest represents the person of Christ and his Deacon supplies the place of an Angell and seeing the lowest Angell in heauen is farre to be preferred before the highest dignitie on earth pardon my dread Soueraigne if I haue done your Highnesse command and preferred my poore Deacon in the cup before the Imperiall Regalitie of Caesar Yea what else but onely this doth it meane that the poorest Priest on earth if admitted to heare the Popes Emperours or any other King or Prince his confession sits couered in his chaire while the other kneeles bare headed at his foote to receiue absolution at his hands But enough of this matter THE VI. ARTICLE WHether may or ought a man to seeke the like praise preferment or aduancement for another of his societie or company equally as for himselfe or whether fitter in pollicie if he seeke it for himself or his speciall friends to do it per se vel per aliam scil quartam vel tertiam personam c. THE ANSWERE IN matters wherein there is some difficultie daunger losse reproch or shamefastnesse a man may and a true friend will often attempt act and performe that for his friend which he would neuer dreame of nor wish to himselfe and then by consequent it is cleare that a man may do equally and as much for another as for himselfe in the case proposed in the former article And a simple politician is he that will do it either immediatly for himselfe or his friend For alwaies the farther off it is contriued by a fourth fifth or tenth person and that a thousand miles a sunder the more cleanely politically Machiuilean-like cōueied it is An example wherof that ignoble Polipragmon father Parsons though to the condemnation of his Atheall proud aspires yet to the high commends of his naturall ingeny may be to all posterity in his practise for a Cardinals hat The deuice for which was as followeth After many practises of father Parsons and his fellowes against her Maiesty and the English Crowne Kingdome and State whereof we will speake anone aswell by his agents in England it selfe as also in Italy Spaine and Flanders finding the secular Priests at Rome and in England alwayes opposite to his wretched designements most vnnaturall attempts and treasonable practises Cardinall Allane being now dead and Doctor Worthington homo secundum cor Parsoni ruling all the rost in the Low-countries amongst the Seminaries as that couertly sullen surly Prelate father Holt did amongst the souldiers and other pensioners there hauing deuised many shifts for father Parsons aduancement and all failing at length the King of Spaine was made acquainted therewith and how that the students others of our nation were bent against the fathers for his sake forsooth in that they sought the establishing of the English Crowne to his royal issue whereupon his Maiesty wrote earnestly to his Holinesse Pope Clement that now is A very ●●k●● l●t to this is their now proceedings here in England to get bowes and gi●les vagrant fellows and such as ●ee by these scol●●● ●●ilings against seculars 〈◊〉 it euery 〈…〉 what a part wa● it for the 〈◊〉 to write 〈◊〉 ●●●terly against such blessed men as the Iesuits are wh●●only vphold religion amongst ●s he 〈◊〉 England wh●●h otherwise 〈◊〉 ●qua●le c. and to other Cardinals that in any case they should support beare out and mainaine the credite of the Iesuits against the complaints of the English who without all cause reason and sense but by being seduced by the Queene of England did greatly calumniate these holy fathers that sought their countries good and happinesse as he affirmed Whiles this was a hammering in drawing the kings affection from all the English seculars to the Iesuites in generall the aboue named agents like gallant states men father Holt and Doctor Worthington drew a very formall letter petitionall or supplicatiue in the names of all the common souldiers laborers artizens and pentioners aswell men as women equally without difference yea the yery scullians landresses and seruants were not omitted in that pitifull complaining shewing to his Maiesty the king of Spaine the present calamities that England stood in most humbly beseeching his Catholike Maiesty in regard of the great affection and care of our country and the afflicted English he would vouchsafe to deale most earnestly with the Pope to preferre that vnworthy dishonorable Prelate father Parsons to the dignity of Cardinall affirming it to be the only way to bind and vnite the English to his Maiesty Miranda canunt sed non credēda portae But what was the issue nunc spectatum admissi risum teneatis amice In expectation of the same preferment and for what causes else is to himselfe best knowne are not much material this good father went to Rome on pilgrimage you may please to imagine out of Spaine very deuoutly or rather directly in the yeare 1597. Where he no sooner arriued but presently he was visited or rather courted with two Cardinals at his lodging to wit Cardinall Baronius and the other a Spaniard This extraordinary curtesie and honor done vnto the poore man gaue present occasion of some speech in the city that out of all doubt father Parsons should be made a Cardinall But the conceit begun thus in Rome ended there also with a merry iest For father Parsons being counselled by the Phisitians to keepe his stomacke warme sent his brother for scarlet to make him a stomacher who of likelihood so soone as euer he heard the name of scarlet he was possessed vpon the sudden with so affectionate an opinion of his brothers aduancement that forgetting his intent to haue
and quake Marry afterwards finding store of game fawconers and spaniels innough at becke and command to discouer the Couee and spring the Partridge at their pleasure and withall taking an extraordinarie delight in preying vpon such sweet yong birds and tender flesh and herein no one nation vnder the coape of heauen yeelding more nor of greater pleasance of both sexes then England doth then loe they begin cantare nobis canticum nouum with non sicut erat in principio sed vt est nunc semper erit vntill a better aduantage come for another change And thus play they Madge good cow as earst I told you scil they giue a good messe of milke and when they haue done throw it downe with their foot They preach sound doctrine giue wholesome counsell draw many backe from a loose dissolute life but after they haue once gotten firme footing they cast all downe with three lofty capers of pride ambition and arrogancie Which three makes them forget both God and all good Saints and turne their religious piety into sacrilegious pollicy stil tampering about kingdomes monarchies common-wealthes and temporall states how to bring them into mutinies contentions seditions rebellions and vproares that thereby whilest two dogs are a snarling together about a boane perhaps but a brabble de lana caprina they like a company of ours may come in and snatch away the boane from both of them For euen so is the Iesuits vaine hope of the English monarchy as in the Antiperistasis I haue set out more at large THE V. ARTICLE WHether then seeing the Iesuits must in pollicy preferre some temporall Lords and great persons for a time at the least if they preuaile do they fauor seeke or wish for the preferment of any of the bloud royall of England borne vnder English allegiance or not THE ANSWER THey wish no more nor so much for the preferment of any English be he or she of the bloud or no for all is one in that case as hereafter shall be proued against theē as they do for a Scot or a Spaniard or a Flemming or Germaine or any other marry yet in a different maner vsing the helpe and aide of euery natiō to coūteruaile the one or the other withal So that in pollicy none must beare too great a sway vnder them least they keepe all from the rest and so thrust them out also And therefore shall their authorities be limited and the number set downe how many English how many Spanish how many Scots how many Irish how many Flemmings how many Germaines and no doubt but there shall be some Italians French Polonians Bohemians Portugals c. THE VI. ARTICLE VVHether then labour they for the establishment of this their gouernement more by the meanes of England or Scotland or Spaine or Austria Burgundy and what nation is it they hope and affie most in the intended conquest THE ANSWER THey labor in esse directly for the Spaniard and Burgundian in spe for any that they thinke for the time present may sted thē most which hope being past of one then for another againe as one while for Parma another while for Darby c. But in re they labor for none at all more one then another saue only as I said before to make a hotchpotch of all together setting the subiects of each nation by peecemeale against their Soueraignes this famous I le to be a Scot to them all that is a collection flocking or gathering together of all nations people languages throughout the world that haue any Iesuit of or in the country where they liue THE VII ARTICLE VVHether then haue they any wish or intent of mariage for any of the bloud royall of England or whether for any one more then another or none at all THE ANSWER THey could wish no question of it as hereafter shall be proued that there were not one of the bloud of England left on liue either within or without the land as a speciall helpe and meane if it were so to further their popularity thereby But as now it is they could wish them all bestowed in opposition one against another to make the title more doubtfull and the rightfull claime more difficult and dangerous as those that care not which way the game go so they go not out or who be preferred so the English state common-wealth be not strengthened in it selfe thereby against the intended Allobrogicall gouernement which is the only thing they feare as by all their practises it is apparant to be seene and especially by their trayterous speeches and disgracings of all the English bloud royall in publike writings and yet couertly vnder hand working now for one and then for another as chance and change affoords them hope and fauour THE VIII ARTICLE VVHether then their chiefe pretence being religion and setting vp and aduancing and restoring of the Catholike Romane faith as in all father Parsons bookes and other of his and his fellowes writings conferences and speeches it may appeare do they seeke willingly absolutely and sincerely the conuersion of all or any of the bloud royall of England or of none at all but for a fashions sake to blind well meaning Catholikes with a pretended colour of religious zeale THE ANSWER THey are wholly sicke of the fashiōs in these their seditious factions But yet for fashions sake they haue a new fashion by which is fashioned all their fashions follies and deceits and that is to haue a new tricke of a viridary post or current of time to gaine time withall in keeping Nobles State and all the people in suspence of euents vntil they haue what they looke for And this is a practise of very high importance I cannot tell what to say to thē they haue so many Machiuilean deuises as euerie plot drift seemeth to be an infallible rule of falshood and a principle in chiefe whereby father Parsons his adherents do so square their actiōs as neuer a Prince in Christendome nor any man liuing can tell where to find them or how to trace or trust them they are so vncertaine so full of formes fashions turnings doublings as neuer wild March hare had moe For they hold out only as time serueth now filling all their sailes then launching forth with a faire gale of wind againe within a ken casting anchor with a breath in a plausible calme yet presently after with a whirle-wind for another purpose haile in the bol and hoyst vp saile pumpe amaine and cast all vpon the starboord but tooke for a time Time thē being the length change the breadth cōformity the rule they square by I can iudge none otherwise of their intent for cōuersiō of any one then as of their like meaning in other practises which is that if they haue any vse of a mā who yet perhaps is not altogether for their purpose in al things they make faire weather with him for the time and
afterward lest he shold expect some extraordinarie fauor or benefit at their hands they haue twenty dog-trickes new waies deuises by detracting which by their maxime is called gaining or winning of time how to shake him off verie Iesuitically and he neuer the wiser of it Of this principle obserued amongst the Iesuits for winning of time father Cryton a Scot. Iesuit I thinke ouerslipping himselfe at vnawares in his words told the Lord Dacre being then in Spaine put in hope of great matters but impatient in delayes that it was their manner when they had one of his account and calling that although they could not or at least would not performe what they promised or put the party in hope of yet was it in pollicy for them to draw him on without giuing him any resolute answer to the contrary as the onely way to gaine time so that by keeping him there put off with lingring hope in delayes they might the easier either act some other action by him to serue their turns withall which vpon the sudden could not be in readinesse to be enterprised or else preuent some inconuenience which might happen vnto them by his present departure or absence in another place Notwithstanding the Lord Dacre hauing had sufficient warning giuen him before aswell by the Noble Dutches of Feria halfe sister to Sir Robert Dormer nephew to the sayd Lord by mariage who hath often shewed a true naturall English Ladies heart euen liuing in a Spanish soile against these vnnaturall Parsonian practises as also by the said father Criton who bid his Lordship in effect looke for none other then to haue father Parsons his mortall enemie for euer by reason of his refusall to fauour or further the title of the Lady Infanta and for his free and liberall speech on the behalfe of his Prince and countrey against all forraine pretenders c. expected no lesse as since he hath found then most iniurious calumniations against him euerie where Yet vsed Parsons often dalliance with his Lordship either to make him breake off friendship some with his dearest friends or else to feed him with hopes or gifts to colour other guiles or to remoue some old stooles to make him breake his shinnes vpon them c. It was a pretie iest to heare how they cogd with maister Cecill after he had gottē his protection here in England how by gaining time of putting him off with hope of present parley this day that day and at such a place now then at another they made him trudge course both tide Thames and time with crosse encounters vntill he was weary of it But of all the rest they vsed a faithfull seruant of theirs Doctor Barret president at Doway most vnthankfully which because it is the very Anatomy of all the Iesuits base gained time I will set it out word for word as it is in the originall wherein I found it yet very briefly there deliuered This maister Barret was for a long time one of the Iesuits chiefe darlings and a speciall instrument to many purposes whom they requited in the end with all manner of disgusts and disgraces euen to his last breath For being sent for vp to Rome about the breach of the students with the Iesuits Cardinall Tolet hoping he would haue taken part with the seculars intended to haue made him Rector there and to haue cast out all the Iesuites as he did cast out sixe of them But Maister Barret contrarie to the Cardinals expectation became wholly Iesuited and did what he could in fauor of them against the students Whereupon Cardinall Tolet reiected him as an vnworthy man The Iesuits afterwards sent him downe to Doway to his old charge and father Parsons the archcousiner craftily made him purchase a house which cost 1200. crownes and withall stopt at Rome the Popes pension for the Colledge the space of two yeares By these occasions Doctor Barret in behalfe of the Colledge fell in debt 3000. crownes the Iesuits all this while keeping from him the annuall pensions With this the Doctor at length being moued sending to Rome to cōplaine and require the mony gentle father Parsons went to the Pope and accused him of excesse and euill husbandry in disposing the Popes Pensions And so by this meanes through gaine of time suffering the house to fall in extremitie father Parsons gained two commodities thereby one was thereupon to send into England for collections to be made and that none should come ouer vnto Doway without twenty pounds or a good large sum in their purses by reason of the great want that the Colledge was in another that hereupon through tract of time he got aduantage of the poore President as though the Colledge had decaied through his default and so intended vpon that occasion to haue cast him out and haue thrust in Iesuits in his place sauing that his death preuented it But other matters falling out here in England contrarie to their expectation about their Atchpresbiter it was thought necessarie for gaining of time a while longer not as yet to place there the Iesuits but one Doctor Worthington for a time to be a stickler to gaine time by for them Thus you see the Iesuits axiome of winning redeeming or gaining of time is nothing else in effect then to runne withall times in altering their positions by three generall rules or propositions vsed now one way and thē another as a medius terminus for euery doubtfull argument one is tempora mutantur ergo nos mutamur in illis Another is omnia pro tempore ergo nihil pro veritate The last is diuide imperia at all times so as the deuision of the spoile being in thine owne hands thou mayst make it serue thy turne to win by time thy desires The practise of which ground is in no Iesuites affaire so manifest as in this verie point and platforme for their English gouernement labouring to outward shew to set vp now one then another intending it for none at all in very deed as by conferring of one thing with another may be easilie discouered in their practises For it is not vnknowne to all the Christian world as I verily thinke that in Rome in Spaine in Flaunders and euery where but especially here in England Scotland and Ireland they labour to stirre vp all men vnder colour of religion and zealous desire in them of our countries conuersion against our Soueraigne the present State and aboue all against the seculars accusing them to be fautors of heretikes furtherers of heretikes titles to the English Crowne and a faction forsooth we must be tearmed by a company of Montebankes that haue put this phrase into ignorant peoples heads that when they talke of any that is opposite to these seditious Iesuits damnable courses they must say ô he is one of the faction when like a company of asses if they knew what a faction meant they might easily discerne that these their new maisters did ride
