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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A38667 The Established test in order to the security of His Majesties sacred person, and government, and the Protestant religion against the malitious attempts and treasonable machinations of Rome. 1679 (1679) Wing E3344; ESTC R229328 28,913 58

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THE Established Test In order to the Security of HIS MAJESTIES Sacred Person AND GOVERNMENT AND THE Protestant Religion AGAINST The Malitious Attempts and Treasonable Machinations of ROME Nemo sibi nascitur Partim Patriae c. IMPRIMATVR Jan. 3. 1679. Geo. Thorp Rmo in C. P. D. Guilielm Archiep. Cant. à Sacris Domesticis London Printed by T. N. for Jonathan Edwin at the three Roses in Ludgate-street 1679. THE Establisht Test WHAT a Tempest should we have had if this Black Italian Cloud had broken over our Heads Never was Hurricane so double charged with Death and Destruction It would certainly have Rain'd Fire and Faggots and all Instruments of Cruelty upon the Innocent Heads of Poor Protestants But GOD have the Praise That we are in hopes to see it not only Blow over but that the Storm is likely to fall upon the Heads that raised it Some of these treacherous Dealers who have dealt so very treacherously with us are already fallen into the Pit which they had digged for Others and are ensnared in the mischievous Works of their own Hands and it is to be hoped for the Rest That their violent dealing will fall upon their own Heads for He who is Truth it self in whom we trust whose we are and whom we serve has assured us That Wicked and Bloodthirsty Men shall not live out half their Dayes for he who is the God of all Mercy abhors the cruel and decoitful Man In a Concern of so common and universal Nearness I cannot conceive any Person so little or inconsiderable in a Nation but since he must participate and have a share in the common Happiness or Misfortunes that shall happen he must also have a Right if not a Duty to endeavor to do what service he can to the Publique Every Mans Oar may and ought to be in the Boat to preserve her from sinking and though possibly I may value my endeavors in this little Scrole as cheap as any can desire yet the good Intention of it being the only thing that can give it a Recommendation that may also procure it Pardon and if it be demanded why I write 't is answered Not to increase the Croud of Pamphlets which at such Times fly about the Streets like Chaff before the Wind so that one is obliged to take some Pains to find the Wheat which some able and industrious Hands have winnowed from the Dross but it is perfectly out of Charity and for the Information of such who will not be at a greater Charge than such a Trifle And therefore I do not pretend to Instruct the great Managers of the Affairs of State or to meddle with the Needle and Compass of the Publique Bottom 't is dangerous medling with the Helm of State even sometimes for the Publique Pilots I am no Dictator of Politicks or Pretender to give Unerring Rules for our future Settlement or present Security but a Plain Honest Well-meaning Englishman who heartily Honor my Prince Love my Church and Wish well to my fellow Subjects And to manifest that I am so I will endeavor in short to shew to those of my own Sphere the common Danger under which we lie whil'st we are infested with these concealled Semenaries and Jesuites the probable Way to Detect and Discover them notwithstanding their Protean Faculties of Dissimulation Perjury and Putting on so many Shapes and the great Interest that every Man has to do his utmost to clear the Nation of such Secret Scorpions as Poyson both Mens Souls and Bodies It is in vain for us to hope to be free from Earthquakes and Convulsions of State so long as these Men of Tempestuous Principles are continually making their Fireworks in our very Intrals the Papacy is fitly resembled by the dreadful Aetna or Vesuvius which take Trace sometimes with the neighbouring Plains for many Years but when the sulphurious Mass of their Intrals is recruited then do they break out in horrid Flames to the terror of the Country round for many Leagues which they ruine and cover with barren Pamites and Ashes thus will the Romanists when one of their Plots is dicovered and prevented give us a little breathing not out of any Charity to us or Remorse in their own Consciences but to make us more secure till another Design is ripe for Execution We have often through Gods goodness escaped their treacherous Mines even when they were ready to Play but who is able to say We shall always be saved by Miracles if the Red Sea be divided for our sakes we must walk through it if we will escape to a Shoar or Safety something we must do and endeavor to promote our own Peace Safety and Security It cannot be doubted but the Roman Dragon has been and ever will be industrious and vigilant to regain this Hesperian Garden of England which in times past was wont to yield him such Plenty of Golden Fruit that one of the Popes was used to say That England was Putens inexhaustus A Spring of Treasure which could never