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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16918 VVits theater of the little world Albott, Robert, fl. 1600.; Bodenham, John, fl. 1600. 1599 (1599) STC 381; ESTC S113430 200,389 568

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he was slaine by the Frizelanders in the second yere of his raigne VVhen hee was dead there vvas an Interregnū for 17. yeeres by reason of the Pope Some chose Alphonsus King of Spaine Emperour for his vvisedome and vertues which he refused the other part of the Electors elected Richard the King of Englands brother and brought him to Basill but he vvas not accepted of the Empire Rodolphus the Countie of Haspurge vvas elected and ruled 18. yeares hee killed O●hocarus King of Bohemia and burned one ●hat sayd he was Frederick the second he did 〈◊〉 a manner set vp the decaied Empire ere ●e died Adolphus County of Nason succeeded ●im but the Princes annoyed with his bad ●●fe ambition chose in his place Albertus ●he first of vvhom Adolphus in a battaill ●as slaine hauing raigned 8. yeeres Albertus the first son of Rodulphus went ●vith a great power against the King of France but in passing ouer the riuer Rhene ●e vvas killed of Iohn his brothers sonne af●er he had ruled ten yeeres Henry the seauenth Coūty of Lusenbruge ●aigned 32. yeeres and vvas poysoned by a Dominick Frier in the sacrament he made his sonne Iohn King of Bohemia by marry●ng the Kings Daughter vvhose sonne vvas Charles the 4. king of Bohemia Lodouicus Duke of Bauier vvas chosen Emperor by the Bishop of Mentz Trier the King of Bohemia and the Marquesse of Bradenbrough and against him was erected Fredericke Duke of Austria by the Bishop of Coleine the Count Palatine and Duke of Saxonie vvhereupon neyther of them vvould giue place in the Empire but rather for the space of eyght yeres they made warre one against the other in the end Lodouicus ouercame and killed Fredericke vvas sole Emperour raigning thirty and two yeeres hee dyed and vvas a Prince indued with all vertuous qualities Gunther Earle of Swartzenburge was named Emperour yet not vvith consent of all the Electors and shortly after hee vvas suddaily poysoned at Franckford Charles the fourth sonne to Prince Iohn the sonne of Henry the seauenth enioyed the Empire to the honour of this election were inuited Edvvarde the third King of England Frederick Earle prouinciall of Misen but they refused it Hee vvas a learned Prince and erected the Vniuersity of Prage and raigned 32. yeeres Venceslaus succeeded his Father Charles and gouerned 22. yeeres he through slothfulnesse let the Empire fall to ruine he vvas deposed by his brother Sigismund Rupertus or Robertus County Palatine of Rhene hauing possessed the empire after his warres against Galatius vvho was the first Duke of Millaine so created by Venceslaus as Sleidan reporteth gaue himselfe to peace and religion died raigning 9. yeeres Sigismundus the sonne of Charles the 4. vvas a most noble vertuous and learned Prince much condemning the Germaines ●or that they hated the Latine tongue hee ●ooke avvay the ambitious contention of ●hree Bishops of Rome draue them from ●heyr seates he died raigning 27. yeeres Albert the second Duke of Austria married the onely daughter of Sigismund vvho ●hereby vvas King of Bohemia Hungaria ●nd was the successor of Sigismund in hys time the most excellent and necessary Arte of Printing vvas inuented by the which the knowledge of God was renued he subdued ●he Normaines and the people of Svveuia he dyed of the bloody flixe raigning but 2. yeeres Frederick the third Duke of Austria gouerned the state for the space of 53. yeeres vvith so great vvisedome that it florished in ●ll prosperitie and quietnes hee died the 79. yeere of his age Maximilian the sonne of the Emperour Frederick Leonora daughter to the king of Lusitania raigned 32. yeeres he married Mary the daughter of Charles Duke of Burgundie by vvhom hee had the Dukedome and Matthew the King of Pannonia beeing dead he obtained the kingdome thys vvas a Prince noble valorous and a patron of all learning nor thought hee it dishonour hauing taken King Henry the 8. his pay to serue against Fraunce vnder his conquering colours Charles the 5. sonne of Philip vvho vvas Archduke of Austria and the sonne