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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A57125 A treatise of the necessity of humane learning for a Gospel-preacher shewing the use of I. Languages, II. Rhetoric, III. Logic, IV. Natural philosophy, V. Moral philosophy, VI. History, VII. Chronology, VIII. Arithmetic, IX. Geometry, X. Astronomy, XI. Geography, and the benefits of learning in all ages : also this question is determined, whether grace be essential to a minister of the Gospel? / by Edward Reyner ... Reyner, Edward, 1600-1668.; Reyner, J. (John), b. 1624. 1663 (1663) Wing R1232; ESTC R22136 152,217 372

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him against the rage of his Adversaries He denied the Pope to be the Head of the Church Mr. Fuller Mr. Clark and pronounced him to be Antichrist he confuted and condemned his Doctrines about Bulls and Indulgences Masses Transubstantiation c. He was a great Enemy to the swarms of begging Friars He wrote above two hundred fair Volumes most of which were burned by Subinck Arch-Bishop of Prague in Bohemia he wrote many Books of Philosophy and some of Metaphysics Dr. Featly The University of Oxford crowned his person and doctrine with a fragrant Garland of Praises whose doctrine was not onely favored by divers Nobles but also by the third part of the Clergy of England In all his sufferings he shewed an undaunted spirit John Huss was educated in Learning at Prague in Bohemia he was a great Scholar and a famous Preacher in that University he was converted by reading of John Wickliff's Books Mr. Fuller which Queen Ann's Courtiers who brought her being Sister to Wenceslaus King of Bohemia over into England to Richard the second King of England did here light on and carried them into their own Countrey which Huss had the happiness to read approve and disperse which proved a means of the Conversion of Bohemia for Wickliff's Books first discovered the Romish Superstitions unto them he stoutly opposed the Pope's proceedings and gave a blow to the man of sin under the fifth rib which in Scripture is always observed to be mortal The Gentry and Nobility of Bohemia did highly favor him Jerom of Prague had his first breeding there but he much enriched himself in Learning by his travels abroad to the most principal parts and Staple-places of learning At Paris he commenced Mr. of Arts and in the University of Colen and Heidleberg had the same degree confirmed unto him He was a man of admirable learning Eloquence Memory Courage and Zeal He was converted as John Huss by reading one of Wickliff's books by which he perceived the abominable superstitions then used in the Church and began by degrees first in his judgment to dislike them after in his practice to disuse them and lastly in his preaching to confute them He earnestly contended for the Truth against the enemies of it and openly opposed the doctrine of Purgatory and Prayers for the dead and thundered against the ill lives of the Monks and Friers He proclaimed and defended the innocency of John Huss and condemned his false accusers After his great and grievous sufferings being brought before the Council he so learnedly vindicated himself and refell'd his enemies that they were astonished at and silenced by his Oration which he concluded thus That all such Articles as Wickliff and Huss had written against the enormities pomp and disorder of the Prelates he would firmly hold and defend even to death Martin Luther born 1483. Century 15. at 14. years of age went to Magdeburg from thence his Parents removed him to Isenak a famous School there he perfected his Grammar-learning He went thence to the University of Erford Anno 1501. where he profited much in the knowledg of Logic and other Learning and read over Cicero Livy Virgil and other Latine Authors When he was twenty years old he was made Mr. of Arts and read as Professor Aristotle's Physics Ethics and other parts of Philosophy After his Conversion he began to read Augustine's works Mr. Fuller he also read over the Schoolmen especially Occam whom he esteemed for acuteness of wit before Aquinas and Scotus and he studiously perused Gerson In these Studies he spent five years in the Colledge at Erford When Luther was twenty six years old John Staupicius who endeavoured to promote the University of Wittenberg then lately begun removed Luther thither where at first he explained Aristotle's Logic and Physics yet intermitted not his study When he was 30. years old he was made Doctor in Divinity after the maner of the Schools at the charge of Duke Frederic Elector of Saxony The Prince hearing him preach admired his excellent parts Then he betook himself to the study of the Greek and Hebrew Afterwards Luther published his Propositions against Indulgences and opposed the Pope's Supremacy Purgatory and other