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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A74017 Anno tertio Henrici Octavi The kynge our soueraygne lorde Henry the eyght ...; Laws, etc. England. 1563 (1563) STC 9362.1; ESTC S121528 14,385 16

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ANNO QVARTO HENRICI VIII THe Kynge our soueraygne lorde Henrye the viij after the conquest by the grace of God king of England and of Fraunce and lorde of Irelande at his parlyamente holden at Westminster the iiij day of Nouember in the fourh yere of his most noble reygne after the prorogation to the honour of God and holye churche and for the common weale profite of this his realme by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporall the commons in thys presence parliament assembled by aucthoritye of the same hath doo to be ordeined made enacted certaine statutes and ordynaunces in maner and fourme folowing THE TABLE AN acte concerninge makinge of bulwarkes on the sea-side Cap. i. An act concerning punishment for murther Cap. ii An act concerning iuryes in London Cap. iij. An act of proclamacions to be made before exigents be awarded in forrayne countyes Cap. iiii An act repelling penaltyes for geuinge of wages to labourers and artificers Cap. v. An act concerning customers comptrollers for sealyng of cloth of gold siluer and al other maner of silkes and corses Cap. vi An act concerning peuterers and true weightes beames Cap. vii An act concerning Richard Strode Cap. viii FINIS TABVLAE HENRICI OCTAVI An act concerning making of Bulwarkes on the sea syde Cap. i. PRayen the commons in this presente parliament assembled that for as muche as the lande of Britayne and also the hauen of Brest lyeth streight agaynst the South sea costes of the county of Cornewal and that the Frenchmen our auncient ennemies and Britaynes enemyes by reason of their fishyng vpon the sea costes know as well euery hauen and creeke wythin the sayd countie as euery lāding place in as large maner as anye subiecte of our soueraine lorde the kinges doth And that the sayde countye is lxx myle in length and the substaunce thereof righte little more than vi mile in breade from the south sea to the north sea by reason wherof they also know that great multitude of people cannot shortly resorte to put them of at their landing and that in diuers and many of the sayd landinge places nother pile blockhouse ne bulwarke is made to greue or annoye them at theyr landing which consideracions vnto our said enemies greate audacitie comforte and courage geeueth to arriue and lande in the same parties to the great annoyaunce of our sayd souereigne lord his subiectes there and to the vtter vndoing of diuers and many of them vnlesse a remedy be the sooner prouided Therefore be it enacted by the king our soueraigne lord his lords spyrituall and temporall the commons in this present parliament assembled and by auctority of the same that the Iustices of the peace and sheriffe of the sayd county do ryde and view all the sayde South coste from Plymmouth westward to the lands end And that done incōtinent to appoint wythin themselues suche boroughes townes and paryshes as they shall thincke reasonable to make bulwarkes brayes walles ditches all other fortifications for the same cause in maner forme and fashion as shall bee thoughte by theyr discretion in euery of the sayd landing places betweene this and the fyrst day of March next now comming And farther be it enacted by the sayde auctoritie that euery Mayre and constable of the sayde countie by the sayd Iustices of peace or sheriffe appointed do commaunde all thinhabitauntes within the precincte of theyr office to be at the sea side wyth such instrumentes as they haue or can get for the making of the sayde bulwarkes and other the premisses in such lāding places as shal be assigned by the sayd Iustices of the peace or Sheriffe And that the said maire or constables do commit to warde all such wilfull personnes as wyll not obey come nor sende any other person to the sea syde● to make the said bulwarkes and other the premisses at the day and time by the sayde Maire or constables to bee appointed and there to remaine withoute bayle or mainprise by the space of tenne dayes or lesse at the discretion of the sayde Mayre or Constables And if any of the sayde Mayres or Constables do not their duetie as is aforesayd that than the Iusticees of the peace nexte adioyning do committe to warde the same Mayre or Constable so offending there to remayne wythoute bayle or maynepryse by the space of a moneth or els at the discretion of the Iustice of peace And also be it enacted by the said auctority that good and substanciall bulwarkes braies walles ditches and all other fortifications in euery lāding places in maner fourme fashion as is aforesaide as wel frō Plimmouth aforesayd by the sea costes Estward as in al other parts within the realme of England be made there as the Iustices of the peace Sheriffe within that shyre where any such landing places be shal thincke nedeful And that euery Iustice of peace Mayre and constable within euery shyre where any