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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A80285 The compleat clark, and scriveners guide. Containing exact draughts and presidents of all manner of assurances and instruments now in use: as they were penned and perfected by divers learned judges, eminent lawyers, and great conveyancers, both ancient and modern. Whereunto is also added a concordance of years, from the time of King Richard the third untill this present; very usefull for conveyancers and others. With an exact alphabeticall table, whereby any of the said presidents may be easily found out. 1655 (1655) Wing C5633; Thomason E486_1; ESTC R205341 696,909 690

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gotten by means of any the said Suits Actions Recoveries Judgments and Executions or by means of any of them shall be equally had divided and parted part and party-like the one half thereof to the said H B his Executors and Administrators and the other half thereof to the said R and I his Executors and Administrators and that neither of the said parties nor their severall Executors or Administrators shall wittingly and willingly without the consent of the other party or of his or their Executors or Administrators do procure or cause any thing to be done to hinder or defeat any the said lawful Suits Actions Recoveries Judgments or Executions to be had as aforesaid of or for any the said debts or to let or hinder the equal dividing of all profits commodities and advantages thereof or therby to be had or gotten contrary to the true meaning aforesaid And further we do Award Order and Judge by these presents that the said H B upon reasonable request shall on the first day of c. now next comming make sale and deliver or cause to be delivered to the said R. H. and J. C. or to one of them or otherwise for both their uses at or in c. between the hours of c. of the same day or otherwise in the mean time before hand one lawful acquittance general of and for all Actions Suits Quarrels and Demands from the beginning of the world untill the 8 th of April last past And likewise we do Award c. by these presents that the said R. and I. upon the like reasonable request shall on the said c. now also next comming make sale and deliver or cause to be delivered to the said H. B. at or in c. between the like hours aforesaid in the forenoon c. or otherwise c. one lawful acquittance general of and for all actions suits quarrels and demands from the beginning of the world untill the said 8 th day of April now last past as aforesaid In witness c. BARGAINS A Bargain and Saleof Copyhold Lands by Commissioners of Banckrupts THis Indenture made c. Between S. E. Esquire E T Esquire and I I Gent. of the one part and R W. of c. R W c D M of c. E C of c. and W E of c. of the other part Witnesseth That whereas upon complaint made to the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Coventry Lord Keeper of the great Seal of England by E S c. as well for himself as for all other the Creditors of F M late of VV. c. That wheras the said F. M. using and exercising the trade of Merchandise by way of bargaining exchange bartering and chevisance seeking his trade of living by buying and selling upon good and just cause forwares and merchandise to him sold and delivered and also for ready money to him lent being indebted to the said E S and other his Creditors in divers and several sums of money amounting in the whole to the sum of 500 l. and upwards of late that is to say about the moneth of May in the year c. did become Banckrupt within the several Statutes lately made against Banckrupts to the intent to defraud and hinder him the said E S and other his Creditors of their just debts and duties to them owing viz. within the Statute made in the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the second day of April in the 13 th year of the Reign of our late Soveraign Lady Queen Elizabeth concerning Banckrupts and within the Statute made in the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster aforesaid the 19th day of March in the first year of the Reing of our late Soveraign Lord of famous Memory King James of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the 37 Intituled an Act for the better reliefe of Creditors against such as shall become Backrupt And also within the Statute made in the Parliament and holden ot Westminster begun at the 19 th day of Feb. in the 21. year of the Reign of our said late Soveraign King James of England France and Ireland and of Scotland 57. Entituled an Act for the further description of Banckrupts and reliefe of Creditors against such as shall become Banckrupts or within one of them our said Soveraign Lord the the Kings Majesty that now is by his most gracious Commission under the great Seal of England bearing date at Westminster the 19 th day of June in the 13 th year of his Majesties Reign that now is directed to the said S E E T and I I and unto F VV Gent. and I P Gent. hath Named Assigned Constituted and Ordained the said S E E. T I I H W and I P his Majesties special Commissioners giving full Power and Authority unto them foure or three of them whereof the said S. E. or E. T. to be one to execute the said Commission according to the same Statutes and every or any of them not only concerning the said F. M. his Body Lands tenements Frehold and Customary Goods Debts and other things whatsoever but also concerning all other Persons which by concealments claime or otherwise doe or shall offend touching the Premises or any part thereof contrary to the true Intent and meaning of the same statutes and every or any of them to do and execute all and every thing and things whatsoever as well towards and for satisfaction and payment of his said Creditors as towards and for all other Intents and purposes according to the ordinance and provision of the same Statutes as in and by the said Commission and the complaint in writing therunto annexed more plainly and at largt it doth and may appear And wheras the said S. E. E. T. and I. I. do further find that all the time that the said F. M. became Bankrupt as aforesaid he the said F M and J. his wife were and stood seised to them and to the Heirs of the said F. M. according to the custome of the Mannor of W. in the County of E. of one Copyhold or Customary Messuage or Tenement called C. with a Garden and Orchard therunto belonging now in the occupation of the said F. M. c. holden by Copy of Court-Roll of the foresaid Mannor of W. All which Copyhold or customary Premisses the greater part of the above named Commissioners by the said Commission authorized have caused to be viewed and rented and the respective Estates of the said F. M. of and in the same to be appraised to the best value they may and accordingly the same have been viewed rented and appraised by J. K. and R. F. men of sufficient skill and judgment for the doing therof in manner and form following That is to say the foresaid Messuage or Tenement called C. and the Garden and Orchard therunto belonging in the occupation of the said F. M. scituate lying and being at W. aforesaid to be let for the yearly Rent of 6 l. of
of in and to the said Indenture above recited in these presents To this end and purpose that the said I. L. his Executors Administrators or Assigns shal from time to time and at all times hereafter at the request of the said M. her Executors Administrators or Assigns grant assure and convey aswell the said premisses with the Appurtenances Condition and every part and parcell therof for and during the said term of one hundred yeares or for such Interest or tearm of years as at the time of such request made shall be therein then to come and unexpired as also the said Indenture above recited and all the State Right Title Interest Claim Tearm of years and Demand whatsoever of the said I. L. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns of in and to the said premisses and every part and parcell thereof The said premisses of all Grants Estates Leases Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever before that time had made or done by the said I. L. his Executors Administrators or Assignes in any wise In Witnesse c. A second Assignement of the same Lease THis Indenture made the day of J. c. between I. L. Gentleman son or Sir P. L. Knight on the one party and B. widdow sister of the said I. L. and late wife of R. B. late of S. in the county of L. Esquire deceased on the other party witnesseth that whereas the said R B. by his Indenture sufficient in the Law bearing date c. did Recitall for the consideration in the said Indenture specified demise grant set and to ferm let unto I. L. one other of the sons of the said Sir P. L Knight all and singular his Mannors Messuages Houses buildings Orchards Gardens Lands Tenements Rents Reversions and Services whatsoever in the severall towns hamlets feilds and territories of R. B. c. in the said County of L. or in any of them to have and to hold all and singular the said Mannors Messuages Lands tenements Rents Reversions Services and all other the premisses with all and singular the Appurtenances unto the said J. L. his Executors or Assigns immediately from and after the death of the said M. B. for and during the tearm of one hundred years then next following fully to be compleat and ended yeilding and paying therfore yearly during the term of one hundred years to the said R. B. his heirs and Assigns a certain yearly Rent and also upon condition amongst other Conditions in the said Indenture contained that the said J. L. at all and every time and times after the making of the said Indenture upon the request or demand of the said M. B. should lawfully convey and assure all and singular the premisses with their Appurtenances or any part or parcell thereof to such person or persons as by the said M her Executors Administrators should be named or appointed for and during all such interest and term as then should be unexpired of the said one hundred years or for such part or portion thereof as by the said M. should be limited nominated or appointed as by the said Indenture more at large doth and may appear And whereas the said I. L. at the speciall request and desire of the said M. B. and by her nomination and appointment and for the performance accomplishment of the Condition above recited in these presents of the trust and confidence in him reposed by the said R. B. deceased hath by his Indenture bearing date the day of this present moneth of I. granted assigned and set over unto the said I. L. his Executors Administrators and assigns as well the said premisses with the appurtenances above recited in these presents and every part and parcell thereof for and during the term of one hundred years and also all his Estate Right Title Interest Claim Term of years and Demand whatsoever of in and to the same and every part and parcell thereof together with the said Indenture above recited in these presents to this end and purpose that the said I. L. his Executors Administrators and Assigns should from time to time and at all times from thenceforth at the request of the said M. her Executors Administrators or Assigns grant assure and convey by his or their Indenture or Deed sufficient in the Law unto the said M. B. her Executors admistrators and assigns as well