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A91270 The second part of a Short demurrer to the Ievves long discontinued remitter into England. Containing a brief chronological collection of the most material records in the reigns of King John, Henry 3. and Edward 1. relating the history, affaires, state, condition, priviledges, obligations, debts, legal proceedings, justices, taxes, misdemeanors, forfeitures, restraints, transactions, of the Jews in, and final banishment out of England, never formerly published in print: with some short usefull observations upon them. Worthy the knowledge of all lawyers, scholars, statists, and of such Jews who desire re-admission into England. / By VVilliam Prynne Esquire, a bencher of Lincolns-Inne.; Short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued remitter into England. Part 2 Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1656 (1656) Wing P4073; Thomason E483_2; Thomason E872_1; ESTC R203286 147,465 222

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qui aliquando ad fidem Catholicam conversi baptisati fuerunt et postmodum ad Iudaicam pravitatem perversi ab eadem fide Apostatare praesump●erint Volumus etiam quod Mulieres Iudeae de caetero portant signa in superiori veste sicut Iudaei Mares Et quod Iud●i de caetero nullos habeant servientes Christianos mares aut foeminas secum in quibuscunque obsequi●s commorantes nec in domibus propriis nec aliis in Civitatibus aut locis allis ubi morantur set ipsi Iudaei sibi invicem in omnibus sibi serviant et ministrent Et hoc ubique precipiatur tam Christianis quam Iudaeis sub gravi forisfactura nostra Volumus etiam quod omnes Christiani qui pignora sua inter bona Iudaeorum dampnatorum inventa redimere voluerint hujusmode pignora per testes fideles et bone famae probent esse sua et ea per certa signa et indicia describant hujusmodi Testibus eatenus credatur quatenus ipsis majoris vel minoris famae esse constiterit Et si fortè pignora illa sua esse per testes probare non possint eo quod testes defuncti vel absentes sunt ita quod eos habere non possint vel quia secrete et absque testimonio impignorata fuerunt tunc ad pignora illa recuperanda sufficiat tantummodo Sacramentum ipsorum quorum illa existunt dum tamen pignora illa certis signis et indiciis describant sicut praedictum est Et hoc propter lapsum anni a tempore impignorationis hujusmodi nullatenus omi●tatur Volumus insuper quod omnes illi qui per Testes fide dignos probare possint debita sua pro snis pignoribus persolvisse et pignora illa propter certam aliquam rationem per ipsos coram vobis ostendam aut propter maliciam ipsorum Iudaeorum ab eisdem Iudaeis non recipisse ad iteratam solutionem debitorum illorum faciendam nullatenus compellantur testibus illis credatur juxta famam personarum additis testibus aliis si necesse fuerit juxta discretionem vestram De libris autem apud Oxon impignoratis volumus quod nullum fiat judicium usque ad Festum omnium sanctorum prox futurum Volumus etiam quod per Civitates Burgos Villas mercatorias et alias publice proclametur ne quis bona Iudaeorum dampnatorū seu dam●nandorū recipiat seu jam recepta celet vel occultet sedea Nobis restituet citra Fest beati Petri ad vincula prox futur Alioquin Nos versus ipsos tanquam ad caelatores et occultatores Thesauri regni graviter capiemus Et ideo vobis mandamus quod omnia praedicta fieri et firmiter observari faciatis in forma praedicta T. Rege apud Westmon x. die Maii. Consimiles Literae diriguntur Barth de Sutlegh Will de beof Ade de Boteler Ioh de Fauconer Consimiles Literae Breve diriguntur Ioh. Beks Alex de Kirketon Ranulpho de Dacre Hugoni de Kendale In this 7th year of King Edw. the 1. as our Historians elsewhere cited record there was a Parliament held at London principally to inquire after the great clipping and falsifying of the Kings coin and prevent it for the future during this Parliament most of the Jews throughout England were apprehended and hundreds of them by several Inquests found guilty before the Justices mentioned in these VVrits specially appointed for that end for clipping counterfeiting and corrupting the Kings money whereof 294 Jews in London alone were convicted and soon after executed and multitudes more of them in other places throughout the Realm which occasioned these VVrits and Proclamations made most probably by advice of the Parliament and approved by it to be issued forth and put in execution for the just punishment of the blasphemous Jewish Malefactors and better discovery of their concealed confiscated estates for the Kings greater advantage and likewise for relief of such sub●ects who had any pawns or goods in the then condemned Iews possession As those Iews who were legally convicted for clipping and corrupting the Kings coyne were executed for it in all places so many more of them were accused imprisoned for the same crime much oppressed maligned generally by the people and inforced to make fines and ransomes to the King and the houses and estates of those who were executed sold strickt inquiry made after all concealments of their estates as the last these ensuing Records will at large inform us far better than any of our Historians I shall begin with that which is most large Rex dilectis et fidelibus suis Stephano de Pentecester Waltero de Helynn et Ioh. de Cobham Justiciariis ad placita Transgressionis Monerae audienda salutem Quia omnes Judaei nuper rectati et per certam suspicionem indictate de retonsura monetae nostrae inde convicti cum ultimo supplicio puniuntur quidam eorum eadem occasione omnia bona et catalla sua satisfecerunt et in prisona nostra liberantur in eadem ad voluntatem nostram detinendi Et cum accepimus quod plures Christiani ob odium Judaeor propter discrepantiam fidei christianae et ritus Judaeorum et diversa gravamina per ipsos Judaeos christianis hactenus illata quosdam Judaeos nondum rectatos in indictatos de transgressione monetae per leves et voluntarias accusationes accusare et indictare de die in diem nituntur et proponunt impouentes eis ad terrorem ipsorum quod de hujusmodi transgressione culpabiles existunt super ipsos Judaeos faciendae et sic per minas hujusmodi accusationis ipsis Iudaeos metu incutiant et pecuniam extorqueant ab eisdem Ita quod ipsi Judaei super hoc ad legem suam saepe ponuntur in vitae suae periculum manifestum Volumus quod omnes Iudaei qui ante primum diem Maii proxim praeterir indictati vel per certam suspicionem rectati non fuerunt de transgressione Monetae predictae et qui facere voluerint finem juxta discretionem vestram ad opus nostrum facere pro sic quod non occasionentur de hujusmodi transgressionibus factis ante primum diem Maii propter novas accusationes christianorum post eundem diem inde factas non molestentur sed pacem inde habeant in futurum Proviso quod Iudaei indictati vel per certam suspicionem rectati de hujusmodi transgressione ante praedictum diem Maii judicium subeant coram vobis juxta formam prius inde ordinatam provisam Et ideo vobis mandamus quod fines hujusmodi capiatis et praemissa fieri et observari faciatis in forma praedicta Teste Rege apud Cantuar. 8 die Maii. Consimiles Literae diriguntur Barthol de Sulley et Sociis suis justiciar ut supra T. Rege ut supra Consimiles Literae diriguntur Iohan. Beks et sociis suis Iusticiariis ut supra T. Rege
habendum et tenendum eidem Judaeo haeredibus suis in perpetuum eidem Judaeo quod praedictum Gardinum ab eadem Auntlera recipere possit tenore praesentium similiter licentiam concedimus specialem Nolentes quod eadem Auntlera vel haeredes sui aut praedictus Iudaeus authaeredes sui ratione venditionis seu recepitionis Gardini praedicti per nos vel haeredes nostros Justiciarios Ballivos aut alios Ministros nostros occasionentur gravantur in aliquo seu molestantur In cujus c T. R. apud West 17. die Junii The like Patent I find to Aaron the Kings Brothers Jew ●orementioned to sell his house and rents in fee to any Christian who should purchase them by his Lords license even after the Edict past and Letters of safe conduct granted for the Jews banishment and departure hence as appears by comparing their dates Rex omnibus c. salutem Sciatis quod concessimus licentiam dedimus Aaron fil Vynes Judaeo Edmundi fratris nostri carissimi quod ipse domos et redditus suos tam infra Civitatem nostram London quam infra Regnum nostrum de licentia voluntate praedicti fratris nostri Domini sui vendere possit upon his banishment hence quibuscunque Christiaenis voluerit absque impedimento nostri vel aliorum nostrorum quorumcunque eisdem Christianis quod dom●s illas redditus ab eodem Iudaeo emere valeant similiter licentiamconcedimus specialem jure cujuslibet in omnibus semper salvo In cujus c T. R. apud Langeleye 28 die Julii After the date is the Letters for the Jews safe conduct out of England to the Sheriffs It is very observable that these three last Patents were made but a very little before and the last of them clearly after the Jews universal banishment voted resolved both by the King and Parliament For when as the King his Justices and Parliament by all their Inquisitions Commissions Care Providence and Execution of so many Jews in all parts could no ways suppresse their clipping and falsifying of the Money of the Realme nor yet reforme the manifold other wickednesse and misdemeanors of the English Jewes nor all the industry and pains of the Friers Preachers nor all that liberal provisions and grants of the King forecited to the House of Converts for their comfortable support maintenance and confirmation in the Christian faith so far operate upon their obstinate obdurate hearts as to convert any considerable number or any persons of note amongst them to the Christian faith from which many Converts apostatized nor yet suppresse their continual blasphemies against our crucified Saviour the Christian faith Sacraments of the Church and blessed Virgin Thereupon the King at the earnest frequent solicitation of the Commons assembled this year in Parliament after the Feast of St. Hilary enacted published an Edict or Decree in Parliament for the total universal and final banishment of all these wicked blasphemous unbeleeving Jews out of England then generally execrable detestable to all the people who were so desirous to be for ever quit of their company that they granted the King the 15 part of all their goods and moveables for their banishment and expulsion out of England as I have formerly proved at large by a full grand Jury of Historians and several Records in my former Demurrer against Sir Edward Cooks grosse assertion that they only voluntarily banished themselves because their usury was this year suppressed by the Stat. de Iudaismo which I have proved was made full 15 years before to be no cause at all of their exile now In pursuance of this Parliamentary Edict Decree now no where extant on Record all the Parliament Rolls before 5 Ed. 2. being wholly lost and many since by the carelessenesse or iniquity of the times except only an old Parchment Book of some Pleas in Parliam in E. 1 one Statute Roll of K. Ed. the 1. Ed. 2. and Ed. 3. wherein the Statute De Iudaismo with many other printed Acts are not to be found no more than this Edict for the Jews banishment though mentioned in many Histories and Records the King in this very moneth of Iuly sent several Writs Letters and Patents to the Sheriffs of Counties Mayors of Towns Bayliffs and Barons of the Cinqueports and likwise to Mariners reciting that he had prescrib'd a certain time term day to all and every of the Iews within the Realm for their departure out of it into forraign parts commanding them not to doe nor suffer any injury molestation grievance to be done to them by any in their passage beyond the Seas for which he had given them safe conduct but to grant them their wives and children a safe and speedy passage within the time prefixed them at the Jews own costs paying reasonable rates for their freights and passage without immoderate exactions especially on the poorer sort of them lest their passage should be hindred by such immoderate and unreasonable exactions I shall transcribe these Writs and Letters at large out of the Records themselves as most pertinent to my intended Theame beginning with those to Sheriffs Rex Vic Gloucestriae c. Cum Iudaeis Regni nostri universis certum tempus praefixerimus a Regno illo Transfretanoi Nolentes quod ipsi per Ministros nostro aut alios quoscunque aliter quam fieri consuevit indebite pertrectentur Tibi praecipimus quod per totam Ballivam tuam publicè proclamari et firmiter inhiberi facias ne quis eis intra terminum praedictum injuriam molestiam dampnum inferat seu gravamen Et cum contingat ipsos cum catallis suis quae eis concessimus versus partes London causa Transfretrationis suae dirigere gressus suos salvum securum conductum eis habere facias sumptibus eorum Proviso quod Iudaei praedicti ante recessum suum vadia Christianorum quae penes se habent illis quorum fuerint si ea acquietare voluerint restituant ut tenentur Teste Rege apud Westm 18 die Iulii Anno 18. E. 1. Consimiles Literae diriguntur Vicecomitibus Essex Ebor. Northampt. Lincoln Teste ut supra Item Vicecomitibus Hereford Suthampt. The form of the Letters for protection and safe conduct to particular Jews and their Families which the richer sort of Jews purchased at dear rates was this Rex Majoti et Ballivis Eborum salutem Quia certum diem praefixerimus Iudaeis nostris Angliae regnum nostrum exeundi et ●e ad partes alias transferendi Vobis mandamus quod Bonamico Judaeo Eborum uxori pueris vel familiae suae in personis aut rebus interim nullam moles●iam inferatis set ipsos quantum in vobis est manuteneatis protegatis et defendatis Et cum idem Bonamicus cum uxore pueris et familia sua post Terminum Proclamationis factae de vadiis Christianorum acquietandis ad partes maritimas causa transfretandi divertere
habere consuevit Ita quod idem Walterus domos illas in quibus idem Archidiaconus morabatur ibidem inhabitet pro voluntate sua c. T. R. apud Kingestclipton 27 die Octobris On the 16 day of December following the King granted the custody of this house to Richard de Clunpynges by this Patent which manifests that the converted Jews were not banished with the rest Rex omnibus et singulis Conversis Domus suae London salutem Sciatis quod commissimus dilecto clerico nostro Rico. de Clunpynges custodiam Domus praedictae habendum quamdiu nobis placuerit cum omnibus ad dictam custodiam pertinentibus eodem modo quo Johis de Sancto Dionis quondam Archidiaconus Roffensis defunctus eam dum vixit habere consuevit Ita quod dom illas in quibus idem Archidiaconus morabatur ibidem pro voluntate sua inhabitet Et ideo vobis mandamus quod eidem Rico. tanquam custodi vestro in omnibus que ad custodiam illam per●inent 〈◊〉 e● sitis et respondentes sicut praedictum est In cujus c. T. Rege apud Odyham 16 die Decembris The very next year after the Jews banishment within four moneths of their departure hence I find these Letters Patents directed by the King to all his Sheriffs Bayliffs and Lieges expresly mentioning their banishment hence and the Kings designing of all the rents and profits of their houses from the time of their banishment to be collected and disposed to pious uses as Hugh de Kendale Clerk should appoint specially intrusted with the management of this affair Rex Vicecomitibus omnibus aliis Ballivis fidelibus suis ad quos c. salutem Cum assignavimus totam pecuniam provenientem de Domibus quae fuerunt Judaeorum nostrorum in Anglia in quosdam pios usus convertendam per quod volumus quod totum commodum perveniens ex Domibus illis a tempore exilii eorundem ut ex conventione Domorum earundem rebus aliis in eosdem usus applicetur Assignavimus dilectum Clericum nostrum Hugon●m de Kendale ad inquirendum de conductionibus et omnibus receptis hujusmodi plenam veritatem et ad onerandum Vicecomites Ministros et omnes recepto●es pecuniae inde provenientis a tempore exilii praedicti et ad pecuniam illam in tuto loco reponendam per Vicecomites vel alio modo prout melius viderit expedire Et ideo vobis mandamus quod eidem Hugoni intendentes sitis credentes respondentes Teste Rege apud Asherugge 22 die Ianuarii King Edward presently after the Jews banishment hence seized upon all their Houses Lands and Revenues throughout England as escheated into his hands by this their sentence of banishment and presently within few moneths after made sale of them to English men by several Letters Patents as appears by a special Pat. Roll of the sales of their houses made in the 19 and 20 years of his reign thus endorsed Carta de Judaismo Literae Patentes de domibus Iudaeorum concessis Post eorum Exilium de Anglia wherein are near one hundred particular Patents of sales of them to several persons running in the selfsame form mutatis mutandis all mentioning their Banishment hence this Kings title to them thereby by way of Escheat take one in the 19. year for an example of all that ensue that year Rex omnibus ad quos c. salutem Sciatis quod concessimus pro Nobis haeredibus nostris Isabellae quae fuit uxor Ade de Sancto Albano Junior Domos illas cum pertinentiis in London quae fuerunt Leonis fil Cressey fil Magistri Eliae Judaei de parochia Sancti Martini Pomer in Ismongerslane Per Exilium ejusdem Iudaei a Regno nostro tanquam Escaeta nostra in manu nostra existentes et quae ad quatuor marcas extenduntur Habendum tenendum eidem Isabellae et haeredibus suis de Nobis et haeredibus nostris imperpetuum Reddendo inde Nobis haeredibus nostris unum denarium per manum Vicecomitis ejusdem Civitatis singulis annis ad Scaccarium nostrum Pasche et faciendo aliis Dominis feodi illius servicia inde debita et consueta In cujus c. Teste Rege apud Asherigge 27 die Decembris Anno regni Regis Edwardi filii Regis Henrici xix This Patent bears date within two Moneths next after the Jews actual departure hence upon the Decree and Edict for their banishment After which follow near one hundred Patents of their houses made this year wherein was the same recital of their banishment as in this transcribed Then follow many other Patents made of the Jews houses by the King in the 20 year of his reign intituled in the Roll and Margin Patentes de Domibus Judaeorum concessis Post eorum Exilium ab Anglia the first whereof in Memb. 2. runs thus Rex omnibus ad quos c. salutem Sciatis quod concessimus pro Nobis et haeredibus nostris Willielmo de Taburet de Bedeford Katerinae uxori ejus Domos illas quae fuerunt Cok filii Benedicti de Bedeford Per Exilium ejusdem Iudaeia Regno nostro tanquam Escaeta nostra in manu nostra existentes et quae ad sex 〈◊〉 extenduatur Habendum et tenendum eisdem Willielmo Kater et haeredibus suis vel cui il●as secundum consuetudinē villae praedictae donare vel assignare voluerint de Nobis haeredibus nostris imperpetuum Reddendo inde Nobis haeredibus nostris unum denarium per manum Vicecom nostri Bedf. singulis annis ad Scaccarium nostrum ad festum Sancti Michaelis Et faciendo aliis dominis feodi illius servicia inde debita consueta T. Rege apud Westm 29 die Novemb. After which follow near 20 patents more of other Jews houses made that year in the same form Therefore by the unanimous irrefragable verdict of all these manifold Patents the Jews were legally and judicially Banished out of England and by this their Judgment of Banishment both by the King and Parliament all their houses and lands actually escheated into the Kings hands who thereupon seized and sold them to others in fee upon this very Title of Escheat by their Exile out of England which had Sir Edward Cooke known or observed I am confident he would never have asserted this untruth that they voluntarily banished themselves out of England only because their Usury was banished thence To these Records I might annex the case of the Prior of Bridlington which himself cites in the Placita Parliamenti post Pascha apud London 21 E. 1. rot 4. recited again in alio Rotulo Anno 22 E. 1. rot 5. wherein there is this double recital of the Jews exile hence and of a Debt of 200 l. due to the King thereby which he had Judgement to recover against the Prior. Et quia praedictus