be drawn dry and if the Italian Gulph which they Term the Apostolick Chamber could not do it he had some reason to say as he did We need not give our selves much pain to trace this Leviathan the crooked Serpent in all his windings and turnings by which he has endeavour'd to wrap and embrace us again in his painted but mortal Folds There has past no Princes Reign since the Reformation but what has been plagued with the pernicious Counsels or mischeivous Stratagems of these Sons of Matchiavel and they have all ways been endeavouring either by open Cruelty or secret Conspiracies to re-establish the Roman Tyranny among us To these inveterate Enemies of our Peace were our Ancestors obliged for all the Treasons and the Wars of Queen Elizabeths Reign Catena who writ the Life of Pope Pius the Fifth gives a full Narrative of the secret Counsels of that Pope and the King of Spain and attributes all those consequent Troubles in England and Ireland to the warm Zeal of that Pope to restore us to the Catholique Faith To these we owe that most barbarous hellish and detestable Design of the Gunpowder Treason in the beginning of King James his Reign over England But that upon which they had grounded so much confidence and which they intended should be one deciding Blow for all proving an Abortive Monster and the long-fancied Monarchy of the West to which the ambitious Spaniard had made so many years court in vain coming to decline into a mighty Nothing and that Nation having little left of all their aspiring Graspings after Empire besides the Pride that too commonly attends it there was a necessity of changing the measures of their Policy For Spain being by the help of the Inquisition the Cruelties of the Duke d' Alva and the Assistance of the English dismembred of so great a Strength as the seven Maritine Provinces of the Neatherlands and the fatal Eighty Eight having clipt her
Pinions of Power at Sea Portugal revolting to the Family of Braganza they judged that even Hope of Assistance from so crazie maimed and disjointed a Crown was a vain Impossibility France was full of Civil Broils occasioned by the Pretensions of the House of Guise and the Princes of the Blood to the Regency during the Minority of Francis the Second and Charles the Ninth and in danger of becoming totally Hugonot it self had not the Bloody Vespers of St. Bartholomew in the Year 1572. by the Parisian Massacre as they thought let out the most dangerous and Feavourish Protestant Blood in the Body and after that had it not been rescued from that danger in the Head by the more than Roman the Roman Catholique courages of Clement and Ravilliac by whose Assassinating Hands the Two Henries the Third and Fourth fell so that little hope of help was to be expected from that Quarter to regain England to Obedience to the Catholique Faith of Rome Germany was at too great a distance and too much Lutheran and composed of too many jarring and perpetually jealous Interests to expect any Succour from Ratisbonne nor was it well able to defend it self from the furious Shock of the Warlike Gustavus King of Sweden who in probability had he lived any considerable time would have made good the Anagram of his Name and changed it to Augustus These Circumstances of Affairs and the posture in which Europe then stood obliged the Sons of limping Loyola to put off the Lyons Skin and begin to play the Fox and to try if Art and Artifice would not repair what their unsuccessful Treasons and improsperous Arms had in vain attempted And now the After-game they had to play for so great a Stake was to be managed with their most refined Skill from henceforward Divide Impera must be the Word the secret Spring that must move the mighty Machine by which they were to compleat our overthrow All their Arts were used to sow Dissentions Sects Schisms Fears and Jealousies among us and by pretending a danger and fear of Popery really to make the way easie to introduce it The first crop which they reaped and the early Earnest of their future Harvest was the loss of the Palatinate by which the Protestant Interest in Germany sustained a most dangerous Blow and the Catholique received a considerable accession both of Power and Proselytes for by this time they had so infected England with Fears and Jealousies that King James could not get a Parliament to part with a Penny of Money for the Relief of his Son-in-Law the Elector unless he would pawn his Crown and Prerogative for it Nor could his Successor King Charles do any thing towards Resetling that unfortunate Prince in his rightful Inheritance nor in conclusion to preserve his own Flusht with this lucky Hit and the succeeding loss of Rochel they now resolve closely to follow the Blow and pursue their point and by making the Popish Party in England appear good and loyal Subjects zealous for the Crown and opposite to the Factious of the several Sects they were resolved by this one Artifice to ruine the Heretiques by their own Divisions for by this means the Papists began to appear quiet and innocent and not only so but Loyal Subjects and Friends to the Crown this they knew would disarm the Penal Laws in force against