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A07146 The reliques of Rome contayning all such matters of religion, as haue in times past bene brought into the Church by the Pope and his adherentes: faithfully gathered out of the moste faithful writers of chronicles and histories, and nowe newly both diligently corrected & greatly augmented, to the singuler profit of the readers, by Thomas Becon. 1563. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1563 (1563) STC 1755; ESTC S101368 243,805 590

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the yere of oure Lorde 174. This Gregory the Seuenth in a ceretayne councell made a decree that from that tyme forwarde it should no more be lawfull for priestes to marrye and agayne that such as were married alreadye shoulde bee diuorced from their wyues and if they woulde not forsake theyr wyues they shoulde be depriued from their ministery and also from ecclesiasticall promotiōs so that it shuld not be lawful for a christen mā to take them for spirituall ministers or to bee present at their ministratiō by the rea son of their continuaunce in mariage● when notwithstandyng our Sauiour-Christ sayeth That God hath coupled and ioyned together let no man separate and put a sunder And the holy Apostle sayeth To auoyde fornication let euery man haue his own wife and euery womā her own husband Again Wedlocke is honourable among all men the bed vndefiled But whoremongers adulterers God shal iudge Of thys decree followed many great inconueniences For y e priestes by this meanes abstayning from lawfull matrimonye abstayned not frō vnlawfull whoredome from other leude partes of most detestable vncleannesse but defiled themselues with al kinde of abhominable liuing vnto the vtter defacing both of themselues and of theyr ministery in so muche y t the aforesayd pope was compelled to make a decree that no man should heare the masse of any whoremōger priest supposyng by this meanes to fraye away the priestes frō their whoring which notwithstāding from that time vnto this houre again hath growen vp vnto such an hight in the kingdome of the pope that among the verye Turkes Iewes Sarazens and suche other miscreantes the lyke fornication whoredome adultery incest sodomitrye and all wicked kynde of most detestable dissolution of leude life not to be founde as is at this present proued to be exercised of y e vnchast generatiō of the popish wiuelesse priestes vnto the great infamye and slaunder of the christen profession Pope Innocent the second in y e councell Remense made a decree also y e Subdeacons shoulde liue continentlye and without wiues In the yeare c. 1131. Dist. 18. Cap. Decreuimus Ioan. Laziard He ordayned also that not only Subdeacons but also Deacons and priestes shoulde professe chastitye and liue wiuelesse vnder payne of depriuation of theyr benefyces and all other ecclesiasticall promotion Chron. Lib. Concil Ioan. Stella Pope Vrban the seconde lykewyse made a lawe that if any man after he was made Deacon dyd marrye the same shoulde be depriued of all hys benefices and all other spirituall dignityes In the yeare c. 186 Disti 32. Cap. Eos qui. Ioan. Phil. Bergom Pope Theodore bearyng rule in the tyme of the Emperoure Constantine the fourthe a councell was gathered in whiche it was decreed that the priestes of the Grece and of y e Easte church shoulde be at libertye to marrye and to haue theyr owne lawfull wiues bycause of the greate heate that is in the countrey but to the priests of y e West partes maryage was vtterlye denyed as vnto persons which dwel in a much colder countrey therfore lesse nedefull of maryage In the yeare c. 936. Chron. Ang. Pope Paschalis the seconde bearing rule Anselme Archbyshop of Cantorbury in the second yeare of the reygne of Kyng Henry the fyrst Kyng of Englande whiche was in the yeare of oure Lorde 106. gathered together at London a Satanicall swarme of shamelesse shauelynges and condemned the honest and Godly maryage of priestes forbidding al spiritual ministers from henceforth to kepe y e company of their lawfull wiues or after that tyme to haue any thing to do with matrimony but to liue a syngle and wiuelesse lyfe The diuelish decree of that Antichristian Archebishop made of many Godly maryed priests such a mōstruous multitude of vyle stinking and abhominable Sodomites y t the aforesaid Anselme was compelled to make a decree also against those Sodomites cōmaunding that al Sodomitical priestes should openly be accursed in the churches euery sonday throughout the yeare And afterward suche great inconueniences grewe of the publishyng of this moste detestable sinne of Sodomitrye for by this meanes it began to be knowen to be practised not only among y e clergye but also among the Laitie that he was compelled to reuoke cal backe agayne this his wicked decree of publication and from henceforth no more openly to accurse those Sodomiticall monstures Lib. Concil Pope Honorius the seconde willyng perfectly to stablysh that wicked decree of the single life of priestes begonne by that Antichrist Anselme in England sent a certayne carnall Cardinall called Ioannes Cremonensis into this realm whiche called together here at Londō also a great councel at the which were present two Archebyshops xxiiii Byshops and fortie Abbotes besydes an innumerable multitude of the clergie In thys councell besides other things he most greuously inueyed agaynst the maryage of priestes and among other his words he sayd that it was a shamfull matter and an excedyng great abhomination for a priest to rise from an whores syde for so he called the priests lawfull wiues and immediatly to goe and make Gods bodye But notwithstanding God willing to shewe what chaste and continent fathers these aduersaries and forbidders of priests matrimonye are the aforesayd Cardinall euen the very same day wherin he had not only condemned the moste Godly and lawfull mariage of priests but also deuoutlye song masse was taken w t an whore in his bed the next nyghte following and so with shame enough tooke hym to hys feete and with all haste fledde awaye to Rome vnto hys holy father not so muche as once byddyng hys frendes here in Englande farewel A frute worthy such a chastity It was not vnaptly answered of King Rychard the fyrst to a certayne prieste called Fulco which sayd to the King on thys wyse King to thee I saye in the name of god almighty that thou marrye sone thy three euyl doughters least some worse happe thee befal Thou lyest hipocrite quod the King for daughter haue I none Yes sayd the prieste Thou hast pryde couetousnesse and lecherye Thē aunswered the Kyng My pride I geue to the templares and hospitalers my couetousnesse to y e white monks and my lechery to the prelates of the church In the yeare of our Lord 1124. Ranulp Cestrensis Poly. in hist. Ang. Chroni Of the maryage of Priestes POpe Siluester the fyrst ordayned degrees in ecclesiastical orders and decreed that euery prieste shuld be the husband of one wife only according to the doctrine of the holy Apostle In the yere of oure Lord. 315. Sabel Plat Ioan. Phili. Bergom D. Barnes Polydor. Pope Gregory the fyrst restored maryage agayne to the priestes which he to fore had denyed vnto them when he sawe howe manye greuous inconueniences followed of that most wicked decree of the single life of priestes In the yere
such as the pope fauoureth not but that he shuld rather eschew them as enemies turne away from them as heathen persons For seing sayeth he that the dead that is to say y e pope abhorreth thē much more y e fete that is all Princes Kyngs Rulers all other kinde of people ought so to do and vtterly deteste them Ioan. Laziardus Pope Clement the fyrst made a constitution that all Emperours kings princes shuld be subiecte to the church of Rome both in spirituall and temporall matters acknowledge the pope to be their head Chron. Ioan. Laziardus Celestinus Pope Sixtus made a decree that if any man wer euill entreated of his Metropolitane it shuld be lawfull for him to appeale vnto the Sea of Rome mother and head of the vniuersall churche of Christ throughout al y e worlde 2. Q 6. Cap. Si quis putauerit Pope Fabian the fyrst ordained that euery mā might lawfully appeale vnto the sea of Rome although sentence wer pronoūced against him In y e yere ▪ c. 242.2 Qu 6. ca. Licet Iac. Phili. Bergō Pope Leo the thyrde made a decree that the decrees of the bishop of Rome should be more regarded set by than al the iudgementes writings bo●●es of the best learned In the yere c. 817. Iacob Phil. Bergom Pope Eugenius the fourth gathered a councel at Florence in the which wer present many great learned men both Grekes and Latines In thys councell it was required of the Grekes and of the Indians that they shuld celebrate the Lordes Supper with vnleuended bread according to the decree of Pope Alexander the fyrst and y t they shoulde graūt y t there is a purgatorie to purge soules after this life agayne that they shuld confesse the bishop of Rome to be the true vicare of Christ the very successour of Peter and the supreme head of Christs church