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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22844 Certaine statutes especially selected, and commanded by his Maiestie to be carefully put in execution by all iustices, and other officers of the peace throughout the realme with his Maiesties proclamation for further direction for executing the same. Also certaine orders thought meete by his Maiestie and his Priuie Counsell, to bee put in execution, together with sundry good rules, preseruatiues, and medicines against the infection of the plague, set downe by the Colledge of the Physicians vpon his Maiesties speciall command: as also a decree of the Starre-Chamber, concerning buildings and in-mates.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Royal College of Physicians of London. 1630 (1630) STC 9342; ESTC S125901 56,831 142

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ounces of Oyle of Lillies or so much Salt Butter make a Pultesse apply it hot after it hath lay●e three or foure houres take it off and burne it and apply a fresh Pultesse of the same if it proue hard to breake adde a little burnt Copris to the Pultesse which will soone worke his effect Or this TAke the Flowers of Elders two handfuls Rocket seede bruised one ounce Pigeons dung three drammes stampe these together put to them a little oyle of Lillies make thereof a Pultesse apply it and change it as you did the former To draw WHen it is broken to drawe it and deale it take the Yolke of an Egge one ounce of honey of Roses Turpentine halfe an ounce wheate Flower a little London Treacle a dramme and a halfe mixe these wel● spread it vpon Leather change it twice a day You must take care not to heale any of these pestilent sores too soon for that might breed a new sicknesse or at least a new sore For the Carbuncle SOme put great confidence in a Cautery laying a defensatiue of Bole Armoniacke or Terra sigillata mixed with Vineger and the White of an Egge round about the tumor but not vpon it Take three or foure cloues of Garlicke Rue halfe a handfull foure Figges strong Leauen and the Soote of a Chimney in which wood hath been burnt of each halfe an ounce Mustard seede two drammes Salt a dramme and a halfe stampe these wel together and apply it hot to the Sore you may put thereto a little salt Butter if it be too drie Or this TAke Leauen halfe an ounce Radish rootes the bigger the better an ounce and a halfe Mustard seed two drammes Onions and Garlicke rosted of each two drammes and a halfe Venice Treacle or Mithridatum three drammes mixe these in a morter applie it hote thrice a day to the Sore But these Sores cannot be well ordered and cured without the personall care of a discreete Surgeon Take of Scabious two handfuls stampe it in a stone morter with a pestell of stone if you can get any such then put vnto it of old Swines grease salted two ounces and the yelke of an Egge stampe them well together and lay part of this warme to the Sore Take of the leaues of Mallowes of Camomill flowers of either of them a handfull of Li●eseed beaten into powder two ounces boyl● the Mallow leaues first cut and the flowers of Camomill in faire water standing aboue a fingers breadth boile all them together vntill all the water be almost spent then put thereunto the Lineseede of wheate flower halfe a handfull of Swines grease the skins taken away three ounces of oyle of Roses two ounces stirre them still with a sticke and let them all boyle together on a soft fire without smoake vntill the water bee vtterly spent beate them all together in a morter vntill they bee well incorporated and in feeling smooth and not rough then make part thereof hot in a dish set vpon a Chafendish of coales and lay it thicke vpon a linnen cloth applying it to the Sore Take a white Onion cut in pieces of fresh Butter three ounces of Leauen the weight of twelue pence of Mallowes one handfull of Scabious if it may bee had one handfull of cloues of Garlicke the weight of twenty pence boyle them on the fire insufficient water and make a P●●tesse of 〈◊〉 and lay it 〈◊〉 to the Sore Another TO the Sore it 〈◊〉 doe thus 〈◊〉 two handfulls of 〈◊〉 three roots of Da●t an handful of S●allage or Lo● if you can get it 〈◊〉 them 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 and a 〈◊〉 cr●es of bread an● 〈…〉 thereof and lay it warme to the So●e till it breake Another IF you cannot haue these herbes it is good to lay a loafe of bread to it hot as it commeth out of the ouen which afterward shall be burnt or buried in the earth Or the leaues of Scabious or Sorrel rosted or two or three Lilly rootes rosted vnder Embers beaten and applied A generall Medicine for all sorts of people taken