of Maximilian and Mary succeeded of this Philip came Carolus and Ferdinandus vvhose mother was Ioane Queene of Castile he had also foure daughters Leonora married to the King of Lusitania Isabell to the King of Fraunce Mary to the king of Denmark and Katherine to the king of Hungaria Charles the fift vvas crovvned at Aquisgrane with the siluer crovvne for it is an auncient custome that all Emperors should be crowned vvith 3. diuers crownes vvhich were of gold siluer and yron At Rome Bononie they were crowned with the crowne of golde for the Empyre o● Rome with the siluer at Aquisgrane for the Empire of Germany and at Menza with the yron crowne for Lombardie Charles Duke of Burbon with the Emperors host besieged Rome and sacked it constrayning Pope Leo to flie to his Castle An●elo but the Duke was vnfortunatly slaine ●n the assault with an harguebuze Hee was elected Emperor at 19. yeeres of ●ge Fraunces the French king was his com●etitor he conquered Millaine ouercame ●he Frenchmen and Switzers in which wars Fraunces there king was taken prisoner hee ●ooke the kingdome of Tunis from Aeno●arbus Lieuetenant of the Turke conquered by assault the towne of Affrick VVhen he had raigned 37. yeeres he resigned to his sonne Philip all the estate and ●ignories his Empire to his brother Ferdinando King of the Romaines this doone hee vvent into a Monastery of the Monkes of the order of Saint Hierome and therein dyed Ferdinand the brother of Charles sonne of Philip Archduke of Austria and Ioane Qu. of Castile blessed by God in many prosperous victories and in a small power in comparison of the forces of Solyman was made a Conquerour ouer the Turke Anno 1529. hee was a Prince of great clemencie a louer of learning studying to preserue peace in Europe among Christian Princes hee dyed when hee had raigned sixe yeeres and foure months Maximilian the sonne of Ferdinand vvas chosen Emperor 1564. Hee made prosperous expeditions against the Turkes died vvhen he had raigned 11. yeeres Rodolphus his sonne succeeded him who gouerneth the Empire at this day The maiestie of the Romaine Monarchie florished especially in the house of Haspurge and hath lineally brought foorth tenne Emperours The Romaine Empire hath surmounted all others that haue been or shal be it is novv much dismembred in Asia it hath nothing beeing as now possessed of the Turkes and Tartarians all Affricke almost is lost Portingall Spayne England France Poland Denmarke Hungaria Slauonia and all Greece are cut from the Empire vvith the Countries there abouts and the Iles of Sicilia Sardinia Corsica and Sauoy Italy vvhich hath alwaies beene the first most auncient patrimony of the Romain Empire scarce acknowledgeth the Emperour Spaine holds Calabria Puel Campania and the Kingdome of Naples c as by succession of their auncestors The old and auncient seate of the Empire the Popes possesse
the fourth considering that the prerogatiue which vvas giuen to Charles his successors might be a brideling to the sea of Rome saide that it vvas lawful for them to choose Popes without the Emperors authoritie but not to consecrate him vvithout the presence eyther of him or his Embassadors he died ruling but 8. months Paschal a Monck was chosen with the consent of the Emperour and Lodouicus Pius yeelded vp to him all his authority in the election of the Popes this Pope dyed anno 824. Eugenius the second by his curteous behauiour and eloquence got the Popedome from Zizimus who had it graunted him he raigned 4. yeres and as some write his eyes were pulled out by the Romaines others by the Priests that hated him Valentine the first beeing a Decon vvas made pope he was a man of very quick wit able to perswade and diswade some write that there was in him such excellent hope that he vvould haue raigned in better order then the rest he dyed the fourth day of hys raigne and as it is supposed he vvas poysoned by some of the clergy Gregory the fourth refused to take the popedome before he were confirmed by the Emperour Lewes and that hee had restored them their right againe by his meanes hee draue the Moores out of Italy hee procured tenths to be giuen to churches and visited solemne erection of Sepulchers hee dyed ann 843. Sergius the second was the first pope that renounced his christian name giuen in Baptisme and