suche landinge places bee haue lyke and as good auctority by this present acte to commaund the inhabitantes of euery borough towne and parish adioyninge to the sea syde or els where after the discretions of the Iustices of peace to make the sayd bulwarkes other the premisses and also commit to warde all such wilfull persons as will not obey in like maner as the Iustices of the peace Maires constables of the said countie of Cornewall may do by any of the actes aforesayd And ouer this be it enacted by the sayde auctority that it be lawfull for euery of the kynges subiectes within this realme of Englande by the aduise and assignement of the sayde Iustices of the peace or sheriffe to make all maner of bulwarkes and other the premisses in euery mans grounde of what estate or degree he be of and also to digge and to delue as wel for earth stones and turfes as to cut and to hew heth in any mans grounde for the makynge of any suche bulwarkes and other the premisses as ofte and as many times as neede shal requyre and the sayd erth stones turfes and heth to take and occupie and cary awaye oute of the saide grounde to any other mans ground for the making of any such bulwarkes and other the premisses in whose ground so euer the sayde earth stones turfes and heth happen to bee wythout any interruption or let of any person or persons being lord or lords of any such ground or hauinge any other interest in the same And without any maner of payment to be demaūded for any of the premisses or any maner of action by any maner or person or persōs at any time hereafter to be attempted or in any wyse mainteyned against any of the kinges subiectes for any such matter or cause And this acte to endure to the next parliament An act for punishment of murther Cap. ii WHere as robberies murders felonies daily encrease more and more and bene committed and done in more heynous open and
thereof to be to the kynge and the other halfe therof to the party that will sue therefore And that the defendaunte in any suche action be not admitted to wage his lawe nor protection therin for him alowed ¶ An acte of proclamations to be made before exigentes be awarded in forraine countries Cap. iiij THe kynge our soueraigne lorde callynge to his moste gracious remembraunce howe that before this time dyuers of his subiects of this his realme of England haue bene greuously vexed and troubled by reason of outlawries had against them in forraine counties and sondry action personelles at the suite of dyuers malycious persons whyche cruell mynde attempted suche actions personelles more for malice than for any iuste cause of action that they had against the parties defendauntes named in the same And of the which outlawries so had in forraine counties the partye defendaunte named in suche forrayne actions had neuer knowledge ne monition to such time as the outlawrye were agaynst them had and certified and some of thē neuer came within the countye where such actions were agaynste them sued ne neuer were dwelling ne conuersaūt within the sayd county Neuerthelesse the parties so outlawed in forraine counties haue loste their goodes and substaunce to theyr vtter vndoynge Wherfore in auoydinge of suche malicious and forraine suites hereafter to be sued the kinge our souereigne lord intending the restfulnes of his sayde subiectes and that indifferente Iustice shoulde be admynistred to euerye person as well to the poore as to the ryche and that euery person should haue lawfull knowledge and monition of such actions as hereafter be to be attempted and sued agaynste hym in any of the kinges courtes by the assente of the lordes spyrytuall and temporall and the Commons in this present Parlyamente assembled and by auctorytye of the same hath ordeined established and enacted that from hencefoorthe at the same daye that any exigente is awarded or to be awarded agaynste anye person or persones in anye action personell yf yt dooe appeare by the vsinge of the same action that the partye defendaunt is dwellinge in another countye than in the same countye where the same action is sued that than the Iustices before whom any such exigend is to be awarded award one writ of proclamacion to be direct to the sheriffe of the counti where it doth appeare by the vsing of such action that the party defendaūt is dwelling the which writ of proclamation shal contein theffect of the same actyon And that the sheriffe of the countye to whome any suche wryt of proclamation shall bee dyrected make proclamation .iij. seuerall dayes in hys plaine county whereof one of the sayd proclamations to be made at the generall sessions in those parties wher the sayd party is supposed to be dwellinge in that the partye defendaunt yelde him selfe to the sheriffe of the forraine county to whome any such exigende in any action personall shall be awarded so that the sheriffe of suche forraine county may vppon hys yealdinge haue the body of the defendaunte before the Iustices before whom any suche exigende is awarded at the day in the same exigende comprised there to answere to the plaintife in the same according to the law And that euery such writte of