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A09847 A gagge for the Pope, and the Iesuits: or The arraignement, and execution of Antichrist Shevving plainely, that Antichrist shall be discouered, and punished in this vvorld: to the amasement of all obstinate papists. 1624 (1624) STC 20111; ESTC S120961 58,414 88

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the Emperour Charles 5. to breake with Luther Paul the 3. in a Bull against Henry 8. denounced them accursed that would not infringe all oathes and alleageance either couenanted with the King or his subiects Eugen●us 4. was the cause or motiue that Ladislaus of Poland infringed his oth with the Turke Innocentius the 3. blew vp that winde of rebellion against King Iohn And Pius the first cursed heauen and earth that he could thriue no better against Queene Elizabeth Gregoey 7. contrary to all the lawes of honor and nations imprisoned the Emperors Embassadors and another killed the Emperor Fredericks Embassadors who brought good newes of the successe in Palestina I will not name the Marquis of Montigni and Earle of Bergnes sent into Hesmoldus author Spaine who were put to death by the Inquisitors Paschall 2. and his adherents armed the sonne against the father Gregory 9. performed the like by Henry the sonne against Frederick 2. witnes Auentinus Innocentius 3. confounded whole kinreds with intestine warre Marius Belga affirmeth that Gregory 4. was the radical cause of Ludouicus Pius warres when his children rebelled But what say you to Alphousus Dias that came post from Rome to haue his owne brother murthered for embracing the true religion If I should goe forward in the discouery of all the errors Heresies and absurdities in Popish religion I should loose my selfe in a labyrinth wander in a wildernes and though I were a good swimmer yet proue like a man entangled in weedes ready to sincke without some charitable supportation therefore I will cast vp no more earth vpon this banke but referre you to other mens groundes where you shall haue minds of all manner of mettalls and so you may repaire to those furnaces that trie gold from drosse and s●ew you the puritie of Scripture from the durt and filth of Poperie onely one word concerning the authoritie and pretogatiue of Kings which the Popes haue endeuored to impaire and by all meanes to disanull Innocentius the 3. compareth the Pope to the Sunne and Popery prei●d●ceth the authoritie of Princes the Emperour to the Moone Cap. de maior obed Clement the 5. in the Chap. Romani princip auou●heth that the Emperours haue submitted their ●eades to the Bishop and how they ought to take an oath of fealtie and obedience to the Pope In the Chap. Pastoralis the Pope determineth that by right of the papacy hee hath superioritie ouer the Empire and that in the Vacancy hee himselfe is Emperour Boniface the 8. writing to the French King gaue him to vnderstand that hee was the Popes subiect Scire Volumus c. and therefore hee had two swordes to inuest and depose Kings as well as the Keies to open and locke the dores of heauen Iosephus V stanus lib. de osculat pedum Lib. 5. cap 6. de pontif Rom. Pontif. inferreth that the Pope may depose the Emperour In the Bull of Pius the 5. against Queene Elizabeth the Pope dares presumptuously affirme that hee is made a Prince and set ouer all nations and kingdomes to dissipate and spoile to plant and to build c. yea in the Iesuits new year 1594 doctrine Bella●mine saith that the Pope hath power to change kingdomes and to take from one to retribute to another Chincard a Iesuite was hangd in Paris for writing diuers seditious positions concerning the Popes authority in disposing of the Crowne of France and transplanting it from the family of Burbon William Rainold an English man vnder the name of Rosse doth in expresse tearmes defend the league against the French King and affirmeth that the right of all kingdomes is layed vpon the Popes foundation wherevpon as in some sort you haue heard before Gregory the 7. raised the wars of Germanie against Henry Emperour Paschall 2. raised the son to rebell against the father whereby hee was taken prisoner and so resigned but yet the Pope prosecuted the sonne with as great hatred as the father Innocentius 2. went by force of armes to conquer Roger of Sicily and had surely done it if the sonne had not succored and assisted his father Adrian 4. and Alexander 3. did so preuade against Frederick 1. that hee held the stirrop to the one was trod vpon by the other Celes●in the 3. cast the crowne from the head of Henry the 6. with his foote Innocent the 3. brought the Emperour ●hilip and Otho to destruction Gregory the 9. and Innocent the 4. furiously assaulted Frederike 2. with such soldiers as had made a vow to fight against the Saracens Iohn 22. Benet 12. and Clement 6. with implacable hatred prosecuted Lewis of Bauaria for no other reason but because hee tooke vpon him the Imperiall diadem without the Popes consent thus was Harold ouercome by the conqueror through the Popes curses and King Iohn besides his other troubles lost all Normandy How did Boniface 8. infest both Italy and Spaine attempting to