them of their usual severity and that would at once increase the number of their own Proselytes and that of Dissenters too and whilst many were recalled whom the fear of Persecution had staggered from the Romish Religion the Indulgence which was shewn them gave such Apprehensions and Alarms of the growth and fear of Popery that it augmented the number of Dissenters and gave a colourable pretext to the Factions and Disloyal among them to manage their Designs with the greater facility For this unmerited Clemency of our Princes naturally tender of the Lives and Fortunes of their Subjects so long as they saw no appearance from them but of Innocence Kindness and Loyalty they constantly perverted to this ingrateful use secretly to instil a Jealousie into the Minds of their Protestant Subjects of their dis-affection to the Protestant Religion insinuating that the Suspension of the Penal Laws in force against Roman Catholiques was the effect of the Princes inclination to Popery Now the Court was certainly making a tack towards the Coast of Italy and it would not be long before they came to an Anchor in Tyber for what could make it more clear and manifest than the Kindness as well as Indulgence which was shewn to those of that Perswasion This deadly Poison thus sweetned and guilded over went down with the Querulous and Credulous Multitude of dissenting Protestants and was not a little forwarded by those Factious and Discontented Promoters of the late Rebellion as the most serviceable Engine to batter down both the Crown and the Church What unconceiveable pleasure was it now for these concealed Romanists to stand behind the Scene and prompt both Parties to Act the bloody Tragedy which they had composed Without all doubt this intoxicating Jealousie made great Numbers of innocent and undeserving Persons stagger into the other Extream and the extraordinary fears and cry of Popery drive Men so far from that that at last by the violence of the increasing Storm they threw over-board all their Loyalty and in a manner all Religion Had not that great Man Archbishop Laud been one of the Jonahs that was first heaved over the Decks to allay the Tempest we had certainly had then a full discovery of the whole Design as most fully appears by the Letters now lately Printed of Sir William Boswell The ground Design of the Papists in the Reign of King Charles the First c. the English Ambassador in Holland to the Archbishop Andreas ab Habernfeilds the Archbishops to the King and his Majesties Answer together with a particular of the whole Design of the Papists who are therein by Name mentioned to ruine the King and Archbishop and with them the Church and State by Civil Wars which were begun by their contrivance in Scotland But it was too much the Interest both of the Papists and Rebels to suppress those Papers and the further discovery of those Designs by his hasty death for had he lived to compleat the Discovery all the After-game of both Parties had been counter-plotted and though possibly the Rebels knew nothing of the Design till after his death and that his Papers fell into their hands yet then they were too far imbarqued in the Civil Wars to sound a Retreat and to proclaim themselves Murtherers for taking away the Archbishop as a Papist whose Innocence would thereby have been fully vindicated and their Guilt made notorious to the ruine of all their Esteem with the People and the utter confusion of their Ambitious Design of Soveraignty and erecting a Commonwealth upon the Ruines of the Monarchy So that nothing can be more
to secure themselves in other particulars they will never so far as we yet know be compelled by us or allowed by their Superiors to partake with us in the Holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper I do not speak this to oppose any way of Publick proceedings against them by Oaths or Tests declaring their believing that there is no Transubstantiation of the Elements of Bread and Wine at or afer the Consecration of them in the Lords Supper c. if their Consciences can swallow and digest Perjury much good may it do them I am assured it can do us no injury but will certainly render them obnoxious to that Vengeance which must and will infallibly fall upon perjur'd heads and how sudden or severe that will be let them look to it for it nearly concerns them whatever they may think What I offer is only in a private way and to private persons that they in their sphere may be assistant to the Publick Ministers of Justice and of State in the discovery of these dangerous and cunning sort of Men and thereby contributing what lies in our power to our own particular and the general security of his Most Sacred Majesty whom God long preserve the Government our Lives Liberties Laws properties Religion and Posterity from the outrages violences treasons and Conspiracies of these our inveterate and mortal Enemies And certainly would all people be perswaded to be Vnanimous in this duty of coming three times at the least in every Year to celebrate and publickly receive the Holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper and an account taken of all such as refuse and