proclamatiō haue the same day of returne as the writ of the exigende vpon such forrayne actions so awarded shall haue and that euery such writ of Proclamation be deliuered of recorde to the shyryffe or his deputye of the county into the which any such writ of proclamation is to be awarded And that the sheriffe of the same county duely execute the same and therof make due retourn at the day in the same writ appointed vpon peine to forfaite such amerciament as by the Iustices before whom such action is vsed shal be sessed And that the felissour or exigēter in whose office such sute is taken make out the sayde writ and writs of proclamacion as after shal be awarded in any of the sayde courtes And that the same felissour or exigenter take no more for the makinge of any such writ of proclamation and the enteringe of the same record but only sixe pence And if any outlawry hereafter he had or promulged against any person or persons in any action personall in a forraine county and no writ of proclamation as is before sayde awarded retourned that than all and euery such outlarie to be vtterly voide and of no force ne effect in the lawe And this acte to beginne and take effect at the feaste of the Purificatiō of our Lady sainct Mary next cōminge and not before And also be it enacted by the sayde auctoritye that in all actions hereafter to be taken in London or in the county of Midd. wherin processe of outlarye lieth agaynste any person or persons callinge or naminge theym late of London that before the exigende be awarded in the same action that the partye plaintife or his attourney after the .iij. capias retourned sue a lyke wryt of proclamation in maner fourme as is afore specified in the county where the same person or persons so sued or to be sued be conuersaūt or dwelling at the time of the sayd wryt awarded or els all outlawrys so had made pronounced or retourned against all suche persons to be voyde of none effect And this acte to endure to the next parliament ¶ An acte reapeallinge penalties for geuinge of wages to labourers and artificers Cap. v. PRaien the commons in this present parliament assembled that wherfor defaut lacke of due executiō of the statute labourers because of a statute and ordinance had and made in the .xij. yeare of the reigne of kynge Richarde the seconde that geueth penaltyes peynes and forfaytures agaynst the Mayster and geuer as well as agaynste Seruauntes Labourers Artificers and craftismen so that the maister and giuer for feare therof dare not put the said estatute and other estatutes therof made in executiō wherfore by the kinge our soueraigne lord and by thassent of the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present parliament assembled and by auctority of the same be it established and enacted that all penaltyes peynes and forfaitures conteyned in the sayd estatute and in all other estatutes had made concerninge seruauntes labourers of husbandry labourers artificers and craftesmen be onely to and against the sayde maister and geuer for henceforth voide of none effect And this acte to endure to the next parliament ¶ An acte cōcerninge customers and comptrollers for sealinge of cloth of golde and siluer all other silkes Cap. vj. WHere at a parliament holden in the .xij. yere of the reygne of king Edwarde the .iiij. amōges other it was ordeined established and enacted that the collectours of the subsidye and the comptrollers should at all times be redye whā thei should be required to seale any maner of cloth of golde of siluer baudekin veluet damaske saten sarsenet Cartron Chamlette and euerye
other clothe of silke and euery corse of sylke and golde and euery corse of sylke of the makinge beyonde the sea and the same marchaundises shoulde seale at euery time whan they should be required without delay taryinge or any thynge for their sealinge to take by any meane vpon the peyne of forfayture to the owner of suche marchaundises xx s by euerye of the sayde collectours and comptrollers at euery time whan they refuse to seale any such marchandises after suche requeste made or take any thynge for sealynge of any suche marchandises as by the same acte amonges other thynges more playnely appeareth Sithen the makynge of whiche acte the sayde collectours and comptrollers and their clerkes not fearinge the penaltye limitted in the same acte haue vsed and dayly vse to take for sealinge of euery peece of the same marchaundises aboue rehersed ii.d to the greate hurte and damage of the marchauntes owners of the same For the same marchantes at many times bringe conueighe in one shippe .iii. or .iiii. M. peeces of the same marchaundyses whyche amounteth to .xxx. or after the rate of ii.d. a peece And for as muche as the foresayde penaltye expressed in the sayde statute is but xx.s therefore the sayde collectours cōptrollers nor theyr clerkes feare not to runne in ieoperdy of the same wherfore be it ordeined and enacted by the kynge our soueraigne lorde the lordes spirituall temporall and the commons in this present parliamente assembled and by the auctority of the same that from henceforthe the collectours and comptrollers of the