with the Pl●gue to bee ●ad without Cost TAke of the roote Butter Burre otherwise called Pestilent-wort one ounce of the roote of great Valerian a quarter of an ounce of Sorrell an handfull boyle all these in a quart of water to a pint then ●ine it and put thereto two spoonfuls of Vineger 〈◊〉 ounces of good Sugar boyle all these together vntill they bee well mingled let the Infected drinke of this so ●otes ●e may 〈◊〉 it a good draught and i● be● chance to 〈◊〉 it vp againe let him take the same quantity straightway vpon it and prouoke himselfe to sweat and hee shall finde great helpe ¶ Orders conceiued and agreed to be published by the Lord Maior and Aldermen of the Citie of London and the Iustices of Peace of the Counties of Middlesex and Surrey by direction from the Lords of His Maiesties most Honourable Priuy Councell WHereas in the first yeere of the Reigne of our late Soueraigne King Iames of happy memory ouer this Realme of England an Act was made for the charitable reliefe and Ordering of persons infected with the Plague wherby Authoritie is giuen to Iustices of Peace Maiors Bayliffes and other head Officers to appoint within their seuerall Limits Examiners Searchers Watchmen Keepers and Buriers for the persons and places infected and to minister vnto them Oathes for the performance of their Offices And the same Statute also authoriseth the giuing of other Directions as vnto them for the present necessity shall seeme good in their discretions It is therefore vpon speciall consideration thought very expedient for the preuenting and auoiding of the Infection of Sicknesse if it shall please Almighty God which is now dangerously dispersed into many places within the City and Suburbs of the same that these Officers following bee appointed and these Orders hereafter prescribed bee duely obserued Examiners to be appointed in euery Parish FIrst It is thought requisite and so ordered that in euery Parish there bee one two or more persons of good sort and credit chosen and appointed by the Alderman his Deputy and Common Councell of euery Ward and by the Iustices of Peace in the Counties by the name of Examiners to continue in that Office the space of two moneths at least and if any fit persons so appointed as aforesaid shall refuse to vndertake the same the said parties so refusing to be committed to Prison vntill they shall conforme themselues accordingly The Examiners Office THat these Examiners be sworne by the Alderman or by one of the Iustices of the County to enquire learne from time to time what houses in euery parish be visited and what persons be sicke and of what Diseases as neere as they can enforme themselues and vpon doubt in that case to command restaint of accesse vntill it appeare what the Disease shall prooue and if they f●nd any persons sicke of the Infection to giue order to the Constable that
said Village standeth or to the common Gaole of that Countie or place there to remaine and be imployed in worke vntill hee or she shal be placed in some seruice and so to continue by the space of one yeere or not being able of body vntill he or she shall be placed to remaine in some Almeshouse in the same Countie or place Prouided alwayes and be it enacted If any of the sayd Rogues shall appeare to be dangerous to the inferiour sort of people where they shall bee taken or otherwise be such as wil not be reformed of their roguish kind of life by the former prouisiō of this Act That in euery such case it shal may be lawfull to the said Iustices of the limite where any such Rogue shall be taken or any two of them whereof one to be of the Quorum to commit that Rogue to the house of correction or otherwise to the Gaole of the County there to remaine vntill their next quarter Sessions to be holden in that Countie and then such of the same Rogues so committed as by the Iustices of the Peace then and there present or the most part of them shall be thought fit not to be deliuered shall and may lawfully by the same Iustices or the most part of them bee banished out of this Realme and all other the dominions thereof and at the charges of that Countrey shal bee conueyed vnto such parts beyond the Seas as shall bee at any time hereafter for that purpose assigned by the priuie Councell vnto her Maiesty her heires or successors or by any sixe or more of them whereof the L. Chancellor or L. Keeper of the great Seale or the L. Treasurer for the time being to be one Or otherwise be iudged perpetually to the Gallies of this Realme as by the same Iustices or the most part of them it shall bee thought fit and expedient And if any such Rogue so banished as aforesaid shall returne againe into any part of this Realme or dominion of