thorowout y e world But they woulde not obey the Popes request but boldly answered that they would continew in the fayth and doctrine whiche their Churches from the beginnyng had receaued of the Apostles In the yeare c. 1433. Ioan. Philip. Bergom Chron. Pope Boniface the eyght vpon a certayn great and solemne feast apparelled in hys Pontificalibus was caried about the citie of Rome on mens shoulders gaue the people large blessings with wagging his fyngers ouer them on euery syde The nexte daye after he put on an imperial robe decking himself like an Emperour and cōmaunded a naked sweard to be borne before him and he himself sitting vpon his moyle gloriously cryed out with a loud voice saying Ecce duo gladij hic Behold here are two sweardes calling himself Lord of the whole worlde concerning both temporal and spiritual matters This is that monsture of whom it is writtē Intrauit vt Vulpes vixit vt Leo moritur vt Canis That is to saye he entred in as a fore he liued as a lyō he dyed as a dogge In the yeare of our Lord. 1290. Albertus Crantzius Fascic Temp. Pantal. Pope Leo the fourth so greatly estemed both himselfe and his authoritye that he offered hys feete vnto princes to be kyssed and honoured In the yere c. 858. Volat. Plat. Pantal. Pope Innocent the thyrd fyrste of all crowned Otho the Emperour and afterward depriued him agayne saying It lyeth in my power both to set vp to plucke down emperours kings and princes at my pleasure For all power is geuen vnto me both in heauen and in earth In the yere of our Lord 1195. Sebast. Frank. Chron. Temton Fasc Temp● Paulus Phrig c. Pope Alexander the thyrde did not only with martiall armours resiste the Godly and noble Emperour Frederike but at the laste thorow the might of other princes subduing him compelled y ● aforesayd Emperour before he wuld geue hym absolution be at one with him to lye flatte down vpō the ground before hym in the syght of the people and the pope setting hys foote in the emperors necke cried out with a loude voyce and sayd Scriptū est Super aspidem et basiliscum ambulabis conculcabis leonem draconem That is to saye It is written Upon the Adder the Cockatrice shalt thou walke and thou shalt treade downe the lion the dragon In the yeare c. 1161. Nauclerus ▪ Sabel Iaco. Phil. Ioan. Char. This pope made compelled Lewes King of Fraunce and Henrye King of Englande to be his lackies to runne on fote by him y e one holding his horses bridle on the right side the other on the left syde leading him with greate pompe thorow the citie Totiacum vnto Ligris Chroni Sigebertus Pope Hadriane the fourth was not a little angrye bicause the Emperoure helde with his hand the left stirrope and not the right when he came down of hys horse aboute the yeare c. 1158. Albertus Crantz Otho Frisius Pantaleon Pope Calixtus the second whē he returned vnto Rome caused pope Benet whom the Emperor had before set vp to be apprehended and to be set vpon an horse so ryde before him vilanously al the way his face being turned vnto the horses arse holding the horse tayle being in his hande in steade of a bridle Afterwarde he threw him into prison where he most miserably dyed About the yere c. 1120. Chron. Fasciculus temporum c. Pope Celestine the third crowned the emperour Henry the fyfte holding the crowne betwene his fete And whē he had put the crown vpō the emperours heade he smote it of with his fote againe saying y t he had power to make Emperours and to put them down agayne In the yeare c. 1195. Crantz Pope Cornelius ordayned y t no othe shoulde be required of the pope excepte it were for the mayntaynaunce of holy church In the yeare c. 255. Ranulphus Cestrensis Chron. Pope Gregorye the seuenth for dyspleasure that he bare vnto Henrye the Emperoure wrote vnto the princes people that liued vnder y e Emperours dominion that they should by no meanes obey the Emperour but rather resiste hym and hys authoritie and take him no more for Emperour but rather for an vsurper of the empyre The emperour perceauing this malicious purpose of y e pope wrote againe vnto him on this manner When Christ cōmitted the sheepe vnto Peter he excepted Kings The pope aunswered the Emperor in his letters on this wise Whē Christ gaue y e keyes vnto Peter he excepted no man by this meanes chalēging power authoritie ouer al Emperours Kings Princes and Rulers vnto whom notw tstanding by y e worde of God both pope Bishop w t all the spiritualty as they terme them ought to shewe obedience euen from the very heart not only for conscience sake In the yeare c. 1073. Christianus Massaeus Sabast. Frank. Chron. Pope Boniface the eight wrote vnto
fourth afterwarde willed that the Feaste of all Sainctes should be kept the first day of Nouember In the yeare of our Lord. 486. Plat. Sabel Polid. D. Barns Pope Iohn the .xviii. confirmed the Feast of all soules whiche was begōn by a certayne Monke called Oclilo and commaunded that it should be kept ●oly in euery Churche the day followyng the Feast of all Saintes In the yeare of our Lord. 999. Petrus Damianus Christianus Massaeus Volat. Fascicu●us Temporum Ioan. Stella Polid. This Feast as they write toke the begynnyng on this manner A certain Monke named Oclilo prouinciall of the Monkes of Clun●acensis order vpon an occasion that he hearde about Etna the mountaine of Sicilie oftentimes great weping lamenting and crying which he supposed to be the yellynge of euill spirites that wailed bicause the soules of dead men were taken out of Purgatory from thē by the peticiōs prayers suffrages and sacrifices of well disposed Christen people persuaded his Couent to make a generall Obite for all soules the daye next after the feaste of all Sainctes and desired Pope Iohn the xviii to set it forth by his authoritie and to commaund it to be obserued generally as a godly Institution full of louyng tender and pitifull charitie Whiche thinge Pope Iohn did with all expedition so that of this Monkes foolishe supposition there hath sprong vp muche vayne superstition Volat. Polid. Ioan. Laziard Pope Sixtus the fourth ordayned the feastes of the Conception and presentation of Marye the Uirgine and the Feastes of Anne her Mother and of Ioseph her husband and also of Fraunces In the yeare c. 1469. Decret Extravagant Ioan. Laziard Pope Vrban the sixt made the visitation of Mary holyday In the yeare c. 1390. Christ. Mass. Chron. Germ. Pope Sergius otherwise called Popes Swinesnoute confirmed the feast of the Purification of Mary commonly called Candelmassedaye whiche before was instituted at Constantinople Pope Vigilius beyng Byshop of Rome In the yeare of our Lord. 684. Sigeb Pantal And he commaūded that all the people shoulde on that daye go procession cary brennyng candels about with them in their hands Chron. Germ. Guil. Durand Pope Boniface the eyght ordayned that the feastes of the foure Euangelistes Mathew Marke Luke and Iohn agayne that the feastes of the foure Doctours Ambrose Hierome Austen and Gregorye shoulde be double feastes in holye Churche In the yeare of our Lorde 1286. Fasciculus Temp. Christ. Massaeus Ioan. Stella Pope Leo the firste commaunded that the Sonday shoulde be kept holy and that all Christians should behaue themselues Godlye and vertuously all the daye long in praying in hearyng readyng the worde of God in visityng the sicke and poore and in comforting the comfortlesse In the yeare of our Lord. 444. Volat. Sabel Pantal. Pope Leo the thirde bearyng rule a Coūcell was holden at Magontia in Germany where it was decreed that al Sōdayes should be kept holy with al reuerence and that all men on those dayes should abstayne from al seruice worke and worldly businesse and that there shoulde be no Markets no Faires no bying nor selling on the Sonday Againe that no man on that daye shoulde be iudged either vnto death or vnto any payne In the yeare c. 817. Lib. Concil Barth Carranza Pope Innocent y e fourth bearing rule it was agreed in a certain councel holdē at Lyons what holydayes should specially be obserued and kept where it was decreed that the Sondayes should be kept holy from Saterday at noone till Sonday at night Item the feastes following should also be halowed and kept holy that is to say the feastes of the Natiuitie of Christ of S. Stephen of S. Ihon the Euangeliste of the Innocentes of S. Siluester of the Circūcision of y e Epiphanye of Easter with the whole weekes y t go before after of the Rogation dayes of the Ascention of Christ of Whitsontide with the two daies following of S. Iohn Baptiste of the xxii Apostles of S. Laurence of blessed Marye of S. Michaell of the Dedication of the Temple of al Saints of S. Martine and to be short all such feastes of Canonised Saintes as euery Byshop in his diocesse with y e consent of the Clergye and the people haue determined to kepe holy As for all other feastes y t are in the yeare the people ought neither to be compelled to kepe them holy day nor yet to be forbidden but euery man to do according to hys deuotiō In the yere of our lord 1242. Libro Concil Polydor. Guilielmus Durandus This decree also was made in a coūcell holden at