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A08067 [A briefe cronicle and perfect rehearsall of all the memorable actions hapned not onelie in the Low Countries, but also in Germanie, Italy, Fraunce, Spaine, England, Turkie, and other countries since the yeare of our Lord 1500 to this present yeare 1598.] 1598 (1598) STC 18433; ESTC S119983 17,172 72

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great number of soldiers came before Andwarpe and thought to haue surpressed the towne hee burnt all the Milles in Saint Willebordes field and from thence he went into Lukeland where he was forced with shame to retire The same yeare the Emperours Souldiers tooke Deuentre and other townes from the Duke of Guelder The same yeare in Germanie after a raine there fell great numbers of Grashoppers which did great hurt to the fruits of the earth year 1543 This yeare the Emperour Charles made Phillip his Son King of Spaine and married him with Mary the King of Portingales daughter The same yeare the Emperour came out of Spaine and went into Guelderland where vpon the eight of August he besieged Dueren and willed them to yeelde it vnto him but the townes men said that they feared not a Haddocke eater which not long after the Emperour made them dearely to rue and at the same time Amersford was taken by the Guelders year 1544 This yeare the Scots throughout all the Neatherland were proclaimed enemies to the Emperour year 1545 This yere Charles eldest Sonne to Phillip king of Spaine was borne in Valedolet in Spaine year 1546 This yere the Emperour made warre against the Duke of Saxon the Lantgraue of Hessen The same yeare the Castle of Blākerhooke by Rammekens in Walcheren was made The same yeare vpon the eight of August a lightning falling in the towne of Mechelen blew vp a towre full of Gunpowder and therwith slew at the least 1800. men without any other hurt year 1547 This yeare vppon the twentie foure of Aprill the Emperour tooke the Duke of Saxon prisoner and ouerthrew his armie year 1548 This yere the Emperour came into Brabant bringing with him the Duke of Saxon and Phillip Lantgraue of Hessen prisoners year 1549 This yere Phillip king of Spaine came out of Spaine into the Low-Countries where hee was inuested with the gouerment thereof The same yeare about the thirteen of October Phillip king of Spaine made his entry into Gaunt and not long after into Anwarpe The same yeare the next day after whitsonday Katherine Demedices was Crowned Queene of France within the towne of Saint Dennis year 1550 This yeare the Christians won Africa from the Turks and Moores and then the passage from Brussels was begun to be digged The same yeare vpon the twentie two of October the Emperour besieged Metz. This yeare the Lantgraue of Hessen was discharged of his imprisonment year 1552 and set at libertie year 1553 This yeare the Emperours Acmie tooke the towne of Turwin which they spoyled and rased the walles to the ground The same yeare the Emperour tooke the towne of Hedding year 1554 This yere Phillip king of Spaine went into England to marrie Marie Queene of England year 1555 This yeare died Iane Queene of Spaine mother to the Emperor Charles year 1556 This yeare king Phillip held his first feast of the order of the Golden Fleece in Andwarpe The same yere vpon the eighteene of Februarie died Martin Luther The same yeare there was a Comet seene that continued for the space of fourteene dayes betokening as some iudged the warres which at that time began in the low countries The same yeare peace was proclaimed betweene Phillip King of Spaine and Henry king of France and the same yere vpon the seauenteenth of September the Emperour departed out of the Low Countries to goe into Spaine year 1557 This yere vpon twelfe euen the Frenchmen thought by treason to haue taken the towne of Doway but they fayled of their purpose The same yeare Phillip King of Spaine with an army of Neatherlanders besieged the towne of Saint Quintins where the greatest part of the nobilitie of France came to raise the siege but they were almost all taken and slaine vpon the twenty fiue of August after the towne was taken The same yere was a great dearth for at Andwarp Rie was sold for viii guilders and wheat for xii guilders the bushell year 1558 This yeare Ferdinand King of Hungarie and Bohemia was elected Emperour The same yeare the Frenchmen made a road into Flaunders where they robbed and burnt Dunkerke The same yere vpon the fifteenth day of Iulie Dunkerke was wonne againe from the Frenchmen and all that were founde therein slaine and murthered The same yeare vpon the twenty one of September the Emperour Charles died in Spaine and vpon the eighteene of October about 28. dayes after the death of the Emperour died Mary his Sister The same yere vpon the thirteene of December the Emperours Funerall was celebrated within Brussels year 1559 This yeare vpon the third of Aprill peace was determined at Cambraye between Phillip king of Spaine and the French king and king Phillip married the eldest Daughter of Henry King of France and each of them redeliuered such townes as they held by force The