changed it beeing called before Swines snowt and decreed that popes should change their names Leo the fourth at Hostia gate ouercame the Sarazens when they had made a road into Italy hee first beganne contrary to the counsell at Aquisgrane to decke the popes Crosse vvith precious stones cōmaunded it to be carryed before him he died 854. In his time Ethelwoldus beeing first a Monke of single life hauing a dispensation ●rom the pope left his calling and became King of England making it tributary to the ●ea of Rome Iohn the 8. borne at Mentz beeing a vvoman was made Pope her name was altered and she was called Iohn English shee sate in the pontificall seate at Rome 2. yeeres 6. months her name at the first was Gilberta vvho to inioy the company of a Monke whō she loued trauailed with him in mans apparrell to Athence where she profited in all the Sciences then shee came to Rome still disguised where for her learning she was much admired so made pope but as some write she was got with child by a Cardinall going on procession to Lateran church she was by the way deliuered of a childe and dyed of the trauaile in the same place Benedict the 3. beeing first tried vpon the Posphirie stoole was made Pope and dyed 859. Nicholas the first put downe Iohn Archbishoppe of Rauenna for mayntayning the ancient liberty of his bishoprick brought that church into perpetuall bondage he decreed that christian Magistrates should haue no authoritie ouer a Prelate Because sayde he the Pope is called God he first bound the Clergie to single life and dyed 867. Hadrian the second vvas by the people the Clergie made Pope before the Emperours Embassadors came before this Pope dyed in the yeere 873. it rained bloode 3. dayes at Brixia and all the kingdome of Fraunce vvas miserably troubled vvith Locusts Alphredus king of England tooke his crowne of the Pope and vvas annoynted vvhich neuer any King of England did before for vvhich hee was called the Popes adopted sonne Iohn the 9. was excellently learned both in Greeke and Latine hee crowned 3. Emperours Carolus Caluus Carolus Balbus and Carolus Crassus he draue the Sarazens out of Italy and Sicilie and died 883. At this time the Empire was translated frō the Frenchmen to the Germaines by Carolus Crassus Martin the second a Frenchman the son of a coniuring priest by craft and ill Artes got the Popedome at his election the Emperors authority was not looked for nor demaunded to his admission he raigned about a yere and certaine months died an 884. Hadrian the third made a decree that the Emperours authority should no more take ●lace in creating of popes but that the voice of the Clergy and people of Rome shoulde ●hoose them He died suddenly 888. Stephen the 5 decreed that all the Canons of the Church of Rome ought of necessitie ●o be kept and died 892. Formosus the first being bishop of Portua was chosen Pope he raigned 6. yeres his body bones was taken vp by Sergius the 3. the 9. pope after him throwne into the riuer Tiber after him within 9. yeeres there were eleuen popes Boniface the 6. liued as pope but 25. daies as Anselmus writeth to bee remembred for nothing but his quiet election and happy in nothing but in raigning so short a time Stephen the sixt disanulled Formosus decrees and cancelled his acts hee caused hys carkasse to be taken vp and put all the pontificall rokes vpon it and plucked them off againe and then put lay mens apparrell vpon him and cut off the two fingers of his right hand with which he vsed to hold the Sacrament throwing them into Tiber he commaunded to bury his body againe but not among spirituall but lay mens bodies he died after he had raigned one yeere onely Romanus the first allowed the decrees of Formosus and abrogated Stephens hee ruled but 3. months and dyed 898. Theodorus the 2. was an vpholder and maintained of Formosus quarrell and dyed the 20. day of his Popeship 899. Iohn the 10. sommoned a conuocation of 74. Byshops at Rauenna restored all the decrees of Formosus openly cōdemning the acts of Stephen he died 901. Benedict the 4. did nothing worthy of report and dyed ann 904. Leo the first being new made Pope vvas violently cast into prison by one Christopher who sought to make himselfe Pope being his priest Chapline He raigned but 40. daies died through conceit of his ingratitude