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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A71345 Mercurius publicus: comprising the sum of forraign intelligence ...[no.24 (7 June-14 June 1660)]; Mercurius publicus (London, England : 1659) Muddiman, Henry, fl.1659-1666, editor.; Dury, Giles editor.; Newcomb, Thomas, d. 1681 or 2, publisher. 1660 (1660) Thomason E186_3 13,021 16

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marriage is to be consummated The twelfth the Court is to go for Bordeaux from whence the King is to go to Roch●l with the Cardinal and meet the two Queens at Poitiers to be together at Fontainebleau the fifteenth of July where the promotion of the Knights of the order of the King is to be made Paris June 11. Though by Letters from St. John de Luz we have an account of the several days appointed for the Ceremonies of the Kings marriage yet we hear not yet that any of them be accomplished and the Marquis de Valavoir who came from Court the third instant such that no day was yet certainly appointed for that The Government of Champagne hath been bestowed by the King on the Count of Soissons that of Bourbonois on the Moquis d'Humieres and that of A●guesmor●es on the Marquis of Var●es His Majesty hath made a present of 55000 crowns to the Marquis of Richelieu which are to be put in the ha●●s of Mounsieur le ●ellier to see them well disposed St. Sebastian the same date The 27 of the last month the Infanta was above an hour upon a Belconi in the Street where the Procession passed and was seen there with great satisfaction by all the French that were present The King of Spain is to go to morrow with that Princess to Fontarabia and from thence to the Isle where the two Courts will meet Luxemburgh the same date The 25 of the last month there was a great fire at Arlon which continued all the next day and consumed 240 houses besides the Parish Church and the Covent of the Carmelits but the fire was quenched by the resolution of some Officers of the Garison when it was come already within half a foot of the Powders which would have spoiled the whole Town Pontoise June 10. The fourth instant the general Assembly of the Clergy of France begun to sit here with the usual Ceremonies in such occasion Another from St. John de Luz June 2. The 27 of the last month their M●jesties performed their Devotions at the Church of St. John and assisted to the Procession with Monsieur the Kings Brother Madammoiselle and the two Princesses her Sisters the Bishop of Bayonne having officiated in the presence of many other Prelates In the afternoon the King sent the Marquis de Saucourt to complement the King of Spain and the Infanta who received him very favorably The 31. the Cardi●al Mazarin and Don Lewes D'Haro had a f●urth conference where they happily ended the remaining difficulties so that all is now ready for the Kings marriage the King of Spain having sent word that without faile he will be to morrow at Fon●a●abi● to see the first ceremony celebrated there on the Thursday following and the next day after will repair to the Isle of the conference where this court will be the fifth instant After which the new Queen will be brought either for the consummation of the Solemnity on the sixth in the Church of St. John which is prepared for that end Stockholm May 13. This day the Corps of our late deceased King arrived here being accompanied by our young King the Queen and all the Senators and Grandees of the Kingdom and was deposited in the Cathedtal church until all things be made ready for his funeral Among other preparations that are making for the same a Coffin all of silver curiously wrought with the representations of all the warlike exploits and atchievements of the said King is preparing which will be worth above 6000 l. sterling The 4000 men lately levied here have been lately mustered and expect nothing but the orders for their march Elsenore May 15. Since the taking of the ten Swedish ships by the Hollanders the Mediators have not given any v●sit to the Dutch Commissioners nor received any from them and these seem to be somewhat perplexed how to palliate that affair The said Mediators have written a Letter to the said Commissioners about it but received no answer upon it They offered to carry the said ships into a Danish harbor to have them there adjudged lawful prize but the King of Denmark hath hindred it not being willing to meddle with that business which he doth not account to be just The Queen of Denmark hath given order for preparing a stately Banquet where at she intends to invite all the Mediators and Commissioners to have occasion therein to reconcile the Dutch with the rest of them Hague Iune 11. Prince Palatine Rupert came hither lately thinking to have met here the King of England but he was gone before therefore he went back to his Quarters having had leave to he absent only for Twelve days The Princess Royal is going to Amsterdam with the Prince of Or●nge her Son where they are to be gallantly entertained by the Magistrates of that place Advertisements of Books newly Printed and Published ☞ The History of His Sacred Majesty CHARLES the Second King of England Scotland France and Ireland De●ender of the Faith c. begun from the horrible murder of