subi●gate Philip of France the house of Colonia and Italy I will come no further for euery man knowes our moderne stories that the Maiesty of England hath written a discourse against this Pontificeous vs●rpation is it not high time then to bring this man to the bar of Gods iudgement seate indite him of high treason against the glory transcendent power of heauen and for this intollerable pride against the Princes of the earth who are the chiefe and absolute substitutes of God in their Kingdomes and must answer in their stewardship for vnfashionable mixtures vniustifiable diuiding their greatnes with one that hath nothing to doe with worldly encombrances or distributing inheritances but rather should be an humbled minister of God a seruant indeed to dispence holy things to the people therfore I wonder how the Papists in England seeing hearing and knowing this Antichristian opposition to Gods truth and the gouernment of all Common welths can haue their hearts more hardned then stone for the stones rent asunder at the Passion of Christ when the lewes laughed their saluation to scorne and their eares stopped worse then the adders with her taile will not hearken to this Inditement nor allow of these vnanswerable proofes vndeniable inferences Answer a Gods name yee that must answer before the iudgement throne of the Lambe how comes this blockishnes and stupiditie how comes all this about if the Papacy shall not come to ruine and Rome it selfe be destroyed after Antichrist is discouered and the man of sin reuealed whom God will consume with the breath of his nostrels and thus much for my second Inditement The third Inditement of Antichrist for abusing the people with lying miracles I am glad I haue done with these tedious relations and wonderfull proofes against the vsurpation of Antichrist because I would make you glad too and exh●lerate your sad hearts with a modest mirth which must needes be raysed from these deuises of men and lying miracles But be not too forward nor preiudicate
of Queene Maries raigne after three yeares bur●all and God knowes whether their bones or no. Such things are written of Bonners crueltie besides the Stories in the Acts and Monuments that the inhumanitie exceedeth all the extrauagancies of Heathenish Tyrants The other day when Fryer Paul of Venice could not bee caught in person they burnt him in Rome by pourtraiture and sent twise to murther him in priuate Shall I name the mischiefes against Queene Katherine Parre in the latter end of Henry the eight by the workings of the Bishops especially Gardiner Shall I recite the murthers of the two Kinges of France the Prince of Orange and divers others who seemed to oppose their disor●ered proceedings It were a wonder to tell you how Queene Elizabeth the wonder of all times escaped their malice but to end with the Powder plot it must make an end of this Controuersie that the Pope of Rome is a meere Tyrant in earth and the Doctrine of Rome most opposite to the Gospell of Iesus Christ Humilitie last of all is such a marke of the true Church Humilitie of God that in diuers places you haue the very garments of a Prophet named Elias vesture Isaiahs nakednesse Ieremies du●geon Amos frocke Christs seameles coat Iohn Baptists Cammells hayre and such like But the Pope must be a God on earth and the Cardinalls take place of all Princes that are not absolute Monarkes Their Carosses are so sumptirous and stately that they haue foure veluet chayres within and sixe stately Moiles without and how they ride with publicke Curtezans to the Conclaue is well knowne Baptista Fulgosus recordeth Pride of Rome that Peter Riarus first a Fryer Minorite afterward Cardinall to Sixtus the fourth had Gownes of cloth of Gold Couerings and Tikes of Beds sutable and all other Furniture of the best Silke There was a Feast made at Rome by a Cardinall to Elenor of Aragon as shee went to marry Hercules de Est Duke of Ferrara which lasted seauen houres with all varietie of Musicke and delicate Acates which had also playes and dances Another Cardinall had a Concubine called Tiresia whose Chappinos were embroydred with Pearle and precious Stones to an inestimable value But what neede I goe so farre as Rome to instance this Inditement of opposing the Word of God against them when I can name you such Prelates in England that for pride and wealth exceed any Cardinalls of Rome and liued as if they would tell vs plainely Antichrist was discouered and there was neither heauen nor hell to bee thought vpon but the present brauery of the world and the magnificence of a Courtly and maiesticke life In the time of William Rufus you had an Otho Bishop of Baieux and Earle of Kent In the time of Henry the second you had a Thomas of Canterbury that affrighted the King with Excommunication In the time of Richard the first you had a Bishop of Durham who gaue ten thousand pound for an Earledome In the dayes of King Iohn Stephen Langhton opposed the Maiestie of England In the time of Henry the fift the Bishop of Winchester lent the King twentie thousand pound In the time of Henry the sixt Cardinall Beuford was infamed for pride and wealth In the time of Henry the eight