same yeare at the mariage of king Phillip with the French Kings daughter Henry king of France running at tilt was by a splinter Monsieur Mongomries Launce thr●●● into the eye wherof vpon the twe●tie of Iuly after he died The same yeare vpon the twen●●● nine of Iuly King Phillip celebrat●● the order of the Golden Fleece the towne of Gaunt The same yeare the Dutchesse 〈◊〉 Parma entred into the Neathe●lands for regent thereof The same yeare the Scots bega● to professe the Religion and to lea●● Papistrie year 1560 This yeare in the month of I●nuarie king Phillip married Eliz●beth de Valois daughter to Henry t●● second king of France in the tow●● of Guarda la Iura in Spaine The same yeare vppon the twent●● sixe of Februarie the first stone of t●● foundation of the new towne hou●● of Andwarpe was laid year 1561 This yere was the first time that shippes sayled in the newe Riuer of Brussels The same yeare diuers Bishops were newly erected in certaine townes in the Neatherlands The same yere the prince of Conde with diuers souldiers called Hugenets took certain townes in France which hee did by reason of certaine controuersies that happened among the Nobilitie touching the obseruation of an edict of peace made in the behalfe of the religion year 1562 This yeare the Duke of Guise in the name of Charles king of France tooke the Citie of Roane and executed diuers of the Citizens year 1563 This yeare in the month of May ouer the towne of Callis there was seene in the aire two men armed all bloody to the knees each of them bearing a shielde in his left hande whereof the one had a Crosse the other a Lyon in it and after them followed two women apparelled in white The same yere eight hundred houses were burnt within the towne o● Poperin in Flaunders The same yeare there was so grea● a plague in England that in Londo● there died eighteene hundred men i● one weeke This yere vpon the seuenteenth of May died Iohn Caluin year 1564 This yeare the Riuer of Shelde frose so hard year 1565 that the people solde wine
A BRIEFE CRONICLE and perfect rehearsall of all the memorable actions hapned not onelie in the low-Countries but also in Germanie Ita●y Fraunce Spaine England Turkie and other Countries since the yeare of our Lord. 1500. to this present yeare ●●●● AT LONDON Printed by ●ohn Wol●e A BRIEFE CHRONICLE AND perfect rehearsall of all the memorable actions happened not only in the Low-Countries but also in Germanie Italie Fraunce Spaine England Turkey and other Countries since the yeare of our Lord 1500. to this present yeare 1598. year 1500 IN this yeare vppon the 25. day of the moneth of Februarie the Emperour Charles the fift was borne in the towne of Gaunt in Flaunders and in the same yere about the beginning of Sommer in Germany and Luke-land there sell Crosses of ●i●ers colours ●u● of the 〈◊〉 vpō 〈◊〉 c●●the● year 1502 This yeare there was so great a death in Germany that the common speech among them was that all those on whom the bloody Crosses fell the yeare before should die at the same time there fell such a Haile by Vitupord in Brabrant as the like was neuer seene for the haile stones were as big as any Tennis ball year 1503 This yeare about the last of Iulie in the afternoone all the Towne of Herderwicke was burnt in the space of three houres so that there remained but three or foure houses by the which fire there were smothered aboue 1500 men and al that was within the houses kurnt The same yeare there were 200. houses burnt in Gorcum and at Belle in Flaunders 500 houses year 1504 This yeare died Isabell Queene of Spaine year 1506 About the beginning of Ianuarie preparation was made to bring king Phillip and his wife into Spaine The same yeare when king Phillip was gone into Spaine the Gelders began againe to war vppon Holland and Brabrant The same yeare about the 27. of September died Phillip King of Spaine and Granado presently after his Coronation year 1507 The Towne of Tienen was taken by those of Gelder with the aide of certaine Frenchmen which was done vpon Saint Michaels day and Turnholt spoyled year 1508 The 8. of September there arriued two ships at Teruere in Zealand that came fro the Canaries being the first ships that euer sailed out of Zealand into Spaine or the Islands they were laden with Canarie Sugars the ships went to Antwarpe there offered the Suger to be sold for two blankes a pound but they could not sell it for so much The same yeare the Prince Charles with the Emperour Maximilian his Grandfather made his entrye into Gaunt year 1509 On the xiiij of October there was an Earthquake in the Cittie of Constantinople that continued for the space of 18 dayes so that the walles of the Citie and all the houses vpon the Sea side fell downe and the sea rose so high that it flowed ouer the walles of the Towne and drowned aboue 14000. men year 1510 There happened wars betweene Hans King of Denmarke and the Townes of Holland zealand Frezeland against certaine Townes lying vppon the sea as Lubecke Rostocke and their adherents which continued for the space of two yeares year 1511 The Emperour Maximilian held a Parliament of the states of Germanie