his Royal Father of happy memory and continued to this present year 1660. Sold by Henry Eversden at the Greyhound in S. Pauls Churchyard The price Eighteen pence The Charges issuing forth of the Crown-Revenue of England and Dominion of VVales With the several Officers of His Majesties Courts Customs Housholds Houses Castles Towns of War Forts Bulwarks Forrests ●arks Chases with their several Fees and A●lowances according to the antient Establishment of the Kingdom And also the valuation of he Bishops and Deans Lands with the Tenths paid out of the same By Captain Lazarus Haward Sold by M. Wright at the sign of the Kings Head in the Old-Baily An Advertisement LOst from Newbery on Thursday the 7 of June inst. One Bay-Gelding about 15 hand high all paces a blemish on the near eye and a small gall on the near side of his back One Black Nag with the sign of former Farcy on the far side and breast and a little star in the face about 13 hand only trot gallop One Bay-Mar● without white about 12 hand with a short crooked nose trot and gallop If any one can give notice where they are or any two or one of them to Mr. Tho. Glashrook at Brooks-wharf near Queen-Hithe London they sh●ll have 20 s. for the three or 10 s. If not all WHereas it is printed in a Book from the Office of Intelligence that Luke Robinson was discharged the House for being one of the Judges of the late King This is to inform That he was none of the Judges nor named in the Act for Tryal of the King A White Greyhound Bitch belonging to his Excellency was lately lost from the Cockpit If any one bring her thither he shall be well rewarded for his pains From the Isle of the Conference June 4. S. N. Last Wednesday the 2 Instant about 7 a clock at night the King of Spain with the Infanta and all the
Numb. 24. Mercurius Publicus COMPRISING The Sum of Forraign Intelligence WITH The Affairs now in Agitation in England Scotland and Ireland For Information of the People Published by Order of the Council of State From Thursday June 7. to Thursday June 14. 1660. Thursday June 7. 1660. THis day the Petition of divers Lords Knights Gentlemen of the six Counties of Northwales from whence during all the time of the late Usurpation of the Government no publique Address or Petition was ever made was presented to his Majesty by the Noble Lord the Lord Viscount Bulkley accompnied by the persons who subscribed the same which Petition was as followeth To the KINGS most Excellent Majesty The humble Petition of divers Lords Knights and Gentlemen Inhabitants of the six Counties of Northwales whose names are subscribed Sheweth THat your Petitioners during the Vicissitudes of eighteen years troubles having suffered as much and repined as little as any part of your said Majesties Realm have done do now esteem it the glory of their first publick Address that it is to your Majesty the most Gracious of Princes Excess of joy hath oft struck men dumbe but we who now carry our hearts in our mouthes may as well live and not breathe as not profess our selves enlivened by your Majesties return unto us That having bin the end of our constant prayers is now the fruition of those longing hopes which rendered our sufferings tollerable and preserved us to this time to pray for your Majesties long and happy Raign And as your Majestie hath attained the possession of your Crowns by the glorious conquest of an Heroick patience so shall we humbly endeavour to follow your Princely example by so far disowning all even just Animosities as shall we hope in a peculiar sence render us your Majesties most obedient subjects Yet we deny our selves the least harsh or revengefull thought for those Oppressions we so long and signally have layn under we are not able to digest the detestable and horrid murther of your Royal Father our once most Gracious Soveraign in averting the guilt of whose blood all are concerned who have no mind to draw it upon themselves Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray That not onely such of those principally engaged in that execrable murther as to your Majesty and the honourable Parliament shall seem me●s be forth with delivered over to publick Justice But that also such others as concurred therein or procured and prom●● etitions to bring on that horrid Tryal or other Addresses to own the same and have not since given early testimony of their unforced repentance may be diligently taken notice of and disabled to bear any office of trust Civil or Military in your Majesties Realme that so the lives of your Majesties most loyal subjects may no more come into the cruel hands of Blood thirsty men Lord Powys Lord Herbert Lord Bulkley Sir Thomas Hammer Sir Jo. Salisbury Thomas Bulkeley Esq William Herbert Esq Sir Evan Lloyd Sir John Owen Sir Roger Mostyn Sir John Carter Iohn Hammer Richard Wyn Iohn Bodvell Will Griffith Nicholas Bagnol Esquires Iohn Middleton Iohn Nanney Will Hampheries Richard Broughton Col. Rich. Lloyd Will Ravenscroft William Glynn Henry B●lkley Col. Hugh Wynn Hen. Conway Piers Lloyd Robert Williams Eubale Thetwal Tho. Crachley Sir Charles Lloyd Robert Davies junior Col. Roger Mostyn Will Bold Edmund Metrick Lewis Lloyd Tho. Gravesnor Ph●l Egerton Col. Tho. Ravenscroft Robert Whitley Griff Bodurda Edward Bereton Iohn