the said Premisses with the Appurtenances and every part and parcell thereof for and during the said term of one hundred years or for such interest or term of years as at the time of such request made should be therein then to come and unexpired and also the said Indenture above recited and all the Estate Right Title Interest Claim Term of years and Demand whatsoever of the said J. L. his Executors Administrators and Assigns of in and to the said Premisses and every part and parcell thereof And further as by the said Indenture made by the said J. L. to the said J. L. as aforesaid more at large it doth and may appear Now the said Io. L. at the request of the said M. B. and for the end and purpose expressed and declared in the said Indenture made by the said J. L. as aforesaid 2 Assignment hath granted assigned and set over and by this present Indenture doth grant assign and set over unto the said M. B. her Executors Administrators and assigns as well the said premisses with the appurtenances and every part and parcell thereof for and during the said term of one hundred years as also the said Indenture above recited made by the said R. B. to the said J. L. as aforesaid and all the Estate Right Title Interest Claim Term of years and Demand whatsoever of the said J. L. of in and to the said premisses and every part and parcell thereof together with the said Indenture made by the said J. L. to the said J. L. as aforesaid In witnesse c. An Assignment of a Mannor THis Indenture made c. between G. O. c. on the one party Recitall of Letters Patents and G. D. c on the other party witnesseth that whereas our said soveraign Lady the Queens Majestie by her highness Letters Patents made under the great seal of England bearing date at G. the c. in the nineteenth year of her highness most gracious Raign reciting certain Letters Patents of King Philip and our late Soveraign Lady Queen Mary late King and Queen of England made to one R. B. under their great seal of England bearing date the c. in the fourth and fifth year of their Raignes and also reciting certain her Majesties former Letters Patents made to R A under the seal of the Exchequer bearing date at Westminster the c. in the twelfth year of her Highness Raign Hath demised granted and to Farm letten amongst other things to VV. H. c. all that her Mannor of I. with all and singular Rights Members and Appurtenances scituate lying and being
and allowance of and for the part purpart and portion of all the said five Messuages c. to the said E. from and after the decease of the said A. B. as one of the Daughters and Heirs of the said A B. belonging or appertaining And the said J M and C in the right of the said C and the Heirs and the Assigns of the said C shall have hold occupy and injoy to the said J M and C in the right of the said C add the Heirs and Assigns of the said C in severalty for ever the said Messuages c in as large and ample manner and form as the said J. M. and C. now have hold occupy and enjoy the same in full recompence and allowance of and for the said part purpart or portion that to the said C. appertaineth or of right ought to appertain or belong of all the said five Messuages by and after the decease of the said A. B. as one of the Daughters and Heirs of the said A. B. And the said J. M. and C. for them and the Heirs and Assigns of the said C. do by these presents covenant and grant to and with the said A Covenant to accept two Messuages for one part T S and E and the Heirs of the said E That he the said J M and C in right of the said C and the Heirs and Assigns of the said C shall and wil accept and take the said two Messuages in the tenures of c. in full recompence and allowance of and for her part purpart and portion of all the said five Messuages c. to the said I M and C by and after the death of the said A B as one of the Daughters and Heirs of the said A B belonging or appertaining and for and in consideration that the said Messuages to the said P. M and C. in form aforesaid allotted be of better value then the said Messuages to the said T S and E. in form aforesaid allotted The said J M and C. for them their Heirs Executors and Administrators do covenant and grant to and with the said T S and E their Executors and Administrators that they the said I M and C their Heirs Executors or Administrators A Covevant to pay a summ of money to one whose part was less then the other shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said T S and E their Executors or Administrators the summ of c. And it is also covenanted granted and agreed between the said parties and either of the said parties do covenant grant and agree for them and their Heirs and Assigns by these presents to and with the other of them their Heirs and Assigns that it shall and may be lawfull to either of the said parties their Heirs and Assigns from time to time A Covenant that every of the parties may enter into any of the others part for the repairing of the Houses and at all times needfull to enter into any parcel of the part or purpart of the other for the repairing amending and doing of any thing necessary for the maintenance and preservation of the Tenements aforesaid to them severally allotted and appointed by these presents and that neither of the said parties their Heirs or Assigns at any time hereafter shall make any new Building or do any other thing in any part or parcel of the part and purpart of either of them that shall or may stop impair or hinder the Light Gutters or Kennels of the part or purpart of the other of them In witness c. A Division of Land between the Owners therof in Fee-simple with good Covenants THis Indenture c. between A W Son of W W late of L Carpenter deceased on the one party and C W Citizen and M of L. on the other party witnesseth That wheras by reason of Parliament holden in the first year of the late Raign of our late Soveraign Lord E 6. late King of England Intituled an Act for dissolving and determining Recitation of divers Chantries Colledges Guilds and Fraternities amongst other there did come to the possession of the said late King all those two Messuages and Tenements Shops Cellars Sollers Yards Chambers c. then in the tenure c. scituate in the Parish of St. Peter c in the City of L aforesaid And where the said late King E 6. by his Letters Patents made under his Great Seal of Eng and bearing date c. amongst other things did give and grant the said two Messuages and other the Premisses with their Appurtenances to E E then of the City of L Esquire and to T B of c. and to their Heirs for ever to be holden of the said late King his Heirs and Successors by Fealty in free Burgage of the said City of L and not in chief for all Services and Demands whatsoever as by the said Letters Patents and Record therof more piainly c. And where the said C W and A W by good and lawfull conveyance are and stand seised of the said two Messuages and other the Premisses Each seised of a Moyety with their Appurtenances to them and their Heirs for ever That is to say the said C. is and standeth seised of one Moyety therof and the said A. of the other Moyety therof by good and perfect Estates in Fee-simple They the said C. and A. of one assent and consent for them Allotments in severalty and their Heirs have made full and cleer division of all the said Messuage or Tenement and other the Premisses with their Appurtenances in form as followeth That is to say the said C W his Heirs and Assigns shall and may from henceforth have hold and enjoy to the said C. his Heirs and Assigns for ever to the only use and behoof of the same C. his Heirs and Assigns for ever all that c. a butting c. containing c. And that the said A. W. his Heirs and Assigns shall and may c. all that c. And for as much as the said part of the Premisses in The one in consideration his part is better alloweth money to the other in Consideration the Division aforesaid alloted to the said C. W. is the better part therof the same C. in consideration therof before the ensealing of these presents hath given contented and paid to the said A. W. the summ of c. wherof the said A. knowledgeth himself fully and truly paid and satisfied and therof acquitteth c. And the said A. W. for him and his Heirs doth by these presents ratifie and confirm to the said C. his Heirs and Assigns for ever all that part of the said two Messuages and other the Premisses allotted to the said C. in and by the Division And also the said A. W. covenanteth c. in form c. That he the said A and his Heirs and all other having or lawfully claiming or which may have or lawfully
of lawfull c. for the performance of all and singular the Covenants Grants Articles Clauses Sentences and Agreements specified in the said former Indenture on the part of the said I. C His Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns to be performed As by the said Recognizance remaining of Record before our said Soveraign Lady the Queen in her Court at Westminster commonly called the Kings-Bench and the Condition therof more plainly and at large may and doth appear Now the said Sir V. B. for very good and reasonable considerations him therunto moving hath granted assigned and set over unto the said G. T. his Executors Administrators and Assigns as well the said Recognizance and sum of money therin specified As also all and singular Forfeitures Recoveries Advantages and Commodities whatsoever which at any time or times can or may be lawfully had or taken by reason or means of the said Recognizance or of any Judgment therupon given or to be given or of any execution therof to be had And the said Sir V. B. for him c. covenanteth c. in form c. That is to say That he the said Sir V. his Executors and Administrators and every of them from henceforth from time to time and at all times shall and will agree permit and suffer the said G. T. his Executors Administrators Substitutes and Assigns at their own costs and charges to sue and prosecute in the name and names of the said Sir V. his Executors and Administrators all and singular Writ and Writs Proces Judgments Recoveries Extents and Executions without any time can or may be lawfully had or pursued for or upon the said Recognizance or any Judgment thereupon given or to be given against the said I. C. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or against any other person or persons whatsoever And also that he the said Sir V. his Executors and Administrators upon every reasonable request of the said G. T. his Executors Administrators or Assigns and at the costs and charges of the said G. his Executors or Administrators shall and will make seal and deliver to the said G. T. his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns such Letter and Letters of Attorney for the suing of the said Recognizance and recovery of the sum of money therin specified as at any time shall be needfull And also at the like request and costs and charges aforesaid shall and will avouch and allow of all and every the said Suits Proces and other the Premisses And shall not wittingly at any time or times do or knowledge any act or acts thing or things which shall hinder let or stay any of the said Suits Proces Judgments Recoveries Extents or Executions aforesaid And also that the said G. T. his Executors Administrators and Assigns may from time to time have hold and enjoy to their own uses all and singular such Goods Chattels Lands Tenements Rents Reversions and Hereditaments as shall be had or taken in execution of the said Recognizance or any Judgment therof given or to be given and all other Advantages Forfeitures and Benefits which at any time shall or may be lawfully gotten or recovered by means therof without any let claim disturbance or impediment by or with the consent and will of the said Sir V. his Executors or Administrators and without any account therfore or for any part therof to be made or to be given to the said Sir V. his Executors or Administrators And also that after Execution shall be had of the said Recognizance or of any Judgment therof given or to be given That then at all times during the space of two years then next following the said Sir V. his Executors and Administrators upon every reasonable request to them made by the said G. T. his Executors Administrators or Assigns and at the costs and charges of the said G. T. his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and will grant convey and set over unto the said G. T. his Executors Administrators and Assigns or to such other person or persons as the said G. his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall name and appoint all and singular such Goods Chattels Lands Tenements Rents Reversions and Hereditaments aforesaid as shall be had or taken in Execution as aforesaid without retaining or account requiring therof or of any part therof to the said Sir V. his Executors or Administrators And also that the said Sir V. heretofore hath not And that he his Executors or Administrators hereafter shall not release acquit or discharge the said I. C. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of his or their Feoffors or any of their Lands Tenements Goods or Chattels or any of their persons of or for any of the Covenants Articles or Agreements contained in the said former Indenture neither of or for the said Recognizance or sum of mony therin specified or any part therof or any Proces Extent Judgment or Execution therfore had or sued or to be had or sued without it be at and by the speciall request and agreement of the said I. his Executors Administrators or Assigns first therfore made and given to the said Sir V. in writing under his or their hands or Seals And also that the said Sir V. his Executors and Administrators and every of them at any time hereafter at the request and costs and charges of the said G. his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and will do make knowledge and suffer all and every lawfull and reasonable act and acts thing and things in the Law which shall be needfull for the making void and discharging of the said Recognizance and such judgments and executions as be or shall be had or given upon the same And the said G. T. covenanteth c. That he the said G. his Executors Administrators or Assigns at their own costs and charges from time to time shall and will save and keep harmless the said Sir V. his Executors and Administrators and every of them of and for all and singular such Issues Amerciaments Fines Costs and Charges whatsoever as shall happen to be due or payable for or by reason of any Writ or Writs Proces or Judgments to be had in any Suit to be attempted for and in the name of the said Sir V. his Executors or Administrators by the means or appointment of the laid G. T. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of them for and about the said Recognizance or sum of money therin specified or any part therof In witness c. An Assignment of a Statute THis Indenture made between R. M. Esquire on the one party and I. G. on the other party witnesseth wheras W. B. of H. by his Recognizance or Writing Obligatory bearing date the 25th day of July the 3. and 4. years of the Raign of P. and M. late King and Queen of England taken and knowledged before Sir R. B Knight then Lord chief Justice of the Common Bench at Westminster according to the form of the
I P. or his Assigns to be paid and performed onely except and foreprised for and concerning the which rents c. and every of them the said R. R. covenanteth c. that he the said R. his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and will save harmless the said I. P his Executors and Administrators and every of them for and during the said term of 21 years contained in the said Indenture of Lease In witness c. Dat. 26 July Of severall terms in Leases of a Ferry by Letters Patents THis Indenture made c. Between T. M. c. and V. his wife of the one partie and T. L. of the other partie Witnesseth that Recital of the Letters Patents whereas our late Soveraigne Lord King James by his highnesse Letters Patents bearing Date c. for the considerations therin specified and expressed did demise grant betake and to farm let unto E. C. and E S. Gentlemen among other things All that passage of water upon the Thames called Ferry with all and singular the profits commodities and advantages whatsoever to the said passage belonging or appertaining lying and being in the Town of R. in the County of S. between c. on the West end c. To have and to hold to the said E. C. and E. S. their Executors and Assigns from the Feast of the Annunciation Habend in the Letters Patents of the blessed Virgin Mary which then should be in the year of our Lord God 1622. unto the end and term and for by and during all the term of forty years from thence ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended Yeilding and paying therfore from thenceforth yearly unto the said late Kings Majesty his Heirs and Successors the yearly Rent of 13 s. 4 d. of lawfull money of England at the Feast of Saint M. the Arch-angel and the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary at the receipt of the Exchequer of his Highness his Heirs and Successors or to the hands of the Bayliffs or Receivers of the Premisses for the time being by equall portions to be paid during the term aforesaid granted in and by the said Letters Patents as in and by the said Letters Patents amongst other things therin contained more plainly and at large it doth and may appear The Residue of which term by mean Assignments and Conveyances in the Law came to the Right Honourable the Lady I. Countess of S. as by the same mean assignments and conveyances may further appear And wheras one G. W. c. did by his Indenture of Lease bearing Recital of a Lease date c. according to a licence in that behalf demise unto one N. W. amongst other things five acres of customary Lands in the Fields of T. c. for the term of 42. years from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended And wheras M. W. late wife of the said N. W and sole Executrix of his last Will and Testament by her Deed in Writing bearing date c. did for the considerations therin expressed grant and assign unto one I. B. the residue of the said term of 42. years in one acre and one rood of arable Land being parcell of the said five acres lying in and upon one Flat or Furlong of ground called the W. in the East field of T. aforesaid towards the said Ferry which by mean Assignments and Conveyances in the Law came to the said Countess of S. as by the same may appear And wheras the Right Honourable Lady M. Countess of H. did by her Indenture bearing date c. let and set to the said Countess of S. two Messuages called the Ferry Meads containing c. one other meadow containing c. one other close called by the name of the plow close containing c. lying and being in the parish of T. aforesaid with all waies easements commodities and appurtenances thereunto belonging To have and to hold to the said Countess of S. and her Assigns from the Feast day of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary last past before the date thereof for and during the term of six years from thence next ensuing at and under the yearly Rent of twenty pounds Per annum payable in such manner and form as in that Indenture is mentioned as by the said Indenture may further appear And whereas the said I Countess of S. by her last will in writing Recitall of a will bearing date c. did bequeath to the said V. by the name of V. C. the said severall Terms of and in the premisses and of the same her Will made the said V. her sole Executrix who since the decease of the said Countess hath in due form of Law proved the said Will and taken upon her the Execution thereof as by the same Will and the probate thereof under the seal of the prerogative Court of Canterbury may further appear Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said T. M. and V. his wife Consideration for a good and valuable consideration in money to them paid by the said T. L. the receipt whereof they do acknowledge by these presents Have granted bargained sold assigned and set over and by these presents Assignment of the Lenses do grant bargain sell assign and set over unto the said T L the said leases mean assignments and conveyances and all the residue of the said severall Terms yet to come in the premisses and every part and parcell thereof and all their Right title terms interest estate and demands of in or unto the same premisses and every part and parcell thereof and all those two Boats commonly called the one by the name of the Horse boat and the other by the name of the Ferry boat riding or rowing at or neer the sayd Ferry with the chains and other things thereunto belonging To have and to hold the said boats with the said Habend of part chains and other things thereto belonging unto the said T. L. and his Assigns as his and their own proper goods and chattells for ever And to have and to hold all the residue of the premisses unto the said And of the residue T L and his assigns for and during all the residue of the said severall terms respectively and in as ample manner and form to all intents and purposes as the said T M. and V his Wife or either of them their or either of their Executors or assigns may can or ought to hold and enjoy the same by force of the said Letters Patents Leases Assignments Conveyances and Devises or by any of them and by any other ways and means whatsoever And the sayd T. M for himself his heirs Executors and Administrators and for every of them doth covenant promise and agree to and with the said T. L. his Executors and assigns A Covenant for quiet enjoying by these presents that he the said T L his Executors and assigns shall or may from henceforth during the residue of