them like fooles as they are and made them become a most seditious infamous pragmaticall treacherous diabolicall faction to set vp and defend a bastardly fellow in all his mischieuous plots and deuises and that the seculars are of no faction at all vnlesse they will call it a faction to ioyne against these vsurpers with the whole Church of God and so may they as probably like right heretikes they will do so one day say that all Catholike nations throughout Christendome are of the faction there being no Catholike countrey people or nation in the world this day but doth dislike of them and is against their wicked proceedings or else for speaking in defence of their Prince and countrey I meane in matters of gouernement succession and state affaires clearly abstracted from points of faith and religion and then and therein also if they say the seculars are of the faction they may aswell say that her Maiestie and honorable Counsell and in few all that are exempted from trayterous attempts and conspiracies either within or without the land are so And then by consequent all are of the faction throughout the world that will not yeeld to a Iesuiticall supremacy in the state Ecclesiasticall and to their Monarchy in a state temporall and in both to make father Parsons a king Cardinall Concerning this matter it is worthy the noting to see how this Camelion Iesuit Parsons hath banded off and on with time like a Protheus His and his fautors ostentation in outward shew is wholy for religion and that they do most earnestly desire the conuersion of their countrey and of such and such particular persons by name yea they would I marry would they all follow and prosecute the king of Scots title if he would become Catholike but if not they would all dye one after another against him And yet contrary to this ostentation made both in a letter of father Parsons to the Marques Huntley whom they account to be a speciall fautor of their faction as also contrarie to sundrie other of their writings schedules and passages they haue dealt both priuatly and openly to the contrarie In somuch that omitting particular practises as with the late Earle of Essex to whom father Parsons sent a Iesuite Priest to haue had him to take a pension of the king of Spaine priuatly for aduancement of his designements neuer mentioning any Religion to him off or on but be as he be would and so with others hath he dealt besides the viper shewed his malice most in the treatie of peace betwixt the kings of Fraunce and Spaine For at that time there was a rumour runne abroad that the Queene of England would enter into that league and so graunt a tolleration of religion But this father Parsons vtterly disliked of saying that either they would haue all or none that they would admit of no conditions His reason was this because quoth he a tolleration would make the Catholikes of England dull and without spirit c. But the reason indeed was this and in good faith when I first did see the Articles here drawne out in England of the conditions for peace before euer any newes came of this great Statists censure I sayd to a very friend of mine that it would cost the Iesuits a brace of a thousand pounds to stop it for that it stood not with father Parsons platforme to haue any relaxation of persecution in England so long as either her Maiestie liued or yet after vntill he were ready to come with Montioy Saint Iames of Spaine and Parsons for the Britons Monarchy because a tolleration for religion would breed these inconueniences all making against him and his faction First he could not then haue any colour to set out bookes or anticke shewes as he hath or to blaze it abroad in all nations how cruell tyrannicall and inhumane the persecution of Catholikes is in England Secondly he could no longer after haue blowne the infamous blasts that course both sea and land he affirming England to be the nurcery of faction sedition and of all mischiefe wrought throughout the world setting all Princes Monarches and States together by the eares liuing in league with one to make warre against another and maintaining of rebels against their Soueraignes Thirdly he could not by al likelihood haue had any Catholike Prince or other in Christendome to haue banded on his side For with what colour could either Spaine or Austria or any Catholike Prince haue inuaded England if Catholikes might liue here as freely as they did in France or as the Hugonites do now liue there and the Protestants in Germany and the Christians in Turkey and the Mahumetanes in Tartary the Pagans in Presbiter Iohns dominions Fourthly he could neuer after haue gone forward with this platforme for aspiring to the Monarchy For whereas now all Catholikes must depēd vpon the Archpriest the Archpriest vpon father Garnet Garnet vpon Parsons Parsons vpon the diuel the author of all rebellious conspiracies treasons murthers disobedience heresies all such other diabolicall bloudy designements as this wicked Iesuit hath hitherto deuised then and in that case this dependency had bin vtterly voide For we should haue had Catholike Bishops as Suffragans or such like that might haue giuen holy orders cōsecrated holy oiles ministred the Sacrament of Confirmation exercised their Episcopall authority in all things necessary priuatly as it was in the Apostles time and Primitiue Church without either any the least incōbrance or perturbance of the state or present incumbents the Bishops Archbishops that now are or admittance of any seditious Iesuit or other factious person to come within the lād Fiftly his malitious deuises cruel hard hart towards al Catholiks had herby bin discouered as neuer able hereafter to haue stirred vp her Maiesty or incensed her honorable Counsell against all her loyall and most dutifull subiects for his treacheries treasons cōspiracies Because al in that case wold haue bin ready to haue reuealed the least thought of any cōfederacy against her royall person kingdome and state Sixtly his baits had bene worth nothing for enticing and alluring of any subiect to rebellion either for the time present or to come because a league being once made with the French and Spanish nation all Catholikes of England being withall naturally inclined to loue and loyalty of and to their Prince and countrey all promises or hopes of preferment vnder forreine Princes would haue bin and seemed hatefull ridiculous and senslesse vnto them No nation vnder heauen affording greater honors comforts and content then England and our Soueraignes both are able do affoord to the inhabitants that liue in grace and fauor as in this case vtcunque the afflicted Catholikes should Seuenthly this tolleration or liberty of cōscience wold quite haue cut off two bloudy hopes which Parsons hath in al his practises to wit aswel the indāgering of her Maiesties royall person as also the fauoring furthering cōsenting
or Iudge Paramount on earth vnder the Diuell in hell must denounce the sentence following out from his infernall seate Forasmuch as the secular Priests durst presume to appeale to Saint Peters chaire against my faithfull seruant George Blackwell instituted at my appointment designements and instructions giuen to the Pope of Rome to make him Archpresbiter and Protonotharius c. in and throughout the great Kingdomes of Albion or great Britaine to do lawe and iustice vpon such rebels against my louing brother the King Catholike of Spaine as in that Imperiall Isle it should seeme meete iust and necessarie in his wisedome to haue sharpely rebuked chastised and punished and for that also I did prescribe the manner how the said Pope was to proceede according to the tenure of my abstract of statutes lawes orders and actes enacted by me and my Generall in the high Councell of Reformation for England with a prouiso that my forenamed seruant Maister Blackwell should haue nothing to do with the fathers of the societie I thought it meete in my experience and wisedome not onely to exempt all my brethren and confatherhoods the Iesuites in England Scotland or elsewhere from being vnder the Archpriest but moreouer and besides to will and commaund my said seruant Maister Blackwell vnder paine of officipard to do nothing without my Prouinciall Garnets counsell designements and decrees who being an especiall illuminate and hauing a more neare familiaritie with God then any of the rest by reason of his place and calling he the said Blackwell thus directed by him shall be so farre and free from error or doing any thing amisse in acting all things vnder obedience to my Prouinciall as whosoeuer should contradict any thing by him decreed I hold it sit that he be noted for an Ethnicke a reprobate and one that was neuer established in the grace of God c. All these lawes statutes and acts with prouisoes thus enacted forasmuch as the seculars contemptuously haue violated infringed and broken the very marrow center and quintessence of their contempt accrewing to the preiudice of the holy societie and therein to Father Parsons in chiefe it stood his Prouinciall Garnet vpon to lay about him on the behalf of Blackwell to make his cause and quarrell his owne and this to be outwardly in shew Clement the eighth his Holinesse the Pope of Romes in managing and menacing and inwardly in intention to be Parsons that bastardly vicar of hell his in the platforme plotcastings and practises And so for all the world neuer imagine nor dreame of any kind of temporall gouernement by a Puritane Iesuit to be otherwise intended then as a Puritane Minister said in Edenborough God and the Kirke against the King and his Councell and outher ney King or ney Minister in Scotland As much to say and as Knoxe that seditious traitor did write to her Maiestie that those Princes who will not subiect themselues to their infernall and damnable discipline yea and submit themselues to be ruled by the Puritanian Ministerie might iustly and shold be deposed and depriued both of Crown gouernement and life at their pleasure Wherein you may please to note by the way that the Puritanian Ministers made the Gospell and the blacke Kirke of Scotland their pretence for aduauncing such a man to the Crowne as should wholly subiect himselfe and sweare and subscribe to the defence of their doctrine And yet all the world knoweth it that they would bring all into a Swisserly popularitie or a Geneuian gouernment void of Prince peere or other Noble or at least will neuer yeeld to accept of any King that shall not be ruled by thē And euen so the Puritanian Iesuits must needs intend do make shew of aduancing none to the English Crowne but such a one as is conuerted to the Catholike Church of Rome making the Gospell and spouse of Christ their pretence therein But yet their platforme allowes no King power or potentate aboue them and by consequent seeing notwithstanding yet needes they must haue the countenance of some great Monarch for a time to gouerne by in the state temporall as now they make his Holinesse for a while their sconce and buckler in the state ecclesiasticall it were no pollicie in them to haue an absolute Soueraigne to raigne in this land no not euen the Infanta who questionlesse Parsons made choise of before her father or brother the King of purpose to haue her gouernement subordinate either vnder him or the Emperour but as they haue gotten an Archpriest to be as it were a Vicar generall subordinate vnder his Holinesse in causes Ecclesiasticall and yet his said Holinesse onely to be a shadow or cloake but to haue no medlings or dealings nor to know any thing of the affaires of his Church here further then they shall please to informe him of so will they neuer admit of other gouernement but a Viceroy to be as it were a Prorex or King homage● subordinate to Spaine or Austria in causes temporall And yet the said Prorex must stand at their deuotion and not be able to informe anie thing to the King absolute further or otherwise then as they shall appoint him which if he do or attempt the contrarie he is sure to be deposed and loose his life for it either such a new King homager chosen by the Prince absolute at their assignement or else no King euer after but a king Cardinall and Pope Iesuit THE X. ARTICLE VVHether then is it dangerous or not to haue any of the English bloud royall either maryed to one of the Iesuiticall or Spanish faction which I perceiue is all one in the generall pretence though not in the intention or practise either within or without the land or otherwise conuerted to the Catholike faith if God so giue them grace by any Iesuite or Iesuited Priest of their faction THE ANSWER THe daunger you make a question of may be two wayes taken one spiritually and the other corporally In neither of which daungers any one can be said properly and directly to be in the act of either mariage or conuersion Because as I said at the first these seditious turbulent factious Iesuites here in England howsoeuer they may be in foro conscientiae and before God excommunicated suspended irregular or otherwi●e haue incurred any ecclesiasticall censure by their absurd grosse erronious opinions practises and proceedings yet for that they liue hitherto as visible members of the Catholike Church and neither do neither dare publikely teach much lesse obstinately defend any thing contrarie to the Catholike Churches doctrine and beleefe and further forasmuch as there is no sentence as yet denounced from his Holinesse against them or if denounced yet not here made knowne or if knowne yet no Bull nor Briefe come for assurance thereof or if any such yet not publikely promulgated therefore in foro externo all these circumstances considered and that the Church doth iudge secundum allegata probata as
who haue done so many good deeds as the saculars neuer did nor can do the like Twelftly that no mā or womā ought or may come at thē to receiue any Sacrament as hauing lost al their faculties authority by their disobedience contempt of their superior Thirteenthly that they haue iustly deserued to be euill spoken of to haue no reliefe vntill they submit thēselues recal their names from the appeale 14. That it were no more offence to kill one of them then to kill a notorious persecutor heretike Fifteenthly that the words Christ spoke whē he said whosoeuer will not obey the Church let him be accounted of as a Publicā or Ethnicke infidell did aptly agree to the seculars to be so accoūted of for disobeying the Catholike Church by their appeale other seditious slanderous libels against their superiors These many the like false suggestiōs which no Iesuit liuing dare for his life defend are put into peopls heads of purpose to colour therwith that bastard Pa. his impiety wherby seeking to bind al vnto him with the band of obedience he sets all his Iesuitical brokers here in England elsewhere on worke like so many band-dogs with bands of men banding out his mischieuous practises to bring all the whole realme bound hand and foot into bondage vnder him THE II. ARTICLE WHether any treason premunire or other preiudice to the Sea Apostolike the Catholike Church or Englands common wealth be incurred by the institution of this new authoritie or none at all THE ANSWER ALL three are incurred to all estates in the highest degree scil both treason committed against the Church of God and commonwealth of this land both a premunire incurred by auncient and recent lawes against sacred Maiestie both yea all preiudiced scil Pope Prince Church commonwealth and present state by maister Blackwels authoritie as is euident by sundrie bookes written and to be written of euery one of these points in particular and may be gathered passant in these Quodlibets here and there of all three And first for treason which in Latine we call proditio or laesa maiestas and a triritor traditor vel proditor vel reus lesae maiestatis It is alwaies an act acted or but onely intended against supreme Maiestie Which here we take three manner of wayes to wit either against the Maiestie Diuine and so all mortall sinnes whatsoeuer are so many treasons committed against the Maiestie of God or otherwise against the reuerend Maiestie of his sweet spouse and so all Schisme heresie Apostacie and Atheisme is treason against the Catholike Church and supreme head thereof vnder Christ on earth or lastly against the sacred Maiestie of regall power and so euery act attempt or intent c. to the indangering of the Princes person or commonwealth is directly treason and by consequent the iustification of the Archpresbiterie being only and wholly by Father Parsons procurement for the speedier nay the only way and means to perfect his most traiterous platforme tending to the dishonour of God preiudice of the Church destruction of her Maiestie and ruine of the commonwealth as in the Quodlibet of statizing shall be proued It is cleare then that this institutiue authoritie of Blackwels containes in it a whole masse of treason and conspiracie and the like is of a premunire made by Catholike Princes Kings of this land and allowed of by the Sea Apostolike incurred thereby Whereof besides that which hath bene and shall be said here thereof you may please to reade M. Charles Pagets booke against counterfeited Doleman aliâs Parsons and other bookes written against him and his associates THE III. ARTICLE VVHether the institution of the Archpriest be equally preiudiciall to the Commonwealth of Scotland and King Iames as it is to England and our Soueraigne or not so faultie THE ANSWER IT is equally at least and may in many respects be iudged more preiudicial to the Scottish King and Commonwealth then to our Soueraigne because the institutor Par. had before writtē his book of Titles or successiō in most apparant preiudice and ignominious slaunder of the said King very sawcily and rudely abasing both his royall Maiestie and his whole Realme and therefore too too vile a part and an act of most indignitie for him so officiously to institute an English man to be in so great authoritie within his highnesse dominions Secondly the Scots Catholiks had haue yet their Bishop of Glasco liuing a very reuerend Prelat ergo a more sawcie part to appoint ouer them a superior aboue him Thirdly there was not one secular Priest at the institutiō of this authority in al Scotland saue only the Abbot of New Abbey all the rest being Iesuits that were or are there ergo a greater presumptuous boldnesse in him to appoint such an authority there Fourthly he lying still at London and neither hauing any acquaintance in Scotland neither sending any other thither to labour in Christ his vineyard it seemeth to be a male part kind of bearding out their King Nobles Gentles Leards of that land rather then any thing else cōsidering that he neither coms neither sends ouer thither Fiftly Fa. Par. platforme holding equally for Scotl. aswell as Engl. the authority limited to M. Blackwell ouer both nations bewraies the Iesuiticall ambitious humour and traiterous intent more then any other action euer did before THE IIII. ARTICLE VVHether was it any sinne Schisme or other offence not to haue admitted of the Archpriest vpon Cardinall Caietanes bare word or writing before the Bull came from the Pope or whether might the seculars or ought they in conscience equitie and pollicie haue accepted of him or not THE ANSWER IT was no offence at all then to haue resisted as by sundrie bookes written hereof it is manifest no more then it is now to appeale from him but quite contrarie it was an act of iustice 1 His election was without our consent knowledge or acceptance 2 It was not made palam sed fraudulenter secreto animo decipiendi as may be proued Capite contra Canones videat casus excommunicationis in huius c. 3 No example of the Apostles actions neither yet of any Infidels cōuersion can free them from the decretum of the order obserued in all elections because our countrie had from the beginning of these new heresies sundrie Prelates with the laitie qui nunquam genu flexerunt coram Baal c being continually ex parte Catholica therefore whatsoeuer doth bind for elections in other Catholike countries binds here c. Ergo Blackwellus contra Canones c. 4 No law humane diuine of nature or nations alloweth a forced gouernour intruded especially to tyrannize as his authoritie by the words in his Breefe corrigere castigare c. is none other and not a word spoken of charitie equitie or iustice 5 It is opposite to all order in heauen and earth a Michael chosen as head of the principates quia vnus