Do●ben Evan Vaughan Robert Broughton Rich. Middleton Hugh Roberts Rich. Wynn Ken. Eaton Nic. Bayly Hen. Iones John Price Hugh Pennant Francis Manley Will Hill Edward Price Col. Io. Robinson Hugh Bodurda Will Williams Owen Hughes Robert Price Hugh Maurice Iohn Lloyd Tho. Weave Will Par●y Tho. Wynn Iohn Williams Oliver Broughton Esquires Tho. Baker Iohn Llyod Tho. VVilliams Hugh VVilliams Arthur Trevor Col. Roger VVhitley Iohn Parry Trevor Lloyd Edward Pennant Tho. Vaughan Io. Griffith Col. Fran. Trafford Lewis Lewis Iohn Lloyd VVill Humphreys Hugh Meredith Robert Challenor Price Devereux Somerset Fox Maurice Piges Richard Hughes Anthony Challonor Richard Price VVilliam Vaughan Geo. R●venscroft Trevor Lloyd VVill Iones Robert Griffeth Esquires The Petition being presented as aforesaid his Majesty was G●●●iously pleased to tell the Petitioners That he was sufficiently satisfied of their loyalty to the King his Father and sensible of their sufferings for him And was also pleased to assure them of his special Grace and Favour VVhitehall On Wednesday the sixth instant the B●liffs Burgesses and commonalty of the Town of Ipswich accompanied by M. Sicklem●r● Captain Sparrow Mr. Keen and divers other Gentlemen attended his Majesty and presented him with six hundred pieces of gold from the Town of Ipswich which his Majesty was graciously pleased to accept The same day the Earl of Cleaveland brought about two hundred Gentlemen many of them Officers formerly serving under him the others Gentlemen that rid in his troop to meet his Majesty to kiss his Majesties hand who kneeling down in the m●tted Gallery his Majesty was pleased to walk along and give every one of them the honour to kiss his hand which favour was so highly resented by them that they could no longer stifle their joy but as his Majesty was walking out a thing though unusual at Court they brake out into a loud shouting On Thursday Mr. VVall●p the Deputy Steward and Burgesses of the City of Westminster in their Gowns being conducted by Mr. Gerard a member of Parliament for that City waited upon his Majesty and presented a Petition wherein they desired that his Majesty would be graciously pleased to bestow the Office of Lord High Steward of Westminster on his Excellency the Lord General Monck M. Gerard made a short speech to his Majesty leaving it to the Steward to inlarge who delivered himself so rhetorically and with such due and awful respect to Majesty that he hath deservedly gained a very high reputation in the Court his Majesty returned a most gracious answer and afforded to a●l of them the honour to kiss his hand Thursday June 7. This day was published a Proclamation by his Majesty to summon the persons therein named who sate gave Judgement and assisted in that horrid and detestable murder of his Majesties Royal Father of blessed memory to appear and render themselves within fourteen dayes after the publishing of that his Majesties Royal Proclamation to the Speaker or Speakers of the House of Peers or Commons the Lord Mayor of the City of London or the Sheriffs of the respective Counties of England or Wales and that no person harbour or conceal them under misprision of Treason The Persons Names are Iohn Lisle William Say Esquires Sir Hardresse Waller Valentine Wauton Edward Whalley Esqs Sir Iohn Bourchier Knight William Heveningham Esq Isaac Pennington Alderman of London Henry Martin Iohn Barkstead Gilbert Millington Edmund Ludl●w Iohn Hutchinson Esquires Sir Michael Livesay Ba●onet Robert Tichbourn Owen Roe Robert Lilburn Aaria● Scro●pe Iohn Okey
Iohn Hewson William Goffe Cornelius Holland Iohn Carew Miles Corbet Henry Smith Thomas Wogan Edmund Harvey Thomas Scot William Cawley Iohn Downs Nicholas Love Vincent Potter Augustine Garland Iohn Dixw●l George Fleetwood Simon Meyne Iames Temple Peter Temple Daniel Blagrave Thomas Wait Esquires To which are added these other persons as being also deeply guilty of that most detestable and bloudy Treason viz. Iohn Cook employed as Solicitor Andrew Broughton and Iohn Phelos employed as Clerks and Edward Dendy who attended as Serjeant at Arms This day the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Faulkland one of the Citizens in Parliament for the City of Oxon did present to his sacred Majesty the loyal and dutiful affections of that antient City which they have alwayes borne to his Majesty and also to his late royal Father and in particular did present an Instrument under the common seal of the said City whereby they did most cheerfully undertake for ever hereafter to pay to his Majesty the antient see-farm rent due from the said City which they were necessitated to purchase from the late usurped powers for a considerable sum of money all which his Majesty did most graciously accept from them and did then vouchsafe the honor to the Mayor and divers worthy members of that City there present to kiss his Royal hand graciously declaring that he would alwayes vouchsafe his particular grace favour and protection to that antient and loyal City The same night his Majesty was graciously pleased to honour the General with his company at Supper at the Cock-pit before supper he conferred the honour of Knighthood on Colonel John Clobery who had deserved so well in his constant adhering