Maguntia Bartholom Carrantz A councell holden at Basille confyrmed the feast of the Conception of Mary the Uirgine and graunted to so many as deuoutlye kepe it holy daye and bee presente at the seruice an hundred and fyftye dayes of pardon Lib Concil In y e councel Toletane it was decreed y t the feast of the Annunciation of Mary should be kept holy the fyftene daye of the Calendes of Ianuarye and that the feast of the Natiuitye of her sonne that is to saye Christmasse should bee celebrated and kepte holye the eyghts daye of the Calendes of Ianuarye Lib. Concil Item in a councell holden at Basille the feast of the visitation of Mary was confyrmed an hundred dayes of pardon graunted to all them y e with good deuotion be present at the seruice of y e day Lib. Concil Of Canonysing and making of Saintes POpe Leo the nynthe holdyng a councel at Vercellis made Gerardus Bishop somtime of the Le●corians a saint And this pope was the fyrst as some write y e euer presumed toke vpō him to make saints In the yere c. 1049. Christ. Massae Pope Gregorye the nynth made frier Dominike and fryer Fraunces and fryer Anthony de Padua Elizabeth daughter to the King of Hungary Saints In the yeare c. 1225. Plat. Albert. Krantz Ioan Stella Pantal. Pope Alexander the fourth made Clara the Nunne Peter Martyr the Blackfryer and Stanslaus Bishop of Cracouia saintes In the yeare c. 1248. Chronic. Volat. Pantal Pope Iohn the .xxii. made Lewes Byshop of Tolossa sonne to Charles King of Fraunce a Saint He sainted also Thomas of Aquine the blackefrier and Thomas Byshop of Hereforde In the yeare 1308. Plat. Volat. Pant. Pope Nicolas the fyft among a greaterable of others made Bernardine the Grayfryer a Sainte In the yeare c. 1447. Matth. Palmer Platina Chronic. Germani Pope Calixt the thyrde made Vincent the blackefryer and Edmunde Kyng of Englande Saintes He also canonysed Osmunde sometyme Byshop of Salisburye caused hym to be counted in the number of saintes In the yeare of oure Lorde 1455. Volat. Matthe Palm Pisamus Ranulph Cest. Pantal. Pope Pius the second made Katerine a Sainte In the yeare c. 1458. Volat. Chron. Pope Clement the sixte made Iuo the priest
sinnes or ells y t their damnation may be the more tollerable Ibidem The dead which are in purgatorye knowe the suffrages that are done for them .iiii. manner of wayes Fyrst by diuine reuelations that is to say whē God doth shewe it vnto them Secondly by the manifestation or shewing of the good Aungells For the Aungells which are here alway with vs consider all our actes and deedes maye as a man would say in a trise go downe vnto them tel them out of hand Thirdly by y e declaration of the soules which depart hence Fourthly by experience as when thei seale y t they are deliuered from their paynes Moreouer we must knowe that the dead whiche are maruelously euill know not what is done of them y t liue but euen so much as is permitted and suffred vnto them for to know Likewise they that are meanely good remaining yet in the fyre of purgatorye which haue not yet the fruition and sight of God knowe not but euen so much as is permitted vnto them to know by any of the aforesaid wayes But the deade that are maruelouslye good which already enioy the sight of Goddes Maiestye knowe cetaynely what is here done according to this saying of S. Gregory Quid est quod nesciant qui videntem omnia vident ▪ That is to say What is it y t thei know not which set him that seeth al thinges Ibidem Geue the glorye to God alone ¶ Imprinted at London by Iohn Daye dwelling ouer Aldersgate beneath saint Martins September 30. ¶ Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis per septennium 1. Cor. 1. Ioan. 7. Iac. 2. Iere. 44. Nume 21. Numer 11. Exod. 16. 3. Reg. 17 Iac. 5. 3. Re. 18 ▪ ☜ Luc. 23. Ioan. 18. Ioan. 11. Ioan. 12. Mathe. 10. Act. 16. Act. 21. Psal. 1●4 The holye Scripture Ioan. 10. Ioan. 8. Ioan. 18. Ephe. 2. ☜ Rom. 10. Custome Ioan. 14. ☜ Ioan. 15. Mathe. 17. Esay 29. Math. 25. Leuit. 18. Exod. 23. Leuit. 18 ☞ Doctors of the church Psal. 115 Rom. 13. Tract d● vi●gini Homil. i. in Ierem. In com ad Titum In Epist. ad Rom. Note Fathers Rom. 14. ☜ 1. Timo. 1. Ioan. 9. Ioan. 3. Math. 13. Math. 16. Mathe. 7 ▪ Math. 21. ☜ Math. 17 Ioan. 10. zachar 1 ▪ Ezech. 20 Note ☞ Ad caecil Lib. 2. Epist. 3. Councels Math. 18. Math. 28. ☜ Psal. 26. Esay 30. Esay 10. In serm de lapsis Psal. 119. In cap. ad Gal. cap. 5. ☞ D● elect cap. Significasti In Gal. cap. 5. The multitude Math. 7. Math. 20 Rom. 10 Exod. 12. 3. Reg. 18 3. Re. 22. Math. 2. Luc. 2. ● Cor. 1. Ioan. 7. Math. 13. Leuit. 14 Math. 2● Act. 4. Congregatio regentium n● Act. 7. Psal. 44 Ex tripart Hist. Lib. 2. cap. 13. Dist. 13. cap Nicena Heb. 13. ☞ Luc. 12. The difference of orders and doctrines Christ alone is head of hys Churche Mathe. 26. 1. Cor. 11. Publique prayer in the mothe● tounge 1. Cor. ●4 Ceremonies Math. 25. Ioan. 4. Purgatory ● ▪ Ioan. 1 ▪ The sacrifice of the Masse no sacrifice for sinne but the death of Christe alone Rom. 6. Heb. 9. Inuocatiō and Intercession of Sainctes Psal. 50. 1. Timo. 2. 1. Ioan. 1. Rom. 8. Ioan. 16 ▪ Transsubstantiation 1. Cor. ● ▪ Mathe. 26. The sacrament ☞ Ephe. 5. Leuit. 21. Ezech. 44 ●The mariage of Priestes ☞ ● Timo. 4. 1. Cor. 7. Heb. 13. Uowes Eccle. 5. Rom. 14 The vowe of pouertie Gene. 3. The vowe of obediēce Rom. 13 The vowe of chastitie Math. 19. Sap. 8. Fastynge dayes ☞ ● Timo. 4. Titus 1 Act. 10. ☞ Luc. 21. Iustification ●bac 2. Rom. 3. Gala. 2. ☜ Rom. 8. Fayth Gala. 5. Loue. 1. Timo. 1 ▪ Psal. 1. ☜ Psal. 52. Gala. 2. Math. 12 ▪ Auriculare confession Malach. 2 Satisfaction 1. Ioan. 2. 2. Cor. 5 ▪ ☜ Act. 13. Satisfac●●on to our neyghbour Luc. 19. Free will Rom. 4 Ephe. 2. Gene. 6. Gene. 8. Iere. 17. 2. Cor. 3 Ioan. 15. Note 1. Cor. 4 Iac. 1. ☜ Phil. 3. Ioan. 8. 1. Cor. 2. Ioan. ● 2. Cor. 3. Prayer Math. 1● Ioan. 14. Note Psal. 34. 1. Cor. 14 ☞ Holy days Mark 2. ☞ Colos. 2. Gala. 14. Colos. 2 Math. 7. Act. 3. Math. 15. Esay 29. Math. 17. Mark 7. Deut. 12 Deut. 4. The causes of the dedicatiō of this booke knowledge Zeale Math. 5. Titus 1 Doctrine Math. 25. Life Iac. 1. 1. Pet. 5. Titus 1 1. Timo. 3. Hospitality Esay 58. 1. Timo. 4. Titus 1 Malach. 3 Gala. 6. Ioan. 21. Benefites Luc. 1. Ioan. 14 The beginning of the Popes primacie Epist. lib. 4. Epist. 32.33.34 capi 76.77.78 Pope 〈◊〉 head of the Emperors making Phocas the Emperor The tirāny of Phocas The death of Phocas Pope Christes vicare and Peters successour The bishop of Rome only Pope The church of Rome heade of all churches A famous notable lye The Pope is become a playne Lucifer S. Peters patrimony O terrificū fulmen The Papistes are impudent liars ☜ Note wel y e propertie of the papists Richesse poysoned y e church of Rome ☜ An other lie of the Papistes concerning the counc●●l of Nice Note In the coūcell of Carthage no Scripture coulde bee founde to proue the Popes primacie The falsehoode of the Papistes The Godly auncient councells attribute no more authoritie to the bishop of Rome than to any other Byshop Tra●● de simplicitate Prelat Epi. lib. 4. cap. 76.78 ▪ What wil the papists saye here to S. Gregorye Note well The primacye of the Bishop of Rome is but a newe inuētion The see of Rome iudge of all but may be iudged of none Appellations to Rome The popes statutes ar of necessitie to be obserued The Popes lawes equal with the word of God No man may dissent from the church of Rome A substantiall rea●on and a wise Generall councels obedient to the Pope No man may loue whome the Pope hateth Note this reason All temporall rulers subiect to the Pope Appellatiō to Rome All mens iudgemēts muste geue place to the decrees of the Pope Note well ▪ Note thys aunswere The Lucifer like prid of Pope Boniface Scripture wel applied Popes fete k●ssed and honoured O Lucifer The Pope may set vp and p●ucke downe princes at hys pleasure A charitable act of so holy a father Kings lackies slaues to the Pope An holy father charitable acts A pointe of knauerye No othe may be required of the Pope The Pope a sower of sedition The Luciferlik pride of the pope Rom. xiii Pope Lord of y e world Pope caried on mens shoulders ☞ Austen the Monk corruptoure of the Christē fayth in England Note thys This decre was not euil Austen a bloudy Monke ☜ This decre agreeth not with the order of the auncient Churche of Christ. Here ●a●●men are admitted to the election of the pope No Pope 〈◊〉 ● full without the admission of the Emperour The Emperour barred frō the election or admissiō of the