Woolsey writ Ego rex meus and so exceeded in magnificence and greatnesse that all Europe wondered at the prosperitie of our countrey and yet repined that such a Prince would endure the ambition and impietie of a Prelate To conclude Cardinall Poole was cosen to Queene Mary and therefore endured for his magnificence and pompe but yet all these belonged to the Church and should haue beene Preachers of the Word of God but they proued Wolues in Sheepes clothing and the humbled soule made this Vse of their liues that Antichrist was discouered and so beng the mayne Aduersary must needes oppose the Word of God and doe contrary things to truth and Christianitie And thus much of his first Inditement The second Inditement of Antichrist for teaching The second inditement mens traditions and foisting into the doctrine of the Church both Heresies errors and absurdities BEfore I goe any further let mee answere certaine obiections which I should haue done in my former Inditement namely what greater humillity can there bee then for the Capuchines and Friers Mendicants to refuse and despise the vanities of the world and bee contented with pouertie disgrace scornes and neuer-heard of humiliation insomuch that Princes haue euen pricked their proud swelling hearts and let out the corrupt blood bringing them downe to prostitution and contentment in Vnsauerie pouertie as you saw Duke Iogenx became father Angelo Faelix of Sauoy thrust himselfe into a Monasterie Charles the fift forsooke the world and left amongst all his ●ewells as principall his whippe of small cordes wherewith hee lashed his sides and many other Princes finished their dayes in Religious houses I answer with the Prophet who required these things at your hands and when it is the best humiliation it is contaminated and defiled with wrong circumstances and though it tend to the worshipping of Angels it is but diuelish and Colos 2. 23. vnprofitable Againe concerning outward garments coules weedes haire or hempen girdells penance whipping fasting Kings and such like tormenting the flesh is it any other then the priests of Baall cutting and lashing themselues then ●dolatrous sacrifices wherein the Heathen practised the shedding of blood and continued with Monstrous murthers and Diuelish shapes to the people Rent your Ioel. hearts and not your garments saith the Prophet and when you fast or mourne hang not downe your heades like Bulrusshes or doe as Hipocrites doe sayth Christ Last of all concerning good workes and releeuing the poore which they tearme Charity What profit can Math. 6. such things doe where is presumption of merit what good can they procure when they are full of corruption why doe you plead for pouerty when you grow so rich your selues and fill your treasuries with all manner of gifts from liuing and dying men what talke you of religion When you minde nothing but pollicies of State and to trouble all Christendome with deuises as for the outward forme of good deedes I will bee bold to say wee haue had amongst our selues more Colledges builded Almes-houses erected Chappels edified Churches repaired Poore relecued Prisons visited and Lands giuen to pious vses and that within these fiftie yeeres then in two hundreth yeeres before let them name what Countrie they please and thus much for the Obiections now to my purpose in hand To make you a Collection of all the deuises and tr●● peries in Poperie were to make a rope of sand and begin a worke which could haue no end For this wodden wheele hath beene so often turned that the Coggs are worne asunder and either they must erect a new frame or inuent a new superstition For all the old is discouered and in a Booke called the
at Masse in the very instant of the eleuation of Christs body he saw Swaine King of Denmarke drowned in the sea with all his army at which hee so smiled that at last it tended to a laughter whereat the company wondred and were bold to demand what the matter meant wherupon he discouered the secret called certaine Earles to participate of the vision amongst whom the Earle of Glocester saw the Bread turne apparantly into the likenesse of a young child But to adde more truth to this miracle the hangings in the Quier a● West minster consist of this story and there you may see the conceit of the businesse O the superstition of those daies and palpable grosnesse of the Clergies collusion This King gaue also his Signet for the loue of St. Iohn to a poore man but see the wonderfull care and respect of the Apostle hee sent it him ba●●e againe in the belly of a fish for when a goodly fish was presented to the King as the Cooke dressed the same the Kings Seale was found in the entrailes others tell the story in this manner that Saint Iohn tooke it so kindly being now at Ierusalem that he returned it backe againe by two pilgrimes whom he posted into England in one night for the same purpose so the ring was deliuered and Saint Iohns commendation presented to the king Gregory the seuenth was Cardinall and Legat in France Gregory 7. before he was Pope where he so religiously proceeded against Simoniacks that he called diuers to account as we say in foro publico amongst