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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02614 The baptizing of a Turke A sermon preached at the Hospitall of Saint Katherin, adioyning vnto her Maiesties Towre the 2. of October 1586. at the baptizing of one Chinano a Turke, borne at Nigropontus: by Meredith Hanmer, D. of Diuinitie. Hanmer, Meredith, 1543-1604. 1586 (1586) STC 12744; ESTC S103823 33,234 90

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the faith of Iesus Christ He is about 40. yeares of age as he saith himselfe born at Nigropontus of olde called Chalcides a Citie of great fame in the Isle Euboea belonging sometime vnto the Dukedome of Venice but taken and subdued by the Turke through the treason of one Thomas Liburne maister Gunner of Nigropontus in the yeare 1471. This Turke was taken captiue by the Spaniard where he continued in great misery the space of 25. yeares whome the moste worthy knight S. Frauncis Drake found at Carthaginia God shewed great mercy vnto this poore Turke in calling him home with the prodigall childe in the Gospell by misery slauery and captiuity in sending him a deliuerer not onely for the present sorrowes and miserye but to his endlesse ioy solace in Christ Iesus blessed be his name therefore This Saracen beyng reasoned withall what should moue hym at this presente to receyue the Christian fayth made answere that experience of the wicked world at Nigropontus his natiue cuntry his misery and captiuitie vnder the Spaniards his trauaile hither and the view of this lande had beaten into him as he saide the knowledge of the true God And further he faide that if there were not a God in England there was none no where Two things he did confesse moued him to the Christian faith The one before his comming to England y e other at his arriuall Before his comming the vertue the modestie the godlines the good vsage discrete gouernment of the English Christians among others as he chiefly noted he was most beholden vnto the Right worshipfull knight S. Frauncis Drake and the worhty captaine W. Haukins tearming them most worthy Christians After his arriual he saw curtesie gentlenes frendly salutations of the people succour for him his cuntrimen pitie compassion of the English men withal he learned that the poore the aged the impotent y e sicke diseased Christians were prouided for wheras in his cuntry wher he had bene in captiuitie y e poore sicke diseased were scorned despised accoūted of as dogs These things moued this sillye Saracene to the Christian faith and thereupon it is that I haue chosen for my text the wordes of our Sauiour tending to y e same purpose Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good woorks and glorify your Father which is in heauen Hee was demaunded why for the space of 25. yeares beeing the time of his captiuitie in Spayne hee receiued not the Christian fayth His aunswere was that hee had beene by a Frier sollicited thereto that he heard no more of him but the name of Christ without instruction or opening to his comfort any poynt of the faith as he hath bene here comfortably instructed And againe that there were two things which he vtterly misliked in the Spaniard which disswaded him from the faith his cruelty in shedding of bloud and his Idolatry in worshipping of Images He that will haue a view of the crueltie of the Spaniard let him reade The Spanish Colonie written in the Castilian tongue by a Fryer afterwards Byshop one Bartholmew de la Casas and lately trālated into english As for his idolatry I refer y e shame therof to the founder y e Antichrist of Rome I am not odiously to note any Christiā nation more then other with any particular vice If there rise any iar betwen man wife let son daughter look that they make it not worse if discord happē betwene maister mistres y e seruantes may not blow y e fire of hatred if vnkindnes grow betwene Christian kings and Princes as at this day betweene England Spain It is not the part of subiects to aggrauat y e displeasure but in al dutifulnes to obey their own princes pray vnto God to establish peace among thē we see what y e Saracen cōmendeth and moueth him to glorifie the God of the Christians and what he