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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A35913 A relation of the French kings late expedition into the Spanish-Netherlands in the years 1667 and 1668 with an introduction discoursing his title thereunto, and an account of the peace between the two crowns, made the second of May, 1668 / Englished by G.H., Gent.; Campagne royale. English Dalicourt, P.; G. H., Gent. 1669 (1669) Wing D135; ESTC R5204 56,374 222

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of only six years of age and against a Regency subordinated to the Laws of a Testator without any form of Justice or observance of the Rule of first demanding satisfaction And if your Majesty hath any pretension of dissatisfaction Reason and Justice require your Majesty should first declare and justifie them not only in particular to the Parties interessed but also to the Neighbouring Princes to the Countries in dispute and to your Majesties own Subjects since by the Law of Nature nothing can be exacted or forcibly taken from ones own Subject or Slave much less from one that is wholly innocent where the Government is ty'd up by a Regency to the prejudice of the Subjects of both Parties and of the Roman Empire by vertue of whose Laws and without whose knowledge so noble a Member as the Circle of Burgundy cannot be taken away This proceeding violates the Treaty of Munster by which as also by our Peace which was since concluded it was capitulated that in case of a Rupture the Parties concern'd should have ten moneths notice of it and infringeth the Peace of our Neighbours whose concernments will oblige them to interest themselves in a common danger Besides this your Majesty was pleased to tell the Marquis De la Fuente at his Audience of Conge That he was a Witness with what earnestness you intended to preserve the good correspondency and peace between both Crowns and that he should in your Majesties name assure the Queen my Mistress that you would continue it in the same manner and with the same good will giving likewise your Ambassadour at Madrid the same charge I leave it Sir to the consideration of your Majesty how remote it will be from the Justice Christianity and Generosity of your Majesty to attempt an Invasion without any of those Formalities and Interpositions which all Christian Princes have alwayes observed that so your Majesty as the most Christian may not introduce an Example which as it is contrary to all former ones so it may prove prejudicial to your self and your Posterity I do not desire your Majesty to prejudice your own Rights if any such you have but only that you would declare them if you pursue them nor that you should suspend the use of Force if satisfaction be denyed you but that before you begin your March or any Hostility which may render an accommodation impossible you would prevent the Mischiefs that may ensue upon it to all Christendom by giving place to a Negotiation I am firmly perswaded that the Queen my Mistress will give your Majesty all reasonable satisfaction and that she will not refuse to reason the Cause wherein both parties are interessed to the Cognisance Mediation and even the Decision of any of those that may be concerned in the mischief● the Rupture will occasion Obliging my self as soon as I know the cause and pretensions of your Majesty to give account of it to the Queen my Mistress who I doubt not to let the World see her good intention and the justice of her Proceedings will not refuse to refer her self to the judgment not of one or two only but of the whole World and in particular of all the Princes of the Roman Empire of the Crown of England supposing that your Majesty is very near a Peace with it and of the Vnited Provinces our Neighbours to the end that their joynt Plenipotentiaries may see the reasons and justifie those that have reason on their side before any advance be made by the force of Armes considering there is nothing that so far presseth you nor any danger in suspension that should be preferred before the common Interest by which each Party may justifie to the World the events which may happen This Representation Sir and Request which my Zeal alone to your Majesty hath put me upon seems to me most just as desiring that Christendom our Neighbours and common Subjects may avoid all new calamities and especially those mischiefs which may prove far greater then those that are already past before an end can be put to these Wars wherein we are going to engage our selves And I hope Sir that your Majesty will please to admit it as such and that Almighty God will put it into your Majesties heart to resolve upon an Expedient as just as it is fair and advantageous to all by letting Reason take place and having a just regard to the tender age of the King my Master giving our Neighbours the satisfaction of being Judge of the Differences between us whereby al● those Mischiefs may be prevented which a different procedure or further violence will occasion God preserve the Sacred Person of your most Christian Majesty as I desire Brussels May 14. 