vpon whom he had heaped so many benefits 904. Christopher the 1. was thrust out by one Sergius in the 7. month of his raigne and as Platina sayth compelled to be a Monke but afterward he was pulled out of the Monasterie by the same Sergius and cast into prison vvhere he dyed Sergius the 3. vvhen he was but a Deacon attempted the popedome and vvas chosen vvith Formosus but beeing weake fled into Fraunce and espying his opportunitie by the ayde of Charles Simplex K. of Fraunce and Adelbert Marquesse of Thuscia hee returned secretly to Rome and deposed Christopher his reuenge vpon Formosus Read before in Formosus raigne he died 913. Anastasius the 3. did nothing good nor euill in his time when he was Pope the bodie of Formosus was founde by certaine Fishers in the riuer Tiber and so taken vp and buried in S. Peters Pallace Anastasius died 915 Laudo the first his life as Platina saith was so obscure that
chosen pope but not by all parties and therfore the Emperor appoynted Octauius whom he called Victor the fourth after whose death three Popes succeeded in order Paschalis Calixtus and Innocentius against Alexander hee trod vpon the Emperours necke who sued being excommunicated to be vbsolued dyed 1181. Lucius the third a Thuscane borne of an honourable house enioyed the popedome with much trouble he died at Verona anno 1185. Vrbanus the third for his seditious troublesome dealing was called Turbanus hee dyed anno 1188. Gregory the eight was carefull for the recouery of the Holy land vvho going to stirrre vp the Pisans and Genowais in this matter he was poysoned when he had raigned two moneths Clement the third after the death of VVilliam King of Sicill who had no heire claymed it to bee tributary to the Church of Rome but the people chose Trācred bastard to King VVilliam who withstoode the pope and his forces he dyed 1191. Celestine the third crowned Henry the sixt Emperour and put the crowne vpon his head with his foote whilst hee stooped and then spurned it off saying I haue power to make and vnmake Emperours at my pleasure he dyed 1198. Innocentius the third enraged that Phillip vvas made Emperour agaynst his vvill sayde Eyther shall the Pope spoyle Phillip of his crowne and Empire or else shall Phillippe take from the Pope his Apostolicall dignitie Hee stirred vppe Otho a Duke against him and by another Otho he vvas slayne who vvas afterwardes made Emperour by the Pope He excommunicated Otho and spoyled him of al his estate creating in his place Frederick the second he also excommunicated and cursed king Iohn of England but by submission hee receaued his crowne of Pandolphus the Popes Legate he dyed 1216. Honorius the third graunted Archbishops power to giue pardons faculties dispensations dualities pluralities within theyr Diocesse being sicke of the spirituall dropsie he dranke vp the treasures gf the Clergy and had two Prebends of euery cathedrall Church in England one of the Bishops stipend and the other from the Charter as Matheus Parisius writeth in his time it rayned blood for the space of three dayes in Rome he dyed 1227. Gregory the ninth maintayned the quarell of Honorius against the Emperour whom he excommunicated and cursed three times as Abbas Vspergensis wryteth vvhilst the Emperour was warring in the Holy land he tooke Apulia into his possession he made the diuision in Italy betweene the Guelphs and Gibelines he died for thought that the Emperours power preuailed agaynst him 1241. Caelestine the fourth an aged man purposed to pursue the quarrell against Frederick but that he was poysoned the 18. day of his raigne Innocentius the fourth deposed Frederick from the Empire cursed his sonne Conradus in his time by a counsell held at Lions it was decreed that the Cardinals should ride on their trapped Iennets throgh the streets and weare red hats crimson robes to signifie sayth Parisius that they are ready to spend theyr blood for the catholique fayth but as Platina wryteth for the honour of their estate Robert Grosted Bishop of Lincolne detested and defied both in preaching and wryting this popes couetousnes pride and tirany nor would admit an vnlearned youth to a canoniship of Lincolne but rebuked the pope for it in a letter Cestensis in his seauenth booke wryteth that when this Bishop of Lincolne dyed a voyce was heard