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A04434 The svmme and svbstance of the conference which, it pleased his excellent Maiestie to haue with the lords, bishops, and other of his clergie, (at vvhich the most of the lordes of the councell were present) in his Maiesties priuy-chamber, at Hampton Court. Ianuary 14. 1603. / Contracted by VVilliam Barlovv, Doctor of Diuinity, and Deane of Chester. Whereunto are added, some copies, (scattered abroad,) vnsauory, and vntrue. Barlow, William, d. 1613. 1604 (1604) STC 1456.5; ESTC S100949 36,617 118

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any Then hee desireth that according to certaine Prouincial Constitutions they of the Clergy might haue meetinges once euery three weekes first in Rurall Deanries and therein to haue Prophecying according as the Reuerend Father Archbishoppe Grindal and other Bishops desired of her late Maiestie 2. that such things as could not be resolued vpon there might bee referred to the Archdeacons Uisitation and so 3. from thence to the Episcopall Synode where the Bishoppe with his Presbyteri should determine all such pointes as before could not be decided At which speech his Maiestie was somewhat stirred yet which is admirable in him without passion or shewe thereof thinking that they aymed at a Scottish Presbytery which saith hee as well agreeth with a Monarchy as God and the Diuell Then Iack and Tom and Will and Dick shall meete and at their pleasures censure me and my Councell and all our proceedings Then VVill shall stand vp and say it must bee thus then Dick shall reply and say nay mary but wee will haue it thus And therefore here I must once reiterate my former speech Le Roy s'auisera Stay I pray you for one seauen yeares before you demaunde that of mee and if then you finde mee purseye and fat and my winde pipes stuffed I will perhaps hearken to you for let that gouernment bee once vp I am sure I shall bee kept in breath then shall wee all of vs haue worke enough both our hands full But Doctor Reyn. til you finde that I grow lazy let that alone And here because D. Reyn. had twise before obtruded the Kings Supremacie 1. In the Article concerning the Pope 2. in the point of Subscription his Maiestie at those times saide nothing but now growing to an end he saide I shall speake of one matter more yet somewhat out of order but it skilleth not Doctor Rein. quoth the K. you haue often spoken for my Supremacie and it is well but knowe you any here or any elsewhere who like of the present Gouernement Ecclesiasticall that finde fault or dislike my Supremacie D. Rein. saide no why then saith his Maiestie I will tell you a tale After that the Religion restored by King Edwarde the sixt was soone ouerthrowne by the succession of Queene Marie here in England wee in Scotland felt the effect of it Whereupon Mas. Knoxe writes to the Queene Regent of whome without flattery I may say that she was a vertuous and moderate Lady telling her that she was Supreme head of the Church and charged her as shee would aunswere it before Gods Tribunall to take care of Christ his Euangil and of suppressing the Popish Prelates who vvithstoode the same But how long trovv yee did this continue euen so long till by her authority the popish Bishops were repressed hee himselfe and his adherents vvere brought in and well setled and by these meanes made strong enough to vndertake the matters of Reformation thēselues Then loe they began to make small account of her Supremacy nor vvould longer rest vpon her authoritie but tooke the cause into their ovvne hand according to that more light wherewith they were illuminated made a further reformation of Religion How they vsed that poore Lady my mother is not vnknowne and vvith griefe I may remember it vvho because shee had not beene otherwise instructed did desire only a priuate Chappell vvherein to serue God after her manner with some few selected persons but her Supremacy was not sufficient to obtaine it at their hands And howe they dealt with me in my Minoritie you all know it was not done secretly thogh I would I cannot conceale it I will apply it thus And then putting his hand to his hat his Maiestie saide my Lordes the Bishops I may thanke you that these men doe thus pleade for my Supremacie They thinke they cannot make their party good against you but by appealing vnto it as if you or some that adhere vnto you were not well affected towardes it But if once you were out and they in place I knowe what would become of my Supremacie No Bishop no King as before I sayd Neither doe I thus speake at randon without ground for I haue obserued since my comming into England that some Preachers before me can be content to pray for Iames King of England Scotland Fraunce and Ireland defendor of the faith but as for Supreme Gouernour in all causes and ouerall persons as well Ecclesiasticall as Ciuill they passe that ouer with silence what out they haue beene of I after learned After this asking them if they had any more to obiect and D. Reyn. aunswering Noe his Maiestie appointed the next Wednesday for both parties to meete before him and rising from his Chaire as hee was going to his inner Chamber If this bee all quoth he that they haue to say I shall make thē conforme themselues