ex illis and not a Raphael of another order c. And as the Chapter of Cannons chuse their Deane and not the Priests dispearsed in parishes the Deane Chapter and Priests of each Bishoprike their Bishop and not the inclused Monkes of that Dioces the Dominicans their Prior and not the Franciscans the Iesuits their prouincial and not the Benedictines the Aldermen and City of London their Maior not the Iustices c. and onely in hell amongst heretikes ordo negligitur ergo the Iesuits appointing vs a superior do imitate one of these 6 His letters to Rome against his brethrē egor defence of the Iesuits cōuince him to be vnus ex vel subditus illis ergo cōtra ius imponitur nobis c. 7 He publickly professeth partiality as in his bitter letters to maister Benson to maister More and to sundry others and that he maintaines them in all things ergo vt iniquus iniustus iudex deponendus 8 His authority was vnhonestly procured because we were neuer made acquainted therewith hauing è contrario formerly imparted our minds vnto them c. vnlawfully confirmed because by the Cardinal at Parsons suite both our enemies and vniustly executed because by Iudges of their owne cause and therefore all three Cardinall Parsons and Blackwell intrusers into our haruest vsurpers of his Holinesse authority and tyrants ouer vs and our countrey 9 That it was directly a plot cast of Parsons by and for the Iesuits to expell or bring all Priests vnder them patet ex bulla qua instituitur praecipue vt pacem habeant cum Iesuitis ergo ad interitum omnium aliorum c. 10 That it was foisted in by Parsons procurement only vpon a point of extremity to colour his impiety and to stop the discouery of his treacherous mind towards his countrey appeareth For it came iumpe at that time when both in Spaine Italy the Low-countries his dealings began to be odious for his tyrannie against all Priests and lay persons that consented not to his Iaponian kingdome and in England his bookes and all his and their dealings being by Catholikes generally disliked and by secular Priests condemned and reiected as full of ambition bloudshed infamy and ruine intended to our whole countrey it was time to set vp such an Archiprate or else had the Iesuits faction bene quite pulled downe for euer which though he haue but a blind name of authority yet it serueth to hold tacke till by inuasion or otherwise the Iesuits may worke their feate for inhauncing of kingdomes c ergo vtterly by all English to be deiected 11 That setting M. Black priuate life aside which now I omit he is vnfit if such authority were lawfully grāted to be chosen for a head ouer so great a multitude of fine wits many more graue ancient and learned then himselfe especially in times of so many dangers and full of diuersities and differences in al things besides religion learning and this is most plaine for that he is wel knowne to be a man of no reach only he hath read studied sundry positiue authors whereby he can speake or write sentences euill couched together God wot out of others But of himselfe he neuer knew what discourse writing to great persons or of matters of weight or what ciuill conuersation or gouernment meant For hauing a charge onely of a widow Gentlewoman with whom he liued he neuer conuersed with any to learne either wit knowledge or experience in any thing or how to behaue himselfe in company discourse or otherwise to sift out any matter or yet to know how to do iustice in his office further then his booke told him which often causeth error through want of practise and experience to know the custome of times and places c. which may alter quite his book cases as applyed by a correspondencie to another purpose Which grosse ignorance a man shall find almost in euery letter he writes wresting this and that sentence Canon author and authoritie quite contrarie to another act matter sence and meaning then euer thereby was intended which I should rather thinke came of his simplicitie then of wilfull error were it not that he is become so proud peremptorie and scoffing contemptuous in his exorbitant letters words and all his other actions since this immerited authority came vpon him ergo by Parsons rule of deposing or chusing gouernors M. Blackwell is vnfittest of an hundred and consequently to be deposed for his insufficiencie though otherwise he had absolute authoritie 12 That M. Blackwels simplicitie and vnaptnesse to gouerne sheweth plaine the great mischiefe and ruine of our countrie intended by chusing of him is manifest For who in pollicie would attempt that which the Iesuites go about by any but such as wanting wit to enter into their drift should thinke euery word to be an oracle or else to be the Gospell that they speak and then vpon this ground Catholikes hauing tender consciences must thinke it a sinne irremissible to resist c. 13 That the Iesuits pollicie was maruellous dexterous in choosing one by profession a secular Priest and not a knowne Iesuite and consequently none fitter then M. Blackwell vz. First otherwise they had opened their own ambition to all the world Secondly they could not in honestie and with any face haue spoken for thems●lues as others may do for them Thirdly they may hereby colour all their trecherie for if it fadge not well the head is a Seminarie or secular Priest if it hap to their wish he is by them set vp ergo at their appointment Fourthly they may as they do more stoutly defend him then themselues 14 That a greater persecution is and must ensue by M. Blackwels Archpresbitery then euer came to Catholikes by the ciuill magistrates vz. First for that it opens the way to all rebellion freeing euery one to speake or do what they list or can against any except Iesuits all vnder pretence of zeale in taking forsooth the Popes part by defending M. Blackwels authority and esteeming of all that resist it to be Schismaticks or worse Secondly wheras before som few were infamed by priuat oppositions against the Iesuits now all that obey not M. Blackwell are so persecuted by these Parsonians railing and slaundering toungs as none can liue free Thirdly it breeds that contempt as euery boy and girle are in manner of esteeme of priesthood become Haywoodists Wisemanists and I could tell you what worse perdee to put no difference but all secular as well laitie as clergie c. Fourthly it makes vent for inuasion both of England and Scotland the Archpriests twelue assistants being dispersed in euery corner with the laity to worke by North and by South perswading it to be for the Scots good to ioyne with Spaine ergo mightily he is to be resisted 15 That the plot was laid long ago for the Archpriest videl by their olim dicebamur and other forgeries of theirs First
to breed commiseration of Iesuits Secondly to make Seminaries and all secular priests odious to the laitie as iniurious detractors Thirdly to giue scope by this to defame whom they would which were all that might seem to stand in their way and this done then such defamed persons being vnfit to gouerne none but M. Blackwell supposing one must be chosen could be found fit euery way A notable stratageme but altogether Atheall diabolicall intollerable 16 That all who defend the Archpriest are either Iesuits or do liue vnder and by them or are now put in authoritie for them or haue the collections for money throughout England for Catholikes to depend vpon thē or their substitutes for the sacraments or liue in expectance of mountaines at the Spanish inuasion by their procurement All which none that hath seen and knowne the state of things abroad but may easily discerne and therefore of all well wishing to their Prince and countrie were these Parsonians with their Archpriest to be resisted and in no case euer to haue yeelded to his false foysted-in authoritie 17 The expostulations manages and menaces of the Iesuits in defence of M. Blackwels authoritie shew plaine how impiously pharisaically and iniuriously they haue dealt therein First for that they had at that time nothing to shew but the Cardinals authorizing of him who was knowne to be our aduersarie Secondly they neuer could bring any testimony but of their owne companie to certifie so much as that the Pope euer heard of this mans choosing or any such matter vntill they had cast M. Bishop and M. Charnocke in prison and so tyrannized like Turkes ouer them Thirdly their excuse of a Popes Bull was vaine that which they had being all one and the same if any thing worth as confirmed by the Pope and a premunire incurred aswell by the one as the other as they haue handled it Fourthly their pretence of the Cardinals feare in that he durst not graunt it without the Popes priuit e is ridiculous and for babies as Parsons counts all the seculars his answer being ready if called in question that he appointed Blackwell onely as a Prefect or some such one amongst a multitude to keep good order but no further and not that but as he was informed vz. that he was fittest to appease contentions c. Fiftly their comparison of the Cardinall with a Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper c. is simple and impertinent for it onely if so much holds in a Priest and a Iustice of peace verbi gratia the Lord Chancelor or other may appoint and make a Iustice of peace by his generall authoritie giuen him by the Prince but to make a Lord President or to create an Earle or Lord Baron by that authoritie he cannot by any generall graunt and therefore such being neuer or very rare heard of as only one Earle of Chester had authoritie to create Lord Barons and neuer before nor since had any the like ergo the Cardinals authoritie to giue faculties to Priests extends not to giue a supreme authoritie to any one Priest more then himselfe had or euer was known to be in any of his predecessors no not in Cardinall Allane whom common sence tels vs should haue had such authoritie in and ouer his owne countrimen sooner then any other here amongst vs. Sixtly their colour of charitie to haue had vs yeeld for the time vntill we had heard to the contrarie was and is but flat hypocrisie coggerie and malice in them pitying of vs to bolster out their owne abusing of vs all For hauing by Parsons meanes no doubt laboured by impudent lyes and threats to the vttermost to stoppe all complaints and put in a demurre vntill that bastard might heare hence and get a like catalogue of names to that which the Iesuites got before their conscience then would stretch those names or other meanes vsed for that Atheall purpose to as absolute a consent and acceptance of this vsurper now as the former did by their cogging and the cousinage vsed herein Seuenthly their excuse of no ticket nor testimonie from the Pope or other whom we might trust is nothing and but a ridiculous confirmation of it which they take by the example of Priests for euery one knowes the faculties of Priests are generall ergo need no other testimonie but notice giuen by any that there they had such faculties but this Archpresbiter is a particular thing neuer heard of before ergo vniust vnlawfull and most to be suspected doubted of resisted impugned abrogated abolished 18 The peeuishnesse simplicitie and vnfitnesse of M. Blackwell the ambition enuie and Machiauellisme of his electors and the ignorance lightnesse and euen too too blindly ouerweened affection of the mobile vulgus being duly considered this Archpresbitery will be the bane of all England if euer accepted of and established by generall consent and applause First for that his authoritie extends to all England Scotland and vt ait Ireland with many agents in them all ergo once confirme it and vpstarts the Iapon Monarchie Secondly it derogates from all priestly authoritie vz. by the libertie of euery Iacke and Gill to defame Priests without satisfaction by calling lay men to controll seculars and both to disgrace and heare them disgraced as M. Blackwell ordinarily speaketh not to any secular Priest but must haue some of the laitie to heare the case by their generall maxime that they may and do vse laitie to defame controll and deiect Priests they being not able to be in all places and at all times themselues which they confirme by the generall examples of their free speech had of all Priests Monks Friers Bishops and the Pope himselfe Thirdly it arrogates all supreme authority to the Iesuits vz. by making it a sinne most haynous not to yeeld to them in all things or a signe of heresie to thinke they may erre or malice and loosnesse of life to charge them with any fault Fourthly it is a plaine testimony of no religion in the Iesuites but flat Atheisme making religious pietie but only a matter of meere pollicie by sending foorth trumpetters to sound out their and Blackwels vertues concluding thereby neither them to be spoken of nor him to be refused as fittest of all c. as though inherent iustice depended vpon externall signes of vertue Thus once yeeld to them and their Archpriest and farewell all religion in England shortly after 19 To confirme this withall their malice and euill meaning towards Priests is in nothing more plaine then managing out that vsurpate Archpriest vz. by their ostentation of a most horrible sinne to resist his authoritie ergo we are by their detraction al fooles ignorant indiscreet prophane vnlearned consciencelesse proud malicious infamous detractors c. and yet by the same acts they on the contrarie are all wise learned of high prudence of speciall good cariage vertuous and zealous c ô notable hypocrites the old Grammer rule is fitly applyed vnto you scil
her Maiesties royall person All whose generall cause and quarrell the seculars hauing now in hand may not in any wise yeeld before it be ended by his Holinesse and that in a more serious manner then euer was in any the like case handled heretofore in the Court of Rome For the whole State of Christendome aswell in causes Ecclesiasticall as temporall will be proued to depend vpon it as hereafter you shall heare THE VII ARTICLE VVHether then seeing it must come to pleading before his Holinesse or euer the matter can be taken vp or ended are the seculars or the Iesuits likelier to preuaile on the Archpriests behalfe And if the seculars as some seeme to make no doubt of it by reason that their plea is on the behalfe of the Pope his Holinesse the whole Church in generall that is for the Ecclesiasticall Monasticall and temporall state and the particular common-wealths and regall Maiesties of England France Ireland Scotland yea of Italy Spaine Polony Sweden and Denmarke together with the Imperialty of Caesar it standing the chiefes of all these in both states vpon for their owne indignity security and preseruation of their Princely prerogatiues to their posterity to ioyne with the seculars in this their appeale then what is like to come to the Archpriest c. THE ANSWER MAchiauell may do much in all courts of Christendome in morall acts and humane actions and therefore although it stand all Princes vpon to ioyne with the seculars and none more or so much as her Maiesty Queene Elizabeth and her honorable Counsell yet considering what factious dispositions there are euery where abroad in the world what great matters men and money haue attempted atchiued and effected contrary to all expectation to their wish and desire and how plausible tickling and tempting the Iesuits doctrine is of popularity to make subiects rebell act and performe whatsoeuer they put into their heads for the conspirators aduancement no Prince in the world but hath some great Lord or other about him that will be ready to speake a good word for the Iesuits in hope of a better turne at their hands at one time or other when kingdomes are at stake It followeth then that for the present it will be doubtfull and verie hard to say which part whether seculars or Iesuits shall preuaile All men that know the Iesuits hard dealings and practises and what foule matters they haue bolstred banded bearded and borne out against the greatest and chiefe Princes on earth may and do easily conceiue thus much that looke what the diuell or man can do shall not be left vndone on the Iesuits behalfe But seeing truth may be obscured for a time yet can neuer be torne downe so as neuer after to rise then make I no question of it but that admit the Iesuits and Puritanes bring in Antichrist betwixt them who shall do more against all states and common-wealths and the whole Church of God then euer hath bene or shall be done by any other besides notwithstanding in the end the Iesuits will be quite ouerthrowne Which hapning then the Archpriest standing stifly out on their side is like inough to be called out of England to some preferment for a time as to be President or Rector of some Colledge or Seminary vt cedat cum honore THE VIII ARTICLE VVHether this appeale and contention betwixt the seculars on the one side and the Iesuits with their Archpriest on the other side be like then in the case last proposed to be the vtter ouerthrow either of the one or other partie or of neither of both THE ANSWER DIrectly it can be the ouerthrow of neither the one party nor the other because the seculars are but in statu quo prius and cannot be in a worse then they are in at this present And as for the Iesuits they may passe into India and other countries where the rest of their company liue But indirectly it may be an ouerthrow of either of both whose lot it shall fall out vnto to be suppressed and haue the foile and so in that case the Iesuits preuailing the poore seculars were as good to be all hanged vp together-ward as liue to endure the insults triumphes and vpbraidings that shall be layd vpon them in animating of their sawcie laicall faction to glorie in their malice impotent iniquitie and ouercrowing them for a time which yet could not be long as a thing impossible for any religious order vtterly to ouerthrow as thereby the Iesuits would an ecclesiasticall or secular state on behalfe whereof that sacred sentence was oracled from those lips that could not lye that portae infernae non praeualebunt aduersus eam Againe in the same case the seculars preuailing the Iesuits of like sort were sure to be ouerthrowne marry not with such scofs taunts insultations tyrannies and triumphs ouer them as the others do and would surely put them more barbarously in practise But the Iesuits chiefe griefe discomfiture and ouerthrow would be this and a greater to an ambicious aspiring hart there can be none to be excluded for euer out of this land and so frustrate their hope of a Iesuiticall Monarchy in the Iland of great Brittaine THE IX ARTICLE VVHether then seeing it seemeth the victory consists wholly on the Popes decree and that whose part he takes that is sure to preuaile may he then erre in deciding this contention betwixt the seculars and Iesuits or be partiall on the Archpriest and Iesuites behalfe against the other or not THE ANSWER IF the matter come once before his Holinesse I do verily thinke he cannot because although the ground in shew be but of matters of manners yet in re I am perswaded they will be drawne to matters of such moment as a visum est spiritui sancto nobis must iudicially passe ex Cathedra in definitiue sentence against them Which two the holy Ghost and spouse of Christ ioyning together in iudgement I stedfastly beleeue they cannot erre and by consequent make no question of it but if euer the seculars get safe passage admittance and audience at the sacred chaire of Saint Peter that then downe go both Archpriest and Iesuits at least by recantation submission surcease But now for asmuch as hoc opus hic labor est the difficulty is all how to haue this matter come to light before his Holinesse without sinister information or partial relation made the memory of many both ancient and recent examples putting all men in mind of what may and is no question most likely to happen for a time scil that as Parsons and others before vsed sundry Machiuilean forgeries stratagems plots practises and deuises for establishing of this vsurpate Archpresbitery most impiously therein deluding abasing and preiudicing of his Holinesse and the Catholike Churches lawes So may he and his confederates do the like againe and by consequent the Pope as hitherto hauing neuer heard nor bene fully exactly and sincerely informed of the truth of our