in the popes Court saying Veni miser in iudicium Dei Come thou wretch to be iudged of God and that the pope was found dead in his bed the next day a blew stroke vpon his body as though he had been beaten with a staffe anno 1253 he being at Naples and gaping for the kingdome of Sicill Alexander the fourth persecuted the King of Sicill and in his time anno 1258. Richard Earle of Cornwall sonne to King Iohn of England was chosen King of Almaine for his great treasure and the pope procured that he was chosen Emperour but he did that closely because hee had likewise for the same matter taken a bribe of Alphonsus King of Spaine wher-vpon a Poet made this verse Nummus ait pro me nubet Cornubia Romae Thus money sayth for loue of me Cornwall with Rome shall linked be This Pope dyed anno Domini 1262. Vrban the fourth before Patriarch of Ierusalem as soone as he was pope commaunded Souldiours out of Fraunce to subdue Manfred the enemy of their Church vvhile this pope was from Rome at Pruse the Romains coueting their old liberties made a new kind of officers calling them Branderesies vvho had power of life death in their hands Mascaeus sayth that a blazing starre appeared three nights before the death of Vrban and ceased the same night he dyed 1264. Clement the fourth before he came to be Pope was a maried man and had three children by his wife hee sent for Charles Earle of Aniow to bring an Army into Italy where he slew Manfred and was made King of Sicill and Ierusalem vpon condition that he should pay yerely to the pope forty thousand crownes hee dyed at Viterbium 1270. and the seate was void two yeares Gregory the 10 of the house of Millaine made peace betweene the Ven●tiuns and Genevvayes hee excommunicated the Florentines After the Empire had beene voyde a long time he made Rodolphus Earle of Haspurg Emperour because he should maintaine ciuill dissention after that Alphonsus king of Spayne had bestovved huge summes of money in hope to be Emperour especially the Duke of Cornvvall beeing deade the Pope appeased him with words enough but no recōpence in mony toward his charges Hee died at Arelium in the fift yeere of his popeship is there buried who neuer cam to Rome nor saw it Parisius Innocentius the 5. dyed the same yere that Gregory did raigning but 6. months Hadrian the 5. died at Viterbiū ere he was cōsecrated Pope 40. daies after his election Iohn the 22. a Phisition by profession succoured with money and ecclesiasticall lyuings diuers young men that vvere toward in learning and especially the poorest Hee prophecied by the course of starres that hee should lyue long but vvhilst he vvas vainely vaunting thereof the Chamber vvherein he vvas fell down suddenly Valerius calleth the place which fel down Gamesters hall and Stella the Popes precious Chamber for the gorgiousnes therof he raigned 8. months Nicholas the 3. by his falshoode brought Flaunders Bononia and the royalty of Rauenna vvhich long time belonged to the Emperour vnder his owne power he dyed suddenly of an Apoplexie without speaking any word ann 1281. Martin the 4. bestowed great priuiledges vpon the begging Friers and as hee was taking his accustomed recreation vvith hys Cardinalls as Carsulanus writeth a certain secret disease came vppon him whereof hee dyed an 1285. This Pope in the first yeere of his raigne receiued into his familiarity the Concubine of his predecessor Nicholas but to auoyde the like chaunce that his child
him said an Anker was a token of safety and not of delay vvhereupon Seleucus euer after vsed an Anker in his signet Alexander returned from India to Babilon sayling in the ●ends a suddaine vvind did blow of his diadem into a place of reeds in which stoode the sepulchre of an ancient King which was held to be a token of his death Of Maiestie The fountaine of all excellent manners 〈◊〉 Maiestie being the whole proportion and figu●● of noble estate and properly a beauty or comlinesse in the countenaunce language gesture● which doth cast vpon the beholders bearers a fearefull reuerence THere was in the Emperour Augustus ● natiue maiestie for from his eyes issued raies or beames which pierced the eyes o● the beholders Sueto The Frenchman that came to kill Marius when he saw his countenance ran from him crying that he had no power to kil him App VVhen Vlisses