Prior cognoscit quod praedicta pecunia praed Judaeo debebatur nec ei solvebatur Ante Exilium Iudaeorum et quicquid remansit eorum debitis catallis in Regno Post eorum Exilium Domino Regi fuit Consideratum est quod Dominus Rex recuperet pecuniam praedictam An unanswerable euidence of their judicial legal actual Banishment hence here twice together repeated in this Plea in Parliament but three years after their exile I have now traced the History of the English Jewes through the obscure untrodden generally unknown and almost forgotten path of our English Records yet remaining in the Tower of London and Exchequer from the very first year of King John where our yet extant Records begin to the 22. of King Edward the first full 4 years after their universal Banishment out of England which as it then put a period to any further memorial of them in our subsequent Records so it now sets a final conclusion to this my Chronological Collection of such Records as concern the generality of the English Jews and their affairs To which I shall only annex some few Records in succeeding times relating to some particular Jewish Converts since their general banishment hence and to the forementioned house of the Iewish Converts now the Rolls in Chancery Lane which are some wayes pertinent like so much gleanings after the Harvest to the Jewish History and so draw toward a conclusion of this my Undertaking There being a great want of Jewish Converts after the Jews banishment hence to receive the Alms Revenues formerly setled on their house by the premised charters of our Kings I find King Edw. the 3d in the 18th year of his reign by special Patents granted to other poor people who had nothing to live on both the benefit and easment of the Houses and Gardens of the House of the Converts together with a penny a day out of the Exchequer and so much besiedes as any one Convert there received out of the Rents and profits of the house Particularly he granted to one Alianor Quae non habet unde vivat quod habeat tantum in omnibus pro sustentatione sua tam de pecunia ad Sc accarium videlicet per diem 1 d. et pro ●is●amento Domorum Gardinarum sicutuna Conversorum habet et capit ac de Deodandis aliis proficuis quam de Redditibus Tenementis Conversorum Domus London et alibi infra Regnum Angliae commorant c. quantum una Conversa inde percepit After this a converted Jew John Castell by name coming over into England in the 30 year of King Edward the 3d. the King thereupon granted him such admittance into and sustenance in this house of Convertr as other Converts had in former time received by this ensuing writ of Privy Seal Rex dilecto Clerico suo Hen de Ingleby Custodi Domus nostrae Conversorum in civitate nostra London salutem Quia volumus quod Johannes de Chastell à ritu Judaeorum conversus qui in Regnum nostrum Angliae nuper venit habeat talem sustentationem in Domo nostra praedicta de Elemosina nostra qualem alii ejusdem conditionis in eadem ante hoc tempus habuerunt Vobis mandamus quod ipsum Johannem in domum nostram praedictam admittatis et ei sustentationem hujusmodi pro uno converso consuetum de eadem domo liberari habere facias T. Rege apud Westm primo die Iulii Per Breve de privato Sigillo This Henry de Ingelby afterwards resigning his Office of Keeper or Gardian of the House of Converts to the King thereupon King Edward the 3. in the 45 year o● his reign granted this Office to William de Burstall Clerk during his life by this following Patent Rex omnibus ad quos c. Sciatis quod dedimus concessimus dilecto Clerico nostro Will de Burstal custodiam domus nostrae conversorum London vacantem per resignationem Hen. de Ingleby ultimi Custodis domus praedictae et ad nostram Donationem spectantem habendum tenendum cum omnibus ad custodiam illam quoquo modo spectantibus ad totam vitam ipsius Willielm In cujus c. T. R. apud Westm 22 die Julii Per ipsum Regem Et Mandatum est Vicecomit Loudon quod ipsum Will. in corporalem possessionem Domus praedictae inducant vel induci faciant habendum juxta tenorem Literarum Regis praedictarum Teste ut supra Per ipsum Regem This house with the Chappel and other Edifices being greatly ruined after the Jews banishment through the negligence of former Guardians William Burstal being made keeper thereof bestowed much money upon the repairing of it out of his own purse which done upon consideration thereof and to keep the same in constant Repair for the future upon the supplication of the said William then Keeper likewise of the Rolls of the Chancery he procured King Edward to annex the house and Chappel of the Converts to the Custos of the Rolls of the Chancery and his Successors for ever in the 51 year of King Edward the 3d. by this Patent Rex omnibus ad quos c. salutem Sciatis quod Nos considerantes qualiter Domus Conversorum in Suburbio Civitatis nostrae London de Patronatu nostro existens et Capella Edificia Clausura ejusdem tempore quo dilectus Clericus noster Willielmus de Burstall custodiam ejusdem Domus ex collatione nostra primo habuit per negligentiam et incuriam aliorum qui antedictum Willielmum custodiam Domus illius habuerunt et ibidem morari seu inhibitare non curarunt multipliciter debilitata quasi totaliter in ruina extiterunt Et quod praedict Willielmus tempore suo de bonis suis propriis grandes fecit custus et ex pensas super reparatione et emendatione Domus Capellae Edificiorū Clausurarum praedict At etiam super factura novarum Domorum ibidem Nos ut Domus Conversorum capella edificia clausurae et novae Domus supradicta compatenter sustententur custodiantur in futur ad supplicationem praedicti Will qui Custos Rotulorum Cancellariae nostrae existit in praesenti concessimus de gratia nostra speciali pro Nobis haeredibus nostris quod post mortem ejusdem Willielm dicta Domus Conversorum cum suis Juribus pertinentiis quibuscunque remaneat et moretur in perpetuum Clerico custodi Rotulorum Cancellariae nostrae et haeredum nostrorum pro tempore existenti Et sit annexa ad idem Officium imperpetuum Et quod Cancellarius Angliae vel Custos sive custodes Magni Sigilli nostri et haeredum nostrorum Angliae pro tempore existentes post mortem ipsius Will. habeat et habeant Potestatem ad quamlibet Vacationem dicti Officii custodis Rotulorum per mortem cessionem vel mutationem personae quocunque tempore futuro instituendi successive
defaults before them and thereof to make due punishment as is aforesaid And now Hugh Peters if I may be thy Counsellor in sober sadnesse look to thy neck which as thou hast oft indangered forfeited by thy late Fire-works to blow up Kings Kingdoms Parliaments Lords our old fundamental Lawes Liberties Government as Straffords Canterburies late Impeachments Sentences with Mr. St. Iohns and others Arguments at their Attainders will resolve thee and thy open treasonable advising abetting the seising imprisoning of my self and above 40 more Members of Parliament in Hell on the bare boards Decemb. 6. 1648. whose names thou didst then list with an iron Sword under thy arme instead of the Sword of the Spirit So this thy Iesuitical Project to burn all our old Records whereby all former Judgement Titles Fines Recoveries c. will be nulled reversed which thou publickly abettest counsellest thy Magistrate to effect in Print proclaimes thee by thine own Confession without other evidence a Notorious Felon within this Act in the highest degree The burning avoiding of all our Records in general being a more transcendent Felony yea Treason to the whole Kingdom Nation than the embezelling only of one or two private Records or Writs relating but to one private person And if ever thou be brought to a legal Trial for it before such a Iury and such Iudges as this Act prescibes thou art sure to undergoe a Halter-Martyrdome at Tyburne which all will cry up according to thy Pamphlets Title for A good work of a good Magistrate and a short cut to great quiet for thy devoting all our old Records to a fiery Martyrdom in Smithfield which I trust they shall never undergo And that upon these ensuing weighty Considerations First these old Records which he would have burnt contain in them all the antient Rights Titles Evidences Charters Agreements Leagues Compacts of the Kings Kingdom Nation and people of England to all their pristine and present Dominions Jurisdictions Prerogatives Preheminences Priviledges Hereditaments and enjoyments both at home and abroad by Land and by Sea as they are a Kingdom Nation Republike body Politick in general and that both in relation to themselves and their own intrinsecal affairs at home as they have been owned reputed negotiated treated with upon special occasions as a Kingdom Nation Republike by any forraign Kings Princes Kingdoms States whose ancient undoubted Rights Titles to all or any of our Dominions Territories Jurisdictions Royalties cannot otherwise be legally cleared judicially evidenced upon any emergent occasion or controversie between our Kingdom Nation and other Forraign States and Realms or between our selves at home but by our old Records the only publike evidences of the whole Kingdom and English Nation as necessary to defend maintain justifie their common publick Rights Dominions Possessions Jurisdictions Claims priviledges upon all occasions as any private Noble or Gentlemans ancient Charters Records Writings are to defend manifest his right and Title to his private Inheritance and Injoyments witnesse the famous Letter of the King Parliament and Nobles of England written and sent to the Pope Anno 1302. to clear the subordination of Scotland to the Crown of England and the Homage of the Kings of Scotland made for their kingdom to the Kings of England as their superiour Lords from time to time manifested by the ancient Histories and Records of England beyond all contradiction Mr. Selden his Mare Clausum proving the Dominion and Jurisdiction of the Kings of England over the Narrow Seas by Records and Sir Robert Cottons Posthuma Therefore it must necessarily be as bad and mad a worke for a bad and mad Magistrate to burn all the publick Evidences and Records of the whole Kingdom and Nation upon the frantick motion of a Bedlam in this particular as for a Great landed Nobleman to burne all the old Charters Evidences of his Lands and Honors or for a rich Usurer to burn all his Bonds and Morgages which all wise men will repute an act of Frenzy and Hugh Peters too in his right senses 2. They contein in them all the great publike Charters Contracts Agreements Leagues formerly granted or made by the Kings of England to or with the Prelates Earles Barons Freemen Commons of England Ireland Scotland Wales Gernsey Iersy Man and all other Isles and Dominions belonging to the Crown of England in general all Charters Patents Grants Contracts Writs Releases Gifts Pardons Offices Honors Liberties Franchises Customs Priviledges Faires Markets Inheritances Rents Revenues Licences compositions formerly granted by our Kings to the respective Counties Cities Towns Burroughs Villages Hundreds Arch-bishops Bishops Deans Chapters Prebends Abbies Priories Nunneries Colledges Hospitals Free-schools Universities great Officers Chancellors Generals Admirals Marshals Justices Nobles Gentlemen Citizens Merchants Societies Fraternities most private persons both in England Ireland Wales Scotland all the British Isles and other Territories anciently belonging to England All whose particular patents grants evidences though under seal if alleged to be false forged sophisticated must be tryed only by their exemplifications or inrollments on record They likewise comprise all the Judgements Fines Common Recoveries Verdicts Trials Suits Statute Merchants and Staple Recognizances Inrolments yea in any of the private Conveyances Contracts between our Kings and private subjects and one subject another What a universal confusion subversion then disinherison destruction of all Rights Titles Interests Inheritances Priviledges the burning of all our old Records would immediatly bring upon all and every County City Corporation Nobleman Gentleman Inheriter Freeholder of the Realm of England and all the subordinate Dominions thereto annexed let this Short Cutter himself and all Wise men determine who hold or claim any thing by matter of Record their best and surest evidence 3ly All the good old Laws Statutes for the Governme●t Peace safety defence and wellfare of the Nation are originally conteined in our Records by which they must be tryed examined Yea all the perambulations and deafforestations of our forrests All the Limits Bounds Extents Contents Jurisdictions Customs Priviledges Tenures Rents Services of all Counties Cities Burroughs Ports Honors Mannors Parishes Courts of Justice Offices Officers Civil Military Ecclesiastical Marine all the Pedegree Discents Successions by which all Heirs Successors hold or claim their inheritances are for the most part defined ascertained evidenced proved in and by our Records alone wherein they are enrolled And if they should all be burnt together what ataxies confusions contentions oppressions suits quarrels frauds Disinherisons would thereupon immediatly ensue all wisemen may prognosticke The mighty Nymrods and Grandees of the times wil then soon question al mens Titles devour their lesse potent neighbours estates inheritances adjoyning near to theirs all potent Landlords will exact what services rents customs heriots releifes they please from their poor tenants all superiour inferiour Courts Officers Corporations claim exercise what extravagant Jurisdictions powers they think meet and all legal means of defending mens rights liberties inheritances against
The Second Part of a Short DEMVRRER TO THE IEVVES Long discontinued REMITTER into ENGLAND Containing a Brief Chronological Collection of the most material RECORDS in the reigns of King John Henry 3. and Edward 1. relating the History Affaires State Condition Priviledges Obligations Debts Legal Proceedings Justices Taxes Misdemeanors Forfeitures Restraints Transactions of the Jews in and final Banishment out of England never formerly published in Print with some short usefull Observations upon them Worthy the knowledge of all Lawyers Scholars Statists and of such Jews who desire Re-admission into England By VVilliam Prynne Esquire a Bencher of Lincolns-Inne Amos 3. 3. Can two walk together unless they be agreed Gregorius lib. 7. Registri Epist 226. Surius Tom. 2. Concil p. 698. Cùm Excellentia vestra Reccaredus Rex Gothorum Suevorum Constitutionem quandam contra Judaeorum perfidiam dedisset hi de quibus prolata fuerat rectitudinem vestrae mentis inflectere pecuniarum summam offerendo moliti sunt quam Excellentia vestra contempsit omnipotentis Dei placere judicio requirens auro innocentiam praetulit Si igitur ab armato Rege in Sacrificium Dei versa est aqua contempta pensemus quale sacrificium omnipotenti Deo Rex obtulit qui pro amore illius non aquam SED AURUM ACCIPERE CONTEMPSIT Itaque fili Excellentissime fidenter dicam quia libasti AURUM Domino quod contra eum habere noluisti LONDON Printed and sold by Edward Thomas in Green Arbor 1656. To the Ingenuous Reader THe Extraordinary Coldness and Shortness of the Time I had to compile transcribe publish my Short Demurrer to the Jews long discontinued Remitter into England that it might come into the world in due season before any final Resolves upon the late Whitehall Debates and Consults concerning it necessitated me not only to omit three or four less pertinent Passages in some of our Historians concerning the English Jews with some few others relating to their misdemeanors in foraign parts which I have since supplied and to be more sparing in refuting reverend Sir Edward Cooks mistakes touching the time of the making of the Statute de Judaismo and the Jews voluntary banishing of themselves thereupon without any particular Act or Edict of the King and Parliament for their universal Exile and Expulsion hence which I have more fully refuted in the second inlarged Edition thereof beyond all contradiction But likewise to leave out most of the unprinted Records in the reigns of King John Henry the 3. and Edward the 1. relating to the History State Affairs of the Iews in England under them and to their final Banishment thence which Records because I could not conveniently insert into the Second Impression for fear of increasing it into an over-large bulke and of over prejudicing those who had bought the first Edition I have therefore digested into a Chronological method according to their series of time and published apart by themselves in this Second Part that so such who have bought the first Impression may annex them thereunto and those who shall buy the second may bind them up with it if they see cause into which Impression I have inserted only such new Records not extant in the first as were necessary to clear some passages in our Histories and to refute our learned Sir Edward Cooks mistakes whose venerable Authority hath misguided many especially of the long robe in point of the Jews expulsion and date of the Statute de Iudaismo VVhat new light information or satisfaction this Additional Publication may yield to the judicious Readers consisting of unprinted and for the most part unknowu Records never formerly published I cannot divine yet the great satisfaction my former Demurrer hath given to and kind acceptation it hath found with most godly and judicious persons throughout the Nation give me some good assurance that this Appendix to back and illustrate it will not be unwelcom but delightfull to them especially to those of my own Profession for whose information I principally intended it I hope both of them united will through Gods blessing prove a perpetual Barr to the Antichristian Iews re-admission into England both in this new-fangled age all future Generations maugre all printed pleas and Endeavors for their present Introduction the sole end of their publication by The unfeigned weak Endeavor to Promote his Saviours Honour Religions Safety with his Native Countries weal and Prosperity by this Undertaking WILLIAM PRYNNE Lincolnes Inne Feb. 1. 1655 6 The Second Part of a short Demurrer to the Iews long discontinued barred Remitter into ENGLAND HAving in my late Short Demurrer to the Jews long discontinued barred Remitter into England presented the world with an Exact Chronological History of the English Jews and their affairs from their very first arival in England under King William the Conqueror till their universal final Banishment and Expulsion thence in the 18 year of King Edward the first after about 260 years continuance in our Island collected out of the best printed Historians Law-books and some few Records I conceived it not only expedient but necessary to second amplifie and illustrate it with this new Chronological Collection of such unprinted and generally unknown Records remaining in the Tower of London and Exchequer during the respective reigns of King John King Henry the 3. and Edward the 1. as properly relare to the History State affairs Legai transactions Proceedings Contracts Government of the Iews in England under these three Kings and to their final Banishment hence which for want of time and other causes I could not conveniently insert into my first Demurrer The Reasons inducing me hereunto are 1. The Rarity and Novelty of these Records never formerly published in print I have been informed by persons of Credit that our great learned late deceased Antiquary Mr. Iohn Selden many years since made a particular collection of the Records concerning the English Iews and gave them to Mr. Samuel Purchas to insert into his Pilgrimage who in his 3. Edit thereof Lond. 1617. B. 2. ch 10. Sect. 17. p. 171. published a Section with this Title to it Of the Jewes somtimes living in England collected out of ancient Records by Mr. JOHN SELDEN of the Inner-Temple wherin there is such a poor maimed accompt given of them out of Records or Histories and so ●ifferent from that delivered him that upon the publication thereof Mr. Selden was very much offended with Mr. Purchas for abusing him in such a manner and his Readers likewise there being not above 3 Records and those maimedly cited in that whole Section which defect I thought meet here to supply 2ly The rectifying and refuting of some Mistakes in Sir Edward Cook his 2 Institutes concerning the Statute de Iudaismo and the Jews Banishment out of England which I have more fully refelled in my second Edition and shall here further clear by several Records 3ly The illustration and ratification of some Passages in our