Philip King of Fraunce that he was Lorde of all thinges aswell temporall as spiritual thorowout y e whole world and that he therfore ought to haue receaued the kingdome of Fraūce at his hande which thinge forasmuch as the king had not done y e Pope wrote vnto him y t he had iustlye deserued to bee depriued of his kingdome so y t afterwarde this arrogant Lucifer and mōs●ure of pride excommunicated Kinge Philip and gaue away his kingdōe to Albert the Emperor About the yeare c. 757. Pol. Virg. Pant. Pope Stephan y e seconde was y e first Pope that was caried about vpō mēs shoulders which thing his successors haue euersince diligētli practised ▪ put in vse In y e yere c. 757. Pol. Vir. Pan● Pope Cletus firste of all vsed in his letters these wordes Salutem Apostolicam benedictionē In the yere c. 81. Chron. Ang. Pope Gregory the first vsed firste of all in his letters and bulles this title ▪ Seruus seruorum dei that is to say seruāt of the seruants of God which title his successors yet keepe but how truely who seeth not seing they labour to the vttermoste of theire power to haue the whole world vnder their girdle yea to compell princes kinges and emperors not onely to be their lackies but also to kisse euen their very feete Hee vsed this title in all his letters to represse the arrogācye and pride of Iohn Patriarche of Constantinople which contrary to the doctrine of the Gospel and contrary to the decrees of the olde Canons presumed to vsurpe a newe name to himself and sought to be called the vniuersall bishop or head ouer all other bishops To shew that such a proud ambitious name ought vtterly to be detested of al spiritual ministers of whatsoeuer calling or dignitie they be the aforesaide Gregory in all his letters euer after named himself the seruant of the seruauntes of God In the yere c. 590. Ranulphus Cestrens Chron. This aforesaid Gregory sent Austen y e Monke w t certaine other into Englād to conuert and turne the english natiō vnto the Romish Religiō Which Austen when thorow his hipocrisy coūterfait holines he had won many vnto his purpose and had obtained of king Adelbright to be Archbishop of Cāterbury and primate of al England wēt into Wales where hee founde manye godly lerned byshops and preachers of Goddes worde which sincerely and purelye taught the doctrine of the holy Scripture and rightlye administred the blessed sacraments according to Christes institution whom thys aforesaid Austen the Monk labored also to the vttermost of his power to allure frō the sinceritie simplicity of christs religion vnto the Romish and popish superstitiō bosting himself to be a Legate of the most holy father the Pope sēt frō Rome again made ordayned the chief bishop primate of al englād and therefore he wylled them to obey him and his doctrine and to receaue y e most holy father of Rome and his catholike Religion But the Godly and learned Fathers boldely aunswered that they were alredy true Christiās and according to christs doctrine they gouerned theire Churches therefore they would neither obey him nor submit themselues to the aucthoritie of y t straunge Romishe Bishop nor yet receiue his supersticious ceremonies but continue as heretofore they had done in the simplicitie of Christes religion By this meanes this Monke Austen was compelled to depart his expectation not satisfied Notwithstanding this monstrous Monk afterward foūd the meanes such is the charitie of the bloudy papists greatly to annoy these Godly and lerned fathers bicause they would not obey his wicked deuilishe request For he complained to Kinge Adelbright that the Britaines called otherwise Welshmen woulde neither obey him nor anye man but onely the Archbishop of Carlion Which thinge when the King heard he was greatly moued and threatned to destroy them al writing to Elfride king of Northūberland that he should come to him w t al the power that he might make and that he would meete him at Leiciter frō thence they would go into Wales and there destroye the Archebishop of Carlion and all those that had refused to obey Austen and his doctrine When the Godly fathers hearde of this and that the two kings with their armies approched to the ende for to destroy them they sent vnto the kings certaine holy and vertuous mē which went barefoote woolwarde with all humilitie meekenes desiring thē●t● cease frō so vngodly an enterprise But the kings were so sterne so wicked y t they woulde not once speake to those holy mē but slew them straightwaies euery one They spared them no more alas for sorow than the wolfe doth y e sheepe but cruelly and vniustlye murthered those saints of God so that thei were all martired y t came vnto theim being in numbre fiue hundred forty And from thence those kinges went vnto Gāgor for to slea all y e Britanes that they might fynde But when the Britanes heard of it they assembled prepared thēselues with all their power to fyghte with those kinges for the defence of their countreye and for the mayntaynaunce of Christen religion so that in that battell king Adelbright was slaine by y e iust iudgement of god and kyng Elfride was sore wounded and compelled moste cowardly to flye theyr whole armye also being vtterly discomfited wel nigh al slayne They that remayned toke them to their fete and fled so that by this meanes God gaue his seruaunts a glorious victorie ouer the popyshe enemyes Ex Chron. Angl. Such end O Lord geue thou to all thine enemyes that of malice and without repētaunce persecute thy seruauntes for the testimony of thy truth that the kingdome of Antichrist and y e pope vtterly subuerted thou maiest be knowen to be the alone Lorde and thy worde to be the alone veritie Of the Popes election POpe Nicolas the fyrst made a decree that if any mā would thrust himself into the sea of S. Peter not being chosen thereunto by such as ar appoynted for the electiō of the pope y e same shuld be iudged not Apostolicus but Apostaticus 49. Dist. Cap. Si quis Apostolice sedi Anno. 871. Pope Hadriane the first made a law that no lay persons should presume to entermedle with the election of y e pope 63. Dist. Cap ▪ Nullus laicorum An. 796. Pope Boniface the second made a decree that in the election of the pope the Clergye should be deuided from the cōmon people In the yeare c. 529. Albertus Krempt Pope Leo the eyght ordayned that none should be admitted pope without the consent of the Emperor In y e yere c. 962.63 Dist ▪ Cap. In Synodo Chron. Pope Adriane the third was of such and so lustye courage that contrary to the order tofore vsed he made a decree that from henceforth the Emperours should
of Aungels Martyrs virgins saints yea and of Christ and burnt them in the opē market made a law that whosoeuer resisted his procedinges in this behalfe he should suffer death In the yeare of our Lord. 784 Blondus Eutropius Platin. Matth. Palme●us c. Constantine the Emperour kept a coūcell at Constantinople in the which were present a greate number of godly Bishops and other learned men where it was lykewyse decreed that Images should be cast out of Churches and by no meanes be suffred in such places as christen men resorte vnto for to praye vnto their Lorde God In the yere c. 739 Sigesb P. Aemilus Pantal. The noble and Godly Emperours Valens and Theodosius made a law that no man shoulde make or cause to bee made any Image of oure Sauioure Christ neyther by paynting nor by grauyng nor yet by any other waye but that wheresoeuer any such Image shoulde bee found it shoulde vtterlye bee taken awaye and destroyed And whosoeuer woulde attempte to doe contrarye to thys theyr acte they appoynted certayne greuous punyshementes to be executed vpon the transgressoures and breakers thereof as a lawe grounded both vpon the worde of God and vppon the decrees and constitutions of the most worthy aunciente Emperours and reuerende byshops Petrus Crinitus Lib. 9. de honestae disciplina Sabanus King of y e Bulgarians made also the lyke lawe in hys Realme for y e abolyshmente of Images oute of the Churches In the yeare of our Lorde 765. Sabell Mass. Pantal. Philip y e Emperour likewise made a straight lawe for the abolishyng of Images In the yeare of our Lorde 730. Sabel Paulus Diaconus The noble Emperoure Adrian commaunded y t there shuld be no Images set vp in temples or Churches Ioan. Laziardus Calcobertus King of England destroyed in hys Realme when he receaued the faith of Christ all the Idolls poppettes Maumettes and Images that he founde or coulde come by In the yeare of oure Lord. 640. Ioan. Laziard ▪ Vincentius Pope Gregory the fyrst after that he was appoynted Byshop of Rome cōmaunded that all the Idolles and Images of the Heathen should vtterlye be defaced theyr heades cutte of and theyr other members in all poyntes mangled and disgraced and so in fine destroyed that no occasion of Idolatry mighte afterwarde be geuen In the yeare of our Lorde 590. Ioan. Laziard Chronica Pope Constantine the second whom the seditious tirannicall and superstitious papistes did afterward violently depose cruelly thrust into a monastery as into a vyle and stincking prison and most vnmercifully put oute hys eyes commaunded that no Christian shuld worship any Image eyther of God or of any Saint or inuocate or call vpon the Uirgine Marye or any other saint in heauen with their prayers but worship God in spirite and truth and call vpō his glorious name thorow Iesus Christ our alone Mediatour Aduocate and Intercessoure In the yere c. 769. Ioan. Laziard The Councel Agathense made a decree that there shoulde be no pictures in Churches and that no thyng should be painted on the walles of Churches that is honoured and worshipped In the yeare of oure Lorde 440. Libro Concil Durand The Councell Toletane the