ship and men had suffere●● shipwrack and he hardly escaped being ca●● all naked vppon the coast of the Pheacaes the Kings daughter sent him a mantle vvho comming to the King presented such a won●derful maiestie in his lookes and speech tha● Alcinous vvished Vlisses woulde take his daughter Nausicaa to wife Homer The people wondering at his maiesty honoured him with sundry presents at they● owne charges conueied him to Ithaca Scipio beeing in his manour place called Linternum diuers notorious theeues Py●ats came onely to see his person of vvhose ●ame they had heard so large reports but he not knowing this theyr intent armed hymselfe to make defence vvhich the Captaine perceiuing dispatched his followers lay●ng downe his vveapons said That they came not as enemies but wondering at his vertue and valour vvhervpon Scipio entertained thē Calphurnius Crassus conspiring vvith others the death of Nerua he knowing thereof placed them next to him at a publique show and not fearing danger being strengthened with a great mind gaue them swords ready drawne and asked them whether they vvere sharpe enough who taking the swords in their hands had no power to hurt him At the beginning whē the multitude of people were oppressed by them that abounded in possessions riches they espying some one which excelled in vertue and fortitude repaired to him who ministing equity when hee had defended the poore frō iniurie retained together the greater persons with the inferiour in an equall and indifferent order wherfore they called that man a king which is to say a Ruler Belus the sonne of Nemrod vvas the fir●● King in the vvorld The auncient Egiptians called theyr king● Epiphanes and had this custome that they should enter the Temple barefooted and because one of them came to the Church otherwise he vvas deposed and that name o● dignitie ceased They likewise called theyr Kinges Pharaones the Bithinians Ptolomaei the Latines Murani the Parthians Arsacides the Albanes Syluij the Sicilians Tyrants the Argiues Kings Nabuchad-nezzar intiteled himselfe King of Kings Alexander king of the world Demetrius conquerer of Citties Mithridates restorer of the vvorld Attyla the vvhyp of Nations Tamberlaine the scourge of God Dyonisius the hoast of men Cyrus the last of the Gods Henry the eyght king of England defender of the fayth Charles King of Fraunce the most christian king Alphonso King of Spayne the Catholicke king Thys Alphonso dyd first begin to make Bishops houses ioyning to the Cathedral Churches to the end that neyther colde in VVinter nor heate in Sommer might hinder their residencie In the Country of the Sydonians there vvas Dynastia which vvas called a linage of Kings that endured two hundred twentie fiue yeeres because all those Kings were of a good and vertuous conuersation The authority of Kings hath euer been accounted a thing diuine for Homer and Isocrates write that hee who gouerneth alone representeth a diuine maiestie In Egypt of Phylosophers they did chuse theyr Priests and of Priests their Kings with whom it was a law inuiolable that the King which had beene vvicked in his life shoulde not be buried after his death In the Ile Tabrobana kinges are chosen by election and not by blood Solinus Syllas dictatorship vvas called a negatiue ordained kingdom Appian The olde Romaine Kinges did vveare no crownes but held scepters in their hands of the vvhich Tarquinius was the last for that his sonne rauished Lucrecia the vvife of Collatinus Iustinus Plato following the fiction of Homer dyd write that kings children vvere composed of a precious masse to be seperated from the common sort Homer named kings Diogenes that is the generation of Iupiter and Diotrophes nourished by Iupiter and Aristes which Plato interpreteth to be the familiars of Iupiter and his disciples in politicke sciences The Kings of Persia in their priuie Chambers dispatched their greater matters themselues and left those of lesse consequence to their Princes It vvas a custome amongst the auncien● kings to put questions one to another to try the abilitie of theyr wits and certaine praise● rewards were appointed to them that excelled Plutarch Salomon sent riddles problemes to king Hiram vvhom it cost very much because he could not assoile them vntill at length hee founde a young man of Tyrus