Historians touching the slavish condition and frequent Taxes imposed on the Jews by our Kings 4ly The fuller discovery of the manner of their Contracts Stars Legal Proceedings Judicatories transactions and Government whilst in England wherein our Histories and Lawbooks are very defective 5ly The manifestation of the Machiavillian Policy of King Iohn and Henry the 3d to draw the Jews from forraign parts into England by granting them ample Liberties and Protection on purpose afterwards to ensnare oppress vex squeeze prey upon them and their estates with far greater greedinesse and advantage 6ly To publish to the world the zealous pious care of our Ancestors even in grossest times of Popery to prevent all communion of Christians with and sed●ction by the Jews to suppress their blasphemy convert them by compelling them to resort to the Friers Sermons for their edification providing for their converts by sundry Ordinances not mentioned in any printed English Historians but only in the Records here published 7ly To adde a further Barr to their Re-admission into England they having been invited hither if Menasseh Ben-Israel may be credited by divers EMINENT PERSONS excelling both in Piety and Learning as well as power who from the beginning of their Government of this Commonwealth have professed much respect and favor towards them made known unto them some years since that wished for liberty that they now are about to grant them as he in his late Humble Addresses and Declaration to the Commonwealth of England hath published to the world in print being now inquiring after a convenient Summer-house intending to settle himself at least if not his exiled Nation here among us whereas Pierce Gaveston a Forraigner and the two Spencers great Potent Englishmen have heretofore lost their lives and heads for returning into England without the Parliaments and Nobles license though by the Kings own invitation and license when banished thence by Parliament which this Jewish Rabbi and his banished Countrimen may do well advisely to consider for fear of afterclaps The first Records of our former Kings now extant except some few Charters and Exemplifications of them in Leiger-books Records and Histories are those of King Iohn preserved in the Tower of London and Exchequer Amongst the Charter Rolls of this King Iohn I find a special Charter of his in favour of the Jews made in the first year of his reign dated at Rhoan July 31. Anno Dom. 1199. whereby he grants to James of London a Jewish Priest the Priesthood of all the Jews throughout England to have and hold it during his life freely quietly honorably and intirely without molestation trouble or disturbance by any Jew or Englishman in the exercise thereof c. Such a Charter as Menasseh Ben-Israel now aspires after for himself as his Addresses intimate which because I find printed by Mr. Samuel Purchas and Sir Edward Cook and I have already published it verbatim in my Short Demurrer Edit 1. p. 44. and Edit 2. p. 50. 51. I shall here pretermit with this observation that in the close thereof there is mention made of a Charter of King Richard granted to this Jew That he should not be impleaded for any thing appertaining to him but only before the King himself or his chief Justice This is the very first Charter extant on record conning the English Jews What is recorded of them in our Histories before this rime I have elsewhere published at large I find another Charter of Safe-conduct granted by K. John to this Jewish Priest the self-same day and year as the former for his safe and free passage and of all things appertaining to him in all places both on this side and beyond the Sea without any injury molestation impediment or grievance to be done unto him more then to the King himself which being never yet printed I have here transcribed out of the Record it self Johannis Dei gratia c. Omnibus fidelibus suis ad quos Literae praesentes pervenerint tàm ultrà mare quàm citra Mandans vobis praecipiens Quatenus per quascunque Villas loca Jacobus Presbyter Judaeorum dilectus familiaris Noster transierit ipsum salvò liberè cum omnibus ad ipsum pertinentibus transire conduci faciatis nec ipsi aliquod impedimentum molestiam aut gravamen fieri sustineatis plus quam Nobis ipsis Et si quis ei in aliquo forisfacere praesumpserit id ei sine dilatione emendadari faciatis Teste VVillielmo Marisco c. Dat. per manum Hu. Cantuar. Archiepiscopi Cancellarii nostri apud Rothomagum 31. die Julii Anno Regni nostri primo It is observable that both these Charters were made not in England but at Rhoan in Normandy whence King William the Conqueror first transplanted the Jewes into England And that both the Charters to this High Priest os the Iews were granted by the hand of Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury then Chancellor Primate Metropolitan and High Priest of the English Nation whose Successors have justified the Divinity and Lawfulness of their Archiepiscopal Jurisdiction from the Jewish High Priests Office and Pagan Archflamins Sic mulus mulum scalpit Dignum Patello operculum King John having granted such Priviledges and Protection to this Jewish High Priest and Bishop in the first year of his reign proceeded by his and their monies most powerfull mediation to confirm and grant many ample Priviledges and Immunities to all the English and Norman Jews in his 2 year by these two ensuing Charters not formerly printed which I shall here transcribe verbatim as I finde them on Record The first runs thus Johannes Dei gratia c. Sciatis Nos concessisse Omnibus Judaeis Angliae Normanniae libere et hono●ifice habere residentiam in terra nostra omnia illa de Nobis tenenda quae tenuerunt de Rege Henrico Avo Patris nostri et omnia illa quae modo rationabiliter tenent in terris et feodis vadiis akatis suis quod habeant omnes libertates consuetudines suas sicut eas habuerunt tempore praedicti Regis H. Avi patris nostri melius quiecius honorabilius Et si querela orta fuerit inter Christianum et Judaeum ille qui alium appellaverit ad querelam suam dirationandam habeat Testes scilicet legittimum Christianum Iudaeum Et si Iudaeus de querela sua Breve habuerit Breve suum erit ei testis Et si Christianus habuerit querelam adversus Iudaeum sit judicata per Pares Judaei Et cum Iudaeus obierit non detineatur corpus suum super terram sed habeant homines sui pecuniam suam debita sua ita quod mihi non disturbetur si habuerit haeredem qui pro ipso respondeat rectum faciat de debitis suis de forisfacto suo Et liceat Judaeis omnia quae eis apportata fuerint sine occasione
accipere emere exceptis illis quae de Ecclesia sunt panno sanguine lento Et si Judaeus ab aliquo appellatus fuerit sine teste de illo appellatu erit quietus solo Sacramento suo super librum suum et de appellatu illarum rerum quae ad Coronam nostram pertinent similiter quietus erit solo Sacramento suo super Rotulum suum Et si inter Christianum Iudaeum fuerit dissentio de accommodatione alicujus pecuniae Judaeus probabit Catallum suum Christianus lucrum Et liceat Judaeo quietè vendere vadium postquam certum erit eum illud unum annum unum diem tenuisse Et Judaei non intrabunt in placitum nisi coram Nobis aut coram illis qui Turres nostras custodierint in quorum Ballivis Iudaei manserint Et ubicunque Iudaei fuerint liceat eis ire ubicunque voluerint cum omnibus catallis eorum sicut res nostrae propriae nulli liceat eos retinere neque hoc eis prohibere Et praecipimus quod ipsi quieti sint per totam Angliam Normanniam de omnibus Consuetudinibus Theoloniis modiatione vini ficut nostrum proprium catallum Et mandamus vobis praecipimus quod eos custodiatis defendatis manu-teneatis et prohibemus ne quis contra Cartam istam de hiis supradictis eos in placitum ponat super forisfacturam nostram Sicut Carta Regis H. patris nostri rationabiliter testatur T. Humf. filio Petri Com. Essex Willielmo de Marescal Com. de Pembr Henr. de Bohun Com de Hereford Robert de Turnham Willielmo Brywer c. Dat. per manum S. Well Archidiac apud Merleberg Decimo die Aprilis Anno regni nostri secundo The second Patent runs in these words Johannes Dei gratia c. Sciatis Nos concessisse praesenti Carta nostra confirmasse Judaeis nostris in Anglia ut excessus qui inter eos emerserint exceptis hiis qui ad Coronam Justitiam nostram pertinent de morte hominis mahemio de assaltu praemeditato de fractura domus et de Raptu et de Latrocino de Combustione de Thesauris inter eos deducantur secundum Legem suam et emendentur Justitiam suam inter se ipsos faciant Concedimus etiam eis quod si quis eorum alium appellaverit de querela quae ad eos pertineat Nos neminem compellemus ad testimonium cuiquam eorum contra alium exhibendum sed si Appellator rationabilem idoneum testem habere poterit eum secum adducat Siquod verò opus sceleratum apertum inter eos emerserit quod ad Coronam nostram vel ad Justitiam pertineat sicut de praedictis Placitis Coronae licet nullus eorum noster appellator fuerit Nos ipsam querelam faciemus per Legales Judaeos nostros Angliae inquiri sicut Carta Regis H. patris nostri rationabiliter testatur Teste G. filio Petri Com. Essex Willielmo Mareschallo Com. de Pembr Hen de Bohun Com. de Hereford Petro de Pratell Roberto de Turnham Willielmo de Waren Hugo de Nevil Roberto de veteri Ponte Dat. per manum S. Well Archidiac apud Merleberg X. die Aprilis Anno Regni nostri secundo Both these Charters were dated at the same place on the self-same day by the self-same hand and subscribed by the same Witnesses for the most part The first of them extends to all the Jews both in England and Normandy the latter to the Jews in England alone The persons subscribing them as witnesses were eminent both for honor and power and it appears by the recitals in the Charters that the Liberties granted and confirmed by them to these Jews were wholly or for the most part such as King Henry the first Grandfather and K. Henry the 2. Father to King John had formerly granted and confirmed to them by their respective Charters And if you compare that Law inserted by Hoveden and others amongst the Confessors and Conquerors Laws De Judaeis in Anglia constitutis You will find it taken almost verbatim out of these Kings Charters in whose times Hoveden writ his Annals and puny to the Confessors and Conquerors Laws in the true Original copyes whereof it is not to be found We need not much wonder that King Iohn did grant such large Liberties and Charters as these recited to the Jewish High Priests and Jews throughout his Dominions since some few years after as Matthew Paris writes he sent special Embassadors to Admirallus the Great Mahometan King of Africk Fesse and Spain profering to surrender up his Crown and Kingdom to him and hold them under him as his Vassal and likewise To reuounce the Christian Religion as vain and faithfully to Adhere to the Mahometan Religion For which he was much scorned and derided by ihis Mahometan Prince as the Dregs both of Kings and Men He will soon turn a compleat Turk who is become half a Jew These Liberties thus ratified by King Iohn drew many Jews into England out of forraign parts with their wealth and treasure according to the old Proverb Fistula dulce canit volucres dum decipit auceps but when these Decoyes had drawne them and their wealth into the Net you may read how he plucked off their feathers and tormented their bodies to gain their monies in our Historians and my first Demurrer Amongst the Records in the Treasury of the Receiver of the Exchequer in the 4th year of King Iohn I find one Bonefand a Jew indicted at Bedford for gelding and cutting off the yard of one Richard whereof upon his trial he was acqitted as the Record it self will more fully manifest in its own dialect Placita capta apud Bedeford a die Sacti Michaelis in 〈◊〉 Septim coram Simon de Pateshall Rich de Faukenbrig Sociis suis Anno Regni Regis Johannis 4to Rot. 5. in dorso Hundr de Clipton Robertus de Sutton appellat Bonefand Judaeum de Bedeford quod ipse in pace Domini Regis nequiter fecit ementulare Ricardum nepotem suum unde ipse obiit Ita quod ipse fecit portare eum usque in terram suam de Hacton quam ipse habet in vadio ibi obiit et hoc offert probare Et tunc Bonefand venit et defendit totum offert Domino Regi 1 marc pro habenda Inquisitione utrum sit inde culpabilis vel non Et Iuratores inquisiti dicunt quod non est culpabilis inde et ideo Bonefand sit quietus Robertus in misericordia pro falso appello And in the Margin of the Roll custodiatur is written This is the first Indictment I find upon record against a Jew Not long after King Iohns Charters confirmed the Jews fell to their usual trade of clipping and washing the current coyn of the Kingdom as is evident by this New Ordinance against this abuse and touching the
Assise of moneys in the 6 year of King Iohn Assisum est de Moneta quod vetus moneta currat unde quelibet libra sit lacta ii s. vi d. ad plus libra quae plus lactaverit denarii qui plus lactaverint perforentur reddantur sicut alias provisum fuit Iudaei vero aurifabri mercatores forinici emant moneta ista victum et vestitum suum tantum sed non debent prestitum vel Merchandizas facere nisi de grossa et forti moneta quae sit de lege pondere denariorum sterlingorum Et ad cognoscendum denar de praedicto lacco exeat a monetaria nostra I. Pempeis liberetur cui voluerit habere habendum usque ad Pentecosten Anno regni nostri 7. de lacco octavae partis denarii Item denarius qui de caetero fuerit scilicet post Natale Anno Regni nostri 6. inventus intonsus in alicujus manu perstietur et ille cujus manu captus fuerit capiatur ut lat Item prohibitum est quod nullus vetus denarius reblangietur et qui eum reblangiaverit sit in misericordia nostra de toto catallo suo et amittat quod reblangiavit Item denarius debet omnis fabricari ita quod sit de equa lege pondere habens circulum exteriorem et quod nil sit extra illum circulum ubi aliter inventus fuerit fabricator et custos ejus sint in misericordia nostra de toto catallo suo Item si quis cambiaverit Denar vel argentum alibi quam ad Cambium nostrum salvo Cambio Domini Cantuariensis Archi Episcopi apud Cant. tam cambiens quam recipiens cum eo quod cambiaverint capiantur Et assisum est quod nullus capiat ad Cambium pro libra de fine et argento plus vel minus quam Denar de lege et quod nullus denarius exeat de Cambio nostro vel Dom Cantuar. nisi sit legalis de Victualorum Itē inquiratur per liberos et legales homines in Civitatibus Burgis Villis quis Christianus vel Judaeus denarretondit et qui inventus fuerit retonsor Christianus vel Judaeus capiantur omnia catalla sua et corpus suum mittatur in prisonam nostram et sit in potestate nostra de Justitia facienda Item si denarii qui non sint rationabiles de lege pondere inventi fuerint in manu Judaei aurifabri vel Mercatoris forinseci vel servientium eorum pro merchandisa vel prestito faciendo assisum est quod illi in quorum manu fuerint inventi nisi tantum ad victum vestitum suum emendo ut praedictum est capiantur T. me-ipso apud Winton 26. die Jan. The same year King Iohn granted this ensuing safe-conduct to one Hamechun a Jew to come and reside in England like other Jews Rex c. Iusticiariis c. Sciatis quod dedimus Hamichuno Judaeo nostro firmam pacem nostram ita quod concessit salvò venire et ibi stare sicut alii Iudai nostri in terram nostram pro bono servicio suo quod nobis fecit in Castro Audel cum dilecto fideli nostro R. Constab Cestriae Et ideo vobis mandamus et firmiter praecipimus quod firmam pacem nostram sicut praedictum est habeat Teste me-ipso apud Westm 2 die Novembr The Jews by Capitula de Iudaeis enacted and published by Rich. the 1 recited at large in my former Demurrer were obliged to register all their Contracts Morgages Obligations Debts and to put them into a common Chest with 3 Locks and Keyes kept by certain Christians and Jewes specially designed for that purpose as you may there read at last This Chest was called Arca Cyrographica or Cyrographorum Iudaeorum and the Notaries or Registers of them stiled Cyrographi Christiani et Iudaei Arcae Cyrographicae London Oxon or other such City where such Chests were kept All their Deeds Obligations and Releases were usually called Stars and Starra Starrum Starr in our Latin Records from the Hebrew word SHETAR contracted by the omission of he which signifieth a Deed or Contract These Stars were written for the most part in Hebrew alone or else in Hebrew on the one side or top of the parchment and in Latin on the other side or bottom of the Deed after the Hebrew Some of these Stars were sately extant amongst the evidences and writings belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster writ in very fair Hebrew Characters and one of them I have lately seen in the Treasury of the Exchequer written in Hebrew without pricks In King Iohns Reign at the Top the substance whereof is thus expressed in Latin just under it lik an English Condition under a Latin Obligation Istud Star fecit Hagius filius Magri de London Domino Ade de Strattona de acquietantia de Stanmore de omnibus debitis in quibus Dominus S de Cheyndut ei tenebatur Ita quod idem Iudaeus nec haeredes sui nihil exigere possunt de praedicto Ade nec de haeredibus suis ratione terrae de Stanmore de praedictis debitis If any Christian indebted and obliged to any Jew by any Star or writing put up reserved in this Chest payed not the same at the day appointed tother with all the interest where any interest was reserved then he sued forth Letters by way of Proces against him both for the Debt and interest under the Notaries or Registers hand to appear before the Iustices specially appointed for the government and custody of the Jews to recover the same paying to the King for a fine for such Letters and Licence to sue unum basantum or besantum as it is variously written for every pound of money he sued for as appears by sundry instances in the fine Rolls both of King Iohn Henry the 3. and Edward the 1. of which we have these 3 instances together in the fines of the 6 year of King Iohns reign Isaac filius Joie habet literas super Martinum Martel de xxv marcis cum lucro per Cirografum Elias de Burgi Judaeus habet literas super eundem Martinum Martel de xx libris cum lucro per Cirografum Manasserus Grassus habet literas super eundem Martinum Martell de xxiiii marcis cum lucro per Cirografum Dominus Rex DEBET HABERE DE QUALIBET LIBRA UNUM BASANTUM And in the same Roll of this year there is one more such president Mosse Judaeus fil Leonis habet literas super VValterum fil Radi de Huncetanosiot de xlviii marc cum lucro per Cirografum Capiatur de qualib libra 1 Besantum ad opus Domini Regis In the Treasury of Receipts in the Exchequer in the xth year of King Iohn there is this Record touching the manner of proving the validity of the Jews Charters if denied or alleaged to be counterfeit by the testimony of