at Ausberg where there was 〈◊〉 mā brought before him that was so great that he eate a whole Calfe and a Sheepe raw at one meale and yet was not suffized year 1512 There was such a Frost for the space of nine weekes that in many places men went on foote vpon the salt water year 1513 This yeare Henry the right King of England landed at Callis with a great power of men from thence entered into the frontiers of Flaunders to make warre against the king of Fraunce and at that time hee tooke Turwin Turney and built a Castle in Turney year 1514 In the moneth of Ianuarie at Wittenberge in Saxonie there was three Sunnes seene in the aire and in each Sunne a bloody sworde the eleauenth of the same moneth ware three Moones likewise seene The 7. of March there were two raine bowes seene in the aire that stood backe to backe The same yeare in Layden there was a Child borne without a heade with eyes mouth in the brest the armes and handes sticking close by the sides and beneath it was round without legges or feet year 1515 The first of Ianuarie died Loys the eleueuth King of Fraunce The same yeare vppon satterday after candlemas day Prince Charles entred into Andwarpe and the next day after hee was inuested Duke of Brabrant receiued homage of al the 17 Prouinces year 1516 The 20. of October the order of the Golden Fleece was holden by Prince Charles at Brussels and Leenuerden was besieged by the Guelders year 1517 The same yeare Charles Duke of Austria went into Spaine there to bee Crowned king The same yeare the Frost was so great at Anwarpe that they went on foote ouer the Riuer of Scheld people roade with Horse and wagons ouer the water into Brabrant year 1518 Prince Charles was crowned King of Spaine within the towne of Valedolet and by Vento about 1200. souldiers were slaine that were named the Blacke company the same yeare likewise there was an accorde made betweene Brabrant Flanders Asperen was won from the Gelders year 1519 The 12 of Ianuarie died Maximilian the Emperour Grandfather to Charles King of Spaine The same yere in the month of February Francis de Valois King of France bought the towne of Tourney of Henry king of England for a great summe of money The same yeare wheate was sold for 12. stiuers and Rie for 9. stiuers the quarter year 1520 This yeare vpon the 23. of October Charles King of Spaine was elected Emperour and at Acen in Germanie hee receaued the Imperiall Crowne with great triumph The same yeare in the moneth of October there was three hundred houses burnt in Romerswald year 1521 The Emperour Charles in presence of the King of Denmarke laide the first stone of the foundation of the new quier of our Ladies church in Andwerpe and spread the morter with a trowell The same yeare vppon the 19. of Nouember there was 70. parishes in Holland ouerflowne and drowned by force of the water that entred into the land and in the same moneth the Towne of Turney was besieged by the Emperour and vpon Saint Andrewes day it was taken since which time it hath bin holden vnder the king of Spaines subiection year 1522 The Island of Rodes was wonne by the Turke and while it was besieged there rose a muteny in Andwarpe the people saying that the bakers were the cause of the dearth of corne which as then was verye deare the like did the women of Machelen and Brussels against their Bakers The same yeare in the moneth of Aprill by Egmont in Holland there was a Fish taken being of 80. foote long in greatnes correspondent whereof they made 160. barrels of Fish besides the
in trailes The same yeare vpon Palmesonsonday at Konlen there were 2. children borne that cloue fast together hauing two Heades two Armes and two feete maiden Children but dead borne Vpon Saint Andrewes day the same yere a shippers wife o● Moerbeke baked a loafe of breade o● pure wheate and when she drewe i● out of the Ouen it was as blacke as pitch year 1523 This yere in the month of March there was so great a storme of thunder lightning that there fel hailestones as big as hennes egges and of diuers colours The same yeare Rodes was againe wonne from the Turkes year 1524 This yeare there was 5. thousand houses burnt in the towne of Troy in Champania year 1525 This yeare during the besieging of Pauia there rose great trouble in Germanie for preaching of the Gospell by Martin Luther The same yeare the Emperour Charles married the king of Portingales Daughter in the Towne of Ciuill in Spayne year 1526 This yeare vppon the 25 of Februarie happened the fearefull and cruel battaile before Pauia betweene the Emperour Charles and Francis king of Fraunce wherin the king of Fraunce was taken prisoner year 1527 This yeare vppon the seauenth of May Phillip eldest son to Charles the Emperour was borne at Valedolet in Spaine The same yeare the citie of Rome was besieged and taken by the Emperour Charles the Pope taken prisoner and in scaling the walles the Duke of Burbon was slaine year 1528 This yere vpon the 6. of March 1500. Guelders and many Citizens of Vtrecht robbed and spoyled the Towne of Hage in Holland This yeare the Ilande Peru was first found out The same yeare vppon the first o● Iune the Bishop