discommēdeth and disswadeth him from the faith Mahomet himself confessed as it is alleadged and therein highly commended the christian faith That Iesus was borne of the Virgin Mary that he liued without sinne among men that he was a Prophet more then a Prophet and that he ascended into the heauens Moreouer what time the sage and learned among them came to Ierusalem and required the Gospell and new Testament to be shewed them they kissed the booke and had the puritie cleannes of the doctrin which Christ had taught in admiration and specially the Gospell after Luke The Angell Gabriell was sent c. the which the learned sort of them doe reade and often report The Nigros in the kingdome of Senega beeing of the faith of Mahomet saith Aloysius Cadamustꝰ are not malicious nether stubbornely bent against the Christians They are delighted with the behauiour of the Christians and they gather our faith and religion to be the holier and the better in that we are welthier and richer then they are drawing their reason from temporall to eternall things they adde further that wee are highly beloued of our God and they are so perswaded for that our God geueth his people such great riches beatifieth them with so many ornamentes and giftes of body and mind and that such a law cannot possibly be but of a good law maker The king of Senega was in maner throughly perswaded to renounce the lawe of Mahomet but he feared his Nobility and the losse of his Crowne A nephewe of the kings earnestly intreated Cadamustus to deliuer there the word of God so was he in loue w t the puritye thereof Cham the Emperour of the Tartarians confesseth Iesus to be the power and spirite of the great God Musda fa Beg secretary to the great Turke of Constantinople y t now is writing to the Queene of England as appeareth by his letters bearing date the 15. of March and in the yeare of great Iesu so hee writeth 1579. sheweth the great affection his maister the Turke togeather with himselfe beareth to this lande and of our religion as it is interpreted he saith thus We know that your soueraigne Maiesty among al the Christians haue the most sound religion and therefore the Christians thoroughout the world enuy your highnes whō if they could they would hurt Wee heare what the enemye reporteth of our God of Iesus our Sauiour and the worde of God which wee professe Satan is driuen mauger of his bearde to confesse y e truth the maiesty of our God is so great that the celestiall terrestriall and infernall powers vowe thereto the light and shine of this godheade is so cleare that Satan with his mist and darkenesse canne not ouershadowe it the worde of God is so cleane and pure that the very enemye canne not stayne it What shall wee saye of the Professours of the same we know what is required at our hands it is often repeated in holy Scripture be you
space of 300. yeares vntill the late councell of Basill where there was but a colourable reconciliation Germanus Archbishop of Constantinople telleth Gregorius 9. the cause of their departure in this sort That great discord contrarietie of doctrine ouerthrow of Canons alteration of rites which the fathers deliuered are causes of this particion which seperateth those things which at first were vnited and ioyned with the coniunction of peace and concord let the whole world being made one language confesse c. A little after And that we may touche the marrowe of the truth Many mighty and noble parsonages would obey you vnlesse they feared your vniust oppressions your insolent exactions of riches your vnlawfull seruitude the which you extort of them that are subiect vnto you Here hence are crueel battailes one against the other desolation of Cities sealing vp of Church-dores schisme of the brethren the priestly function ceasing and a stay that God according vnto our duetye bee not praised vnder the Climate of the Grecians Hee writeth the like vnto the Cardinalls concludeth that the Aethiopians Syrians Hyberians Lazians Alanians Gothes Chazarians all Russia Bulgary hold with the Greeke-church and because of the aforesaide enormities haue did Rome farewell The Archbishop of Antioch about the same time calling vnto him a great number of Bishoppes of Greece