Anno c. secundo Eodem modo scribitur Vicecomiti Wigorn. Vicecom Civibus Eborum Vicecomiti Constabulario Lincoln de Stanford Constabulario Bristol pro Judaeis de Bristol Vicecom Constabul Gloucest pro Judaeis Gloucestriae Vicecom Constab Northamton Vicecom Suthampton civibus Winton pro Judaeis There being Jews then residing in all these places In the 2 year of King Henry the 3. I find this Kings Writ to several Sheriffs where the Jews resided to proclaim that all the Jews where ever they did walk or ride should on their upper Garments wear 2 white Tables on their breasts made of Linnen Cloath or parchment as well within the Town as without that so they might be known from Christians Rex Vicecomiti Wigorniae salutem Praecipimus tibi quod clamari observari facias per totam Ballivam tuam quod omnes Judaei deferunt in superiori indumento suo ubicunque ambulaverint aut equitaverint infra villam vel extra quasi duas Tabulas albas in Pectore factas de lineo panno vel de parcameno Ita quod per hujusmodi signum manifestè possint Iudaei à Christianis discerni Teste Comite to wit William Marshal Earl of Glocester the Kings Guardian and Protector apud Oxon. 30. die Martiii Item mandatum est Vicecomit Glocest VVarwick Lincoln Oxon Northampt. Majori Vicecomitibus London In the Fine Roll of 2 H. 3. there is a writ directed to the Barons of the Exchequer by the King reciting Constat Nobis per inspectionem rotulorum Iusticiariorum de Iudaismo c. that King Iohn his Father released Mirabilia the wife of Ely a Jew of all Debts due to him by her Husband Ita quod omnes Chartae quae fuerunt ipsius Eliae debita in eis contenta ipsi patri nostro remaneant that King Iohn upon Elye his death seized and granted all his houses except two which Mirabilia by agreement was to have paying a fine of 15 marks to his Father which was not yet paid which agreement he confirmed and thereupon orders the Sheriff to levy the said Fine and Debts T. Com apud Gloc. 3. die Ian. It appears by many Rolls of 2. and also of 3 4 5. H. 3. that King Iohn seized and ga●e away to other● the Houses of divers Jews both in Glocester Oxon Northampton and that King Henry likewise disposed of them as escheated to him either by the Jews deaths or for some other causes Take these two presidents for all the rest * Rex Ful● de Breant salutem Mandamus vobis quod sine dilatione habere fac Pho Marc. domum quae fuit Isaac Iudaei de Eboraco in Northampton et domum quae fuit Isaac Judaei Oxon in Oxon quas Dom. Jo. pr. noster dedit Galf. Luterel cujus terrae et haeredis custodiam concessimus eidem Pho. T. Com. apud West 17 die Jan. per ipsum Com. coram Dom. Winton Eodem modo scribitur Vic. Oxon. pro eodem et Ballivis Iudaeorum Oxon. pro eodem Rex Vic. Glouc. salutem Constat nobis per inspectionem Rotulorum nostrorum quod Dom. J. Rex pater noster dedit Guiberto de Rue Domum quae fuit Elye Iudaei Gloc. c. cum quadam placita quae fuit Mossei Judaei cum pert suis Et ideo tibi praecipimus quod eidem Guiberto de praedict domo placia plenariam seisinam sine dilatione habere fac T. Dom Pet. Winton apud Novum Templum London 23. die Sept. per eundem In the 3d. year of King Henry the 3. some Jews coming into England from foreign parts with their goods to reside there the Wardens of the Ports of England seised upon the persons and estates of these unwelcom Guests which occasioned these new Writs to be sent unto them for their free admission into England without impediment or seizure upon such security and terms as are expressed in the Writs and prohibiting the transportation of any Jews or their Chattels out of this Land into foreign parts without the Kings special Letters and License being once within his power Rex Custodibus Portuum Angliae Praecipimus vobis quod Judaeos qui venturi sunt in terram nostram Angliae de transmarinis partibus ad morandum in terra nostra Angliae cum catallis suis liberè et sine impedimento in portu nostro ●●cedere permittatis accepta ab eis sufficienti securitate secundum Legem Judaeorum per fidem eorundem quod quam citius poterint veniant ad Iusticiarios nostros ad custodiam Judaeorum assignatos ad inrotuland nomina eorum in rotulis nostris Et si aliquem Judaeum qui de partibus transmarinis venerit sicut praedictum est retinueritis ipsum et catalla sua sine dilatione deliberari faciatis Si quos autem inveneritis Iudaeos de terra nostra qui ad vos venerint ad transfretandum usque ad partes transmarinas sine literis nostris de licentia transfretandi ipsos cum catallis suis arrestari faciatis donec a Nobis vel a Iusticiariis nostris ad custodiam Indaeorum assignatis inde aliud mandatum habueritis T. Petro VVinton Episcopo apud VVestm 13 die Novemb. Anno Regni nostri tertio Divers Debtors of the Jews made a fine with king Iohn in the 10th year of his reign to be paid at certain terms of which payments they failing the Jews thereupon paying the fine had these debts assigned them by king Henry the 3. and a precept to extend all the lands they had in 10 of king Iohn prohibiting the taking of any use from them before the kings assignment but allowing use afterwards as this Record demonstrates Rex Vic. Lincoln et Eborum salutem Quia Gilb. de Bercumworth Norm de Arecy and 5 more there named non servaverunt terminos suos de fine quem fecerunt cum Dom. Rege patre nostro de debitis Iudaeorum Nos de consilio nostro die Sancti Martini An. reg nost 3. Liberavimus Helie de Linc. Iudaeo debita eorundem de quibus finem fecerunt per finem quem idem Helie nobis fecit Ita quod de eisdem debitis exigere possit totum catallum suum sine lucre quod sibi de cetero proveniet Et ideo praecipimus G. de Bercumworth quod sine dilatione reddat eidem Helie 316 l. 10 s. cum lucro quod sibi excreverit a praedicto die sancti Martini Item praecipimus Norm de Arecy quod sine dilatione reddat eidem Helie 23 l. 17 s. c. reciting the other 5 debts at large cum lucris quae de praedictis debitis excreverit a praedicto termino Et nisi fecerint tunc sine dilatione seisiatis ipsum H. and the rest de omnibus terris et redditibus quae fuerunt praedict debitorum in Balliva vestra An. regni Dom. I. regis patris nostri decimo quae scil terrae et
arreragiis Tallagii 6000 marc quia tunc Talliati fuerunt per capita de aliis debitis et finibus quae Regi debent non obstante hoc fine interim Regi respondeant In cujus c. T. Pet. Winton Episc apud Westm. 2 die Martii Per eundem Justic It is evident by this record That there were 3 several Taxes lately imposed one by the Pol●on every particular Jew who was obliged to pay his proportion the other of 8000 marks imposed on all the Jews generally throughout England which some of them were engaged to see paid to the King the other of 10000 marks to be paid at certain dayes by parcels as aforesaid The Arrears of all which besides other Debts and Fines to the King lay charged all on them at once In the pleas of the 18 year of King Henry the 3. I find many things touching the Jews and their affairs As namely that memorable Plea concerning the Iews circumcising a child at Norwich in the Placita 18 H. 3. rot 21. kept in the Treasury of the Exchequer which because I have printed at large in the 2 Edition of my former Short Demurrer c. p. 19 20 21. and for that it is briefly touched in Mr. Samuel Purchas his Pilgrimage Edit 3. lib. 2. c. 10. sect 7. with this observation on it out of Celsus l. 7. c. 25. That by Chirurgery the skin of a circumcised child may be drawn forth again to an uncircumcision I shall here pretermit to avoid repetition and prolixity The Jews were such unwelcom Guests to all Towns and places in England where they resided that King Henry granted this as a special Priviledg by his Charter to the Town of New-castle and their heirs that no Iew from thenceforth should remain or reside in their Town during the reign of him and his heirs as is evident by this record in the Tower Rex Vice●●mi●i Northumberland salutem Sciatis quod concessimus Carta nostra confirmavimus probis hominibus nostris de Villa Novi Castri super Tynam haeredibus eorum Quod habeant hanc Libertatem quod nullus Iudaeus de caetero Tempore nostro vel haeredum nostrorum maneat vel residentiam aliquam faciat in eadem Villa sicut plenius continecur in Carta regis quam eis modo fieri fecimus mandatum est eidem Vicecomiti quod dictam cartam in pleno●comitatu suo legi et clama●i faciat et Praedictam Libertatem eis habere permittat sicut praedictum est Teste Rege apud Kenit Quarto die Iulii per Godfrid de Crancumb If then it were a great Priviledge Liberty Benefit happiness to the Town on New-castle and their heirs to be thus perpetually exempted from the residence and cohabitation of any Jews amongst them under this King his heirs and Successors certainly by the self-same reason it must be so likewise to all other Cities Towns and the whole realm of England and a great violation of their Liberties and impeachment of their prosperity now again to introduce these blasphemous old banished Jews amongst the English against their wills and consents In the Plea-rolls of Anno 18 H. 3. There are many things concerning the Jws affaires sundry complaints and Inquisitions concerning the oppressions and exactions of Peter de Rivallis Stephen de Segrave and Robert de Passelew Justices of the Iews for their Bribes received from the Iews against whom Simon Cirographarius Iudaeorum petit Literas And in rot 17. 20 dorso Peter de Rivallis being then under a cloud amongst other things proffered to surrender up to the King totam Forestarium Angliae et Iudaismum which the King had granted him In the 19 H. 3. the King sent this writ to prohibite all Jews hereafter to be obedient to Robert de Passelew as their Iustice being discharged of his office for his bribes and misdemeanors Mandatum est Constabulario Turr London quod scire faciat Iudeis London et aliis Iudeis qui apud London venient quod de catero in nullo sint intendentes vel respondentes Roberto Passelewe de ●iis quae ad custodiam Iud●orum pertinent donec Dominus Rex aliud inde praeceperit T. R. apud Gloc. 30 die Maii. This year also the Jews accused and imprisoned at Norwich for circumcising a child at Norwich the year before were commannded to be removed thence to the Tower of London as this record assures us Mandatum est Vic. Norf. quod Iudaeos de Norwic. captos et detentos in prisona Regis pro transgressione quam fecerunt de quodam parvo Christiano circumcidendo ut dicitur suis literis mitti faciat ad custos eorum usque London liberandos ibidem Constabulario Turris London cui Rex praecepit per literas suas quas eidem Vic. mittit ei mittendas quod eos recipiat et eos salvo custodiat T. R. apud West 21 die Novemb. The Indictment and whole Proceedings against them I have elsewhere at large rela●ed ●●●nd this respit of their trial for which they paid a fine De Respectu Rex Iustic suis itinerant in Com. Suff. salutem Mandamus vobis quod Iudicium quod faciendum est de quibusdam Iudaeis de Norwic. qui capti sunt et detenti in prisona nostra pro transgressione quam fecerunt de quodam puero Christiano circumcidendo ponatis in respectum coram n4obis apud London usque in 15 dies a die Saencti Hil. An. r. n. 19. accepta prius securitate de praedictis Iudaeis de centum marcis ad opus uostrum reddendis pro hoc respectu habendo Et habeatis tunc coram nobis recordum illius loquelae Mandamus enim Vic. Norf. quod cum festinatione praedictos Iudaeos mitti faciat usque Lond. liberandos ibidem Constabulario Turris nostrae London T. R. apud Westm 21 die Novemb. The same year the King sent this writ to the Sheriff of Northfolk and Suffolk to proclaim That no Iew should lend any money from thenceforth to any Christian that held any Demeasne Lands of the King in Socage or Villenage upon the lands themselves but only upon their chattels and moveables under pain of lofing the money lent or falling under the Kings amer●ment Rex Vicecom Norf. Suff. salutem Praecipimus tibi quod clamari facias per totos Comitatus tuos Quod nullus Iudaeus de caetero aliquam pecuniam credat alicui Christiano qui teneat de nobis in Dominicis et Maneriis nostris per servicium Scocagii uel Villenagii super terram vel tenementum aliquod quod sit de Dominico nostro set si ipsi Christiani mutuam videlicet a Iudaeis pecuniam recipere vellint illam recipiant super vadium catallorum et rerum mobilium Et si aliquis contra hoc praeceptum nostrum in posterum venire presumpserit Iudaeus pecuniam sic creditam amittat et in misericordiam nostram incidat et Christianus
catallorum et debitorum pro fine quem propter fecit nobis et quae solvit in Garderoba nostra et loco ejus subrogavimus Bondum Judeum Cant. By which Record it is apparent That no Jews wife or other Jew could administer or meddle with her Husbands or Parents chattels or debts without paying a vast fine for them as here 500 marks and that at such time as the King assigned that the custody of their Goods and debts were in the mean time committed to other Iews to be responsible for them and that their persons were imprisoned and their administrations suspended if they failed in paying the fine at the termes appointed In the 29 of Hen. 3. the King sends writs to his Iustices for the custody of the Iews and to Sheriffs to levy the Debts due to him from the heirs of Hamond the Iew of Hereford and that Crespin a Iew should pay him 28 marks to be laid out in silk and cloth of gold for Westminster Church as his Alms. Mandatum est Baron de Scacc. et Iusticiariis ad custod Iudeorum assignatis quantum poterint apponant ut 4000 marc quae Regi debent Iudei ad hoc festum sancti Michaelis tunc omnibus modis solvantur Thesaur Camerar ad faciend inde quod Rex injunxerit et si forte in solutione earund 4000 marc defecerint ad terminum praedict tunc capiant aliquos de ditioribus Iudeis ut corpora eorum mittant ad R. usque Gannock non omittando illud pro aliquo custo et Rex illos faciet deliberari Iustic Hyberniae ducendos in Hyberniam et ibidem in prisona detinendos T. Rege apud Gannock in castris x. die Septem By which record it seems the Iews were taxed to pay 4000 marks at Michaelmas to the King and if they failed then some of the richest of them were to be seised on and sent prisoners to the King into his camp and from thence into Ireland and there imprisoned til it was all paid Such was the rigor then used in levying their heavy Taxes Another 4000 marks was then likewise to be paid by them at Christs Nativity the same year and commanded by this writ to be effectually levied by the Justices of the Jews Mandatum est Justic. ad custod Judaeorum assign quod sicut corpora et catalla sua diligunt et ab indempnitate et periculo maximo volunt conservari provideant quod 4000 marc quae Regi debentur de Judaismo reddendas citra festum Nativitatis Dom citra festum illud reddantur quia si in eorum solutione aliquis inveniatur defectus id solummodo negligentiae suae imputaretur T. Rege apud Woodstoke 4. die Dec. Mandatum est Thesaur et Camerar quod de illis 4000 m. deliberent Magistro Militis Templi in Anglia 2000 marc deponend in domo sua ad opus Comitissae Provinciae sicut alias eis mandat est de resid mille marc quantum se extendunt satisfaciant mercatoribus Vinorum et aliis de debitis in quibus Rex eis tenetur T. ut supra Ibidem Dorso 2. There is a command to the Justices of the Jews to respit a suit there pending against one Mansel by two Jews for 40 l. and an horse In this 29 year of Henry the 3. this writ was issued to the Justices of the Iews to proclaim in all Counties that no Iewes wife or childe should fly from nor obscure himself in the places he or they resided for one year then next ensuing and that they should be there readily found by the Kings Officers under pain that their husbands as also their wives and children should be outlawed banished and all their lands rents and chattels forthwith forfeited to the King and presently sold to his use and they banished never to return again into England without his special license Mandatum est Justiciariis ad custodiam Judaeorum assignatis quod statim visis Literis clamari faciant per omnes Comitatus Angliae ubi Judaei Regis sunt quod si aliqua Iudaea uxor alicujus Iudaei vel pueri sui diffugiant vel fugam capiant vel aliquo modo lateant a Villa ubi fuerint manentes ad festum Sancti Andreae Anno regni Regis 29 u●que in unum annum proximo sequentem Ita quod ad Summonitionem Regis vel Ballivorum suorum in quorum Ballivis ipsi fuerunt manentes prompti inveniri non possint quod vir ipsius Iudeae et etiam ipsa Iudaea et omnes pueri sui statim utlagentur et omnes terrae redditus et omnia catalla sua in manum Regis capiantur et incontinenti vendantur ad opus Regis Et quod de caetero non redeant in regnum Angliae sine speciali licentia Regis The King had then a design to tax all the Iewes wives and children by the poll which occasioned this strict proclamation that they might be alwayes ready to be polled and fleeced at his pleasure there being an heavy Tax then imposed on them In the same year and Roll this Precept was directed to Aaron the Iew of Yorke then taxed as it seems at one hundred pounds Mandatum est Aaroni Iudaeo de Ebor. quod sicut diligit corpus suum statim visis literis tradat latori illarum viginti marcas Regi deferendas de arreragiis centum librarum quas Regi solvisse debuit in festo Nativitatis Sanctae Mariae proximo praeterito Ita quod hoc quemlibet lateat praeter ipsum Aaronem et latorem supradictum Teste Rege apud Woodstock quinto die Decembris In the 30 of H. 3. I find these Records concerning the Jews Rex concessiit Iacobo fratri Elie le Eveske Judeo London pro laudabili servicio suo quod Regi et Reginae impendit sedendo a Scac. Judeorum domos quae fuerunt Iocei de Colecester Iudei Linc. in Oxon. quae devenerunt in manum Regis tanquam escaeta Regis tenendum tota vita ipsius Jacobi Reddendo inde singulis annis Conversis Lond. 10s viz. 5s ad fest St Mich. et 5s ad Pasch In cujus c. T. R. apud VVodestoke 10 die Sept. Et mandat est Vic. Oxon. quod de praedict domibus cum pertidentiis ei plenam seisinam habere faciat T. ut supra Pat. 30. H. 3. m. 7. The King agreed to receive a fine of 3000 l. of Masse son of Hamond a Jew of Hereford Pro habenbis catallis et bonis of his deceased Father to be paid at certain times part whereof is there assigned This year many Jews Men and women were accused and ordered to be tried for clipping of money as appears by Claus 30 H. 3. pars 1 m. 9. Mandat est Justiciariis ad custodiam Iudeorum assign quod Iudeos et Iudeas rectatos de retonsura denariorum venire faciant coram Justic de Banco Ita quod sint ibi in octabis S.