Conditions Rights Rent Seck Rent charge Recognizances Statutes Merchant Statutes of the Staple Forfeitures Intrusions and all other Titles Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever had knowledged done caused or made by the said Marquess or by his assent consent or procurement at any time or times the Rents and Services therof from hence forth to be due to the chief Lord or Lords of the Fee or Fees of the Premisses only except and fore prised And that he the said VV. D. and C. and the Heirs of the said VV. shall For further assurance and may peaceably and quietly have hold occupy and enjoy the Premisses and every parcell therof without any lawfull Suit Eviction devesting or disturbance of the said Marquess or of any his Heirs or of any other claiming by from or under him And that he the said Marquess and his Heirs shall and will do and suffer to be done at all times hereafter within the space of three years next ensuing at the costs and charges in the Law of the said W. D. and C. or one of them or of the Heirs Executors or Administrators of the said VV. D. all and every act and acts thing and things as shall be reasonably devised or Advised by the said VV. D. and C. and either of them or of the Heirs Executors or Administrators of the said VV D or their learned Councell in the Law of any of them for the further assurance and sure making of the Premisses and every parcell therof unto the said VV D and C and to the Heirs and Assigns of the said VV be it by fine or feoffment recovery inrollment of these presents or otherwise with warranty only against the said Lord Marquess and his Heirs so as the said Marquess and his Heirs shall not be driven and compelled for making of any such assurance to travell out of his or their house or houses And further the said Marquess covenanteth c. That he the said For suing upon breach of Covenants made to the Grantor VV D his Executors and Administrators shall and may at all times hereafter at his and their costs and charges for and in the name of the said Marquess his Executors or Administrators attempt commence prosecute and sue all and all manner of lawfull Actions and Suits whatsoever against the said T E his Heirs Executors or Administrators for or by reason of any Couenant Article or Agreement specified or contained in the said Indenture bearing date the said c which ought to be observed performed fulfilled and kept on the part and behalf of the said T his Heirs Executors or Administrators and which heretofore hath been or hereafter shall be broken or not observed or performed by the said T. his Heirs Executors or Administrators And also one Writ or divers Writs of Scire facias and all other Actions and Suits whatsoever which may or shall be lawfully attempted commenced prosecuted or sued against the said T. E. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or their Goods and Chattels Lands and Tenements for or by reason of any Recognizances bearing date the c. knowledged by the said T. E. before our said Soveraign Lord the King in his High Court of Chancery wherin the said T. standeth bound to the said Marquess in the Sum of 2000 l of c. which Recognizance was made for the performance of the Covenants specified and contained in the said Indenture which on the part and behalf of the said T. his Heirs Executors or Administrators ought to be observed or kept And that he the said Marquess his Heirs Executors and Administrators To justifie actions c. shall and will at all times avow justifie and maintain all such lawfull Actions Suits and Executions And that he heretofore hath not done caused or suffered to be done any thing wherby the said Covenants and Agreements contained in the said former Indenture or any of them or the said Recognizance or the said Sum of 2000 l. contained in the same were or shall be released defeated extinguished hindered or determined And that he the said Marquess his Heirs Executors or Administrators shall not willingly and wittingly be non-suit in any of the said Actions or Suits or discontinue the same or other thing do cause or suffer to be done for or touching the abatement bar hurt hinderance or impairing of the said Actions Suits or Executions without the assent of the said W. D his Executors or Administrators therunto first had and obtained And that he the said Marquess his Heirs Executors and Administrators shall and will at all times hereafter permit and suffer the said W. D. his Executors and Administrators to levy perceive take have and enjoy to his and their own use and uses the Sums of money costs damages and benefit whatsoever by such Actions Suits and Executions or any of them as shall or may be recovered had obtained or gotten And shall do all such acts and things for the assurance of the same to the said W. D. his Executors or Administrators as by him his Executors or Administrators or his or their learned Councell in the Law shall be reasonably devised or advised and required so to be done In witness c. A Bargain and Sale by a man and his wife of a house in London with Covenants to transferr the benefit of Bonds and Covenants made to the Vendor at his Purchase THis Indenture made c. between G. M. and A. his wife T. M. Son and Heir apparant of the said G. And R. M. second Son of the said G. on the one party and R. C. on the other party witnesseth That the said G. and A. his wife T. M. and R. M. for and in consideration of the Sum of c. to the said G well and truly paid by the said R C before the ensealing of these presents wherof and wherwith the said G and A T. M. and R. M do acknowledge themselves satisfied contented and paid and therof and of every part therof do acquit and discharge the said R. C. his Heirs Executors and Administrators by these presents hath given granted bargained and sold and by these presents Grant doth give grant bargain and sell ro the said R. C. his Heirs and Assigns for ever all that Capitall Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances And also all and singular Shops called Cellars Sollers Ware-houses Yards Rooms Commodities Easements and Hereditaments to the said Messuage or Tenement belonging or in any wise appurtaining And the Reversion and Reversions of all and singular the Premisses which said Messuage and Tenement and other the Premisses with the Appurtenances our late Soveraign Lord Edward the 6th late King of England by his Letters Pattents dated at L the 00. day of N. in the second year of his late Raign amongst other things did give and grant to W. G. and to their Heirs for ever And the said VV. G. and VV. H. the same also amongst other things by their Deed c. in the
L. or W. and the Suburbs of the same In Witness c. A Bargain and Sale of an Assignee of a Patentee of Concealed Land THis Indenture c. between A. K. of L. Esquire and F. K. of L. Gentleman on the one party and C. R. of T. in the County of C Gentleman on the other party witnesseth That the said A. K and F K for and in consideration of a certain sum of c. wherof and wherwith c. and therof and therfore c. have granted aliened bargained and sold and by these presents c. unto the said C V and his Heirs for ever all that their House or Scite of the late Monastery of T. and all Houses Edefices Barns Stables Dove-houses Orchards Gardens Lands and Soil as well within the said Scite and Precinct of the same late Monastery as neer and next to the same late Monastery And all and all manner of Demesne Lands there to the same late Monastery somtime belonging and appurtaining or within the same before that used or occupied now or late in the Tenure or Occupation of Sir H. I. Knight or of his Assigns And the Reversion and Reversions of all and singular the Premisses And all and all manner of Woods Under-woods and Trees in and upon the Premisses and the Ground and Soil of the same Woods Under-woods and Trees And all and singular Rents Revenews and yearly Profits whatsoever reserved upon any Lease or Leases made of the Premisses or of any part therof Together with such Views of Frank-pledg Courts Leets Law-daies Cattailes wayed and stryafed free Warrens Knights Fees and with all and all manner those and such Liberties Franchises Priviledges Jurisdictions Profits Commodities and Emoluments whatsoever as any Abbot or Prior of the said late Monastery of T. or any other person or persons having or possessing the premisses or any part therof or of any part or parcell therof seised ever had held and enjoyed or ought to have had holden or enjoyed the said Scite and other the Premisses or any part therof by reason of any Charter of Gift Grant or Confirmation or of any Letters Patents by our said Soveraign Lady the Queen which now is or any of her Progenitors Kings of England by any manner of means made granted or confirmed or by reason of any prescription use or custom before this time had or used or otherwise by any manner of means Right or Title so fully wholly and amply as Sir R. H. Kt Citizen and Alderman of London and A. G. Citizen and Alderman of London and T. A. Citizen and Haberdasher of L. the said Scite and Demesne Lands and other the Premisses amongst other things late had to them and their Heirs of the Gift and Grant of our said Soveraign Lady Queen Elizabeth by virtue of her Letters Patents therof to them made under the great Seal of England and bearing date at G. the c. in the 12. year of her Raign And in as large and ample manner as the said A. and F. the said Scite and other the Premisses amongst other things had to them and their Heirs of the Bargain Sale Grant and Feoffment of the said Sir R. H. A. G. and T. A. by vertue of their Deed therof made to the said A. and F bearing date c. except and alwaies reserved Except c. to the said A. and F. their Heirs and Assigns the Granges of A. and B. with their appurtenances and all and singular Lands Tenements and Hereditaments to the same two Granges or either of them belonging or in any wise appurtaining To have and to hold the said Habend house c except before excepted to the said c. his Heirs and Assigns for ever to the only use of c. to be holden of our said Soverain Lady Tenend the Queen her Heirs and Successors as of the Mannor of E. within the County of K. by Fealty only in free Socage and not in chief for all Rents Services and Demands whatsoever for the Premisses or any part therof to our said Soveraign Lady the Queen her Heirs or Successors in any wise to be yeilded paid or done And the said A and F. for them their Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them do covenant c. in manner c. That is to say That the said Scite and Demesne Lands c. and all other the Premisses above specified to be bargained and sold by these presents except before excepted now are and stand and from henceforth for ever shall continue stand and be to the said C. his Heirs and Assigns free and clearly discharged and acquitted or at all times c. So follows the Incumbrances And also that the said C. his Heirs and Assigns for ever shall or may peaceably and quietly have hold and occupy all and singular the said Scite and Demesne Lands c. except before excepted And shall or may from time to time and at all times hereafter have take gather perceive receive and enjoy all and singular the Rents Issues and Profits thereof to and for the only use commodities and behoof of the said C. his Heirs and Assigns without any let c. of the Grantors or either of them or of any other person or persons by the means title or procurement of the said A. and F. or either of them or of their Heirs or Assigns or the Heirs or Assigns of either of them In witness c. This Deed to be knowledged and enrolled and then a release to the possession of the said C. U. from Sir R. H. A. G. and T. A. and W. B. with warranty against them and their Heirs A Bargain and Sal of a Remainder to three persons each to have a third part with Covenants that the Heirs of the Vendors who may have interest shall not go about to reverse or annul any Fine or Recovery passed by the Vendors for Assurance of the Land THis Indenture c. Between R. C. of L. in the County of N. Gent. and I. L. of London and one of the daughters of Sir T. L. late Alderman of the City of L. deceased and of Dame A. his wife on the one party and A. C. wife of T. C. of c. Esquire K. B. wife of E. B. and W. B. daughter of G. B. daughters of the said Sir T. L. and Dame A. his wife on the other party witnesseth That wheras the said Sir T. L. in his life time for divers good and sufficient considerations did by his sufficient Writing under his Hand and Seal Convey and Assure or cause to be Conveyed and Assured to the uses hereafter in these presents mentioned and expressed all that the Capital Messuage with the appurtenances scituate in or neer I. c. late in the Tenure c. all house-buildings c. to the said Messuage belonging that is to say to the use of him the said Sir T. L. for term of his life without impeachment of Wast