sayd subsidy nor their clerkes nor any of them take for the sealyng of any peece of the said marchandises aboue rehersed any thing vpō peine of forfaiture at euery time And also be it enacted by the same auctoritye that if and as often as the same collectours and comptrollers or any of them vnreasonablye delay or tary the sayd marchaūtes or any of them for and about the sealinge of the same marchandises that than and as often the same collectours and comptrollers and euery of thē so vnreasonably delaying and taryinge the same marchantes or any of them to forfait for the same xl.s The one moite of euery of the sayd penalties so forfaited to bee to the kynge our soueraigne lorde and the other moity thereof to the marchaunte so greeued that will sue for the same by way of information in the kinges eschequer or by actiō or byll of debte after the order of the common lawe as in other actions of debt is vsed in whyche action the defendant shal not be admitted to wage his lawe nor protection nor essoyne to be to him allowed in the same suite for the said forfaiture ¶ An acte concerninge peuterers and true weightes and beames Cap. vij FOr asmuche as a certaine acte was made and establyshed in the parliament holden at Westminster the .xix. yere of the reigne of the late most famous king youre father Henry the .vij. whom god pardon concernynge peauterets and brasiers hauking and walkinge about the countreis and also concerning false beames scales and weightes with a prouision for casting of fine mettall and of perfit goodnesse Whiche acte was made to endure to the next Parliamente the tenour whereof hereafter ensueth That where manye simple and euill disposed persons of this your realme of England vsynge the sayde craftes dayelye goe aboute this your realme from village from towne and from house to house as well in woddes and forestes as other places to bye peauter and brasse and that knowynge theues and other pickets that steale as well peuter and brasse belongynge to youre hyghnes and vnder youre marke and to the lordes spirituall and temporall as to your subiectes of this your realme bringe such stolen vessels vnto them in such hid places to sell and sell it for litle or nought and about they bring it to priuye places or into corners of cities or townes and there sell muche part of it to straūgers the which cary it ouer the sea by stelth Also the sayd persons so goinge aboute and diuers other vsinge the sayde craftes vse to make newe vessels and mixe good mettall and bad together and make it nought and sell it for good stuffe where in deed the stuffe and mettal therof is not worth the fourth party that is solde for to the great hurt disceipte and losse of your subiectes Also dyuers persons vsynge the sayde craftes haue disceyuable and vntrue beames and scales that one of theym wyll stande euen wyth weyghte at the one ende agaynste a quarter of a pounde at the other ende to the synguler aduauntage of them selfe and to the great disceite and losse of your subiectes biers and sellers wyth them For reformacion of the premisses it woulde please your highnes of your most aboundant grace with thaduise of your lords spyrituall and temporall the cōmons in this presente parliamente assembled by auctoritye of the same to enacte and establishe that no person nor persons vsyng the sayde craftes of peauterers and brasiers from henceforth shall sell or chaunge any peauter or brasse newe or olde at any place or places within this your realme but onely in open fayres or markettes or in theyr owne dwellinge houses but if they be desyred by the sand biers of such wares vpon payne of forfaytuee to our souereigne lord the king for euery such default x. li Also by the same auctoritie it may be enacted and established that no person nor persons of what cōdicion or degree soeuer he or they be from henceforth within the citie of London and Yorke or wythout either caste or woorke any pewter vessels or brasse at any place or places within this your realme but that it be as good fine metall as is the peauter and brasse caste and wrought after the perfect goodnes of the same wythin the cittie of London by the statutes of the same owe to be vpō peine of forfaiture of all such peauter and brasse so cast wroughte of worse peauter or brasse than ought to be wrought in the same cities the one halfe of euery such forfaiture to be to the vse of your highnes and the other halfe to the vse of the finders thereof Prouided alway that this forfaiture in no wise stretch ne extend to brasse or peauter being in the possession of any person other than the workers of the same or such as haue the same to sell and beinge of the craftes or mysterie Also that it may by the same auctoritie be enacted and established that no maner of person or persons of what degree or condicion soeuer he or they be from hēceforth make no hollow wares of peauter that is to say saltes and pottes that is made of peauter called laye mettall but that it may be after thassise of peauter laie mettal wrought wythin the citie of Lōdon And that the makers of such wares shall marke the same wyth seueral markes of theyr owne to the