quod si aliquis Iudeus aggravetur de dicto Tallagio quod gravamen suum alteri imponatur qui melius ferre possit Et super hoc scribitur Thes et Baron de Scac et Iustic ad custod Iud assign T. R. apud Portsm 7. die July per Hen. de Wengham Hereupon some Iews complaining they were over-taxed in their tallages procured this writ for their ease herein Monstravit Regi Manuel Blundus Judeus London quod ipse superoneratus est in uItimo Tallvgio suo et solvit plus ad demidium quam solvisse debuit et quam alii solverint secundum facultates suas Et mandatum est Philippo Luvel et Justiciariis ad custod Jud. assign quod si ita est tunc super onerationem illam in praesentia ipsius Judei assidi faciant super alleviatos Judeos regni nostri in Tallagio predicto et pro eadem superoneratione reddenda districtonem fieri et praedict Man returnari fac sine dilatione Ita quod inde querelam rex non audiat pro defectu Justiciae Consimiles Literae habet Solomon Epis Judeus London The same year Rex concessit Hake fil Ioscey Iudeo quod habeat pacem regis et salvum ire redire licet se substraxerit pro quibusdam plateis argenteis ei impignoratis ut dicitur Ita quod plegios regi inveniat quod stabit recto secundum legem Judaismi Et super hoc scribitur Iustic ad custod Jud. assignatis T. R. apud Harwic 2 die Iuly Also Rex per finem quem Mossi de Hereford Judaeus fecit cum rege pardonavit ei transgressionem quam fecit pro eo quod illicentiatus a rege recessit in fine Scac. regis Sanct. Hillarii pro qua transgressione ipsum capi jusserint Justic ad custod Judeorum assignati Et mandatum est eisdem Iustic quod ipsum propter hoc non occasionari nec capi faciant T. R. apud Harling 7 die April Febr. 15. The King writes to the Iustices of the Iews to allow a Debt to two several Christians and Iews which he had pardoned the Debtors to these Iews in their Taxes they were to pay This year a Iews wife proving a convert Christian her husband was attached for her goods by the King as belonging to him upon her conversion who thereupon paid a fine to have this New case judicially determined in the Jews Eschequer as this record attests Cum Abraham Batekot Iudeus attachiatus esset ad respondend regi de catallis Amiciae Judeae quae fuit uxor sua quae quidem catalla post conversionem suam ad regem pertinebant ut dicitur Idem Iudeus finem fecit cum rege pro dimid marc auri quam regi solvit ut secundum legem et consuetudinem Iudaismi ad Scaccarium Iudaeorum super hoc deducatur Et mandatum est Iustic ad custod Iud. assignatis quod citra festum S. And ad Scaccarium Iudeorum quod justum fuerit ●e catallis praedictis fieri ●aciant sicut praedict est T. per R. de Essington King Henry in this 37 year of his reign provided and ordained these memorable Laws and ordinances for the better regulation of the Jews in England restraining their Jewish rites erection of new Synagogues or Schools defection from or disputing against the Christian faith entertaining any Christians as Nurses servants and communion with Christians to prevent their leavening of Christians with their Iudaisme distinguishing them from them by wearing a white Table on their breasts in joyning paying of tithes to the Christian Minister where they lived c. Rex providit et statuit c. Quod nullus Judeus maneat in Anglia nisi servicium Regis faciat Et quam cito aliquis Iudeus natus fuerit sive sit Masculus sive faemina serviat Nobis in aliquo Et quod nullae Scholae Iudaeorum sint in Anglia nisi in locis illis in quibus hujusmodi scholae fuerunt tempore Domini Iohannis regis patris regis Et quod universi Judei in Synagogis suis celebrent submissa voce secundum ritum eorum Ita quod Christiani hoc non audiant Et quod quilibet Judeus respondeat Rectori Ecclesiae in cujus parochia maneat de omnibus parochialibus ad domum ipsius Iudei spectantibus Et quod nulla Nutrix Christiana de cetero lactet aur nutriat puerum alicujus Iudei nec aliquis Christianus vel Christiana serviat alicui Iudeo vel Iudeae nec cum ipsis comedat vel in domo sua commoretur Et quod nullus Iudeus vel Iudea comedat aut emat carnes in Quadragessima Et quod nullus Judeus detrahat fidei Christianae vel publice disputet de eadem Et quod nullus Iudeus habeat secretam familiaritatem cum aliqua Christiana nec aliquis Christianus cum Iudea Et quod quiliber Iudeus ferat manifestam Tabulam Et quod nullus Judeus ingrediatur aliquam Ecclesiam vel aliquam Capellam nisi transeundo nec in eis moretur in vituperium Christi Et quod nullus Judeus impediat aliquo modo alium Judeum volentem ad fidem Christi convertere Et quod nullus Judeus receptetur in aliqua villa sine speciali licentia regis nisi in villis illis in quibus Judei manere consueverunt Et mandatum est Justiciariis ad custodiam Judeorum assignatis quod sic fieri et sub incursione bonorum praedictorum Iudeorum firmiter teneri faciant Teste Rege apud Westm 31 die Ianuarii Per REGEM Et CONSILIUM These are the most memorable Constitutions of all others I have met with made by the King and his Counsel for restraining the insolencies rites and preventing the Leprosie and leaven of the Iews except those of 7 E. 1. which I shall recite in due place derived from these which none of our Historians mention In the 39 year of H. 3. I find this large record touching the assessing of a Tallage upon the Commonalty of the Jews in London and other places assessed levyed with all diligence and all sorts of new devises Rex Constab Turris suae London salutem Precipimus tibi quod statim visis literis istis starim in presentia tua eligi fac tres de legalioribus et discretioribus Iudeis de communitate Iudeorum London de assensu Iudeorum eorundem ad assidend super eandem communitatem 472 marc quae ipsam commun contingunt de Tallio mille libr. super Iudeos nostros Angliae assesso de termino sancti Martini prox futuri et assidend super eandem communitatem 50 marc quae ipsam contingunt de portione Tallag Aaron de Ebor. Iudeo de Tall. predict cui concessimus ad instantiam dilecti fratris et fidelis nostri Rici Com. Cornub. quod hac vice propter nimiam suam paupertatem de praedicto Tallagio sit quietus Et distringas omnes Iudeos et Iudeas de
Com. praedicto omnibus modis quibus modis sciveris et poteris per corpora et catalla sua infra Archas Cyrograph London et extra inventa ad reddendum Regi ad opus dicti fratris nostri portionem quae eis continget de praedict 522 marc Et si contigerit quod aliquis Iudeus vel Iudea defecerit in solutione porcionis quae ipsum Judeum vel Iudeam contingit de tall et portione predictis tunc accedas ad Arch. praedict et extrahi facias de melioribus et clarioribus debitis suis in Atchis illis inventis usque ad portionem quae ipsum Iudeum vel Iudeam continget de tallio et portione predict ad distringendum omnes debitores eorundem debitotum ita quod habeas omnes denarios illos albos et integros per manum tuam propriam apud Wallingford in vigilia St. Andr. Apostoli an r. n. 40. liberand praedicto Com. vel ipsis qui per ipsum Com. ad haec fuerint deputati et habeas ad eosdem diem et locum de arreragiis Tallagii 100 l. de termino Sancti Trinit praeter de Coc. fil Aaron and 20 other Iews there named ordered to pay special sums there specified as due from each of them liberandos per manum tuam praedicto Com. vel ipsis qui ad hoc fuerint deputati unde alias recepisti mandatum nos●rum quod non es exercutus habeas etiam ad eosdem diem et locum corpora Eliae Epi. Aaron fil Abraham Solomon Epi. et Iacob Epi Iudeorum plegios de tallio praedicto una cum corporibus illorum Iudeorum Iudearum quae aliqua arreragia debuerunt de Tallagio praedict Et Ita te habeas in hoc mandato exequendo quod pro defectu tui ad te graviter capere non debeamus nec de terris et catallis tuis praedicta debita levari faciemus T. me ipso apud Westm 24 die Octob. an r. n. 39. Eodem modo mandatum est Vic. Linc. VVigorn Oxon. Suthampt. Linc. Ebor. Devon Wilteshire Gloucest Cantebr Norff. Bedeford Essex Hereford Constab Bristol to levy other particular summes upon particular Jewes there mentioned too tedious to transcribe conteining an whole Roll where all who please may view them at their leasure and the Jews too names being many Then follows Quia Com. Cornub. supplicavit Regi quod mittat aliquem de suis usque Wallingford in vigil St. Andr. prox futur qui inter sit solutioni tunc faciendae ibid. de Tallagio et debitis Judeorum formerly particularized at large quae ei concessit in parte solutionis debitorum in quibus ei tenetur Mandatum est Tho. Espernon quod omnibus negotiis pretermissis eidem solutioni dictis die loco inreter sit ad eam videndam et irrotula●d hoc non omittat T. ut supra Eodem modo mandat est Cyrogr. Arch. Iudeorum Winton quod adjuvantes sint et consulentes Vic. Suth ad levand ad opus dic Com. Cornub. de 160l 12 marc quae communitatem Judeor Winton contingunt de Tallagio nulle libr. super Iudeos Angliae assess de termino St. Martini prox preter et quod permittant predict Vic. Visis literis ipsis habere liberam administrationem debitorum in Archis illis inventorum ad levand praedict 160l 12 marc hoc sicut se et sua diligunt non omittant T. ut supra Eodem modo mandat est Cyrograph Archae Iudaeorum Colecester Wigorn London to levy other particular summs there specified in like manner And Dors 4. there are the same writs in all things pro assidendo levando upon the Commonalty of the Jews of London 247 mar and of other sumsu●on all Jews of England in form aforesaid In Claus 39. H 3. m. 7 There is order for Vines a Jew to recover his debts owed by creditors by reason of his poverty Also Commands to Sheriffs to seal up the Iewes Chests and to others to open and view their writings Mandat est Cyrogr. Christianis Judeis Hereford quod petmittant Vic. Hereford Hug. de Pylardington habere accessum ad Arch. Cyrogr. er illam sigillis suis signare et quod permittant Will. Mansell Vic. War praedict Hug. predict sigilla frangere Cyro in praedict Archa invent videre et irrotulare prout injunxit T. per Philip Luvel Eodem modo mandat c. Cyrogr. Christ Jud. et Vic. Wigorn. statim visis literis accedat ad Arch. Cyr. Wigorn. illum sigillo suo signet quod capiat corpota Hake de VVigorn Iud. et Aar et Samps fil suor et eos duci fac Lond. ibi custod Turr. R. Lond. T. ut supra The like command is to the Sheriff of Hereford to seal up the Jews Chest there and for Hugh P. to search it In Claus 39 H. 3. pa●s 2. dors 16 17. There is a large Catalogue of the Lands Houses Rents Morgages real and personal estate and debts of Abraham a Jew in several Counties amounting to a vast sum taking up near two Membranes which were all imbreviated and confiscated to the Kings use And a proclamation by the King that No Iew should be suffered to depart out of the realm of England In 40 H. 3. the King by his Letters Patents authorized Commissioners to sell the houses and enquire after the goods and chattels of the Jews condemned for crucifying a child at Lincoln Rex omnibus c. Sciatis quod constituimus dilect et fidel nostros Simon Passeleiw et Will de Leighton Vic. nostri London ad vendend per visum et testimonium legalium hominum domos quae fuerunt Judaeo●um Linc. suspensorum pro parvo crucifixo ibidem prout commodo nostro magis viderint expedire et ad inquirend quo devenerunt catalla eorundem Iudaeorum et qui ea habeant et quantum valeant Et ideo vobis mandamus quod eidem Simoni et Vis. ad hoc sitis intenden●es et auxiliantes cum ab eis requisiti fueritis In cujus c. T. R. apud Woodest 20 die Aug. It seems some of these Jews that crucified this child turned Christians to save their lives for which I find this kind of pardon grated to one of them at the suit of a Frier Rex omnibus c. salutem Sciatis quod ad instantiam dilecti nobis in Christo fratris Iohannis de Dorbuton pardonavi Iohanni Converso sectam pacis nostrae quae ad nos pertinet pro morte pueri nuper crucifixi apud Lincoln dum predictus Iohannis fuit Iudeus ●jusdem Civitatis unde rectatus est et firmam pacem nostram ei inde concedimus Ita tamen quod stet recto in Curia nostra si quis versus eum inde loqui voluerit In cujus c. T. R. apud Westm 10 die Jan. The same year there issued a precept to the Sheriff of Lincoln to
et honestius videritis expedire Volumus etiam quod sicut predicti redditus dictae domui ad sustentationem commorancium in eadem specialiter assignati sunt Ita etiam ad domum deferantur et distribuantur ibidem sicut predictum est Et si quos vobis aut ordinationi vestrae resistentes aut contradicentes inveneritis eos per sequestrationes porciorum suarum et aliter prout opus esse vider is compescatis T. R. apud Wesm 26 die Febr. This year the King granted this ensuing Pardon to a Jew for selling a pretended Debt for which he had no Charter to another for which he was committed Prisoner to the Tower and for making an escape from thence without License for which pardon he paid a Fine to the King Rex omnibus c. salutem Sciatis quod cum Abraham filius Jocei Judeus Ebor. pro quater viginti et undecim libris argenti quas Thomas de Basing civis noster London versus eum disrationaverat in Curia nostra coram Iusticiariis nostris ad custodiam Judeorum assignatis eccasione cujusdam debiti in quo idem Abraham dixerat Will. de Dyve sibi teneri quod quidem debitum ipse Judeus dicto Thomae vendidit unde nulla Carta inter ipsum Judeum et predictum Wil. in Archa nostra potuit inveniri per praeceptum Justic eorundem caperetur et infra Turrim nostram London detineretur et eidem Abrahamo à quibusdam Emulis suis sit impositum quod ab eadem Turri sine licentia custodis sui sive warranto temere recessit licet per literas nostras fecissemus eum deliberari Nos per finem duodecim bisanciarum quas predictus Abrahamus nobis solvit praemanibus pardonavimus eidem Abrahamo transgressionem quam fecisse dicitur vendendo debitum praedictum sine Carta et etiam transgressionem quam fecisse dicitur recedendo a Turri praedicta tempore detentionis suae praedictae Et ideo vobis mandamus quod praedictum Abraham occasione transgressionum praedictarum non occasionetis in aliquo vel gravetis T. R. apud Westm 26 die Martii This year I find a special Licence for a Jew to assign his Debt according to the Provisions in 53. H. 3. therein mentioned in form above rehearsed This year the King appointed this special form of Manucaption body for body for the Jews then imprisoned in the Tower for their Tallages and petitioning to be bailed discovering how strictly the King dealt with them in levying their heavy Taxes Rex Thes Baronibus suis de Scaccario salutem Sciatis nos de Consilio nostro talem formam manucapt onis Iudaeorum incarceratorum apud Turrim London providisse videlicet quod manucaptores manucapiant ipsos Iudeos quos manucapere volunt habendo corpora praedictorum Iudaeorum quos manuceperunt à die Sancti Johan Baptistae in 15 dies corpus pro corpore liberand Constabular Turr. praedictae carceri mancipanda ad voluntatem nostram donec nobis satisfecerint de Tallagiis suis super ipsos assessis nisi praedicta tallagia solvere velint ad terminos subscriptos videlicet medietatem ad quindenam Sancti Johan Baptist prox futur et aliam medietatem ad festum Sancti Jacobi Apostoli prox sequent Ita quod si praedecti manucapti praedictam solutionem fecerint ad praedictos terminos quieti sint praedicti manucaptores Et si in solutione praedicta in toto vel in parte defecerint ad eosdem terminos et praedicti manucaptores habeant corpora manucapta ad praedictum terminum in forma praedicta tunc similiter quod sint de manucaptione sua Ita tamen quod praedicti Manucapti quicquid prae manibus solverint de praedicto tallagio vel etiam ad aliquem terminorum praedictorum nisi totum solverint illud penitus amittant et nihilominus corpora sua una cum omnibus catallis et debitis suis nobis incurrantur ad voluntatem nostram inde faciendam et si manucaptores corpora manucaepta ad praedictum terminum non liberaverint nec manucapti Tallagium suum solverint sicut praedictum est tunc corpora manucapientium una cum omnibus Catallis et debitis suis incurrantur ad voluntatem nostram inde faciendam sicut praedictum est In cujus c. T. R. apud Westm 21 die Iunii In the 57 and last year of King Henry the 3. I find only a special license for a Jew to sell his Debt to a Christian wherein the ordinance of 53. H. 3. is recited I have now run through all the most material Records of King Henry the 3 his long and tedious reign relating to the Jews and their affairs pretermitting some few only of lesse moment and private concerment in some of the Fine Clause and Patent Rolls where those who are not fully satisfied with these already recited may glean them at their leasures I now proceed to the Records in the reigne of King Edward the first omitting all passages of the Jewes in the Fine Rolls of his reign as of lesse moment seeing the Patent and Clause Rolls afford us much plenty and variety of matter concerning our English Jews affairs their final banishment out of England and sale of their houses eascheated by their exile which Records were never yet published to the world in print and are unknown to most men King Henry the 3 deceasing and his Son Edward the 1 succeeding him Anno 1272. thereupon he constituted Hamon Hattayn and Robert de Ludham Justices for the custody of his Jews commanding the Treasurer and the Barons of the Exchequer to deliver to them the keys of the Jews Chests together with the Rolls Writs and other things belonging to the Jews as they had formerly done to other Justices by this Writ Quia Rex constituit Hamonem Haittayn et Robernum de Ludham Justiciarios suos ad custodiam Judaeorum suorum Mandatum est Thesaurario et Baronibus de Scaccario quod eisdem Hamoni Roberto claves Archarum Judaismi una cum Rotulis Brevibus et omnibus aliis Judaismum illud contingentibus liberent prout aliis Justiciariis ibidem prius consuevit Dat. per manum W. de Merton Cancellar apud Westm 27 die Ianuarii These new Justices were constituted not above 5 weeks after Kings Henries death and they were as all their Predecessors in that Office first instituted by King Rich. the 1 Anno 1194. Iusticiarii sui ad custodiam Iudaeorum suorum to shew that the Jews were nothing else but the Kings own VVards and Villaines and under his custody and protection only as such to tax and plunder them at his pleasure as his Father and Grandfather had done before him It appears by the Liberate of 1 E. 1. m. 1. 2. that the King allowed 20 marks a year to these Justices of the Jews for their Salary And the custody of the Rolls and writs of the Jews