said M. shall during the space of five years at the reasonable request of the said G his Heirs or Assigns at his and their own proper costs and charges during the said term of five years make to the said G and his Heirs all such further assurance c. be it by Deed inrolled c. or otherwise as by the said G or his Councel shall be devised c. and that the said third part and Moiety of the Reversion of the other third part of the said Messuage c. is free of incumbrances done by the Vendors or by any or by any by their means the Rents and Services except c. In witness c. A Sale or Transport of goods arrested and staied in Flanders by hy the King of Spains Authority and of all recumpence which may be had for the same THis Indenture c between I S c. on the one party and R. P. and R B c. on the other party witnesseth That wheras the said I S lately before Christmas in the year c. did ship in the Port of London to be discharged at Antwerp in Brabant divers woollen Clothes in a Ship wherof was Master one W. H. to the value of c. And wheras also about the same time the said I. S had shipped at Antwerp aforesaid to be discharged at London in a ship wherof was Master c. d●vers Forraign goods merchandises and commodities amounting to the value of c. of Flanders money all which said clothes goods merchandises and commodities by reason of the late restraint of entercourses made between the King of Spains Subjects and the Subjects of the Kings Majesty were staied and arrested by the Kings Authority in Flanders and there detained as more plainly appeareth Recorded and Entred before the Kings Majesties Commissioners here in England in that behalf appointed Now the said I S for and in consideration of a certain sum of money by him had and already received of the said R. and R. hath granted bargained sold and assigned and by these presents doth grant c. to the said R and R. all and singular the said clothes merchandises goods and commodities aforesaid for their own use to them their Executors and Assigns to he had taken and enjoyed as they or any of them may be gotten or come by for ever together with all and every such allowance recompence and satisfaction whatsoever which is or shall be limitted allowed or assigned to the said I S his Executors or Assigns for the Premisses or any part therof or which may or shall be had or taken by the said I. his Executors and Assigns by way of any such allowance recompence or satisfaction any manner of way And the said I. S. for him c. doth Covenant c. in form c. that the said R and R. their Executors and Assigns or any of them for and in the name or names of the said I. S. his Executors and Administrators or otherwise as it shal be requisite shall or may ask demand take and receive all and all manner of satisfact on recompence and allowance whatsoever to be had made or given to the said I S his Executors or Assigns for the premisses or any part therof without the let hinderance gainsaying or interruption of the said I his Executors or Administrators and that the said R and R. their Executors and Administrators or any of them for and in the name or names aforesaid may lawfully compound and agree for the Premisses and every or any part therof And therupon make seal and deliver such Release and Releases or any other discharge in the name or names aforesaid as to them the said R. or R. their Executors or Assigns or any of them shall seem requisite And that to the getting obtaining and enjoying of all or any of the Premisses according to the true intent and meaning of these presents It shall and may be lawfull to the said R. and R. their Executors or Assigns or any of them from time to time and at all times to do knowledge execute and finish all and every thing and things for and in the name or names of c. as therunto shall be needfull in any wise And further that the said J. S. heretofore hath not had or received the Premisses or any part therof or any satisfaction or recompence for the same or any part therof or hereafter without the consent of the said R. c. shall not receive or take the Premisses or any part therof or any satisfaction for the same or any part therof neither shall do or knowledge any thing which shall let or hinder the said R. and R. their Executors or Assigns to have take and enjoy for their own use the Premisses and every part therof according to the true meaning of these presents In witness c. A Bargain and Sale of a Reversion or Remainder in Land well passed THis Indenture c Between W. P. the elder of L. Gentleman Son of M. P. late of L. aforesaid Gentleman deceased and of A. his wife Daughter of K. D. late of Saint B. of L. Widow deceased on the one party and M. L. of L. Widow on the other party witnesseth That the said W. P. for and in consideration of 120 l. of c. Hath Consideration Bargain and Sale given granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth fully clearly and absolutely give grant bargain and sell unto the said M. L. her Heirs and Assigns for ever all that Messuage or Tenement c. and all and singular Cellars Sollers Rooms Back-sides Yards void Grounds Lights Easements Commodities and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said Messuage or Tenement belonging or in any wise appurtaining And the Reversion and Reuersions Remainder and Remainders of all and singular the Premisses and of every part therof And all the Estate Right Title Interest Claim and Demand of him the said W. P. of in and to the said Messuage or Tenement and other the Premisses with their appurtenances And also all and singular Deeds Evidences Charters Deeds c. Wills Writings Escripts and Mynuments whatsoever touching or concerning the Premisses or any part ot parcell therof To have and to Habendum c. hold the said Messuage or Tenement and all and singular other the Premisses before herein bargained and sold or mentioned to be bargained and sold from in and after c. unto the said M. L. her Heirs and Assigns to and for the only and proper use and behoof of the said M. L. and of her Heirs and Assigns for ever And the said W. P. Covenants that he is seised of the Reversion or Remainder in see c. for him his Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them doth covenant promise and Grant to and with the said M. L. her Heirs Executors and Assigns and every of them by these presents in manner c. that is to say That he the said W. P.
shilling eight pence yeerly to be paid and given in two equall moyeties viz on the 27 day of Octob the one halfe thereof to the Clark of the mystery aforesaid and the other half of the same day to the Bedle of the same mystery for the time being and the said yerely rent or stipend of 7 pounds from thenceforth yerely on the said twenty seventh day of October to be distributed part and part like to and amongst the poore Almesmen of the livery of the said mistery to the augmenting of their pencions and so to have continuance from time to time forever And the said W. F. doth by these presents ordaine and of one assent consent and agreement amongst all the said parties it is by them ordained and established for a perpetuall ordinance for and touching the said Dividends or portions of the said clear yeerly rent profit of the said Messuages or Tenements with the appurtenances in manner and form following that is to say that the said dividends or portions shall be called and named by the name of F his Bateling and the said Master Covenant by the company to make payment c. and Wardens of the mystery aforesaid for them and their Successors do covenant and grant to and with the said W. F. c. that they the said Masters and Wardens their Successors shall and will yeerly distribute and pay the said severall yeerly rents of seven pounds and six shillings and eight pence and every part and parcell thereof yerely for ever as they shall have and receive the same to the use and behoofes aforesaid and in such manner and form as is aforesaid and according unto the true meaning of these presents without any manner of default fraud or covin A like covenant for the rent of the said Messuages c. In witnesse c. Covenants between a high Sheriff and his under Sheriff THis Indenture made the day of c. in the yeare of our lord God and between A. B. of W. in the county of E G Esq now high Sheriff of the County of E. of the one part and C. D. of c. in the County of c Gent. of the other part Wheras his Highnes Oliver Lord Protector of the Common wealth of England Scotland Ireland c. by his Highnes Letters Patents under the great seal of E bearing date the 17 th day of this instant No. have made named assigned and appointed the said A. B. to be high Sheriff of the said county of E during his pleasure Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said A. B. for the good opinion which he hath conceived of the said C. D. and of the trust and confidence which he reposeth in him hath deputed assigned constituted and ordained and by these presents doth depute assigne constitute ordaine him the said C. D. to be his Under Sheriff of for and in the said County of E. during all the time that he the said A. B. shall be and remaine Sheriff of the said County by force of the Letters Patents aforesaid and doth hereby authorize the said C. D. to serve exercise execute the said office of Under Sheriff of the said County under him the said A. B. in his name during all the time aforesaid and the said A. B. as far as in him is doth also by these presents grant unto the said C. D. that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said C D. by force hereof to appear answer and serve and minister as under Sheriff of the said County of E. for and in the name of the said A. B. as well in all places in the said County of E. as in all and every the Court Courts as within the Common-Wealth of England and before all and every the Justices of Oyer and Terminer Justices of Assize Goal delivery Justices in Eyer and of the forrest Officers Justices of the peace Coroners and Eschetors and other Officers Commissioners of this Common-Wealth the Forrest Officers where the said A. B. by vertue of the said office of Sheriffwick for the said County of E. shall be bound or ought to appear answer serve or be attendant and to break open answer return execute for him the said A. B. in his name all Processes Writs Precepts Warrants Mandates and Commandements to the Sheriff of the said County directed or hereafter to be directed out of any the Courts aforesaid or from any the Justices Comissioners Coroners or Eschetors aforesaid and to do performe and execute for him the said A. B. and in his name all and every thing and things which by him the said A B. by vertue of his office of Sheriffwick of the said County of E. is