called Aba●mon vvho deciphered vnto him the mos● part of them Dion The Kings of Persia shewed themselues more subiect to lawes then thir lords Zona● The Kings of Lacedemonia did monthly sweare to guide themselues according to the Lavves and the Ephori tooke an oath in the behalfe of the people to see it executed Antiochus told his sonne Demetrius that their kingdome vvas a noble slauery There vvas foure Kings Princes which ●ad but one eye a peece Philip Alexanders ●ather Antigonus king of Macedonia Ha●iball of Carthage and Sertorius a Romain The first lost his eye at Methon the second ●t Perinthia the third vpon the Alpes the ●ourth in Pontus Plutarch Alphonsus vvas the first king of Lusitania the sonne of Henry Loraine and Tiretia the ●ase daughter of Alphonsus king of Castile ●n one battaile he ouercame 5. princes of the Sarazines and therefore in his shielde bare 5. seuerall coates of honour Cor. Agrippa Pharamond sirnamed VVarmond vvas the first King of Fraunce vvho came out of Germanie hee bare in his shielde three blacke Toades Of Monarchies A Monarchie most significatly representeth the diuine regiment wherin absolute soueraigntie consisteth in one onely Prince who commaundeth all and is not to be commaunded of any THE latter Romaines had a Duarchie vvhich is comprehended vnder the gouernment Oligarchie their Empire was deuided into two partes the one Emperour of the East the other of the VVest Eutrop. Aristocratie is the rule or power of the best and most vertuous men approued for good lyfe and vvisedome directing their thoughts to no other end then a generall profit Oligarchie is whē a fevv noble or rich men gouerne the Common-wealth reiecting the poore and baser sort Timocratie is the power of meane or indifferent vvealth gouerning by some
his Bishopricke Gregory the 6 learned the Magicall Sciences of Syluester the 2. in the seauenth yere of the Emperour Henry the third Benedict Syluester and Gregory made themselues 3. seuerall seates in Rome to whom Iohn Gra●ian came and perswaded them euery one to take a peece of mony and giue ouer their titles which they did For this cause the Romaines created him Pope called Clement the second which the Emperour hearing of came to Rome and condemned the three former Popes and allowed of Gratianus He was poisoned the ninth month after his creation Damasus the second obtained the Sea by force without the Emperours commaundement but the 30. day after he was poysoned Leo the 9 Bishop of Toledo was betraied to the Normaines by Hildebrand and Theophilact who hardly escaping their rage at his returne at Rome was poysoned by Brazutus the fifth yeare of his Popedome Victor the second a Germaine when hee had raigned two yeares was likewise poysoned of Brazutus Stephen the ninth the Duke of Lorains brother caused the Church of Rome which for 200. yeares had defied the suprenacy of Rome to becom subiect vnto it he in a counsell at Florence commaunded many things against Dualities Pluralities and Totquots but he was poysoned by Brazutus at Hildebrands request Benedict the tenth was made Pope contrary to the oath which the Clergy made to Hildebrand who deposing Benedict set vp Gerhard Bishop of Florence naming him Nicholas the second Benedict liued an outlaw after he had beene Pope 9. moneths Nicholas the second was by the meanes of Hildebrand poisoned of Brazutus he first ordayned that Cardinals should choose the Pope he condemned Berengarius compelled him to reuoke what he taught of the sacrament Alexander the second was made Pope by Hildebrands meanes against the Emperors mind against whom the Lombards set vp by the Emperours consent one Cadolus who came to Rome but with his great army was put to flight the Emperour sent the Archbishop of Coleine with his authority to debate the matter but Hildebrand withstoode it in the end the Pope of his owne voluntary sayde openly that hee would no longer continue in the Sea without the Emperours good will Hildebrand vpon this with a troupe of armed Souldiours tooke the Pope and beate him because he had so protested and casting him into prison alowed him but 5. shillings a day retaining all the rest of the reuenewes to himselfe Alexander in this misery dyed and the same houre Hildebrand vvas installed Pope by his Souldiers without consent o● the people or