For who doth not see what a generall calamitie and extreme want and misery all catholikes as well secular as lay persons liue in that are not Iesuited what huge summes of money they collect euery yeere as before hath beene touched in part what bankes they haue in other countries and yet no pittie no reliefe no respect had of any that are not of their corporation or as brokers dependent vpon them to serue their turnes withall vsed as bondslaues to inrich themselues with that they haue or can gaine by them Fourthly I heere omit their officious enterprises for the conuersion of their countrey their seeking of superioritie ouer the seculars their barres put into all the bloud royall of this land to disinherite them their diuision made of all both ecclesiasticall monasticall and temporall states corporations and houses of any reckoning within the land their deuises to preuent as much as they can possibly that no other religious order especially no Benedictine nor Dominican shall come within the realme In fewe looke into their whole course manner of proceedings for their countries conuersion and you shall finde nothing but a large exchequer of a charter of policies how to bring by exchete the whole church common-wealth to be vnder their priuate corporation societie and so quite altering the course of conuersion of countries into a profession of a kinde of Lumbards Senselesse be that man or woman holden for euer heereafter that shall iudge any sinceritie fidelitie naturall and humane affection or other good meaning to be in them for reestablishing of religion or planting the catholike faith in their countrey if they may haue the swing and beare the sway THE II. ARTICLE VVHether the seculars or Iesuits haue had heretofore or haue now more secret intercourse and dealings inwardly and vnderhand with all or any of the Lords or other magistrates vnder her maiestie here in England or king Iames in Scotland c. THE ANSWERE THe answere to this article pertaines directly to a matter of state and therefore shall it be handled more peculiarly in the next generall Quodlibet of statizing against Parsons the Archstatist of the Iesuits For the present the question here intended is as of a matter of religion scil whether of them being both catholikes haue more close dealings with the common aduersaries in religion to them both The cause of which question doth rise vpon these Zoilists enuious aemulation that some few seculars whom they thought either to haue depriued of their liues or puld them downe so lowe as neuer after to haue risen haue by Gods prouidence found grace fauour and iustice at her Maiesties hands by opening their innocencie and loyall harts towards her royall person and their natiue countrey to those in authority vnder her Highnesse as master doctor Bagshaw whose death they most treacherously sought and others whom now they seeing to haue cleered themselues of al state medles and thereupon to haue found extraordinary fauour these most malicious restles slanderers inuent a new deuise that seeing they cannot preuaile with the aduersaries against the innocent to bring them to the gallowes they will spit out their gaule against them to catholikes to make them to be holden and accounted of as spies atheistes irreligious and such as haue forsooth extraordinary intercourse with some Lords or others in authoritie for the state and thereupon more fauour then others haue or then any sound catholike can haue or should seeke for or accept of In regard of which viperous speech fitter for a feinde then faithfull soule the question heere is mooued if it be an offence to haue any secret dealings with the ciuill magistrate then whether the seculars or Iesuits haue offended more therein To which I answere heere in briefe that if any offence be in that action the Iesuits will ouerweigh as farre the seculars in that as a horse load will a pound weight as the practises and dealings of their Parsons their Heywoods their Holts their Holtbeis their Creswele their Garnets c. will testifie it by sundry letters and witnesses against them to be brought foorth and shewed at time conuenient Yea doe they thinke it is vnknowne vnder whose wings the Archpriest liues shrowded or to and from whom the letter was sent on father Gerards behalfe to wish her after some fewe complements and thanks for the token she sent him to keepe her iewell the saide Gerard well c. or who they be that plie and plead for the Iesuits vnderhand and to whom in speciall intelligence is giuen from time to time of all that euer they know that may not touch the Iesuits or somtimes by accusing some of their owne company to contriue some vnhonest or sluttish part they are about more handsomely then otherwise they could or by whom they are backt to be so bold as they are both in prison and abroad to make their vaunt that they haue moe and greater friends both in the English and Scottish Court then the seculars haue more then halfe naming some particular nobles and others in high esteeme and authoritie vnder her Maiestie that are secretly entred into league with them forsooth on the Spanish behalfe Nor noe it is but a base feare of that seruile Parsons minde least by this fauour shewed of her Maiestie her honorable Counsell and other magistrats to those tried to be innocent and guiltlesse of the generall iealousie for conspiracies had of all for their sakes his treasons and treacheries should boult out more speedily and not haue so safe close and secret meanes to tamper with any to deale on his behalfe with her Highnes to accept of him for a spie as earst he offered himselfe to be so with deepe protestation and many vowes and circumstances that he would yea and no doubt but in matters for his owne aduantage he doth by his agents giue intelligence to the state of all things that euer he should heare of to be intended any way against her person crowne or kingdome working in the meane while notwithstanding vnderhand with the late Earle of Essex to be the king of Spaines close Pensioner for furthering of the inuasion yet againe at the same time dealt so as it should haue beene bewraied to the late Lord Treasurer Cicill and thus the cogging mate neuer deales with any of this lande but it is to worke their greater heauier and more speedy ruine So as I conclude that the Iesuits haue more secret close and inward dealings vnder hand with the ciuill magistrate then the seculars haue who go speake and deale openly not afraid nor ashamed of any thing they do or treat of with whomsoeuer it shall please God to mooue the harts to listen vnto or fauour them and by consequent the Iesuits close tamperings sheweth them to be most pernicious dangerous irreligious infest and enimies to the church and common-wealth of this and all other lands their owne guiltie consciences accusing them by their words and actions For true
it is Quimale agunt odit lucem veritas non quaerit angulos THE III. ARTICLE VVHether then is it lawfull or not for either secular or Iesuit to haue intercourse with any of their common aduersaries in religion or to indeuour themselues to get and win fauor of those now in authoritie vnder her Maiestie and if they may then whether and aequally with both Lords and states ecclesiasticall and temporall or with which most freely and without scandall or offence may they seeke vnto for succor the said seculars and Iesuits standing in opposition one against the other as they in this point of intercourse with both their aduersaries concerning the conuersion of their country c. THE ANSWERE THere is no difference nor exception of persons places offices or professions to be put in those of authoritie vnder her Maiestie but whosoeuer her highnes hath appointed for to haue the dealings in these affaires all is one for them that are to seeke fauor by that meanes Neither is there any doubt to be made but that it is lawfull for either of them apart or both seculars and Iesuits together to seeke for fauor at the ciuill magistrate or any others hands * Some of these maleuolous Iesuitical faction haue giuen it out as a most odious thing for her Maiestie to be in league with the Turke notwithstanding al that know any thing know it to be a common matter for both Pope and prince of any nation to enter into league or truce with him for their owne more safetie as the Spaniard hath So as a man may see all their drift is but to make all mens actions odious that is or may be a hinderance to their platforme though the same thing be practised by them or their faction Only these enuious Iesuits and their faction to make it seeme more odious to the catholike laitie make a difference as though it were more lawfull to haue dealings with the Lord Treasurer or any other ciuill magistrate of and in the temporall state then with the Archbishop of Canterbury or Bishop of London or the like Whereof I can conceiue no other reason then that fulsome smell of puritanisme which remaines in them as to whome the very name of a Bishop is most odious as it seemeth And knowing that these two haue written spoken and otherwise dealt most against their fellow puritanes in faction if not in faith belike this is that which maketh them murmure and speake against diuers but especially Master Bluett a reuerend old secular priest and truly a woorthy confessor before some of these pure Iesuits his malitious aemulators knew what religion meant and so he doth still and no doubt by Gods speciall grace but he will still so remaine when the froth of their zeale shall be frozen in their harts But well let it passe It is but a Pharisaicall blast of a Iesuiticall poisoned breath God of his mercie grant that poore afflicted catholikes may from hencefoorth finde such friendes in Court or of Counsell that may be in such grace and fauor either as fautors of our religion or as compassionates of our afflictions that in either or both respects as patrones of our innocency they may supply to their lasting credit renowne and woorthily merited fame the place on our behalfes to our noble Elizabeth of an honorable Sebastian a wise Gamaliel a graue Aramathian Ioseph a zealous Daniell a princely Zorobabell a learned Esdras a pitifull Ester And so make I no doubt but by such no lesse lawful and commendable then necessarie and of all true catholike loyall English harts to be both earnestly praied and hartily wished for meanes that royall and princely hart alwaies of her owne sweete nature inclined to mercy lenitie compassion and pittie will at length grant a refocillation relaxation and free libertie to her faithfull subiects worne out bodies in her prisons to passe abroad and serue their Lord God without feare and her Highnes without fainting The very conceite of so gracious a smile cast on their long frowned on heauie harts O God would force out filiall flouds of streaming teares so naturall it is to loyall subiects yea to whom not of a humane hart to be ouercome in extasies of affections especially in conceited ioyes when the losse they most lamented is repaied in place least expected and that which euer they most wisht for comes in time most vnlooked for What shall I say more Corpora magnanimo satis est prostrasse leoni THE IIII. ARTICLE VVHether more secure then for the catholike laytie seeing both priests and Iesuits may make friends where they can to ioyne with the seculars or with the Iesuits THE ANSWERE THis might seeme a friuolous question were it not that the Iesuits make such vaunts of so many great princes and potentates that are their friends though they haue iust none indeed of any account saue onely the Spaniard and he as I saide before vsing them but as the Emperor Charles vsed Cardinall Wolsey to serue his turne for the time For seeing by all that we haue said and intend to speake or write of this matter it is euident that the Spaniard or Austrian can not be neither are they ignorant how the Iesuits serue their owne turns with bolstring out their dooings and fathering of their actions vpon them They no doubt will repay them backe with like measure againe in a higher degree of reproch shame and confusion For it is an honorable policie in princes to entertaine spies counterfeits and traytors but it is a base ignominie in subiects to presume so to dally with soueraignes Therefore let bragge prooue a good dogge at home when it comes to grapling it will be tried the surest way to take the seculars part THE V. ARTICLE VVHether any danger can come or be intended against all catholiks in generall aswell priests as lay persons by the extraordinary fauour shewed towards certaine of the seculars and on their behalfe towards many catholiks that are knowne not to be Iesuited or is there no danger therin at al. THE ANSWERE THere neither is neither can be any danger in the world therein to any one But this doubt comes of a Iesuiticall enuie and malice towards the seculars like to the same their speeches in effect vsed in France and against the French king when they enuiously murmuring at the peace was there concluded vpon vsed most slanderous detracting speeches and put an hundred rebellious doubts and irreligious conceits in the peoples harts against it and so haue they done and will doe the like heere in England if any peace or quiet may be happily obteined to catholiks to liue secure and without trouble of danger of law for their conscience and religions sake Which I feare woulde euen breake the Iesuits enuious harts to thinke on and make them burst out into an open rebellion either to hinder it or to haue it concluded on their side For whereunto otherwise did tend father Parsons speech whereof I
ecclesiae as all doe grant it and experience of all ages hath approoued it true the latter not for that surceasing excepts against heretikes in such proceedings who by authoritie of holy writ may iustly be constrained with force of the temporall sword to receiue the faith of Christ and his catholike Romane Church wherein they were baptized and out of which they are now most pernitiously fallen to their damnation To this the former againe makes reply that that is in a case of lawe and strategeme of warres when the plaintif as a soueraigne hauing right on his side may haue strength and power at hand sufficient to defend his iust quarrell and Gods cause but where and when the poore afflicted catholikes are the weaker part and in subiection vnder their natiue prince they must not tempt God with miracles sed in patientia possidebunt animas suas expecting the time that God hath appointed either to ease the afflicted of their heauie persecution by calling them to his mercie or else to mooue the aduersarie as here he did king Cyrus c. Here againe the latter doth vrge very vehemently against the former that it is their fault if they be not of strength ynough For if all would side one way run one course ioyne together of one part they were able to match their aduersaries at all assaies but bicause they fauor heretikes and their titles more then catholikes as some the Scots king others the house of Derbie others that of Huntington others of Hartford and others the Lady Arbella c. therefore is Gods cause weakened and the catholiks quarrell quailed But to this yet againe the former makes reioinder professing that if they had millions on their side for thousands on her maiesties yet they hold it were not lawfull for them by force of armes to gaine the garland that they run for as afterward it shall appeere and vtterly denying that they fauor any heretike as an heretike or their titles vnder that pretence but as remembring how diuers princes and great monarches haue been conuerted to the catholike Christian faith and withall considering that neither the king of Scots nor yet any of the rest were euer any speciall persecutors of vs or our religion but rather fauorable to many catholikes as is well knowne not forgetting this besides that it were an act of iniustice in vs especially being priuate persons either to manage a false title as the Spaniard hath none other or impugne a knowne right as all the world knoweth it rests confined within the Albion I le But admit it were reuealed to any priuate man that the Spanyard or any other forraigne prince should preuaile and cary away our English crowne out of the land so as we should neuer haue king regnant ouer vs hereafter as some old prophecies many say haue foreshewed that our deere countrimen brothers sisters and friends the flower of Englands youth the beautie of our Ladies Widowes Wiues Virgins of all degrees should be prostituted prophaned rauished and led captiue into strange lands the sore persecution of Gods seruants the blasphemies heresies execrable schismes of this age and our owne sinnes in generall vrging Gods wrath against our whole Nation to take so sharpe yet ordinary reuenge for such offences as some say also hath bene spoken of long agone to come to passe in this our vnfortunate age or that we should haue such a change of state gouernment common wealth and all as the chiefe soueraigntie should be in an alien prince Spanyard or Burgundian Netherlandian or the like and the Lords spirituall and temporall gouerning ouer vs for the time to be of that foraigne prince his Nation and the Iesuits or fathers as they terme themselues of the societie to be their Interpretors for our English Welsh Irish and Stots nation as both letters and witnesses besides inuincible probats otherwise are extant to shew that Master Parsons and his confederates goe about such a matter and a sermon himselfe once made at Rome insinuates no lesse but that by tyrannicall subiecting the Seminary there to be vnder his societie he expounded the prophecie he there spoke of in his intent and meaning to be directly vnderstood of himselfe and his company that they should be those long gownes which should raigne and gouerne the whole Isle of great Britaine Of which societie there being some of all or the most part of all Christian Nations hauing once this land giuen them by and vnder the Spaniard as they hope for to make it a Iapponian Island of Iesuits but stay they haue not yet Iapponia in their handes then should we haue as many languages in this Isle and the auncient Inhabitants dispersed into as many countries as there should be prouincialls of that societie for it were no policie to let vs all liue here together nor yet leade all captiue into one prouince or kingdome Yet let God worke his will in these things be it true or false that any such heauines be reuealed what then Shall I therefore be the bloodie instrument to worke it of mine owne head without Gods speciall designement so to doe Shall I shew my selfe so vnnaturall inhumane and cruell harted as to write bookes to perswade to vse all possible meanes to bring my natiue country into bondage and slauerie Shall I of a grudge or desire of reuenge vpon some particular person or persons or for some priuate gaine to my selfe or my owne peculiar company banish from my hard nay stonie nay flintie nay adamantine hart all pittie compassion charitie remorse and naturall affection to that which next to my maker and his spouse I am by all lawes in chieefe to esteeme of the bond of loue loyaltie and dutie being greater to my prince and countrie then to my parents or deerest friends And whereas euen tyrants in such like cases haue been mooued to lenitie shall I haue no conceit of the wringing of hands of the sighes and teares of the weepings and wailings of the skrikes and cries of so many sweete yoong and tender babes of both sexes Shall I haue no feeling of so many mothers bleeding harts of so many noble ladies and other yoong maides of generous birth gentle blood and free education for all rare parts indowments and abilities of nature and fortune fit to be princes peeres now to be left desolate or bestowed on euery base fellow not woorthy to be their seruant Shall I take vpon me to be an actor an orator or a broker in laboring to bring that old blinde prophesie to effect which saith When the blacke fleete of Norway is come and gone then lords shall wed ladies and bring them home Shall I be the efficient instrumentall cause or causa sine qua non of so many great worshipfull honorable and princely heires to be disinherited of so many vpstart squibs of forraigne nations to start vp in their places of so many false textes forged glosses fained lawes of God of nature and of man to disprooue all
