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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09561 The coppy of a letter and commission, of the King of Spaine, Phillip the third, sent vnto the vice-roy of Portugall, dated the 20. day of Iune, in the yeare of our Lord God. 1602 Wherein the dealings and trade of ships & marchandize is forbidden, with the subiectes of Holland, Zealand and England, &c. with the said lands and countries of Spaine and Portugall. Whereby appeareth the inueterate, and continuall malice of the said Spaniards, against the dominions of England, Holland and Zealand, &c. Truely translated out of the Spanish originall, into the Dutch tongue; and now translated againe out of the Dutch copye, into English. Spain. Sovereign (1598-1621 : Philip III) 1602 (1602) STC 19839; ESTC S119177 4,069 13

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The Coppy of a Letter and Commission of the King of Spaine Phillip the third sent vnto the Vice-roy of Portugall dated the 20. day of Iune In the yeare of our Lord God 1602. Wherein the dealings and trade of Ships Marchandize is forbidden with the subiectes of Holland Zealand and England c. with the said Lands and Countries of Spaine and Portugall Whereby appeareth the inueterate and continuall malice of the said Spaniards against the Dominions of England Holland and Zealand c. Truely translated out of the Spanish originall into the Dutch tongue and now translated againe out of the Dutch Copye into English LONDON Printed for Thomas Pauier and are to be solde at his shop in Cornehill at the signe of the Cat and Parets neere the Royall Exchange 1602. To the curteous Reader CVrteous Reader after that Phillip the second of that name King of Spaine had vexed these Countries of Holland and Zealand with tedious and continual wars and with many Imbargos or arrestes made vpon their Ships and Merchandize to the mighty hindrance of their Nauigation and Mariners to the great damage and ouerthrow of many honest Marchants And not therewith contented vsed moreouer his great Tiranye against the Masters and Mariners putting them into his Gallyes and like vnto poore miserable slaues with chaines and intollerable trauailes and labours tormenting them vntill such time as the Almighty God by the wise dealings of the Honorable Lords the States at last did send release and freedome vnto a great nūber which then remained aliue And after this his sonne Phillip the third comming to the Crowne after the death of his Father seeketh practiseth to Imitate herein the waies foote-steps of his Father as it appeareth most plainly by this Letter dated the 20. day of Iune 1602. sent vnto the Vice-roy of Portugall Wherein hee declareth those of Holland and Zealand for enemyes and rebels to God and his Maiesty Notwithstanding they were neuer bound by oath of dutye vnto him nor euer were his subiects meaning in this sort to rule and gouerne ouer them as his Father hath done before him which is nothing at al to be wondred at seeing he hath bin nourished and brought vp vnder the wings of the holie fathers of the Spanish Inquisition wee haue in such sort fostred him that they name him to be Humani generis desiderium that by him they may fullie effect their rage and tyranie according to their owne wished desire to the surpression of these lands and their priueledges and also to the rooting out of Gods holye word from which our mercifull God defend and keepe vs. Amen An Edict set foorth published by the King of Spaine against all Ships and their lading comming out of England Holland and Zealand tearming them by the names of Rebels of God and of his Maiesty The King MArquesse of Castel Rodrigo principall of my Secret Councell my Viceroy and Captaine Generall in the Kingdome of Portugall You haue vnderstood long since that causes which mooued the K. my Lord whome God hath taken vnto him to prohibit the trade dealings which my rebels of Holland Zealand vsed in these Countries Kingdomes with the English other enemies of our Lord God of my kingdoms as also the reasons which haue hapned in my time cōcerning the same matter such as haue lately hapned your selfe beeing present in Councell when the same was resolued vpon and determined And seeing that at this present time many reasons concurre moouing vs to the execution of the said prohibition and to see that such orders as are therein prescribed be seuerely helde and maintained my selfe being by diuers enformed that notwithstanding the said orders the aforesaid Englishmen Rebels and what enemies else soeuer haue in no other place elsewhere so common and frequent trade as in the Hauens of these our dominions dayly ariuing in our said Hauens with their own Ships laden with false and cullored proofes and Pasports as if they came from free Citties or Townes or else with the Ships of the high Dutch or other strange Ships although that by the nature of the said lading it is presumed that the commodities are of the Ilands or English the keeping of the said ordenances so made published vpon all these reasons being of so great importance that the reducing of the state of the same countries dependeth thereon Whereof I haue resolued that this contraction and commorce shal be wholy broken and prohibited to the ende that therewith also the molestations which vnder colour heerof haue been accustomed to be vsed towards the ships of my friends and confederates may cease which haue been esteemed for enemies and that the one ceasing the other shall be prohibited To which ende I haue consented that you onely such persons as your selfe shall nominate haue power and authoritie to take knowledge of all matters and occurrences appertaining to these arrestes Likewise I giue vnto you power and authoritie by vertue of this present commission and facultie to visit and to giue order that all Ships of strangers which shall come into the Hauens of these our said kingdomes may bee visited naming and appointing thereunto in euerye Hauen some one person of such qualitie credit that your selfe may bee therein quiet and contented which shall vse therein such faithfulnes and integritie as may be needefull and necessary or at least wise in the most frequented Hauens of moste importaunce with commission that to this effect they may seaze on all or at least wise on such as shal fall first into their hands such as shall be found to be of the Rebels English or other myne enemies you shall arrest all the persons which shall come in the same Shippes and shall also attache and lay handes on all the goods and Marchandize which they shall bring to the ende that the same being conuinced and prooued to come frō the landes of enemies and Rebels and the actions being prosecuted according to forme of law you condemne the same to be lost and confiscated as by me is ordained applycating the same according to the accustomed manner as more perticularly at large appeareth in the aforesaid ordinances and others which I esteeme as inserted heereunto And whatsoeuer you shall in this manner condemne and confiscate you shall presently cause to be solde without let or hindrance of any appeale whatsoeuer which may in the Interim happen and the same shall be done by Port sale or Out-cry to the most benefit and profit you can Vnto all which doings the sercher Generall Don Iuan de Londona shall repayre to be present as soone as any such Shippes or any of them shall be taken or seazed and that the same Shippes and the goods therein laden shall be Inuentared if the same doe happen where hee shall be resident And for other places thereabouts such other as shall be appointed for this seruice in his name And all such summes of money