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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06288 Certain necessary directions, aswell for the cure of the plague as for preuenting the infection; with many easie medicines of small charge, very profitable to His Maiesties subiects / set downe by the Colledge of Physicians by the Kings Maiesties speciall command ; with sundry orders thought meet by His Maiestie, and his Priuie Councell, to be carefully executed for preuention of the plague ; also certaine select statutes commanded by His Maiestie to be put in execution by all iustices, and other officers of the peace throughout the realme ; together with His Maiesties proclamation for further direction therein, and a decree in Starre-Chamber, concerning buildings and in-mates. Royal College of Physicians of London. 1636 (1636) STC 16769.5; ESTC S108814 57,021 154

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their time prefixed such persons shall be not onely reprehended but by order of the Bishop if they be Ecclesiasticall shall be forbidden to preach and being Lay shall be also enioyned to forbear to vtter such dangerous opinions vpon pain of imprisonment which shall be executed if they shall perseuere in that errour And yet it shall appeare manifestly by these Orders that according to Christian charity no persons of the meanest degree shall be left without succour and reliefe 17 And of these things aboue mentioned the Iustices shall take great care as of a matter specially directed and commanded by his Maiesty vpon the princely and natural care he hath conceiued towards the preseruation of his Subiects who by very disorder and for lacke of direction do in many parts wilfully procure the increase of this generall Contagion ¶ Orders conceiued and agreed to bee published by the Lord Maior and Aldermen of the Citie of London and the Iustices of Peace of the Counties of Middlesex and Surrey by direction from the Lords of His Maiesties most Honourable Privy Councell WHereas in the first yeere of the Reigne of our late Soueraigne King Iames of happy memory ouer this Realme of England an Acte was made for the charitable reliefe and Ordering of persons infected with the Plague whereby Authority is giuen to Iustices of Peace Maiors Bayliffes and other head Officers to appoint within their seuerall Limits Examiners Searchers Watchmen Keepers and Buriers for the persons and places infected and to minister unto them Oathes for the performance of their Offices And the same Statute also authoriseth the giving of other Directions as unto them for the present necessity shall seeme good in their discretions It is therefore vpon speciall consideration thought very expedient for the preuenting and auoyding of the Infection of Sicknesse if it shal please Almighty God which is now dangerously dispersed into many places within the City and Suburbes of the same that these Officers following bee appointed and these Orders hereafter prescribed bee duely obserued Examiners to be appointed in euery Parish FIrst It is thought requisite and so ordered that in euery Parish there be one two or more persons of good sort and credit chosen and appointed by the Alderman his Deputy and Common Councell of euery Ward and by the Iustices of Peace in the Counties by the name of Examiners to continue in that Office the space of two moneths at least and if any fit persons so appointed as aforesaid shall refuse to vndertake the same the said parties so refusing to bee committed to prison vntill they shall conforme themselues accordingly The Examiners Office THat these Examiners bee sworne by the Alderman or by one of the Iustices of the County to enquire and learne from time to time what houses in euery parish be visited and what persons be sicke and of what Diseases as neere as thy can enforme themselues and vpon doubt in that case to command restraint of accesse vntill it appeare what the Disease shall proue and if they finde any person sicke of the Infection to giue order to the Constable that the house be shut vp and if the Constable shal be found remisse or negligent to giue present notice thereof to the Alderman or the Iustice of Peace respectiuely Watchmen THat to euery Infected house there be appointed two watchmen one for the day and the other for the night And that these Watchmen haue a speciall care that no person goe in or out of such infected houses whereof they haue the charge vpon paine of seuere punishment And the sayd Watchmen to doe such further Offices as the sicke house shall neede and require and if the Watchman be sent vpon any busines to lock vp the house and take the Key with him and the Watchman by day to attend vntil ten of the clocke at night and the Watchman by night till sixe in the morning Chirurgions THat there bee a speciall care to appoint women Searchers in euery parish such as are of honest reputation of the best sort as can be got in this kinde And these to be sworne to make due search and true report to the vtmost of their knowledge whether the persons whose bodies they are appointed to Search doe die of the Infection or of what other diseases as neere as they can And for their better assistance herein forasmuch as there hath beene heretofore great abuse in misreporting the disease to the further spreading of the Infection It is therefore ordered that there bee chosen and appointed three able and discreet Chirurgions besides those three that doe already belong to the Pesthouse amongst whom the Citie and Liberties to be quartered as the places lie most apt and conuenient and euery of these sixe to haue one quarter for his Limit and the said Chirurgions in euery of their Limits to ioyne with the Searchers for the view of the bodie to the end there may bee a true report made of the disease And further that the said Chirurgeons shall visite and search such like persons as shall either send for them or bee named and directed vnto them by the examiners of euery Parish and informe themselues of the disease of the said parties And forasmuch as the said Chirurgions are to bee sequestred from all other Cures and kept onely to this disease of the Infection It is ordered that euery of the said Chirurgions shall haue twelue pence a body searched by them to bee paid out of the goods of the party searched if he be able or otherwise by the Parish Orders concerning infected houses and persons sicke of the Plague Notice to be giuen of the Sicknesse THe Master of euery house assoone as any one in his house complaineth either of Botch or Purple or Swelling in any part of his body or falleth otherwise dangerously sicke without apparant cause of some other disease shall giue knowledge thereof to the Examiner of health within two houres after the said signe shall appeare Sequestration of the sicke AS soon as any man shal be found by this Examiner Chirurgion or Searcher to be sick of the Plague he shall the same night be sequestred in the same house And in case he be so sequestred then though he afterwards die not the house wherein hee sickned shall be shut vp for a moneth after the vse of due Preseruatiues taken by the rest Ayring the Stuffe FOr sequestration of the goods and stuffe of the Infected their Bedding and Apparell and hangings of Chambers must be well ayred with fire and such perfumes as are requisite within the Infected house before they be taken againe to vse this to be done by the appointment of the Examiner Shutting vp of the house IF any person shall haue visited any man knowne to be Infected of the Plague or entred willingly into any knowen infected house being not allowed the house wherein he inhabiteth shall be shut vp for certaine dayes by the Examiners direction None to be remooued out of