busie to stone Saint Stephen to keepe their clokes that ran after him to beate him downe to get letters with great eagernes and zeale in his kinde to take examine and bring all vp to Hierusalem that should call vpon the name of Iesus and to leaue nothing vndone pertaining to a Pursiuant a persecuter a cruell tyrants part Who that had heard and seene these things would euer haue thought to haue heard it oracled frō heauen of this same man that vas electionis est mihi vt portet nomen meū coram gentibus c And finally who that had seene S. Marceline Pope offering incense to idols S. Boniface polluted in his lust with Aglae a noble Romane matrone The blessed Magdalene pointed at in the streets as a cōmon woman would euer haue looked for to haue heard that the two first should haue bin martyrs or much lesse the last to haue bin a womā of rarest vertues our blessed lady excepted that euer either before or since was borne Sed non sicut homo iudicat Deus Sixtly I say last of al that as there is no assurance of any catholikes perseuerance not any impossibilitie of any ones conuersion that liues on earth So be the profession whatsoeuer it shal happen yet may an affied trust be put for matters pertaining to ciuill conuersation and other affaires in men of good morall life and conuersation be they of what religion soeuer they be shall And if experience haue tried it in Queene Maries daies that a Throckmerton Sir Nicholas by name knowne to haue been a hot protestant was one and the first by Parsons owne confession in Greene-coate that informed the said Queene of such attempts as then were to haue preuented her raigne ouer vs then should we wrong our owne harts cause and actions if any the least-scruple should be in vs not to reueale whatsoeuer trecherie or treason were intended by any against our now Soueraignes royall person crowne or state and by consequent doe both our selues and those vnder her Maiestie wrong if we should be distrustfull to vtter our mindes freely or to enter into familiaritie with any for to doe either our afflicted friends as we are catholikes or our countrie as we are English any good that can be possible THE ARGVMENT OF THE EIGHT GENERALL QVODLIBET IN the argument of the seuenth I told you of this eight Quodlibet which by many particular points there glanced at you may perceiue must directly tteate of matters of state in the highest degree And therefore is it of all other the most dangerous point to deale in without offence of any whom I would not willingly offend for mine owne part in any thing by reason of speciall occurrents which being handled as some heretofore haue handled them might breede great apparant and manifest danger either to body or soule or both together For here I am to intreate of excommunications and depositions of princes of pontificall power and regall maiestie and of other points of most importance that in a world can be found And bicause I am a catholike by profession and an Englishman by birth and education in respect of the former religion doth inioyne me to acknowledge to death an humble obedience to the one and onely tressacred apostolicall catholike Roman Church the See Apostolike and our mother Citie And hereupon I say with that reuerend prelate the last catholike Archbishop of Yorke that howsoeuer his holines hath beene heretofore or may be hereafter durus Pater vnto vs and our nation by inflicting excommunications or other ecclesiasticall censures vpon our prince countrie or our selues and thereby occasionating our heauier persecutions yet must we alwaies be dutifull children And againe in respect of the latter naturall loyaltie doth binde me to wish no longer to liue then vntill the swiftest flight of a thought shall crosse my dutifull obedience to my prince and countrie And vpon this ground doe I build firmely to death neuer to attempt by act word or consent any thing that may preiudice the one or the other and so keeping a golden meane betwixt the two extremes yeelding to Caesar that which is Caesars and vnto God that which is his owne I will now proceede to the effectuall points whereupon all true catholikes doe and ought to stand THE EIGHT GENERALL QVODLIBET OF PLOTS by statizing THE I. ARTICLE VVHether any ecclesiasticall person may or ought to deale in matters of state And if they may then whether any catholike priest may doe so on the behalfe of the catholike Roman Church or the English Bishops on the behalfe of the Church of England or Scots ministerie on the behalfe of the Church of Scotland or how and in what sort these doe differ from one another in freedome to deale in state affaires THE ANSWERE THat it is now and euer hath been lawfull for the clergie in generall to deale in state matters and affaires practise experience and consent of all persons nations times and ages doe approoue ratifie and confirme it not a legifer not a lawe not a parliament not an act enacted nor decree made without the Lords spirituall yea the word State it selfe when we talke of state affaires hath a relation to an ecclesiasticall state which being the first and principall of the two members in a bodie politicall once depriue the clergie of all dealings or medlings any manner of way in state matters and then repeale reuoke reuert all statute lawes and put out those words Lords spirituall for euer after the first most ancient and woorthily prime inuested Barons of this land as all Bishops of England are being these Lords spirituall or ecclesiasticall state Therefore can I not but often smile in my sleeue to heare and see the Iesuits coggery in euery thing and how that now of late it is blowne abroad amongst catholiks that the secular priests forsooth are become prophane lay persons in conuersation studying onely state matters and practizing with the ciuill magistrate in state affaires Vpon occasion of which speech a gentlewoman in a passage of these matters at her table saide to a secular priest my selfe being there present vnknowne and therfore freer to laugh as I did hartily to heare her nay my masters quoth she if you once become statesmen and haue dealings with the Lords of the Counsell or other ciuill magistrates then I haue done with you For I neuer could heare of anie Iesuit that did so As though there coulde be no dealings in matters of state but that the party must be accessary to an acte of treason and be holden for a statizer in a sense detestable Well let it passe for a Iesuiticall iangling and leauing the etymologie we will come to the common phrase and acceptance of this worde State and Statiste as they are now taken and thereby shall be seene ere this Quodlibet be ended whether the seculars or Iesuits are greater statists that is intermedlers in state affaires And for the time present I say as followeth In
neuer come to good effect The old beaten pathes haue euer proued to be the best readiest and surest waies to walke in for the due performance of those designements And the ancient manner of planting the catholike faith hath bene by preaching praier and sacrifice priuate instructions hearing confessions giuing absolutions and exercising of other priestly functions and that done then to commit the rest to God To yeelde all temporall duties and seruices to the Prince vnder whom they liue yea though aliens by birth and strangers to his Nation people and naturall subiects much more then if borne vnder his natiue allegiance And so shall he neither cast of the care and dutifull seruice to his prince and country neither shall nor ought the care feare or respect had thereof discharge him of his duty to God and our holy mother the catholike church and to wish to his neighbour as to himselfe therein Alwaies obseruing the Apostolicall course in conuerting of others to the catholike faith Such a course as Saint Peter tooke first in Hierusalem then at Antioch then at Rome c. As Saint Paule tooke at Damasco at Corinth at Crete at Athens and at and in all countries prouinces and places where he came As Saint Iames the iust called our Lords brother tooke in the kingdome Iuda and Hierusalem and throughout the prouinces of Israell As Saint Iohn tooke at Ephesus and throughout all the churches of Asia vnder him As Saint Philip tooke at Hierapolis in Phrygia and throughout all Scythia As Saint Iames the sonne of Zebedee and brother to Saint Iohn tooke in Spaine As Saint Bartbolomew tooke in India and the great Armenia As Saint Matthew tooke in Aethiope As Saint Simon Zelotes tooke in Mesopotamia As Saint Iude or Thaddaeus tooke in Aegypt As Saint Andrew elder brother to Saint Peter tooke in Scythia of Europe and as Saint Thomas tooke amongst the Parthes Medes Persians Brachmans Hyrcans and Bactrians And in few as Saint Denis tooke among the French Fugatius and Damianus among the old Albion Britaines and Saint Augustine amongst the English Saxons of whom we all came These courses then that these glorious martyrs and blessed Saints tooke for conuersion of countries are for all catholike priests to imitate and to leaue these Iesuiticall seditious rebellious barbarous and preposterous courses to sathan and those infernall spirits from whence they came euer confessing as true sincere and religious catholikes should that innouations are euer daungerous that new fanglenesse in the least point of faith and religion is most pernitious and that nouelties and fine deuises of busie and vnquiet heads are but as May flowers that are gone in Iune carying a faire shew but neuer continue long Therefore let euery catholike priest seeke in the name of Iesus the conuersion of our country but not as the Iesuiticall faction hath sought Let them seeke it by priestly conuersation not by popular deuastation Let them study to teache obedience not rebellion to fill mens harts with inward ioy and peace not feede their eares with outward hopes of inuasions and treacheries to possesse their soules with laments in Apostrophees of compassion with good Saint Gregory who sighed sore for our forefathers being strangers vnto him to see so many soules perish in our Nation euery howre and not puffe vp their harts with preposterous cogitations of moone shine of the water THE V. ARTICLE VVHether doe the Iesuites in this point of Statizacion agree either amongst themselues or with any other priests or lay persons THE ANSWERE TTo this I answere First that it is manifest by the matter it selfe now in question that the secular priests and they doe quite disagree herein Secondly it is to be noted that their agreement amongst themselues concerning state meddles may be taken three manner of waies one way as it concerneth our country in particular and therein questionlesse there is no Iesuite in Christendome but he is of one and the selfe same mind that his fellowes are of scil that they all could wish to haue England Scotland and Ireland vnder them Note by this discourse here following that if the Iesuits had got England we should haue had a gouernment deposition and a Presbyter Iohn penes quem imperium to make these Northerne Iles all one Iesuiticall Monarchy to infeoffe themselues by hooke or by crooke in the whole imperiall dominions of great Britania with the remainder ouer to their corporation or puny fathers succeeding them as heires special in their societie by a state of perpetuity putting all the whole blood roiall of England to the formedowne as but heires general in one predicament together That this is so and that their wish their hope their intents in proceeding their labour in performing their endeuour in perfecting this plot and platforme are equally agreeing to all of them a like though the meanes and manner how to effect be different agreeing to their different natures dispositions qualities and abilities as some to be aulicall others martiall others rurall and againe of those some to be actors others prompters others inuentors or plotcasters c. It is cleere by many generall circumstances As that for one of maintaining the Archpriests authority as all the English Iesuits doe most eagerly whose institutiue iurisdiction is directly proued to extend to this point and practise for their aduancement to the monarchie Then for the Scots Iesuites a man would thinke that if any of that society were against Parsons proceedings they should be the most resolute But notwithstanding this omitting al the rest cōniuing and some most earnestly pursuing auerring imbracing the said Parsons opinion as their speeches to my selfe declared when they were afraid I should haue published my booke in answere to his Doleman for the succession c. Yet euen father Cryton who onely the Scots king did hope well of is proued by Master Cicills booke against him to be as forward as the other on the Spaniards behalfe and most egregiously to mocke flatter dissemble and collogue with his natiue Soueraigne And as for the Iesuites of other Nations it may appeere by the state booke of reformation for England drawne out by Parsons and the generall of the Iesuites in cuius virtute caeteri operantur that they all aime at one marke and one course and conceiue one and the same generall hope to haue England a Iapponian Monarchie as once one tearmed it or an apish Iland of Iesuites An other way their statizing may be taken for their priuate opinions cōcerning the next successor viz. whom this and that Iesuite would gladliest haue their vmpier patron champion to fight the field on their behalfe in bringing the whole realme vnder their subiection And herein bicause arrogancie pride and ambition hath set them all so high on horseback as looke what Prince or Noble can goe away with the English crowne that same they hope to be the aduancer of him most who most did further their pretence and was the greatest
England were Catholicks and those of the bloud royall so in esse with all yet were her title as good as the best saith he and by consequent concludes with this bobbe giuen to all our nation that the gift of the crowne of England was in the oldking Catholiks hands who perhaps quoth this patch Parsons may be perswaded as also his sonne the now king may be to the like set to giue ouer his claime and surrender vp his whole interest and right thereunto to his daughter Clara Eugenia Isabella yeelding her aide for atchieuing of the same to her and some such chatholicks Noble as his Maiestie shall thinke fit for a husband to a Lady of so high parentage Who being now the Archduke Albert late Cardinall c. if followeth that he is the Peere must be our Prince by Coruester Parsons designements And seeing he there insinuates as much and that the foresaid Cardinall Allan had dealt with the king of Spaine as he would make the world beleeue to that intent and purpose the case then and therein is cleere that this same booke here mentioned and that Appendix were both of Parsons owne doing as birds of one nest feather and wing hatched by the vnnaturall heate of his ambitious hart Secondly I obserue both heere there that there was great difficultie and doubts put in perswading the king of Spaine to this exploit for the conquest of England and that there was much adoo to draw him vnto it had not the parties mentioned importuned him to our countries ouerthrow Thirdly they account the intended massacre of her Maiestie and of so many thousands of her good subiects as must haue died if the Spaniard had preuailed as before I prooued it vnto you by the words of the Duke of Medina and other testimonies to that purpose a holy and glorious acte and to haue beene vndertaken of an vnspeakeable zeale and pietie c. Loe Nobles and Gentiles you deere catholikes of both sexes and all degrees Medina vowes he will spare none be he or she Catholicke Protestant or whosoeuer this booke affirmes the massacre intended is an acte of zeale what case are you now in if your Soueraigne forsake you also and who shal can or will defend you if she giue you ouer to the persecutor what haue you to say in your owne defence to saue your liues if her highnes draw the sword of iustice and lay it vpon you Truely nothing at all but so many of you as are loyall subiects your religious catholicke consciences reserued being as innocent as ignorant of those practises whereof I dare boldly speake it in the worde of a priest many thousands in England neuer heard of before the publishing of these Quodlibets might iustly haue fed your dying soules with hope of Beati qui persecutionem patiuntur propter iustitiam quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum But for other hopes you could haue none Fourthly the false harted Cateline inuolueth all the catholicks that were then beyond the seas in that his most Turkish Iesuitish Puritanian and barbarous designements Fiftly he intangleth such as receiued so great fauors at her Maiesties hands and the state heere as that where by the lawes they might all haue beene put to death they were onely banished Yet notwithstanding he forceth them to become intercessors both for the destruction of her Highnesse and of her kingdome Sixtly what iust cause is heere giuen to her Maiestie and the state of seuere proceeding against all such catholicks as were then beyond the seas when they should come home in that they all sought and thirsted after the blood of their countrey vos iudicate But I hope and in part I know it that the false bastard Iesuits pen when he writ those words did but expresse the traitorous harts of himselfe and some fewe of his consorts and that he hath most egregiously belied many For of the Lord Dacres and sundrie others as well of the cleargie as laitie it is well knowne they were euer most opposite to those traitorous practises and therefore most mightily persecuted by Parsons and his confederates notwithstanding they still helde and do holde out as loyall English subiects vsque ad sanguinem as obedient catholicke children vsque ad aras and as seruiceable in hart to both God and man Pope Prince and to the catholicke Romish church and the English common wealth as soule and body in one person can affoord or faith fealtie religion and loyaltie diuine loue and naturall affection can expect or demaund at their hands And for the rest if any were so sotted and bewitched with Iesuitisme or infected with the Spaniards as I doubt too many were I wish for my owne part euen from the bottome of my poore but resolued catholicke loyall hart so many of them as remaine obstinate with Parsons in that vnnaturall combination faire and well buried in their graues Thus hauing made the first part of the Interrogatory most apparant and manifest I wil now prosecute the answere to the second in as briefe and plaine a method as I may Say then for the present which yet is more then I would willingly put to mainteine the time and our afflicted state considered that his Holinesse and the king of Spaine might lawfully haue taken armes against her Maiestie and this her kingdome our natiue land yet it was shamefull part of father Parsons his companions to be the contriuers or instigators of it as it is to be prooued by many memorable examples agreeing to this purpose scil First out of holy writ it is manifest and apparant that the Iebusites and other inhabitants of the land of behest were permitted there to liue euen after the Israelites had obteined the land as their owne ancient inheritance ergo a forreine people of a natiue broode are not to be by Gods lawes subiected in their natiue soyle by strangers of an alien land Secondly Gregorius magnus when he might haue ridde the parts and coasts of Italy from the tyranny of the Gothes and other sauage peo-people if he would haue intermedled in matters of blood refused so to do accounting it to be a course not fitte for a man of his calling to deale in Thirdly by the lawes customes and practise of all kingdomes such persons as shall machinate and deuise to execute such outragious designements against their prince and countrey haue euer beene iustly condemned and detested of all honest men and good subiects yea and euen of those same princes inuadors or vsurpers that comming to sway the scepter royall of a kingdome by such meanes neuer suffred such traitors to passe vnpunished nor without the iust guerdon of treason deducere canes ad inferos as by sundry examples in the Antiperistasis to Parsons Doleman I haue prooued it true Fourthly it had beene Parsons dutie and so also the dutie of all other priests Iesuits and religious persons to haue praied for her Maiestie and their countrey and by preaching to haue sought the reformation