Tenets of Popery Luther also confuted Nicholas Stork Mr. Fuller Thomas Muncer and other fanatical Ring-leaders broaching new Doctrines who pretended Revelations Angelical and conferences with God and denied the Baptism of Infants The Pope's Advocates promised Erasmus a Bishoprick of rich revenue if he would write against Luther but he answered that Luther was a man too great for him to write against and that he learned more from one short page of Luther's Writings then from all Thomas Aquinas his Books Bucer called Luther the first Apostle of the reformed Doctrine not simply for Wickliff Huss and those forenamed preached the same before but Luther was the first who in Bucer's age and memory publickly and successfully set on foot a general Reformation of the Church in these Western parts John Huss bare a torch before Luther and shewed him his way See more of Luther in his life Huldericus Zuinglius was sent to School at Basil at 10. Born 1487. years of age where he exceeded his School-fellows in learning At Bern he learned Rhetoric Poetry Oratory and Logic. At Vienna in Austria he studied Philosophy and perfected his former parts At Basil he taught others what himself had learn'd He commenced Master of Arts and studied School-divinity and Greek wherein he excell'd He was chosen Pastor at Zuric anno Christi 1521. where beside his Ministerial labors he studied Hebrew and was able to expound those two major Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah He prevailed with the Senate at Zuric to erect a School for Latine Greek and Hebrew He was admired in Switzerland and famous at Zuric as Luther in Germany and at Wittenberg He was solid in all maner of learning and a diligent searcher of the Scriptures being expert in the Original Tongues He was so great an opposer of the Pope's Pardons Indulgences and proceedings that the Cardinals themselves as is reported sought by great gifts to allure him to their side At Zuric he disputed with Franciscus Lambertus a Frier about the Intercession of the Saints and the sacrifice of the Mass and convinced him of his error so that he confessed and forsook his error and gave glory to God Then crept in the opinion of the Anabaptists which he opposed with all his might His works are large witnesses of his gifts and graces parts and pains Oecolumpadius he was educated in Religion and Learning first at a School in Germany call'd Heelbronna then at Heidelberg Here he attained to that perfection in learning that at the age of 14 years he was made Batchelor of Arts with great approbation and continued there till he was Master of Arts. Afterwards he fell close to the study of Divinity and read the Schoolmen Aquinas Gerson and others with indefatigable pains and much profit He
Works of sundry Learned men stirred up by God to fetch the Arts back out of banishment Pag. 716 and 717. Mr. Trap names divers of them After that Humane Learning began thus to reflourish and lift up the head Divinity also that had been shamefully obscured and slurried with needless and endless Doubts and Disputes was vindicated and illustrated by the knowledge of Latine Greek and Hebrew In this fourteenth Age as also in the fifteenth and sixteenth Ages God raised up divers Worthies who by their Confessions Writings and Martyrdom gave a great and glorious Testimony to the Gospel of Christ and the Truths thereof as Wickliff Huss Hierom of Prague after them Luther Zuinglius Oecolampadius and many others Then grew up that golden Age of gracious and excellent Divines famous and matchless for depth of Learning and heighth of Holiness If the Times of greatest Ignorance Neglect and Contempt of humane Learning were the Times wherein Errors most prevailed Superstition and Idolatry was advanced and Truth suppressed and Popery did not fall till Learning did rise and if Religion flourished and was best defended when Learning most abounded then Learning is useful and needful for the Ministers of the Gospel SECT IV. Learning qualifies for all public Employments HUmane Learning qualifies Argum. 3. and is needful for all Persons in publick Places and Imployments as Kings Counsellors Judges Magistrates Lawyers Physicians for who would not take advice of Learned Lawyers about their Estates and of Learned Physicians for their Bodies and indeed for every ingenuous Imployment Henry the First King of England was bred up in Learning and such a Prizer of it as he used to say ☞ That An unlearned King was but a crowned Ass Then Learning is most needful for a Minister to fit and furnish him throughly for the work of the Ministery considering that no calling requires more abilities or acquired parts then the Ministry which work I. Is most Important Weighty and Worthy for it is the Minister's office to be conversant in the Matters of God and of Souls of Heaven and of Eternity which