twelfth holden in Spayne made constitutions both agaynst Images and agaynst the worshippers of images In the yere c. 712. Chron. Concil The Councell Elibertine likewise holden in Spayne decreed that all pictures should be had out of churches and that nothyng that is honoured or worshipped shoulde be paynted on the church walles In the yeare c. 345. Isidorus Tom. 1. Concil The holy Byshop Epiphanius commyng into a churche to praye sawe a vayle there hāging wherin was paynted y e image of Christ or of some saint So sone as he saw it he cutte y e Image away and sayd that it is contrarye to the authoritye of the holy scriptures to haue the Image of any man in the Churche of Christ. In the yere of oure Lord. 565. S. Hieronymus Chron. Thys Epystle which the aforesaid holy and godly learned Byshop Epiphanius wrote of thys matter vnto Iohn Byshop of Ierusalem in the Greke toung and Sainte Hierome translated into Latyn and the words are these in Englishe WHen we went forth together vnto the holye place whiche is called Bethel y t we shuld make there a collectiō for the poore accordyng to the custome of Christs Church came vnto a village which is called Anablatha and as I passed by sawe there a candle burning I demaunded what place it was And when I had learned that it was a Churche I entred into it for to praye where I found a vayle hanging on the dore of the same church dyed paynted and hauing an Image as it were of Christ or of some saint For I do not well remember whose Image it was Therefore when I sawe thys in the church of Christ contrary to the authority of the scriptures that the Image of a man did hang there I cutte it away and gaue rather coūcell to the kepers of y e same place that thei shuld lappe and burye some poore dead man in it But they murmured at the matter and said If he wuld cutte it it wer conuenient that he shoulde geue an other vayle in the steade of the other Which thing whē I heard I promised y t I would geue thē one send it vnto them out of hand But while I sought to send a good vaile for y e other I haue made some delay in the matter For I thought I shuld haue had one sent vnto me frō Cyprus But now haue I sent such as I could gette and I pray thee y t thou wilt commaunde the priests of the same place to receaue the vayle of the bringer y t we haue sente to geue commaundement y t frō henceforth no such vayles be hanged vp in y e church of Christ as be contrary to our religion Here thys most Godly byshop with manyfest playne and euident wordes pronounceth and declareth that it is agaynst the holy scripture our religiō that the Image of Christ shuld be had in the temples of the Christians so far is it of that the Images of any saints ought to be placed in thē Hereof maye we easely gather that S Hierome also and all the other godly Byshoppes whiche were both before and in hys tyme dyd agree in thys poynte with Epiphanius that the Images of Christe and of the Saintes are by no meanes to bee suffered in the Churches of the Christians For in the tyme of Saint Hierome and certayn yeres after him we do not reade that any Byshop beeing of a sounde and perfect iudgement coulde euer abyde that images should be placed in the temples of such as professe Christ. The Godlye learned Byshop S. Athanasius proueth euidentlye agaynste all Imagemongers that men maye learne to knowe God better by liuyng creatures whether they be
For they are sayth he holy and precious tinhges yea and reliques Guil. Durand Pope Pius the firste commaunded that if any of the Sacramentall wyne should chaunce to fall vpon the groūd or vpon any other place the priestes should licke it vp with their tonges In the yeare c. 147. Durand Lib. Concil Pope Stephen the first ordained that a priest in his diuine seruice should vse none other but halowed garmentes In the yeare of our Lord. 261. Sabel The same pope also appointed that the priestes should not weare their halowed garmētes but only in y e tyme of their diuine seruice Fa● Temp. Durādus Pope Innocent the thyrde bearynge rule it was decreed in the Councel Laterane that men must beleue that although the wordes whiche are recited in the Canon of the Masse be not rehearsed of the Euangelistes in theyr Gospels yet were they spokē of Christ deliuered to his Apostles their successoures and be of equall authoritie with the holy scriptures In the yeare c. ●●95 Dec. 3. tit 41. Cap. 6. Chron. Pope Adrian the first in a Councell holden at Rome made a decree that the Occidētall or weast Churches thorow out all Europe al other fashions of Matte●syng and Massyng set a parte and vtterly put away should onely vse that kinde of seruice which Pope Gregory the firste had tofore ordayned In the yeare of our Lord. 796. Nauclerus Sigesbert Durandus Achiles Carolus Magnus the Emperoure dyd not a little helpe to bryng this matter to passe For he dyd not only cōmaūde by publique edicts y t the decree of y e romish bishop amōg the which Gregoryes seruice hath not the least nor the lasts place should be obserued and kept thorowe out al the Empyre of Rome but he himself also was a most diligent setter forth of the same For he ran about from place to place thorow out all the prouinces of the Empyre compelled all the priests whether they would or not to receaue the seruice which Pope Gregory appointed yea and y t not only with threatning manacyng wordes but also with emprisonment Ioan. Nauclerus Guilielmus Durandus Iacobus de voragine in the life of Pope Gregory the firste telleth a tale concerning this matter In tymes past saieth he when the seruice whiche Ambrose made was more frequented and vsed in Churches than was the seruice whiche Gregory had appoynted the Bishop of Rome called Adrianus gathered a Councell together in the whiche it was ordayned that Gregoryes seruice shoulde be obserued and kept vniuersallye whiche determination of the Councell Charles the Emperoure did diligentlye put in execution whyle he rān about by diuerse prouinces and enforced all the Clergye partlye with threatnyngs and partly with punishementes to receaue that order And as touchynge the bookes of Ambrose seruice he brent them to ashes in all places and threwe into prison many priests that would not consent and agree to the matter Blessed Eugenius the Bishop commyng vnto the Councell founde that it was dissolued three dayes before his commyng Notwithstandyng thorowe his wisedome he so persuaded the Lord Pope that he called agayne all the Prelates y t had bene present at the Councel and were now departed by the space of three dayes Therfore when the Councell was gathered agayne together in this all the fathers did consēt and agree that both the ma●●ebokes of Ambrose and Gregory shuld be laid vpon the altar of blessed Peter the An●●le and the Church doores di●igen●ly shut and most warely sealed vp with the signets of many and diuer● Bishops Againe that they should all the whole night geue themselues to prayer that the Lorde myght reuele declare open and shewe vnto them by some euident signe or token whiche of these ii seruices he woulde haue vsed in the temples Thus they doyng in all points as they had determined in the morning opened y e church doores and founde both the Missals or massebookes open vpon the altare or rather as some saye they found Gregoryes massebooke vtterly plucked a sunder one pece from an other and scattered abroad into thys and that place As touchynge Ambrose booke they onely found it open vpon the altare in the very same place where they had tofor● layd it By this signe they thought thēselues sufficiently instructed taught of God that the seruice which Gregory had made ought to be set abroade and vsed thorowout all the world and that Ambroses seruice should only be obserued kept in hys owne Church which is at Mediolanum where he sometym● was Byshop Hereof came it to passe that Gregoryes seruice hath onely place nowe a dayes in the greatest parte of Europe Iacobus de voragine in vita Gregorij primi Guil. Durand Thus hast thou most gētle Reader howe the masse was begotten conceaued borne euen anone after the Apostles tyme if all be true that the Historiographes write Thou hast also how the masse grewe vp in continuance of time and was encreased by diuerse popes euerye one puttyng vnto it theyr owne fantasye tyll at the laste it was full finished by Pope Gregory the first about the yeare of our Lord. 600 euen aboute the very tyme when Mohommetes secte began in the East parte of the worlde and papacye in the weste Notwithstandyng from Pope Gregoryes dayes vnto the tyme of Carolus Magnus the forme of Gregoryes Masse was vsed onely in the Citie of Rome and in the diocesse of the same aboute two hundred yeares Frō Charles the great vnto y e tyme of Charles the fift the Masse rained ruled ruffled triūphed as a moste puissant and myghty Queene not onely in Italye and Germany in Fraunce and Englande but also in all the Churches of the weste part of the worlde about 700. yeares But in y e daies of the Emperour Charles the fifth and in the most florishyng reygne of the most blessed and Godlye Prince Kynge Edward the sixte Kynge of Englande Fraunce and Irelande c the Masse beynge an olde worne hagge full of sickenesses and disseases died was buryed and went down into Purgatory for the maintenaūce wherof she was moste chieflye deuysed and defended so that now neyther Germamanye nor Denmarke nor England nor Scotlande with many other countreyes and kyngdomes is anye more troubled w t her sorceries witchcrafts neyther are those her Chapplens the Massemongers and Purgatory rakers any more set a worke or had in price And although the Masse seeme yet to pant and to breathe in some places as though she woulde be glad to recouer lyfe and to lyue yet a lyttle longer in thys worlde yet forasmuche as she is no God but an Idoll of all moste vayne she shall neuer so ryse agayne that she shall recouer her olde strengths dignities but rather shall decay dayly more and more and suffer those worthye and deserued plagues which God threatneth her in the reuelations of blessed S. Iohn For this