would perswade you that all the priests in England and out of it praied for the heauie desolation and vtter downfall ruine and destruction of our natiue countrie and vs all in very deede Well he therein lies falsly but let him goe What praiers he and his made they themselues know for our parts we were happy many of vs that we neuer so much as once dreamed of such matters But as for the Iesuits faction what say you was it not time for them to burne this booke Will not those that escaped the fire be an euerlasting monument of their ignominie and shame God hath set a brand vpon them for false prophets to be euer hereafter hated and eschewed Their blessings turned into cursings and those whom they cursed God did blesse Confusion and shame fell vpon her Maiesties enimies and the crowne of an incredible victorie hath adorned her head for euer The contrarie in euery thing fell out to that which they prophesied Their valiant captaines fled their strength their prouision their passing appointment and whatsoeuer else they had serued not their turnes their harts were daunted and the world hath iudged them to haue cried crauen as the speech is in cocke pits But that which they speake of diuine assistants doth trouble me most What will our common aduersaries say and what may they not say in that an armie assisted so mightily with angels with martyrs with priests with the blessed sacrament and with the daily sacrifice should speede so euill If I had Elias spirit assuredly the filthie plague of leprosie should neuer leaue them nor any of their societie that euer should approoue this their so prophane abusing of those diuine mysteries Furthermore in that they said that all the priests abroad and at home praied for the Spaniards good successe I am perswaded not any one vnles they were Iesuited did so sure I am that a great many did rather quite contrarie And therefore as I said before they lied falsly yea many of them at home as I haue heard some of them auow it knew not of the comming of the armie till it was scattered and others wished in their harts that the pope and the king of Spaine had not taken that course with her Maiestie And as for the priests that were in the campe such of them I doubt not as were of the Iesuiticall humor did thrust themselues into that bloodie seruice headlong But sure I am withall that some others who were of a more milde and catholike spirit were compelled to be in that campe full sore against their wils as some of them haue often confessed as much vnto me vpon occasion of speech betwixt vs. Also they tell vs of the indignation of certaine princes that her Maiesties subiects should incurre if they shewed not themselues rebels and traitors to her highnes in assisting the Spaniards as also that in taking her Maiesties part they should fight against their lawfull king Who would haue thought that any Iesuit liuing nay any strumpet were they neuer so impudent could haue put vpon them such brasen foreheads I am perswaded that as many Englishmen as should haue ioyned with the Spaniards the very Spaniards themselues would afterwardes in their harts haue detested them And then much lesse would any prince liuing haue approoued such treacherie and treason And for the lawfull king they speake of it is too too vile traiterous and indigne a speech worthier to be buried in hell then printed in any booke head or hart And therefore to be hartily wished and praied for at Gods hands that they may neuer liue good day in England or elsewhere being Englishmen borne that doe either now or shall hereafter honor or acknowledge any Soueraigne of this kingdome but Queene Elizabeth whilest God shall prolong her daies Concerning also the Cardinals honor and promise alas good man there was neuer person of so high a place more inueigled then he was by that false Iesuit Parsons It hath beene confessed by some of the Iesuits themselues in the hearing of sundry witnesses that the Duke of Medina Sidonia openly affirmed vpon occasion of speech that his sworde coulde finde no difference as he thought betwixt an heretike and a catholike his busines was to make a way for his Master which he meant to doe and intended no lesse as before is said And this may suffice for that matter of moouing her Maiesties subiects to rebellion But I haue runne too long vpon this point I trust it appeereth by all that hitherto hath beene said what Parsons and his fellowes drift was in perswading her Maiesties subiects to rebellion c. therefore nowe I come to the second part of the article which is that no honest man might lawfully haue followed their councell And first if the said perswasions were absurd vntrue irreligious and wicked It followeth that no man might without sinne haue yeelded vnto them Secondly titles to kingdomes are not impeached either by the law of nature or by testimonie of Scripture as you shall heare heereafter out of a great Doctor propter defectionem à fide ergo the dutie of subiects doth continue and is not dissolued in respect of any such defection Thirdly Nabuchodonozer was as great an enimie in his time to the church and citie of God as could be imagined he destroied all before him and led the people away captiue into Babell And yet heare what commandements the prophets Ieremy and Abacuk gaue to the Elders priests prophets and to all the people that were in captiuitie and consider how vnlike they are to father Parsons speeches before mentioned Seeke the prosperitie of that citie whither I haue caused you to be caried away captiue and pray vnto the God of heauen for it For in the peace thereof shall you haue peace And that woorthy Abacuk said further Praie for the life of Nabuchodonozer king of Babylon and for the life of Balthasar his sonne that their daies may be vpon earth as the daies of heauen and that God would giue vs strength and lighten our eies that we may liue vnder the shadow of Nabuchodonozer king of Babilon and vnder the shadow of Balthasar his sonne and that we may long do them seruice and finde fauour in their sight Fourthly the same obedience that heere is prescribed to these wicked kings did Christ himselfe and his apostles prescribe and practise in their times to heathenish princes Emperors and gouernors Our Sauiour paid tribute both for himselfe and Saint Peter and gaue a generall commandement to all subiects to do the like both then and for euer after For so I vnderstand his precept giue vnto Caesar that which is Caesars Fiftly and as touching the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul they are most plaine and most earnest that all subiects without exception should submit themselues vnto the authoritie of those wicked emperors and gouernors that then raigned in which number Nero himselfe was propter dominum bicause it was the will of God that it
in other countries as in Spaine constrained to carie their meat with them otherwise to fast for three or foure daies space In Scotland but poore lodging God wot and little better then Spaine affoordeth In Fraunce Flaunders not that ciuill order for bed or boord as England yeeldeth and in all other nations compare their diet their lodging their intertaine with the English and certainly you shall finde a stately difference no where to be in all this realme vnlesse vpon the wasts or borders and scant there but you shal haue lodging and intertaine sit for any noble or state within ten miles of that place where euer it be you are in yea the common Innes on Londō way through Watlingstreete or the fower forced waies on euery side east west north and south being sit furnished to giue better intertaine to any prince in Christendome then most nobles are in other nations Therefore respecting worldly pompe and pleasure happie were the Iesuits faction but vnhappy all others besides if they might once bring this florishing English kingdom to be a defamed Spanish prouince had euer beene noted in former ages betwixt the soueraignes and subiects of this land And that howsoeuer some princes had tyrannized ouer some fewe stumbling blocks that stoode in their way as impediments to their quiet raigne at least in their conceite and other priuate persons had proued traitors rebels yet in general you shal not find that euer the subiects of England sought the death of their kings or that the kings did tyrannize ouer the multitude but the battell once ended were they ciuill broyles as the Barons warres and the contention for the crowne betwixt the two houses of Yorke and Lancaster c. or forraigne hostilitie as those betwixt the Empresse and king Stephen and betwixt king Iohn of England and prince Lewes of France and others Now then seeing neuer any soueraigne regnant in this land was euer holden to be of a more princely magnificall mercifull flexible sweet louing compassionate and tender inclination then her Maiestie is of to take pitty and pardon to receiue into grace and fauor and to winne the harts of subiects by lenitie and gentle meanes And againe for as much as neuer was the multitudes and subiects in generall of this land I speake it of catholikes to mine owne knowledge of many loyall harts as well as of the rest more seruiceable loyall faithfull and affectionate nor more willing to die at their princes feete or in their Soueraignes iust quarrell and cause any where then they haue beene hitherto vnder her Maiestie and are still to this present That all this notwithstanding so sore an affliction so long imprisonments so continuall searchings so many sessions assises arraignments losses of landes goods liues and all should be by lawes penall made against catholike Recusants many are mooued on both sides scil as well on the behalfe of her Maiesties mercy as of her truest subiects loyaltie to woonder at it Secondly they had read the last will testament of king William the Conqueror and what his first passage of speech was in his last passage of life to king Henry the first and duke Robert Curthoys his sonnes to wit that the English natures were noble generous and gentle in themselues fierce hot and valiant in the field louing loyall seruiceable and faithfull to their prince Alwaies prouided that their Soueraignes vsed them as children not as slaues for free borne denizens they are with enioying their Franchises and liberties they will performe more then the most on their prince and countries behalfe whereas the Normane said he againe being a proud stubborne but yet a seruile las●e people not carrying those generous mindes which the English carrie in all their actions must be curbed holden in and still kept short otherwise they will do nothing nor regard either their prince his honor or their countries weale The councell of this prudent prince caused a like respect in gouernment to be had of these two nations agreeing to their naturall dispositions of all the succeeding kings and Queenes that euer hitherto haue raigned in this land no nation vnder heauen bearing the porte and countenance in generall which the English carry The retinew of our English nobles is comparable in pompe and shew of honor with princes courts in forraigne countries our gentles are their nobles equals in seruice offices belonging to noble bloods generous harts Yea many knights and esquires in England are able to dispend more then sundry Lords Barons Vicounts and Earles in other countries And our Frankelings Gentlemen vntriall or substantiall Yeomen may be compared with the greatest Gentles in other nations as their fellowes for intertainment either respecting the multitude of seruants seruice and attendance giuen to guests at their table or in their chamber or the great good cheere with varietie of dishes and those well and clenly dressed and serued in with great and many ciuill ceremonies or conueniences either of lodgings within or walks without their houses or other commodities attendant on pompe and port that either may yeeld content delight or recreation to their friends yea in sundry farmers houses in England you shall finde better intertainment then the most part of ordinary Nobles in most kingdomes of the world is able to affoord This then being so their liberties and immunities being so many their loyaltie so firme their seruice so faithfull their education and bringing vp so free their inheritance freehold demeasnes and rents so great and extraordinary duly considered And aswell the high wisedome of her Maiestie on the one side as the free education of her subiects on the other side well weighed especially in that an English nature euen in the meanest member of the bodie politicall scil in the communalty is in this respect noble free of high courage and not able to endure lingring deathes torments gusts and greefes as other people are that notwithstanding her loyall subiects as well noble as ignoble should be put to those exigents that catholiks haue a long time bin put vnto the world hath mused and admired at it Thirdly they looked backe somtime into the ages acts and raignes of Nero of Dioclesian of Commodus of Probus of Heliogabal of Maximilian the Emperor and others and read the histories and apologies of Damascen of Iustine of Athenagoras of Tertullian of Epiphanius of Eusebius and others wherein they found sundry reasons and motiues as they thought not a litle to mooue these heathen Emperors to lenitie mercy which bookes and apologies often tooke effect as written to that end but not as father Parsons Philopater or father Creswels Scribe or father Southwels Epistle to her Maiestie are written alwaies in accusing or reproouing some one or many or all her highnes nobles and ciuill magistrates a very indiscreete part in them how true soeuer the reports had beene our frownd on state considered and that we were to seeke the fauor of all not to exasperate
of a lyon becom a lambe In few we see in Polony in Sweden in Scotland in Flaunders and euery where that catholikes are together with those of other professions sects and opinions vnlesse it be where onely the Consistorian Caluinian Cartwrightian puritans rule the rost and that a company of ministers or exorbitant superintendants ouertop both Prince prelate and all as in Scotland and at Geneua c. Otherwise all kings and princes of this age haue iudged it in pollicie the fittest wisest safest and most honorable and princely course they could haue taken to graunt libertie of conscience to their subiects Which seeing our soueraigne Queene Elizabeth hath not granted and yet is knowne to be in her owne high towring princely wisedome of as high a pitch sound and deepe conceite censure and iudgement in reach not to be seconded of any of these adding heereunto that for gouernment of her land for policie in her state for noblenes in her court her Highnes hath the choice of as fine delicate and daintie breed of gallant graue quicke wits as Europe nay as Afrike nay as Asia nay as the world this day enioyes The Italian the Spaniard the Polonian the Sweden the Moscouite the Turke the Persian and who not is willing to aduaunce her Maiesties meanest sort of subiects sometime to the highest types of honor to winne them wholy to be theirs to learne witte sleight and pollicie out of their practise and experience These Boreas blasted lads borne vnder the Britaine Ocean able to fire with their wits the hotte climatical Southerne Sages witnes our Stukeleyes our Candishes our Furbishers our Drakes our Hilles our Sherleys our Parsons c. All these circumstances duly weighed that this heauie yoke should be laide by so mercifull wise and prudent a prince vpon the weake neckes of her poore subiects with weight importable for them to carry vnlesse her highnes should stretch foorth her accustomed Atlantike armes of clemencie to support them before they sinke downe right vnder their burthen That this seueritie should be more vsed against catholiks in England then either any catholike king or prince of other professions either Christian or heathen vse against either subiects or forrainers of contrary religions vnto the said princes throughout the worlde this day This is the point which many stande vpon in admiring how euer things should haue come to that passe they are at in England concerning the affliction of catholikes and cannot finde out the causes This then to make manifest to all the world by an historicall discourse and that howsoeuer we haue matter enough against our aduersaries euen for religions sake yet neither to aggrauate more then is necessarie nor to accuse further then is expedient nor to excuse more then is conuenient nor yet to lay the fault of any that is faultlesse therefore shall it be made knowne that as the affliction of catholiks in England hath beene in very deed extraordinary as is heere set downe and many an innocent man lost his life so also hath the cause thereof beene extraordinary and so farre beyond the accustomed occasions of persecution giuen to any prince in christendome or monarchie that is or euer was in the world to this hower vnlesse the Puritanes of Scotland which may in some sort equall the offence heere to be set downe as rather it is to be woondred at all things duly considered that any one catholike is left on liue in England then that our persecution hath beene so great for name one nation I know none can vnder heauen where the subiects especially if they were catholikes euer sought the death of their Soueraigne though of a different religion frō them the conquest of their natiue land the subuersion of the state the depopulation of the weale publike the alteration change of al lawes customs orders in few the vtter deuastation desolation destruction of al the ancient inhabitants of their land in so vnnatural vnchristian vncatholike a maner as the Spanish faction haue sought it in our owne flesh and bloud against this realme which treacherous courses although they were but some fewe and those priuate persons offences and by consequent in a court of conscience and in rigour of iustice the rest neither acting nor concurring nor consenting to their conspiracies were innocent and no way to be vsed with that seueritie as many catholiks haue beene Yet forasmuch as the pretences of such practises were generall and common to all catholikes alike all maintaining one and the same opinion concerning what might be done by apostolicall power and authoritie and neuer talking of what was necessarie therefore was it that her Maiestie and the state standing on the other side affected in religion as they did had both cause to iudge secundum allegata probata in foro externo and also can not otherwise be thought of but that the circumstances on all sides considered as well making for her owne securitie as also for a Non-knowledge what catholiks were guiltie and who were free her Maiesties lawes and proceedings against catholikes haue beene both milde and mercifull And as we are to thinke in deed our happe now to be hard if no mitigation nor prouisoe should be made for the innocent now that the way and meanes is knowne for discouery of traytors distinguishing betwixt state catholiks catholike loyall subiects so also are we to giue her Highnes humble thanks for our liues that we were not al cut off whiles no difference was made put nor knowne betwixt the secular priests Iesuits that we haue been permitted to liue to this happy houre of manifesting our catholike cōstancy obedience to the See apostolike in al our actions and our naturall loyaltie and seruiceable harts to our Prince and countrey in all our proceedings in neither stayning our catholike religion with vnnaturall treason nor priestly function with factious dispositions and state affaires But of this matter I will heere be silent referring you to a treatise lately set out by my brethren intituled Important considerations c. whereunto I haue prefixed an Epistle By both which you may see at large what statizing by acts wordes and writings in most treacherous and treasonable manner hath beene against her Maiestie against the present state against the whole common-wealth against vs all without exception her Highnes loyall and naturall subiects of what religion soeuer we be which seeing her Princely hart hath forborne as no Soueraigne on earth would euer haue suffred the like to haue past vnpunished as she hath I must conclude and end as we began that her lawes and proceedings haue beene both milde and mercifull THE X. ARTICLE VVHether then the premisses considered is it fit that Catholiks should send their children and friends to be brought vp in the Seminaries beyond the seas or not If not then how should the salt of the earth be kept vncorrupted or the seede of priesthood be continued for restoring of the catholike Romane