Clergy Gregory the 7. first called Hildebrand as his companion Brazutus and Beuno writes poysoned sixe or seauen popes before hee came to the place he excommunicated the Emperour Henry the 4. without lawfull accusation canonicall citation or iudiciall order caused his peeres to reuolt from him giuing his crowne to Rodolphus The Emperour with his wife and his sonne in the depth of vvinter wayted 3. dayes and three nights at the popes gates fasting from morning to night humbly suing for pardon vpon his knees but the pope would neyther pardon nor absolue him but vpon hard conditions all which the Emperor promised to performe by his hand and seale yet was no● restored This pope commanded the Saterday to be fasted and tooke away the crowne from the King of Poland but Henry the Emperour anno Domini 1083. depriued him of his place and placed in his sted Clement the third Hildebrand forsaken of all fledde to Salerne where he ended his life in great misery 1086. Victor the third defended Gregories acts against the Emperour and Clement erected by him hee was poysoned as Harmanus Carsulanus and Praemonstratensis writeth by his Deacon who at Masse-time put the poyson into the Chalice Vrban the second was made pope by Matilda and the Norman Lords in Apulia in despight of the Emperour hee excommunicated Clement the third established by the Emperour and the Emperour himselfe on the other side Clement excōmunicated him as an vsurper Vrban first caused all that should take order to sweare with this clause So God helpe me and the holy Euangelist Hee dyed anno 1099. the same yeare dyed also Clement the third who in his time saw the death of three popes Paschall the second an Italian would not take the place vpon him vntill the people had cryed three times Saint Peter chooseth thee woorthy man Raynard for so vvas hee called before hee did prouoke and arme Henry the fift to rebell against the Emperor his father he dyed 1118. Gelasius the 2. chosen without the Emperors consent was deposed in his sted was set vp Gregory the 8. who dyed in exile Calixtus the second of the royall bloods of England and Fraunce continued his predicessours excōmunication against the Emperour with whom he tooke peace Gregory the 8. whom he had made Pope yet lyuing the Emperour yeelded vp his right to the Pope and was absolued he tooke Gregory and put him into a monastry hee dyed of a feauer 1125. Honorius the second of base birth for his learning was made Pope hee by his Cardinall condemned all the English Clergy of adultry which had wyfes and was taken him selfe in one night in the same fault Honorius dyed anno 1130. Innocentius the second sought to suppresse Roger Duke of Sicilia for saying that he was King of Italy whom the Pope in a battaile ouercame but the Duke his sonne tooke the Pope and his Cardinals in this time the Romaines created Leo his sonne Pope and called him Anacletus By the aydes of Phillip King of Fraunce Lotharius of Germany he ouerthrew Anacletus with Duke Roger for which he crowned Lotharius Emperor He gaue to Reginald his chiefest Captaine the Dukdom of Apulia which was the inheritance of Roger but after Reginalds death Roger claimed his right being withstood he tooke the pope who for his ransom made him King of both Sicills and so since that time the kingdom of Sicill is called S. Peters patrimony he dyed anno 1143. Celestine the second a Thuscane dyed the sixth moneth of his Popeship Lucius the second disanulled the office of Patricianship in Rome which the Romaines being weary of the Popes yoake had made in the time of Innocentius because the Pops tooke vpon them all sway within the Country and abroade about which he was by the Cittizens slaine in a tumult 1145. hauing not raigned a yeare Eugenius the third for his learning vvas had in great reuerence yet seeking to suppresse the Patrician he was driuen from Tiburie into Fraunce and returning to Rome dyed 1152. Anastasius the fourth of a Cardinall becam pope he died in the second yere of his popedome Hadrian the fourth an Englishman before called Nicholas Breakspeare suffered the Emperor Frederick the 1. to hold his stirop and was angry with him for mistaking it he dyed 1159. being choaked with a flye as he dranke water he made King Henry the second of England Lord of Ireland Alexander the third was