or I will harrie them out of the land or else do worse And this was the Summe of the second dayes Conference which raised such an admiration in the Lordes in respect of the King his singular readinesse and exact knowledge that one of them sayde hee was fully perswaded his Maiestie spake by the instinct of the spirite of God My L. Cecill acknowledged that very much we are bound to God who had giuen vs a King of an vnderstanding heart My Lord Chancelor passing out of the Priuy-Chamber said vnto the Deane of Chester standing by the dore I haue often hearde and read that Rex est mixta persona cum sacerdote but I neuer saw the truth thereof till this day Surely whosoeuer heard his Maiesty might iustly thinke that title did more properly fitte him which Eunapius gaue to that famous Rhetoritian in saying that he was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Liuing Library and a walking Study Finis secundae diei THE THIRD DAYES Conference VPon Wednesday Ianuary 18. all the Bishops afore named attended at the Court and the Deanes who were all called into the Priuie Chamber and who so else my Lord Archbishop appointed for such was his Maiesties pleasure whereuppon the Knightes and Doctors of the Arches viz. Sir Daniel Dunne Sir Thomas Crompton Sir Richard Swale Sir Iohn Bennet and D. Drury entred As soone as the King was set the Lord Archbishoppe presented vnto him a note of those points which his Maiesty had referred to their consideration vpon the first day and the alteration or rather explanation of them in our Liturgie 1. Absolution or Remission of sinnes in the Rubrike of Absolution 2. In priuate Baptisme the lawfull Minister present 3. Examination with Confirmation of Children 4. Iesus sayd to them twise to bee put into the Dominicall Gospels in stead of Iesus sayd to his Disciples His Maiestie here taking the Common Prayer Booke and turning to Priuate Baptisme willed that where the wordes were in the Rubrike the second Paragraph They Baptize not Children Novv it should be thus read They cause not Children to be baptized and
shewed but that it was an Institution Apostolicall and one of the particular pointes of the Apostles Catechisme set downe and named in expresse wordes Hebr. 6. 2. and so did M. Caluin expound that very place who wished earnestly the restitution thereof in those reformed Churches where it had beene abolished Vpon which place the Bishop of Carlell also insisted and vrged it both grauely and learnedly His Maiestie called for the Bible read the place of the Hebrewes and approued the exposition Something also the Bishop of Durham noted out of the Gospell of S. Mathew for the imposition of handes vppon children The conclusion was for the fuller explanation that wee make it not a Sacrament or a corroboration to a former Sacrament that it should bee considered of by their Lordshippes whether it might not without alteration whereof his Maiestie was still very wary bee intituled an Examination with a Confirmation Next in order was the point of Absolution which the Lord Archbishop cleared from all abuse or superstition as it is vsed in our Church of England reading vnto his Maiestie both the Confession in the beginning of the Communion book and the Absolution following it wherein saith he the Minister doth nothing else but pronounce an Absolution in generall His Highnesse perused them both in the booke it selfe liking and approuing them finding it to be very true which my Lord Archbishop said but the Bishop of London stepping forward added it becōmeth vs to deale plainely with your Maiestie there is also in the Communion booke another more particular and personall forme of Absolution prescribed to be vsed in the order for the Visitation of the sicke this the King required to see and whilest Maister Deane of the Chappell was turning to it the sayd Bishop aledged that not onely the confessions of Augustia Boheme Saxon which he there cited doe retaine and allow it but that Maister Caluin did also approue such a generall kinde of Confession and Absolution as the Church of England vseth and withall did very well like of those which are priuate for so hee termes them The sayd particular Absolution in the Common prayer booke beeing read his Maiestie exceedingly well approued it adding that it was Apostolicall and a very godly ordinance in that it was giuen in the name of Christ to one that desired it and vpon the clearing of his conscience The conclusion was that it should be consulted of by the Bishops whether vnto the Rubrike of the generall Absolution these wordes Remission of sinnes might not be added for explanation sake In the third place the Lord Archbishop proceeded to speake of Priuate Baptisme shewing his Maiestie that the administration of Baptisme by women and Lay-persons was not allowed in the practise of the Church but enquired of by Bishoppes in their Visitations and censured neither doe the wordes in the booke inferre any such meaning whereunto the King excepted vrging and pressing the wordes of the Booke that they could not but intend a permission and suffering of women and priuate persons to baptize Here the Bishoppe of Worcester said that indeed the wordes were doubtfull and might bee pressed to that meaning but yet it seemed by the contrarie