our powers should take vpon vs to giue it vnto another were he neuer so good a Catholike that had no right thereto Iustinus Martyr speaking of the duety of Christians to the ciuill Magistrate in those times of Infidels and persecutors affirmeth that they prayed not onely for the Emperors themselues but also for their sonnes that they might succeede them in the Empire quod aequissimum est which saith he is most agreeable to iustice and equitie were they like to prooue as euill as their fathers there is no exceptions of it The which I rather obserue to shew my dislike of Fa. Parsons in this point who is accustomed vpon euery occasion when he is in his best moode to affirme that he careth not who it is from whence he commeth or what right he hath to the crowne of this kingdome that when the time commeth shall be able to catch it so he be a Catholike But concerning both this point and the former least it should be said that whilest I would seeme to giue a reason of that which I haue in hand I do onely shew my opinion and illustrate the same with similitudes that are of as great vncertainty as that which I propound I will confirme my opinion with the iudgement of a principall man to whom there will no great exception be taken and then that which I haue said will prooue to be an argument ab authoritate Thus he writeth Soloiure naturali diuino non priuatur aliquis Dominio in subditos propter peccatum Apostasiae in fide c. If you goe no further then to the law of nature or to the law of God no king is depriued from his soueraigntie ouer his subiects though it be for the sin of Apostacie from faith And he giueth a very sound reason for this his assertion nam fundamentum dominij non est fides c. For faith is not the ground of dominion but some other politike title hauing force by the lawe of nations of succession by inheritance or of election or of iust acquisition by iust warre Qui tituli possunt etiam manere sine fide neque vnquam extat ius aliquod diuinum quo eiusmodi tituli eneruantur propter defectionem a side which titles may remaine without faith neither is there any lawe of God whereby such titles are impeached for defection from faith 8. I know that iure ecclesiastico by the authoritie sentence of the Popes holines much more may be done then here I will speake of But yet I thinke it wil prooue in the end the best course for men not to do so much as they may Many things be lawfull which are not expedient And this Iesuiticall course of downe with princes when they offend them may peraduenture so prouoke them as they will say as fast downe with priests and of a certainty we shall haue the woorse When they finde that the titles of their kingdomes cannot be touched either by the lawe of nature or by the lawe of God do what they list it may giue them occasion to oppose themselues with greater seueritie against the See Apostolike in that the same should make such extreme lawes voluntarily against them as should tend to the thrusting of them out of their kingdomes And out of question it will be subiect if once they take this course to great iangling whether such lawes as should touch the deposing of a king are not rather to be accounted lawes ciuill and temporall then any matter or subiect fit for ecclesiasticall men or lawes to worke vpon We see already that some kings do take vpon them to deale and make lawes in causes ecclesiasticall denying his holines authority therein within their kingdomes And will it not seeme a thing much more plausible probable if other kings shall stand vpon it and say that his holines hath no interest to make any ciuill or temporall lawes that may touch their freeholds Nay if things should come to this rifling I feare they would in their heat goe further and tell his holines that for ought they finde kings haue as great authority to depose priests as priests haue to depose kings Besides it must be cōfessed that all priests Iesuits and euery other sort of clergie men the Popes holines excepted are borne subiects of kings and princes and it will be an odious assertion to say that the taking of priesthood vpon them should giue them warrant to bristle and make head against their soueraignes Furthermore it cannot be denied shift the Iesuits with all their cunning neuer so prettily but the immunities which priests haue from the temporall lawes of kings doe proceede as Saint Thomas acknowledgeth from their meere fauour and godly zeale towards them Also it is most manifest that as the kings of England haue beene most bountifull to the church and churchmen here within their dominions in so much as all the reuenewes and temporalties with many singular priuiledges which in this realme our forefathers haue enioyed haue proceeded from their most princely liberality and authority so standeth the case of the clergy in all other kingdomes which two points would be duly considered of in time For if princes should by the same meanes seeke to spoyle the church and take from it all her said immunities priuiledges and temporall possessions it will little auaile to bring in our distinctions how parliaments may giue what they list to the church and churchmen but they can take nothing either from them or from the church What the power of a parliament is in England we haue had too great experience and I suppose the states in other kingdomes haue the like And therefore in all pollicie kings and soueraigne princes are not to be ruffled with in this Iesuiticall maner That which they may pretend how in these their discourses they ayme but at some one or two doth indeed touch all kings if they incurre the displeasure of his holines Surely though I humbly acknowledge my selfe to be minimus fratrum meorum and neither arrogate to my selfe to be of such mature iudgement as many are nor will presume to take vpon me so peremptorily on the one side as Father Parsons doth on the other though vnlearnedly God wot yet I finde many great dangers that may happen to the Catholike Roman church if these violent spirits be not in time suppressed Such furious insulting ouer princes will neuer doe good They may be drawen many waies by gentle and milde proceedings with them rather then by such indiscreete and desperate courses whereby they grow to greater resistance For if the Popes holines in times past dealt so sharpely as it seemeth with Baldemarus king of Denmarke that he writ in this sort to the supreme Pastor Notum tibi facimus vitam nos habere à Deo nobilitatem à parentibus regnum à subditis fidem ab ecclesia Romana quam si nobis inuides remittimus per presentes Be it knowen vnto thee that we haue our
doctrine of the Iesuits touching equiuocation hath already bewitched so many of them But principally what are all catholike priests that are Iesuited to looke for vpon the broaching of this desperate and diuelish conceite when the catholikes are in number sufficient they must rebell and the innocent priests are sent ouer to increase this number Into what perplexities are they hereby cast How can they expect any fauor when they are taken none cānot deny that their comming ouer is to increase the number of catholiks and that father Parsons raigneth and hath the whole direction at this day for all the missions that are for England How then alas how may her Maiesty the state conclude against them what lawes can be too extreme to keepe them out of the land or if they will needs come in what seuerity for the execution of lawes against them can be more then sufficient Into what gulfe are we plunged nay into what an obloquie are we plunged nay into what an obloquie must the catholike church of Rome grow in that the execution of priesthoode and treason are now so linked together by the Iesuits in England as we cannot exhort any to the catholike faith but dogmatizando in so doing we draw him in effect to rebellion For the mitigation therfore both of her Maiestie and the state and that they may deale more mercifully with poore secular priests I doe heere professe both for my selfe and those that are not Iesuited as too many are that we loath and detest this point of Iesuitisme that if we finde that we can not otherwise preuaile and that such as are catholikes will needes runne into these Iesuiticall courses of rebellion and treason we will surcease from the execution of our functions and from the increasing of that number that will will not be aduised by vs with patience and suffering to expect the Lords leisure for the restitution of the catholike faith and in the meane time to obey her Maiestie as they did in Tertullians time and as Saint Augustine doth teach vs in lawfull commandements and points perteining to ciuill gouernment and temporall lawes THE V. ARTICLE VVHether seeing this Buchananiā doctrine of stirring vp subiects to rebell against their Soueraignes when they are of force is so greedily snatched vp of the Iesuits as it seemeth they would scorne not to be holden or accounted of as the first author or at least practisioners of it in their owne sense and meaning is it then the whole monarchie of all these northerne Isles of England Scotland and Wales that they shoote at or else do they aime at the crowne monarchiall of England onely or otherwise at none at all directly but onely for a superioritie ouer the ecclesiasticall and secular state THE ANSWERE THey doe questionles cast at all both ecclesiasticall temporall and monarchical states as may be demonstrated by sundry arguments conuincing them of their no lesse treacherous and ambitious then Pharisaicall and irreligious intents attemptes practises and proceedings therein First for that in precise termes they and theirs haue giuen it out for England by name that it should be made an Island of Iesuits and that they were assured of it that the king of Spaine vpon the conquest would bestow it vpon them Secondly before the Lady Infantaes title marriage or placing in the Lowe countries was dreamed of the chiefe speeches was of the king her fathers title and for hers it was but then coldly handled And if you marke well the tenor of his discourse throughout his whole Dolmanian coyned succession you shall not finde him absolute in his opinion for Spaine And he frameth all his passages to perswade as well all our English nation that it will be fittest and for the most aduancement of our nobles and augmentiue florish of the whole common wealth as also most secure and to the greatest both merite and renowne of the king catholike neuer to offer to come hither himselfe or to enthronize his maiestie or royall issue within the Britons coasts as a diminution of his honor princely regalitie so to doe considering our countrie is so base obscure and beggerly and the blood royall together with all the heroeces nobles and gentles of these northerne Isles so abiect meane and ignominious forsooth where his Spanish paragons with their Mercurian gilded Caduceus come in place Loe deere Catholi●es and all you dee●●ly affected 〈…〉 countries 〈◊〉 thi●ke 〈◊〉 not b●● that 〈…〉 you 〈…〉 Ladies 〈…〉 sh● 〈…〉 be●●● 〈…〉 Pa●●●● 〈…〉 the rest of 〈…〉 its 〈…〉 great 〈◊〉 ●●gher ad●a●ce●●●● 〈…〉 you 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 the Spaniard 〈◊〉 ●o●●aigne ●a●●●s c. But the best most conuenient and contentiue course to be taken for all parties is by this exlegall legifers lawes set downe for the Spaniards to bring this whole monarchiall Isle from the name honor and title of successionall regality to be vnder a Viceroyes gouernment charge there withal reduced into the forme fashion and proportioned order of a Prouince to send the peeres other nobles natiues of this land that shall take the Spaniards part into forraigne countries as Sicily Naples Peru India c. to make them V●ceroyes there and then to commit this Prouince to the gouernment of the fathers of the society of Iesus sci to our petty king father Fa. Parsons and the rest as I said before Which assertion if it seeme absurd to be but a surmise then tell me I pray what gouernment can you gather out of all his bookes that we shal haue or who shall be our king o● sway the scepter royall of this land For the king of Spaine himselfe it is to meane for him and therefore holden of Fa. Parsons for a dishonor if he should leaue Spaine to keepe heere his royall Court. For his daughter the new Archdutchesse of Austria Dutchesse of Burgundy Lady of Netherlands her grace was but then glauncingly spoken of Yea when Fa. Parsons had vrged the subscription and consent to her title afterwards to sundry of our nation as before is said amongst the rest a reuerend priest and anncient gentleman old Master Midleton being roughly handled by Fa. Parsons and indangered in Spaine before his departure to Rome for not consenting to his vnnaturall motion vnlesse it might haue beene by marriage of the said Lady Infanta to some noble or peere of our land This cosening mate protesting at the first that it was meant no otherwise but she should afterward when partly by force and feare partly vpon hope to haue gotten all his money out of this fathers hands who by your leaue vnder Benedicite be it spoken cosened him at the last cast of three hundred pound at least as we haue beene credibly informed by reuerend priests then there which he neuer could get out of his handes he consented vpon that condition to giue his name to that charter of subscription And then loe what the good father added quoth he I could wish her Ladishippe
married into England but they are all too meane and none to be found worthie within that Isle by birthe calling or any other abilities of so royall a Lady as she is It is wonderfull how this Protheus windeth and turneth now this way now that way and with what suppositions exceptions conditions and quiddities he handleth this point All which deuises the circumstances therunto belonging being with mature iudgement examined and a thorough reuiew taken of the whole scope and marke he shutes at glauncing here and there at the popular authoritie giuen to the subiects of this land to choose a king of their owne doe make it most apparant that his and by consequent the rest of the Iesuites meaning was and is if possiblie they can bring it to passe First to destroy our whole Nation by aide of the Spaniard and Austrian Burgundian Netherlandian and such like Germaine bred huff muff forces Secondly and then hauing brought all into subiection slauery and bondage especially the auncient nobility and secular cleargy by sending the former into other countries vnder pretence of aduauncement to higher honors and suppressing the latter as illiterate vnexperienced and vnfit to gouerne or any way to be aduaunced to the Ecclesiasticall state there must follow such waighty reasons mouing aswell the king catholike as the Ladie Infanta to appoint some Regent Viceroy or other substitute vnder thē as whether soeuer or who else besides winne it by conquest or compremises yet none but a Iesuite shall or can be found fitte Penes quem imperium To haue the whole managing of all causes and to gouerne the whole Isle Thirdly the high Counsell of Reformation for England doth make the case most cleere that they aspire to a Soueraignty aboue all these Northen Isles aswell in causes Ecclesiasticall as Temporall as if you please to peruse the Quodlibet here set downe of that matter you may easily perceiue but more directly if you can get a sight of the booke it selfe Only this consider by the way that the chiefe point there touched being an oeconomicall order set downe to appoint all estates within what compasse they shall liue by an Agrarian law there is neither Priest nor lay person from the highest to the lowest in either or any of the three auncient states of this land but must by that high Court of Parliament or Counsell of reformation stand at the Iesuites deuotion to fleete and swymme which way and as their fatherhoodes will haue them so as a Iesuit must be Dominus fac totum in all these northerne Isles Fourthly the institution of the Archpriest is in such forme in their pretence as it can not denotate lesse then a supremacy in time to come ouer this whole Isle of England Scotland and Wales and by consequent then ouer Ireland as subiect to England For otherwise to what end is it that Master Blackwell should haue as full and ample iurisdiction ouer all Scotland as he hath ouer England considering that they haue a catholike Bishop of their owne countrie and nation And withall to what purpose is it that certaine priests of late comming out of Spaine should be more vrged then others were to obey him in what he should commaund he still himselfe notwithstanding being at the Iesuites deuotion to stand or fal and at their appointment and direction to command when what and where they will haue him Fiftly the most egregious tyrannicall vsurpate intrusiue authority of the Iesuites gotten ouer all the Seminaries at Rome at Saint Omars in Spaine and at Deway for euen the president there is but a subiect seruant or some terme him the vassall of father Parsons adding hereunto the like intendment for England in plotting to haue had father Edmonds head of the afflicted Church in Duresse and father Garnet the supreme head of all the priests and catholikes liuing abroad at liberty and both these then being but subordinate vnder Parsons he directing appointing and commaunding all both here and there as he list and as the generall and his fatherhood shall iudge what else can this denotate then an absolute intendement of a Iesuiticall monarchy Sixtly the presumed plea they take vpon them against the secular priests on his behalfe attributing vnto him Per argumentum è contra The title of a Soueraigne by calling the said seculars and all that appeale from him rebels c. Which word howsoeuer it may improperly be applyed to any inferiour respecting his resisting of a Superiour yet the common phrase of speach is to vse that word onely as a traiterous act or attempt of a subiect against his Soueraigne And therefore doe we call traitors rebels when they rise by resistance or inpugnance of their Princes authority lawes orders or decrees Whereas if it be but against some noble or other priuat or publike person we call it a commotion a ryot quarrels a fray a contention c. But treason rebellion sedition and faction doe alwaies presuppose such a superior as hath none aboue him in that state calling and condition of life wherein he liues as Soueraigne and those that rebell c. as subiectes vnder him Forasmuch therefore as we iustly terme the Iesuites traytors rebels seditious and factious persons not in regard of the contention that is betwixt them and vs for superioritie which they vainely arrogate to themselues ouer the seculars resisting their proud attemptes plots deuises that way but in respect of their tampering in state matters opposing themselues against their natiue Prince and Countrey and practising the vtter ruine and destruction of this land by stirring vp both forraigne powers to inuade and home borne subiectes to rise in armes adding hereunto their many libelles slaunderous and infamous speaches in preiudice and against both Pope and Prince church common wealth both states This being that acte and those proceedings which make traytors rebels factious and seditious persons indeed they still crying Whoreson first in a contrary sense bicause forsooth we would not be obedient to the Archpriest euen iumpe in the Iesuiticall meaning pretence and action therefore are we called rebels seditious factious c. By which words they plainely attribute a soueraignty to Master Blackwell in opposition for causes ecclesiasticall against and aboue the Popes holines and for causes temporall ouer and against her Maiestie And although that this be an ordinary passage amongst them to call all that are not currants of Master Blackwels course factious seditious c. Yet of all the rest there is one Iesuite Fa. Holt by name who vseth this word Rebell more then any or all the rest of his fellowes in a most arrogant prowde conceited letter of his to a very woorthy Catholike Lady of speciall note name and esteeme as wel for her calling birth and abilities in gifts of nature and fortune as also for her rare vertues religious piety constancy and other indowments and graces abounding in all workes of charity Whom how this factious Iesuite one of the