to be performed executed and done saving alwaies and excepting the said C. D. shall not by vertue thereof be authorized to open returne send execute any writ or writs for electing any Knights of Sheir or burgesses of the Parl. for the said County of E. or any other Burrough within the said county nor to open execute or answer any the letters of his Highnes the Lord Protector or the Councill to be directed unto the said Sheriff of the said County of E. without the speciall warrant direction Commandement of him the said A. B. for that purposes And further the said A. B. doth by these presents grant unto the said C. D. for the executing of the said office all the fees duties and profits to him due arising and growing by the County Courts to be kept within the said County of E. and all other fees rewards duties allowances and profits incident to the office of Sheriffwick or thereunto belonging for which the said A. B. is or shal be allowed by the Common laws of this realme or customes of the said County either for the opening returning or executing of any writ precept or proces warrant or Command whatsoever or for other executing of the said office and which have not been accepted heretofore the ordinary fees of any other his Bayliffs or other officers to have and enjoy the said duties fees rewards allowances and other profits to his own use without an account to be rendred to the said A. B. his Executors Administrators for the same And the said C D. for and in consideration of the Benevolence aforesaid and for the free gift and grant of the said A. B. doth for himself his heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes and every of them covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said A. B. his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns by these presents that he the said C D. shall and will at all times from and after the day of the date of these presents duely diligently lawfully and carefully serve the said A. B. as his Deputy and under Sheriff of in and for the said County of E. without doing or committing any kind of Extortion or willfull mis-beleiving of himself in the said Office and shall and will
begotten then only the said E her Daughter that then the said I his Executors or Administrators shall further yeild and deliver to be paid to the same E the Daughter at the said time of her Marriage or age of 21. years first hapning 20 l. of c. over and above her part and portion aforesaid and then immediately upon the decease of the said E the Mother or within six months after the same decease shall deliver and bestow the same E the Daughter and all her said part and portion where the said I and L or the Survivor of them or their Executors shall appoint and think convenient And that then also the said I his Executors or Administrators shall moreover give and pay unto A B c. Sister of the said E the Mother of the same A. be then living 10 l. of c. and other 10 l. to c. if the same c. be then living And that if it do fortune the said E. the Daughter to decease and the said I. de H. and the said E. his wife her to survive that then the said I. de H. or the said E. his wife or their Assigns shall within c. next following the decease of the said E. the Daughter give and pay to and amongst the poor people of the French Church of Lon. 20. Marks of c. And also that if it do fortune both the said E. the Mother and E. the Daughter to decease and the said I de H them to survive that then he the said c. shall and will give and pay unto c. and unto c. In witness c. An Indenture of Covenants amongst three persons having a Lease that every of them shall bear a third part of Rent and all Charges c. THis Indenture tripartite made c. between P. C Citizen and Skinner of L on the first party and T L Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of L on the second party and T R Citizen and Skinner of L. on the third party witnesseth That wheras the said parties are and stand possessed of and in the Messuage Inne and Tenement called the Ship scituate and being in the Parish of St. C. nigh the Temple-Bar in the County of M and of and in all and singular Houses Buildings Shops Cellars wast Grounds Entries Issues Waies and other Commodities Rents and Profits to the same belonging That is to say Every of them of a full third part of all and singular the Premisses into 3. equall and even portions ro be divided for and during the several terms hereafter mentioned That is to say For and during the term of 13. years mentioned and granted in and by a certain Indenture of Lease dated c. made by one M M Widow to the said P C. of and touching the Premisses which term did commence at the Feast of Christmas c. then last past before the date of the said term and for and during the term of thirty years mentioned and granted in and by the Letters Patents of our said Soveraign Lord the Kings Majesty under his Highnesse great Seal of England dated c. granted by our said Soveraign the Kings Majesty to C H Esquire of and in the Premisses as by the said Indenture of Lease and Letters Patents aforesaid and sundry other Conveyances thereupon had and made more at large it doth and may appear It is now covenanted granted concluded and agreed by and between the said parties and every of them and every of them severally by himself and for himself his Executors Administrators and Assigns doth covenant and grant to and with each other of them his Executors Administrators and Assigns by these presents That they and every of them for himself and the Executors Administrators and Assigns of every of them for his their and every of their parts shall not only well and truly content and pay or cause c. the full third part and portion of all and singular such yearly Rents as are reserved in and by the said Indenture of Lease and Letters Patents aforesaid or either of them at the daies times and places limited and appointed for the payment therof and that from time to time for and during the said severall Estates and terms of years before mentioned But also shall at all times hereafter and from time to time for and during all the terms aforesaid pay bear allow and disburse every one of them the full third part and portion of all such Sum and Sums of money and other charges whatsoever as shall grow due or payable or shall be convenient or necessary to be born or paid for the reparations of the Premisses or for recovery or defence of the Title therof or of any parcell therof And also shal condescend and agree to all and every such Actions Suits and other Act and Acts which shall be necessary or conuenient to be attempted prosecuted or done for touching or concerning the Premisses or any part or parcell therof tending to the profit or benefit of the said parties And shall not do procure or cause to be done any act or acts thing or things wherby or by reason wherof the Estate Interest Title or Term of years of the said other parties or any of them of and in the Premisses or any percell shall or in any wise may be impaired hindred determined avoided or forfeited except it be by and with the consent and agreement of each other of them in that behalf first had and obtained in Writing under his or their hands and Seals In witness c. An Indenture of Covenants where five persons have laid out a summ of money upon a Lease in Mortgage That every of them shall have equal and rateable benefit in the Lease c. THis Indenture quinque-partite made c. between W D of L Alderman on the first party M C of L aforesaid Alderman on the second party A S of L aforesaid Mercer on the third party T A of L aforesaid on the fourth party and W G of L aforesaid Iron-Monger on the fifth party witnesseth That wheras the Right Honourable H. Earl of H by his Indenture of Lease dated 21. July now last past for and in consideration of making assurance to the parties aforesaid their Executors and Assigns for the payment of 6000 l. of c. to them to be paid at any time within six years next after the date of the same Indenture of Lease hath demised granted and to Farm-letten unto the said parties all that his Mannor and Lorship of A. alias A in the County of A with all and singular the appurtenances and all Lands Tenements Rents Reversions Services and Hereditaments whatsoever to the said Mannor belonging or appurtaining or occupied used demised or leased as part parcell or member of the same or reputed taken counted or known as any part or member therof To have and to hold the said Mannor c. unto the parties aforesaid their Executors and Assigns from the
of the said Rectory Church and Parsonage Giving and by these presents granting to my said Attorneys and to either of them joyntly and severally ful power and authority for me and in my name by all and singular waies and remedies of the Law to sue and implead and cause c. all and every person and persons whom it shall touch and concern for the said Tithes Fruits Profits and other the Premisses and every or any of them or any part or parcell of any of the same And to recover in all and every the same Suit and Suits and to sue execution c. And also to answer and defend in all and singular Actions and Suits for me with me or against me for and concerning the Premisses and every or any of them and in the same or any of them to win or lose And also to acquit c. one Attorney c. and all c. ratified c. In witness c. A Letter of Substitution TO all men to whom these presents shall come W D the elder of L Gent. sendeth greeting in our Lord God everlasting Where when it pleased the Queens Highnesse to appoint F. W. of L. Esquire her Ambassador Leiger in France then the said F. thinking it meet in his absence to leave some person in trust for his affairs here in England did therupon by his writing under his Seal bearing date 23. Novem An 13. R. Eliz. make constitute authorize and put in his place me the said W. D. his true sufficient and lawfull Attorney and Commissioner generall either by my self or by my lawfull Substitute or Substitutes as to me should seem most convenient to execute do and finish and cause c. all and singular his affairs and businesses during his absence and untill his return again into the Realm of E. as in my said Commission at large is contained and expressed Now know yee that I the said W. by warrant and authority of the same Commission have named ordained appointed and substituted in my place touching the matter only in these presents expressed A. B. and C. D. Gent. my true lawfull and sufficient Deputies and Substitutes for and in the name of the said F. W. and to his use to demand c. Ici metter ce qu'est destre faiet parles Substituts for me to the doing and executing of all and singular the Premisses I the said W. D. by warrant of my said Commission do give and grant unto the said A. B. and C. D. full power and authority and also like power and authority to do all acts and things to be needfull to be done in or about the Premisses or any of them And to make severall Acquittances if need be for the acquital of every receipt of the Premisses to be received by the said A. B. and C. D by vertue of these presents in as ample manner and form as I the said W. D. might do my self rating and allowing all and whatsoever that my said Substitutes for or in the name of the said F. W. shall do or cause to be done in the Premisses or any of them by these