holden in that County and then such of the same Rogues so committed as by the Iustices of the Peace then and there present or the most part of them shall be thought fit not to be deliuered shall and may lawfully by the same Iustices or the most part of them bee banished out of this Realme and all other the dominions thereof and at the charges of that Countrey shall bee conueyed vnto such parts beyond the Seas as shall be at any time hereafter for that purpose assigned by the Priuy Councell vnto her Maiesty her heires or successors or by any sixe or more of them whereof the L. Chancellor or L. Keeper of the great Seale or the L. Treasurer for the time being to bee one or otherwise be iudged perpetually to the Gallies of this Realme as by the same Iustices or the most part of them it shall bee thought fit and expedient And if any such Rogue so banished as aforesaid shall returne againe into any part of this Realme or dominion of Wales without lawfull licence or warrant so to doe that in euery such case such offence shall be Felony and the party offending therein suffer death as in case of felony The said felony to bee heard and determined in that County of this Realme or Wales in which the offender shall be apprehended And be it also enacted by the authority aforesaid that if any Towne Parish or Village the Constable Headborough or Tythingman be negligent and doe not his or their best endeauours for the apprehension of such Vagabond Rogue or sturdy Begger which there shall bee found contrary to the forme of this present Act and to cause euery of them to bee punished and conueied according to the true meaning of this present Act that then the said Constable Headborough or Tithingman in whom such default shall be shall lose and forfeit for euery such default ten shillings And also if any person or persons doe in any wise disturbe or let the execution of this Law or any part thereof concerning the punishment or conueying of Rogues Vagabonds sturdy Beggers or the reliefe or setling of poore impotent persons in any maner of wise or make rescous against any Officer or person authorised by this present Act for the due execution of any the premisses the same person so offending shal forfeit lose for euery such offence the summe of fiue pound and shall be bound to the good behauiour And bee it also further enacted by the authority aforesaid That no person or persons hauing charge in any voyage in passing from the Realmes of Ireland or Scotland or from the Isle of Man into this Realme of England doe wittingly or willingly bring or conuey or suffer to be brought or conueyed in any Vessell or Boate from and out of the said Realme of Ireland Scotland or Isle of Man into the Realme of England or Wales or any part thereof any Vagabond Rogue or Begger or any such as shall be forced or very like to liue by begging within the Realme of England or Wales being borne in the same Realmes or Island on paine of euery such person so offending to forfeit and lose for euery such Vagabond Rogue Begger or other person like to liue by begging .xx. s. to the vse of the poore of the said Parish in which they were set on land And if any such Manniske Scottish or Irish Rogue vagabond or begger be already or shall at any time hereafter be set on land or shall come into any part of England or Wales the same after he or she shall be punished as aforesaid shall bee conueyed to the next Port or Parish in or neere which they were landed or first came in such sort as Rogues are appointed to bee by this present Act and from thence to bee transported at the common charge of the County where they were set on land into those parts from whence they came or were brought And that euery Constable Headborough and Tythingman neglecting the due performance thereof shall forfeit for euery such offence ten shillings Be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid that no diseased or impotent poore person shal at any time resort or repaire from their dwelling places to the City of Bath or Towne of Buxton or either of them to the Baths there for the ease of their griefes vnlesse such person doe forbeare to begge and bee licensed to passe thither by two Iustices of the Peace of the County where such person doth or shall then dwell or remaine and prouided for to trauaile with such reliefe for towards his or her maintenance as shal be necessary for the same person for the time of such his or her trauaile abode at the city of Bath and town of Buxton or either of them and returne thence and shall returne home againe as shall be limited by the said licence vpon paine to be reputed punished and vsed as Rogues Vagabonds and sturdy Beggers declared by this present Act. And that the inhabitants of the same City of Bath and Towne of Buxton shall not in any wise be charged by this Act with the finding the reliefe of any such poore people Prouided alwayes That the Iustices of Peace within any County of this Realm or Wales shall not intromit or enter into any City Borough or Towns corporate where be any Iustice or Iustices of the Peace for any such City Borough or Towne Corporate for the execution of any Branch Article or sentence of this Act for or concerning any offence matter or cause growing or arising within the Precincts Liberties or Iurisdiction of such City Borough or Townes Corporate But that it may and shal be lawfull to the Iustice and Iustices of the Peace Maiors Bailiffes and other head Officers of those Cities Boroughes and Townes Corporate where there bee such Iustices of the Peace to proceed to the execution of this Act within the precinct and compasse of their Liberties in such maner and forme as the Iustices of Peace in any County may or ought to doe within the same County by vertue of this Act Any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding Prouided alwayes That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend to the poore people for the time being in the Hospitall called Saint Thomas Hospitall otherwise called the Kings Hospitall in the Borough of Southwarke neere adioyning to the City of London but that the Maior Commonalty and Citizens of the said City of London for the time being shall and may haue the rule order and gouernment of the said Hospitall and of the poor people therein for the time being Any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding Prouided alwayes That this Act or any thing therein contained or any authority thereby giuen shall not in any wise extend to dis-inherit preiudice or hinder Iohn Dutton of Dutton in the County of Chester Esquire his heires or assignes