be so much the more probable that they both aspire ayme and shoote at an absolute imperial marke and withall will be able to giue a greater assault pushe and put for it when time comes then euer any of the fower monarches or other vpstart imperiall states gaue before them to this day by how much as they are more dispersed and haue greater fatours in all Christian kingdomes then any other rebels or aspires to soueraigne dominions had in any one of these regions where they first began tyrannically to rule For if Ottoman alone could passe out of Persia with other vacabonds and in the end become so mighty a Lord in a strange land vanquishing in short space the rest of his fellowes all great princes by fortune of wars and other meanes that now his successor called Imperator Turcarum is the most powerable Emperor of the world yea aboue the Spaniards by reason that his dominions are vnited together round about him whereas the Spaniard is rather hindered and his strength diminished by multitudes of kingdomes intituled subiected and gouerned by him then otherwise by reason that they lye so far a sunder disioynted by intercurring countries betwixt him and home on each side then considering what manner of men they are none can deny but that there is great likelyhoode of the Iesuits aduancement to soueraigne dominion with inlargement of their territories further then euer it was like that the Turke should haue enlarged his vntill the effects did demonstrate it vnto the worlde that so it was Secondly this is confirmed not onely ab inductione for euery particular Nation how many great potentates side with them to second their aduersaries euery where but also by the meanes they haue to worke that feate withall scil to increase their faction by winning inueigled single harts vnto them which they do sundry waies but especially by three deuises that are the cheife aides and hopes of conquests none of which the Ottomans had when they began their enterprise One is wit practise experience and policie for in vaine are warres abroad nisi sit consilium domi neither Matchiuel nor any that euer yet was in Europe comming neere vnto the Iesuits for Atheall deuises to preuent the stoppels of their stratagems and to further their owne proceedings An other is pretended piety whereby through helpe of the former to put their rules and principles in execution in due time and place respecting the person and other circumstances and occasions offered they haue and do not onely allure multitudes vnto them dayly encreasing the number of their faction but withall there can be nothing done nor almost intended against them or for the strengthening by counterplots of their aduersaries where euer they liue but presently know it and thereby hauing their spials in euery princes court and place of most intelligence that may informe their Generall as they doe once a moneth ordinarily from all parts of Europe what is there done or intended with or against them they haue the aduantage by being thus dispersed to saue themselues from all vniuersall or any notable danger And if possibly it can be preuented or their aduersaries ouerthrowen in their owne courses taken against these fathers they haue the meanes for it else it is not in the world to be heard of or found The last is plenty of money which Ottoman also wanted And seeing to speake morally there is not that exploite to be done which money cannot compasse then consider what huge masses of money and infinite treasure the Iesuits haue euery where It is credibly reported by some reuerend priests as I told you once before that they lost at their expulsion out of Fraunce three millions at the least Adding hereunto what large collections they make yeerely here in England which is the least they haue in any other Nation vnlesse Scotland c. where they are resident little or nothing at all sometimes comming to any afflicted Catholike so mercilesse hard and cruell harts they haue of many 1000. l. which some one of them hath reeceiued as before is touched in part and more at large in other bookes written of their conni-catching deuises to get money is to be found Then I say none euer had fairer meanes or greater helpes and likelyhoods of preuailing in their ambitious aspires and affecting of soueraigne dominion in an absolute monarchiall state then they haue Thirdly that the Iesuites practise is as well against Spaine and by consequent against the whole house of Austria and the Empire as against any other Nation it is apparant by that I told you of in part before concerning Fa. Parsons winding twinding doubling and boutgates in intituling the Lady Infanta to the English crowne meaning it directly for himselfe and his societie as is manifest also by his said books of succession c. which here you may please to confirme as wel by general collections out of the same bookes as likewise by the common report giuen out by him and his faction that not onely the said king catholike was priuie to the setting forth of that luckles labour but also patronized it as a speciall worke and peece of seruice done on his maiesties behalf to the greatest preiudice that could euer haue been offered to the king catholike as well ancient as recent and now regnant in esse For first he makes his maiestie the author in a sort patron and protector of all the conspiracies treasons and treacheries that are or can be brought against himselfe or any other soueraigne prince built vpon the erronious principles and grounds there laid downe by the many wide open gaps made through his popular doctrine For all rebellious multitudes in euery prouince court or countrie liuing vnder the Spanish gouernment or else where to enter and claime authoritie ouer him if in any thing they take pepper in the nose by least conceited dislike and all this vnder pretence of glorious stiles titles of common wealths and states Then he insinuateth as though the right title as well to the crowne of England as also of Fraunce and by consequent to the crowne and kingdome of all Europe there being not one but his title to it is as good if not better then it is to England were wholy in his highnes guift and free for him to bestow where he pleaseth And out of this grosse conceit he bringeth for an assured assertion for concatenation of the catholike religion and king catholike together as bellum sacrum hath beene euer since made odious euen to a Christian catholikes eares and the Spaniard had in suspition of all other Christian princes that he aspireth to a sole absolute monarchicall gouernment despition whereas it is this said father and his societie that aime at it in very deed Which no indifferent valorous or wise man hearing of but will thinke that all princes in christendome haue iust cause to looke hereafter to their stand and to haue a iealous watchfull restlesst eye aswell vpon the
Atheall policy bring Spaine and all the rest vnder their subiection Which apparant intendment plots and practises with other like waighty considerations if the late king had liued would haue beene a sufficient warning to him for euer being abused by any Iesuite againe And happily when this king regnant and his sister the Lady Infanta shall know thus much and much more then here is said it will breede the same effect in their princely heads as a fit meane to cut off these turbulent state tamperers and no lesse ambitious aspirers then vngratefull maligners of those princes that haue backt aduaunced and defended them most And either hereafter force them in Spaine and in all other countries to auoide princes courts and medlings with nobles or the state where they liue and so retire themselues to their cloysters as religious men should do and as all do but they only who despise all order or else set them packing out of this Christian world amongst the Antipodes Indians other people to vs here vnknowen For so long as they stay vncontrold as they are the church of God will neuer be in quiet nor suffered to liue vnuexed by them THE VIII ARTICLE VVHether then seeing it seemeth the Iesuits aspire to the whole and absolute monarchie of the world haue they any intent or meaning to put in for a supremacy so to thrust out the Popes holines or haue they no such intended practises amongst them THE ANSWERE IF the question had beene whether euer any possibility or intendment were by them to get a Iesuite to be Pope or no the answere had beene more ready then it is to the former interrogatory For that the generall iealousie which most of that sacred consistory haue of the Iesuits pride ambition greedy affectation of a supremacy hath been cause that of late as some do say there is an order taken that no Iesuits shal euer be admitted hereafter to be Card at least not in that authority as some of them haue bene in least they worke some crafty meanes to get to that worthy dignitie as in tract of time they may bring it about to haue him Pope by that meanes and then questionlesse haue at all Christendome for bothe states ecclesiasticall and temporall Which to make apparant that they aime at no lesse and by consequent that as there was but one onely Iesus who was high priest and king in the Hebrewes Monarchiall Empire or kingdome of the Iewes with his twelue Apostles and the rest of his disciples substituted vnder him so in their intended platforme but one Iesuite Pope and prince Monarchiall like a presbyter Iohn in the kingdome monarchie of the whole Christian world with the fathers and lay brothers of his societie substituted in euery country region and prouince vnder him Although by relection of what hath bene already said there may ynough be gathered sufficient to confirme and demonstrate it against them especially if we conferre our English Iesuiticall practises and proceedings with others of other nations yet in my opinion there is no one thing that discouers their ambitious aspire more herein then father Parsons Doleman in his peremptorie censure of all impugners of his Iesuiticall or popular title for call it no more his Spanish title hereafter seeing he fisheth wholy for his owne societie in as high preiudice to the Spaniards Maiestie as to any other to the English crowne For hauing as I haue said before authorized his subiect Master Blackwell with so ample immunities priuiledges preheminences and substitutiue iurisdiction as neither pope nor prince nor any power or authoritie vnlesse Iesuiticall on earth may as it seemeth by shrewd suspition had of their speech and insinuation giuen by their actions haue to doe with him nor any in England Scotland or Wales appeale from him now by perusing that Quodlibet of plots by authoritie and conferring the same with this of succession you shall finde here the doctrinal decrees intended of that which there is set downe to haue already begun to be in practise Thus then he I meane father Parsons teacheth in his said booke of titles and other manuscripts First that all men liuing vnder the Spanish allegiance are bound to take notice of their kings rightfull title interest and claime to the English crowne c. Secondly that the English our countrymen though of another nation and no way subiect to Spaine at any time since the world began were obliged to acknowledge and subscribe and as some haue informed vs to sweare vnto the rightfull succession of the Lady Infanta Thirdly euery one be he forraigne or home borne subiect are prohibited in expresse words by the king there saith this good father and by an inhibition sent from the Archpriest here to shew their reasonable censure or to deliuer their opinion and conceit touching the contents of the foresaid bookes and writings vnder paine of incurring the churches curse and his maiesties high displeasure c. In these three positions that I may omit sundry others whereof he rankly smelleth of hereticall and rebellious doctrine to the See apostolike you may please to note what he takes vpon him and then compare confer quote the places in the first part of his Doleman making for this purpose and you shall finde that he arrogates to himselfe more then Apostolicall power so as what to make of him for my part I know not vnlesse an Antesignane or immediate forerunner of Antichrist for he taking vpon him authoritie aboue the Pope in this point of succession so farre as he would seeme to make his bloody proiects for performance thereof in a setled conceit as infringible if not more as if they were matters of faith desined by a sacred aecumenicall synode what this his doctrine and threats in compelling to beleeue and imbrace it will breede in time or what it is that he thereby shootes at vos iudicate Onely two things I will say first that a great many and those some of them at least no fooles nor babies are mightily mistaken in their censure iudgement and opinion had of his intended platforme therein another is that whatsoeuer his intent or meaning is or was for that matter yet hath he by that booke and others very suspitiously preiudiced the See apostolike and the popes holines in chiefe whose office he hauing peremptorily forestalled vsurped and preoccupated herein he is to be noted of high ambition great presumption sawcie disobedience and what else you may gesse besides to the Romane See as his chiefe superior without whose warrant graunt and authoritie he hath audaciously presumed to ouerthrowe states to make new kings to forme common wealthes and to frame lawes out of his owne braine-sicke fansie as though he were Monos supreme soueraigne and superior in chiefe vnder God if not equal vpon whom Pope prince peere and all persons of what degree calling or qualitie soeuer they be are to depend and from whom al officers magistrates powers dominations are
doubt whether any or all the Iesuits words yea or othes that are in England this day wil be accepted of for the value of a straw by any that knows the they are so fraudulent full of equiuocations and doublings Thirdly in the matters here in question the secular Priests speake not in their owne defence alone but defend the whole ecclesiasticall yea and temporall state against these Iesuiticall inuaders corrupters and vsurpers of both authorities Fourthly it is not a more common then true rule receiued of all persons degrees and orders either Christian or Heathen and in and by all lawes nations and ages ratified confirmed and verified that bonum quo communius eo melius but secular priesthood not Iesuitical societies extends it self ouer all estates persons and places being rightly called Seculars because they haue the cure and charge of soules layd on their backes to direct all that liue in a secular worldly or temporal state in matters of conscience soule affaires as christian directories to al humane or moral actions wherin vertue or vice impietie or holinesse good or bad may be included For which cause when the Apostle had commanded all with obedite prepositis vestris c. he gaue a reason with a quia ipsi dabunt rationē pro animabus vestris coram Deo As much to say as neither father mother sister brother or dearest friend neither Prince Peere Lord Ladie Maister or Mistris neither Abbot Prior Canon Regular Monke Frier Iesuit Hermit or Anchorite neither anie other person or persons can or shall be admitted to giue an account before God at the latter day on your behalfe concerning your soules affaires whiles you liued secularly in this vale of tears saue only those appointed ouer you to take this cure and charge vpon them For which cause they are also called Curates and Pastors c. Fiftly the Iesuiticall societie although the order be approued by the Pope his Holines therfore it is to be honored of all good Catholickes they that liue in it agreeing to their first institutiō profession calling are therfore also to be reuerenced if any such be now to be found amongst them yet being in the best sense and construction themselues can make of it a priuate peculiar corporation or an order not common but proper and therefore must needes respect their owne societie most yea grant them herein their principle to be tollerable In ordine ad Deum it followeth then by necessary sequell that all that are not Iesuits should follow beleeue credite trust to and defend the secular Priests as a common corporation in the weale publicke with them not those that euen in their Ordine ad Deum must and will carue for themselues first and leaue to their fautours and ignorant fauorites the off-fals scumme or refuse of their commodities I might here adde a new corolarie of another kind in confirmation of the credit respect and esteem that all secular Priests should and may euen de iure ex merito condigno chalenge to themselues of the Cath. laity before any Iesuit whosoeuer As first for that notwithstanding these seditious most mischieuous men haue bespattered with a most dangerous Gangrene the whole bodie misticall of Christ which vnlesse it be feared vp with hot irons here in Englād wil neuer come at Rome to be soundly cured it hath so venimously infected al flesh they furthermore haue most maliciously inflamed so many both men women and childrens hearts with insulting pride deepe disdaine and such vehement furie outrage and malice against secular Priests as the vnnaturall heate of their cursed zeale hath past already gradum ad octo and passe it any further it is twentie to one it will passe extra spheram actiuitatis and fall into tearmes of Apostacie yet spight of the diuel al Iesuitical Atheisme the secular Priests haue bin reuerenced ere euer Ignatius Loiola the Spanish souldier and first founder of the Iesuits order was borne they are at this present in the middest of these new maisters throughout all Europe and they will be when not one Iesuit shal be left aliue in the world vnlesse they amend their manners and reforme their order but all damned for heretickes or thrust out of Gods Church as Apostataes and Atheists I say the secular Priestes haue bin are wil be after al this these indiscreet misled Catholikes ancient most louing and faithfull ghostly fathers Who all gusts gallings infamies contempts slanders iniuries wrongs other points of vnkindnes set aside do wil loue them stil vnfainedly pray hartily for them day and night are and will be ready to offer their worne out bodies in prison and abroade for confirmation of them in the Catholike faith when these elated Pharisies shall be farre to seeke And further I put this for a second point which the Catholicke Laitie may please to consider vpon thar the power of Priesthood is called in question by these new religious Scribes and Pharises of whom it is not more strange to heare into what credit they are growne with the people especially women then to vnderstand into what obloquie contempt and disgrace the secular priesthood of Christ is brought by their hypocrisie to the worldes eye in alluring the peoples hearts from their auncient true friends and spirituall fathers and by their factious opposition against vs neuer ceasing to calumniate slander and defame all men most iniuriously falsly and perfidiously by their treacherous proiects and treasonable practises nor leauing of to insult triumph and tyrannize first ouer secular Priests and then ouer all others that are not professed Iesuits most proudly maliciously and disdainfully As these things neede not seeme strange much lesse incredible and least of all other impossible because their antesignanes or forefathers I meane the Scribes and Pharises in our Sauior Christ his time discountenanced priesthood with like pretexts to these and were growne into as great admiration with the people then as these new Iesuiticall Scribes are now witnesse Iosephus witnesse all antiquities witnesse Christ himselfe who with great zeale did cast those ietting iugglers out of the temple of Ierusalem So thē no Catholike being so ignorant simple or affectionate but knows must needs confesse that priesthood is the chiefest hold stand stay for them to build vpon it followeth that they must either renounce the Cath. Churches authority in crediting these false hearted seditious erronious Iesuits or els renounce the sayd Iesuitical doctrine credite the secular cleargy Christs church herein THE VIII ARTICLE WHether euer any Iesuit haue Apostataed from his faith and fallen out of the Catholicke Church or no and if there haue whether any such haue euer returned or bene reconciled againe or not THE ANSWERE NAy ask whether any of them do stand firme and remaine sound and liue conformable to the first institution of their order or no considering that euen those who otherwise are of good disposition