Isidor Volat. Platina D. Barns Some make Pope Theodorus author of it which liued about the yere of our Lorde 613. Chron. Fasciculus Temporum Durandus Guilielmus Durandus sayeth y e Saincte Ambrose made the benediction or prayer wherewith the Paschall Taper is halowed on Easter euen He sayeth moreouēr that Augustinus and Petrus Diaconus the Monke made also other benedictions whiche are not in vse Rat. di offi Of Oyle and Creame and of the halowing of the same POpe Clement the fyrst brought fyrst of all the Oyle Creame into the Church In the yere of our Lord .92 Some attribute this ceremonye to Pope Siluester the fyrst In the yere c. 315. Chron. Lib. Concil Pope Fabian ordayned y t the Oyle and Creame which are vsed to be kept in the Chrismatorye for sundrye purposes and vses should be renued euery Maundye Thursdaye and y t the olde shuld be brent For saith he it is a new sacrament therefore must it alwaies be renued and the olde brent De conse Dist. 3. Cap. In literis Plat. Volat. Fascicu Temp. Polyd. Pope Siluester the fyrst gaue straight charge y t neither deacō nor priest shuld presume to halow Oyle and Creame but only the Byshop In the yeare c. 315. Lib Concil Pope Anastasius the fyrst commaunded that so soone as the Byshop hath halowed the Oyle and Creame either the Subdeacons or the Deacons with all expedition should carrye it vnto all the Churches thorowe out the diocesse that it may be in a readinesse agaynste Easter day In the yeare of our Lorde 404. Lib. Concil Chron. Of the Fire on Easter euen and of the Halowing therof POpe Zozimus ordayned not only y e Paschall Taper to be halowed on Easter euen but also that a Fire shoulde be made in euerye Churche on that day and halowed againe that the Paschal should be lightned with the flame of that Fyre and al other candles in the Churche In the yeare c. Chron. Germ. Of Halowing the Fonte on Easter euen POpe Pius the firste brought in the halowing of y e Fonte In the yere c. 147. Plat. Sabell Pope Leo Pope Damasus and S. Ambrose added the Exorcismes or coniurations and the benedictions or blessings with the other solemnities that be vsed at y e halowing of the Fonte as droppyng the candle into it the priestes breathing into it the deuiding and casting out of y e water c. Chron. Germ. Guil. Durand in Rat. di off Of halowing new Frutes POpe Eutichianus decreed that all new frutes but specially Beanes Grapes shuld be blessed cōsecrated and halowed vpon the altare In the yere c. 276. plat polid D. Bar●s Of Fasting SAint Peter the Apostle of Christ first Pope of Rome as the Papistes fayne where he lyued by the space of xxv yeares and reygned the great and high Byshop ordayned that both Aduent and Lent shoulde be solemnely deuoutly fasted of all christen people in the remembraunce of the first and seconde comming of our Lord Iesu. In the yeare of our Lord. 36. Ioā Laziar Chron. Angl. Durand Guilihelmus Durandus sayth that after the mind of S. Gregory de consecrat dist ● Lent is counted to begynne on the firste Sondaye in Lent and to ende easter euen whiche tyme sayth he containeth xlii dayes of the which take away the sixe Sondayes so there remayne onelye 36. dayes Therefore that the number of forty dayes whiche Christe fasted might be perfited the aforesayd Pope Gregory added and put to Lent foure dayes of the weeke that go before that is to saye Wednesday Thursdaye Frydaye and Saterdaye De consecra dist 5. Quadragesima Durand in Rat. di off Telesphorus as other affirme whiche I thinke to be more true appoynted firste of all Lent to be fasted before Easter And he moreouer added an other weeke to it whiche is commonlye called Quinquagesima This weeke he cōmaunded the priestes to fast more than the laytye bicause they whiche ought to be holier than the reaste shoulde in this ordinarye faste shewe more abstistinence than other In the yere of our Lord. 139. Lib. Concil Euseb. Sabell Polid. D. Barnes In a certain Sinode holdē at Nice it was ordained that the fasting of Lent which before endured from the sixt day of Ianuarye vnto the sixtenth daye of February should begyn and ende as it is now vsed Chron. Ranulphus Cest. Carcombertus king of Englande was the first that commaunded the inhabitantes of England to fast Lent about the yeare of oure Lorde 645. Sigeb in Chron. Pantal. Pope Gregory the second made a decree that christen men should fast also on the thursdayes in Lent which was neuer vsed afore and that there should be solemne massing also on those daies in Churches But Pope Melchiades ordayned that no man shoulde faste the Thursday no more than the Sonday For sayth he as the sonday was solēne bicause of the resurrection of the Lord so lykewise ought thursdaye to be bicause on that day Christ instituted his supper and ascended into heauen In the yeare of our Lord. 729. Sigebertus in Chron. Guil. Durand Pantal. Pope Siluester the firste ordayned that Wednesday Fryday and Saterday should be fasted euery weeke thorow out the yeare As for Sondayes thursdayes he woulde haue them be kept merely holy with double feast as they vse to say in holy kitchin For on the sondaye sayth he t●e Lorde Iesus rose vp from death to lyfe and on the Thursday he ascended into heauen he instituted the Sacrament of his body and made the holy creame In the yere of our Lord. 315. Bergom Pope Gregory the seuenth renewed the saterday fast and commaūded that there should be no fleshe eaten of Christians that daye In the yeare c. 1073. Plat. Volat. Nauclerus Ioannes Stella de consec dist 5. ca● Quia dies Sabathi Many attribute the Saterday fast to Pope Innocent the firste In the yeare c. 408. Grat. Sabel Fasci Temp. Pantal. And Pope Innocentes reason why men should fast the saterday is this First bicause on that daye Christ lay buried in the Sepulchre Secondely bicause his disciples for verye sorowe fasted that day Lib. Concil Chron. Chronicarum Alb. Crantzius Notwithstandynge Guilihelmus Durandus saith that Pope Innocent made a constitution y t the saterdaye in Lent should not be fasted bicause the Lorde rested in the sepulchre on the saterday ●or a token of the quietnesse and reast that we shall hereafter haue wherein ●● in the Festiualle on this manner Good frēdes this weeke ye shall haue Imber dayes that is Wednesday Friday and Saterday the which dayes Calixtus the Pope ordayned foure times in y e yeare to all that be of conuenable age to fast for certayne causes as ye shall heare Our olde fathers fasted foure times in the yeare agaynste foure high and solemne feastes and if we will shewe vs good
shuld either teach or beleue the cōtrary vnder payne of the great cursse If any man dyd he shoulde be reputed and taken for an heretike In the yeare of our Lord. 1317. Ioan. Laziard Pope Caius ordayned that no heretike nor heathen man shoulde accuse a Christiā before any Iudge In the yere of our Lorde 284.2 Q. Cap. 7. Pagani Christ. Massaeus Pope Liberius being bishop of Rome aboute the yeare of our Lorde 364. It was decreed in the Councell Laodicen that heretikes which remayne in their heresie shoulde not be suffered to come into the temples of the Christiās Lib. Conc. cap. 6. In the same councell it was also enacted that no Christen man shoulde geue hys chylde to be maryed vnto an heretike or schismatike cap. 10.31 Agayne that whosoeuer dyd forsake true Martyrs of Christe and followed the false Martyrs whiche are heretikes and schismatikes shoulde be accursed Lib. concil cap. 34. Barthol Carranza Pope Fabian made a good Godlye decree y t the true Christians should aboue al things auoyd the cōpany of heheretikes schismatikes of al such as maintayne an other faith and doctrine than the Apostles of Christ their successours haue receaued and taught lest by keping company with them they shoulde fall into the snare of Sathan Lib. Concil Barth Carranza In the yeare of our Lorde 241. Pope Innocent the third bearing rule In the yeare c. 1215. the Councell Laterane was celebrated where were present two Patriarches one of Hierusalē an other of Constātinople .lxx. Archbishops Metropolitanes .iiii. C. Byshops xii Abbottes .viii. C. Cōuentual Prioures the Legates of