excommunicated the Pope and the Clergye of Rome The Patriarch of Constantinople complained at the councell of Lions to Innocentius 4. face what a great number of Churches there were in Greece that reiected the Churche of Rome for the abhominations thereof Papa tacuit The Pope said not a word Hee might bee iustly ashamed who glorying in the keyes locketh vp all shutteth out suche as would come and receaue the christian faith but he will neither enter neither suffer others by reason of y e shamefull sinnes and wickednes there raigning If either Heathen or Iew or Saracen speake of the christian faith immediately he hath Rome in his mouth Rome cannot be excused And for that they knowe not the puritie of religion in the reformed Churches beeing corners pingles of Christendome with open mouth they reuile and speake ill of al to the great dishonor of God and hinderance of the preaching of the Gospel There are many nations no doubt that if the truth were opened vnto them they would most willingly receaue the christian faith many hungring thirsting after the knowledge of the true God In Turkie they may not call into question the incertainty of Mahomets law it is death vnder the dominion of the Pope they may not professe what they know for truth much like them of whō Augustine speaketh that being among the schismatickes and heretickes they durst not confesse the Catholique faith least they and their houses should be destroyed Many doe heare and see yet are they stopped with staines misliking the water for the puddle of Rome O what blessinges hath God poured vppon England blessed bee his name therefore We maye saye as it is in the Gospell Many Prophets and Kinges haue desired see those things which Englād hath seen and haue not seene them It is to be feared least the vnthankfulnes of the people the rechlesnesse in Gods seruice and the want of Christian lights and works will cause God to remooue the candlesticke out of his place and the light of the Gospell from among vs and deliuer it to such a nation according vnto the parable in the Gospell as will bring foorth fruits accordingly God of his infinite goodnesse shewe mercie vnto his Church continue the Gospell purge all blemishes open the eyes of all Infidels Iewes Turkes and Saracens bring into the folde all lost and wandering sheepe make of all nations one sheepefolde vnder the head shepheard and Bishoppe of our soules Iesus Christ to whome with the Father and the holy Ghost bee all honour and glorie nowe and for euer Amen FINIS ¶ After the Sermon ended the Turke confessed in the Spanish tongue before the face of the congregation the Preacher out of Pulpit propounding the questions and receiuing the answers by skilfull Interpretors in summe as followeth INprimis that hee was verie sorie for the sinful life which he had lead in times past in ignorance and blindnes and hoped to obteine pardon in Iesus Christ Secondly hee renounced Mahomet the false Prophet of the Moores Saracens and Turkes with al his abhominations and blessed GOD which had opened his eyes to beholde the truth in Iesus Christ Thirdly hee confessed there was but one God he beleeued the Trinitie of persons the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost and the same to bee one God in vnitie which is to bee blessed for euer Fourthly hee confessed and affirmed that hee beleeued verily that Iesus Christ was and is the sonne of God God from euerlasting the onely true Messias sauiour of the worlde that he suffered for the sinnes of al that beleeue in him and that there is no way to be saued but onely by the merits of the death and passion of Iesus Christ Lastly he desired hee might be receiued as one of the faithfull Christians bee baptized in the faith of the blessed Trinitie promising from henceforth newnes of life and fruits according vnto this profession ¶ In the middest of the congregation there was a comely Table set couered with a faire linnen cloth and thereon a Basen with water After the congregation had blessed God for his great mercies and after sundry godly Praiers and Collects according vnto the reuerend order of holye Church suche as broght him thither desired his name might be William so was he baptized In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost Praise be to God Fulgent lib. 1. ad Trasimund Ephes 2. Psal 66. Math. 20. Rom. 11. Luke 15. Math. Palmer Massaeus chron lib. 13 Volfgang-Drechsler Chronic. de Saracen Turc origine Volaterran Geogr. lib. 12. Paul Diac. rer Rom. lib. 18. Sabellicus Enead 8. lib. 6. Ludouicus Carrett ad Iudaeos lib. diuinorum visorum Paulus Diaconus Rer. Com. lib. 18. Math. Paris hist Anglor in Henric. 