Wales without lawfull licence or warrant so to doe that in euery such case such offence shall be Felony and the party offending therein suffer death as in case of felonie The sayd felonie to bee heard and determined in that County of this Realme or Wales in which the offender shall be apprehended And be it also enacted by the authority aforesayd that if any Towne Parish or Village the Constable Headborough or Tithingman be negligent do not his or their best endeuours for the apprehension of such Vagabond Rogue or sturdy Begger which there shall be found contrary to the forme of this present Act and to cause euery of them to be punished and conueied according to the true meaning of this present Act that then the said Constable Headborough or tithingman in whome such default shall bee shall lose and forfeite for euery such default ten shillings And also if any person or persons doe in any wise disturbe or let the execution of this law or any part thereof concerning the punishment or conueying of Rogues Vagabonds sturdy Beggers or the reliefe or setling of poore impotent persons in any maner of wise or make rescusse against any officer or person authorized by this present Acte for the due execution of any the premisses the same person so offending shal forfeit lose for euery such offence the summe of fiue pound and shal be bound to the good behauiour And bee it also further enacted by the authority aforesaid That no person or persons hauing charge in any voyage in passing from the Realmes of Ireland or Scotland or from the Isle of Man into this Realme of England doe wittingly or willingly bring or conuey or suffer to be brought or conueyed in any Vessell or Boate from and out of the said Realme of Ireland Scotland or Isle of Man into the Realme of England or Wales or any part thereof any Vagabond Rogue or Begger or any such as shall be forced or very like to liue by begging within the Realme of England or Wales being borne in the same Realms or Island on paine of euery such person so offending to forfeit and lose for euery such Vagabond Rogue Begger or other person like to liue by begging xx s. to the vse of the poore of the said Parish in which they were set on land And if any such Mannisk Scottish or Irish Rogue vagabond or begger be already or shall at any time hereafter be set on land or shall come into any part of England or Wales the same after he or she shall be punished as aforesayd shall be conueyed to the next Port or Parish in or neere which they were landed or first came in such sort as Rogues are appointed to bee by this present Acte and from thence to bee transported at the common charge of the Countrey where they were set on land into those partes from whence they came or were brought And that euery Constable Headborough and Tythingman neglecting the due performance therof shall forfeit for euery such offence ten shillings Bee it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that no diseased or impotent poore person shal at any time resort or repaire from their dwelling places to the Citie of Bath or towne of Buxton or either of them to the Baths there for the ease of their griefes vnlesse such person doe forbeare to begge and be licensed to passe thither by two Iustices of the Peace of the Countie where such person doeth or shall then dwell or remaine and prouided for to trauaile with such reliefe for towards his or her maintenance as shal be necessary for the same person for the time of such his or her trauell and abode at the city of Bath and town of Buxton or either of them and returne thence and shall returne home againe as shall be limited by the said licence vpon paine to be reputed punished and vsed as Rogues Vagabonds and sturdy Beggers declared by this present Acte And that the inhabitants of the same Citie of Bath and towne of Buxton shall not in any wise be charged by this Acte with the finding or reliefe of any such poore people Prouided alwayes that the Iustices of peace within any County of this Realme or Wales shall not intromit or enter into any Citie Borough or Towns corporate where be any Iustice or Iustices of the Peace for any such Citie Borough or Towne Corporate for the execution of any Branch Article or sentence of this Acte for or concerning any offence matter or cause growing or arising within the Precincts Liberties or Iurisdictions of such City borough or townes corporate But that it may and shal be lawfull to the Iustice and Iustices of the Peace Maiors Bayliffes and other head Officers of those Cities Boroughes and Townes Corporate where there be such Iustices of the Peace to proceed to the execution of this Acte within the precinct and compasse of their Liberties in