the Greke Romane Empyre besides the Oratours and Embassadours of the kings of Ierusalem of Fraunce of Spayne of England and of Cyprus In thys Councell it was decreed that all heretikes so many as did in any point resiste the Catholike faith should be condemned as Schismatikes and deliuered to the secular power or their Bayliffes or Shierifs to be punished accordingly and that if they were priests or of the Clergye they should f●rst of al be regraded from their orders and afterward committed to the temporall officers As for their goods the Laytie shal not medle with them but they shal be applyed to the vse of those Churches of whom they receaued their stipendes or wages But if they be lay men to geue them ouer streightwaies to the seculare power to be punished accordingly and their goodes confiscate In the same Councel it was also determined that if any persons were founde onely suspecte of heresie except that they be able thorowly to purge to clere themselues should be accursed and that if they so continue by the space of one whole yeare that they should be condemned as heretikes Moreouer in that Councell it was also decreed that the secular powers of whatsoeuer office or degree they be should be admonished and charged yea and if nede be enforced and compelled by the ecclesiasticall censure if they wil be reputed and taken for faithful men openly to sweare for the defence of the faith that they shall to the vttermost of their power faithfully and diligently roote out destroy in all their kingdomes dominions and landes all such persons as the Catholike Church hath condemned for heretikes so that euery person receauyng any office dignitie or promotion either Ecclesiasticall or temporall shall be bounde to obserue this decree concernyng this dispatche of heretikes But if so be that any temporal lord or ruler being required and admonished of the church so to do shall neglect to purge his land of those heretikes that then euerye suche person or persons so offendyng shal be excommunicate by the Metropolitane and other Byshops of that prouince It was further determined in the aforesayd Councell that if that Lorde or Rular do refuse by the space of one hole yeare to satisfie and to accomplishe the decrees of the aforesaid Councell that then signication shoulde be made thereof to the highest bishop y t is to say to the Pope that he may denounce that from y e time forward that Princes subiectes are absolued and vtterly deliuered frō shewyng or owing any fidelitie or obediēce towarde hym Agayne that the Pope may geue that lād to be occupied enioyed of the Catholikes to possesse it all heretikes beyng rooted out quietly and without any contradiction c. Lib. Concil Barthol Carranza Pope Nicolas the first made a decree that whosoeuer goeth aboute to take any priuilege awaye from the Church of Rome or denyeth that to be the head of all Churches falleth into heresye and is in dede a playne heretike Ipso facto In the yeare of our Lorde 871. Dist. 22. cap. Omnes Pope Gelasius the firste decreed that as no man ought to kepe companye with heretikes so lykewise ought no man to dispute and to conferre with them In the yeare c. 494. Caus. 24. Quest. 3. cap. cum quibus Pope Vrban the first pronoūced y t he whiche defendeth heretikes is not only an heretike himself but he is also a captaine of heretikes In the yeare c. 222. Causa 24. Quest. 3. cap. Qui aliorum In the Councell Aphricane it was determined that if any Byshop made any heretike his Executor giuing him his goodes although he were hys nye kinsemā y e same Bishop shuld be excōmunicate yea though he were dead that his name shoulde by no meanes be recited among the priestes of God In decret Gregorii noni De hereticis Tit. 7. Lib. Concil In the Councel Laterane it was forbidden that any man should receaue in to his house or into his dominions heretikes or cherishe them or by and sell with them and that if any mā did contrarie to this decree he should enioy no ecclesiasticall priuilege nor be buryed among other Christians In a certayne generall Councell it was decreed that those Catholikes whiche would take vpō them the signe of the Crosse and māfully fight against the heretikes vnto the vtter destructiō and rooting out of thē y t they maye no more trouble our mother holy Church nor her deuoute Childrē should enioye that pardon and those holy priuileges which are graunted to them that go to fight for the holye lande or geue any thing therunto Lib. 5. de heret tit 7. Of excommunication POpe Calixtus the fyrst made a decree y t no Christen mā should communicate or bee familiar with him y t is excommunicate eyther in prayer or in eating and drinckyng or in any other point of amitye no nor yet bydde hym once God speede accordyng to the doctrine of the Apostle Agayne if any man presumed to doe the contrarye wittingly of a set purpose y t the same person shuld also be excommunicate In the yere of our Lord. 217. Lib. Concil Bartholom Carrantza Mich. Buccingerus The same decree made Pope Fabian also In the yeare of our lorde
obserue it to the honour of God and helth of their soules Ye shal also praye for the vnitie and peace of all Christen realmes and in especiall for the good state peace and tranquilitie of this Realme of Englande For our liege Lorde the Kynge that God for his grace mercy send him grace so to gouerne and rule this realme that God be pleased and worshipped and to the profit and saluaciō of thys land Also ye shall praye for our liege Ladye the Queene my Lord the Prince and all the noble progeny of them for all Dukes Earles Barons Knights and Squiers and of other Lordes of the Kynges Councel which haue any rule and gouernaunce in this lande y t God giue them grace so to councell rule gouerne that God be pleased the land defended and to the profite and saluation of all the realme Also ye shal pray for the peace both on the lande and on the water that God graunt loue charitie among al Christen people Ye shal also pray for all our Parisheners whether they be on land or on water that God saue them from all manner of perils and for all the good mē of this parish for their wiues children and meiney that God them maintaine saue kepe Ye shall also pray for all true Tithers that God multiply their goodes and encrease For all true Tillers that labour for our sustenaūce that tille the earth and also for all the graines and fruits that bene sowen set or done on the earth or shall be done y t God sende wedering y t they may growe encrease and multiply to the helpe and profit of all mankind Ye shal praye for al true Shipmen and Marchauntes where y t euer they be on land or on water that God keepe them from all perilles and bring them home in safetie with their goodes shippes marchandise to the helpe comfort profit of this realme Ye shall also praye for them that finde anye lyght in thys Churche or giue any bequeste Bell Chalice or Uestimēt Surplesse Altar cloth or Towel Landes Rentes Lampe or Light or any other adornimente wherby Gods seruice is the better serued susteined maintayned in reading singing And for all them that therto haue councelled that God rewarde and yelde thē at their most nede Also ye shall praye for al true pilgrimes and Palmers y t haue takē their waye to Rome to Ierusalē to S. Caterine or to S. Iames or to any other holy place y e God of his grace giue them time and space wel for to go and to come to the profite of their lyues and soules Ye shall also praye for all them that bene sicke or diseased of this parish that God send to thē helth the rather for our prayers For the women that bene in our Ladyes bandes with childe in this parishe or in any other that God send to thē faire deliueraunce to their children ryght shape name christendome and to the mothers purification and for al them that would be here and maye not for sickenesse for trauaile or any other leful occupation that they may haue parte of all the good deedes that shall be done in this place or in anye other Also ye shal pray for thē that bene in good life that God them holde long therin and for thē that bene in debt or deadly syn that Iesu Christ bring thē out thereof the rather for our prayers Also ye shal pray for him or her that this day gaue the holy bread for thē that first began longest holde on that God reward it thē at the day of dumme for all them that do wel or say you good that God yelde it thē at their nede for thē that other would that Iesu Christ amende them For al these for all Christē mē women ye shal say a Pater noster and an Aue. Deus misereatur nostri c. Gloria patri Sicut erat Kirie eleyson Christe eleyson Kirie cleyson Pater noster Pater noster Et ne nos Sed libera nos Ostende nobis domine Sacerdotes tui induantur Domine saluū fac regem Saluos fac seruos Saluum fac populum Domine fiat pax Domine exaudi Dominus vobiscum Oremus Ecclesiae tuae quaesumus domine Deus in cuius manu ▪ Deus a quo sancta c. VVhile the Priest is saying the aforesaid Orysons he shall stand with his face Eastward and looke vnto the high altare When he hath once done he shal turne hym againe to the people and