were committed this year to William Middleton as is evident by this Record Cum Rex commiserit Willielm de Middleton Rotulos brevia Iudaismi sui quae sunt in custodia Thesaur Baronum Scaccarii custodiend quamdiu Domino Regi placuerit Mandatum est eisdem Thesaurario et Baronibus quod eidem Will. Rotulos Brevia liberent sicut praedictum est The same year this King in the beginning of his reign caused his peace and protection to be publikely proclaimed as well to all the Jews as others within England and other his Dominions as this record recites for the Jews in Bruges in Flanders Rex Vicecomiti Mall salutem Cum nuper pacem nostram per totum Regnum nostrum publicè proclama●i fecimus et eam omnibus et singulis de regno nostro tam Iudaeis quam Christianis observari praecepimus praecipimus quod Iudaei nostri de Bruges in Balliva tua manuteneas defendas ita quod eis pax nostra prout ejus per totum regnum nostrum proclamari fecimus inviolabiliter observetur Et non exigas vel exigi permittas ab eisdem redemptiones vel alias extorsiones ad opus nostrum vel alicujus alterius nisi quatenus ad debita nostra seu Domini Henrici Regis patris nostri seu Tallagia aut alia ad quae de jure tenentur ab eis levanda ade nostro aut ejusdem Domini Henr. patris nostri mandato Warrantum habueris Datum c. apud Westm 15 die Iunii Yet notwithstanding this protection and peace granted them by the King the very same year the King grants out this Writ to search all their Chests to enroll and certifie him of all their debts and estates that he might tax them all proportionably at his pleasure as he did soon after Rex dilecto fideli suo Thomae de Espernon salutem Quia de debitis in Archa Cirogtafforum Winton Oxon. Marleberg Wilton contentis volumus certiorari vobis mandamus quod ad certum diem quem ad ho● provideritis ad Archas praedictas accedatis easdem per visum Cirograf Archarum praedictarum tam Christianorum quam Judaeorum aperiatis et omnia debita in eisdem contenta diligenter scrutari et inrotulari faciatis Mandamus enim Cirograffariis nostris Archarum praedictar quod ad certum diem quem eis scire faciatis ad hoc faciendum vobis assistant et intendant In cujus c. Dat c. apud Westm 20 die Feb. Consimiles Literae diriguntur Hamoni Hatayn de debitis in Archa Cirograf Northampt. Nottingh Ebor. Lincol. Stainf conrents Item Consimiles Literae diriguntur Ade de Winton de debitis in Arca Cirograf Judaeorum Bristoll Oxon Gloucest Wigorn. Hereford et Warw. contentis Item consimiles Literae diriguntur Roberto de Ludham super hujusmodi debitis contentis in Archis Cirograff Judaeorum Bedef Cantebr Colecester et Sudbury In all which Cities and Towns the Jews then inhabited and had common chests wherein their Debts and Morgages were reserved Also according to the former Custome of the Jews in England not to remove into any town where they did not anciently inhabit he sent this Writ to the Barons and Bailiffs of Winchelse to remove some Jews thence who had taken up their habitation there without his special license Rex Baronibus Ballivis suis de Winchelse salutem Quia secundum consuetudinem Iudaismi nostri Angliae in aliis Civitatibus Burgis aut Villis habitare vel morari non debent quam in illis in quibus antiquitus habitare consueverunt morari quidem Iudaei ut intelleximus villam nostram de Winchelse sunt ingressi eam inhabitent in quam nullus Iudaeus aliquibus retroactis temporibus habitare consuevit vel morari Vobis mandamus quod si verum est tunc Iudaeos ab eadem villa absque damno de corporibus seu rebus suis eis faciend sine damno faciatis amoveri Dat. apud Westm 18 die Iunii This King that he might not seem altogether unjust granted forth a Writ to the Sheriff of Oxford in behalf of one Lumbard a Jew of Oxford taken and imprisoned for a fine of fifty marks imposed on one Lumbard a Jew of Bristol for a Trespasse against the Kings Exchange ordering him to be bailed and the mistake examined Rex Vicecom Oxon. salutem Ostensum est nobis ex parte Lumbardi de Krikelad Judaei nostri Oxoniae quod quum quidam Lumbardns Judaeus Bristol amerciatus esset coram Justiciariis Domini Henr. Regis patris nostri ad custodiam Judaeorum assignatis ad quinquaginta marcas pro transgressione excambii ejusdem patris nostri et ipse Lumbardus Judaeus Oxon. de eadem transgressione nunquam calumpniatus nec de praedicta pecunia oneratus extiterit tu easdem 50 marcas ab eodem Lumb de Oxon. Judaeo exigis et omnia bona sua in Balliva tua ea occasione cepisti in manum nostram et insuper ipsum cepisti et in prisona nostra Oxoniae detines Et quia non est juri consonum nec est voluntaris nostrae quod ipse Lumbardus de Oxonia sit in poena pro debitis alterius unde ipse Lumbardus de Oxonia penitus est immunis ut dicitur Tibi praecipimus quod si ipse Lumbardus de Oxonia invenerit tibi sufficientem manucaptionem perconsuetudinem Judaismi nostri de veniendo coram Justiciariis nostris ad custodiam Judaeorum assignatis a die Pascha in 15 dies ad satisfaciendum nobis de praedictis 50 marcis nisi ibidem rationabiliter ostenderit quod non ipse sed alii de dicta pecunia debent onerari tunc ipsum Lumbardum per eandem manucaptionem a prisona qua detinetur deliberari facias omnia bona sua ea occasione capta in manum nostram interim sine distractione sine dampno dicti Judaei reservari facias Et habeas ibi nomina manucaptorum suorum hoc breve Datum c. apud Sanctum Paulum London 4 die Aprilis Dat 20 s. pro hoc Breve habendo No sooner had he provided the foresaid Justices and Guardians for the Jews but he presently imposed new heavy annual Taxes and Tallages on them appointing special Collectors to levy them and their arrerages upon all their goods chattels debts and to banish and abjure the Realm all such Jews together with their wives and children as were rebellious and refused to pay them as these ensuing Patents of his in the 2 year of his reign demonstrate Rex dilectis sidelibus suis Fratri Stephano de Foleburn Ade de Stratten Willielmo de Middleton salutem Sciatis quod assignavimus vos ad omnia arreragia Tallagii super Judaeos nostros Angliae ultimo assessi ad opus nostrum levanda prout citius commodius videritis expedire Dante 's vobis potestatem Arreragia illa de
bonis catallis debitis Judaeorum quos dictorum arreragiorum inveneritis detentores levandi nostro nomine adnuandi nec non dictos Judaeos qui in hac parte Rebelles fuerint vel contradictores per exilium abjurationem Regui nostri si necesse fuerit compellendi ad dicta arreragia pro porcionibus ipsis inde contingentibus nobis sine difficultate qualibet solvenda Et ideo vobis mandamus quod premissa faciatis in forma praedicta Et si forte vos tres ad hoc intendere non poteritis duo vestrum praemissa ficut praedictum est nihilominus exequantur In cujus c. T. Rege apud Westm 20 die Octobris Rex dilectis et fidelibus suis fratri Stephano de Foleburn electo Waterford fratri Luce de Hemmington et Willielmo de Middleton salutem Sciatis quod assignavimus vos ad omnia arreragia Tallagii super Iudaeos nostros Angliae ultimo assessi ad opus nostrum levanda prout citius et commodius videritis expedire Dante 's vobis potestatem arreragia illa de bonis catallis et debitis Judaeorum quos dictotum arreragiorum inveneritis detentores levandi et nostro nomine adnuandi nec non et dictos Judaeos qui in hac parte Rebelles fuerint vel contradictores per exilium et abjurationem regni nostri si necesse fuerit compellendi ad dicta arreragia nobis pro porcionibus ipsis contingentibus sine difficultate qualibet solvenda Et ideo vobis mandamus quod praemissa faciatis in forma praedicta Et fi aliquis Judaeorum illorum ad diem per nos sibi prefixum in solutione porcionis suae defecerit faciatis ipsum cum uxore et pueris suis exceptis puerisillis qui sunt in Tallagio et solverint exire regnum nostrum Angliae et assignetis ei portum Douorum quod infra tertium diem post diem solutionis suae sibi per nos praefixum sit ibi exiturus sicut praedictum est et nunquam rediturus Salvis tamen nobis terris Domibus Reddiribus et omnibus catallis suis et suorum Et si aliquis Judaeus post tertium diem sibi assignatum sicut praedictum est inventus fuerit alibi in Regno nostro quam apud Douorum faciatis de eo Judicium tanquam de illo qui furtive propria catalla nostra asportaverit Et si forte vos tres ad hoc intendere non poteritis duo vestrum praemissa nihilominus exeqauntur In cujus c. Teste Rege apud Luton primo die Novembris By this imposed penal banishment and abjuration of the Realm prescribed by the King in these two Pateuts to such Rebellious contradictory Jews their wives children as refused to pay the arrears of this last imposed Tax it is more than probable that their total and final general banishment and expulsion out of England by the King and his whole Parliament in the 18 year of his reign 16 years after was as compulsory and penal to them as this and no ways voluntary of themselves as Sir Edward Cook hath fansied it against all our Records and Histories In the Clause Roll of this year I find this writ to two of these Collectors for the present levying part of these Arrears upon Elias a Jew of London and paying it into the Wardrobe Rex dilectis fidelibus suis fratri Stephano de Foleburn electo de Waterford Willrelmo de Middleton ad arrerag Tallag Judaeor ultimo super eosdem Judaeos assesso levanda assignatis salutem Mandamus vobis quod illas septies viginti marcas quos Richardus de Tany debet Magistro Eliae filio magistri Mosseo Iudaeo London sine dilatione liberari facias in Garderoba nostra eas eidem Judaeo in dicto Tallagio suo allocari facias Teste Rege apud Westm 20 die Octobris It is observable that the first person named as a Collector of the Arrears of this Tax of the Jews in all these 3. Records was a Frier and Bishop Elect of Waterford in Ireland How the Jews who neglected refused or were unable to satisfie their Taxes were handled by these Collectors and imprisoned in the Tower of London till they either paid or secured them to the King out of their best Debts these Records of the ensuing year will discover Rex Thesaurario et Baronibus suis de Scaccario salutem Mandamus vobis quod Sampsonem filium Magistri Miles de Stanford Samuelem fil Maneser de Lincoln Vnim fil Garflye Abrahamum fil Droye de Holms Elyam fil Vrssellae de Lincoln et Abrahamum fil Samuelis captos et detentos in prisona nostra Turris London Pro Tallagio suo deliberari faciatis Ipsos etiam de corporibus suis pacem habere permittatis usque ad quindenam Sancti Michaelis prox futur et praedictorum Judaeorum Tallagium super eos assessum de clarioribus debitis suis interim levari faciatis Ita quod nisi in quindena praedicta de praedicto Tallagio suo ad plenam satisfecerint ad Prisonam nostram praedictam revertantur ibidem gratiam nostram expectand Teste Rege apud Kenynton X. die Julii Mandatum est Justiciariis ad Custodiam Judaeorum assignatis et Willielmo de Middleton quod executionem Brevium Regis quae pro diversis Judaeis receperunt super allocationem vel respectum de Tallagio super ipsis ultimo assesso habend per ipsos faciend supersedeant omnino nisi aliud eis inde duxerit demandandum T. R. apud Westm X. die Iunii Rex Justiciariis ad custodiam Judaeorum assignatis et Willielmo de Middleton salutem monstravit Nobis Hakus fil Roes de Ebor. Iudaeus quod cum ipse Nobis de Tallagio super ipsum ultimo assesso satisfecerit ad plenū vos occasione quorundam Catallorum sub nomine Solomonis fil Isaac dudum defuncti in manu nostra existent quandam pecuniae summam occasione dicti Tallagii exigitis minus juste Et ideo vobis mandamus quod si Nobis constiterit quod catalla praedicta fuerunt in manu nostra die quo dictum Tallagium assessum fuerat et quod dictam pecuniam à praefato Hako occasione Catallorum illorum et non alia exigatis et quod Nobis de toto Tallagio suo praedicto satisfecerit ut praedictum est tunc corpus suum ea occasione detentum prout justum fuerit deliberari faciatis T. R. apud Westm X. die Iunii Rex eisdem et Willielmo de Middleton ad Tallagium super eosdem Iudaeos Angliae nuper assessum colligendum deputatis salutem Mittimus vobis Petitionem Aaronis Crespyn Judaei nostri London praesentibus interclusam Vobis mandantes quatenus retentis in manu nostra de clariobus debitis ipsius Iudaei in Thesaur nostra existentibus usque ad summam Arreragiarum Tallagii super eundem Iudaeum ultimo assessi et aliis
Katerinae extra Lincoln et Robertus de Blund ad aperiendas Archas Cirograf Judaismi Regis Lincoln Stainford Eodem modo assign Abbas Sancti Augustini Bristol et Bartholm le Ieovene Constabularius Castri de Bristol ad aperiend Archas Cirograf Judaismi Bristol Eodem modo assignatur Bartholomeus de Suthleye una cum aliquo alio fideli ad aperiend Arch. Cirograf Judaismi Wigorn. In cujus c. Teste ut supra Rex dilecto sibi in Christo Priori Norwici et dilecto Clerico suo VVillielm de Middleton salutem Sciatis quod assignavimus vos ad aperiend Archam Cirograf Judaismi nostri Norwici et ad scrutand et examinand Cartas et omnia debita in illa Archa inventa et omnia debita illa irrotulanda et ad plenum scrutinium inde faciend et ad omnia ea nobis distincte et aperte sub sigillis vestris referenda Et ideo vobis mandamus quod ad certum diem quem ad hoc provideatis Archam illam aperiatis et Cartas omnia debita in eadem inventa diligenter scutemini et facto scrutinio illo praemissa omnia irrotuletis et Archa illa secure reclusa eam sigillis vestris sigilletis Ita quod non aperiatur donec aliud inde duxerimus Ordinandum Proviso quod nullas Cartas extra eandem Archam existentes ponatis in eandem nec aliquas ibidem inventas ab eadem extrahatis vel aliquo modo extrahi permittatis Et si quas Cartas in manibus Cirograf nostrorum extra Archam illam inveneritis eas per se irrotulari et in securo loco reponi faciatis In cujus c. apud Turr. London 24 die Novembris Eodem modo assignatur Walt. de Helynn una cum aliquo alio fideli Regis quem sibi assignaverit ad aperiendas Archas Cirograf Judaismi Regis Hereford et Gloucester Eodem modo assignatur Iohannis Wigorn. et Roger de Evesham ad aperiend Arch. Cirograf Judaismi Regis Exon. et ad scrutand ut supra Eodem modo assignatur Hugo de Stapleford una cum aliquo alio fideli Regis quem sibi associau ad aperiendas Archas Cirograf Judaismi Regis Huntindon Bedford Northampt. Oxon. Eodem modo assignatur Prior de London et Willielmus de Stirkeslegh ad aperiend Archas Cirograf Judaismi Regis Lincoln et Stainford In cujus c. Tese ut supra I have rehearsed all these Patents and Commissions at large because they vary some thing from each other in form prescribe general and universal searches of the Jews common Chests and Writings and manifest how and where they were dispersed into most of the chief Cities and Towns of England and where they had Chests more exactly then most other Records This year there falling out some difference between the Jews and the Sheriff of Oxford who had the Custody and Regulation of the Oxford Jews thereupon at the Jews procurement there issued forth this Patent to the Mayor and Bayliffs of Oxford to keep the peace between the Sheriff and them and to have the Protection and Government of them till the next Parliament Rex Majori ad Ballivis suis Oxon. salutem Cum ad occasionem turbationis inter Vici nostrum Oxon. Judaeos nostros ejusdem Villae jam exortae sicut dicitur tollendam et ad pacem in Judaismo nostro ibidem quietius conservandam assignavimus vos ad Custod Judaeorum nostrorum ejusdem villae usque ad Parliament nostrum post instans fest Sancti Michaelis Vobis mandamus qnod sicut de vestra diligentia et fidelitate specialiter confidimus custodiae illi diligenter intendatis Ita quod Pax nostra in Iudaismo praedicto et in aliis quae statum ipsorum Judaeorum in eisdem partibus tangunt vestro mediante ●nvamime et Consilo bene et inviolabiter conservetur Mandavimus enim Vicecomiti nostro praedicto quod ad informationem status ipsorum Iudaeorum non praesumat aliquid attemptare nec de eisdem in aliquo interim se intromittat In cujus c. Teste Rege apud Windsore 31 die Julii King Edward the 1. in the 5 year of his reign appointed Commissioners to impose a Tax upon all the Commonalty of the Jews throughout England whose names and authority are thus expressed in a Commission granted to them for this end Rex dilectis et fidelibus suis Ioh. de Cobham et Phil. de Wileby et Wil. de Middl. salutem Sciatis quod dedimus vobis potestatem obligandi universos et singulos Judaeos regni nostri secundum quod vos vel duo vestrum videritis expedire Et ideo vobis mandamus quod vos omnes vel duo vestrum omnes predictos Judaeos tallietis secundum quod ad opus nostrum melius videritis expedire In cujus c. T. R. apud Windsore 30 die Maii. Hereupon all the Jews were summoned from all parts up to London to be taxed and thereupon all Inquisitions against them during their attendance there upon this occasion afterwards were suspended unless by special command of the King or his Justices for the Iews or these Commissioners and those to be made both by Christians and Iews as was anciently accustomed as this Writ doth evidence issued soon after Rex Vicecomiti Oxon. cum assignavimus quosdam fideles nostros London ad Tallagium super communitatem Judaeorum nostrorū Angliae assidend per quod oportet Iudaeos nostros Oxon ibidem interesse ad mandatū fidelium nostrorū praedictorum Tibi praecipimus quod Inquisitiones aliquas super dictos Iudaeos dum ibidem fuerint vel postquam inde redierint non facias sine mandaeto nostro vel dictorum fidelium nostrorum seu etiam Iusticiariorum nostrorum ad Custod Iudaeorum assignat hoc per Christianos Iudaeos sicut temporibus aliorum Vicecom ibidem fieri consuevit T. Rege apud Beckell 22 die Iunii These incessant heavy annual Taxes arbitrarily assessed on the Jews without intermission by Aegyptian Taxmasters so impoverished many of them that they were unable to pay them and thereupon all their goods and debts were seized to satisfie them so far as they would reach leaving them only a bare subsistance the residue respited to be annually paid as this record informs us Rex Insticiariis suis ad Custod Iudaeorum assignatis salutem Quia ex testimonio fide dignorum accepimus quod Mosseus de Clare Iudaeus tam pro Tallagio nostro super ipsum assesso quam pro aliis debitis quae nobis solvit post adventum nostrum in Angliam non sufficit ad residua debita in quibus nobis adhuc tenetur tam de tempore Domini Regis Henrici patris nostri quam nostro nobis ad praesens solvend Vobis mandamus quod scrutatis rotulis de Iudaismo nostr● de debitis in quibus Nobis tenetur ad Scacc Judaismi nostri praedicti de debitis
Novombris As the King sold the Houses of these condemned Jews so he likewise took into his hands the Debts of the other Jews to satisfie their Debts due unto him for their Taxes which he levied to his own use and then allowed them for their arrears Rex Thesaurar Baronibus suis de Scaccario salutem Sciatis quod cum nuper capi fecerimus in manum nostram quoddam debitum quinquaginta marcarum in quo Robertus de Percy per Cartam suam in Archa Cyrographar apud Ebor existenti tenebatur Bonamy de Ebor Iudaeo Et quod levari precipimus ad opus nos●rum Concessimus eidem Iudeo quod si praedict debitum ad opus nostrum levatum fuerit vel in manum nostram captum sicut praedict est Idem Iudaeus pro dicto debito 50 marcarum in recompensationem habeat de 40 marcis in veteribus arreragiis tallagiis aliis debitis quae nobis debet ad Scaccarum praedictum Et ideo vobis mandamus quod si ita est tunc eidem Iudaeo in hujusmodi veteribus arreragiis tallagiis aliis debitis quae nobis debet ad idem Scaccarium allocationem de praedic●is 40 marcis habere faciatis in recompensatione praedicti debiti 50 ma●carum sicut praedictum est T. R. a●ud VVestm 13 die Novemb. By which the King got x. marks clear from this Jew over and above his pretended debt and arrear for which this debt was seized and levied King Edward in the 8. year of his reign at the supplication of the Friers predican●s in England who desired to preach unto the obstinate Jews thereby to convert them to the Christian Faith and turn them from their antient errors blindness and unbelief procured this notable ensuing Writ and Patent to all his ●heriffs Bayliffs and other Leige people commanding them to induce the Jews in all places to resort unto and hear their preaching without blasphemy or disturbance at such times and places as these Friers Predicants should direct c. Rex Vicecomitibus et omnibus Ballivis fidelibus suis salutem Cum d●lecti nobis in Christo Fratres de Ordine Praedicatorum in Anglia Judaeis quorum montes vetustas erroris et perfidiae obnubulat et obcaecat praedica●e proponunt verbum Dei quo facilius interveniente gratia Spiritus sancti ad fidei Catholicae converti valeant unitatē ob hoc dilectus nobis in Christo Prior Provincialis ejusdem Ordine nobis supplicaverit ut vobis demus in mandatis Quod omnes Iudaeos ubicunque locorum in Ballivis vestris conversantes efficaciter moneatis et inducatis quod in locis ubi vobis de Consilio Fratrnm ipsorum magis expedire videbitur ad audiendum verbum Dei conveniant et illus ad eisdem Fratribus absq tumultu contentione vel blasphemia audiant diligenter benigne Et si forte Altissimus velamen duritiae a cordibus eorum auferens aliquibus vel alicui ipsorum Iudaeorum gratiam dederit convertendi quod caeteri Iudaei eis super hoc non impediant nec per alios impediri procurent Nos praedi●●um Proposit●m ipsorum ●ratrum attendentes pium et salubre et precibus predicti Prioris favorabiliter annuentes in hac parte vobis mandamus Quod omnes Iudaeos in Ballivis vestris conversantes ad praemissa facienda efficaciter moneatis et eos ad hoc modis quibus melius sciveritis inducatis prout unicuique vestrum inspiraverit Spiritus veritatis In cujus c. quamdiu Regi placuerat duratur Teste Rege apud Winton 2 die Jan. What good effects this zealous pious project of the Friers preachers and Patents of the King in pursuit thereof produced in converting any considerable number of the Jews to the Catholick faith I find not mentioned in Histories or Record but their universal banishment hence 8. years after principally for their infidelity sufficiently manifests that all the endeavours then used for their conversion by drawing them to these Preachers Sermons and the provisions made by the King for the Converts support hereafter specified were very successlesse Wherefore those Zealots and Enthusiasts who so earnestly plead and write for their readmission amongst us now upon the future probability of their Conversion by their powerfull preaching to and exemplary conversation amongst them are like to find no better successe than these preaching Friers then did and other eminenter Divines than themselves of late years and now do find in foraign parts where the Jews reside where they may do well now to try what good they can do by preaching and conversing with them abroad before they practise upon them at home as these Predicants Friers formerly did without any such successe as they expected King Edward the 1 to promote the Jews conversion and for their better maintenance corroboration when converted to Christianity did this very year by two several Patents grant That whereas all the estates and goos of the Jews converted to Christianity did of right and custome become forfeited to the Crown that from thencforth the Jews should injoy the moity of them for their own sustenance that the other moity of them should accrew to the house of the Converts for the better sustentation of the Converts there And further granted the moity of all the forfeited estates of the Jews that should any ways accrue unto him and all Deodands to be distributed in almes amongst the Converts and imployed towards the maintenance and repair of the Society and house of the Converts now the Rolls erected by his father as these two Patents of his this year most fully relate Rex Thesaurario et Baronibus suis de Scaccario salutem Quia ad augmentum fidei et cultus nominis christiani conversionem Judaicae pravitatis ad fidem Catholicam potissime credimus operari Nos ut illi qui jam a caecitate hujusmodi ad lucem Ecclesiae sunt conversi in ipsa fidei firmitate roborarentur et alii qui adhuc in errore illo persistunt libentius et promptius ad gratiam fidei de caetero convertant disposuimus auctore Domino de ipsorum sustentatione salubriter providere Licet igitur omnia bona et catalla Judaeorum quae convertuntur ad fidem ad nos plenarie de jure et consuetudine pertinent volentes tamen eis postquam filii et fideles Ecclesiae sunt effecti Dei intuitu gratiam facere specialem medietatem valoris omnium bonorum suorum ubicunque in regno nostro ad sustentationem suam concedimus de dono nostro aliam autem medietatem bonor hujusm bona etiam et Catal. Judaeor ex nunc quacunque occasione dampnandorum una cum bonis et catallis quorumcunque Judaeorum quae ex quacunque ratione Nobis forisfieri contigerit nec non et Elemosinam nostram quae Deodanda vocatur post tempus concessionis nostrae Fratribus predicatoribus de Elemosina illa