of Vtrecht took● the towne of Vtrecht from the Guelders slaying and imprisoning al● the Captaines and souldiers drowning two Prebends and beheadin● two Citizens year 1529 This yeare in the moneth of Iulie the Frenchmen bearing th● imperiall armes by subtiltie took● the towne of Myllan The same yeare the Turke besieged Vienna with an Armie of tw● hundreth and fiftie thousand men The same yeare vppon Michaelmas day in the Euening there die● many people of the sweating sicknes in Anwarpe year 1530 This yeare vppon the two 〈…〉 F●bruary the 〈◊〉 Charles was crowned king of ●●●bardie within the towne of Bononia where the Emperour kissed the Popes foote The same yeare vpon the twentie foure of March the first stone of the foundation of the Court of Parliament at Machelen was laide which before was holden in the Pallace The same yeare vppon the fift of Nouember foure hundred foure Parishes were drowned in the low-Countries year 1531 This yeare the Emperour came to Collen where Ferdinand his Brother was crowned king of Romains The same yeare in the moneth of August about Saint Laurence day there was a Comet or Blazing star seene in the Low-Countries The same yeare and moneth there was a fish taken vpon the Sea side in Holland of sixtie eight 〈◊〉 lo●g 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 being thirteene foote broad The same yeare there happened an Earthquake in Portingale that cōtinued for the space of eight daies wherby 1050. houses within Lisbon fell downe This earthquake happened sometimes seauen or eight times a day which made the Citizens for feare to leaue the towne lie in the open fields year 1532 A woman in Germanie beeing great with child killed her husband in the night time and eate vp his left side with the arme the rest of the dead body she boyled and kept it to eate The same yeare ouer the towne of Munster in Westfalie there was a man all armed seene in the aire year 1533 This yeare Henry the eight king of England repudiated his wife Katherin daughter of Ferdinand king of Spaine and married his second wife called Anne of Bullen The same yeare Charles Duke of Guelderland with fiue thousand men ouerthrew the power of the Earle of East Freesland beeing of fifteene thousand men The same yere vpon the sixt of October about twelue of the clocke at night our Lady Church in Andwarp was burnt The same yeare the Towne of Breda was increased and made greater by Henry Earle of Nassau who likewise founded the Castle year 1534 This yeare vpon our Lady euen in the month of March there assembled great numbers of men women both of Holland and Zealand called Anabaptists that ment to passe through Harlame to goe to Munster but at blacke water they were taken and most of them burnt punished The same yeare vpon Mary Magdalens day there was more then one thousand houses burnt in Breda The same yeare Iohn van Layden principall of the Anabaptists with his company tooke the Towne of Munster driuing out the Bishop and all the spiritualty but beeing besieged by the Emperours troupe and constraind by hunger it was wonne from him Iohn Van Layden with his associates were executed The same yeare the towne Cleruaus in France was spoyled with thunder and in three houres cleane burnt The same yere the towne of Montalbon in France was in three houres space cleane burnt consumed with fire The same yeare the Anabaptists ranne naked through the towne of Amsterdam and made great vprore year 1535 This yeare the Emperour with a great Armie sayled into Africa where he draue the Barbarians out of the towne of Tunis and restored Muleasses to his kingdome againe The same yeare a Gentleman being aliue suncke into the earth because hee would not sell corne to the poore people at a reasonable price This yeare Henry the eight King of England in despight of the Pope because he would not consent to the deuorce of Queene Katherin permitted Luthers doctrine in England year 1536 This yeare vppon the ninth of May the towne of Delft was burned and consumed with fire in the space of three houres The same yere died Erasmus of Roterdam year 1537 This yere Francis king of France with fifty thousand men tooke the towne of Hedding The same yeare and moneth the Earle of Buren burnt the townes of Saint Paul and Mutterell besieged Turwin year 1538 This yeare Henry King of England suppressed diuers Abbies and Cloysters in England keeping all their lands to himselfe year 1539 This yeare vppon the second of May Isabell Queene of Spaine and Empresse and Daughter to the king of Portingale died at Toledo in Spaine year 1541 This yeare the Emperour came out of Spaine and at Gaunt hee punished diuers rebels and therein made a goodly Castle The same yere the Summer was so hote that the Riuer of Rhiin in some places was dried vp so that men past ouer it on foote the like did the Riuer of Seine in Fraunce and the Figges in Flanders were as ripe vppon the trees as if they had come out of Spayne year 1542 This yeare vppon the twentie foure of Iune warres were againe proclaimed betweene the Emperour and the King of France The same yeare in the moneth of Iulie vpon Saint Iames day Martin Van Rosse with