1667. A RELATION Of the French Kings Late Expedition into FLANDERS Anno Dom. 1667 and 1668. THe flame of a new War being begun to be kindled between the two Crowns in the Year 1667. And finding my self without imployment in the new-raised Army I thought I could not fit my self with a more honourable and more profitable way of bestowing my time during the Campagne of this year then to set down in writing the Passages thereof to the end I might not be reduced as I have often been during the space of seventeen or eighteen years spent in his Majesties Troops to ransack my memory in vain for such things as I had a mind to remember I take not upon my self to make an exact description of the State of affairs at that time my design being to compose a Journal and not a History Neither do I think fit to display the Queens Title to the Netherlands since the righteousness thereof hath been authentically enough made out by the Manifesto published by his Majesty concerning the same It shall be sufficient for me to relate in a plain manner and without all affected Ornament of Style what I saw my self and what I received by information from others The Peace which was Treating at Breda between England France and Holland was at the point of conclusion when the King who had suffered eighteen or twenty months to pass since the death of Philip the fourth King of Spain thereby to allow time to the Queen Dowager to give him satisfaction in a fair way in reference to his pretentions to several Provinces of the Low Countries as he had given her to understand as well by sundry Letters as by frequent instances of his Ambassador in the Spanish Court astonisht all his Neighbours and surprised most part of his own Subjects by giving order in the months of March and April that almost all the Forces design'd by his Majesty to serve in this Expedition should advance to the Frontiers of Champaigne and Picardy under pretence of making great Musters as he had accustom'd to do for some years past wherein all the Regiments and Companies both of Horse and Foot were used to encampe as exactly and regularly as if they had been in open War and in the midst of his
encouragement to make a long defence they presently surrendred both Town and Castle The same fortune also ran Besterans with with the Castle of Rochfort and some other small Forts The Government of Bisanzan was soon after conferred on the Marquis de Villers and a Swiss Garrison placed therein and that of Sali●s on Monesiur de Maupean On the eleventh of the same month the Prince of Condy came with his Army before Dole which had been reinforced a little before with an Army of 3 or 4000 Forces of the Militia of the Country and about two dayes after the King in person arrived at the Leaguer from Dijon upon whose coming Two of the half-moons belonging to the Town fell down of themselves and one of their Bastions cleft which somewhat disheartened the defendants who nevertheless refused to returne an answer to the summons sent to them whereupon his Majesty ordered a Battery of thirty Guns to be raised against the Town The Artillery having made a considerable breach in the works on the west side of the Town order was given to assault the Counterscarpe on the 25th of February at eight in the Evening in three places viz. by the Guards Commanded by the Duke de Roquelour by the Regiments of S. Vallier and de la Ferte Commanded by the Count de Guadagne and the Lions Regiment Commanded by the Count de Chamilly who after a stout resistance made themselves masters that night of the Outworks lodging themselves upon the Counterscarpe and gaining some half-moons in one of which the Marquis de Villeroy particularly shewed eminent proofs of his Valour himself siezing one of his Enemies Ensignes In this attaque were slain the Marquis de Fourilles Captain of the Guards with the Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment of Villeroy and some other inferiour Officers the Count de S. Mesme the Sieur Bonvise and some others hurt The next day his Majesty sent the Marquis de Grammont to invite them again to a surrender and he so effectually prevailed upon them by representing to them th● small probability they had of making a long defence the great dangers they might run by their further opposition and the assurance his Majesty gave them for the preservation of their Priviledges upon their surrender that they presently agreed upon Tearms and his Majesty entered the Town the next day causing Te Deum to be sung for their happy success and confirming the Government upon the Count de Guadagne The next day the Army appeared before Gray and within two dayes began to open their Trenches but by the mediation of the Marquis de Yennes formerly Governour of Franche Comte for the Spaniard the City was soon prevailed upon to open the Gates His Majesty conferred the Government of this Place upon the Sieur de Bissy Camp-Master and Commander of a Brigade of Horse About the same time Joux a considerable place of strength upon the borders of Swisserland surrendred to a part of the French Army at the first summons and the Command thereof was given to the Sieur de Chamarante one of his Majesties Bed-Chamber so likewise did the Fort of S. Anne Thi County being thus almost intirely reduced in the short space of one month