whom a certaine Bishop by bribing and corrupting his accusers thought to escape but Gregory knowing by reuelation the deceit preuented it in this manner he commanded him to say Gloria patri if he had not abused the holy Ghost which by no meanes he could doe whereupon he was adiudged guiltie and depriued of his Bishopricke But see the mischiefe afterwards he could say it well enough and made them all wonder at the alteration I beleeue though you haue read many Chronicles you William R●fus King yet haue not read of this storie concerning the death of William Rufus that a little before he was shot by Sir Walter Tirrell he dreamed he was let bloud in so great a quantitie that a streame of it leapt vp on high toward heauen more than a hundred fathom and the day was presently darkened as the night Againe a Monke of his house dreamed that king William went into a Church with a great company of people and amongst them all he tooke the Image of the Crucifix and most shamefully rent it with his teeth but the Crucifix meekly suffred all till like a mad man he pulled the armes off threw it vnder feet and trampled vpon it in despight had not a great fire come out of the Cruc●fix mouth which preuented the king from committing further outrage and awaked the Monke This dreame was with much adoe declared to the king and his owne dreame with more adoe disputed vpon and both the dreames made a matter of fearefull prediction so that the conclusion extended to caution and premonition to his Maiestie that there was sure some misfortune imminent ouer him Thomas Becket was one of the Popes champions and Englands Thomas Becket traitors of whose lies and miracles I am ashamed to wrice for they will haue him turne a Capon into a Carpe as he was at dinner in Rome on Saint Marks day and when he was martyred to heale the sicke wounded and lunaticke with the touch of his tombe and relickes my author recounts two and twentie miracles done for his sake When Saint Bernard was canonized a Saint and Saint ern●rd consecrated in his shrine or chappell his Abbot forbad him to doe any more miracles because there came such a concourse of people that he was notable to entertaine them nor willing to be so continually imploied the like or much more is fathered vpon Simon de Momford Earle of Leicester Momford a notorious rebell against Henrie the third but because he went vnder the vmbrela of a good Common-wealths man and maintainer of the liberties of Church they inuented many a lie for him that he might preserue his reputation after death c. When Robert Bruise rebelled against Edward the first he was proclaimed a traitor and after taken and beheaded yet did they hang vp his body in chaines but there came so many deuils by night to torment it with hookes that they were faine to watch it guard it and make fires about the place I cannot but enlage the storie of Thomas the good Earle Sir Simond Frizell of Lancaster one of the greatest subiects of the world whom Edward the second most vnkindly put to death and wherein they went along with his worthines allow them the praises of their good report but when they come to deuices and superstitious conceits I leaue them to their owne fallacies and cannot choose but laugh at their fictions for they not onely repute him a Martyr but diuulge that many a miracle was shewne by him or done for him A● a The Earle of Lancaster Priest restored to his sight who had beene long blinde by wiping his eies with the Altar cloth A child drowned and found dead the third day in a well was brought to his tombe and not onely recouered by touching the defunct but receiued life which continued many yeeres Diuers mad men and distracted women by leaning their heads only vpon his tombe were restored to a temperature in their senses A rich man of Gascoign halfe dead and rotten on the one side so that you might see his liuer was blessed by his Tombe with vnusuall recouery and many such like miracles were performed by him whereupon the Spencers both prohibited the concourse of people and accesse to his Chappell I could name the rest but these as the rest are the durty waters from a corrupt and puddled channell and must both discouer the impiety of such a profession and wickednesse of such Priests that will hang gew gawes and grosse deuices about the necke of religion to make her seeme more gawdy and a very puppet in the world yet such was the pleasure of diuine Iustice to permit the Deuill to put on a cloake of sanctity to deceiue whole multitudes who were subiect to vanity such the coherence of Scripture that Papistry should haue her Progresse as you haue heard and such was the deceit of men that they were detained in ignorance because they delighted in ceremonies rather than substance in painted deuices and outward ornaments rather than inward or spirituall worshipping of God in fooleries to please the naturall man rather than senselesse kneeling in vaine to the aire as they would excuse it when men see no pourtraiture nor resemblance and yet the Scripture saith that Moses saw no image Thus was sinne not onely multiplied in the world but men for the hardnesse of their hearts detained in blindnesse