Capellae suae quam Dom. H. quondam Pater noster Rex Angliae fundavit ibidem perficiend et in subventionem reparationis et sustentationis edificiorum loci illius Vobis mandamus quod praedictam Elemosinam nostram de Itinere vestro in Com praedict et in caeteris Comitatibus in quibus itineraturi est is habere faciatis dilecto Clerico nostro Joh de Sancto Dionisio custodi Domus praedictae ad fabricam et sustentationem ad reparationem praedict inde faciend T. R. apud Westm 13 die Novembris Confimiles Literae diriguntur Justiciariis proximo Itineraturis in Com. Devon pro conversis praedictis T. ut supra King Edward in the 10th year of his reign safely to protect the persons and goods of the Jews in Hereford from the violence of the people there committed the protection of them to 24 of the chief Burgesses of Hereford as he did the Jews in other Towns throughout England and proclaimed that none should damnifie or molest them in their persons or goods under pain of losing his goods as this Patent manifests Rex dilectis sibi Waltero de la Barre Hugoni de Clere Reginaldo Comwood Thomae de Anesye and to 20 more particularly named in the Patent Burgensibus suis Hereford salutem Cum susceperimus in protectionem et defensionem nostram Judaeos nostros Hereford res omnes possessiones suas ad tuitionem majorem securitatem ipsorum vos assignavimus ad custodiam eorundem Vobis mandamus quod per totam villam praedictam publice proclamari firmiter inhiberi faciatis ex parte nostra Ne quis sub periculo omissionis bonorum suorum praedictis Judaeis in personis aut rebus suis inferat dampnum molestiam seu gravamen Et vos ipsi Judaeos illos res et possessiones suas infra villam praedictam et extra quantum in vobis est manuteneatis protegatis et defendatis In cujus c. quamdiu Regi placuerit durat Teste Rege apud Devises 10 die Aprilis It appears the Jews were then very odious and grievous to the English that they needed so many Gardians to protect their persons and estates from their plunder and violence Soon after this some Jews of Hereford being there imprisoned for Trespasses done to some English there the King sent this Writ to the Sheriff of the County to release them upon their putting in of Bail to answer it and to restore their goods if seased Rex Vic. Hereford salutem Quia Mosseus le Blund Iosseus filius Manasses Judaei Hereford Mosseus fil Jacobi Judaeus London manuceperunt habere apud Westm coram Justiciariis nostris ad Custodiam Judaeorum assignatis Aaron le Blund Mirabiliam uxorem ejus Fautinum filium praedicti Aaron Bonam uxorem ejus Cresseum filium Jacobi Floriam uxorem ejus a die sancti Iohis Baptistae in tres Septimanas ad standum recto super quibu●dam transgressionibus quas dicti Judaei fecisse dicuntur Ade de Peyntur Margeriae filiae ejusdem Ade si ipse vel eadem Margeria versus eos loqui voluerit tunc praedictos Aaron Mirabilem Fautinum Bonam et Cresscum Floriam et eorum familiam si ea occasione et non alia in prisona nostra detineantur dictis manucaptoribus interim tradas in Ballium ●t catalla praedict Judeorum si quae occasione praedicta ceperis in manum nostram eis interim restituas per manucaptionem praedictam de corporibus eorum Judaeorum seu de familia aut catallis eorundem occasione rransgressionis illorum te non intromittas donec aliud inde preciperimus habeas ibi hoc Breve T. Rege apud Salop 2 die Junii The Jews most likely to avoid the rage and plunders of the English Christians having left the wearing of their Tables on their upper garments formerly prescribed by sundry forecited Writs and Ordinances and the Statute de Iudaismo to distinguish them from Christians were now by this new Proclamation from the King sent to the Justices strictly enjoyned to wear them as well women as men and likewise prohibited to sell any flesh to Christians by any means or to retain any Christian man or woman in their houses or elsewhere in their service under great penalties Rex Justiciariis suis ad custodiam Judaeorum assignatis salutem Cum nuper preciperimus publice proclamari fecerimus Quod omnes Judaei regni nostri Tabulas deferant in indumentis suis exterioribus ut a cultoribus Catholicae fidei evidentius decernentur Volentes hoc idem de Judeabus ejusdem regni generaliter firmiter observari Vobis mandamus quod tam in Civitate nostra Londen quam in aliis Civitatibus Burgis villis alibi infra Regnum praedictum ubi Judaei conversantur publice proclamari faciatis sub gravi forisfactura nostra Ut omnes singulae Judeae ejusdem Tabulas hujusmodi publice deferant in forma quae provisa est de Judeis praedictis Facias insuper inhiberi publice proclamari per totum regnum praedictum Ne aliquis Judaeus quascunque carnes quoquo modo presumat vendere Christianis N●c Christianum secum in hospitio suo seu alibi in servicio suo audeat decaetero retinere Teste Rege apud Westm 1 die Decembris In the 11 year of King Edward the 1 Upon complaint of the Jews clipping and falsifying his coyn and other Merchants trading with them therein the King issued forth this following Commission to inquire thereof the hanging and punishing of so many of them but three or four years before for the like offences not reclaiming the Survivers of them from this their usual Jewish practise Rex dilecto fideli suo Hamoni Hauteyn et aliis salutem Quia ex relatu fide dignorum nostrorum intelleximus quod quidam Judaei nostri mercantur cum quibusdam Mercatoribus extraneis aliis in Platis de Retonsura Monetae nostrae fundatis etiam falsis platis de Stagno exterius deargentatis Vobis mandamus quod diligenter super hoc faciatis inquisitionem quotiescunque videritis expedire Et si vobis constare poterit ita esse tunc Mercatores illos alios quoscunque hujusmodi pla●as mercantes vel a Judaeis nostris emendas petentes arrestari salvo custodiri faciatis donec super hoc aliud duxererimus ordinandum Et Judaeos illos a quibus hujusmodi platas petierint emendas dummodo hujusmodi venditioni seu emptioni non fuerint consentientes per talem munucaptionem qualem videritis optimam ponatis in cujus c. Teste Rege apud Rothele 6 ●ie Febr. In the 12 year of King Edward the 1. I find these 4. several Writs and Records conceruing the Jews in one Schedule The first prohibiting them to live or reside in any City Burrough or Town where they had no common Chest and commanding their Justices to
se voluerint sibi et suis salvum conductum cum ab eo fueritis requisiti suis sumptibus habere faciatis ne eis super bonis quae secum deferre contingerit periculum emineat pro defectu conductus hujusmodi faciendi T. Rege apud Lang. 26 die Julii Et sunt Patentes By this Patent it appears First that the Jewes had a certain day prefixed them by the King to depart out of the Realm of England into Foreign parts of which they all had general and particular notice 2ly That the wealthier Jews thereupon to preserve their own persons wives children families from corporal violence and their goods from plunder purchased particular Letters of Protection and safeconduct from the King to Mayors and other Officers 3ly That the King published a general Proclamation upon the Edict of their banishment that all the pawns of Christians to them should be redeemed and discharged before their departure or left behind them when they departed hence The next day after this private Letter of Protection and Safeconduct on the 27 of July the King sent these Letters to the Bailiffs Barons and Seamen of the Cinque ports for the Jews safe conduct passage and transportation out of England within the term which he had prefixed to all and every of them being general for all the Jews Rex omnibus Ballivis Baronibus et Nautis Quinque portuum suorum salutem Cum certum terminum omnibus et singulis Iudaeis Regni nostri praefixerimus idem Regnum exeundi Nolentes quod ipsi in rebus seu personis interim aliqualiter injurientur Vobis mandamus quod eisdem Iudaeis cum ipsos ad Portus praedictos cum uxoribus pueris Catallis suis venire contingerit ad transfretand INTRA TERMINUM PRAEDICTUM salvum festinum p●ssag●um securum conductum habere faciatis sumptibus corundem Ita tamen quod Pauperibus Judaies super freto Navium in transportatione parcatur et a●●is juxta facultates inde fiat exactio moderata prout in hujusmodi passagiis alias fieri consuevit ne quis ipsorum per exactiones immoderatas et irrationabiles super passagio suo impediatur Et sub gravi forisfactura nostra firm●ter vobis injungimus ne quis vestrum Iudaeis praedictis in rebus aut pe sonis inferat vel quantum in ipso est inferri permittat injuriam molestiam dampnum impedimentum seu gravamen In cujus c. Teste Rege apud Westm xxvii die Julii Besides these general he granted other particular Letters of safe conduct to the Bailiffs Barons and Seamen of the Cinque Ports for some privat Jews their wives children and families who desired them as appears by this Record Rex omnibus Ballivis Baronibus Nautis Quinque Portuum salutem Cum certum terminum omnibus et singulis Iudaeis Regni nostri praefixerimus idem Regnum exeundi Nolentes quod ipsi in rebus seu personis interim aliqualiter injuriatur Et vobis mandamus quod Mosseo filio Jacobi de Oxon Iudaeo nostro Northampt. cum ipsum ad portus praedictos cum uxore pueris familia et catallis suis venire contigerit Ad Transfretandum intra terminum praedictum salvum et festinum passagium et securū conductum habere faciatis sumptibus ejusdem Ita quod ei juxta facultates inde fiat exactio moderata prout in hujusmodi passagiis alias fieri consuevit ne ipse per exactiones immoderatas et irrationabiles which the Jews all feared from the English upon this extraordinary occasion of their peremptory Exile super passagio fuo impediatur ●●t sub gravi forisfactura nostra firmiter vobis in●ungimus ne quis vestrum praedicto Mosseo uxori pueris aut familiis suis praedictis in rebus aut personis inferat vel quatemus in ipso est inferri permittat in uriam molestiam dampnum impedimentum seu gravamen In cujus c. Teste Rege apud Selveston 8 die Aug. It is observable that in all these Writs and Letters the King relates that he had prefixed a certain day time or term to all and every the Jews of the Realm to depart out of the same Realm but mentions not in any of them the precise day time or term at all Therfore it is most certain it was mentioned in some other publike Act and Edict for their Banishment made in Parliament which all our Historians remember then publickly known to all the Jews Sheriffs Officers and people for how else should they certainly know or take notice of it if it were not then as notorious as these Writs and Letters which do not particularly expresse it Matthew Westminster in or near this time precisely writes That the Jews were all to depart out of England with their wives and children by the Feast of All Saints QUOD EIS PRO TERMINO PONEBATUR quem sub poenae suspendii transgredi non est causa This therefore was the term prefixed to them in the Parliamentary Act Decree for their Banishment by that day under pain of being hanged if they departed not England before that term The Liber Rubeus or Red Book in the Remembrancers Office in the Eschequer fol. 252. b. hath this Memorand entred in it touching the time the Jews actually departed from London and England De Iudaeis recedentibus ab Anglia Memorandum quod die Martis in crastino Sancti Dionisii Anno Regni Regis Edwardi silii Henrici decimo octavo et Anno Domini Millesimo ducentessimo nonagessimo recesserunt omnes Judaei de London versus Mare ad transfretandum sub protectione Domini Regis And the same Memorandum in effect is written in a hand of that time at the end of the Original Manuscript Copy of Florentius Wigorniensis Now Saint Dionisius day being the 9th of October this their departure from London must necessarily be on the 10. day of Octob. being the next day after it An. 1290. just 21 days before the feast of All Saints by which day they were all to depart out of England under pain of death and accordingly departed as I have elsewhere manifested except some few poor converted Jews who remained like Almesmen in the House of the Converts and were not banished with the rest whose Infidelity was the chief cause of their exile as our Historians attest The King on the 27 day of October but 17 days after the Jews final departure from London out of England committed the custody of this Domus Conversorum and the Converts in London to Walter de Agmodisham during pleasure by this his Patent Rex omnibus ad quos c. salutem Sciatis quod commissimus Waltero de Agmodisham custodiam Domus nostrae Conversorum London conversorum nostrorum therefore not banished with the rest habendum quamdiu nobis placuerit cum omnibus ad custodiam illam pertinentibus sicut Johis de Sancto Dionis quondam Archidiac Roff. eam dum vixit
Custodes Rotulorum praedictorum in dicta Domo Conversorum et Custodes illos ponendi in possessionem ejusdem cum suis juribus et pertinentiis quibuscunque In cujus c. T. Rege apud Shene x. die Aprilis Per Breve de privato Sigillo Since which by vertue of this Patent this house of the Converts hath continued annexed to the Custos and Mastership ol the Rolls of the Chancery yet still liable and subject to the first charitable uses for habitation and sustentation of such Jewish and other Converts to which it was at first designed For which I shall now only recite one president more already printed by John Stow out of the Records of 5 R. 2. One William Pierce a Jew that became a Christian and was baptized was by this Kings Charter in the 5th of his reign admitted and received into this ancient Domus Conversorum and had there 2 d. a day allowed him by the King during his life And by the self-same Equity if the Jews be now readmitted into England and any of them shall chance to be converted to Christianity and baptized either upon real or hypocritical or politick grounds they ought to be there received and maintained in the self-same manner as they were in former times I have now courteous Reader presented thee and the world with the exactest Chronicle and History of the English Iews from the 1. year of King Iohn Anno Dom. 1599. till their total and final banishment hence in the 18 year of Edward the 1. Anno Dom. 1290 and some years after it hitherto published in any age sincerely collected with no little diligence pains search and cost out of the most excellent Rolls Records of those times yet extant in the Tower and Exchequer all which I diligently perused with mine own eys faithfully transcribed not taking them upon trust as others commonly do and so frequently miscite or mistake them all which Records being diligently entred very year successively under these Kings reigns by publick Clerks and Notaries imployed for that end and faithfully relating every thing concerning the Jews and all other transactions publick or private as they were then really acted are the truest best most unerring guides that posterity can follow the infalliblest evidences they can surely rely on or any Historians make use of in relating the History or proceedings of former ages the ignorance of which Records hath occasioned many mistakes both in matters of fact and Law in most of our Historians Chronicles and Law Books Some whereof relating to the English Jews I have here rectified in the by From all the Records here printed in their own words and language give me leave in brief to observe for thy better information these few general heads concerning the Jews to which they are reducible 1. That though our Kings by their forementioned Charters Writs and Proclamations granted many large Priviledges Protections Immunities to the Jews especially in the beginning of their reigns as if they were their only favourites and darlings above all other of their Subjects yet these their Royal Protectors and their Justices specially appointed for their custody soon after notwithstanding all their former Charters Declarations and promised Liberty Peace Protection proved their most unsatiable merciless perfidious tyrannical Exactors Fleecers Oppressors Taxmasters Tormentors almost without any intermission in one kind or other 2 That the Jews under all these Kings reigns notwithstanding all their indulged Liberties were but their most absolute Bondslaves and exquisite Villains in all respects as these particulars will evidence First their names were all inrolled in the Kings Exchequer for the Jews and they confined to live and abide only in such places as the King and his Justices assigned for their custody should prescribe them from which they might not remove without special license 2ly They were to be there constantly resident that the Kings Officers might there finde both them and their families upon all occasions 3ly They were translated from place to place at the Kings pleasure and permitted to reside in no place but where they had a common chest 4ly Their persons wives children infants families were imprisoned distrained sent to remote Prisons Castles banished executed tormented put to fines and ransoms upon all occasions especially for their Taxes and Debts to the King 5ly They were both by poll and wholesale granted and sold to others like Bondslaves and Villains in grosse by the King and morgaged to those who would purchase them or advance any monies upon their assignment 6ly They were alwayes to wear a badge and Table on their outmost garments as well females as males whereever they rod or went to distinguish them from Christians with whom they were to have no intimate communion who were prohibited to be servants nurses to any of the Jews in any kind and were all of them to be slaves and servants to the King in one kinde or other 7ly They were all prohibited to depart the Realm when once entred without special licence which they could not obtain and imprisoned yea put to fines and ransoms when they attempted it to avoid their Taxes Such was their Vassallage in respect of their persons As for their real and personal estates they were wholly at the Kings disposal First the King could seise all their Lands Houses Rents Annuities Fees Morgages Debts Goods Chattels gold silver and sell grant release give them unto whom he pleased at his pleasure 2ly All their real and personal estates chattels debts escheated to the King upon their deaths neither could their children wives heirs executors enjoy them without making Fines reliefs and compositions with the King for them at high rates 3ly They could not sue for any debt morgage house fee duty nor assign grant sell give release them unto others without the Kings special license for which they paid such fines as he thought fit to impose 4ly The King could stay their actions debts usury respite them for what time he pleased order them to be paid at other Terms and by other summes than those expressed in their charters and obligations and finally pardon release them and deliver up their Charters to their Debtors when and where he pleased 5ly The King seised searched inrolled sealed up all their publick Chests Charters Writings Debts Goods Chattels Estates and disposed of them to his own use upon all occasions notwithstanding all Grants and Charters to them and appointed all their Judges Officers Cyrographers Cofferers Escheators Presbyters Priests and Tallagers at his pleasure yea inforced them to tax distrain imprison one another under pain of perpetual imprisonment banishment confiscation of all their estates and the severest penalties as the premised Records assure us 3ly They alwayes lived under uncessant perpetual arbitrary unsupportable Taxes and Tallages imposed on them without any act of Parliament or their common assents by our Kings and their griping Officers at what rates soever they pleased sometimes 5000. or 6000. somtimes 20000. 60000