the King in favour of the Prince of Condy united the same to the Dutchy of Burgundy the Princes Government and Granted two Reversions thereof one to the Duke d' Enguyen his son and the other to the Duke de Bourbon his Grandson He likewise made the Marquis d' Yennes Lieutenant General of his Forces there allowing him the same Pension which formerly he received from Spain and giving the Command of a Regiment of Horse to the Count de S. Amour his Nephew for his good service in winning the said Marquis to a compliance whereby the nimble Conquest of this County was much facilitated This settlement being constituted there the French Forces drew off towards Luxembourg and the King returned to Paris in the latter end of February During the Winter the French and Spanish Forces in Flanders made several excursion in Parties with various success nothing considerable being atchieved by the Former but the reduction of the Castles of Winnedale and Ligny The King of great Brittain and the States of the United Netherlands having entered into a League for an efficacious Mediation of Peace between the two Crowns now in War and obtained from the Most Christian King a promise he would lay down his Arms on a condition the Spaniards would either quit to him all those places already taken by him in the last years Expedition or else transfer to him the Remainder of their right to the Dutchy of Luxembourg or to the County of Burgundy together with Cambray Cambresis Doway Ayre S. Omers Bergue S. Wynox Fuernes and Link with their dependances in which case the French wer● to restore to the Spaniards all the places already taken In which League it was further agreed between the King of England and those States to employ force to bring the two Crowns to accept of these termes if either of them should refuse the same The French King accepted of the same and in order to an accommodation accordingly proposed a cessation of all Acts of Hostility during the months of March April and May following to which also the Marquis de Castle Rodrigo consented and nominated the Baron of Bergeyck to be sent with sufficient Powers and Instructions to Aix la Chappelle to assist at the Treaty of Peace there Notwithstanding the cessation the French forbore not to make all possible Preparations for War and Monsieur de Bellefons and Duras pretending want of notice of the cessation which they would not take from any besides their General invested Guena and in a few dayes constrained the same to be surrendered But the French King thought not fit to hold a place which had been taken during the Truce and therefore even before the Treaty gave order for the delivering of it back into the hands of the Spaniards But withall he declared that he would take the Field in the beginning of April and unless the Peace were perfectly concluded by the 25th of May next ensuing it should be free for him to pursue his Conquests yet obliging himself in case of Peace by that time to restore back to the Spaniards all such places as he should make himself master of by his Armes Monsieur Colbert was employed by his French Majesty to Aix la Chappel for negotiating the Peace and the Heer Van Beverning by the United Provinces as Sir William Temple Resident at Brussels for his Majesty of Great Brittain was likewise ordered thither for the same effect Signieur Aug. Franciotti Plenipotentiary for the Pope and three Plenipotentiaries more from the three Ecclesiasticall Electors of Germany In the mean time the French King gives command for the demolishing of the Fortifications of most of the considerable Towns which he had taken in Franche Comte and also for the building of a Citadel at Besanzon The former was accordingly executed but in regard the Peace began now to be hopefull it was thought fit to forbare the latter After many doubts concerning the issue of this Treaty at last the Plenipotentiaries signed an agreement on the second of May which being ratified by the French King and the Queen Regent of Spain was proclaimed at Brussels on the 30th of the same moneth and shortly after sworn to by both Kings The substance of this conclusion was 1. That the most Christian King should keep and effectually enjoy all Places Forts c. that he had taken or fortified by Armes during the last years Campagne viz. The fortresses of Charleroy the Towns of Binch and Atthe the the Places of Doway the Fort of Scarpe being comprised Tournay Oudenard Lille Armentieres Courtray Bergues and Fuernes and all their Baliwicks Castlewicks Appurtenances and dependances by what name soever called as far as ever they extend the Catholick King for himself and his Successors renouncing and disclaiming the same for ever 2. That immediately after the Publication of the Peace the French King should withdraw his Forces from the Garrisons of all Places Towns Castles and Forts of the County of Burgundy commonly called la Franche Comte and restore the same to the Catholick King 3. That the Treaty of of the Pyreneans stand good and valid without any prejudice by this present Treaty FINIS Tournay surrendred Bergue taken by Marshall d' Aumont Furnes taken Daway taken The Scarp Fort taken Courtray taken Oudenarde taken Alost taken