presents Provided alwaies that it shall be lawful to me the said W. D. to revoke and annihilate these presents and the power and authority therby granted at my wil and pleasure And that from the time of such Revocation therof to be made these presents shall be clearly void and of none effect any thing above mentioned to the contrary notwithstanding In witness c. An. 14. Eliz A Lease of a House in London by a man and his Wife who have two parts thereof in the Wifes Right during her life and by the sonne of the Woman who hath the third part thereof in Fee and the Reversion of the other two parts after the Womans decease THis Indenture Tripartite made c. Between R. S. of A. in the County of H. Gentleman and C. now his Wife and late the Wife of E. I. late of A aforesaid Esquire deceased on the first party and B. I. of A. aforesaid Gentleman Son and Heir apparant of the said E. I. on the second party and J. P. Citizen and J. of L. on the Recitall of the Husband and Wives Freehold Estate in two parts third party witnesseth That whereas the said R S. and C. his Wife are lawfully seised in their Demesne as of Fee-hold in the Right of the said C. for and during the naturall life of the said C. of and in two parts in three parts to be divided of all that Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances sometimes called or known by the name of O. house late in the Tenure of c. and now in the Tenure of the said J P. or his Assigns scituate c. in T. street on the North side of the same street against the Capitall mansion house called B. Castle in the parish of Saint B. alias B. nigh unto P. Wharff within the City of L and of all Shops Cellars Chambers Rooms Yards Gardens Backsides and other Commodities and Appurtenances whatsoever to and with the Recitall of the Sons seisure in Fee of the thir● part piesently and of the two parts in Reversion after the womans decease said Messuage or Tenement now or heretofore used demised let set occupied and belonging or in any wise appertaining which sayd Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances somtime called c. doth abut c. And where also the said B. I is lawfully seised in his demesne as of Fee of and in the third part of the said Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances sometime called c. and of all Shops c. And is also seised as of Fee and Right of and in the Reversion or Remainder of the said two parts of the said Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances somtime called or known by the name of c and of all other the Premisses with their Appurtenances immediatly after the Death and Decease of the said C. S. his Mother Now the said R. S. and C. his Wife for and in consideration of the Demise by the Man and Wife of their two parts for 21. years if the woman so long live summ of 00 l. of c. to them in hand c. whereof c. have demised c. and by these presents do demise c. unto the said I P. all those their said two parts of the said Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances somtime called c. And of all and singular Shops c. To have and to hold the said two parts in three parts to be divided of the said Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances and of all the said shops c. to the said J P his Executors Administrators and Assigns from the Feast of the birth c last past c unto the end and term of one and twenty years from thence c And fully to be compleat and Reddend ended if the said C shall happen so long to
M. my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name and to my only use and behoof to take and receive possession and seisin of and in all and singular the said Mannors Messuages Goods and Chattels specified and contained in the said Inquisition at the hands and delivery of the said Sheriff or his Deputy and every part and parcel therof and so many parts and parcels therof as to my said Attorney shall happen to be delivered to my use according to the tenor form and effect of the said Writ and the same Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Goods and Chattels to use and dispose to my most profit and commodity in as large ample and effectual manner as I my self might or could do being personally present ratifying and confirming c. To Surrender Copy-hold Land KNow all men by these Presents That I A. B. of c. Have made ordained constituted and appointed and by these Presents in my place and stead have put my Welbeloved C. D. and E. F. two Copy-hold or Customary Tenants by Copy of Court-Roll according to the Custome of the Mannor of G. my true and lawful Atturneys joyntly and severally to Sur●ender for me and in my name into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor of G. aforesaid one Messuage and twenty acres of Land be it more or less commonly called or known by the name of Bartons to the use and behoof L. M. his Heirs and Assigns for ever according to the Custome of the said Mannor to be holden by the Rents and Services of right due and accustomed Ratifying and confirming c. In witness wherof c. Another of the same TO All Christian people to whom this present shall come R. M. of P. in the County of C. Esquire sendeth greeting Know ye That I the said R. for and in part of performance of certain Covenants Grants Articles and Agreements specified and expressed in certain Articles Indented bearing date the the 10th day of May in the 20th year of the Raign of C. late King of England and made between the said R. M. of the one part and T. S. of S. in the said County Esq of the other part and for divers other good causes and considerations me hereunto especially moving Have made ordained constituted and by these Presents in my Place have put my Welbeloved Friends G. H. and I. K. my true and lawful Atturneys for me and in my name and place joyntly and severally to Surrender into the hands of the King as Lord of the Mannor and Forrest of M. in the said County of Chester by his Steward there at the next Halimote or Court of the Mannor and Forrest aforesaid or at any other Court or place within the Mannor and Forrest aforesaid all and singular those Messuages Lands Tenements Medows Feedings Pastures Rents Reversions Services and Hereditaments whatsoever with all and singular their appurtenances scituate lying and being within the Mannor and Forrest of M. aforesaid now or late in the several joynt occupations of I. L. R. T. c. or any of them to the intent purpose that the said King having possession and Seisin therof by his Steward of the Mannor and Forrest aforesaid will Give and Grant the foresaid Messuages Lands Tenements and other the Premisses to R. S. and T. W. to hold to them the said R. S. and T. W. their Heirs and Assigns for ever according to the Custome of the Mannor and Forrest by the Rents and Services heretofore due and of right Accustomed Ratifying c. In witness c. To make Entry into Lands BE it known unto all men by these Presents that we H. D. of G. in the County of Middlesex Esquire and M. his Wife and A. S. sister of the said M. have authorised and appointed and by these Presents do authorise and appoint J. R. and J. T. and either of them joyntly and severally for and in the name and to the use of us the said H. D. and M. as in the Right of the said M. and for and in the name to the use of the said A. and of F. M. Son and Heir apparant of P. M of C. in the County of Y. and for and in the name and names and to the use of all and every of us the said H. and M and in the Right of the said M. and the said A. and F to enter into all and every the Messuages Mills Lands Tenements and Hereditaments scituate or being in F. G. and H in the County of N and in every or any of them which at any time heretofore was or were the inheritance or did appertain or belong unto F. S. of S Esquire late deceased Father of the said M and A and Grand-Father of the said F M in whose severall or other tenures or occupation soever the same or any of them now are or heretofore have been and all and every the said Hereditaments for and in the name and names and in the right of us the said H. D. M A and F as aforesaid to claim challenge and demand as the proper and lawfull Inheritance of the said H M A and F M And furthermore for us the said H. M F and A S and for every of us aforesaid in and upon all and every or any of the said Hereditaments joyntly and severally to claime and demand in the name and names of us the said H. and M as in the Right of the said M. and in the name and names of the said A. and of F M. and of every of us all and every such the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders of and in all and every or any of the said Hereditaments which do or doth lawfully or rightfully unto us the said M. A. and F. or to any of us and did heretofore appertain or belong to R S Esquire the late deceased Brother of the said M and A. and uncle to the said F. M. and lastly jontly or severally to do and make all and every such Entry and Entries Claim and Claims in or upon all and every or any the premisses for and in the names and right of us the said H M A and F. M. and for the reducing setling or revesting unto us the said H and M. as in the right of the said M and the said A S and F M and to every of us all such estate possession reversion and remainders as to the said M A and F M did or doth lawfully appertain or belong of or in the premisses as to the said J. R. and J T or to either of them shall at any time or times seem expedient and convenient In witness c. Davenport To Sue for Lands TO all to whom these Presents shall come A B of C. c. Gentleman sends greeting Know yee that I the said A. B have constituted and ordained and by these presents in my place have put my welbeloved Freind E F of c. my true and lawfull Attorney for me and in my