are of the greatest Interest and highest Concernment and of the largest and longest Consequence II. Is most comprehensive and manifold As 1. To give the Sense clear the Difficulties reconcile the Differences and seeming Repugnancies of the Scriptures 2. To handle positively all Points of Religion and to discuss and determine Controversies and Doubts about them 3. To resolve and satisfie Cases of Conscience and Scruples 4. Eph. 4.24 Gal. 5.1 To detect false Teachers and discover the many Evils Artifices Cheats Fallacies and Sophistries of Seducers and Impostors and of Satan in them whereby many poor simple Souls are deluded Therefore saith Paul Who is sufficient for these things 2 Cor. 2.6 Do not they call for the best accomplishments SECT V. Satan makes use of Learning to oppose the Truth LEarning is necessary to the Ministers of the Gospel Argum. 4. for defence of the Truth because Satan makes much use of Learning to oppose the Truth and fight against Religion to maintain his Cause uphold and promote his Kingdom and Satan makes choice and use of Learned men to be his Agents and Champions Advocates for Error and Adversaries to the Truth of God To this end 1. Satan stirred up Heathens who were endued with Learning to write books against the Christian Religion as Porphyry who was one of Julians bosom-birds Celsus Symmachus and others 2. Then Satan raised up Heretics within the Church men of corrupt minds destitute of the Truth but of Parts and Learning to devise defend and spread Errors Heresies and Blasphemies and resist the Truth of God with all their might as Arrius Nestorius Macedonius Donatus Pelagius and many others 3. How many learned Men hath Satan imployed and ingaged since in later times to be defenders of Popery or Romish-Idolatry as Jesuits and many others of Arminianism Socinianism Antinomianism Anabaptism Familism Libertinism and of several old Heresies newly raked up and revived It hath been the Jesuits brag that Imperium literarum est penes Jesuitas the Empire of Learning is within their Dominion and that we have not a Scholar Protestant 4. How hath Satan excited the Papists those friends of Antichrist and builders of Babylon to be at great pains cost and charges to advance Learning with them that they may the better overthrow the Truth of God with us Hence it is that they have errected so many Universities in Spain France Italy How are the Colledges of the Jesuits throughout the Pope's Dominions promoted so as to allure even foreiners thereunto Then do not the Protestant Reformed Churches stand in great need of Men eminently Learned to be able Defenders of the Faith and strenuous maintainers of the Truths of Christ against all Heathenish Heretical and Schismatical Adversaries thereof whether secret underminers or open opposers to convince and confute Learned Subtile Witty Adversaries as Heretics Jesuits and divers others May not Learning being well used be as great a help or advantage to the Truth and Cause of God as Learning abused is an hinderance to it an Engine or Bulwark for Errors Learning as one saith is part of the defensive Arms of true Religion Did not the Israelites need Smiths to make them Weapons to defend themselves against the Philistines as the Philistines did to offend Israel It is very observable how God accomplished some of his servants in all ages with excellent Gifts Graces and Learning to refute silence and non-plus the most acute and learned Adversaries of God's Truth and Grace which those times produced as Moses to withstand the learned Egyptians Athanasius to confute Arrius and Austin that learned Father to oppose Pelagius Jewel Whitaker Rainolds Cartwright Fulk Perkins men of great Learning to refute the Jesuits Moulin Ames Twiss to confute Arminius Yea the Devil can and doth sometime make use of Learning himself to serve his turn as he did in his speaking out of the possessed man See Mr. Rich. Rothwel's life in Mr Clark's Book of Lives John Fox in Nottinghamshire to Mr. Richard Rothwel he quoted many Scriptures out of the Old and New Testament both in Hebrew and Greek he cavilled and played the Critic and backed his Allegations with Sayings out of the Fathers and Poets in their own languages which he readily quoted So that the Company trembled to hear such things from the Man who understood not Learning nor moved either tongue or lip or rather from the Devil in the Man But Mr. Rothwel being not onely a gracious Man but a great Scholar was enabled by God to detect the Devil's Sophistry Was not his Humane Learning then of use to him SECT VI. Satan seeks by obstructing Learning to undermine Religion THe Necessity and Utility of Learning doth further appear by another Design of Satan Argum. 5. which is to undermine Religion by the obstructing of Learning and discouraging thereof This he hath practised by his Instruments