practise of our Church censuring women in this case that the compilers of the Booke did not so intend them and yet propounded them ambiguously because otherwise perhaps the Booke would not haue then passed in the Parliament and for this coniecture as I remember he cited the testimony of my Lord Archbishoppe of Yorke whereunto the Bishop of London replyed that those learned and reuerend men who framed the Booke of Common Prayer entended not by ambiguous termes to deceiue any but did indeede by those wordes entend a permission of priuate persons to baptize in case of necessitie whereof their letters were witnesses some partes whereof hee then read and withall declared that the same was agreeable to the practise of the auncient Church vrging to that purpose both Actes 2. where 3000. were baptized in one day which for the Apostles alone to doe was impossible at least improbable and besides the Apostles there were then no Bishoppes or Priestes And also thee authoritie of Tertullian and Saint Ambrose in the fourth to the Ephesians plaine in that point laying also open the absurdities and impieties of their opinion who thinke there is no necessitie of Baptisme which word Necessitie he so pressed not as if God without Baptisme could not saue the child but the case put that the state of the Infant dying vnbaptized being vncertaine and to God only known but if it dye baptized there is an euident assurance that it is saued who is hee that hauing any Religion in him would not speedily by any meanes procure his Child to be baptized and rather ground his action vpon Christs promise then his omission thereof vppon Gods secret iudgement His Maiestie replied first to that place of the Actes that it was an Acte extraordinary neither is it sound reasoning from thinges done before a Church bee setled and grounded vnto those which are to be performed in a Church stablished and flourishing That hee also maintained the necessitie of Baptisme and alwayes thought that the place of Saint Iohn Nisi quis renatus fuerit ex aqua c. was ment of the Sacrament of Baptisme and that hee had so defenced it against some Ministers in Scotland and it may seeme strange to you my Lords saith his Maiestie that I who now think you in England giue too much to Baptism did 14. moneths ago in Scotland argue with my Diuines there for ascribing too litle to that holy Sacrament In somuch that a pert Minister asked me if I thought Baptism so necessary that if it were omitted the child should be damned I answered him no but if you being called to baptize the child though priuately should refuse to come I think you shall be damned But this necessitie of Baptisme his Maiestie so expounded that it was necessarie to be had where it might be lawfully had id est ministred by lawfull Ministers by whom alone by no priuate person hee thought it might not in any case be administred and yet vtterly disliked all rebaptization although either women or Laikes had baptized Heere the Bishop of VVinchester spake very learnedly and earnestly in that point affirming that the denying of priuate persons in cases of necessitie to baptize were to crosse all antiquitie seeing that it had bene the ancient and common practize of the Church When Ministers at such times could not be got and that it was also a rule agreed vpon among Diuines that the Minister is not of the Essence of the Sacrament His Maiestie answered though hee be not of the Essence of the Sacrament yet is he of the Essence of the right and lawfull ministrie of the Sacrament taking for his ground the commission of Christ to his Disciples Mat. 28. 20. Go preach and baptize The issue was a consultation whether into the
Rubrike of Priuate Baptisme which leaues it indifferently to all Laikes or Clergie the wordes Curate or lawfull Minister might not bee inserted which was not so much stuck at by the Bishops And so his Maiestie proceeded to the next point about Excommunication in causes of lesser moment first Whether the name might not be altered and yet the same censure be retained or secōdly whether in place of it another Coercion equiualent thereunto might not bee inuented and thought of A thing very easily yeelded vnto of all sides because it hath beene long and often desired but could not be obtained from her Maiestie who resolued to be still Semper eadem and to alter nothing which she had once setled And thus the VVednesday succeeding beeing appointed for the exhibiting of their determinations in these points and the Munday next immediately following this present day for the Opponents to bring in their Complaintes wee were dismissed after three houres and more spent which were soone gone so admirably both for vnderstanding speech and iudgment did his Maiestie handle all those points sending vs away not with cōtentment only but astonishment and which is pittifull you will say with shame to vs all that a King brought vp among Puritans not the learnedst men in the world and schooled by them swaying a kingdome full of busines and troubles naturally giuen to much exercise and repast should in points of Diuinity shew himselfe as expedite and perfect as the greatest Schollers and most industrious Students there present might not outstrip him But this one thing I may not omit that his