to his Excellency and prudent mannagement of affairs for the happy restoring of his Majesty to his people After supper his Excellency entertained his Majesty with several sorts of Musick On Friday his Majesty went to Hampton-Court about five in the morning returned about eleven and then touch'd many that had been troubled with the Evil At three of the clock in the afternoon his Majesty gave a meeting to the Parliament in the Banqueting-house and having heard Mr. Speaker returned a most gracious Answer His Majesty was pleased to sup this night with the Lord Cambden at Kensington On Saturday the Knights of the shire for Sommerset a County that have sufficiently manifested their constant loyalty to his sacred Majesty as well by their early actings of late giving presidents to others to do those things that tended to the bringing in of his Majesty as their former fidelity delivered a Petition subscribed by many of the Nobility and Gentry of that County to his Majesty wherein after they had expressed their hearty joy for the happy restoration of his Majesty they humbly desired that his Majesty would be pleased to take care for the setling of the Church in such manner as it was in the time of his Royal Grandfather and Father of ever blessed memory At the Generals Quarters at the Cockpit Several Addresses from several Regiments of the Army to his Majesty expressing their great joy for his Majesties happy restoration and an assurance of their loyalty were early delivered to his Excellency though formerly forgot to be mentioned viz. his Excellencies own Regiment of foot Col. Fairfax his Regiment and the Irish Brigades On Friday night his Excellency presented to his Majesty the addresses of the Regiments in Scotland viz. that of Col. Morgans Regiment of horse and subscribed also by the Judges Commissioners of Excise and Customes and most of the considerable civil officers Col. Daniels Regiment Col. Clarks Col. Hughs and Co. Miles Man's The Commissioners from Ireland viz. Sir John Clotwerthy Sir John King Major Aston and Major Rawden who were here some time since the Lord Broghil Sir Paul Davies Sir James Barry Sir Thco Jones Sir Morris Eustace Arthur Hill Audley Merrin and Rich. Kennady Esq lately come will suddenly make address to his Majesty having brought with them bills for the twenty thousand pound for his Majesty and such other sums as the Convention ordered Sir Charles Co●t cannot yet be 〈◊〉 spared though chosen one of the Commissioners there having been lately ●ome li●de c●●est in Ireland which his presence will easily awe Dunkirk June 1. The Offend Pyrates do dolly snap s●me of the English Vessele● an house was unhappily blown up with three barrels of Gunpowder occasioned by making of fire-works but one child killed Edinburgh Major Aberin that was Deputy Governour of Edinborough Castle when Cromwell went into Scotland in 1656. lately hang'd himself Tho. VViclch walking upon the Peer at Leith was threwn into the Sea The Covenant is very much pressed in all parts and great hopes they have of enjoying their former freedom London Ellis and Puckle that conveyed away Miles Corbit taken at Y●rmou●● and one Parson Titham at Cochester were brought to London on Saturday and remain in the custody of the Serjeant at Arms The Lord Mayor Aldermen and Common-Council have taken the oath of Allegrance and Supremacy The East-India Company have he spake plate to the value of 3000 l. to be presented to his Majesty A Spirit was lately apprehended and carried to the Guard at the Tower for drawing away souldiers whom after he had debauched he put into ships to be transported but after four dai●s imprisonment he was released Thursday June 5. At the House of Commons The House resumed the debate concerning the Act of Oblivion and Indempnity and resolved that Andrew Broughton John Cook and Edward Dendy being persons deeply guilty of the murther of the late Kings Majesty be excepted but of the said Act as to life and estate They likewise ordered that Hugh Peters and Cornet Joyce be forthwith sent she into custody Resolved that the House doth declare that they do in the name of themselves and the Commons of England lay hold on his Maj●●●es gracious pardon mentioned in his former Declaration with reference to the excepting of such as shall be excepted in the Act of Pardon and accordingly a Declaration was prepared and agree● unto and a further Resolve made that the Members of this House which are of his Maj●sties Privy-Council do acquaint his Majesty with the Resolves of the House and desire of his Majesty that he would be pleased to appoint when and where this House shall wait upon him The House took likewise into their consideration the Bill for preserving the P●●viledges of Parliament and confirming the Fundamental Laws which was read and committed Friday At the House of Commons Mr. Den●ill Holl●● a Member of the House and one of his Majesties most honourable Privy-Councells made a Report that he had attended his Majesty according to their Order with the Resolves of the House declaring that they laid hold on his Majesties gracious pardon mentioned in his former Declaration and that his M●j●sty had appointed to give them a meeting at three of the clock in the afternoon at the banqueting house The Committee