speake vnto them on this manner FUrthermore ye shal pray for al Christen soules for Archbishops and bishops soules and especially for all that haue bene Byshoppes in thys diocesse And for all Curates Persons and Uicares soules and in especial for them y t haue bene Curates of this Church and for the soules that haue serued in thys church Also ye shall pray for the soules of all Christen Kinges and Queenes and in especiall for the soules of them that haue bene Kynges of this Realme of England And for all soules that to this Churche haue geuen booke bell chalice or vestimēt or any other thing by the whiche the seruice of God is the better done and holy Church worshipped Ye shall also pray for your fathers soules for your mothers soules for your Godfathers soules for your Godmothers soules for your brethrē and sisters soules for your childrē soules for your kindred soules and for your frēds soules and for al the soules whose bones rest in this Church or churchyarde or in any other holy place for all the soules that we bene bound to pray for But specially ye shall pray for y e soules that bene in the paynes of Purgatory there abyding the mercy of almightye God and in special for them that haue most nede and least helpe that God for his endlesse mercy lesse minishe their paynes by the meane of our prayers bring them into his euerlasting blesse in heauen And also for the soule of N. or of them y t on such a day in this weke we shall haue the anniuersarye For these for all Christen soules ye shall deuoutlye of your charitie and with a good heart say a Pater noster an Aue. Now shal the priest againe turne eastward and say De profundis clamaui c with this collecte ORemus Absolue quesumus domine animas famulorū tuorum Pontificum Regum Sacerdotum Parentum Parochianorum Amicorum Benefactorum nostrorum omnium fidelium defunctorum ad omni vinculo delictorum vt in resurrectionis gloria inter sanctos electos tuos resuscitati respirent Per Christum dominum nostrum AMEN Which is thus Englished LEt vs pray Absolue we beseech thee O Lorde y e soules of thy seruauntes our Bishops Kinges Priestes Fathers and Mothers Parishoners Frendes Benefactours and of all the faithfull y t are departed from euery
Pope The clergy and people of Rome chosers of the Pope Cardinals appointed for the election of the Pope A substātial reason as though Christ liued not which is y t alone and true head of the church The Pope m●ste be an Italian borne Popes chaunge their nam● the reasons why Note No Pope may chose hys successor A woman Pope An holy a clenly decree The popes consecratiō Why Cardinals wer ordayned Cardinalls appoynted to beautify the church ☜ The number of the Cardinals Of the cōdēnation of Cardinals The Cardinalls red hat what it signifieth Byshops ought to be chosē without the cōsent of the Clergye of the commō people Byshops seates highest A good lawe Lay men maye geue no byshoprykes Bishoppes admitted to their bishoprykes of y e pope The consecration of Byshops The consecration of the Metropolitane On what dai bishops shall be cōsecrate Primates patriarchs The Byshops seruauntes Deacons attendyng on y e bishop preachyng A scripture aptlye applyed Byshops residence Math. v. A decree worthye to be obserued What seruaunts bishops and priestes ought to haue Phisition heale thy selfe Archbishops paul free G●uing of orders Al bishops bound to obey the Metropolitan● No bishop condemned without the donsent of the pope Lay men may not accuse Byshoppes Byshops simoniakes No secular person Bishop Suffragāe A good lawe Bishops only muste halow oyle and creame confyrme children Halowing of churches Ioan. x. A Godly decree The translation of Byshops The common people may not accuse their bishop Math. x. A decree worthy to be practised Bishops no hūters Bishops prysons Scholes maintained in euery bishops diocesse A law worthy to be folowed I. Husse No spirituall person maye haue any temporall iurisdiction Bishops priestes apparell A good decree Prouision for y e poore A godly act Howe can such popish bishops be faythfull● to their Prince bethus sworne to the Idol of Rome ☜ Councell Popes Legate Is any good hope to be cōceaued of these forsworne Byshops Priestes preachers Priestes honoured Priestes ordered Slaunderers of Priestes Nolite Tāgere Christos meos The degrees vnto priesthode Priestishe orders The daye for priestish orders The age of priestes Luke iii. Who maye not be admitted to priesthode The popes dispensatiō maketh all thinges lawfull This semeth to bee borowed out of the olde lawe Leuit. ii i Letters testimonial Wuld God thys lawe were obserued among vs in these our dayes A Godly lawe No murtherer may be a priest Both priestes Laye mē ought to be present at the election admissiō of spirituall ministers No diffamed persō ▪ may be a priest Who maye not be admitted vnto priesthode ☜ Priests no tauernhunters Deacons may minister the Cōmunion in y e absēce of a prieste Priestes beards forbidden Priestes ●●●wnes cōmaūded ☞ Priestes apparell Mattens of the daye Mattēs of our Lady Diuine seruice A priest striker is accu●●ed Psal 105. Priests not disquieted ▪ but hono●red Priests accusers Accusatiōs Priests exempted frō the iurisdiction of the temporall powers None with in holy orders may be conuented before a temporal Iudge Priestes free from paymentes to the temporalitie The liberties of priestes No paymentes for priestes A good and godly acts Prists housen built nigh to the church and why What women may dwell in priestes houses A goodlaw Iohn x. Dispensations for no residence Priestes ought to be preachers and not singers Priestes eyther Simonsakes or fornicators ought to be depriued of theyr promotiōs The degrading of priestes Priestes talke at the table Priestes mariage forbidden Deacons mariage forbidden Subdeacons mariage forbidden The vowe of chastitie When the single lyfe of priestes toke first place O Antichrist O Tiraūt Math. xix i. Cor. vii Heb. xiii ☞ The filthy generation of y e wiuelesse papists Wiuelesse lyfe vnder payne of depriuation Why mariage is frely permitted to y e priests of the easte Churche denyed to the priestes of the west Churche A wise reason and substantiall Monke Anselme the popes proctor for the simple life of priestes in England The frutes of y e single lyfe of priestes Note thys hystorye The practise of wiuelesse papists A knack of knauerye King Rychard y e first The mariage of priestes allowed i Tim. i. Titus i. Priestes maryage restored Maryage restored not only to secular priestes but also to monkes friers nunnes c. Monkes Nōnes setat libertye to marrye Monasteryes made houses for the seruice of the common weale A worthy a Godly saying A man first Fryer and afterwarde Pope had a wife liuing was maried Priestes may leade about with them theyr lawfull wiues i. Cor. x. Priestes maried offending are worthy to be greuously punished The vowe of matrimony The vowe of chastitye dispensed withall The vowe of chastitie dissolueth not mariage Abbot saint maried Epist. xi Lib. i. S. Cipriā licenceth vowesses to marry if they cannot continue i. Cor. vii In lib. de bono eōiu Dist. 17. Ca Quidā Gregori 27 Q ii Ca. sunt qui. Math. xix xxii Q. 4. In malis P. Lomb. Sent. lib. iii In Epist. ad Senon No man ought to haue spiriall promotion with cure but priests only those worthy and able Tithes Multitude of benefices condemned Persons vicars must be called priests and not prelates as tofore This law is now out of vse None residences condemned ☜ Math. v. Pluralit●es of benefices condēned A worthy act of the Pope Note the aunsweres of y e pope for thei be good and godly ☞ One priest one benefice A disputatiō againste the pluralities of benefices at Paris Priestes ought to be resident vpon their benefices Permutations of benefices condemned Secular persons ought not to geue spirituall promotions by the popes lawe A good decreee but not obserued God graūt that thys may once take place in Englād A noble act worthy to bee followed A common practyse Payments for benefices to the chambers of Rome Why benefices were impropriate to the cloisterers The freedome of the cloysterers Note well ☜ Gene iiii Malach iii. What will our impropriatours say to this Note well They that paye no ty●hes to their pastore bycause their landes are impropriate are theues robbers st●alers and cōmitters of Sacrilege Actes v. Exo. xii Mat. xviii A worthy godly zelous man How the church goodes ought to be spent The mind of Gregory concerning the bestowing of the church goods The law for tenthes paying Against tēporall mēs possessions of tenthes Mala. 3. A Laymā retaining church goodes is a cōmi●ter of sacrilege Hereof came the. 4 offringdais as it may seme Exod. 23. Tenthes paying The first beginning of Heremites Antony the first Heremite Antonies diet lyfe Antonies app●rell The life of An●hon● and h●● brethren Antonies Apes The diuersitie of Antony and of our Heremites Psalm 128. Gene. iii. S. Antonies fyre Paule the Heremite Paule the heremites life Paule the Heremites apparel and meate Paule the Heremites Apes A comparisō betwene Paule and hys Apes Paule the simple