but commonly 8000. 10000. marks or pounds by the year levyed with the greatest rigour which some of the richest Jews in all places were commonly engaged to see punctually paid in at the terms appointed and when any of them opposed or neglected to pay or levy them their persons wives children families infants were all distrained imprisoned their estates Debts seised confiscated some of them sent Prisoners into Ireland and frequently menaced with perpetual banishment hence and losse of their estates their taxes being levyed by the strictest menacing warrants and all rigorous violent ways the King and his instruments could possibly invent And are not their Taxes in case they will now return again like to be more high frequent oppressive since the very English themselves after all their late contests wars consultations and prodigal expences of their blood treasures estates are now brought under heavy uncessant monthly arbitrary Taxes Excises Imposts decimations levyed with the greatest rigour and such as dare oppose them out of conscience or defence of publike liberty though in a legal way imprisoned close imprisoned ruined yea threatned with perpetual banishment even by such who pretend themselves the Patrons Protectors of the English liberties franchises Properties from such Aegyptian and Jewish Bondage and greatest Antagonists against such arbitrary exorbitant Tyranny 4. That besides these constant annual Taxes our Kings upon all occasions enforced them by way of Loans to lend what sums they demanded under pain of imprisonment confiscation of their estates seisure of all their Debts Pawns Chests And frequently seised searched released granted sold all their gold silver chests debts houses fees annuities pawns and imprisoned their persons wives children to extort and raise monies upon all extraordinary necessities 5. That when they had fleeced them to their very skins and could expect no more moneys from them then they morgaged and sold their persons estates and the revenues proceeding from them unto others to advance present moneys before hand like so many Slaves and Villains And though many of them notwithstanding all their endlesse Taxes Extortions Squeezings fleecings grew rich again in a short time through usury broccage clipping and falsifying coyn plate frauds and extortions of all kinds and their base parsimony industry frugality yet their wives children heirs friends enjoyed little or no benefit at all by it but the King and his Officers commonly fleeced them of al they gained by one device or other So that England was little better than a second Aegypt and our Kings and their griping Officers nothing else but so many new Pharoahs and Aegyptian Tax-masters to them during all their continuance here they having no assurance of lives liberties estates under them by any Charters Grants protection Engagements which they made no conscience to revoke and violate at their pleasures as some of late have done even to their own Christian Brethren in as high a degree as they did to the Jews 6. That they were so exceeding execrable and detestable to the people in all places where they resided both for their infidelity blasphemies apostacies enmity to Christ and Christianity circumcising and crucifying Christian Children clipping of coin falsifying of Charters extortion brokage usury frauds unconscionable Jewish cut-throat dealing and discrepancy of maners from the English that many places and ports opposed their coming over other Towns as Newcastle Winchelse Wycombe Newbury Berkhamsted Suthampton other places purchased exemptions or removals of them And those Towns where they resided frequently rose up in a tumultuous maner against them burning their houses beating abusing kiling their persons pillaging their goods and forcing them to fly to the Kings Castles for Sanctuary notwithstanding all the Kings Charters Proclamations Provisions of all sorts for their protection and defence against violence and committing them to the protection of the Sheriffs Maiors Chief Officers and Burgesses of the places where they resided But especially they were above measure assaulted beaten slaughtered pillaged by the Cruce-signati and Saint-like Souldiers of that age who listed crossed themselves for the Holy-Wars and by the Barons Souldiers who took up arms against their Soveraigns under pretext only of defending the Great Charters Laws Liberties of the Church and Realm of England usually stiling themselves exercitus Dei et sanctae Ecclesiae in Anglia Neither were they free from violence plunder nor the common people satisfied till their universal final banishment hence which they oft sollicited their implacable enmity against them being such that the symptoms thereof yet continue amongst us in our proverbiall speeches I hate thee as I do a Jew I would not have done so to a Jew None but a Jew would have done so and the like 7. That notwithstanding all the Injuries Oppressions Indignities cruelties they here sustained both from our Kings their Officers the generality of the people by Gods just curse and vengeance on them for their sins yea notwithstanding all means used by our Kings Magistates Bishops preaching Friers and others both for their reformation and conversion to the Christian Faith yet the generality of them continued persevered still in their willfull obstinacy infidelity blindnesse enmity malice blasphemies despite against our crucified Saviour and Christianity which they manifested upon all occasions in publike and private by circumcising and crucifying chistian children breaking the Crucifix in Oxford and trampling it under foot in the midst of the Universities soleme Procession and otherwise expressed at large in the forementioned records as likewise in their extorsions clipping and falsifying moneys Charters usuries frauds rapes murders forgeries very few of them turning Christian converts and that either to save their lives or prevent some imminent dangers to their persons families estates and those of the poorer sort for the most part to get a present livelyhood from the Christians who frequently turned Apostates or flagi●ious malefactors to the scandal of religion 8. That the Jews here had their Synagogues Schools Pries●s Presbyter and Comptroller of their Exchequer Escheator Cofferers Cyrographers Attornies Bayliffs with their proper Judges and Court of Exchequer wherein only they were to be sued proceeded against and by whom they were Iudged their Prisons Attachers Tax-Masters Record-Keepers ordered in all things according as the King by his Writs and Letters directed All which Offices were appointed by the Kings special Patents Writs whose Names Powers Jurisdictions Salaries together with their legal trials and proceedings of all sorts civil criminal the forms of their Starrs Charters Extents of Lands assignments of Debts Releases Reliefs Fines with the names of the chiefest Jews are registred and most clearly fully related in the forecited Records and in no other printed History or Law-book whatsoever 9. That the Jews were exempt from all other Temporal and Ecclesiastical Courts and Jurisdictions but the Justices specially appointed for their custody and the Kings Exchequer for the Jews yea from all publike Taxes imposed on the English and could not be excommunicated by the
Masters of their Law without the Kings special license 10. That the Iews usury was no ways countenanced nor approved but generally condemned and frequently released by our Kings long before the Statute de Judaismo which most infallibly appears to be made in 3 Ed. 1. not in 18. as Sir Edward Cook very grosly mistook And that the banishment of their Usury by it was not the cause of their voluntary banishment hence as he most fondly conceited 11. That the Presbyteratus Judeorum totius Angliae was not the High Priests spiritual function as Sir Edward Cook and others affirm but only a temporal office and Comptrolership in the Kings Exchequer of the Jews 12. That our Kings and Auncestors in times of Popery made and published sundry excellent Ordinances against the blasphemies abuses of the Jews and were very zealous industrious to convert them to Christianity and carefull to maintain support confirm and provide for them when converted in their Domus Conversorum That King Edward the first remitted his right to all the goods of convert Jews by an unchristian usage confiscated formerly to the Crowne by their very conversion allowing all Converts the moity of their estates to maintain them and granting the other moity of their Estates together with his Deodands and all forfeitures and Chevages of the Jews for the support of the Converts and their House Chappel Chaplains Yet very few of them were converted 13. That King Edward the 1 in the 18 year of his reign did by publike Edict of Parliam actually banish all the Jews out of England except the Converts by a set prefixed day beyond all contradiction much against the Jews good wills as I have undeniably proved by sundry Records forecited here and by multitudes of Historians in my first Demurrer against Sir Edw. Cooks grosse error A truth so clear that the very Jews themselves as I am informed by those best versed in their Manuscript Antiquities do make special mention of this their Banishment out of England in their Chronicles in Manasseh Ben-Israels custody taking their later computations of years from thence as a time very remarkable and ominous to their whole Nation And well might they do so seeing learned Mr. Edward Brerewood in his Enquiries touching the diversities of Languages and Religions throughout the chief parts of the world London 1614. c. 13. p. 92. assures us that The first Country of Christendom whence the Iews were expelled without hope of Return was our Country of England whence they were Banished Anno 1290. by King Edward the first By which example Not long after they were likewise banished France Anno 1307. by Philippus Pulcher Only of all the Countries of France in the Iurisdiction of Avignon the Popes State some are remaining Out of Spain An. 1492. by Ferdinand and shortly after out of Portugal Anno 1539. by Emanuel Out of the Kingdome of Naples and Sicilie Anno 1539. by Charls the V. as he there writes Out of which Sir Edward Cooke might have as well averred they only voluntarily banished themselves as that they voluntarily banished themselves out of England with ut any special Edict for their exile thence What other particulars of lester moment concerning the Jews occurre in these Records I have formerly touched in their respective places and shall here omit Having thus compleated my JUDAISMUS ANGLICANUS REDIVIVUS if I may so stile it or Chronological Collections of the Historical and Legal affairs of the English Jews out of the rich unknown Magazine of our generally neglected slighted precious old Records which Hugh Peters the great New-modeller Reformer of our former Lawes Liberties Government Kingdom Republike Church Religion Justice Law Merchandise Navy the Poor and what not but himself out of his rash fiery Zeal and transcendent ignorance would now make all new Martyrs but yet be none himself For which end in his Good Work for a good Magistrate London 1651. after his proposal of A short Model for the Law p. 28. c. he concludes with this advice as a Good Work fit for his good Magistrate p. 33. This being done It is very advisable to burn all the old Records yea even those in the Tower the Monuments of Tyranny that so his New Whimsies only might be known and adored for our English Lawes and Monuments in all succeeding ages I shall therefore crave Liberty to inform the World and this Ignoramus of the incomparable Excellency Utility Necessity of preserving these Records which he hath so brutishly devoted to the fire before he either knew their contents or worth which our Ancestors even in all former Wars Revolutions as well as times of peace and settlement preserved with much care and cost as the richest Pearls Treasures and Jewels of the Nation To which I answer 1. That all our wisest Kings Parliaments Ancestors Statesmen in former ages had ever a special care to record all businesses of publike or private ocncernment and to preserve our ancient Records as the choicest Treasures appointing special Treasuries places to preserve them in and Custodes R●tulorum Treasurers Chamberlains Registers Clerks to keep them safe from injury corrupting and embezelling and enacting many Statutes for this purpose witnesse not only the Chests Cyrographers Officers and others forementioned for keeping the Records and Charters of the Jews and their Rolls but also 13 E. 1. c. 25. 30. 1 E. 3. c. 4. 5 E. 3. c. 12. 9 E. 3. c. 5. 6 R 2. c. 4. 13 H. 4. c. 7. 2 H. 5. c. 8. 4 H. 6. c. 3. 8 H. 6. c. 12. 15. 10 H. 6. c. 4. 18 H. 6. c. 1. 9. 27 H. 8. c. 16. 32 H. 8. c. 28. 34 H. 8. c. 22. 28. 37 H. 8. c. 1. 2 E. 6. c. 10. 3 4 E. 6. c. 1. 1 2 Phil. Mar. c. 2. 23 Eliz. c. 3. 27 Eliz. c. 9. 31 Eliz. c. 3. 1 Jac. c. 6. with other Acts And must they now after all these Statutes be all made a burnt-of●ring unto Vulcan upon the crack-brain'd Motion of an Ignatian Incendiary 2. The Statute of 8 H. 6. c. 12. still in force Ordains That if any Record or parcel of the same writ retorn panel proces or warrant of Attorney in the Kings Courts of Chancery Eschequer the one Bench or other or in his Treasury be willingly stolen taken away withdrawn or avoided by any Clerk or other Person by cause whereof any Judgement be reversed th● such stealer taker away withdrawer and avoider their Procurers Counsellors and Abettors being thereof indicted and by process the●eupon made thereof duly convict by their own confession or by enquest to be taken by legal men whereof the one half shall be of the men of some Court of the same Courts and the other half of other shall be judged for Felons and shall incurre the pain of Felons And that the Iudges of the said Courts of the one Bench and of the other have power to hear and determine such
malitious potent vexatious Adversaries will be utterly abolished by Salt Peters new Firework to burn all our old Records to ashes 4ly Whereas this Ignoramus in our Records the most whereof he never yet saw and cannot so much as read produceth this only reason for their burning that they are the monuments of Tyranny I would demand of rhis bold blind Bayard who judgeth of coulors he never yet saw how he can make good this notorious untruth The greatest part of our Records are the two great Charters of the Liberties of England and the Forrest or sundry subsequent confirmations of them in several Parliaments the good old Laws Statutes Ordinances made by our wisest Kings Nobles Commons upon long advise and serions debates in our English Parliaments for the Government Peace defence wellfare of the people The proceedings debates Judgements Resolutions of our sagest Parliaments Judges Courts of Justice in all matters cases publike private civil or criminal formerly debated or resolved in them Old Charters Commissions Patents Writs Concords Fines Recoveries Statutes Judgements Extents Indictments Offices Grants of Liberties Lands Franchises Fairs Offices Pardons to particular persons corporations all matters advancing the defence of the Realm by Land and Sea in times of danger war according to the ancient Laws and Customes of the Realm Negotiations Truces Leagues with Embassies Letters to from forain Stares All particulars concerning Merchants Merchandise Trade Coyn Bullion Measures weights wools Staples Ships and the like Now how all or any of these can be stiled Monuments of Tyranny let this Lindsy-Wolsy great Clerk demonstrate at his best leasure Besides I here averr ex certa scientia against this Imposture That most of our old Records especially in the Tower are so far from being monuments of Tyranny that on the contrary they are the chiefest badges the clearest evidendences of those good old English Liberties which our noble Ancestors claimed purchased and transmitted to us as our richest Birthrights yea the principal Bulworks Fences against all sorts of Tyrannical usurpations encroachments on the Peoples Liberties Rights Properties in any kind whatsoever To put this out of Controversie I shall appeal only to the many excellent old Records produced most insisted on by the Commons and others in the several Parliaments of 7 8 21 Jacobi and 3 4 17. Caroli against all Impositions Tunnage Poundage Customs Excises Loans Taxes demanded imposed and exacted from the Subject without common consent and Act of Parliament against imprisoning Subjects by King or Council Table without any legal cause expressed in the warrants and not bailing them in such cases against Shipmoney Court and Conductmoney the Bishops late Canons and Oath Commissions for executing martial Law in times of Peace impressing and billiting Souldiers the Commissions of Array with other late Grievances Monopolies and the arbitrary proceedings of Strafford Canterbury the old Council Table Star-chamber and High-commission printed in sundry Treatises in Sir Edw. Cooks 2 4 Institut Sir Robert Cottons Posthuma and in my Legal Historical Vindication and collection of the good old fundamental Liberties c. of England to which I shall refer the Reader and Hugh Peters who if he had St. Augustines ingenuity hath as much cause and more than he to write a book of Retractations especially of this his rash sentence passed against our old Records devoting them to the fire which his and others New-Modles better deserve than they Now that I may the better excite encourage all generous English Spirits especially Lawyers Statesmen Historians Heralds and Divines who have opportunity not only to the diligent preservation but inspection study perusal of our ancient over-much neglected sleighted Records so rashly devoted to the fire by Peters I shall in brief acquaint each of them what hidden Treasures and rare precious pearls are locked up in these old Parchment cabinets 1. All grounded Students and Professors of the Law upon diligent search may find in our old Records the several Writs of Summons for our Archbishops Bishops Abbots Priors Dukes Earls Viscounts Barons Citizens Burgesses Merchants and all other Members to our ancient English Parliaments Great Councils of State Synods Convocations with the several prorogations adjournments dissolutions of them for Knights and others wages The Speeches Proceedings Petitions Debates Consultations Orders Ordinances Statutes Judgements Pleas Demands Grants or Refusals of Aides Subsidies with all transactions resolves concerning peace War Government Trade Merchandise Bullion Coyn Weights Measure purviances Customes Tunnage poundage Imposts Fishing Shipping defence of King or Kingdom by Land or Sea Liberties priviledges properties regulation of abuses supplies of defects of Law Justice and all other matters formerly discussed in our English parliaments Which if faithfully transcribed and methodically digested into a Parliamentary Chronicle would for rare usefull matter Excellency certainty far exceed all Histories Statute-Books Law-Books Chronicles ever yet compiled rectifie many grosse mistakes in most of them and make more able knowing Lawyers Judges parlamentmen Statesmen than former ages have produced Besides the old Records in the respective Treasuries of the Tower Courts at Westminster and the Rolls faithfully relate at large the Institutions Jurisdictions procedings Judgements Writs Formalities Debates commissions Law-cases Judges Officers names customes Fees of all the great courts of Law Justice Equity civil Ecclesiastical Military Marine Justices Itinerant Justices of the Forrest Justices of Assize Oyer and Determiner of most other inferiour Courts and Commissioners both in England Wales Ireland Scotland Gascoyne Normandy Poyters the Isles of Man Gernsy Iersy Alder●y Serk Silly and other Isles the Stanneries in Cornwall and in most Corporations Counties Hundreds Honors Mannors in them Record all sorts of commissions charters Writs Warrants Instruments relating to Law Iustice Trade peace War The Courts Jurisdictions priviledges Mannors Lands Fees Rents exemptions Liberties Royalties Tenures Services customs Offices Successions pedigrees of the Kings Princes Queens Archbishops Bishops Deans Chapters cities corporations Fraternities Guilds Nobility Gentry Freeholders of England Ireland Wales Scotland and all Dominions Isles annexed to them with sundry other particulars necessary for an accomplished Lawyer out of which industrious Lawyers if countenanced by authority and encouraged by a a publike Salary might collect such a rare new Body and Systeme of the Laws customs courts and ancient legal proceedings in all the courts of Justice throughout our Dominions as would as far excell all other Abridgements collections Reports Institutes Registers Law-Books hitherto published for use excellency as the richest Diamond exceeds the basest pibble and bring more honour benefit to the English Nation than all the Shepheards Calenders and New-corps or Models of our old English Laws attempted by Hugh Peters Sword-men and some bold illiterate Ignoramusses of the Law who neuer yet perused any of our old Records nor read over half our English Law-books and yet will be reformers or deformers rather of what they never exactly knew not understood In brief the exact knowledge of our