3. Isidor Etymolog lib. 14. cap. 3. Sabellic Enead 6. lib. 4. Auentin Annal. lib. 3. Zonaras Annal. tom 3. Paul Diac. Volater lib. Sigebert Cronic Elor histor Sabellic Enead 8. lib. 6. Anton. Cropart 2. tit 13 cap. 5. Flor histor Antoninus Sabellic Enead 8. lib. 6. Naucler generat 22. Ludouic Roman Patritius nauigat lib. 1. cap. 12. Isid Aetym lib. 14. cap. 5. Sabellic Enead 1. lib. 5. Stephan Anton. cron part 2. cap. 5. Sabellicus Enead 8. lib. 6. Volfgang Drechsler Cronic Nauclerus Generat 22. Theodorus Gaza epist ad francisc philelph Strabo lib. Laonicus Chalcondyl de reb Turc lib. 1. Mathias â Michou de Satmat Asiatic lib. 1. cap. 15. Volater lib. 12. Andreas â Lacuna de Turc orig cap. 1. Mathias â Michou cap 11.13 Laonicus lib. 1. Otho Frisingensis Bullinger in Apocalyp concione 41 Volater Geogr. lib. 7 Andreas â Lacuna de orig Turc cap. 1. Iohannes Ramus rer Turc lib. 3. Math. 10. Leuitic 13. 1. Iohn 4. Iudic. 12. Iud. Epist 3. Reg. 3. Sabellic Enead 8. lib. 6 Fascicul Temporum Sabel Enead 8. lib. 6. Anton. cron part 2. tit 13 cap. 5. Mathias â Michou de Sarmat Asiana lib. 1. lib. 7. Laonicus de reb Turc lib. 3. Sabellic Enead lib. 6. Iacob 2. Naucler Generat 22. Anton. cron part 2. tit 13 cap. 5. Esay 53. Iohn 6. Iohn 11. Hebr. 9. Math. 26. Irenaeus lib. 1. cap. 23.25 Epipan heres 24.28 Math. Paris hist Angl. in Henric. 3. Sabellic Enead 8. lib. 6. Iacob de Vorag in vita Pelag. legend 177. Laonic. lib. 3. Volater lib. 12. Anton. cron part 2. tit 13. cap. 5. Naucler Generat 22. Flor. Hist Paul Diac. rer Rom. lib. 18. Ludouicus Carettus ad Iudaeos lib. diuinorum visor Esay 62. Zachar 9. Math. 21. Esay 53. Iohn 18. Act. 4. Abacuk 2. Act. 3. Luk. 17. 2. Corinth 3 Naucler Generat 22. Sabellic Enead 8. lib. 6 Suidas Laonic. de reb Turc lib. 3. Ieremy 35 Math. 26. 1. Timoth. 5. Ephes 5. Iacob de Vorag legend 177. Laonic. de reb Turc lib. 3. Anton. cron Volater lib. 12. Genes Coelius Nicol. Clenard 1. Epist Anton. cron part 2. tit 13 cap. 5. Bonfin lib. 8 decad Bernard in Rosar part 1. serm 14. Anton. vt supra Anton. Chronic. Iacobus de Vorag legend 177. Laonic. Volaterr Anton. Math. Paris in Henric. 3. Bernard Laonic. rer Turc lib. 3. Antoninus Cron. part 2. tit 13. cap. 5. Cuspinian Ludouicus Rom. patritius Nauigat lib. 1. cap. 8. 13. Ludouic Rom. lib. 1. cap. 1. 18. Lib. 2. cap. 6. Math. 7. Math. 16. Deut. 12. Deut. 22. Exod. 12. 1. Corinth 5 Math. 6. Eccle. 13. 2. Corinth 6 Math. 15. Auicenna Metaphysic Luke 16. Rom. 14. Math. 4. Deutr. 8. Ioh. 4. Iohn 17. Ioh. Zonar Annal. tom 3. Anton. cron part 2. tit 13. cap. 5. Auierus lib. 2. cap. 12. Ioh. Leo. lib. 3. cap. 23. Aphric Bernard in Rosar part 1. serm 14 Fascicul temporum Deutr. 18. Paul Diac. rer Rom. lib. 18. Math. Paris histor Angl. Henric. 3. Idem Naucler generat 22. Fulgos Egnat Sabell Iohn Herburt hist Polon lib. 7. cap. 4. Paul Diac. rer Rom. lib. 18. 1. Corinth 2 1. Cor. 1. Math. 10. Chrysost in 1. cap. Act. apost hom 1 Math. 10. Tertul. ad scapulam Lactant. institut lib. 5. cap. 20. August ad Bonifac. Epist 50. Math. Paris hist Angl. in Henric. 3. Exod. 19.20 Deutr. Anton. cron part 2. tit 13 cap. 5. Ludouic Rom. Patritius nauigat lib. 1. cap. 12. Flor. Histor Mathias â Michou de Sarmat Asian lib. 1. cap. 5. Anton. cron part 2. tit 13. cap. 5. Sabellic Enead 8. lib. 6 Math. 5. Math. 5. Math. Paris histor Angl. in Henric. 3 Aloys Cadamust Nauigat cap. 16 Cap. 25. Mathias â Michou de Sarmat Asian lib. 1. cap. 5. Musda Fa. Beg. ad Elizabeth Angl Reg. 1. Peter 2. Coloss 4. 1. Thess 4. 1. Timoth. 3 Philip. 2. 1. Peter 4. 1. Peter 2. 1. Peter 3. Ephes 2. Cyprian Froissart Cron. 2. vol. cap. 40. Cap. 25. Math. Paris histor Angl. in Henric. 3. Mathias A. Michou de Sarmat Asian Lib. 1. cap. 5. Math Paris in Henric. 3. August epist 50. Luke 10. Apocalyp 2 Math. 21.