and G. S. haue put to their Seals and to one other part of these Indentures remaining with the said A. L the said F. P. M. W. W. C. and M. his wife F. B. H. S. and G. S. have put to their Seals and to one other part of these Indentures remaining with the said F. B. the said F. P. M. VV. Sir W. C. and M. his wife A. L. H. S. and G S have put to their Seals and to one other part of these Indentures remaining with the said H S and G S the said F. P. M W W C and M his wife A. L. and F B have put to their Seals given the day and year above written Of Partition between three Joynt-Tenants THis Indenture made c. Between M. C. of the Town of Sh. in the County of S. Gent. of the first part G. C. of L. in the said County Gent. of the second part and T. C. of B. in the said County Recitall of a Deed. Gent. of the third part Wheras H. B. and A. S. of London Gent. by their Indenture Inrolled and under their Hands and Seals bearing date c. for the consideration therin specified did grant bargain and sell and confirm unto the said M. G. G. C. and T. C. their Heirs and Assigns all those Tithes of Corn Grain and Hay to the Rectory of L. in the said County of S. belonging and appertaining then late before to the late dissolved Priory of St. L. of W. in the said County of S. belonging and late parcel of the Possessions thereof and all and singular Houses Edifices Barns Stables Dove-Houses Gardens Orchards Lands Tenements Meadows Feedings Pastures Commons Woods Under-woods Gleab-Lands Tithes of Corn Grain and Hay Wooll Lambs Tithes other Tithes and Tenths whatsoever as well great as small Oblations Obventions Fruits Profits Commodities Advantages Emoluments and Hereditaments whatsoever with the appurtenances of whatsoever kind or sort the same be scituate lying growing Increasing and renewing within the Towns Fields Places Parish or Hamlets aforesaid or in any of them and the Reversion and Reversions therof as fully freely and wholly and in as large and ample manner as our late Soveraign Lady Elizabeth late Queen of England by her Letters Patents under the great Seal of England bearing date at Westminister the 7th day of July in the 44th year of her Raign did Give and Grant the said Premisses amongst other things to the said H B and A. S. their Heirs and Assigns for ever except and reserved Exception in the recited Deed out of the said Grant all Advowsons Donations free Dispositions and right of Patronage of Churches Vicarages and all other Ecclesiastical Benefices whatsoever to the Premisses belonging or appertaining to have and to hold to the said M. C. G. C. and T. C. their Heirs and Assigns to the use and behoof of the said M. G. and T. C. their Heirs and Assigns for ever as by the said recited Indenture more at large appeareth by vertue of which Grant or Conveyance the said M. G. and T. C. are now joyntly seised in Possession in their Demesne as of Fee of the said Gleb-Lands Tithes Tenthes Tenements and Hereditaments and all other the Premisses here before mentioned to be to them granted Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said M. G. and T. C. do by these Presents make a full perfect and absolute partition of the said Glebe-Lands Tithes Tenths and other the premisses aforesaid to and amongst them the said M. G. and T C. in three parts in manner The partition and form following that is to say That the said M. C. and his Heirs and Assigns shall have hold occupy and enjoy to the only use and behoof of the said M. C. his Heirs and Assigns for ever the moiety or one half of all the said Glebe-Lands Houses Buildings Tenements Tithes Tenths Profits Commodities and Hereditaments whatsoever with the appurtenances scituate lying being coming renewing or increasing of or in the Town or Hamlet of B. aforesaid to the said Rectory of L. now or at any time heretofore in any wise belonging used occupied or reputed or taken as any part or parcel therof in B. aforesaid for the full part purpart and portion of the said M. C. of in and to all and every the Premises here before mentioned to be granted to the said M. G. and T. C. And the said T. C. his Heirs and Assigns shall have hold occupy and enjoy to him the said T. his Heirs and Assigns to the only use and behoof of him the said T. his Heirs and Assigns for ever the other Moiety or one half of all those Glebe-Lands Houses Buildings Tenements Tithes Tenths Profits Commodities and Hereditaments whatsoever with the appurtenances scituate lying and being coming renuing or increasing of or in the Town or Hamlet of B. aforesaid to the said Rectory of L. now or at any time heretofore in any wise belonging used or occupied or reputed or taken as any part or parcel therof in B. aforesaid for the full part purpart or portion of the said T. C. of in and to all and every the Premisses herebefore mentioned to be granted to the said M. G. and T. C. And that the said G. C. his Heirs and Assigns shall have hold occupy and enjoy to him the said G. his Heirs and Assigns to the only use and behoof of him the said G. his Heirs and Assigns for ever all those Glebe-Lands Tithes Tenths Houses Buildings Profits Commodities Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever with the appurtenances scituate lying comming renewing or increasing of or in the Town or Hamlet of L. aforesaid to the Rectory of L. now or at any time heretofore in any wise belonging used or occupied or reputed or taken as any part or parcel rherof in L. aforesaid for the full part purpart and portion of the said G. C. of in and to all and every the Premisses here before mentioned to be granted to the said M. G. and T. And the said Th. C. and G. C. do by these presents give grant Assigns release and confirm to the said M. C. and his Heirs the said moiety Releases from one to the other or one half of the said Premisses in B. aforesaid and all the estate right titl● and interest which the said G. and E. have or either of them hath or may o● ought to have of in or to the said one moiety or one half of all and every the Premisses in B. aforesaid to have and to hold to the said M. C. his Heirs and Assigns to the only use and behoof of the said M. C. his Heirs and Assigns for ever And the said M. C. and G. C. do by these Presents give grant assign release and confirm to the said T. C. and his Heirs the said other moiety or one half of the Premisses in B. aforesaid and all the estate right title and interest which the said M. and G. have or either of them h●th or may or
said A and the Heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten and for default of such Issue then to the use of T W. and the Heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such Issue then to the use of J W of H in the County of N. Esquire and brother of the said T W and to the Heirs of his body lawfully begoten and for default of such Issue then to the Right Honourable A. B. Earl c. and the Heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such Issue then to the Right Honourable C. D. Earl c. and the Heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such Issue then to the use of R H Son of Sir O H Knight and the Heirs Males of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such Issue then to the use of E. T. Son of T. T. of c. and to the Heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for default c. then to the use of our Soveraign Lord King James of England c. King and to his Heirs and Successors for ever Provided alwaies that if our Soveraign Lord the Kings Majesty or any of his Successors shall bargain sell give grant or assign the said Remainder Estate and Interest of and in the Premisses or any part or parcel therof otherwise then for term of life or in tail to any other then to the Right Honourable the Earl c. or his Heirs that then the use by these presents limited unto his said Majesty his Heirs or Successors shall cease and determine any thing to the contrary notwithstanding Neverthelesse the Premisses notwithstanding it is covenanted granted concluded and agreed between the said parties that the next day after any Grant or Grants that hereafter shall be made of the Premisses or any part or parcel therof by our said Soveraign Lord the Kings Majesty his Heirs or Successors contrary to the true meaning and intent of these presents the Rent of the said Premisses and the Lands in the said Fine contained and every part and parcel therof the said before limited Estates shall be again the next day after such Grant to the use of the said Soveraign Lord the Kings Majestie his Heirs or Successors as aforesaid or to the use of such his Majesties Successors as shall make any Grant contrary to the true meaning of these presents And if our said Soveraign Lord his Heirs or Successors after the said new vesting of the said Estate shall make any Grant or Conveyances of the Remainder of the said Premisses so to his said Majesty his Heirs and Successors limited or of any part or parcel therof then also the said new Estate and last will of the Remainder of the said Premisses shall be again to the use of our said Soverain Lord the Kings Majesty or of such his Majesties Heirs and Successors and their Heirs as shall make any such Grant in Fee-simple of the said Premisses or of any part or parcel therof by our said Soveraign Lord his Heirs or Successors having any Estate Right or Title by force of the limitation of these presents the use limited to our said Soveraign Lord and the Estate that his said Majesty his Heirs and Successors shall have by reason of such use at the time of any such Grant shall cease determine and be void and that the next day after such determination of such Use or Estate by reason of such Grant or Grants by our said Soveraign Lord his Heirs or Successors the use of the said Premisses shall be again to our said Soveraign Lord his Heirs and Successors Provided alwaies and it is meant granted concluded and declared between the said parties by these presents the Premisses or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding That if the said A R shall at any time hereafter make or convey any Estate or Estates in Fee-simple or in Fee-tail and shall limit and declare any Use or Uses in or upon the said Grants and Conveyances other then is already contained limited and declared in these presents That then in and upon every such Grant Conveyance and assurance the said Fine shall be to such Uses as the said A. shall therupon limit and appoint In witnesse c. WILLS A Citizens Will with devise of Lands IN the Name of God Amen the 14th day of c. I R. C. Citizen and Salter of L. although sick in body yet of good perfect and sound memory praised be Almighty God therefore do make and ordain this my present Will and Testament containing therein my last Will in manner and form following That is to say First I commend my self and all my whole Estate to the Mercy and Protection of Almighty God being fully perswaded by his Holy Spirit through the Death and Passion of Jesus Christ and to obtain full pardon and remission of all my sins and to inherit everlasting life to which the Holy Trinity one eternall Diety be all honour and Glory for ever amen And I will and ordain That all such debts as I shall happen to owe Buriall Debts pain at my Decease shall be truly paid as they shall grow due and that the Funeralls of my body be only such as shall beseem a Christian after the discretion of my loving Wife and Overseers and my said Debts which I then shall owe being defalked and my Funerall Charges deducted I will that the residue of all and singular my Goods Chattells Plate Jewells Wares Merchandizes Debts to me owing and Division of the goods into three equall parts after the custome of London viz. 1 One to the wife 2 the other to the children 3. for the performance of the Will ready money shall be limited and reckoned in three equall parts according to the Custome of the City of L. one full 3 equall part whereof I give and b●queath unto J. my said loving Wife in full Recompence Contentation and Satisfaction of and for all such part and portion as she by the said Custome or otherwise ought to have or can or may claim to have of all my said Goods Chattells Debts ready money and other the premisses whatsoever and one other full equall third part thereof I give and bequeath to and amongst my five children that is to say R. I. S. A. and E. to and amongst them part and part-like to be divided and to be payd and delivered to my Sons severally their parts thereof as they severally shall accomplish the age of one and twenty years and to my Daughters their parts thereof as they severally shall come to the said age or shall be married as either of the same shall first happen And I Will That if any of my Sons do decease before the age of one In case any decease the other to have the deceasees part amongst them and twenty yeares and that if any of my Daughters do decease before the same age and before their Marriage that then in such case the portion of