absent themselves it would be impossible upon strict enquiry into their manner of life and other Circumstances and especially tendering it to them on some Lords day next after such their Examination that they should escape being discovered One would think that the proposal were so rational so easie and so Religious that none but the very Criminals themselves or their Accessories and Confederates should refuse this way of Tryal and discrimination nor is it possible for any impartial person to consider and deliberate of it but he must in his Judgment accuse such as shall refuse it as manifest favourers of Papists and Jesuits The Law Esteems all such as aid conceal and comfort Traitors or protect them from discovery to be Traitors themselves and though they may plead for themselves that they do not know them that are such and that may free them from the Penalties and danger of the Laws of Men yet this Ignorance being perfectly voluntary and proceeding from their wilful neglect of the way and means they had to detect them it will not excuse any persons in foro Conscientiae before God and their own Consciences from being guilty not only of the Murders and mischiefs that have already happen'd but of whatsoever may or shall happen hereafter for or by reason of their escaping undiscovered the true Maxim qui non probibet cum po●●st jubet will infallibly lie against them at the great day of accounts He who has a possibility of preventing a Mischief and either neglects or refuses to do it most certainly in the sight of God the Righteous Judg is guilty of it I cannot tell what arguments to make choise of in such a Crowd of them as come thronging into my mind to persuade people to be willing and ready to perform a duty they owe to God and Man in order to the securing our Peace and Religion in their private Capacities as well as the Government is to do all that can be done or devised in order to it but however in short I will offer these following as to me appearing most pressing and considerable and if any other person can suggest more or more proper Motives it will become them considering the present necessity in charity to themselves and the Publick of offer them to the view and consideration of the people of these Nations First therefore I heartily wish that all people would consider with themselves that what I offer is no Innovation here is nothing proposed to them or imposed on them but what the wisdom of our Ancestors and of King James esteemed one of the wisest Princes in the World with the advice of his Parliament thought fit to pass into a Law and I hope that very Name will oblige people to believe the owe a duty of obedience to it all the difference seems to be this that when that Statute was made all Protestants in general received the holy Sacrament and onely the Papists were they who refused to do it whereas now it is to be feared through the industry of the Jesuits among us many who call themselves Protestants will refuse it as well as Papists however to shew the duty and the advantage of it especially were it a little accommodated to our present Circumstances and because it does not lie in the way of every person to consult the Statute at large I will faithfully set down so much of it as concerns our present Case and purpose Tertio Jacobi cap. 4. An Act for the better discovering and repressing Popish Recusants Forasmuch as it is found by daily Experience that many his Majesties Subjects that adhere in their hearts to the Popish Religion by the Infection drawn from thence and by the wicked and devillish counsel of Jesuits Seminaries and other like persons dangerous to the Church and State are so far perverted in the point of their loyalty and due Allegiance unto the Kings Majesty and the Crown of England as they are ready to entertain and execute any treasonable Conspiracies and practises as evidently appears by that more then barbarous and horrible attempt to have blown up with Gunpowder the King Queen Prince Lords and Commons in the House of Parliament assembled tending to the utter subversion of the whole State lately undertaken by the Instigation of Jesuits and Seminaries and in advancement of their Religion by their Schollars taught and instructed by them to that purpose which attempt by the only goodness of Almighty God was discovered and defeated and whereas divers persons * Observe that they judged all such as would not receive the Sacrament to be Popishly affected popishly affected do nevertheless to cover and hide their false hearts and with more sufety to attend the opportunities to execute their mischievous designs repair sometimes to Church to avoid the Penalty of the Laws in that behalf provided For the better discovery therefore of such persons and their evil affections to the Kings Majesty and the State of this Realm to the end that being known their evil purposes may be better prevented Be it enacted by the Kings most excellent Majesty the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same That every popish Recusant convicted or hereafter to be convicted which heretofore hath conformed him or her self or which shall hereafter conform him or