Maiestie should professe howsoeuer he liued among Puritans and was kept for the most part as a Ward vnder them yet since hee was of the age of his Sonne 10. years old he euer disliked their opinions as the Sauiour of the world said Though he liued among them he was not of them Finis Primae diei THE SECOND DAYES Conference ON Munday Ianuary 16. betweene 11. and 12. of the Clocke were the foure Plaintiffes called into the Priuie Chamber the two Bishoppes of London and VVinchester being there before and after them all the Deanes Doctors present which had bin summoned Patr. Galloway somtimes Minister of Perth in Scotland admitted also to be there The Kings maiestie entering the Chamber presētly tooke his Chaire placed as the day before the noble young Prince sitting by vppon a stoole where making a short but a pitthy and sweet speech to the same purpose which the first day hee made vz. of the end of the Conference mee●e to bee had he said by euerie King at his first entrance to the Crowne not to innouate the gouernment presently established which by long experience hee had found accompanied with so singular blessinges of God 45 yeares as that no Church vpon the face of the earth more florished then this of England But first to settle an vniform order through the whole church Secondly to plant vnity for the suppressing of Papistes and enemies to Religion Thirdly to amend abuse as naturall to bodies Politike and to corrupt man as the shadow to the bodie which once being entred hold on as a wheele his motiō once set going And because many grieuous complaints had bene made to him since his first entrance into the land hee thought it best to send for some whom his Maiestie vnderstoode to be the most graue learned and modest of the aggreeued sort whome being there present he was now readie to heare at large what they could obiect or say so willed them to beginne whereupon they 4. kneeling downe D. Reynalds the Foreman after a short Preamble gratulatorie and signifying his Maiesties Summons by vertue whereof they then and there appeared reduced all matters disliked or questioned to these 4. heades 1. That the Doctrine of the Church might be preserued in puritie according to Gods word 2. That good Pastors might be planted in all Churches to preach the same 3. That the Church gouernment might be sincerely ministred according to Gods word 4. That the Booke of Common Prayer might be fitted to more increase of pietie For the first he moued his Maiestie that the Booke of Articles of Religion concluded 1562. might bee explaned in places obscure and enlarged where some thinges were defectiue For example whereas Art 16. the wordes are these After we haue receiued the holy Ghost we may depart from Grace Notwithstanding the meaning be sound yet he desired that because they may seeme to be cōtrary to the doctrine of Gods Predestination election in the 17. Article both those wordes might be explaned with this or the like addition yet neither totally nor finally and also that the nine assertions Orthodoxall as he termed them concluded vpon at Lambeth might be inserted into that Booke of Articles Secondly where it is said in the 23. Article that it is not lawfull for any man to take vpon him the office of Preaching or administring the Sacraments in the congregation before hee bee lawfully called D. Rey. tooke exception to these wordes In the Congregation as implying a lawfulnes for any man whosoeuer out of the Congregation to preach and administer the Sacraments though he had no lawfull calling thereunto Thirdly in the 25. Article these words touching Confirmation growne partly of the corrupt following the Apostles beeing opposite to those in the Collect of Confirmation in the Communion Booke vpon whome after the exāple of the Apostles argue saith he a contrarietie each to other the first confessing Confirmation to be a depraued imitation of the Apostles the second grounding it vpon their example Act. 8. 19. as if the Bishop in Confirming of Children did by imposing his handes as the Apostles in those places giue the visible graces of the holy ghost therfore he desired that both the contradiction might be considered and this ground of Confirmation examined Thus farre Doctor Reyn. went on without any interruption but here as hee was proceeding the Bishoppe of London much moued to heare these men who some of them the Euening before and the same morning had made semblance of ioyning with the Bishops and that they sought for nothing but vnitie now strike to ouerthrowe if they could all at once cut him off and kneeling downe most humbly desired his Maiestie first That the aunciēt Canon might be remēbred which saith that Schismatici contra Episcopos non sunt audiendi Secondly that if any of these parties were in the number of the 1000. Ministers who had once subscribed to the Communion Booke and yet had lately exhibited a Petition to his Maiestie against it they might be remoued and not heard according to the Decree of a verie auncient Councell prouiding that no man should be admitted to speake against that whereunto he bad formerly subscribed Thirdly he put D. Reynoldes and his Associates in minde how much they were bound to his Maiesties exceeding great clemencie in that they were permitted contrary